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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La percepción del valor estratégico de los modelos de internacionalización en las cooperativas exportadoras de Cacao de la Región San Martín en el periodo 2013-2018

Barrueto Rivero , Miluska Liliana, Petters Neyra, Esthefany Ximena 24 January 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfoca en el sector agrícola, específicamente a la exportación de cacao peruano de la Región de San Martín, el principal insumo para la preparación de chocolate a nivel mundial.  En el Perú, la producción es competitiva desde el siglo XXI y es uno de los principales ingresos de muchos productores en varias regiones del país. Sin embargo, las exportaciones del cacao en el Perú no son tan representativas en los mercados internacionales a comparación de los países desarrollados debido a ciertas limitaciones técnicas, productivas, climáticas y geográficas. Es por ello por lo que resulta de gran importancia identificar la percepción del valor estratégico que representan los modelos de internacionalización en búsqueda de nuevas propuestas de crecimiento y diferentes modos de entrada a los mercados internacionales de las cooperativas exportadoras de cacao de la Región de San Martín, considerado una de las principales regiones que concentra mayor volumen de producción del cacao en grano. El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativa. A lo largo de esta investigación, se verifican las teorías de los modelos de internacionalización que se aplican directa o indirectamente en las cooperativas exportadoras de cacao según lo analizado mediante las entrevistas a profundidad realizadas a expertos en la materia. / This research focuses on the agricultural sector, specifically the export of Peruvian cocoa from the San Martin Region, the main input for the preparation of chocolate worldwide. In Peru, production has been competitive since the 21st century and is one of the main incomes of many producers in several regions of the country. However, cocoa exports in Peru are not as representative in international markets compared to developed countries due to certain technical, productive, climatic and geographical limitations. That is why it is of great importance to identify the perception of the strategic value represented by internationalization models in search of new growth proposals and different modes of entry to international markets of cocoa export cooperatives of the San Martin Region, considered one of the main regions that concentrates the largest volume of cocoa beans production. The research approach is qualitative. Throughout the investigation, the theories of internationalization models that are applied directly or indirectly in cocoa export cooperatives are verified as analyzed through in-depth interviews with experts in the field. / Tesis

Factores inhibidores de exportación influyentes en la internacionalización de las pymes con subpartida nacional 6109100031 en Lima Metropolitana hacia Estados Unidos del 2012 al 2018

Alegría Alcedo, Mario Alberto, Chang Villa, Andrea Victoria 21 August 2020 (has links)
Las pequeñas y medianas empresas del subsector confecciones en el Perú representan la actividad manufacturera más importante para el país, siendo Lima Metropolitana la ciudad con mayor porcentaje de empresas confeccionistas y exportadoras con el producto estrella “t-shirt de algodón”. No obstante, la participación de estas pymes ha sido volátil entre los años 2012-2018, debido a distintas limitantes que acechan a éstas, por lo que es necesario identificar el modelo de internacionalización que han utilizado para llegar al mercado internacional y hallar aquellos factores que han inhibido a que no logren una exportación sostenible en el tiempo; de tal forma, colaborar con empresas que desean incursionar en dicho sector y quieran empezar a exportar o, en todo caso, mantener y consolidarse en el mercado internacional. En ese sentido, el objetivo de la investigación es identificar y analizar los factores inhibidores de exportación que influyeron en el grado de internacionalización de las pymes del subsector confecciones en Lima Metropolitana hacia el mercado estadounidense, en el periodo 2012-2018. En cuanto a la metodología, esta tesis presenta un enfoque cualitativo, concertada por entrevistas a expertos y pymes del subsector confecciones de T-shirt para conseguir información valiosa que aporte al estudio. Como resultado, se validó que las barreras de conocimiento, recursos, procedimiento y exógenas sí influyeron negativamente en la exportación de las pymes con partida arancelaria 6109100031 en Lima Metropolitana hacia el mercado estadounidense, en el periodo 2012-2018. Con ello, se brindará las recomendaciones para los involucrados del subsector como para futuros investigadores. / Small and medium sized companies in the garment sector in Peru represent the most important manufacturing activity for the country, being Metropolitan Lima the city with the highest percentage of garment companies and exporters with the star product "cotton t-shirt". However, the participation of these SMEs has been volatile between the years 2012-2018, due to various limitations that lurk in them, so it is necessary to identify the model of internationalization that they have used to reach the international market and find those factors that have inhibited them from achieving sustainable exports over time, so collaborate with companies that want to enter this sector and want to start exporting or, in any case, maintain and consolidate in the international market. In this sense, the objective of the research is to identify and analyze the factors that inhibit exports and influence the degree of internationalization of SMEs in the garment sector in Metropolitan Lima to the U.S. market in the period 2012-2018. As for the methodology, this thesis presents a qualitative approach, agreed by interviews with experts and SMEs in the clothing sub-sector of T-shirt to obtain valuable information to contribute to the study. As a result, it was validated that knowledge, resource, procedural and exogenous barriers did negatively influence the export of SMEs with tariff item 6109100031 in Metropolitan Lima to the US market, in the period 2012-2018. This will provide recommendations for those involved in the subsector and for future researchers. / Tesis

多國製藥公司邁向國際化的路程 -- 以必治妥施貴寶為例 / The Path towards Internationalization of a Multinational Pharmaceutical Firm – The Case of Bristol-Myers Squibb

許仲豪, Taylor Chung-Hao Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
本碩士論文裡的研究主要設計用來檢測目前現有的國際化理論,以依據公司1970至1999年的母公司年報來研究一間多國企業的藥廠 — 必治妥施貴寶其部分具有知名度的代表性產品之國際化路徑如此的研究方法。本論文的最終目標就是透過這樣的實務研究來回答以下問題來挖堀出現有國際化理論的一些缺口及提供寶貴的意見來修正這些缺口,研究問題如下: i. 一間多國企業藥廠通常採用何種進入策略,而這些策略是否會隨著時間而改變?是否有任何經驗傳承的證據? ii. 多國企業所選擇進入的外國市場是否會隨著時間的改變而改變?如果有,是否一間多國企業會先選擇進入與其母國文化較相近或地理位置較相近的國家? iii. 哪一個國際化理論比較適合用來描述必治妥施貴寶其國際化路徑? 本研究的結果有以下四項重要的發現: 1. 在某些國家的進入策略的改變是循序漸進的,但是在某些國家則是有同時間採用兩種以上不同的進入策略。 2. 循序漸進進入策略的改變在九十年代必不明顯。 3. 必治妥施貴寶所選擇進入的外國市場會隨著時間的改變而改變,而且其新產品會選擇與其母國美國文化距離較近的國家先進入,然後再慢慢的選擇進入離美國文化距離較遠的國家。但是這樣的證據並不是相當明顯。其他的因素也會影響一家多國企業在國外市場選擇的決定。 4. 部分結果顯示出一些經驗傳承的現象,在九十年代必治妥施貴寶所開發出的產品相對於八十年代所開發出的產品在全球上市所花的時間明顯較短。 結論就是本研究結果有部分與循序漸進理論為主的國際化理論 – ‘The Stages Internationalization Theory’一致,此理論主張國際化是一種循序漸進對於國際市場知識的累積及資源的投入。部分結果則顯示出此理論尚有其不足之處。此理論是在七十年代被Johanson及Vahlne兩位學者所提出,當時的國際企業環境與現在比起有相當大的差異,因此此理論在某種程度上太過簡化,而且並不適用於所有的產業。有許多會影響某企業其國際化路徑的因素應該一併納入,尤其在面對像製藥產業如此特別的產業,因素例如不同國家的製藥產業法規、產品特性、專利保護、在不同時間點的國際企業環境都會影響企業的國際化路徑的發展。因此後續與本碩士論文類似的實務研究需要更充分的資料來檢測現有國際化理論的主張。 / This Master thesis is designed to test the currently existing internationalization theory by studying the internationalization processes of some of the representative products of a foreign multinational pharmaceutical firm – The Bristol-Myers Squibb using the data contained in the annual reports of the period from 1970’s to 1990’s. By answering the following questions, the ultimate goal is to provide useful suggestions that will help to make corrections to any possible flaws in the Internationalization theory as they are uncovered during the course of this study by answering the following questions: i. What entry modes to foreign markets does a multinational pharmaceutical firm adopt and do entry modes change over time? Is there any sign of experience transfer? ii. Do foreign markets served by a multinational pharmaceutical firm also change over time? iii. Which theory depicting the internationalization process of firms is more applicable to Bristol-Myers Squibb? The results of the analysis of the data show four important findings: 1. Progressive changes in entry modes took place in certain countries and the employment of multiple entry modes was also observed. 2. The progressive changes in entry mode were barely observed during the 1990’s. 3. The choices of foreign markets did change over time and the marketing activities of new products tended to commence in countries that are the most culturally proximal from the U.S., and then gradually shifted to countries that are more culturally distant from the U.S. However, other factors might also influence a firm’s choice in the foreign markets apart from culture. 4. There seemed to be a sign of experience transfer since the some of the results showed that the time it took to introduce a product developed in the 1980’s in foreign markets was relatively shorter than the time it took to launch a product of the 1990’s. In conclusion, the results of study were partly consistent with ‘The Stages Internationalization Theory’ which argued that the internationalization was a process of knowledge accumulation of foreign markets and resource commitment gradually. However, there might be some flaws in the theory which needed to be refined. The theory was developed in the 70’s and it might not be perfectly applicable to describe the internationalization processes of the firms in every industry. It should also take other factors apart from culture into considerations such as the nature of products, regulations and policies of different countries, competitive scope of the industry or the international business environment at different time points, especially when dealing with some special industries such as that of the pharmaceuticals in which regulations of different countries, patent protection and the nature of the products might influence the pattern of internationalization of the firms. However, further empirical studies with more adequate data would be necessary in the future in order to justify the propositions of different theories of internationalization.

Business Relationships in the context of De-internationalization : A Case Study of Swedish SMEs

Deplasse, Julien, Jacinaite, Lina January 2013 (has links)
Every firm in the world in one way or another is touched by the prevailing globalization trend. In order to survive in the 21st century businesses in every industry are taking steps to expand through trade outside their home markets.  Thus this global expansion evokes stimulus by firms to internationalize. The internationalization process of firms has been studied extensively among various business scholars with the main focus on the growth or positive development of firms. However, an area which has received fairly limited attention is the de-internationalization process. In this field the role of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) under non-crisis conditions, where this phenomenon is seen as a strategic decision of firms or subsequence of internationalization process rather than a market failure, has been underestimated. This paper aims to contribute to the theoretical understanding of cross-border activities of small firms by looking into business relationships as a new perspective on analyzing de-internationalization motives. This was studied through a qualitative case study of Swedish SMEs operating globally. Interviews with sales and marketing directors of the companies together with secondary data compose the gathered empirical data for analyzing de-internationalization process. The study sheds light on business relationship constructs - dependence, bond, investment, and atmosphere - and their influence on the key factors for internationalization - trust, knowledge and commitment - which in turn determine the strategic decision by firms to reduce their market involvement in foreign markets. It has been found out that these key factors of internationalization were affected by the relationship constructs mostly negatively: the market knowledge in majority of cases was lacking due to the weak bond, the commitment determined by unbalanced dependence and reduced investment has gradually decreased along the time and the level of trust influenced by a negative atmosphere was not sufficient enough which played a decisive role on the reduced level of market involvement by firms. Thus the results of the study indicate that unfortunate business relationships influenced the decision of three case companies to de-internationalize through the key factors of internationalization.

The internationalization of sports clubs - A qualitative study of internationalization in the sports industry

Dettmer, Kiara January 2020 (has links)
Globalization has opened up new markets. Companies have now endless opportunities to expand their business reachwith sportsclubs being no exception. Internationalization in sports has its beginnings with foreign players joining a team and changed in 1995 with the Bosman ruling. After the Bosman ruling, the transfer of international players became easier. Not only can one notice the internationalization of sports teams by the transfer of players but also by the expansion of the sports itself. The NFL plays home games in London, the NBA in Mexico City and FC Bayern Munich has opened subsidiaries in the US and China. Yet, this all seems like the whole sports industry is expanding. However, the influences behind this drive are unclear. The purpose of this thesis is to gain an understanding of internationalization in the sports industry. As the current literature indicates several gaps regarding the internationalization of sports clubs such as the limited view on one sport at the time or the data usage of clubs in their internationalization process, this thesis focuses on offering a broaderpicture. Therefore, the research question formulated for this thesis is:What influences the internationalization in the sports industry?For answering the research questions and fulfill the purpose of this thesis, an inductive approach was selected with a qualitative exploratory research study. By mixing the pur-posive and self-selected sampling, six semi-structured interviews were conductedamong different sports clubs. The findings indicate that there are several different influences in the internationalization process of sports clubs. Leagues and their ambitions are one direct influence. Here, the leagues statutes seem to be guidelines forthe clubs and their perspec-tives on growing. Another influence are the market conditions, where one can distinguish between the home market and foreign market conditions. There are some markets that do not allow much for further grow, as another sport is dominating the industry. For that reason, expanding internationally becomes necessary. Yet, some clubs see more potential on the home market to expand their scope and are thus, not thinking of internationalizing soon. Also influencing the internationalization are partnerships. Partnerships, either new or existing ones, offer the benefit of having knowledge or a business network the club can potentially benefit from. This study contributes to the literature of sports teams’ internationalization by adding the underlying concept of influences in the process. Understanding the influences will not only support the eventual internationalization but also offers the opportunity to unite or-ganizations in their efforts.

Navigating the Early Internationalization Process : The Case of Swedish Fintech Firms

Röström, Alice, Liedholm, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Over the years, internationalization has seen significant shifts, especially in the financial industry where fintech firms blending technology and finance have sparked a revolution. Sweden has emerged as one of the global leaders in this sector. However, despite this transformation, existing studies on the internationalization process of fintech firms lack context and industry-specific insights, indicating a pressing need for further research in this area. Therefore, this thesis investigates the intricate internationalization process of small Swedish fintech firms with a digital and technological foundation. We aim to uncover the motives and patterns driving their early international expansion process. By conducting an in-depth case study of a single Swedish fintech firm, utilizing semi-structured interviews with employees with different positions as well as secondary data, this methodological approach allowed us to reveal new insights. More specifically, our research contributed to an identification of three distinct stages in the internationalization process: (1) motives centered on the product, prompting swift digital export strategies, (2) motives focused on the customer, leading to a shift from broad to deep engagement through localization and (3) motives based on strategic resources, guiding a measured expansion in markets optimized for regulatory conditions. These stages are shaped by entrepreneurial vision and national support, highlighting a dynamic and iterative process of international growth as well as a temporal aspect of the process development throughout these stages. In theory, this thesis expands comprehension and questions the idea of a one-size-fits-all internationalization strategy for fintech companies. It demonstrates that Swedish fintech firms employ a hybrid approach, integrating early internationalization with gradual methods. In practice, the research furnishes valuable perspectives for fintech executives, investors and policymakers, presenting a strategic model to enhance internationalization strategies, evaluate risks and facilitate regulatory adaptations. These contributions enrich discussions in fintech literature, potentially aiding fintech enterprises, both in Sweden and globally, in effectively planning their internationalization endeavors.

Internationalization of Services Business - a Case Study of Bumrungrad International Hospital

Ruangphaisan, Kosin, Phancharoen, Methawee January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação da internacionalização no ensino superior: um estudo multicaso

Silva, Carla Camargo Cassol da 24 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-27T14:54:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Camargo Cassol da Silva_.pdf: 1924892 bytes, checksum: 044854b7a5889df0ac2c5bc42d7a3145 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-27T14:54:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Camargo Cassol da Silva_.pdf: 1924892 bytes, checksum: 044854b7a5889df0ac2c5bc42d7a3145 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-24 / Nenhuma / Para muitas instituições de ensino superior (IES), inseridas em um mercado altamente competitivo, a internacionalização tornou-se indispensável para subsistir. O atual cenário mundial globalizado e interconectado demanda egressos qualificados para atuar nesse cenário. No entanto, torna-se necessário conhecer se a internacionalização está realmente contribuindo para o alcance dos objetivos das instituições e é nesse sentido que a gestão e a avaliação do processo de internacionalização tornam-se fundamentais. A fim de trazer luz a esse problema, este estudo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, objetiva analisar como duas instituições de ensino superior privadas avaliam seus processos de internacionalização. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo multicaso com duas universidades brasileiras, privadas, comunitárias, em que a coleta dos dados baseou-se na pesquisa documental, observações diretas e entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas com gestores diretamente envolvidos com o processo de internacionalização nessas instituições. Assim sendo, buscou-se inicialmente entender o status atual da internacionalização nas IES estudadas, sua relação com a estratégia das mesmas e como se dá a gestão deste processo. Identificou-se que a internacionalização está presente na estratégia das IES estudadas e seus métodos e ferramentas de gestão da internacionalização foram descritos e analisados. Com relação à avaliação do processo de internacionalização, foi possível descrever como a avaliação do processo é realizada nas IES pesquisadas e verificar que as práticas de avaliação por elas adotadas geram input para a tomada de decisão para avanços ou correções de curso do processo de internacionalização. Ademais, foi possível identificar, através da literatura, práticas de avaliação do processo de internacionalização adotadas por instituições internacionais e que poderão contribuir para o avanço do processo de internacionalização nas IES pesquisadas. Os resultados sugerem que a realização de uma auto avaliação do processo de internacionalização com instrumentos disponíveis na literatura e/ou com instrumento próprio elaborado a partir dos mesmos; a elaboração do plano de internacionalização, com estratégias e metas específicas de internacionalização; a criação e revisão de indicadores utilizados para mensurar avanços do processo e custos relacionados à operação; o conseguinte monitoramento desses indicadores e a posterior avaliação do processo de internacionalização, esta realizada periodicamente, possibilitará às IES pesquisadas promover um ciclo de evolução da internacionalização. / For many Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), inserted on a highly competitive market, internationalization became indispensable to survive. The current globalized and interconnected worldwide scenario demands qualified egresses to play on that. However, it becomes necessary to know if internationalization is indeed contributing to the reach of the institutions goals and it is this point that makes internationalization process management and evaluation appear to be fundamental. In order to bring light to this issue, this exploratory study, developed with qualitative approach, aims to analyze how two private high education institutions evaluate their internationalization processes. In order to achieve that, it was held a multiple case study with two private community universities. The data analysis was based on document research, direct observation and semi-structured interviews, held with managers directly involved with the internationalization process at this institutions. Therefore, firstly there was an effort to understand the current internationalization status of the studied HEIs, its relation with the HEIs strategies and how this process management is held in there. It was identified that internationalization exists in the HEIs strategies and the methods and tools used by them to manage the internationalization process were described and analyzed. Considering the internationalization evaluation process, it was possible to describe how it is held in the studied HEIs and it was also verified that the evaluation practices used by them bring input to the decision making process, concerning the process evolution or course correction. Furthermore, it was possible to identify, by literature review, some internationalization evaluation practices held by international HEIs that can, in a certain way, contribute to the advance of the internationalization processes of the studied HEIs. The results obtained suggest that the performance of self-assessment practice, a performance indicators creation and review, these new indicators monitoring and the evaluation of the internationalization process, frequently carried on, will possibly make the HEIs promote an evolution cycle in their internationalization processes.

‘‘How can marketing research help innovative SMEs in exploitation of international opportunities in their early internationalization? ’’ A Swedish Case Study : Role of Market Research in internationalization of SMEs

Asghar, Adeel, Khan, Shahid Kalim January 2009 (has links)
<p>DateMay 29th, 2009LevelMaster Thesis in International MarketingAuthorsShahid Kalim Khan: Körsbärsvägen 4b, LAG 218, 11423 Stockholm, Sweden Mob: +46 700641495 Email: iamkalim@gmail.comAdeel Asghar: Rum 235, Kallgatan 1 B, 63226 Eskilstuna, Sweden Mob: +46 700783841 Email: adeel1031@gmail.comTutorDaniel TolstoyTitleHow can marketing research help innovative SMEs in exploitation of international opportunities in their early internationalization? A Swedish Case StudyPurposeSMEs are well known for their innovative and risk taking approach. This study aims at providing them with a strategic framework or method to analyze the marketability of their products or services and exploit internationalization opportunities. It also focuses on helping them in reducing their risks linked with cross border business opportunities.Methodology/DesignThis research is performed through case study method. A new conceptual model has been developed by integrating relevant standard approaches within field of research. This model has been further explained by implementing it on case company (Widforss).ConclusionsThis study claims to make a significant and creative contribution to the field of SMEs internationalization through two theoretical models named as International SME Model of Innovation Exploitation (ISMIE) and Proactive International Entrepreneurship model (PIE). Both of these models use marketing research as key success factor. However, sufficient empirical evidences could not be provided due to limitations. Whereas, the practical contribution for the case firm named as Widforss industries is very evident.</p>

Internationalization of Services Business - a Case Study of Bumrungrad International Hospital

Ruangphaisan, Kosin, Phancharoen, Methawee January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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