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Exploration de la transmission synaptique et de la régulation des récepteurs ionotropes par simulations de dynamique moléculaire et électrophysiologie numérique / Exploring synaptic transmission and regulation in ionotropic receptors by molecular dynamics simulations and computational electrophysiologyCerdan, Adrien 08 February 2019 (has links)
Au niveau de la synapse, la liaison des neurotransmetteurs aux récepteurs membranaires induit l’ouverture de canaux ioniques. Le Récepteur de la Glycine (RGly) est un récepteur ionotrope impliqué dans des troubles neuronaux tels que l’addiction, la douleur chronique, ou l’hyperekplexie ; pour cette raison il est important de développer des nouveaux traitements ciblant ce récepteur. Nous avons utilisé des simulations de Dynamiques Moléculaire (DM) et d’électrophysiologie numérique afin d’évaluer la fonction des structures du RGly disponibles et montré qu’aucune d’entre elles ne satisfait les propriétés fonctionnelles de l’état ouvert. Grâce aux simulations de DM, nous avons caractérisé une nouvelle conformation du RGly, qui est compatible avec cet état. Nous avons souligné le rôle majeur des portails latéraux pour la perméation des ions. Nous avons proposé un protocole, nommé pharmacologie dépendante de l’état, pour identifier des molécules modulatrices de protéines allostériques. / Signals within neurons are mostly transmitted through chemical synapses. Signal transduction arises from the binding of neurotransmitters to membrane receptors in order to open ion channels. The Glycine Receptor (GlyR) is an ionotropic receptor which is involved in several neurological disorders such as addiction, chronic pain, or hyperekplexia. Because of its implication in human diseases, it is interesting to design novel drugs targeting this receptor. We used Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and computational electrophysiology to probe the function of available GlyR structures. We showed that none of the experimental structures display the physiological behavior of the conductive state. Using MD simulations, we captured a novel conformation of the GlyR compatible with a conductive state and demonstrated the importance of lateral portals for ionic permeation. Lastly, we proposed an original protocol, named state-based pharmacology, to discover modulators of allosteric proteins.
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An oral dosage form of ceftriaxone sodium using enteric coated sustained release calcium alginate beadsLALWANI, DARSHAN NARENDRA January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Differential regulation of GABAB receptor trafficking by different modes of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor signalingKantamneni, Sriharsha, Gonzàlez-Gonzàlez, I.M., Luo, J., Cimarosti, H., Jacobs, S.C., Jaafari, N., Henley, J.M. 2013 December 1924 (has links)
Yes / Inhibitory GABAB receptors (GABABRs) can down-regulate most excitatory synapses in the CNS by reducing postsynaptic excitability. Functional GABABRs are heterodimers of GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits and here we show that the trafficking and surface expression of GABABRs is differentially regulated by synaptic or pathophysiological activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs). Activation of synaptic NMDARs using a chemLTP protocol increases GABABR recycling and surface expression. In contrast, excitotoxic global activation of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs by bath application of NMDA causes the loss of surface GABABRs. Intriguingly, exposing neurons to extreme metabolic stress using oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD) increases GABAB1 but decreases GABAB2 surface expression. The increase in surface GABAB1 involves enhanced recycling and is blocked by the NMDAR antagonist AP5. The decrease in surface GABAB2 is also blocked by AP5 and by inhibiting degradation pathways. These results indicate that NMDAR activity is critical in GABABR trafficking and function and that the individual subunits can be separately controlled to regulate neuronal responsiveness and survival. / BBSRC, MRC and the European Research Council
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Computational studies of ligand-water mediated interactions in ionotropic glutamate receptorsSahai, Michelle Asha January 2011 (has links)
Careful treatment of water molecules in ligand-protein interactions is required in many cases if the correct binding pose is to be identified for molecular docking. Water can form complex bridging networks and can play a critical role in dictating the binding mode of ligands. A particularly striking example of this can be found in the ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), a family of ligand gated ion channels that are responsible for a majority of the fast synaptic neurotransmission in the central nervous system that are thought to be essential in memory and learning. Thus, pharmacological intervention at these neuronal receptors is a valuable therapeutic strategy. This thesis relies on various computational studies and X-ray crystallography to investigate the role of ligand-water mediated interactions in iGluRs bound to glutamate and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA). Comparative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of each subtype of iGluRs bound to glutamate revealed that crystal water positions were reproduced and that all but one water molecule, W5, in the binding site can be rearranged or replaced with water molecules from the bulk. Further density functional theory calculations (DFT) have been used to confirm the MD results and characterize the energetics of W5 and another water molecule implicated in influencing the dynamics of a proposed switch in these receptors. Additional comparative studies on the AMPA subtypes of iGluRs show that each step of the calculation must be considered carefully if the results are to be meaningful. Crystal structures of two ligands, glutamate and AMPA revealed two distinct modes of binding when bound to an AMPA subtype of iGluRs, GluA2. The difference is related to the position of water molecules within the binding pocket. DFT calculations investigated the interaction energies and polarisation effects resulting in a prediction of the correct binding mode for glutamate. For AMPA alternative modes of binding have similar interaction energies as a result of a higher internal energy than glutamate. A combined MD and X-ray crystallographic study investigated the binding of the ligand AMPA in the AMPA receptor subtypes. Analysis of the binding pocket show that AMPA is not preserved in the crystal bound mode and can instead adopt an alternative mode of binding. This involves a displacement of a key water molecule followed by AMPA adopting the pose seen by glutamate. Thus, this thesis makes use of various studies to assess the energetics and dynamics of water molecules in iGluRs. The resulting data provides additional information on the importance of water molecules in mediating ligand interactions as well as identifying key water molecules that can be useful in the de novo design of new selective drugs against iGluRs.
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Análise dos receptores P2X2 e P2X4 durante a diferenciação neuronal / Analysis of P2X2 e P2X4 receptors during neuronal differentiationMajumder, Paromita 23 March 2007 (has links)
Durante o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso, as oscilações da concentração de cálcio intracelular livre resultam na proliferação celular, migração e diferenciação neuronal. Nesta tese foram investigadas a participação dos receptores ionotrópicos purinérgicos dos tipos P2X2 e P2X4 seletivos ao influxo de cálcio durante a diferenciação neuronal in vitro das células de carcinoma embrionário murino P19. Identificamos o padrão diferencial de expressão de receptores purinérgicos nas células indiferenciadas e neurônios P19. O receptor P2X4 é expresso durante toda a diferenciação neuronal e o receptor P2X2 é detectado na fase tardia da diferenciação em neurônios. Através de ensaios farmacológicos, foi possível identificar a participação dos receptores metabotropicos P2Y e do receptor P2X4 na formação dos corpos embriônicos, na proliferação celular e ou na determinação do fenótipo de progenitor neural. Durante a maturação neuronal os receptores P2X2 e P2Y1 participam da determinação do fenótipo neuronal glutamatérgico NMDA e os receptores P2X2 e P2Y2 no fenótipo neuronal colinérgico. A ausência de inibidores específicos e seletivos aos receptores purinérgicos levou-nos a empregar a técnica SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) a fim de identificar inibidores seletivos aos receptores P2X2 e P2X4. A técnica envolve a utilização da biblioteca combinatória randômica de RNA 2\'- F pirimidina modificadas resistentes a nucleases. Após 9 ciclos de seleção in vitro de SELEX (ciclo 9-P2X4), as sequências selecionadas mostraram-se seletivas a ligação somente ao receptor P2X4 e não aos receptores P2X2 ou P2X7 através de ensaios de ligação radioligante-receptor. Por patch clamping na configuração whole cell recording identificou-se que além de seletividade ao receptor, que a aplicação do RNA ciclo 9- P2X4 promoveu inibição da corrente ativada pelo ATP somente nos receptores P2X4 e não em P2X2 em celulas 1321N1 astrocitoma transfectadas. A incubação do RNA ciclo 9-P2X4 na concentração de 200 nM com as células no estágio indiferenciado inibiu a formação dos corpos embriônicos. Já utilização de 25 nM, resultou em mudanças morfológicas nas células diferenciadas. Estes dados corroboram com os dados farmacológicos que identificaram a participação do receptor P2X4 na diferenciação precoce. Após 11 ciclos P2X2 de seleção, identificou-se sequências com especificidade de ligação aos receptores P2X2. Aptâmeros, moleculas de RNA com sequência identificada e com alta afinidade ao alvo da seleção, foram isolados de ambas as bibliotecas, ciclo 9 P2X4 e ciclo 11 P2X2. A co-aplicação destes aptâmeros e ATP em ensaios de whole-cell recording resultou na inibição de 30 a 80% da corrente ativada pelo ATP nos receptores P2X2 ou P2X4. Estes testes em células PC12 de rato, que expressa os receptores endógenos, resultou em inibição da corrente ativada pelo ATP de modo semelhante. Além de termos desenvolvido aptâmeros como ferramentas para elucidar as funções dos receptores P2X2 e P2X4 durante o desenvolvimento, diferenciação, em processos fisiológicos e patológicos, estas moléculas resistentes a nucleases são as primeiras identificadas capazes de reconhecer, discernir e inibir dois subtipos de receptores purinérgicos sendo promissores para utilização terapêutica. / During the development of the nervous system, oscillations of intracellular calcium concentrations activate programs of gene expression resulting in proliferation, migration and neuronal differentiation of embryonic cells. In this thesis, the participation of ionotropic P2X2 and P2X4 receptor subtypes, whose receptor channels are highly permeable for calcium influx in the cells, was studied during the process of neuronal differentiation. We have identified differential gene expression of purinergic receptors in undifferentiated and neuronal-differentiated P19 cells. P2X4 receptor expression was present along neuronal differentiation of P19 cells, whereas P2X2 receptor expression was only detected when P19 cells became neurons. Based on purinergic receptor pharmacology we have determined the participation of P2X4 receptors in addition to metabotropic P2Y2 receptors in the formation of embryonic bodies as prerequisites for phenotype determination of P19 neural progenitor cells. Final neuronal maturation of P19 cells in the presence or absence of agonists or antagonists of purinergic receptors implicated the involvement of P2X2, P2Y1, and P2Y2 in the determination of the final neuronal phenotype, such as expression of NMDA-glutamate and cholinergic receptors. In order to further evaluate the functions of these P2X receptors and due to the absence of specific inhibitors for these receptor subtypes, we have used the SELEX technique (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) to select for specific inhibitors for P2X2 and P2X4 receptors. The 2\' -F-pyrimidine modified, nuclease- resistant combinatorial SELEX RNA pool enriched with inhibitors of P2X4 receptors following nine cycles of in vitro selection (cycle 9-P2X4) specifically interacted with P2X4 receptors and not with P2X2 or P2X7 receptors as verified in radioligand-receptor binding studies. Moreover, whole-cell recording measurements using astrocytoma cells expressing recombinant rat P2X2 or P2X4 receptors showed inhibition of P2X4 but not of P2X2 receptors by the selected RNA molecules. RNA molecules selected in vitro in 11 reiterative SELEX cycles using the P2X2 receptor as target specifically bound to membrane extracts containing recombinant P2X2 receptors. From both selected RNA libraries (against P2X4 and P2X2 receptors) aptamers, as RNA molecules with identified sequences and high-affinity binding, were identified by cloning and DNA sequencing. The presence of these aptamers in whole-cell recording experiments resulted in 30-80% inhibition of ATP-induced receptor activity and did not provoke any inhibitory effects on P2X receptors which had not been used as selection target. The activity of the aptamers selected using recombinant receptors as targets in inhibiting wild-type P2X4 or P2X2 receptors was verified in whole-cell recording experiments with PC12 cells which endogenously express both receptor subtypes. In addition of having developed aptamers as tools to elucidate P2X2 and P2X4 receptor functions during neuronal differentiation, these nuclease-resistant aptamers are suitable for in vivo use and may turn into therapeutics in the inhibition of purinergic receptor participation in pathophysiological conditions.
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Identification and characterization of the molecular complex formed by the P2X<sub>2</sub> receptor subunit and the adapter protein Fe65 in rat brain / Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem P2X<sub>2</sub> Rezeptor und dem Fe65 Adapterprotein im RattengehirnMasin, Marianela 03 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise dos receptores P2X2 e P2X4 durante a diferenciação neuronal / Analysis of P2X2 e P2X4 receptors during neuronal differentiationParomita Majumder 23 March 2007 (has links)
Durante o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso, as oscilações da concentração de cálcio intracelular livre resultam na proliferação celular, migração e diferenciação neuronal. Nesta tese foram investigadas a participação dos receptores ionotrópicos purinérgicos dos tipos P2X2 e P2X4 seletivos ao influxo de cálcio durante a diferenciação neuronal in vitro das células de carcinoma embrionário murino P19. Identificamos o padrão diferencial de expressão de receptores purinérgicos nas células indiferenciadas e neurônios P19. O receptor P2X4 é expresso durante toda a diferenciação neuronal e o receptor P2X2 é detectado na fase tardia da diferenciação em neurônios. Através de ensaios farmacológicos, foi possível identificar a participação dos receptores metabotropicos P2Y e do receptor P2X4 na formação dos corpos embriônicos, na proliferação celular e ou na determinação do fenótipo de progenitor neural. Durante a maturação neuronal os receptores P2X2 e P2Y1 participam da determinação do fenótipo neuronal glutamatérgico NMDA e os receptores P2X2 e P2Y2 no fenótipo neuronal colinérgico. A ausência de inibidores específicos e seletivos aos receptores purinérgicos levou-nos a empregar a técnica SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) a fim de identificar inibidores seletivos aos receptores P2X2 e P2X4. A técnica envolve a utilização da biblioteca combinatória randômica de RNA 2\'- F pirimidina modificadas resistentes a nucleases. Após 9 ciclos de seleção in vitro de SELEX (ciclo 9-P2X4), as sequências selecionadas mostraram-se seletivas a ligação somente ao receptor P2X4 e não aos receptores P2X2 ou P2X7 através de ensaios de ligação radioligante-receptor. Por patch clamping na configuração whole cell recording identificou-se que além de seletividade ao receptor, que a aplicação do RNA ciclo 9- P2X4 promoveu inibição da corrente ativada pelo ATP somente nos receptores P2X4 e não em P2X2 em celulas 1321N1 astrocitoma transfectadas. A incubação do RNA ciclo 9-P2X4 na concentração de 200 nM com as células no estágio indiferenciado inibiu a formação dos corpos embriônicos. Já utilização de 25 nM, resultou em mudanças morfológicas nas células diferenciadas. Estes dados corroboram com os dados farmacológicos que identificaram a participação do receptor P2X4 na diferenciação precoce. Após 11 ciclos P2X2 de seleção, identificou-se sequências com especificidade de ligação aos receptores P2X2. Aptâmeros, moleculas de RNA com sequência identificada e com alta afinidade ao alvo da seleção, foram isolados de ambas as bibliotecas, ciclo 9 P2X4 e ciclo 11 P2X2. A co-aplicação destes aptâmeros e ATP em ensaios de whole-cell recording resultou na inibição de 30 a 80% da corrente ativada pelo ATP nos receptores P2X2 ou P2X4. Estes testes em células PC12 de rato, que expressa os receptores endógenos, resultou em inibição da corrente ativada pelo ATP de modo semelhante. Além de termos desenvolvido aptâmeros como ferramentas para elucidar as funções dos receptores P2X2 e P2X4 durante o desenvolvimento, diferenciação, em processos fisiológicos e patológicos, estas moléculas resistentes a nucleases são as primeiras identificadas capazes de reconhecer, discernir e inibir dois subtipos de receptores purinérgicos sendo promissores para utilização terapêutica. / During the development of the nervous system, oscillations of intracellular calcium concentrations activate programs of gene expression resulting in proliferation, migration and neuronal differentiation of embryonic cells. In this thesis, the participation of ionotropic P2X2 and P2X4 receptor subtypes, whose receptor channels are highly permeable for calcium influx in the cells, was studied during the process of neuronal differentiation. We have identified differential gene expression of purinergic receptors in undifferentiated and neuronal-differentiated P19 cells. P2X4 receptor expression was present along neuronal differentiation of P19 cells, whereas P2X2 receptor expression was only detected when P19 cells became neurons. Based on purinergic receptor pharmacology we have determined the participation of P2X4 receptors in addition to metabotropic P2Y2 receptors in the formation of embryonic bodies as prerequisites for phenotype determination of P19 neural progenitor cells. Final neuronal maturation of P19 cells in the presence or absence of agonists or antagonists of purinergic receptors implicated the involvement of P2X2, P2Y1, and P2Y2 in the determination of the final neuronal phenotype, such as expression of NMDA-glutamate and cholinergic receptors. In order to further evaluate the functions of these P2X receptors and due to the absence of specific inhibitors for these receptor subtypes, we have used the SELEX technique (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) to select for specific inhibitors for P2X2 and P2X4 receptors. The 2\' -F-pyrimidine modified, nuclease- resistant combinatorial SELEX RNA pool enriched with inhibitors of P2X4 receptors following nine cycles of in vitro selection (cycle 9-P2X4) specifically interacted with P2X4 receptors and not with P2X2 or P2X7 receptors as verified in radioligand-receptor binding studies. Moreover, whole-cell recording measurements using astrocytoma cells expressing recombinant rat P2X2 or P2X4 receptors showed inhibition of P2X4 but not of P2X2 receptors by the selected RNA molecules. RNA molecules selected in vitro in 11 reiterative SELEX cycles using the P2X2 receptor as target specifically bound to membrane extracts containing recombinant P2X2 receptors. From both selected RNA libraries (against P2X4 and P2X2 receptors) aptamers, as RNA molecules with identified sequences and high-affinity binding, were identified by cloning and DNA sequencing. The presence of these aptamers in whole-cell recording experiments resulted in 30-80% inhibition of ATP-induced receptor activity and did not provoke any inhibitory effects on P2X receptors which had not been used as selection target. The activity of the aptamers selected using recombinant receptors as targets in inhibiting wild-type P2X4 or P2X2 receptors was verified in whole-cell recording experiments with PC12 cells which endogenously express both receptor subtypes. In addition of having developed aptamers as tools to elucidate P2X2 and P2X4 receptor functions during neuronal differentiation, these nuclease-resistant aptamers are suitable for in vivo use and may turn into therapeutics in the inhibition of purinergic receptor participation in pathophysiological conditions.
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Hydroxylapatit-Verbundwerkstoffe und -Biokeramiken mit parallel orientierten Porenkanälen für das Tissue Engineering von Knochen / Hydroxyapatite composites and bioceramics with parallel aligned pore channels for tissue enginering of boneDespang, Florian 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Für das Tissue Engineering von Knochen werden poröse dreidimensionale Substrate (Scaffolds) als Zellträger benötigt, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit über keramische Technologie hergestellt wurden. Neben dem strukturierten und getrockneten Verbundwerkstoff (Grünkörper) und der Sinterkeramik wurde auch der Zwischenzustand nach Ausheizen der organischen Phase (Braunkörper) evaluiert. Bei der Herstellung blieb die Architektur der parallel orientierten Kanalporen, die über den Sol-Gel-Prozess der gerichteten ionotropen Gelbildung des Alginates erzeugt wurde, in allen Materialzuständen erhalten.
Die Herstellungstechnologie wurde derart optimiert, dass die neuartigen anisotropen Scaffolds allen prinzipiell gestellten Forderungen für das Tissue Engineering entsprachen – sie waren porös mit weithin einstellbarer Porengröße, sterilisierbar, gut handhabbar unter Zellkulturbedingungen, biokompatibel und degradabel. Der unerwartete Favorit der Biomaterialentwicklung, der Braunkörper – eine nanokristalline, poröse Hydroxylapatit-Biokeramik – lag in einer ersten in vivo-Studie nach 4 Wochen integriert im Knochen vor. Die beobachtete Knochenneubildung deutete auf eine osteokonduktive Wirkung des Materials hin.
Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten Technologien und Biomaterialien bieten eine Basis für weitere Forschung und motivieren zur Weiterentwicklung und Nutzung als Scaffold für das Tissue Engineering oder Knochenersatzmaterial unter Verwendung der interessanten Architektur.
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Hydroxylapatit-Verbundwerkstoffe und -Biokeramiken mit parallel orientierten Porenkanälen für das Tissue Engineering von KnochenDespang, Florian 08 October 2012 (has links)
Für das Tissue Engineering von Knochen werden poröse dreidimensionale Substrate (Scaffolds) als Zellträger benötigt, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit über keramische Technologie hergestellt wurden. Neben dem strukturierten und getrockneten Verbundwerkstoff (Grünkörper) und der Sinterkeramik wurde auch der Zwischenzustand nach Ausheizen der organischen Phase (Braunkörper) evaluiert. Bei der Herstellung blieb die Architektur der parallel orientierten Kanalporen, die über den Sol-Gel-Prozess der gerichteten ionotropen Gelbildung des Alginates erzeugt wurde, in allen Materialzuständen erhalten.
Die Herstellungstechnologie wurde derart optimiert, dass die neuartigen anisotropen Scaffolds allen prinzipiell gestellten Forderungen für das Tissue Engineering entsprachen – sie waren porös mit weithin einstellbarer Porengröße, sterilisierbar, gut handhabbar unter Zellkulturbedingungen, biokompatibel und degradabel. Der unerwartete Favorit der Biomaterialentwicklung, der Braunkörper – eine nanokristalline, poröse Hydroxylapatit-Biokeramik – lag in einer ersten in vivo-Studie nach 4 Wochen integriert im Knochen vor. Die beobachtete Knochenneubildung deutete auf eine osteokonduktive Wirkung des Materials hin.
Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten Technologien und Biomaterialien bieten eine Basis für weitere Forschung und motivieren zur Weiterentwicklung und Nutzung als Scaffold für das Tissue Engineering oder Knochenersatzmaterial unter Verwendung der interessanten Architektur.
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