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Pollution de type urbaine au monoxyde de carbone et sensibilité du myocarde au syndrome d’ischémie-reperfusion : rôle cardioprotecteur de l’exercice / Simulated urban carbon monoxide air pollution and rat heart ischemia-reperfusion injury : cardioprotective effects of exerciseMeyer, Grégory 21 October 2010 (has links)
Diverses études épidémiologiques ont mis en évidence une relation étroite entre pollution urbaine au monoxyde de carbone (CO) et mortalité cardiovasculaire. Récemment il a été mis en évidence, chez le rat, qu'une exposition prolongée à ce polluant urbain avait pour conséquence le développement d'un phénotype cellulaire pathologique, pouvant influencer la vulnérabilité du coeur à un stress aigu. L'objectif de nos travaux était donc i) d'évaluer l'impact de la pollution au CO, sur la sensibilité du myocarde de rats au syndrome d'ischémie-reperfusion (IR) ; et ii) d'évaluer les effets potentiellement cardioprotecteurs d'un exercice pratiqué régulièrement à intensité modérée, sur le remodelage phénotypique cellulaire myocardique. Pour cela, 187 rats Wistar ont été séparés en 3 groupes : des rats contrôles, des rats exposés pendant 4 semaines au CO (30-100 ppm), et des rats entraînés en endurance avant d'être exposés au CO. La sensibilité à l'IR était évaluée par ischémie régionale réalisée sur modèle de coeur isolé perfusé de Langendorff. La fonction et les mouvements calciques de cardiomyocytes isolés était évalués en condition basale et consécutivement à un protocole d'anoxie-réoxygénation. Les résultats de ce travail confirment l'apparition d’un phénotype pathologique chez les rats exposés de façon prolongée au CO. Ce phénotype pathologique caractérisé dans notre travail par une altération de l’homéostasie calcique et du statut redox cellulaire ainsi qu'une expression tissulaire de iNOS apparait comme à l'origine de la plus grande vulnérabilité du coeur à un stress d’IR. Un autre résultat majeur de ce travail est qu’une stratégie de cardioprotection par un exercice d'intensité modérée pratiqué de manière régulière, permet de prévenir le remodelage pathologique cardiomyocytaire et ainsi l'augmentation de la sensibilité du myocarde à l'IR / Epidemiological studies suggested that carbon monoxide (CO) urban air pollution is mainly related to cardiovascular mortality. In addition, recent experimental studies have highlighted that CO exposure was responsible for the development of cardiomyocytes’ pathological remodeling, which can render the heart more vulnerable to acute stresses. Therefore, the aim of this experimental work was to i) evaluate the impact of prolonged exposure to simulated CO urban pollution on the sensitivity of the myocardium to IR ; and ii) evaluate potential cardioprotective effects of regular bouts of endurance training in this model. 187 Wistar rats were separated into 3 groups : control rats, CO rats exposed during 4 weeks to CO (30-100 ppm), and CO exercised rats. Myocardial sensibility to IR was evaluated with a regional ischemia performed on a Langendorff model of isolated heart. Moreover, the cardiomyocytes’ function and calcium handling were evaluated at basal conditions, following a protocol of cellular anoxia and reoxygenation. The results of this study confirm that chronic exposure to CO is responsible for cardiac phenotypic changes, which are characterized in this work by an imbalance in the cardiomyocytes’ oxidative status, an impairment of calcium handling and iNOS expression. These phenotypic changes were associated in this work with higher heart vulnerability to IR. Another major result of this study is that regular bouts of endurance training conducted prior to CO exposure prevented the pathological cardiac remodeling, consequently leading to higher heart vulnerability due to IR
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Aggravation des lésions d’ischémie myocardique par la levobupivacaïne : étude chez le porc : Effets des émulsions lipidiques ? : protection pharmacologique des lésions d’ischémie / reperfusion / Aggravation of myocardial ischemia injuries by levobupivacaine : study in pigs : Effect of lipid emulsions ? : pharmacological protection of ischemia / reperfusion injuriesMamou, Zahida 25 September 2015 (has links)
L'ischémie myocardique est caractérisée par la survenue de désordres ioniques et métaboliques responsables de la perte de l'intégrité structurale et fonctionnelle cellulaire, notamment au niveau des mitochondries et, en conséquence, de l'altération de l'activité électromécanique cardiaque. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés : 1) à l'étude des lésions d'ischémie-reperfusion (I/R) et des moyens pharmacologiques de cardioprotection avec amlodipine (antagoniste calcique), perindorpilate (Inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion). Après avoir mis en évidence les différentes altérations électrophyiologiques, hémodynamiques, structurales et fonctionnelles mitochondriales induite par un épisode d'I/R, les molécules précédemment citées sont administrées seules ou en association, en bolus IV, avant l'induction de l'ischémie myocardique par ligature de l'artère interventriculaire antérieure dans sa partie distale et à une minute seulement après la reperfusion (Etude I, n=36 porcelets domestiques) ; 2) à la cardiotoxicité aigue d'un anesthésique local en l'occurrence la lévobubivacaine à la suite d'une injection intravasculaire (IV). Cette toxicité a été évaluée dans deux situations distinctes : circulation coronaire préservée ou ischémie myocardique. Ces deux situations permettent de « mimer » respectivement une intoxication à la levobupivacaïne chez un sujet sain ou coronarien ; 3) à l'effet bénéfique éventuel des émulsions lipidiques (Intralipid®) dans les mêmes conditions expérimentales. Les émulsions lipidiques ont été administrées quelques minutes après l'injection (IV) de la levobupivacaïne (Etude II, n=48 porcelets domestiques). Ces études ont été menées, in vivo, sur des porcs anesthésiés et ventilés. Les paramètres électrophysiologiques et hémodynamiques ont été déterminés tout au long de l'expérimentation à des intervalles réguliers. A la fin des expériences, les animaux ont été euthanasiés et des fragments de ventricule gauche ont été prélevés pour l'évaluation structurale cellulaire et fonctionnelle mitochondriale / Myocardial ischemia is characterized by the development of ionic and metabolic disorders that result in the loss of the structural and functional cellular integrity, especially within mitochondria and, consequently, in alterations of cardiac electromechanical activity. In the context of this thesis, the following aspects have been investigated: (1) ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) lesions and pharmacological measures of cardioprotection involving the calcium antagonist amlodipine, and the converting enzyme inhibitor perindorpilate. After describing the various electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and mitochondrial (both structural and functional) alterations induced by I/R, amlodipine and perindorpilate were administered either alone or combined, via a bolus IV injection, prior to a distal ligation of the anterior interventricular artery, and then one minute after reperfusion (Study II; n = 36 domestic piglets); (2) the acute cardiotoxicity of the local anesthetic levobupivacaine following an IV injection. Cardiotoxic effects were evaluated in two distinctive situations: preserved coronary circulation and experimental myocardial ischemia. Using both situations allows for mimicking levobupivacaine overdose in a healthy patient or a patient with coronary disease, respectively; (3) the possibly beneficial effect of lipid emulsions (Intralipid®) in both experimental conditions. Lipid emulsions were administered a few minutes following the IV injection of levobupivacaine (Study II, n=48 domestic piglets). These investigations were conducted in vivo on piglets anesthetized and ventilated. Electrophysiological and hemodynamic parameters were measured at given intervals throughout the study. At the end of the study, the animals were sacrificed and tissue samples of the left ventricles were withdrawn to measure the structure and function of mitochondria
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Efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto em modelo de lesão hepática por isquemia-reperfusão em ratos / Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion liver injuryMarco Antonio Corrêa Guimarães Filho 18 November 2013 (has links)
A lesão por isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é o mecanismo fisiopatológico central no desenvolvimento da insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. Diversas estratégias para minimizar suas consequências estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas ainda sem resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR), método em que ciclos breves de I/R aplicados em um órgão ou membro é capaz de atenuar os resultados da I/R em um órgão distante, vem sendo utilizado, em modelos experimentais, com resultados promissores. No entanto seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi esclarecido. Um dos mecanismos propostos é a modulação na expressão das citocinas sintetizadas durante a resposta inflamatória que acompanha o processo de I/R. Foram utilizados 36 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), machos, com peso entre 250 e 280 g, divididos em três grupos: Grupo Sham, cirurgia simulada; Grupo IR, isquemia de 70% do fígado por 45 minutos e reperfusão; e Grupo PCIR, pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto do fígado através de seis ciclos de isquemia-reperfusão da pata do animal, com quatro minutos de isquemia e quatro minutos de reperfusão em cada ciclo, seguido de isquemia hepática semelhante ao do Grupo IR. Terminado os procedimentos cirúrgicos, metade dos animais foi morta decorridos 60 minutos de reperfusão, e a outra metade após 180 minutos. Foi coletado tecido hepático do lobo submetido à isquemia, para estudo histopatológico, utilizando o índice de injúria hepática modificado; e sangue, para dosagem plasmática de TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10 e ALT. A análise histopatológica mostrou que a necrose celular foi significativamente reduzida no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com Grupo IR (p <0,0001). As transaminases mostraram o mesmo padrão com redução significativa dos seus valores no Grupo PCIR quando comparados com o Grupo I-R (p <0,0001). A dosagem das interleucinas mostrou redução significativa na expressão da IL-6 no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com o Grupo IR (p<0,001). Houve aumento da expressão de IL-10 nos grupo PCIR, porém não atingiu significância estatística. Não foi identificada diferença na dosagem de TNF-α nos grupos estudados. O PCI-R foi eficaz na redução na necrose celular resultante da lesão por I-R nos grupos estudados. A redução na síntese de IL-6 segue o padrão observado em outros estudos. / Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury is an important pathophysiological mechanism in the postoperative liver failure. Different strategies to minimize the I/R liver injury have been developed during the last decades but the results had been disappointing. Recently, the remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC), a method that involves a brief ischemic episode on an organ or tissue that subsequently affords protection to a remote organ or tissue, have been use in various experimental models with promising results. The precise pathway activated by the RIPC isnt clear, but cytokine release modulation has been proposed as a candidate mechanism. Thirty-six male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided in 3 groups: Sham; I/R injury, a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion; and RIPC, 6 cycles of 4 minutes of ischemia and 4 minutes of reperfusion of the right hindlimb followed by a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion. Liver tissue in the affected lobe and blood samples were collected after 60 minutes and 180 minutes of reperfusion for histopathological study of liver I/R, plasma cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10) and liver aminotransferases measurement (ALT). The histopathological study demonstrated a significant lesser degree of liver necrosis in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The aminotransferases levels followed the same pattern, with significant lower levels in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The cytokines assessment showed a reduction in the expression of IL-6 in the RIPC when compared with the I/R group (p <0,01). Interleukin-10 levels were higher in the RIPC group, but the difference wasnt significant. The TNF-α measurement didnt show any difference in the groups. The RIPC model presented consistently reduced the I/R injury to the liver and the IL-6 expression was similar to the reported in other studies.
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Efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto em modelo de lesão hepática por isquemia-reperfusão em ratos / Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion liver injuryMarco Antonio Corrêa Guimarães Filho 18 November 2013 (has links)
A lesão por isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é o mecanismo fisiopatológico central no desenvolvimento da insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. Diversas estratégias para minimizar suas consequências estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas ainda sem resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR), método em que ciclos breves de I/R aplicados em um órgão ou membro é capaz de atenuar os resultados da I/R em um órgão distante, vem sendo utilizado, em modelos experimentais, com resultados promissores. No entanto seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi esclarecido. Um dos mecanismos propostos é a modulação na expressão das citocinas sintetizadas durante a resposta inflamatória que acompanha o processo de I/R. Foram utilizados 36 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), machos, com peso entre 250 e 280 g, divididos em três grupos: Grupo Sham, cirurgia simulada; Grupo IR, isquemia de 70% do fígado por 45 minutos e reperfusão; e Grupo PCIR, pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto do fígado através de seis ciclos de isquemia-reperfusão da pata do animal, com quatro minutos de isquemia e quatro minutos de reperfusão em cada ciclo, seguido de isquemia hepática semelhante ao do Grupo IR. Terminado os procedimentos cirúrgicos, metade dos animais foi morta decorridos 60 minutos de reperfusão, e a outra metade após 180 minutos. Foi coletado tecido hepático do lobo submetido à isquemia, para estudo histopatológico, utilizando o índice de injúria hepática modificado; e sangue, para dosagem plasmática de TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10 e ALT. A análise histopatológica mostrou que a necrose celular foi significativamente reduzida no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com Grupo IR (p <0,0001). As transaminases mostraram o mesmo padrão com redução significativa dos seus valores no Grupo PCIR quando comparados com o Grupo I-R (p <0,0001). A dosagem das interleucinas mostrou redução significativa na expressão da IL-6 no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com o Grupo IR (p<0,001). Houve aumento da expressão de IL-10 nos grupo PCIR, porém não atingiu significância estatística. Não foi identificada diferença na dosagem de TNF-α nos grupos estudados. O PCI-R foi eficaz na redução na necrose celular resultante da lesão por I-R nos grupos estudados. A redução na síntese de IL-6 segue o padrão observado em outros estudos. / Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury is an important pathophysiological mechanism in the postoperative liver failure. Different strategies to minimize the I/R liver injury have been developed during the last decades but the results had been disappointing. Recently, the remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC), a method that involves a brief ischemic episode on an organ or tissue that subsequently affords protection to a remote organ or tissue, have been use in various experimental models with promising results. The precise pathway activated by the RIPC isnt clear, but cytokine release modulation has been proposed as a candidate mechanism. Thirty-six male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided in 3 groups: Sham; I/R injury, a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion; and RIPC, 6 cycles of 4 minutes of ischemia and 4 minutes of reperfusion of the right hindlimb followed by a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion. Liver tissue in the affected lobe and blood samples were collected after 60 minutes and 180 minutes of reperfusion for histopathological study of liver I/R, plasma cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10) and liver aminotransferases measurement (ALT). The histopathological study demonstrated a significant lesser degree of liver necrosis in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The aminotransferases levels followed the same pattern, with significant lower levels in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The cytokines assessment showed a reduction in the expression of IL-6 in the RIPC when compared with the I/R group (p <0,01). Interleukin-10 levels were higher in the RIPC group, but the difference wasnt significant. The TNF-α measurement didnt show any difference in the groups. The RIPC model presented consistently reduced the I/R injury to the liver and the IL-6 expression was similar to the reported in other studies.
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Cinétique du stress oxydant et des dysfonctions mitochondriales locales et à distance (poumon, rein, foie, cerveau, coeur) et effets du perconditionnement ischémique ou du postconditionnement pharmacologique au cours du clampage aortique expérimental / Local and systemic oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction after skeletal muscle ischemia reperfusion : effect of ischemic preconditioning and pharmacological postconditioning on mitochondrial functionGuillot, Max 26 September 2013 (has links)
L’ischémie-reperfusion (IR) du muscle squelettique est à l’origine de lésions au niveau local et au niveau systémique. Au niveau musculaire, l’IR est caractérisée par une atteinte de la chaîne respiratoire mitochondriale, une production de ROS et une activation de l’inflammation. Au niveau systémique, ces lésions peuvent aboutir à un tableau de défaillance multiviscérale. La physiopathologie et la chronologie précise de ces évènements demeurent néanmoins imprécises. Enfin, différentes stratégies ont été développées pour limiter ces lésions. Récemment, le dérivé Bβ (15-42) de la fibrine (nommé FX06) et le perconditionnement ont permis de protéger le myocarde des lésions d’IR. Les objectifs de notre travail sont de préciser, au niveau du muscle squelettique, les mécanismes à l’origine de ces lésions et d’évaluer ces deux nouvelles stratégies. Sur un modèle animal d’IR du muscle squelettique, nous avons observé une production de ROS pendant l’ischémie, préalable à l’atteinte mitochondriale et peut-être à l’origine de l’inflammation, et enfin une absence d’atteinte systémique au niveau mitochondrial après 2 heures et 24 heures de reperfusion. En ce qui concerne les traitements étudiés dans ce travail, nous n’avons pas pu démontrer l’efficacité du perconditionnement ischémique. Nous avons pu constater par contre que le peptide FX06 dérivé de la fibrine permet de prévenir l’apparition de ces lésions. Ces nouvelles connaissances vont nous permettre d’élaborer de nouvelles stratégies pour prévenir le développement des lésions d’IR. / Lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (IR) results in skeletal muscle mitochondrial alterations, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), inflammation and remote organ impairments which are largely involved in patients prognosis. However, whether ischemia without reperfusion increases ROS production and preceedes mitochondrial alteration and whether mitochondrial dysfunction occurs early in remote organ is unknown. Remote ischemic perconditioning (PerC) and Fibrin-derived peptide Bβ(15-42) (FX06) prevent during cardiac IR but whether and how PerC and FX06 might protect skeletal muscle is unknown. This study tested whether PerC and FX06 would decrease skeletal muscle inflammation and reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and mitochondrial dysfunction during IR. In an animal lower limb ischemia-reperfusion model, the objectives of our study were therefore to determine simultaneously the kinetic of ROS production, mitochondrial respiration and inflammation changes in skeletal muscle and remote organs during ischemia reperfusion and to challenge the effect of PerC and FX06 on mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes activities, ROS production and inflammation. We observed that oxidative stress preceedes skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction and probably may be seen before inflammation activation. FX06 decreased inflammation, normalized ROS production and restored mitochondrial oxidative capacity during experimental skeletal muscle IR. PerC not only failed to protect ischemic skeletal muscle but impaired contralateral non ischemic suggesting that such therapy should be used with caution. This better knowledge will allow us to develop new strategies to prevent the development of IR lesions.
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Perfil temporal da inflamação pulmonar induzida pela isquemia/reperfusão intestinal em ratos. Estudo do papel do sistema linfático. / Time profile of lung inflammation induced by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Role of the lymphatic system.Luana Beatriz Vitoretti 17 May 2010 (has links)
A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) se associa ao desenvolvimento de inflamação pulmonar aguda, que pode ser modulada por mediadores inflamatórios presentes na linfa. Avaliamos os efeitos da I/R-i sob a inflamação pulmonar e a participação do sistema linfático. Wistar machos foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal e 24, 72 ou 120 h de reperfusão. Outro grupo teve o ducto linfático bloqueado antes da isquemia. Os resultados revelaram maior inflamação pulmonar nos animais reperfundidos por 120 h em relação aos outros períodos de reperfusão estudados. Os animais apresentaram aumento de MPO e permeabilidade. Aumento de VEGF e de IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">β e diminuição de IL-10 no explante pulmonar. Diminuição de vWf e aumento de integrina <font face=\"Symbol\">⓵, PECAM-1 e colágeno I e IV no endotélio pulmonar. Os dados indicam que mecanismos temporais modulam a resposta inflamatória decorrente da I/R-i. Mediadores na linfa e na circulação participam do desencadeamento/manutenção da inflamação pulmonar alterando a integridade do endotélio e ativando o pulmão que libera mediadores adicionais. / Intestinal ischemia/reperfusion (i-I/R) is associated with the development of acute lung inflammation, which can be modulated by inflammatory mediators present in the lymph. We evaluated the effects of i-I/R in lung inflammation and the involvement of the lymphatic system. Wistar rats were subjected to 45 min of intestinal ischemia and 24, 72 or 120 h of reperfusion. Another group had the lymphatic duct blocked before ischemia. The results revealed greater lung inflammation in animals reperfused for 120 h in comparison to other periods studied. These animals showed increased MPO and permeability. Increased VEGF and IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">β and decreased IL-10 in lung explants. Decreased vWf and increased <font face=\"Symbol\">⓵ integrin, PECAM-1 and collagen I and IV in the pulmonary endothelium. These data indicate that temporal mechanisms modulate the inflammatory response due to i-I/R. Mediators in the lymph and circulation participate in the initiation / maintenance of lung inflammation by altering the integrity of the endothelium and activating the lung which release additional mediators.
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Efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto no transplante ortotópico de fígado de doadores em parada cardíaca. Estudo experimental em suínos / Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on liver orthotopic transplantation of non-heart-beating donors. Experimental study in pigsMorais, Lúcio Kenny 27 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2017-12-18T19:17:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / Introduction: Improved liver function from non-heart-beating donors seems to be related
to short periods of warm ischemia; hence ischemia-reperfusion injury is a critical unsolved
issue. Remote Ischemic preconditioning (PC) has been shown to protect the liver from
ischemia-reperfusion injury. However little is known about the usefulness of ischemic
precondition as a strategy to improve tolerance of non-heart-beating liver grafts to warm
ischemia. Therefore we designed an experimental study aiming the effects of ischemic
preconditioning on liver transplantation from non-heart-beating donors.
Methods: Protocol was approved by Federal University of Goias Ethics Committee. Twentyfour
Landrace pigs were assigned into 4 groups: I: after cardiac arrest livers were procured
and transplanted; II: after PC and cardiac arrest livers were procured and transplanted; III:
after PC and cardiac arrest, a 15 minutes period of warm ischemia was observed before
livers were procured and transplanted; IV: after PC and cardiac arrest, a 30 minutes period
of warm ischemia was observed before livers were procured and transplanted. Donors:
cardiac arrest was obtained by ligation of coronary arteries and interruption of ventilation.
PC (10` x 10`) and warm ischemia waiting time were observed accordingly. Livers were
flushed with 4°C HTK solution cooled and procured. Recipients: standard technique was
used. After one hour of reperfusion, blood and liver samples were collected and euthanasia
was carried out. Non-parametrical statistical tests were applied. Results were expressed as
medians. A value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: AST, ALT, lactic acid and factor V levels were similar for the different studied
groups by the end of one hour of reperfusion. A trend towards a deteriorated liver function
was observed in group IV. When histological variables were addressed, vacuolization of
hepatocytes and cell dropout scores were similar in all groups. Congestion score,
vacuolization of hepatocytes and cell dropout scores tended to be higher in animals from
group IV, but with no statistical significance.
Conclusions: Remote ischemic preconditioning showed no benefits to liver grafts from nonheart-
beating donors. Even though it did not result in benefits, no prejudice could be noticed
in this research, as well. / Introdução: A melhora na função hepática em doadores de coração parado parece estar
relacionada a curtos períodos de isquemia normotérmica, logo a lesão de isquemia e
reperfusão é uma questão crucial não resolvida. O pré-condicionamento isquémico remoto
(PC), promove proteção ao fígado da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão. No entanto, pouco se
sabe sobre a utilidade do PC como uma estratégia para melhorar a tolerância de enxertos de
doadores em parada cardíaca frente à isquemia normotérmica. Portanto, foi desenvolvido um
estudo experimental visando os efeitos do pré-condicionamento isquêmico no transplante de
fígado de doadores em parada cardíaca.Métodos: O protocolo do estudo foi aprovado na Universidade Federal de Goiás pelo Comitê
de Ética em Pesquisa. Vinte e quatro suínos da raça Landrace foram divididos em 4 grupos:
I: após parada cardíaca, o fígado foi captado e transplantado; II: após o PC, promoveu-se a
parada cardíaca, seguida de captação e transplante hepático; III: após o PC, promoveu-se a
parada cardíaca, seguida de um período de 15 minutos de isquemia normotérmica, com
captação e transplante hepático em seguida; IV: após o PC, promoveu-se a parada cardíaca,
seguida de um período de 30 minutos de isquemia normotérmica, com captação e transplante
hepático em seguida. Nos doadores, a parada cardíaca foi obtida pela ligadura das artérias
coronárias e interrupção do suporte ventilatório. O PC (10 'x 10') e o tempo de isquemia
normotérmica foram observados em conformidade com a padronização. O fígado foi
perfundido com solução HTK resfriada a 4 ° C e posteriormente captado. Para o receptor foi
utilizada a técnica padrão. Após uma hora de reperfusão, amostras de sangue e de tecido
hepático foram coletadas, seguida da realização da eutanásia. Foram aplicados testes
estatísticos não-paramétricos. Os resultados foram expressos em medianas. O valor de p
<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo.
Resultados: Os valores encontrados de AST, ALT, lactato e fator V foram semelhantes para
os diferentes grupos estudados até o fim do experimento. No entanto, foi observado uma
tendência para piora da função hepática no grupo IV. Em relação às variáveis histológicas, a
vacuolização dos hepatócitos e a desestruturação celular foram semelhantes em todos os
grupos; houve uma tendência de aumento da congestão no grupo IV, sem significância
Conclusões: O pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto não mostrou benefício para enxertos
de fígado de parada cardíaca. Mesmo que o PC não tenha promovido benefícios nesta pesquisa,
também não foram observados danos.
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Mecanismos reguladores da resposta inflamatória aguda sitêmica produzida pela isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para alta ou baixa reatividade inflamatória. / Regulatory mechanisms of systemic acute inflammation produced by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in mice genetically selected for high or low inflammatory reactivity.Alessandra Paes Suppa 19 June 2015 (has links)
Alterações no mecanismo de transporte de oxigênio (O2) frequentes em inflamações, infecções, tumores, transplantes e isquemia, levam a hipóxia tecidual. Espécies reativas do O2 são produzidas e citocinas inflamatórias são liberadas engatilhando uma série de eventos, os quais são amplificados após a restituição do fluxo sanguíneo resultando em inflamação sistêmica. No presente estudo, caracterizamos a regulação da Resposta Inflamatória Aguda (AIR) após indução de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (I/Ri) e a participação do HIF-1α neste fenótipo. Camundongos selecionados para alta (AIRmax) e baixa (AIRmin) AIR foram submetidos a I/Ri e avaliados em diferentes períodos de reperfusão (0, 1, 4 e 24h). Nossos resultados demonstraram maior sensibilidade da linhagem AIRmax frente a I/Ri, confirmada por: 1) maior mobilização de neutrófilos para circulação periférica; 2) maior adesão celular e aumento da migração granulocítica no intestino e pulmão; 3) aumento da expressão de genes de citocinas e daqueles expressos em hipóxia (Tnfa, Il1, Il6 e Hif1a); 4) Translocação Bacteriana (TB); 5) maior expressão pulmonar da proteína HIF-1α e de proteínas envolvidas em processos inflamatórios tais como S100A9, Anexina 1, Profilina 1, Tropomiosina. Por outro lado, a linhagem AIRmin foi considerada pouco responsiva aos efeitos da I/Ri. Diante do exposto, nós concluímos que a sensibilidade dos camundongos AIRmax à injuria após indução de IRi está associada ao agravamento da inflamação sistemica, a qual foi determinada pela indução de HIF-1α atrelada à expressão de proteínas pró- inflamatórias e TB, indicando o compartilhamento ou a co- segregação entre os genes envolvidos na AIR e na hipóxia. / Changes in oxygen transport mechanism (O2) frequent in inflammation, infection, tumors, transplantation and ischemia, lead to tissue hypoxia. Reactive species of O2 are produced and inflammatory cytokines are released triggering a series of events, which are amplified after blood flow refund resulting in systemic inflammation. In the present study, we characterized the regulation of Acute Inflammatory Response (AIR) after intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/Ri) induction and the involvement of HIF-1α in this phenotype. Mice selected for high (AIRmax) and low (AIRmin) AIR were subjected to I/Ri and evaluated in different periods of reperfusion (0, 1, 4 and 24h). Our results show sensitivity of AIRmax front line I/Ri, confirmed by: 1) higher neutrophils mobilization to peripheral circulation; 2) increase in cell adhesion and granulocyte migration in lung and intestine; 3) higher expression of cytokine genes and those expressed in hypoxia (TNFa, IL-1, IL-6 and HIF1a); 4) Bacterial Translocation (BT), 5) increase in HIF-1α pulmonary protein expression and those involved in inflammatory processes such as S100A9, Annexin 1, profilin 1 Tropomyosin. On the other hand, the AIRmin line was considered unresponsive to effects of I/Ri. We concluded that the I/Ri sensitivity of the AIRmax mice were associated with worsening of systemic inflammation, which was determined by HIF-1α induction linked to the expression of pro- inflammatory proteins and TB, indicating the share and/or co-segregation of the genes involved in AIR.
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Effets de la température et d'un transporteur naturel d'oxygène au cours de la conservation en transplantation rénale / Effects of temperature and an natural oxygen carrier during preservation in renal transplantationMallet, Vanessa 12 December 2012 (has links)
La méthode de préservation d’organes la plus utilisée actuellement en transplantation rénale est la conservation statique en hypothermie. Cependant, ce mode de conservation induit des dommages inhérents aux lésions du syndrome d’ischémie/reperfusion (I/R). Cette étude a eu pour objectif d’identifier de nouvelles conditions de préservation des greffons, afin de limiter les lésions d’I/R, en modulant la température de conservation ou par ajout d’un transporteur d’oxygène. Nous avons utilisé deux modèles : in vitro avec des cellules endothéliales et in vivo en autotransplantation rénale chez le porc.Les résultats ont confirmé les effets délétères de la conservation à 4°C contrairement à des conservations à 19°C, 27°C et surtout 32°C, permettant d’obtenir une activité métabolique, une viabilité et une intégrité cellulaire supérieures ainsi qu’une diminution des marqueurs de l’inflammation et du stress oxydant. Nous avons aussi démontré les bénéfices d'un nouveau transporteur d’oxygène, M101, dans deux des solutions de conservation les plus utilisés, UW et HTK. L'utilisation de M101 en conservation statique permet une meilleure reprise de fonction à court terme et une réduction de la fibrose, cause principale de la perte du greffon. Enfin, nous avons montré une conservation des bénéfices de M101 à des doses réduites et déterminé que cette protection était due à une multifonctionnalité de la molécule, combinant un transporteur d’oxygène, une activité superoxyde dismutase et une taille importante (permettant de réguler la pression oncotique). Ce travail a montré de nouvelles pistes de réflexion vers une préservation, et donc une qualité, supérieure des organes à transplanter. / The most used preservation method in renal transplantation is hypothermic cold storage (CS). However, this method induces damages inherent to the ischemia/ reperfusion (I /R) syndrome.My study was aimed at identifying new grafts preservation conditions, to limit I/R damage, by varying storage temperature or by adding an oxygen carrier.We used two models: in vitro with endothelial cells and in vivo in pig renal autotransplantation. The results confirmed the deleterious effects of 4°C storage in contrast to conservations at 19°C, 27°C and above 32°C, resulting in improved metabolic activity, cellular viability and integrity as well as a significant reduction in markers of inflammation and oxidative stress. Then we demonstrated the benefits of a new oxygen carrier, M101, in the two most used preservation solutions, UW and HTK. Indeed, use of M101 in CS protocols improved short-term function recovery and reduced fibrosis development, main cause of graft loss. Finally, we have shown that the benefits of M101 were preserved at lower doses and we determined that this protection was due to a multifunctionality of the molecule, combining oxygen transport, superoxyde dismutase activity and a large size (regulating oncotic pressure). This work permitted the uncovering of new concepts towards improved organ preservation and quality for transplantation.
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Stratégies de préservation et d'immunoprotection du greffon dans un modèle de transplantation d'îlots pancréatiques / Strategies for great preservation and immunoprotection in a model of pancreatic islets transplantationGiraud, Sébastien 10 June 2013 (has links)
Actuellement les transplanteurs sont confrontés à une pénurie de greffons, conduisant à l'élargissement des critères de choix des donneurs. Cette démographie fait place à des greffons plus sensibles aux lésions d'ischémie-reperfusion (I/R). Ces lésions conduisent à des dysfonctions de reprises de fonction des greffons, et participent à l'augmentation de l'immunogénicité du greffon et à l'emergence de rejets aigus et chroniques. Dans un premier temps, il est donc nécessaire de limiter les lésions d'I/R et conserver l'intégrité du greffon. Dans un deuxième temps, il est important de réduire l'immunogénicité du greffon et de contrôler le rejet de greffe tout en maintenant le receveur immunocompétent. Afin de limiter les lésions d'I/R nous avons évalué la solution de préservation SCOT de type extracellulaire contenant 30g/L de PEG 20kDa, dans un modèle murin d'isolement et de transplantation d'îlots pancréatiques. L'amélioration des conditions de conservation a permit de préserver l'intégrité des îlots et de réduire l'immunogénicité du greffon, et ce due aux propriétés immunoprotectrices des PEG 20kDa (effets obtenus pour 10 à 30g/L). Dans ce même modèle notre second objectif était d'établir un état de tolérance périphérique par déplétion transitoire des lymphocytes T alloréactifs. La déplétion des lymphocytes T en division a été induite au moment de l'allotransplantation des îlots, par administration transitoire d'un analogue nucleosidique inductible. La déplétion transitoire a permit d'aboutir à une immunotolérance dominante via l'émergence de lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+CD25+FoxP3+, cellules ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives dans l'inhibition des rejets d'allogreffes. / Organ and tissue transplantation is affected by a shortage of grafts, leading to enlargement of donor criteria. Consequently, these new marginal organs are more susceptible to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). IRI increases primary graft dysfunctions and contributes to increase graft immunogenicity and consequently the occurence of acute and chronic rejection. Our objectives were : firstly, the necessity to limit I/R damages and preserve graft integrity, secondly, the importance to reduce graft immunogenicity and control the graft rejection while maintaining an immunocompetent recipient. To limit IRI we evaluated the new SCOT preservation extracellular type solution containing PEG 20kDa 30g/L in a murine model of pancreatic islets isolation and transplantation. The improvement of conservation with SCOT permitted to maintain the islets integrity and to reduce graft immunogenicity, due to the immunoprotective properties of PEG 20kDa (effects obtained with PEG 20kDa at 10 to 30g /L). In this same model our second objective was to establish a peripheral immunological tolerance of the graft by transient depletion of alloreactive T cells. This depletion of T cells in division was induced at the time of islet allotransplantation by an administration of an inducible nucleosidic analogue during 14 days. Transient alloreactive T cells depletion induced a dominant immunotolerance marked by the emergence of a persistent regulatory T cells CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ population. Thus, regulation of homeostatic balance between effector and regulatory T cells could open an interesting way to control the immune reaction against allograft.
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