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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriedades térmicas do modelo de ising com competição dipolar

Michelon, Mateus Fontana January 2005 (has links)
O modelo bidimensional de Ising com interações competitivas entre um termo ferromagnético, de curto alcance, e outro antiferromagnético, de longo alcance, é o modelo mais simples para descrever filmes finos e materiais magnéticos quase-bidimensionais. A frustração, introduzida pelo termo dipolar no Hamiltoniano, é responsável por uma dinâmica lenta e uma fenomenologia rica. Neste trabalho estudamos as propriedades de equilíbrio e fora de equilíbrio do modelo Ising-Dipolar para certos valores de (j (parâmetro que mede a intensidade de uma interação frente à outra). Calculamos várias quantidades termodinâmicas, como energia livre, entropia e calor específico, e determinamos a natureza da transição de fase para δ = 1. Verificamos que a relaxação da função de autocorrelação spin-spin, acima da temperatura de transição, é do tipo stretch exponentíal. Além disso, realizamos experiências de não equilíbrio, como coarsening, em que verificamos a presença de uma fase metaestável, e histerese, em que conseguimos super-resfriar a fase desordenada para δ= 2. / The two-dimensional lsing model with competitive short-range ferromagnetic and longrange antiferromagnetic interactions, is the simplest model to describe thin films and quasitwo- dimensional magnetic materiaIs. The frustration, introduced by the dipolar term in the Hamiltonian, is responsible for a slow down in the dynamics and a rich phenomenology. ln this work we studied the equilibrium and off-equilibrium properties of the lsing-Dipolar model for certain <5values (parameter that measures the intensity between the two terms). We calculated several thermodynamical quantities, as free energy, entropy and specific heat, and checked the nature of the phase transition for δ = 1. We verified that the relaxation of the spin-spin autocorrelation function, above the transition temperature, is stretch exponential. Moreover, we did out of equilibrium experiments, as coarsening, where we verified the presence of a metastable phase, and hysteresis, where we supercooled the disordered phase for δ= 2.

Fases de equilíbrio em filmes ferromagnéticos dipolares com anisotropia perpendicular

Velasque, Luciana Araújo January 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos um ferromagneto de Ising em uma rede bidimensional. Consideramos fases espacialmente anisotrópicas em um modelo de Ising dipolar frustrado na presença de um campo externo, em uma aproximação de campo médio e também em outros dois modelos com configurações mais simples das paredes de domínio. Em um primeiro momento, foi estudado o modelo de Ising em uma rede quadrada, no qual há a competição entre a interação de troca, a qual favorece um estado uniforme, e a interação dipolar, que favorece a presença de domínios. Os domínios de equilíbrio observados têm a estrutura de listras ou faixas simétricas, quebrando a isotropia espacial do sistema. Na segunda parte do estudo, é adicionado ao sistema um campo magnético externo, o qual é homogêneo; este campo favorece uma orientação preferencial das faixas, gerando um padrão de modulação de faixas assimétricas. Este campo externo está também em competição com a interação dipolar, favorecendo o estado uniforme. Experimentos recentes [1, 2] mostram uma transição de fases inversa uniforme-moduladauniforme, a medida que se diminui a temperatura para um campo externo fixo. Resultados analíticos em um modelo de Ginzburg-Landau [3] mostram a curva reentrante campo vs. temperatura, perto do ponto crítico, onde o modelo é válido. No estudo a campo nulo, analisamos o comportamento do sistema com o aumento da intensidade relativa entre os parâmetros de interação de troca e dipolar δ. Observamos que, para grandes valores de δ, o sistema apresenta uma grande metaestabilidade e o período de modulação das faixas cresce fortemente próximo `a transição. Na região de δ grande, o semi-período da modulação h obedece `a relação h(δ) ∼ eδ/2, de acordo com estudos realizados em [4]. No estudo com campo externo, através de uma análise numérica, mostramos que os graus de liberdade internos das paredes de domínio são essenciais para a presença da transição inversa. Também mostramos que em um modelo com paredes estreitas não é observada a reentrância (transição inversa). Em altas temperaturas os graus de liberdade adicionais do modelo de campo médio aumentam a entropia do sistema, reduzindo a energia livre. Em temperaturas baixas as paredes de domínio tornam-se mais estreitas e com os correspondentes graus de liberdade congelados, o que, eventualmente, induz a transição inversa para a fase homogênea. Mostramos também que, aumentando o campo magnético a uma temperatura constante, a largura da faixa aumenta muito rapidamente ao aproximar-se da linha de campo crítico, e diverge na transição. Nosso objetivo é obter o diagrama de fases para o modelo de Ising deste sistema, e explicar a origem da transição inversa observada em filmes magnéticos ultrafinos com anisotropia perpendicular. / In this work we study a Ising ferromagnet on a two-dimensional lattice. We consider spatially anisotropic phases in a dipolar frustrated Ising model in an external field in a mean field approximation and also in two other models with a simpler configuration of the domain walls. At first, was studied the Ising model on a square lattice, in which there is the competition between the exchange interaction, which favors a uniform state, and the dipolar interaction, which favors the presence of domains. The equilibrium domains have the structure of symmetric stripes or bands, breaking the isotropy of the system. In the second part of the study, it is added to the system an external magnetic field, which is homogeneous; this field favors a preferential orientation of stripes, generating a modulation pattern of asymmetric bands. This external field is also in competition with the dipolar interaction, favoring the uniform state. Recent experiments [1, 2] show an inverse phase transition uniform-modulated-uniform, as the temperature is reduced at fixed external field. Analytical results in a Ginzburg- Landau model [3] show the reentrant curve field vs. temperature, near the critical point, where the model is valid. In the zero field case, we analyzed the system behavior with growing values of the parameter δ, which measures the relative intensity between the exchange and dipolar interactions. We observe that, for large values of δ, the system displays a large metastability and the modulation period of stripes grows strongly near the transition. In the region of large δ , the half-period of modulation h, follows the relation h(δ) ∼ eδ/2, according to studies conducted in [4]. At high temperatures the additional degrees of freedom of mean-field model increase the entropy of the system, reducing the free energy of the stripe phase. At low temperatures the domain walls becomes narrower and the corresponding degrees of freedom frozen, which eventually induces an inverse transition to the homogenous phase. We also show that, for growing external field at constant temperature, the stripe width grows strongly when approaching the critical field line, and diverges at the transition. Our goal is to obtain the phase diagram for the Ising model on this system, and explain the origin of the inverse symmetry breaking transition observed in ultrathin magnetic films with perpendicular anisotropy.

Holographic Cross-connection for Optical Ising Machine Based on Multi-core Fiber Laser

Liu, Lichuan, Liu, Lichuan January 2017 (has links)
A method of holographic cross-connection is proposed for an Optical Ising machine system. The designed optical Ising machine based on multi-core fiber laser is introduced, including the theory of computation, history of optical computing, the concept of Ising model, the significance of optical Ising machine, the method to achieve Ising machine optically. The cross-connection part is based on computer-generated holograms (CGH), which is produced by Gerchburg-Saxton algorithm. The coupling coefficient between two channels as well as the phase change are controlled by CGHs. The design of holograms is discussed. The instrument used to display holograms is phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) from HOLOEYE company. The optical system needed in this project, such as collimation lens and relay lens, is designed using Zemax. The system is first evaluated in Zemax simulation, and then constructed experimentally. The results show that we can control amplitude and phase of the reinjection beam at Multi-core fiber. Further experiment should be done to conclude that the control of the cross coupling between channels is achieved by displaying different holograms.

Estudio de la competición entre interacciones de corto largo alcance en el Modelo de Blume Capel de espín 5/2

Murillo Pariona, Denis Américo January 2019 (has links)
En física estadística, uno de los mayores desafíos es calcular la función de partición de un sistema de muchos cuerpos interactuantes. La primera aproximación consiste en reducir el problema de muchos cuerpos al problema de un solo cuerpo, esto se logra al considerar las interacciones que afectan a una partícula como un promedio sobre éstas. Puede ser demostrado que esta aproximación es equivalente a tener un sistema donde cada partícula interactúa con todas las otras con la misma intensidad J, estas interacciones son llamadas interacciones de tipo campo medio, de esta manera la función de partición puede ser fácilmente calculada. Sin embargo, en modelos magnéticos la aproximación de campo medio puede afectar la topología de los diagramas de fase que describen las fronteras que separan las diferentes fases magnéticas que pueden existir. Se ha demostrado que los resultados de la aproximación de campo medio son exactos cuando el sistema se encuentra en infinitas dimensiones. A veces pueden surgir fases o tipos de frontera en la aproximación de campo medio que en un determinado modelo no existen debajo de cierta dimensión llamada dimensión crítica superior. En el presente trabajo la física estadística del modelo de Blume Capel con espín 5/2 es estudiada al introducir una competencia entre interacciones ferromagnéticas J de tipo campo medio con interacciones antiferromagnéticas K de corto alcance en una cadena lineal de N espínes. El objetivo de este trabajo es observar cómo la topología de los diagramas de fase evoluciona a partir del comportamiento magnético en campo medio (correspondiente a altas dimensiones), al introducir interacciones antiferromagnéticas de corto alcance estas crean un conflicto entre ferromagnetismo de altas dimensiones con antiferromagnetismo de bajas dimensiones. Los cálculos se han realizado tomando el límite termodinámico (N → ∞). Para el desarrollo de la presente investigación se estudió el caso particular de S = 5/2 basado en el progreso de trabajos anteriores con S = 1 y S = 3/2 y mediante un procedimiento de minimización de energía libre basado en la construcción de un algoritmo en lenguaje C que busca el valor de la magnetización que minimiza la energía libre con la finalidad de conseguir cada punto relevante del diagrama de fase. Por lo tanto, los diagramas de fase fueron obtenidos al encontrar el parámetro de orden correspondiente al equilibrio en el plano T − D para diferentes valores de K, donde T es la temperatura y D la constante de anisotropía del modelo de Blume Capel. En temperatura nula, el diagrama de fase fue hecho en plano D versus K minimizando la energía del Hamiltoniano. La magnetización es el parámetro de orden ferromagnético, mientras que el parámetro de orden antiferromagnético es una función de las magnetizaciones de las subredes que se forman. Cabe resaltar que el diagrama de fase a temperatura nula es fundamental para entender los diagramas de fase en temperatura finita. En T = 0, el diagrama se divide esencialmente en dos tipos de fases, fases ferromagnéticas para K/J < 0. 25 y fases antiferromagnéticas para K/J > 0. 25, estas últimas solo existen en T = 0, debido a que son producidas por interacciones unidimensionales. Por otro lado, en temperatura finita, a medida que aumenta el valor de K surgen topologías complejas debido al surgimiento de más fronteras que limitan nuevas fases que van apareciendo de regiones pequeñas en el diagrama a temperatura nula. Para K/J > 0. 25 todo orden magnético desaparece en T > 0, existiendo solo la fase paramagnética. Es importante resaltar que toda frontera de segundo orden desaparece para cierto valor de K = K∗ , tal que K∗/J < 0. 25. Por lo tanto, para K∗/J < K/J < 0. 25, todas las fronteras que limitan las fases ferromagnéticas son de primer orden. Se encontró, además, un comportamiento anómalo de la magnetización para ciertas regiones del diagrama de fases, donde la magnetización aumenta con la temperatura. Los resultados de esta tesis contribuyeron parcialmente al artículo publicado en Phys. Lett. A 382, 3325 (2018), que fue un trabajo en colaboración con otro grupo de investigación. / Tesis

Optimal Move Class For Simulated Annealing With Underlying Optimal Schedule

Hartwig, Ines 26 July 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Versuch der Optimierung von Simulated Annealing. Genauer gesagt, werden Simulationsergebnisse für einfache Spinglassysteme in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Nachbarschaftsmodellen berechnet – jeweils unter Verwendung des optimalen Abkühlverlaufs. Ziel ist es, eine Faustregel für die dynamische Anpassung der Nachbarschaftsbeziehung während einer Annealing-Simulation zu finden. / The thesis at hand presents an attempt to optimize simulated annealing. In particular, annealing results are computed based on different move class definitions for Ising spin systems while simultaneously applying an existing algorithm to determine the optimal temperature schedule for each case. The aim is to find a rule of thumb for dynamic adjustment of the move class during an annealing run.

Nukleace v komplexních systémech / Nucleation in complex systems

Kulveit, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Title: Nucleation in complex systems Author: Jan Kulveit Institute: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Supervisor: prof. Pavel Demo, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy ofSciences, Department of Optical Materials Abstract: We studied nucleation in progressively more abstract contexts and systems, starting from classical nucleation theory and ending with nucleation in complex networks. The cases studied include impurity nucleation in a solid matrix on several alkali halide crystals, where we determined formation energies for clusters, treated as defects, starting from single impurity-vacancy dipole and small aggregates to possible configurations of larger clusters. In the next part, we turn to the study of heterogeneous nucleation. While in the usual treatment of heterogeneous nucleation the surface energy is assumed to be homogenous, we ask the question what happens if we consider the surface energy to be heteroge- neous.Utilizing umbrella sampling computer simulations we find the nucleation barrier can be significantly lowered in the presence of surface heterogeneity, even if the average surface energy is kept constant. In the last part we study influence of clustering coefficient on phase transitions in scale-free networks, using forward flux sampling (FFS). Keywords: nucleation,...

Properties of cluster-size heterogeneity near the phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model

Kauppi, Renée January 2020 (has links)
Two different definitions of cluster-size heterogeneity are investigated as well as correlation time of different quantities using the Metropolis algorithm and the Wolff algorithm. It is confirmed that the correlation time multiplied by the computation time is lower for the Wolff algorithm in an area around the critical temperature. It is also confirmed that one definition of the heterogeneity has a local maximum at the critical temperature where as the other has an abrupt change in derivative. The local maximum appears with L ≥ 64 and it is predicted but not verified that systems with L &gt; 43 have such a maximum. The relationship between the number of distinct cluster sizes for clusters with spin-up and spin-down is investigated and it is observed that these transition from being significantly different at lower temperatures to being mostly similar at higher temperatures. The point of transition appears to be near the critical temperature.

Un nouveau regard sur les interfaces dans les modèles de percolation et d'Ising / A new look at the interfaces in the percolation and Ising models

Zhou, Wei 25 June 2019 (has links)
Les interfaces dans les modèles de percolation et d'Ising jouent un rôle crucial dans la compréhension de ces modèles et sont au coeur de plusieurs problématiques : la construction de Wulff, le mouvement par courbure moyenne, la théorie du SLE. Dans son célèbre article de 1972, Roland Dobrushin a montré que le modèle d'Ising en dimension d ≥ 3 admet une mesure de Gibbs qui n'est pas invariante par translation à l'aide d'une étude sur l'interface entre le haut et le bas d'une boîte droite de taille finie. Le cas d'une boîte penchée est très différent et plus difficile à analyser. Nous proposons dans cette thèse une nouvelle définition de l'interface. Cette définition est construite dans le modèle de percolation Bernoulli à l'aide d'un couplage dynamique de deux configurations. Nous montrons que cette interface est localisée autour des arêtes pivot à une distance d'ordre de ln²n dans une boîte de taille n. Notre méthode de preuve utilise les chemins espace-temps, qui permettent de contrôler la vitesse de déplacement de l'interface. Nous montrons aussi que la vitesse des arêtes pivot est au plus de l’ordre de ln n. Nous étendons ces résultats au modèle de FK-percolation, nous montrons aussi la localisation de l'interface à distance d'ordre ln²n autour des arêtes pivot. En utilisant une modification du couplage classique d'Edwards-Sokal, nous obtenons des résultats analogues sur la localisation de l'interface dans le modèle d'Ising. / The interfaces in the percolation and Ising models play an important role in the understanding of these models and are at the heart of several problematics: the Wulff construction, the mean curvature motion and the SLE theory. In his famous 1972 paper, Roland Dobrushin showed that the Ising model in dimensions d ≥ 3 has a Gibbs measure which is not invariant by translation by studying the interface between the top and the bottom of a straight finite box. The case of a tilted box is very different and more difficult to analyse. In this thesis, we propose a new definition of the interface. This definition is constructed in the Bernoulli percolation model with the help of a dynamical coupling between two configurations. We show that this interface is localized around the pivotal edges within a distance of order ln²n inside a box of size n. The proof relies on space-time paths which allow us to control the speed of the interface. We also show that the speed of the pivotal edges is at most of order ln n. We extend these results to the FK-percolation model, we also show the localization of the interface at distance of order ln²n around the pivotal edges. Using a modification of the classical Edwards-Sokal coupling, we obtain analogous results on the localization of the interface in the Ising model.

Aspects of Conformal Field theory

Agback, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Quantum field theories are very good at describing the world around us but use complicated computations that cannot always be solved exactly. Introducing conformal symmetry to quantum field theory can reduce this complexity and allow for quite simple calculation in the best case. This report aims to describe the critical part of the Ising model in 2 dimensions using conformal field theory while assuming only some knowledge of quantum mechanics and complex analysis from the reader. This is done by using the book Conformal Field Theory as the source for information about conformal field theory. / Kvantfältteorier är mycket bra på att beskriva verkligheten runt om oss men de använder sig av avancerade beräkningar som inte alltid kan lösas exakt. Genom att ge systemet konform symmetri så kan dessa avancerade beräkningar förenklas och bli ganska enkla i de bästa fallen. Målet med denna rapport är att beskriva hur en modell som kallas för "Ising model" kan beskrivas i sitt kritiska tillstånd med hjälp utav konform fältteori. Läsaren antas kunna kvantmekanik samt komplex analys. Informationen om konform fältteori hämtas ifrån boken Conformal Field Theory

Critical Phenomena in Topologically Disordered Systems / Kritische Phänomene in topologisch ungeordneten Systemen

Schrauth, Manuel January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Clearly, in nature, but also in technological applications, complex systems built in an entirely ordered and regular fashion are the exception rather than the rule. In this thesis we explore how critical phenomena are influenced by quenched spatial randomness. Specifically, we consider physical systems undergoing a continuous phase transition in the presence of topological disorder, where the underlying structure, on which the system evolves, is given by a non-regular, discrete lattice. We therefore endeavour to achieve a thorough understanding of the interplay between collective dynamics and quenched randomness. According to the intriguing concept of universality, certain laws emerge from collectively behaving many-body systems at criticality, almost regardless of the precise microscopic realization of interactions in those systems. As a consequence, vastly different phenomena show striking similarities at their respective phase transitions. In this dissertation we pursue the question of whether the universal properties of critical phenomena are preserved when the system is subjected to topological perturbations. For this purpose, we perform numerical simulations of several prototypical systems of statistical physics which show a continuous phase transition. In particular, the equilibrium spin-1/2 Ising model and its generalizations represent -- among other applications -- fairly natural approaches to model magnetism in solids, whereas the non-equilibrium contact process serves as a toy model for percolation in porous media and epidemic spreading. Finally, the Manna sandpile model is strongly related to the concept of self-organized criticality, where a complex dynamic system reaches a critical state without fine-tuning of external variables. Our results reveal that the prevailing understanding of the influence of topological randomness on critical phenomena is insufficient. In particular, by considering very specific and newly developed lattice structures, we are able to show that -- contrary to the popular opinion -- spatial correlations in the number of interacting neighbours are not a key measure for predicting whether disorder ultimately alters the behaviour of a given critical system. / Ohne Zweifel stellen vollständig regelmäßig aufgebaute komplexe Systeme sowohlin der Natur als auch in technischen Anwendungen eher die Ausnahme als die Regel dar. In dieser Arbeit erforschen wir, wie sogenannte kritische Phänomene durch eingefrorene räumliche Unordnung beeinflusst werden. Konkret untersuchen wir physikalische Systeme, welche einen kontinuierlichen Phasenübergang aufweisen, in Gegenwart von topologischer Unordnung. Die räumliche Struktur, auf der sich das dynamische System entwickelt, ist in diesem Fall durch ein unregelmäßiges diskretes Gitter gegeben. Die Erlangung eines tiefergehenden Verständnisses des Zusammenspiels von physikalischer Dynamik und räumlicher Unordnung kann daher als das Hauptziel unserer Unternehmung angesehen werden. Ein gleichermaßen faszinierendes wie zentrales Konzept in der statistischen Physik stellt die sogenannte Universalität dar, gemäß welcher das kollektive Verhaltenvon Vielkörpersystemen im kritischen Bereich nahezu unabhängig von der spezifischen mikroskopischen Realisierung der Wechselwirkungen ist. Als Konsequenz sind selbst in völlig unterschiedlichen Systemen bemerkenswerte Ähnlichkeiten an den jeweiligen Phasenübergängen beobachtbar. Diese Dissertation geht nun der Frage nach, inwieweit diese universalen Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben, wenn das System topologischen Störungen ausgesetzt wird. Zu diesem Zweck werden umfangreiche numerische Monte-Carlo-Simulationen von einigen prototypischen Systemen, welche einen kontinuierlichen Phasenübergang aufweisen, durchgef ührt. Ein prominentes Beispiel für ein System im thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht stellt dabeidas Spin-1/2 Ising-Modell dar, welches unter anderem magnetische Eigenschaftenvon Festkörpern modelliert. Zusätzlich werden auch Systeme fernab des Gleichgewichts behandelt, wie etwa der Kontaktprozess, welcher ein vereinfachtes Modell für Perkolationsprozesse in porösen Stoffen oder auch für die Ausbreitung von Epidemien darstellt, sowie spezielle Modelle, welche in engem Zusammenhang mit selbstorganisiertem kritischen Verhalten stehen. Unsere Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass der Einfluss von topologischen Störungen auf kritische Phänomene derzeit noch unzureichend verstanden ist. Insbesondere gelingt es uns mittels spezieller eigens entwickelter Gitterkonstruktionen zu zeigen, dass lokale räumliche Korrelationen in der Anzahl von wechselwirkenden Nachbarn, entgegen weitläufiger Meinung, kein adäquates Maß sind, um den Einfluss von Unordnung auf das Verhalten eines kritischen Systems vorhersagen zu können.

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