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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


van Galen, Zachary January 2023 (has links)
Stable Unbonded Fibre Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SU-FREI) have been investigated extensively for seismic applications, with over 20 years of literature supporting their use in isolation of structures as an alternative to conventional Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SREI). Preliminary investigations have been conducted into their potential use as bridge bearings, where they could provide an alternative to unreinforced and steel reinforced elastomeric bearings. SU-FREI offer a number of potential advantages in this application relative to SREI, including compactness due to thinner reinforcement layers, ease of installation, rotational tolerances, and ease of manufacture. Recently, SU-FREI have been installed under certain highway bridges along the 407 ETR where the previous unreinforced elastomeric bearings had experienced failure. Monitoring has been conducted by Associated Engineering for the 407 ETR Corporation. Data was collected from this monitoring program and field visits have been conducted to observe the condition of the bearings. The original design process used for the SU-FREI bearings has also been reviewed. The monitoring data was compared against design calculations, and the behavior of the SU-FREI analysed to determine whether they meet performance expectations and are suitable for further use as bridge bearings. It was found that some SU-FREI had experienced degradation, including the appearance of an unidentified liquid. The causes of deterioration were investigated and postulated to be primarily related to design limitations imposed by the geometry of the bridges, original design calculation assumptions, and installation issues. Where these factors were not present, the SU-FREI bearings were found to have experienced little to no deterioration. Furthermore, it was determined through comparative design calculations that the FREI outperformed equivalent SREI with regard to rotational capacity. Recommendations have been developed for future deployment of SU-FREI as bridge bearings. Based on the results of initial deployments, larger-scale employment of SU-FREI in this application should be considered. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Concrete and steel bridges deform due to temperature changes, traffic motion, and other factors. To allow these deformations without inducing large forces or damage, bearings are employed between the bridge deck and supports. One type of bearing consists of alternating layers of rubber and steel: steel strengthens the bearing, while the rubber provides lateral and rotational flexibility. A relatively new type of bearing has been developed and tested that replaces the steel layers with carbon fibre. Recently, several of these new SU-FREI bearings have been installed on actual highway bridges. The focus of this thesis is on the performance of SU-FREI installed as bridge bearings. The goal was to observe their performance, identify any unexpected behavior, and create recommendations for future consideration whenever SU-FREI are to be used as bridge bearings. Generally, it was found that their performance is satisfactory provided they are designed and used appropriately.

Emergent phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems: Auxiliary particle approach to the many-body problem / Emergente Phänomene in stark korrelierten Elektronensystemen: Hilfsteilchenansatz für das Vielteilchenproblem

Riegler, David January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Emergent phenomena in condensed matter physics like, e.g., magnetism, superconductivity, or non-trivial topology often come along with a surprise and exert great fascination to researchers up to this day. Within this thesis, we are concerned with the analysis of associated types of order that arise due to strong electronic interactions and focus on the high-\(T_c\) cuprates and Kondo systems as two prime candidates. The underlying many-body problem cannot be solved analytically and has given rise to the development of various approximation techniques to tackle the problem. In concrete terms, we apply the auxiliary particle approach to investigate tight-binding Hamiltonians subject to a Hubbard interaction term to account for the screened Coulomb repulsion. Thereby, we adopt the so-called Kotliar-Ruckenstein slave-boson representation that reduces the problem to non-interacting quasiparticles within a mean-field approximation. Part I provides a pedagogical review of the theory and generalizes the established formalism to encompass Gaussian fluctuations around magnetic ground states as a crucial step to obtaining novel results. Part II addresses the two-dimensional one-band Hubbard model, which is known to approximately describe the physics of the high-\(T_c\) cuprates that feature high-temperature superconductivity and various other exotic quantum phases that are not yet fully understood. First, we provide a comprehensive slave-boson analysis of the model, including the discussion of incommensurate magnetic phases, collective modes, and a comparison to other theoretical methods that shows that our results can be massively improved through the newly implemented fluctuation corrections. Afterward, we focus on the underdoped regime and find an intertwining of spin and charge order signaled by divergences of the static charge susceptibility within the antiferromagnetic domain. There is experimental evidence for such inhomogeneous phases in various cuprate materials, which has recently aroused interest because such correlations are believed to impact the formation of Cooper pairs. Our analysis identifies two distinct charge-ordering vectors, one of which can be attributed to a Fermi-surface nesting effect and quantitatively fits experimental data in \(\mathrm{Nd}_{2-\mathrm{x}}\mathrm{Ce}_\mathrm{x}\mathrm{CuO}_4\) (NCCO), an electron-doped cuprate compound. The other resembles the so-called Yamada relation implying the formation of periodic, double-occupied domain walls with a crossover to phase separation for small dopings. Part III investigates Kondo systems by analyzing the periodic Anderson model and its generalizations. First, we consider Kondo metals and detect weakly magnetized ferromagnetic order in qualitative agreement with experimental observations, which hinders the formation of heavy fermions. Nevertheless, we suggest two different parameter regimes that could host a possible Kondo regime in the context of one or two conduction bands. The part is concluded with the study of topological order in Kondo insulators based on a three-dimensional model with centrosymmetric spin-orbit coupling. Thereby, we classify topologically distinct phases through appropriate \(\mathbb{Z}_2\) invariants and consider paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic mean-field ground states. Our model parameters are chosen to specifically describe samarium hexaboride (\(\mbox{SmB}_6\)), which is widely believed to be a topological Kondo insulator, and we identify topologically protected surface states in agreement with experimental evidence in that material. Moreover, our theory predicts the emergence of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator featuring one-dimensional hinge-states as the signature of higher-order topology in the strong coupling regime. While the nature of the true ground state is still under debate, corresponding long-range magnetic order has been observed in pressurized or alloyed \(\mbox{SmB}_6\), and recent experimental findings point towards non-trivial topology under these circumstances. The ability to understand and control topological systems brings forth promising applications in the context of spintronics and quantum computing. / Emergente Phänomene in der Physik der kondensierten Materie, wie z. B. Magnetismus, Supraleitung oder nicht-triviale Topologie gehen oft mit Überraschungen einher und faszinieren Wissenschaftler bis heute. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit der Analyse damit assoziierter Art von Ordnung, die durch starke elektronische Wechselwirkungen entsteht und konzentrieren uns auf die Kuprat-Hochtemperatursupraleiter und Kondo-Systeme als zwei prominente Kandidaten. Das zugrunde liegende Vielteilchenproblem kann nicht analytisch gelöst werden und hat zur Entwicklung vielfältiger Näherungsverfahren geführt, um das Problem anzugehen. Konkret wenden wir den Hilfsteilchenansatz an, um tight-binding Hamiltonoperatoren zu untersuchen, die einen Hubbard-Wechselwirkungsterm aufweisen, um die abgeschirmte Coulomb-Abstoßung zu berücksichtigen. Dabei benutzen wir die sogenannte Kotliar-Ruckenstein-Slave-Boson-Darstellung, die das Problem im Rahmen einer Molekularfeldnäherung auf nicht-wechselwirkende Quasiteilchen zurückführt. Teil I beinhaltet eine pädagogisch aufgearbeitete Zusammenfassung der Theorie und verallgemeinert durch die Berücksichtigung Gaußscher Fluktuationen um magnetische Grundzustände den etablierten Formalismus, was sich als entscheidender Schritt herausstellt, um neuartige Ergebnisse erzielen zu können. Teil II befasst sich mit dem zweidimensionalen Einband-Hubbard-Modell, von dem bekannt ist, dass es näherungsweise die Physik der Kuprat-Hochtemperatursupraleiter beschreibt, welche Hochtemperatursupraleitung und verschiedene andere exotische Quantenphasen aufweisen, die noch nicht vollständig verstanden sind. Zunächst machen wir eine ausführliche Slave-Boson-Analyse des Modells, einschließlich der Diskussion inkommensurabler magnetischer Phasen, kollektiver Moden und eines Vergleichs mit anderen theoretischen Methoden, der zeigt, dass unsere Ergebnisse durch die neu implementierten Fluktuationskorrekturen massiv verbessert werden können. Danach konzentrieren wir uns auf den unterdotierten Bereich und finden eine Verflechtung von Spin- und Ladungsordnung, die durch Divergenzen der statischen Ladungssuszeptibilität innerhalb der antiferromagnetischen Domäne signalisiert wird. Es gibt experimentelle Hinweise auf derartige inhomogene Phasen in verschiedenen Kuprat-Materialien, was in letzter Zeit vermehrt Interesse geweckt hat, da angenommen wird, dass entsprechende Korrelationen die Bildung von Cooper-Paaren beeinflussen. Unsere Analyse identifiziert zwei unterschiedliche Ladungsordnungsvektoren, von denen einer einem Fermi-Flächeneffekt zugeschrieben werden kann und quantitativ zu experimentellen Daten von \(\mathrm{Nd}_{2-\mathrm{x}}\mathrm{Ce}_\mathrm{x}\mathrm{CuO}_4\) (NCCO), einer elektronendotierten Kupratverbindung, passt. Der andere erinnert an die sogenannte Yamada-Beziehung und impliziert die Bildung von periodischen, doppelt besetzten Domänenwänden und einem Übergang zu Phasenseperation für kleine Dotierungen. Teil III untersucht Kondo-Systeme durch Analyse des periodischen Anderson-Modells und seiner Verallgemeinerungen. Zunächst betrachten wir Kondo-Metalle und finden schwach magnetisierte ferromagnetische Ordnung in qualitativer Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Beobachtungen, welche die Bildung von schweren Fermionen hemmt. Dennoch identifizieren wir zwei verschiedene Parameterbereiche, die ein mögliches Kondo-Regime im Kontext von einem oder zwei Leitungsbändern beherbergen könnten. Der Teil wird mit der Untersuchung topologischer Ordnung in Kondo-Isolatoren basierend auf einem dreidimensionalen Modell mit zentrosymmetrischer Spin-Bahn-Kopplung abgeschlossen. Dabei klassifizieren wir topologisch unterscheidbare Phasen durch geeignete \(\mathbb{Z}_2\)-Invarianten und betrachten paramagnetische und antiferromagnetische Molekularfeld-Grundzustände. Unsere Modellparameter wurden gewählt, um insbesondere Samariumhexaborid (\(\mbox{SmB}_6\)) zu beschreiben, von dem allgemein angenommen wird, dass es sich um einen topologischen Kondo-Isolator handelt, und wir identifizieren topologisch geschützte Oberflächenzustände in Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Befunden in diesem Material. Darüber hinaus sagt unsere Theorie die Emergenz eines antiferromagnetischen topologischen Isolators mit eindimensionalen Randzuständen als Merkmal von Topologie höherer Ordnung im Parameterbereich starker Korrelationen voraus. Während das Wesen des korrekten Grundzustands noch umstritten ist, wurde eine entsprechende langreichweitige magnetische Ordnung in unter Druck stehendem oder legiertem \(\mbox{SmB}_6\) beobachtet und kürzliche experimentelle Befunde weisen unter diesen Umständen auf nicht-triviale Topologie hin. Die Fähigkeit, topologische Systeme zu verstehen und zu kontrollieren, bringt vielversprechende Anwendungen im Kontext von Spintronik und Quantencomputing hervor.

Dynamic response of damped attachments in fighter applications / Dynamisk respons av dämpade infästen i stridsflyg

Nordström, Katja January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of vibration isolators on circuit boards during harsh vibrationenvironments that occur when they are mounted on the wings of a fighter jet. To examine thisphenomenon, a mathematical model and a simulated model were developed to determine theresonant frequencies of the circuit board under various boundary conditions. Subsequently, theresonant frequencies of the circuit board were validated through experimental tests, allowing forthe establishment of the material properties of the circuit board. In order to prevent structuralfailure, this thesis employs α-gel dampers as the damped attachments for the circuit board.These vibration isolators belong to the category of silicone gel dampers and were evaluatedthrough experimental vibration testing. The two employed vibration isolators are denoted asmodels A1 and A2, exhibiting respective damping ratios of 0.1 and 0.05. By utilizing thesevibration isolators during the experimental vibration tests, the structure demonstrated resilienceagainst natural frequency coupling, thereby preventing failure. / Den här masteruppsatsen undersöker effekten av vibrationsisolatorer på kretskort under detuffa vibrationsmiljöer som sker vid vingarna på ett stridsflyg. För att undersöka detta såanvänds en matematisk modell samt en simulerad modell för att hitta resonansfekvensernaför kretskorten vid olika randvillkor. Resonansfrekvenserna från modellerna jämfördes medresonansfrekvenserna som kom tillhanda efter vibrationsprover och med dem så kunde ävenmaterialegenskaperna bestämmas. För att unvika kollaps av strukturen användes α-geldämpare till kretskorten. Dessa dämpare är gjorde av silikongel och utvärderades genomexperimentella vibrationsprover. Dessa vibrationsisolatorer var av modell A1 och A2 ochkorresponderande modell hade dämpningsförhållande 0.1 respektive 0.05. Genom att användadessa vibrationsiolatorer under de experimentella virbationstesterna så undvek strukturenkollaps genom att resonansfrekvenserna inte triggades.

Seismic Fragility Assessment of As-built and Retrofitted Bridges using Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolator

Alesahebfosoul, Seyyedsaber January 2022 (has links)
Highway bridges are considered to be one of the most susceptible constituents of transportation networks when they are subjected to severe natural hazards such as earthquakes and environmental exposures like subfreezing temperatures. To facilitate and enhance pre-hazard event mitigation and post-hazard emergency response strategies, probabilistic risk assessment methodologies have attracted increased attention, recently. Seismic fragility assessment is one of the probabilistic techniques which predicts the damage risk of the structure for a given hazard level. While fragility curves can be developed using different methods, such as expert-based, empirical, experimental, analytical, and hybrid, analytical fragility curves are perceived to be the most reliable and least biased technique. Seismic isolation systems are prevalently used in bridge structures to mitigate the damage risk of bridge components against natural hazards. However, the effectiveness of implementing recently emerged isolators such as Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SU-FREI) should be examined by developing analytical fragility curves of retrofitted bridges and quantifying the mitigation in the damage probability of different bridge components. In this regard, incorporating the Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) is critical since the lateral response of bridges relies on the relative stiffness of bridge components, such as columns and isolators and the supporting soil. In addition, all bridge components are exposed to environmental stressors like subfreezing temperature that can alter the seismic response of bridges. In the first phase of this thesis, a seismic fragility assessment is carried out on an existing multi-span continuous reinforced concrete bridge. Two bridge representations are developed to simulate the as-built bridge along with its retrofitted counterpart utilizing SU-FREI. An Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is conducted using 45 synthetic ground motion records developed for eastern Canada and damage limit states are applied to generate fragility curves and determine the probability of damage to different bridge components. Bridges are analyzed in longitudinal and transverse directions, independently, and component- and system-level fragility curves are developed. In the second phase, the previously generated bridge models are expanded to incorporate the SSI effects by introducing the pile groups under piers and abutments. Several interactions including deck-abutment, abutment-embankment, pile-soil, and pile-soil-pile interactions are considered. A significant challenge in this phase is the accurate simulation of the lateral and vertical behavior of pile groups since all pile groups comprised of closely-spaced vertical and battered piles. A ground motion suite consisting of 45 ground motions has been selected, which reflects the seismicity of the bridge site. IDA is conducted to monitor the seismic performance of the bridge from the elastic linear region up to collapse. Fragility curves, which serve as an important decision-support tool have been developed to identify the potential seismic risk of the bridge. In the third phase, a multi-hazard assessment is carried out by conditioning the previously developed bridge models (i.e. monolithic fixed-base, isolated fixed-base, monolithic with SSI, and isolated with SSI) to a range of room and subfreezing temperatures and applying a seismic excitation, simultaneously. The cold temperature behavior of the constitutive materials of different bridge components, namely, concrete, reinforcing steel, rubber, and the supporting soil are studied and reflected in the bridge models. IDA is performed and damage potential of different bridge components are quantified. In summary, it is demonstrated that SU-FREI is a competing alternative for seismic isolation of bridges by offering potentially less manufacturing time and cost, lower weight, and easier installation which is an attractive feature for accelerated bridge construction applications. In all three phases, it is shown that the bridges which are isolated using SU-FREI have improved seismic performance in comparison with monolithic bridges by exhibiting lower probability of damage to the primary bridge components like columns and pile caps and transferring the damage to less important components such as abutments at which damage does not cause bridge closure. In addition, it is shown that seismic isolation using SU-FREI can effectively mitigate the seismic demand and damage potential of the constitutive components of a bridge supported by weak soil. While occurrence of seismic events along with an environmental stressor such as cold temperature can drastically jeopardize the functionality of a bridge supported by weak soil, it is demonstrated that seismic isolation using SU-FREI can significantly alleviate the probability of damage to bridge components. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Identification of Multi-Dimensional Elastic and Dissipation Properties of Elastomeric Vibration Isolators

Ramesh, Ram S. 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic Analysis of Fractionally-Damped Elastomeric and Hydraulic Vibration Isolators

Fredette, Luke January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Test Equipment for Physical Testing of Vibration Isolator / Testutrustning för fysisk testning av vibrationsisolator

ALVETEG, ADAM, JOHANSSON, MARKUS January 2021 (has links)
Vibrations is a phenomenon that can cause problems to systems if not dealt with. In heavy duty trucks, vibrations are mainly caused by uneven roads and from the combustion engine. Vibrations can damage components, reduce their service life and cause discomfort for the driver. To manage the problem, vibration isolators can be used to absorb energy and thus reduce the vibrations. Rubber is a commonly used material for vibration isolators thanks to its viscoelastic properties. However, due to the characteristics of rubber, there are difficulties to make accurate simulation models of components such as vibration isolators. To improve the accuracy in simulations, physical testing can be performed to measure the material properties and characteristics such as hysteresis to get a better understanding of how the material and the component will behave. The purpose of the master thesis was to generate and develop concepts of a test rig for a specific vibration isolator from Scania where the force as a function of displacement in the component’s Z-direction should be measured as well as the force in the component’s Y-direction. Further, the component should be compressed in a vertical linear motion. Based on the background information, the following research questions were stated: - How can a hysteresis curve based on frequency input be found by performing physical testing? - How can a test rig be designed to test and measure the material properties of a rubber component in order to parametrize the material? The vibration isolator was investigated and analyzed. From the analysis, seven concepts were generated and were evaluated with a Pugh matrix. From the evaluation, two concepts were chosen to be further developed before a final evaluation using a desirability chart was made. The master thesis resulted in two concepts that were developed named Hinged beam and Guiding plates. Guiding plates was the concept that scored the best in the final evaluation, but the concepts had different strength and weaknesses. Both concepts fulfilled the requirement of compressing the vibration isolator in a vertical linear motion but the measurement of the force in the component’s Y-direction needs to be further investigated. / Vibrationer är ett fenomen som kan orsaka problem för olika typer av system om det inte hanteras. I lastbilar är vibrationer huvudsakligen orsakade av ojämnt underlag samt av förbränningsmotorn. Vibrationerna kan orsaka skada på komponenter, reducera deras livslängd och även orsaka obehag för föraren. Det här problemet kan hanteras genom användning av vibrationsisolatorer som minskar effekten fr.n vibrationerna genom att absorbera dess energi. Gummi är ett material som ofta används för att isolera vibrationer tack vare dess viskoelastiska egenskaper. Egenskaperna gör det dock svårt att skapa noggranna simuleringsmodeller av komponenter så som vibrationsisolatorer. För att öka noggrannheten i simuleringarna kan fysisk testning genomföras och materialegenskaper så som hysteres kan mätas för att få en bättre förståelse för hur både material och komponent beter sig med olika laster. Syftet med det här masterexamensarbetet var att generera och utveckla koncept för testriggar för en specifik vibrationsisolator tillhandahållen av Scania. Kraft som funktion av förskjutning i komponentens Z-riktning samt kraft i dess Y-riktning skulle vara möjligt att mätas. Utöver det var ett krav att komponenten endast ska komprimeras i en vertikal linjär rörelse. Baserat på bakgrundinformationen kunde följande forskningsfrågor formuleras: - Hur kan en frekvensbaserad hystereskurva tas fram genom fysisk testning? - Hur kan en testrigg designas för att kunna testa och mäta materialegenskaper hos en gummikomponent för att kunna parametrisera materialet? Vibrationsisolatorn undersöktes och analyserades. Efter analysen genererades sju koncept som utvärderades med en Pugh matris. Utvärderingen resulterade i att de två bäst presterande koncepten valdes för vidareutveckling innan en sista utvärdering genomfördes med hjälp av ett så kallat desirability chart. Masterexamensarbetet resulterade i två koncept som vidareutvecklades, ett som kallas Hinged beam och ett vid namn Guiding plates. Guiding plates var det konceptet som presterade bäst i den slutgiltiga utvärderingen, men de olika koncepten har dock olika styrkor och svagheter. Båda koncepten uppnådde kraven gällande att kompression av vibrationsisolatorn endast ska ske i en vertikal rätlinjig rörelse men hur krafterna i komponentens Y-riktning ska mätas behöver vidare undersökning.

The Effect of Temperature on Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators

Sciascetti, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
During strong ground motions, structures equipped with base isolation systems have been shown to have their seismic demand significantly reduced, mitigating adverse effects such as damage and loss of life. More recently, the fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolator (FREI) has been investigated as a relatively new type of isolator for the base isolation of structures. Constructed from alternating layers of elastomer and carbon-fiber cloth, FREI can be produced in large pads that can be cut to any desired size and shape when required. In bridges, FREI can to be used in an unbonded application (U-FREI) by placing them between the bridge deck and the piers. Experimental and numerical investigations have shown U-FREI as a viable option for the isolation of bridges. However, experimental studies have been limited to room temperature testing. In North America, climates vary drastically across the continent. Northern climates, such as those existent in Canada, are capable of reaching extremely low temperatures. Thus, base isolated bridges in these regions require isolation systems that perform adequately at cold temperatures. The studies presented in this dissertation have been completed in order to investigate the effects that low temperatures have on U-FREI used in bridge structures. An experimental program was conducted that evaluated the behaviour of U-FREI. It was found that U-FREI performed adequately under lateral displacements expected during a seismic event, and provided acceptable response under vertical and rotational testing that is typical of normal bridge operation. Using these results, a numerical model for U-FREI was then updated to account for the effects of low temperature. The model was combined with a bridge model to evaluate the seismic response of a bridge structure isolated with U-FREI subjected to low temperatures. A substantial reduction in seismic demand was achieved, even under the most severe conditions tested. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Surface wave reduction in antenna arrays using metasurface inclusion for MIMO and SAR systems

Alibakhshikenari, M., Virdee, B.S., See, C.H., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Falcone, F., Limiti, E. 19 October 2019 (has links)
Yes / An effective method is presented for suppressing mutual coupling between adjacent radiating elements which is based on metasurface isolation for MIMO and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. This is achieved by choking surface current waves induced over the patch antenna by inserting a cross-shaped metasurface structure between the radiating elements. Each arm of the cross-shaped structure constituting the metasurface is etched with meander-line slot (MLS). Effectiveness of the metasurface is demonstrated for a2×2antenna array that operates over six frequency sub-bands in X, Ku and K-bands. With the proposed technique, the maximum improvement achieved in attenuating mutual coupling between neighbouring antennas is: 8.5 dB (8-8.4 GHz), 28 dB (9.6-10.8 GHz), 27 dB (11.7-12.6 GHz), 7.5 dB (13.4-14.2 GHz), 13 dB (16.5-16.8 GHz) and 22.5 dB (18.5-20.3 GHz). Furthermore, with the proposed technique (i) minimum center-to-center separation between the radiating elements can be reduced to 0.26λ0, where λ0 is 8.0 GHz; (ii) use of ground-plane or defected ground structures are unnecessary; (iii) use of short-circuited via-holes are avoided; (iv) it eliminates the issue with poor front-to-back ratio; and (v) it can be applied to existing arrays retrospectively. / H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET-722424 and the financial support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant EP/E0/22936/1

Nonreciprocal effects and their applications in fiber optic networks

Fang, Xiaojun 10 November 2005 (has links)
Nonreciprocity is a fundamental property of networks. Unlike electronic networks theory, optical network theory is still a field to be investigated. Lightwave systems, including fiber optic and integrated optic, are becoming more and more complex, new function blocks ( or components) and networking strategies are very important for future highly integrated lightwave circuits. Several common nonreciprocal optical effects studied in this disseration and several basic applications to fiber components and fiber optic metrology systems analyzed. The common optical nonreciprocal phenomena include the Faraday effect, Sagnac effect, Fresnel drag effect, nonlinearity or asymmetric geometric structure-induced nonreciprocity, and some pseudo nonreciprocity. The best-known application of nonreciprocity to optical components is the isolator, and the known nonreciprocity-based fiber optic sensors are the fiber optic gyroscope and the fiber optic current sensor. The major difficulty in forming a general optical network theory is the complexity of optical signals compared to the electrical signal, because each light signal consists of four independent parameters, all of which changing during transmission. Fortunately, most optical signals can be classified into intensity-based and phase-based systems, and the Jones matrix technique is the ideal tool for describing the intensity-based system. Several reciprocity-insensitive structures designed and analyzed in chapter 3. The performance of the intensity-based reciprocity-insensitive structure (IRIS) was employed successfully in a fiber optic current sensor for stabilizing the signal from birefringence influences in chapter 5. A variable-loop Sagnac interferometer was designed and applied to distributed sensing in chapter 6, and the reciprocity-insensitive property of the Sagnac interferometer was preserved. Polarization independent isolators and wavelength division multiplexers were also realized by employing suitable nonreciprocal effects and were discussed in chapter 2 and chapter 4, and their feasibilities were verified by experiment. The primary contributions of this dissertation are the study of common nonreciprocal optical effects and demonstration of several basic applications to fiber components and fiber metrology systems. / Ph. D.

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