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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protein crystallography of triosephosphate isomerases: functional and protein engineering studies

Alahuhta, M. (Markus) 06 May 2008 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this PhD-study was to better understand the structure-function relationship of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) and to use this expertise to change its substrate specificity. TIM is an important enzyme of the glycolytic pathway which catalyzes the interconversion of D-glyceraldehyde phosphate (D-GAP) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). Two main subjects are discussed: the engineering of monomeric TIM to create new substrate specificity and the structure-function relationship studies of the catalytically important mobile loop6. The starting point for the protein engineering project was the monomeric ml8bTIM, with an extended binding pocket between loop7 and loop8. Rational protein engineering efforts have resulted in a new variant called A-TIM that can competently bind wild type transition state analogues. A-TIM was also able to bind citrate, a compound that the wild type TIM does not bind. This A-TIM citrate complex structure is a good starting point for future protein engineering efforts. Based on the assumption that it would be beneficial for the monomeric forms of TIM to have loop6 closed permanently to increase the population of competent active sites, two point mutation variants, A178L and P168A were generated and characterized. The A178L-mutation was made to favor the closed conformation of loop6 through steric clashes in the open conformation. The P168A variant was made to stabilize the closed conformation of loop6 by removing strain. The A178L mutation induced some features of the closed conformation, but did not result in a closed conformation in the absence of ligands. Our structural studies also show that the P168A mutation does not favor the closed conformation either. However, the structures of the unliganded and liganded P168A variant, together with other known TIM structures show that the substrate binding first induces closure of loop7. This conformational switch subsequently forces loop6 to adopt its closed conformation. The protein engineering project was successful, but the efforts to find variants with a permanently closed loop6 did not fully succeed. In the context of this thesis a monomeric variant of TIM, with new binding properties, was created. Nevertheless, A-TIM still competently binds the inhibitors and transition state analogues of wild type TIM. Also, when combined, results discussed in the context of this thesis indicate that in wild type TIM the closure of loop7 after ligand binding is the initial step in the series of conformational changes that lead to the formation of the competent active site. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli oppia paremmin ymmärtämään trioosifosfaatti-isomeraasin (TIM) toimintamekanismeja sen rakenteen perusteella ja käyttää tätä tietämystä samaisen proteiinin muokkaamiseen uusiin tarkoituksiin. TIM on keskeinen entsyymi solun energian tuotannossa ja sen toiminta on välttämätöntä kaikille eliöille. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää oppia ymmärtämään miten se saavuttaa tehokkaan reaktionopeutensa ja miksi se katalysoi vain D-glyseraldehydi-3-fosfaattia (D-GAP) ja dihydroksiasetonifosfaattia (DHAP). TIM:n toiminta mekanismien ymmärtämiseksi sen aminohapposekvenssiä muokattiin kahdesta kohtaa (P168A ja A178L) ja seuraukset todettiin mittaamalla tuotettujen proteiinien stabiilisuutta optisesti eri lämpötiloissa ja selvittämällä niiden kolmiulotteinen rakenne käyttäen röntgensädekristallografiaa. Mutaatioita tehtiin dimeeriseen villityypin TIM:in (wtTIM) ja jo aikaisemmin muokattuun monomeeriseen TIM:in (ml1TIM). Näiden mutaatioiden tarkoituksena oli suosia entsyymin aktiivista konformaatiota, jossa reaktion kannalta välttämätön vapaasti liikkuva peptidisilmukka numero 6 on suljetussa konformaatiossa. Monomeerisissä TIM:ssa peptidisilmukka numero 6:n ei ole välttämätöntä aueta. Tulokset mutaatiokokeista olivat osittain lupaavia. P168A-mutaatio lisäsi D-GAP:in sitoutumista, mutta rikkoi tärkeän mekanismin suljetussa, ligandia sitovassa, konformaatiossa. A178L-mutaatio aiheutti muutoksia avoimeen konformaatioon ja teki siitä suljettua konformaatiota muistuttavan jopa ilman ligandia, mutta samalla koko proteiini muuttui epävakaammaksi. Näistä kahdesta mutaatiosta A178L voisi olla hyödyllinen muokattujen TIM-versioiden ominaisuuksien parantamiseksi. Lisäksi yhdessä jo aikaisemmin julkaistujen yksityiskohtien kanssa nämä tulokset tekevät mahdolliseksi esittää tarkennusta siihen miten TIM toimii kun ligandi saapuu sen lähettyville. Tämän väitöskirjatyön yksi tavoite oli myös muokata edelleen monomeeristä TIM versiota (ml8bTIM), joka on suunniteltu siten, että se voi mahdollisesti sitoa uudenlaisia ligandeja. Tämä projekti vaati onnistuakseen 20 eri versiota ml8bTIM:n sekvenssistä ja noin 30 rakennetta. Uusia ligandeja sitova muoto (A-TIM) sitoi onnistuneesti sitraattia ja villityypin TIM:n inhibiittoreita. Erityisen lupaavaa oli, että A-TIM sitoi myös bromohydroksiasetonifosfaattia (BHAP), joka sitoutuu ainoastaan toimivaan aktiiviseen kohtaan. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että A-TIM kykenee tarvittaessa katalysoimaan isomerisaatio reaktion uudenlaisille molekyyleille. Esimerkiksi katalysoimaan isomerisointireaktiota sokerianalogien tuotannossa.

Computing free energies of protein-ligand association

Donnini, S. (Serena) 09 October 2007 (has links)
Abstract Spontaneous changes in protein systems, such as the binding of a ligand to an enzyme or receptor, are characterized by a decrease of free energy. Despite the recent developments in computing power and methodology, it remains challenging to accurately estimate free energy changes. Major issues are still concerned with the accuracy of the underlying model to describe the protein system and how well the calculation in fact emulates the behaviour of the system. This thesis is largely concerned with the quality of current free energy calculation methods as applied to protein-ligand systems. Several methodologies were employed to calculate Gibbs standard free energies of binding for a collection of protein-ligand complexes, for which experimental affinities were available. Calculations were performed using system description with different levels of accuracy and included a continuum approach, which considers the protein and the ligand at the atomic level but includes solvent as a polarizable continuum, and an all-atom approach that relies on molecular dynamics simulations. In most such applications, the effects of ionic strength are neglected. However, the severity of this approximation, in particular when calculating free energies of charged ligands, is not very clear. The issue of incorporating ionic strength in free energy calculations by means of explicit ions was investigated in greater detail and considerable attention was given to the affinities of charged peptides in the presence of explicit counter-ions. A second common approximation is concerned with the description of ligands that exhibit multiple protonation states. Because most of current methods do not model changes in the acid dissociation constants of titrating groups upon binding, protonation equilibria of such ligands are not taken into account in free energy calculations. The implications of this approximation when predicting affinities were analysed. Finally, when calculating free energies of binding, a correct description of the interactions between the protein and the ligand is of fundamental importance. However, active sites of enzymes, where strained conformations may hold a functional role, are not always accurately modelled by molecular mechanics force fields. The case of a strained planar proline in the active site of triosephosphate isomerase was investigated using an hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics method, which implies a higher level of accuracy.

Etude des modifications post-traductionnelles des histones : l’analyse structuro-fonctionnelle d'une peptidyl-prolyl isomérase et la production semi-synthétique d’une protéine acétylée / Study of histone post-translational modification : structure-function analysis of a peptidyl-prolyl isomerase and a semi-synthetic production of an acetylated protein

Monneau, Yoan 12 December 2011 (has links)
L'unité structurale de la chromatine, nommée nucléosome, est composée d'un double brin d'ADN enroulé autour d'un octamère d'histone, et subit une pléthore de modifications post-traductionnelles. Les conséquences biologiques de l’acétylation des lysines et de l’isomérisation des liaisons peptidyl-prolyl ont été étudiées à travers une analyse à l’échelle atomique par RMN de systèmes d'intérêt reconstitués in vitro. Les liaisons peptidyl-prolyl du domaine N-terminal de l'histone H3 sont substrats in vitro d’une isomérase chez S. cerevisiae nommée Fpr4p, laquelle exerce un contrôle catalyse-dépendant de la transcription. La résolution de la structure du domaine catalytique de Fpr4p, à partir de contraintes géométriques mesurées par RMN, révéla un domaine canonique de la famille FKBP (FK506-binding protein). Grâce à l'analyse de la séquence primaire et aux expériences RMN, nous proposons un modèle structural préliminaire de Fpr4p entière. L'analyse fonctionnelle est réalisée grâce à trois décapeptides construits à partir de la séquence primaire de H3 chez S. cerevisiae. Ils sont tous substrats de Fpr4p et la catalyse est équivalente pour Pro16 et Pro30. La proportion à l'équilibre du conformère cis fut déterminée pour les trois peptides et celle-ci n'est pas affectée par l'activité catalytique de Fpr4p. Les structures en solution des substrats en conformation trans ont été résolues par spectroscopie RMN, et seront utilisées pour des appariements moléculaires in silico sur le domaine catalytique de Fpr4p. Pour étudier le rôle biologique de l'acétylation des histones, une méthodologie de production de protéines acétylées a été développée. Le protocole repose sur la mutation d'une lysine en cystéine d'une protéine recombinante, suivie d'une alkylation contrôlée exploitant la nucléophilie du groupe thiol préalablement introduit. La production de l'agent alkylant adéquat est simple, rapide, réalisable dans un laboratoire de biologie et permet différents marquages isotopiques du groupe acétyle. L'alkylation d'une protéine repliée fut réalisée avec succès en conditions natives. Le dimère d'histone H2A-H2B, un intermédiaire de l'assemblage du nucléosome et siège d'acétylation in vivo, fut reconstruit in vitro. Les déplacements chimiques des domaines N et C-terminaux de H2A sont cohérents avec un état intrinsèquement déstructuré bien que leurs dynamiques moléculaires ne soient pas équivalentes. / The structural unit of chromatin, the nucleosome, is composed of double-stranded DNA wrapped around a histone octamer and is subject to a plethora of post-translational modifications. The biological consequences of peptidyl-prolyl isomerization and lysine acetylation were investigated at atomic scale through analysis of in vitro reconstituted systems by NMR. Peptidyl-prolyl bonds of histone H3 N-terminal domain are substrates in vitro of an isomerase from S. cerevisiae named Fpr4p, which underlies transcriptional control dependent on its catalytic activity. The solution structure of the catalytic domain of Fpr4p was calculated based on restraints from NMR spectroscopy, and reveals a canonical catalytic domain belonging to the FK506-binding protein (FKBP) family. Based on primary sequence analysis and NMR experiments, a preliminary structural model of full length Fpr4p is also presented. Functional analyses were performed with three decapeptides designed from the primary sequence from the N-terminal tail of S. cerevisiae histone H3. All three constitute substrates of Fpr4p, with equivalent catalysis observed for Pro16 and Pro30. The equilibrium proportion of the cis-proline conformer has been determined for all three decapeptides, and these populations are unaffected by Fpr4p catalytic activity. Structural ensembles of the substrates with proline in the trans conformation were determined by using NMR spectroscopy, and will be subsequently used for in silico molecular docking onto Fpr4p. To study a second form of histone regulation, a semi-synthetic method to produce acetylated protein was developed. The protocol relies on the site-specific mutation of lysine to cysteine in recombinant proteins followed by controlled alkylation thanks to nucleophilicity of the introduced thiol. The production of the required alkylation reagent is easy, quick, and suitable for biology laboratory and allows diverse isotopic labeling within the acetyl group. Alkylation of folded proteins has also been achieved in native conditions. As one target of acetylation in vivo, the histone H2A-H2B dimer is an intermediate of nucleosome assembly and was reconstituted in vitro. Chemical shift values of the N- and C-terminal domains of H2A are in agreement with an intrinsically disordered state although they display differences in dynamic mobility.

Mecanismo associados à  perda da regulação da nox1 NADPH oxidase pela dissulfeto isomerase proteica em células com ativação sustentada da via ras / Mechanisms associated with loss of regulation of NADPH oxidase nox1 by protein disulfide isomerase in cells with sustained activation of the ras pathway

Bessa, Tiphany Coralie de 29 March 2018 (has links)
Dissulfeto isomerase proteica como a PDIA1 tem sido implicada na progressão do câncer, porém os mecanismos envolvidos ainda não foram claramente identificados. Previamente, nós demonstramos um importante efeito da PDIA1 induzindo a superexpressão da Nox1 NADPH oxidase, associada à geração de espécie reativas de oxigênio (ROS). Uma vez que a perda na regulação de ROS envolve o crescimento tumoral, nós propusemos que a PDIA1 atua como um mecanismo regulador proximal na produção de ROS em tumores. No presente estudo, nós focamos no câncer colorretal (CRC) com distintos efeitos na ativação de KRas. Resultados provenientes de bancos de dados de RNAsec e validação direta, indicam um significante aumento na expressão de PDIA1 em CRC com alta ativação constitutiva da Kras (HCT116) vs. ativação intermediária (HKE3) ou basal (Caco2). A PDIA1 sustenta a produção de superóxido dependente da Nox1 em CRC; entretanto, observamos pela primeira vez uma ação dupla da PDIA1 correlacionada ao nível de ativação da Ras: em células Caco2 e HKE3, experimentos de perda de função indicam que o PDIA1 sustenta a produção de superóxido dependente de Nox1; no entanto, em células HCT116, PDIA1 limita a produção de superóxido pela Nox1. Este comportamento da PDIA1 é associado ao aumento da expressão / atividade da Rac1. A transfecção do mutante constitutivamente ativo Rac1G12V em células HKE3 faz com que a PDIA1 se torne restritiva a produção de superóxido dependente de Nox1, paralelamente, em células HCT116 tratadas com inibidor da Rac1, PDIA1 se torna favorável à produção de superóxido. Um screening em importantes vias de sinalização celular em HKE3 mostrou que a perda de função da PDIA1 promove inativação da GSK3? em paralelo à diminuicão da ativacção de Stat3; em HCT116 em estado basal, GSK3beta é inativada enquanto Stat3 está ativa, já o silenciamento da PDIA1 não resulta em nenhum efeito adicional. As implicações funcionais do silenciamento da PDIA1 incluíram uma diminuição da proliferação e migração celular em HKE3, não detectável em HCT116. Além disso, a PDIA1 parece sustentar a transição epitélio-mesenquimal (EMT), uma vez que após o silenciamento da PDIA1, observamos um aumento da expressão da E-caderina em HKE3 e uma diminuição em HCT116. Assim, a superativação da Ras se associa a uma alteração no padrão de regulação da Nox1 pela PDIA1. A supressão do efeito regulador da PDIA1 pela Kras é provavelmente devido a uma ativação sustentada da Rac1. Portanto, PDIA1 pode exercer um papel redox-dependente adaptativo crucial relacionado à progressão tumoral / Protein disulfide isomerases such as PDIA1 have been implicated in cancer progression, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. We showed previously important PDIA1 effects enabling vascular Nox1 NADPH oxidase expression and associated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Since deregulated ROS production underlies tumor growth, we proposed that PDIA1 acts as an upstream regulatory mechanism of tumor-associated ROS production. We focused on colorectal cancer (CRC) with distinct levels of KRas activation. Our results from RNAseq databanks and direct validation indicate significant increase in PDIA1 expression in CRC with constitutive high (HCT116) vs. moderate (HKE3) or basal (e.g. Caco2) Ras activity. PDIA1 supported Nox1-dependent superoxide production in CRC; however, we observed for the first time a dual effect correlated with Ras level activity: in Caco2 and HKE3 cells, loss-of-function experiments indicate that PDIA1 sustains Nox1-dependent superoxide production; however, in HCT116 cells, PDIA1 restricted Nox1-dependent superoxide production. This PDIA1 behavior in HCT116 is associated with increased Rac1 expression/activity. Transfection of Rac1G12V active mutant into HKE3 cells induced PDIA1 to become restrictive of Nox1-dependent superoxide; accordingly, in HCT116 cells treated with Rac1 inhibitor, PDIA1 became supportive of superoxide production. Screening of cell signaling routes affected by PDIA1 silencing showed induced GSK3beta inactivation and parallel decrease of active Stat3 in HKE3 cells; in baseline HCT116 cells, GSK3beta was inactivated and Stat3 active, whereas PDIA1 silencing had no further effect. Functional implications of PDIA1 silencing included a decrease of cell proliferation and migration in HKE3, not detectable in HCT116 cells. Also, PDIA1 may support epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), since after PDIA1 silencing, E-cadherin expression increased in HKE3 and decreased in HCT116. Thus, Ras overaction associates with a switched in PDIA1 pattern regulation of Nox1. Ras-induced PDIA1 bypass may involve direct Rac1 activation. Therefore, PDIA1 may be a crucial regulator of redox-dependent adaptive processes related to cancer progression

Dissulfeto isomerase proteica como via integrativa entre estresse oxidativo e resposta a proteínas mal-enoveladas na reparação à lesão vascular / Protein disulfide isomerase as an integrative way between oxidative stress and unfolded protein response during vascular repair to injury

Tanaka, Leonardo Yuji 23 January 2014 (has links)
O remodelamento vascular é um determinante fundamental do lúmen em doenças vasculares, porém os mecanismos envolvidos não estão completamente elucidados. Nós investigamos o papel da chaperona redox residente do retículo endoplasmático Dissulfeto Isomerase Proteica (PDI) e sua fração localizada na superfície celular (peri/epicelular=pecPDI) no calibre e arquitetura vascular durante reparação à lesão. Em artérias ilíacas de coelho submetidas à lesão in vivo, houve importante aumento do mRNA e expressão proteica (~25x aumento 14 dias pós-lesão vs. controle) da PDI. O silenciamento da PDI por siRNA (cultura de órgãos) acentuou o estresse do retículo e apoptose, diferentemente da inibição da pecPDI com anticorpo neutralizante (PDI Ab). Bloqueio in vivo da pecPDI por aplicação de gel perivascular contendo PDI Ab no 12° dia após lesão, com análise após 48 h, promoveu ca.25% redução no calibre vascular analisado por arteriografia e diminuição similar na área total do vaso detectada por tomografia de coerência óptica. Neste processo, não ocorreu alteração no tamanho da neoíntima, indicando assim, que PDI Ab acentuou remodelamento constrictivo. Neutralização da pecPDI promoveu importantes alterações na arquitetura da matriz de colágeno e citoesqueleto, resultando em fibras com orientação invertida e desorganizadas. Diminuição na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e óxidos de nitrogênio também ocorreu. Análise de propriedades viscoelásticas nas artérias indicou redução na ductilidade vascular, evidenciada pela menor distância para ruptura. As alterações subcelulares no citoesqueleto observadas in vivo após PDI Ab foram recapituladas em um modelo de estiramento cíclico em células musculares lisas vasculares, com importante redução na formação das fibras de estresse. Em modelo de migração randômica de células musculares lisas, a exposição a PDI Ab reduziu a resiliência de regulação da polaridade. Embora a neutralização da pecPDI não tenha afetado a atividade global de RhoA, ela promoveu alterações no padrão de marcação em resposta ao estiramento, na redistribuição de RhoA na superfície celular e na associação com regiões contendo caveolina. Além disso, em aterosclerose nativa em humanos, a expressão da PDI correlacionou-se inversamente com remodelamento constrictivo. Dessa forma, PDI é fortemente expressa após a lesão e sua fração peri/epicelular remodela a arquitetura da matriz e citoesqueleto, promovendo um efeito anti-remodelamento constrictivo / Whole-vessel remodeling is a critical lumen caliber determinant in vascular disease, but underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We investigated the role of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone Protein Disulfide Isomerase(PDI) and cell-surface PDI(peri/epicellular=pecPDI) pool in vascular caliber and architecture during vascular repair after injury(AI). After rabbit iliac artery balloon injury, there was marked increase in PDI mRNA and protein (25-fold vs. basal at day 14AI), with increase in both intracellular and pecPDI. Silencing PDI by siRNA (organ culture) induced ER stress augmentation and apoptosis, contrarily to pecPDI neutralization with PDI-antibody(PDI Ab). PecPDI neutralization in vivo with PDIAb-containing perivascular gel from days 12-14AI promoted ca.25% decrease in vascular caliber at arteriography and similar decreases in total vessel circumference at optical coherence tomography, without changing neointima, indicating increased constrictive remodeling. PecPDI neutralization promoted marked changes in collagen and cytoskeleton architecture, with inverted fiber orientation and disorganization. Decreased ROS and nitrogen oxide production also occurred. Viscoelastic artery properties assessment showed decreased ductility, evidenced by decreased distance to rupture. Subcellular cytoskeletal disruption by PDI Ab was recapitulated in vascular smooth muscle cell stretch model, with marked decrease in stress fiber buildup. Also, PDI Ab incubation promoted decreased regulation resilience of vascular smooth muscle migration properties. While pecPDI neutralization did not affect global RhoA activity, there was altered RhoA redistribution to the cell surface and association with caveolin-containing clusters, which mislocalized after stretch. In human coronary atheromas, PDI expression inversely correlated with constrictive remodeling. Thus, strongly-expressed PDI after injury reshapes matrix and cytoskeleton architecture to support an anticonstrictive remodeling effect

Mecanismo associados à  perda da regulação da nox1 NADPH oxidase pela dissulfeto isomerase proteica em células com ativação sustentada da via ras / Mechanisms associated with loss of regulation of NADPH oxidase nox1 by protein disulfide isomerase in cells with sustained activation of the ras pathway

Tiphany Coralie de Bessa 29 March 2018 (has links)
Dissulfeto isomerase proteica como a PDIA1 tem sido implicada na progressão do câncer, porém os mecanismos envolvidos ainda não foram claramente identificados. Previamente, nós demonstramos um importante efeito da PDIA1 induzindo a superexpressão da Nox1 NADPH oxidase, associada à geração de espécie reativas de oxigênio (ROS). Uma vez que a perda na regulação de ROS envolve o crescimento tumoral, nós propusemos que a PDIA1 atua como um mecanismo regulador proximal na produção de ROS em tumores. No presente estudo, nós focamos no câncer colorretal (CRC) com distintos efeitos na ativação de KRas. Resultados provenientes de bancos de dados de RNAsec e validação direta, indicam um significante aumento na expressão de PDIA1 em CRC com alta ativação constitutiva da Kras (HCT116) vs. ativação intermediária (HKE3) ou basal (Caco2). A PDIA1 sustenta a produção de superóxido dependente da Nox1 em CRC; entretanto, observamos pela primeira vez uma ação dupla da PDIA1 correlacionada ao nível de ativação da Ras: em células Caco2 e HKE3, experimentos de perda de função indicam que o PDIA1 sustenta a produção de superóxido dependente de Nox1; no entanto, em células HCT116, PDIA1 limita a produção de superóxido pela Nox1. Este comportamento da PDIA1 é associado ao aumento da expressão / atividade da Rac1. A transfecção do mutante constitutivamente ativo Rac1G12V em células HKE3 faz com que a PDIA1 se torne restritiva a produção de superóxido dependente de Nox1, paralelamente, em células HCT116 tratadas com inibidor da Rac1, PDIA1 se torna favorável à produção de superóxido. Um screening em importantes vias de sinalização celular em HKE3 mostrou que a perda de função da PDIA1 promove inativação da GSK3? em paralelo à diminuicão da ativacção de Stat3; em HCT116 em estado basal, GSK3beta é inativada enquanto Stat3 está ativa, já o silenciamento da PDIA1 não resulta em nenhum efeito adicional. As implicações funcionais do silenciamento da PDIA1 incluíram uma diminuição da proliferação e migração celular em HKE3, não detectável em HCT116. Além disso, a PDIA1 parece sustentar a transição epitélio-mesenquimal (EMT), uma vez que após o silenciamento da PDIA1, observamos um aumento da expressão da E-caderina em HKE3 e uma diminuição em HCT116. Assim, a superativação da Ras se associa a uma alteração no padrão de regulação da Nox1 pela PDIA1. A supressão do efeito regulador da PDIA1 pela Kras é provavelmente devido a uma ativação sustentada da Rac1. Portanto, PDIA1 pode exercer um papel redox-dependente adaptativo crucial relacionado à progressão tumoral / Protein disulfide isomerases such as PDIA1 have been implicated in cancer progression, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. We showed previously important PDIA1 effects enabling vascular Nox1 NADPH oxidase expression and associated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Since deregulated ROS production underlies tumor growth, we proposed that PDIA1 acts as an upstream regulatory mechanism of tumor-associated ROS production. We focused on colorectal cancer (CRC) with distinct levels of KRas activation. Our results from RNAseq databanks and direct validation indicate significant increase in PDIA1 expression in CRC with constitutive high (HCT116) vs. moderate (HKE3) or basal (e.g. Caco2) Ras activity. PDIA1 supported Nox1-dependent superoxide production in CRC; however, we observed for the first time a dual effect correlated with Ras level activity: in Caco2 and HKE3 cells, loss-of-function experiments indicate that PDIA1 sustains Nox1-dependent superoxide production; however, in HCT116 cells, PDIA1 restricted Nox1-dependent superoxide production. This PDIA1 behavior in HCT116 is associated with increased Rac1 expression/activity. Transfection of Rac1G12V active mutant into HKE3 cells induced PDIA1 to become restrictive of Nox1-dependent superoxide; accordingly, in HCT116 cells treated with Rac1 inhibitor, PDIA1 became supportive of superoxide production. Screening of cell signaling routes affected by PDIA1 silencing showed induced GSK3beta inactivation and parallel decrease of active Stat3 in HKE3 cells; in baseline HCT116 cells, GSK3beta was inactivated and Stat3 active, whereas PDIA1 silencing had no further effect. Functional implications of PDIA1 silencing included a decrease of cell proliferation and migration in HKE3, not detectable in HCT116 cells. Also, PDIA1 may support epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), since after PDIA1 silencing, E-cadherin expression increased in HKE3 and decreased in HCT116. Thus, Ras overaction associates with a switched in PDIA1 pattern regulation of Nox1. Ras-induced PDIA1 bypass may involve direct Rac1 activation. Therefore, PDIA1 may be a crucial regulator of redox-dependent adaptive processes related to cancer progression

Investigating protein-protein interactions in order to develop novel therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Aitken, Laura January 2013 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) accounts for around two thirds of all dementia cases and an increase in life expectancy of the population has resulted in a substantial increase in dementia cases and with that a rise in AD. AD is a debilitating and ultimately fatal neurodegenerative disorder of the elderly, and despite being identified over a century ago, the current treatments do not treat the underlying causes behind the disease, instead they help to mask the symptoms of the disease and prolong the brain's remaining function. It is therefore vital that an effective, disease modifying treatment for this disease is established as soon as possible. Soluble intracellular forms of amyloid β (peptide Aβ), a hallmark of AD have been identified and intracellular targets of Aβ are being investigated as potential drug targets for the disease. Two key intracellular, mitochondrial proteins investigated as potential drug targets: amyloid binding alcohol dehydrogenase (ABAD) and cyclophilin D (CypD) are the focus of the work reported in this thesis. To begin identifying potential inhibitors of the ABAD-Aβ interaction, a two-pronged approach was taken. Firstly, a series of analogues based on a known inhibitor of the interaction were tested using a variety of biophysical assays, for their therapeutic affect on the interaction, and secondly a fragment based screening approach was used to identify new small molecule binding partners of ABAD which could potentially be modified to produced inhibitors of the ABAD-Aβ interaction. Three different CypD constructs have been successfully expressed and purified, and taken into crystal trials. It is hoped that these constructs can be used to significantly aid the progress of identifying any potential inhibitors and binding partners of CypD that may produce therapeutic effects, and in the future could lead to the identification of an effective disease modifying drug in the treatment of AD. The work reported in this thesis has built upon previously reported findings and the groundwork has also been established for several in vitro biophysical assays, these include for example: measuring ABAD enzyme activity, and the novel morphology specific Aβ aggregation assay, which can be used as screening tools to help identify potential inhibitors of these interactions. Both the ABAD-Aβ interaction, and the blockade of CypD are known to be drug targets in the treatment of AD, and by elucidating the molecular mechanisms behind these interactions, through implementing biophysical assays, this will help in the identification and design of potential new therapeutic agents for the treatment of AD.

Dissulfeto isomerase proteica como via integrativa entre estresse oxidativo e resposta a proteínas mal-enoveladas na reparação à lesão vascular / Protein disulfide isomerase as an integrative way between oxidative stress and unfolded protein response during vascular repair to injury

Leonardo Yuji Tanaka 23 January 2014 (has links)
O remodelamento vascular é um determinante fundamental do lúmen em doenças vasculares, porém os mecanismos envolvidos não estão completamente elucidados. Nós investigamos o papel da chaperona redox residente do retículo endoplasmático Dissulfeto Isomerase Proteica (PDI) e sua fração localizada na superfície celular (peri/epicelular=pecPDI) no calibre e arquitetura vascular durante reparação à lesão. Em artérias ilíacas de coelho submetidas à lesão in vivo, houve importante aumento do mRNA e expressão proteica (~25x aumento 14 dias pós-lesão vs. controle) da PDI. O silenciamento da PDI por siRNA (cultura de órgãos) acentuou o estresse do retículo e apoptose, diferentemente da inibição da pecPDI com anticorpo neutralizante (PDI Ab). Bloqueio in vivo da pecPDI por aplicação de gel perivascular contendo PDI Ab no 12° dia após lesão, com análise após 48 h, promoveu ca.25% redução no calibre vascular analisado por arteriografia e diminuição similar na área total do vaso detectada por tomografia de coerência óptica. Neste processo, não ocorreu alteração no tamanho da neoíntima, indicando assim, que PDI Ab acentuou remodelamento constrictivo. Neutralização da pecPDI promoveu importantes alterações na arquitetura da matriz de colágeno e citoesqueleto, resultando em fibras com orientação invertida e desorganizadas. Diminuição na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e óxidos de nitrogênio também ocorreu. Análise de propriedades viscoelásticas nas artérias indicou redução na ductilidade vascular, evidenciada pela menor distância para ruptura. As alterações subcelulares no citoesqueleto observadas in vivo após PDI Ab foram recapituladas em um modelo de estiramento cíclico em células musculares lisas vasculares, com importante redução na formação das fibras de estresse. Em modelo de migração randômica de células musculares lisas, a exposição a PDI Ab reduziu a resiliência de regulação da polaridade. Embora a neutralização da pecPDI não tenha afetado a atividade global de RhoA, ela promoveu alterações no padrão de marcação em resposta ao estiramento, na redistribuição de RhoA na superfície celular e na associação com regiões contendo caveolina. Além disso, em aterosclerose nativa em humanos, a expressão da PDI correlacionou-se inversamente com remodelamento constrictivo. Dessa forma, PDI é fortemente expressa após a lesão e sua fração peri/epicelular remodela a arquitetura da matriz e citoesqueleto, promovendo um efeito anti-remodelamento constrictivo / Whole-vessel remodeling is a critical lumen caliber determinant in vascular disease, but underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We investigated the role of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone Protein Disulfide Isomerase(PDI) and cell-surface PDI(peri/epicellular=pecPDI) pool in vascular caliber and architecture during vascular repair after injury(AI). After rabbit iliac artery balloon injury, there was marked increase in PDI mRNA and protein (25-fold vs. basal at day 14AI), with increase in both intracellular and pecPDI. Silencing PDI by siRNA (organ culture) induced ER stress augmentation and apoptosis, contrarily to pecPDI neutralization with PDI-antibody(PDI Ab). PecPDI neutralization in vivo with PDIAb-containing perivascular gel from days 12-14AI promoted ca.25% decrease in vascular caliber at arteriography and similar decreases in total vessel circumference at optical coherence tomography, without changing neointima, indicating increased constrictive remodeling. PecPDI neutralization promoted marked changes in collagen and cytoskeleton architecture, with inverted fiber orientation and disorganization. Decreased ROS and nitrogen oxide production also occurred. Viscoelastic artery properties assessment showed decreased ductility, evidenced by decreased distance to rupture. Subcellular cytoskeletal disruption by PDI Ab was recapitulated in vascular smooth muscle cell stretch model, with marked decrease in stress fiber buildup. Also, PDI Ab incubation promoted decreased regulation resilience of vascular smooth muscle migration properties. While pecPDI neutralization did not affect global RhoA activity, there was altered RhoA redistribution to the cell surface and association with caveolin-containing clusters, which mislocalized after stretch. In human coronary atheromas, PDI expression inversely correlated with constrictive remodeling. Thus, strongly-expressed PDI after injury reshapes matrix and cytoskeleton architecture to support an anticonstrictive remodeling effect

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