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Yhteinen Vuoksi:ihmisen ja ympäristön kulttuurinen vuorovaikutus Vuoksen jokilaaksossa 1800-luvulta nykypäiviinKorjonen-Kuusipuro, K. (Kristiina) 08 January 2013 (has links)
Water is a scarce resource, and therefore struggles for its governance exist and more can be expected in the future. Questions pertaining to the governance of nature and natural resources are very complex and demanding, because the varied interests of several actors must be considered in the problem-solving process. This study seeks to explain the multiplicity of the human-environment interaction in the Vuoksi River valley from 1800 to the present. The Vuoksi River runs 150 kilometres from Lake Saimaa (Finland) to Lake Ladoga (Russia). In this study, the Vuoksi is analysed as a field of political struggles, social construction and as a part of everyday practices. The picture of the Vuoksi is drawn from local and spatial contexts, from wider historical causes and effects and social processes. The Vuoksi is seen as a place where ecological, economical, socio-cultural and political aspects are entwined and they form a diverse entity.
This study discusses the changes of the Vuoksi River, the causes of these changes and the altering values of the water. Further, it deals with the place of the Vuoksi River in people’s lives. The discussed changes have taken place in (1) the physical Vuoksi (2) the governance of the Vuoksi and (3) the significance of the Vuoksi. Physically, the Vuoksi as a currant has changed because of the construction of hydropower plants. The most dramatic changes in the governance of the Vuoksi took place when Finland ceded the area of Karelian Isthmus to the Soviet Union first after the Winter War 1940, and finally in 1944, after the Continuation War. The Vuoksi became a transnational resource of the Finland and the Soviet Union. The significance of the Vuoksi is strongly connected to the memories that the locals have from their everyday relationship with it.
This study demonstrates that the long-term changes in both the governance and the physical river have had their effects on people’s relationship with the Vuoksi. However, these changes have not altered the fact that the Vuoksi is important for the local people. Multiple changes have added new layers of narratives, new meanings and new dimensions to the Vuoksi River. This study shows that today the Vuoksi is not only a physical place, but there is a Vuoksi that is built by many different, but parallel—and sometimes even conflicting—narratives. Out of these narratives, a hybrid of continuity and change is formed. / Tiivistelmä
Vesi on rajallinen luonnonvara, jonka hallinnasta käydään ja tullaan tulevaisuudessa käymään kamppailuja. Ympäristön ja luonnonvarojen hallinnan kysymykset ovat nykypäivänä erittäin haasteellisia, sillä niitä ratkaistaessa on sovitettava yhteen useiden toimijoiden erisuuntaisia intressejä, arvoja ja näkemyksiä sekä toimittava yhtä aikaa ajallisesti ja alueellisesti useilla ulottuvuuksilla. Tutkimus selittää ihmisen ja ympäristön vuorovaikutusta Vuoksen jokilaaksossa 1800-luvulta nykypäiviin. Saimaalta Laatokkaan 150 kilometriä virtaavaa Vuoksea tarkastellaan poliittisen hallinnan, sosiaalisen rakentumisen ja jokapäiväisen toiminnan kenttinä. Kuva Vuoksesta rakentuu paikallisesta ja tilanteellisesta kontekstista, laajemmista historiallisista syy- ja seuraussuhteista ja yhteiskunnallisista prosesseista. Vuoksi on paikka, jossa ekologiset, taloudelliset, sosiokulttuuriset ja poliittiset tekijät ovat kietoutuneet toisiinsa monimuotoiseksi kokonaisuudeksi.
Tutkimus kuvaa Vuoksen muutosta, tähän muutokseen vaikuttaneita tekijöitä, veden muuttuvia merkityksiä sekä Vuoksen paikkaa ihmisten elämässä. Muutokset ovat kohdistuneet 1) fyysiseen Vuokseen, 2) Vuoksen hallintaan ja 3) Vuoksen merkityksiin. Fyysisesti Vuoksi on muuttunut voimatalousrakentamisen vaikutuksesta. Hallinnollisesti muutokset ovat kohdistuneet ennen kaikkea talvisodan jälkeisiin alueluovutuksiin, jolloin Vuoksesta alkaa rakentua kahden valtion välinen, ylirajainen resurssi. Vuoksen merkityksiin liittyvät vahvasti muistot, tunteet ja nostalgia.
Tutkimus osoittaa, että Vuoksen edellä mainitut pitkän aikavälin muutokset ovat heijastuneet alueen asukkaiden Vuoksi-suhteeseen. Muutokset eivät kuitenkaan ole muuttaneet sitä tosiasiaa, että Vuoksi on alueen ihmisille merkittävä. Vuoksi on muuttunut paljon, mutta nämä muutokset ja menetykset ovat luoneet Vuokselle uusia kertomuksia, uusia ulottuvuuksia ja uusia merkityksiä. Vuoksi ei ole pelkästään fyysinen paikka, vaan tutkimuksessa esitettävän tulkinnan mukaan on olemassa Vuoksi, joka rakentuu monista rinnakkaisista, ajallisesti erilaisista ja samalla jopa ristiriitaisista kertomuksista. Näistä kertomuksista syntyy hybridi, jossa muutos ja jatkuvuus yhdistyvät.
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Placental insufficiency and fetal heart: Doppler ultrasonographic and biochemical markers of fetal cardiac dysfunctionMäkikallio, K. (Kaarin) 28 July 2002 (has links)
The first aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Doppler ultrasonographic parameters and biochemical markers of human fetal cardiac dysfunction and myocardial cell damage in pregnancies complicated by placental insufficiency and/or fetal growth restriction. Our second aim was to examine fetal central and peripheral hemodynamic characteristics associated with retrograde aortic isthmus net blood flow.
Fetuses with significant myocardial cell damage (cTnT > 0.10 ng/ml) had increased pulsatility in the blood velocity waveforms of ductus venosus, left hepatic vein and inferior vena cava, and had more often atrial pulsations in the umbilical vein. Their umbilical artery NT-proANP concentrations were higher than in fetuses without myocardial cell damage. The proportion of left ventricular cardiac output of the combined cardiac output was greater and the corresponding proportion of the right ventricle was less than in fetuses with only increased NT-proANP levels ( > 1145 pmol/l). Tricuspid regurgitation was present more often and the right ventricular fractional shortening was less in fetuses with myocardial cell damage than in fetuses with normal umbilical artery cTnT levels. In fetuses with placental insufficiency and/or growth restriction (n = 48), umbilical artery NT-proANP concentrations showed a significant positive correlation with ductus venosus, left hepatic vein and inferior vena cava pulsatility index values for veins. Fetuses with placental insufficiency and antegrade aortic isthmus net blood flow demonstrated a shift in their right ventricular cardiac output from the pulmonary to the systemic circulation, and foramen ovale volume blood flow made up the majority of the left ventricular cardiac output. Fetuses with retrograde aortic isthmus net blood flow failed to demonstrate these changes, and they had signs of increased left atrial pressure. In addition, right ventricular fractional shortening was decreased and the pulsatility in the ductus venosus blood velocity waveforms was increased.
In conclusion, human fetal myocardial cell damage was associated with a rise in systemic venous pressure, a change in the distribution of cardiac output towards the left ventricle and a rise in right ventricular afterload. Fetuses with retrograde aortic isthmus net blood flow failed to rearrange the distribution of the cardiac output and they had signs of increased left atrial pressure. In addition, right ventricular afterload and pulsatility in the ductus venosus blood velocity waveforms were increased.
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Neogene Changes in Caribbean Paleoproductivity and the Diversity and Paleobiogeography of Deep-sea Benthic ForaminiferaPletka, Crystal 28 March 2016 (has links)
The Neogene history of Caribbean deep-sea benthic foraminifera was investigated by calculating changes in paleoproductivity, diversity and paleobiogeography ~26 to 2 Ma, which includes the progressive closure of the Central American Seaway. Three hypotheses were tested: (1) Paleoproductivity values prior to closure of the Central American Seaway are similar in both the Caribbean and equatorial Pacific and then diverge by the time of early shoaling events; (2) Diversity values of benthic foraminifera prior to the closure of the Central American Seaway were similar in the Caribbean and EEP, and had changed by the time of early shoaling; and (3) during the Miocene and into the Pleistocene, the progressive constriction of the CAS affected deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages by increasing their dissimilarity between the Caribbean and equatorial Eastern Pacific. These hypotheses were tested with 104 samples from five Caribbean and EEP deep-sea cores by
calculating paleoproductivity with multiple proxies, determining diversity indices and calculating biogeographic similarity coefficients.
The data supported the first two hypotheses: The greatest change in paleoproductivity occurred at ~8 Ma during seaway constriction, when values diverged between the Caribbean and EEP. After complete seaway closure at ~4 Ma, the Caribbean became oligotrophic, noted by a decrease in high-organic flux species, and an increase in Nuttalides umbonifera, an indicator species. The largest changes in species-level diversity occurred with the barrier to deep-water flow at ~12 Ma, and Caribbean diversity increased at ~8 Ma with seaway constriction. However, the third hypothesis was rejected: Increases in assemblage similarity actually occurred during most major paleoceanographic events, with the only decrease in Caribbean-EEP similarity occurring at ~12 Ma, coincident with a drop in diversity and emplacement of the Panama isthmian sill.
Thus, the barrier to deep-water flow at ~12 Ma affected the composition of tropical American benthic foraminifera more than the largest change in paleoproductivity at ~8 Ma, or closure of the Central American Seaway at ~4 Ma.
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Corinth on the Isthmus studies of the end of an ancient landscape /Pettegrew, David K. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Full text release at OhioLINK's ETD Center delayed at author's request
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Inferring biogeography from the evolutionary history of the giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii)de Bruyn, Mark January 2006 (has links)
The discipline of historical biogeography seeks to understand the contribution of earth history to the generation of biodiversity. Traditionally, the study of historical biogeography has been approached by examining the distribution of a biota at or above the species level. While this approach has provided important insights into the relationship between biological diversity and earth history, a significant amount of information recorded below the species level (intraspecific variation), regarding the biogeographical history of a region, may be lost. The application of phylogeography - which considers information recorded below the species level - goes some way to addressing this problem. Patterns of intraspecific molecular variation in wide-ranging taxa can be useful for inferring biogeography, and can also be used to test competing biogeographical hypotheses (often based on the dispersal-vicariance debate). Moreover, it is argued here that phylogeographical studies have recently begun to unite these two disparate views, in the recognition that both dispersal and vicariance have played fundamental roles in the generation of biodiversity. Freshwater dependent taxa are ideal model organisms for the current field of research, as they reflect well the underlying biogeographical history of a given region, due to limited dispersal abilities - their requirement for freshwater restricts them. To this end, this study documented the phylogeographical history of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) utilising both mitochondrial (COI & 16S) and nuclear (microsatellite) markers. Samples (n = ~1000) were obtained from across most of the natural distribution of M. rosenbergii [Southern and South East (SE) Asia, New Guinea, northern Australia]. Initial phylogenetic analyses identified two highly divergent forms of this species restricted to either side of Huxley's extension of Wallace's Line; a pattern consistent with ancient vicariance across the Makassar Strait. Subsequent analyses of molecular variation within the two major clades specifically tested a number of biogeographical hypotheses, including that: 1.) a major biogeographical transition zone between the Sundaic and Indochinese biotas, located just north of the Isthmus of Kra in SE Asia, results from Neogene marine transgressions that breached the Isthmus in two locations for prolonged periods of time; 2.) Australia's Lake Carpentaria [circa 80 000 - 8 500 before present (BP)] facilitated genetic interchange among freshwater organisms during the Late Pleistocene; 3.) sea-level fluctuations during the Pleistocene constrained evolutionary diversification of M. rosenbergii within the Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA); and 4.) New Guinea's Fly River changed course from its current easterly outflow to flow westwards into Lake Carpentaria during the Late Pleistocene. The results support hypotheses 1-3, but not 4. The potential for phylogeography to contribute significantly to the study of historical biogeography is also discussed.
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L’émir Abdelkader et la franc-maçonnerie française : de l’engagement (1864) au renoncement (1877)Kebache, Mouloud 11 1900 (has links)
Figure majeure de l’histoire des relations coloniales franco-algériennes, l’émir Abdelkader est généralement présenté par ses compatriotes comme le modèle politique, militaire et religieux du résistant au colonialisme français du 19ième siècle.
L’historiographie officielle algérienne en véhicule l’image du chef religieux qui a initié al-jihad de résistance conforme aux règles exotériques de la chari’ia. Il est décrit comme un guerrier loyal et magnanime, fin stratège, dont la défaite militaire a paradoxalement marqué la fondation de l’Algérie moderne en tant que Nation et État.
La construction sociopolitique postcoloniale de ce mythe a permis de légitimer les différents régimes politiques, qui se sont succédé dans l’Algérie indépendante et qui ont toujours tenu, dans le cadre d’une lecture littérale de l’Islam. Ceci dans le but de taire la dimension spirituelle d’Abdelkader disciple, héritier et commentateur de l’œuvre du magister Magnus soufi, IbnʻArabî.
Fascinés dès le début de l’occupation par cet adversaire hors du commun, les français, de plus en plus sécularisés, en ont érigé une image utilitaire, l’aliénant ainsi de ses compatriotes coreligionnaires et le découplant de sa foi islamique.
Les mémoires concurrentes de l’ancienne puissance coloniale et de son ex-colonie, l’Algérie, ont généré plusieurs débats contemporains en ce qui a trait à l’écriture de l’histoire de la colonisation. Le personnage d’Abdelkader a été instrumentalisé par les uns et les autres. Deux évènements controversés de sa biographie sont devenus les objets d’une polémique souvent âpre et amère entre auteurs chercheurs algériens et français : l’adhésion de l’émir à la franc-maçonnerie française et sa séparation d’avec celle-ci.
Nous allons présenter que la prémisse d’auteurs algériens, selon laquelle Abdelkader n’aurait pas pu adhérer au Grand Orient de France, pour cause d’incompatibilité doctrinale musulmane, est inconsistante. Nous essayerons de démontrer au contraire, que son initiation à la maçonnerie telle qu’elle s’était présentée à lui était en accord avec sa vision soufie et légaliste du dogme islamique.
En nous basant sur le choix de la franc-maçonnerie française pour la laïcité au moment de la réception supposée de l’émir dans la fraternité, nous montrerons qu’il s’en éloigna pour des raisons de doctrine islamique. En effet, l’élimination de toute référence déiste des textes constitutifs du Grand Orient de France fut inacceptable pour le musulman qu’était Abdelkader, vaincu militairement mais raffermi spirituellement par sa proximité grandissante avec son maître spirituel IbnʻArabî.
L’humanisme des francs-maçons français avait motivé une refondation basée sur les droits de l’homme issus de la révolution française. Tandis que celui de l’émir Abdelkader prenait sa source dans l’Unicité de l’Être, concept-cadre Akbarien de la compréhension de la relation de Dieu avec ses créatures.
Nous allons montrer que les polémiques franco-algériennes sur les relations d’Abdelkader avec la franc-maçonnerie française, masquent un autre débat de fond qui dure depuis des siècles dans le monde musulman. Un débat opposant deux herméneutiques légalistes des textes islamiques, l’une exotérique s’incarnant dans l’œuvre du théologien musulman Ibn Taymiyya et l’autre ésotérique se trouvant au cœur des écrits du mystique IbnʻArabî. / A major figure in the history of Franco-Algerian colonial relations Emir Abd-el-Kader is usually presented by his countrymen as the political, military and religious model of resistance to French colonialism in the 19th century.
The official Algerian historiography conveys the image of Abd-el-Kader as the religious leader who launched a jihad resistance complying with the exoteric rules of sharî’a, loyal and magnanimous warrior, strategist, whose military defeat ironically marks the founding of modern Algeria as a nation and state. The postcolonial sociopolitical construction of this myth has helped to legitimize the different political regimes that have succeeded in independent Algeria that have under an exoteric reading of Islam, always silenced the spiritual dimension of Abd-el-Kader disciple-heir and commentator on the work of magister Magnus Sufi IbnʻArabî.
Fascinated since the beginning of their colonization by this uncommon enemy the increasingly secularized French built a of Abd-el-Kader utilitarian image alienating his fellow countrymen. As this image took shape, it increasingly decoupled Abd-el-Kader from his Islamic faith.
Competing memories between the former colonial power and its former colony have generated several contemporary debates in regard to writing the history of colonization. The character of Abd-el-Kader was exploited by all sides. Two controversial events of his biography have become the subject of often rough and bitter controversy between Algerian and French authors-researchers: the accession of the Amir to the French Freemasonry and his separation from it.
In this thesis, we demonstrate that Algerian authors' premise that Abd-el-Kader could not have joined the Grand Orient de France because of a supposed incompatibility with Islamic doctrinal concerns is in contradiction with his initiation into Masonry as it was presented to him, when it was still in agreement with his legalistic and mystical vision of Islamic dogma.
Basing our analysis careful periodization of the process of secularization of French Freemasonry during the period of the alleged reception of the Emir into the masonry, we show that he later withdrew from it for reasons of Islamic doctrine. The elimination of any deist reference in texts constituting the Grand Orient de France subsequent to Abd-el-Kader’s entrance could only make his participation eventually unacceptable as a Muslim defeated militarily but humanist spiritually strengthened by his growing proximity with his spiritual master IbnʻArabî. French Freemasonry had carried out an overhaul based on human rights stemining from the French Revolution, while Emir Abd-el-Kader is humanism had its source in the Unity of Being which is the Akbarian conceptual framework of understanding the relationship of God with its creatures.
We show that Franco-Algerian controversies regarding Abd-el-Kader’s relations to French Freemasonry mask another substantive debate that has lasted for centuries in the Muslim world: that of two legalistic hermeneutics of Islamic texts, one exoteric embodied in the work of the famous Muslim theologian Ibn Taymiyya and the other at the heart of esoteric writings of the mystic IbnʻArabî.
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Reprodutibilidade da avaliação Doppler do istmo aórtico fetal entre 32 e 36+6 semanas de gestação / Reproducibility of Doppler assessment of the fetal aortic isthmus at 32-36+6 weeks\' gestationCampos, Victor Paranaiba 20 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O istmo aórtico (IAo) fetal é um pequeno segmento vascular localizado entre a origem da artéria subclávia esquerda e a extremidade aórtica do canal arterial, que reflete o equilíbrio entre a impedância ao fluxo no território cerebral e na circulação fetal periférica. Considerado o único shunt arterial verdadeiro entre os sistemas vasculares direito e esquerdo, seu fluxo alterado se associa a resultados perinatais adversos, incluindo aumento da mortalidade fetal e morbidade neurológica, especialmente em fetos com insuficiência placentária e restrição de crescimento. Justificativa: Não há protocolo mundial estabelecido definindo conduta clínica baseada na avaliação Doppler do istmo aórtico fetal, havendo espaço para que sua análise seja incorporada como justificativa para indicação do parto e proteção contra injúrias perinatais. Entretanto, implementar novas medidas à prática clínica requer a demonstração de quão confiáveis e reprodutíveis são os resultados obtidos, o que contribui para a garantia de qualidade em sua utilização. Objetivos: Estimar a reprodutibilidade intra e interobservador do índice de pulsatilidade do istmo da aorta fetal (IAo-IP) no terceiro trimestre de gestação (32 a 36+6 semanas), e determinar qual das aquisições, longitudinal ou transversal, produz medidas com melhores confiabilidade e concordância. Métodos: Estudo observacional (transversal) para o qual foram convidadas a participar gestantes no terceiro trimestre de gestação (32 a 36+6 semanas) que preenchiam os critérios de elegibilidade. O IAo-IP foi obtido por dois observadores, que utilizaram os planos longitudinal e transversal para as aquisições, realizadas de forma completamente independente, sem que tivessem conhecimento dos valores das próprias medidas, tampouco das medidas do outro observador. Os dados foram apresentados como média ± DP (desvio-padrão), mediana, mínimo e máximo; A reprodutibilidade foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC). Resultados: As principais características das 49 gestantes foram: média de idade de 26.3 ± 4.7 anos, variando entre 18 e 40 anos, com média da idade gestacional de 33.6 ± 1.5 semanas e índice de massa corporal de 27.9 ± 4.5 Kg/m2. Os resultados dos IP obtidos do estudo Doppler espectral do istmo aórtico fetal pela via longitudinal, demonstraram uma média de 2.75 ± 0.46 para o observador A, 2.53 ± 0.38 para o observador B, e 2.74 ± 0.58 para a segunda medida do observador A. Para a via transversal, as médias foram de 2.75 ± 0.46 para o observador A, 2.53 ± 0.38 para o observador B, e 2.74 ± 0.58 para a segunda medida do observador A. A avaliação Doppler do istmo aórtico fetal no plano longitudinal apresentou ICC de 0.25 na comparação entre os observadores (interobservador), e de 0.42 para a análise intraobservador. No plano transversal, os coeficientes obtidos foram de 0.18 e 0.43 respectivamente para as análises inter-observador e intraobservador. Conclusões: Embora o papel do istmo aórtico na hemodinâmica fetal esteja bem estabelecido, o presente estudo demonstrou que sua reprodutibilidade no terceirotrimestre (32 a 36+6 semanas) é fraca, logo, a medida do IAo-IP deve ser interpretada com cautela, desencorajando seu emprego na prática clínica. Os estudos que examinam aperfeiçoamentos técnicos para melhorar a sua reprodutibilidade devem ser incentivados / Introduction: The fetal aortic isthmus (AoI) is a small vessel located between the origin of the left subclavian artery and the aortic extremity of the arterial ductus, which reflects the balance between the impedance of the brain and systemic circulation of the fetus. Known as the only arterial shunt regarding both right and left vascular systems, its abnormal flow is associated to adverse perinatal outcomes, including high fetal mortality and neurological morbidity, especially among placental insufficiency and growth-restricted fetuses. Rationale: There is no established global protocol defining clinical management based on the Doppler evaluation of the fetal aortic isthmus, allowing its analysis to be incorporated as a reason to indicate delivery and protection against perinatal injury. However, implementation of new methods to clinical practice requires demonstration of how reliable and reproducible the results are, which contributes to quality assurance in their use. Objectives: To estimate the intra and interobserver reproducibility of the fetal aortic isthmus pulsatility index (IAo-PI) in the third trimester of gestation (32 to 36+6 weeks), and to determine which of both longitudinal and transversal acquisitions show better reliability and agreement. Methods: Observational (cross-sectional) study in which were invited to participate pregnant women in the third trimester of gestation (32 to 36+6 weeks) who met the eligibility criteria. The AoI-PI was obtained by two observers, who used the longitudinal and transverse plans for the acquisitions, performing independent acquisitions and blinded analysis. Data were presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation), median, minimum and maximum. The reproducibility was evaluated by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: The main characteristics of the 49 pregnant women were: mean age of 26.3 ± 4.7 years, ranging from 18 to 40 years, with mean gestational age of 33.6 ± 1.5 weeks and body mass index of 27.9 ± 4.5 kg/m2. The results of the PI obtained from the spectral Doppler evaluation of the fetal aortic isthmus, regarding the longitudinal plane, have demonstrated an average of 2.75 ± 0.46 for observer A, 2.53 ± 0.38 for observer B, and 2.74 ± 0.58 for the second measurement of observer A. For the transversal plane the mean values were 2.75 ± 0.46 for the observer A, 2.53 ± 0.38 for the observer B, and 2.74 ± 0.58 for the second measurement of the observer A. The Doppler evaluation of the fetal aortic isthmus in the longitudinal plane has shown a ICC of 0.25 in the comparison between the observers (interobserver), and 0.42 for the intraobserver analysis. In the transversal plane, the coefficients obtained were 0.18 and 0.43 respectively for the interobserver and intraobserver analysis. Conclusions: Although the role of the aortic isthmus in fetal hemodynamics is well established, the present study have reported that its reproducibility in the third trimester (32 to 36+6 weeks) is very poor, so the measurement of the AoI-PI should be interpreted with caution, discouraging its use in clinical practice. Studiesexamining technical amendments to improve its reproducibility should be encouraged
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The sedimentary recordings of the tsunamis triggered by the 1883-Krakatau eruptions on the littoral South of Sunda Strait in the region of Ujung Kulon, Java Island, Indonesia, and the role of the coastal morphology on the organisation and the characteristics of the deposits / Les enregistrements sédimentaires des tsunamis générés par l'éruption du Krakatau en 1883 sur le littoral sud du détroit de la Sonde dans la région de Ujung Kulon, l'île de Java, Indonésie et le rôle de la morphologie côtière sur l'organisation et les caractéristiques des dépôtsIskandarsyah, Yan 29 September 2015 (has links)
En août 1883, l'éruption du Krakatau a provoqué des vagues de tsunami. Au centre et au Nord du détroit de la Sonde, peuples au moment de l’évènement de 1883 ont fourni de nombreux témoignages visuels des phénomènes volcaniques et des tsunamis. Les côtes sauvages et austères du Sud, notamment de la région de Ujung Kulon ont toujours été exemptes de populations. Il existe donc des lacunes dans les connaissances concernant le nombre et les caractéristiques des inondations de tsunamis sur ces côtes de Ujung Kulon. L’objectif de ce travail est d’explorer et de comprendre la façon dont les tsunamis générés par les différentes phases éruptives du Krakatau en1883 ont eu lieu à Ujung Kulon sur la base d’un déchiffrage aussi poussé que possible de l'enregistrement de phénomènes extrêmes dans des dépôts sédimentaire le long des littoraux sud du détroit de la Sonde. Pour atteindre cet objectif, trois méthodes d'analyse de texture et de composition sont appliquées, à savoir l'analyse de distribution granulométrique, l'identification des microfaunes et l’Anisotropie de la Susceptibilité Magnétique (ASM). Les résultats des analyses ont démontrés cependant que l'isthme en péninsule de Ujung Kulon a enregistré 4 (quatre) tsunamis liés aux éruptions et évidences que chaque vague a été enregistrée deux fois: i) par un flux direct provenant du détroit de la Sonde en ligne droite, ii) par une vague venant de l'océan Indien, retardée dans le temps après avoir été réfractée dans l’extrémité ouest de la péninsule de Ujung Kulon (près de l'île Panaitan). Cette preuve était unique et pourrait être liée au contexte géomorphologique exceptionnel de la péninsule de Ujung Kulon, y compris l'isthme et ses baies en forme de V, qui en font l'un des pièges les plus remarquables de dépôts de tsunami. / The giant tsunamis generated by the tremendous eruptions of Krakatau in 1883 were recorded along the coasts of Sunda Strait. Eyewitnesses testimony, tidal and pressure gauges recorded at Batavia (Jakarta), and tsunami signatures left by such event have been mostly used by researchers to evidencing the occurrence of the 1883-Krakatau tsunami around the Sunda Strait. Yet, there was still gap in knowledge when talking about the evidences of the 1883-Krakatau tsunami in the southern part of Sunda Strait and around Indian Ocean, due to the lack of eyewitness and a fact that some of the coasts is mostly noted as the remote areas. Laban Isthmus, one of the intriguing coastal landforms located 80 km to the south of Krakatau and connect Ujung Kulon Peninsula to Java Island, displayed the potential to record marine flooding events issuing from Sunda Strait and Indian Ocean. This study demonstrated however that the isthmus has recorded 4 (four) tsunami events related to the eruptions. Based on a new combination approach of sedimentary and micro-fossils analyses with the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) technique, the result of the study evidenced that each wave was recorded twice: i) by a direct flow coming from the Sunda Strait in straight line, ii) by a wave coming from the Indian Ocean, delayed in time after having been refracted around the West-end of Ujung Kulon Peninsula (near Panaitan Island). Such evidence was unique and could be related to the exceptional geomorphological context of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula, including the isthmus and its V-shape bays, which made it one of the most remarkable traps of tsunami deposits.
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Mechanism of cell adhesion at the midbrain-hindbrain neural plate in the teleost Danio rerioKadner, Diana 30 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The correct development of multicellular organisms is tightly regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors at specific time points. Disturbance on any level of these multiple processes may result in drastic phenotypes or eventually death of the organism.
The midbrain-hindbrain boundary (also termed isthmic organizer) is a region of high interest as well in early as also in later development. The isthmic region carries organizer identity by the expression and subsequent release of FGF8. False patterning events of this region in early developmental stages would therefore display dramatic results over time. As it has been shown that the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb) in the zebrafish is a compartment (or lineage restriction) boundary I tried to understand the underlying molecular mechanism for its correct establishment.
In this work I focused both on embryological, molecular and genetic means to characterize involved molecules and mechanisms. In the first part of the thesis I followed in vivo cell transplantation assays, having started with an unbiased one. Cells of either side the mhb were challenged with this boundary by bringing them into direct cell contact with their ectopic counterpart. In a biased approach, cells overexpressing mRNA of specific candidate genes were transplanted and their clonal distribution in host embryos was analyzed.
In the second part of the thesis I started interfering with specific candidate genes by transiently knocking down their protein translation. The adhesion molecules of the Eph/ephrin class had been shown to restrict cell mixing and thereby creating compartment boundaries in other tissues, such as the hindbrain, in the zebrafish and other organisms. Additionally, we generated several stable genetic mutant lines in cooperation with the Tilling facility at the Max-Planck-Institute. The only acquired potential null mutant ephrinB2bhu2971 was analyzed and characterized further. I observed that a knock down or knock out of only one of the ephrinB2 ligands does not seem to be sufficient for a loss of compartment boundary formation. The combinatory approach of blocking translation of EphrinB2a in ephrinB2bhu2971 mutants gave very complex and interesting phenotypes, which need to be investigated further.
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L’émir Abdelkader et la franc-maçonnerie française : de l’engagement (1864) au renoncement (1877)Kebache, Mouloud 11 1900 (has links)
Figure majeure de l’histoire des relations coloniales franco-algériennes, l’émir Abdelkader est généralement présenté par ses compatriotes comme le modèle politique, militaire et religieux du résistant au colonialisme français du 19ième siècle.
L’historiographie officielle algérienne en véhicule l’image du chef religieux qui a initié al-jihad de résistance conforme aux règles exotériques de la chari’ia. Il est décrit comme un guerrier loyal et magnanime, fin stratège, dont la défaite militaire a paradoxalement marqué la fondation de l’Algérie moderne en tant que Nation et État.
La construction sociopolitique postcoloniale de ce mythe a permis de légitimer les différents régimes politiques, qui se sont succédé dans l’Algérie indépendante et qui ont toujours tenu, dans le cadre d’une lecture littérale de l’Islam. Ceci dans le but de taire la dimension spirituelle d’Abdelkader disciple, héritier et commentateur de l’œuvre du magister Magnus soufi, IbnʻArabî.
Fascinés dès le début de l’occupation par cet adversaire hors du commun, les français, de plus en plus sécularisés, en ont érigé une image utilitaire, l’aliénant ainsi de ses compatriotes coreligionnaires et le découplant de sa foi islamique.
Les mémoires concurrentes de l’ancienne puissance coloniale et de son ex-colonie, l’Algérie, ont généré plusieurs débats contemporains en ce qui a trait à l’écriture de l’histoire de la colonisation. Le personnage d’Abdelkader a été instrumentalisé par les uns et les autres. Deux évènements controversés de sa biographie sont devenus les objets d’une polémique souvent âpre et amère entre auteurs chercheurs algériens et français : l’adhésion de l’émir à la franc-maçonnerie française et sa séparation d’avec celle-ci.
Nous allons présenter que la prémisse d’auteurs algériens, selon laquelle Abdelkader n’aurait pas pu adhérer au Grand Orient de France, pour cause d’incompatibilité doctrinale musulmane, est inconsistante. Nous essayerons de démontrer au contraire, que son initiation à la maçonnerie telle qu’elle s’était présentée à lui était en accord avec sa vision soufie et légaliste du dogme islamique.
En nous basant sur le choix de la franc-maçonnerie française pour la laïcité au moment de la réception supposée de l’émir dans la fraternité, nous montrerons qu’il s’en éloigna pour des raisons de doctrine islamique. En effet, l’élimination de toute référence déiste des textes constitutifs du Grand Orient de France fut inacceptable pour le musulman qu’était Abdelkader, vaincu militairement mais raffermi spirituellement par sa proximité grandissante avec son maître spirituel IbnʻArabî.
L’humanisme des francs-maçons français avait motivé une refondation basée sur les droits de l’homme issus de la révolution française. Tandis que celui de l’émir Abdelkader prenait sa source dans l’Unicité de l’Être, concept-cadre Akbarien de la compréhension de la relation de Dieu avec ses créatures.
Nous allons montrer que les polémiques franco-algériennes sur les relations d’Abdelkader avec la franc-maçonnerie française, masquent un autre débat de fond qui dure depuis des siècles dans le monde musulman. Un débat opposant deux herméneutiques légalistes des textes islamiques, l’une exotérique s’incarnant dans l’œuvre du théologien musulman Ibn Taymiyya et l’autre ésotérique se trouvant au cœur des écrits du mystique IbnʻArabî. / A major figure in the history of Franco-Algerian colonial relations Emir Abd-el-Kader is usually presented by his countrymen as the political, military and religious model of resistance to French colonialism in the 19th century.
The official Algerian historiography conveys the image of Abd-el-Kader as the religious leader who launched a jihad resistance complying with the exoteric rules of sharî’a, loyal and magnanimous warrior, strategist, whose military defeat ironically marks the founding of modern Algeria as a nation and state. The postcolonial sociopolitical construction of this myth has helped to legitimize the different political regimes that have succeeded in independent Algeria that have under an exoteric reading of Islam, always silenced the spiritual dimension of Abd-el-Kader disciple-heir and commentator on the work of magister Magnus Sufi IbnʻArabî.
Fascinated since the beginning of their colonization by this uncommon enemy the increasingly secularized French built a of Abd-el-Kader utilitarian image alienating his fellow countrymen. As this image took shape, it increasingly decoupled Abd-el-Kader from his Islamic faith.
Competing memories between the former colonial power and its former colony have generated several contemporary debates in regard to writing the history of colonization. The character of Abd-el-Kader was exploited by all sides. Two controversial events of his biography have become the subject of often rough and bitter controversy between Algerian and French authors-researchers: the accession of the Amir to the French Freemasonry and his separation from it.
In this thesis, we demonstrate that Algerian authors' premise that Abd-el-Kader could not have joined the Grand Orient de France because of a supposed incompatibility with Islamic doctrinal concerns is in contradiction with his initiation into Masonry as it was presented to him, when it was still in agreement with his legalistic and mystical vision of Islamic dogma.
Basing our analysis careful periodization of the process of secularization of French Freemasonry during the period of the alleged reception of the Emir into the masonry, we show that he later withdrew from it for reasons of Islamic doctrine. The elimination of any deist reference in texts constituting the Grand Orient de France subsequent to Abd-el-Kader’s entrance could only make his participation eventually unacceptable as a Muslim defeated militarily but humanist spiritually strengthened by his growing proximity with his spiritual master IbnʻArabî. French Freemasonry had carried out an overhaul based on human rights stemining from the French Revolution, while Emir Abd-el-Kader is humanism had its source in the Unity of Being which is the Akbarian conceptual framework of understanding the relationship of God with its creatures.
We show that Franco-Algerian controversies regarding Abd-el-Kader’s relations to French Freemasonry mask another substantive debate that has lasted for centuries in the Muslim world: that of two legalistic hermeneutics of Islamic texts, one exoteric embodied in the work of the famous Muslim theologian Ibn Taymiyya and the other at the heart of esoteric writings of the mystic IbnʻArabî.
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