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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As faces da letteratura italiana della migrazione: Perla Nera de Rosana Crispim da Costa / The faces of letteratura italiana della migrazione: Perla Nera by Rosana Crispim da Costa

Marcel Vasconcelos Alves da Silva 19 April 2012 (has links)
Em 1990, a publicação do livro Immigrato de Salah Methnani e Mario Fortunato marcou o início do movimento sócio-literário que veio a ser chamado pelos estudiosos letteratura italiana della migrazione. A partir de então, o número desses autores imigrados cresceu de forma exponencial e, atualmente, já se fala, inclusive, em uma segunda geração de escritores. Trata-se de autores das mais variadas nacionalidades, que apresentam os mais diversos estilos literários e cujas contribuições sócio-culturais são ainda estigmatizadas sob a alcunha de literatura migrante. Existem alguns estudos recentes que propõem alterar a nomenclatura, buscando atenuar os efeitos estereotípicos em relação a esses escritores e suas obras, embora ainda se mantenha a divisão clara entre produções de imigrados e de italianos. Este trabalho procura entender quais são as condições invariáveis de produção que fizeram com que todas as obras escritas por imigrados fossem consideradas indistintamente como pertencentes a um mesmo grupo. Nesse contexto, colocamos em discussão tanto a crítica quanto as obras, na busca de critérios e características comuns que poderiam explicar a situação em que estes autores se encontram. Dentro da rica produção da letteratura italiana della migrazione, escolhemos trabalhar com o conto Perla Nera, de Rosana Crispim da Costa, uma brasileira que mora e escreve na Itália, cuja produção deixa transparecer essa dualidade. Através da análise das características específicas desse texto, procuraremos identificar se, de fato, a obra escolhida pode ser considerada como literatura italiana da migração ou se, por outro lado, o texto em si fornece algumas pistas interpretativas que levariam a outros caminhos de classificação. / In 1990, the publication of the book Immigrato by Salah Methnani and Mario Fortunato marked the beginning of a socio-literary movement that will be called by the scholars as letteratura italiana della migrazione. Since then, the number of these immigrant authors grew exponentially and currently there is even an idea of a second generation of writers. These authors are from worldwide and present a wide variety of literary styles, whose socio-cultural contributions are still stigmatized under the name of migrant literature. There are some recent studies that propose to change the nomenclature, trying to mitigate the stereotypical effects about these writers and their works, although the clear difference between immigrant and Italian productions still remains. This study was proposed to understand, at first, what are the invariable production conditions that made all the books written by immigrants to be considered as belonging to the same group alike. In this context, we should put on discussion both critics and the foreigners works to search for a criteria and common characteristics that could explain the situation in which these authors are. Within the rich production of the letteratura italiana della migrazione we choose to work directly with the short story Perla Nera, by Rosana Crispim da Costa, a brazilian woman who lives and writes in Italy, whose production reveals this duality. By analyzing the specific characteristics of this text, we will try to identify if, for the matter of fact, this work can be considered as italian-immigrant or if, on the other hand, the text itself provides some interpretative clues that would lead to other ways of classification.

Trieste e a poética da vida: proposta de tradução de poemas de Umberto Saba / Trieste and the poetics of life: proposition of translation of Umberto Saba\'s poems

Figueredo, Dheisson Ribeiro 16 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa surgiu do anseio de ampliar a presença da poesia de Umberto Saba no Brasil. Decidimos, por isso, selecionar e traduzir alguns de seus poemas, usando como critério de escolha o estudo da obra poética do triestino a partir da abordagem mais frequente: a relação entre o sujeito lírico e a cidade de Trieste. Escolhemos esse recorte porque acreditamos que ele possibilita fornecer uma visão abrangente da obra do autor, haja vista que, a partir dessa relação, muitas outras questões importantes para a compreensão de sua poesia podem ser estudadas, em especial aquelas questões engendradas no que denominamos de poética da vida. Com a expressão poética da vida, buscamos evidenciar uma tendência perceptível na poesia de Saba: a abertura para o que ele denomina de calda vita (vida quente), a vida percebida em toda a sua variedade, incluindo os momentos de dor e sofrimento. Nesse percurso, estudamos a relação sujeito/cidade tendo como norte a interpenetração entre a interioridade do sujeito e a matéria do mundo e, a partir daí, estabelecemos a comparação entre alguns traços da poética de Saba e de Baudelaire, mas também de Pascoli, Leopardi e dos Crepusculares. Tratamos também da temática do olhar, do desejo, das pulsões e da memória, as quais perpassam a relação sujeito/cidade. Abordamos ainda os principais aspectos formais que caracterizam a poesia do triestino, como, entre outros, a narratividade e o prosaísmo, os quais estão ligados ao que a crítica denomina realismo de Saba (a representação de cenas, fatos e personagens do cotidiano). / This research arose out of the will of spreading the presence of Umberto Sabas poetry in Brazil. We decided, thus, to select and translate some of his poems, using as a choice criterion the study of the poetical work of the italian poet out of the most frequent approach: the relation between his poetic persona and the city of Trieste. We have chosen this framing because we believe it enables a more embracing view of the work of the writer, since, from that relation, we can study many other important questions that may guide us to the comprehension of his poetry, specially those questions engendered in what we name here poetic of the life. With the expression poetic of the life, we seek to make a trend in Sabas poetry more evident: the openness to what he calls calda vita (warm life), the life realized in all its variety, including those moments of suffer and pain. In such path, we study the relation subject/city having as a north the interrelationship between the inner subject and the world matter, and from then, we establish a comparison among some features of Sabas and Baudelaires poetry, but also Pascolis, Leopardis and the Crepusculares. We also talk about the theme of the visual sense, of the desire, drives and memory, which are intertwined in the relation self/city. We talk, moreover, about the main formal aspects that characterize the poetry of the Italian, as, among others, the narrativity and the prosaicism, which are connected to what the critics call Sabas realism (the representation of scenes, facts and daily characters.)

La poésie de Paolo Volponi comme forme complexe de relation / Volponi’s poetry as a complex form of connection

Candiloro, Mauro 29 June 2018 (has links)
À quelques exceptions près, dans le canon littéraire italien comme dans la réception que lui réserva la critique, la poésie de Volponi occupe une place secondaire par rapport à sa production narrative. Cela apparaît comme une contradiction, car l’auteur se considérait avant tout comme un poète. Une contradiction qui va de pair avec une biographie fort riche, qui fait de Volponi un homme et un écrivain à mi-chemin entre participation et dissidence, entre ordre et désordre. À la lumière de tout ceci, nous nous sommes interrogé sur la place que Volponi attribue à la poésie, à partir des notions mêmes d’ordre et de désordre : depuis les conquêtes scientifiques du début du XXe siècle ces derniers ne sont plus deux concepts en opposition entre eux, mais les deux faces nécessaires de toute organisation naturelle complexe, y compris humaine. Dès lors, nous avons adopté l’interaction complexe entre ordre et désordre comme clef de lecture de la poésie volponienne. Une complexité que nous avons observée au niveau tout d’abord biographique, d’où émergent les schèmes fondamentaux de la poésie de Volponi qu’on retrouve thématisés au fil de ses livres de poésie, à travers lesquels Volponi montre toujours une volonté claire de construction progressive d’un seul et unique Livre. À cette construction contribuent les outils poétiques empruntés par le poète, car ils varient en fonction de l’organisation qu’ils sont appelés à exprimer. Enfin, nous nous sommes penché sur la réflexion que mène Volponi au sujet de la poésie pour en conclure qu’à ses yeux elle n’est pas un genre littéraire, mais une force créatrice chargée de mettre en relation l’homme et la matière et les hommes entre eux. / Despite a few exceptions, Volponi’s poetry remains in the background as opposed to his narrative production, both in the Italian literary cannon and in the way it was received by critics. This seems to be a contradictory statement because the author considered himself as a poet primarily. This contradiction is inextricably linked to a very rich biography based on a plethora of life experiences and which makes Volponi a man and a writer at a crossroads between participation and dissidence, between order and disorder. I raise thus the question of the status assigned to poetry by Volponi. It was first necessary to redefine the notions of order and disorder to answer it: the scientific achievements of the beginning of the 20th century demonstrated that these two concepts are not antithetic anymore but that they are two necessary sides of any complex natural organization, including the human organization. I chose this complex interaction between order and disorder as a key to reading Volponi’s poetic work. First this complexity is to be found in Volponi’s biography, that shapes the fundamental frameworks of his poetry, frameworks which are then used as topics in each of his poetry books. In these works, the poet always clearly shows his will to elaborate progressively towards the one and only Book. Indeed, the poetic tools resorted to by the poet contribute to this elaboration because they vary according to the organization which they are meant to express. Finally, I tackled the problem of Volponi’s own reflection about poetry which leads him to conclude that poetry is not a literary genre, but a creative strength meant to connect man and matter but also man and man.

L'image du monde arabe dans la littérature française et italienne du XIXe siècle : analogies, différences, possibles influences / The image of the Arab society in the French and Italian literature : analogies, differences and possible cultural exchanges / L'immagine del mondo arabo nella letteratura francese e italiana del XIX secolo : analogie, differenze, eventuali influenze

Vittorini, Valerio 13 June 2015 (has links)
L'image du monde arabe la plus répandue aujourd'hui dans l'opinion publique, même la plus cultivée, italienne, française et européenne, est construite surtout de lieux communs et stéréotypes. Les réactions aux récents "Printemps Arabes" en sont une preuve éloquente. Cependant cette image est assez récente: elle n'existait pas avant le XIXe siècle. On trouve dans la littérature italienne et française du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle des images du monde arabe bien différentes de celle d'aujourd'hui. Le monde arabe, jusqu'au XIXe siècle, n'était pas aux yeux des Européens, un monde radicalement "autre", mais, bien au contraire, une partie tout à fait légitime et familière de la civilisation méditerranéenne, un monde avec lequel on pouvait avoir des âpres conflits, mais aussi des relations économiques, commerciales, politiques et culturelles très utiles. Au XIXe siècle cette image change radicalement et le monde arabe devient un monde barbare, incapable de progrès, radicalement "autre", un monde pour lequel la seule possibilité réside dans la colonisation européenne. Cette image, née en France et en Angleterre au même moment de la politique impérialiste, ne tarde pas à s'affirmer aussi en Italie, l'Unité nationale achevée. / The conception of the Arab society, still so predominant with the public opinion, even with the most cultured one, be it Italian French or in winder terms European, originates from stereotype. The reactions to the latest "Arab springs" are a clear evidence. The belief arose in the XIX century and not in more ancient times as most people believe and think. Before that time, stating from the Middle Age, both Italian and somehow French literary production gave diverse pictures of the Arab society, which are very different from the current ones. Up to the XIX century this conception was not drastic and the Arab word was considered to be a legitimate and usual part of the Mediterranean civilization you could have strong conflicts with, but at the same time also business, political, economic and cultural relations. In the XIX century this belief totally changes and the Arab world seems to be an uncivilized society whose only opportunity is the European colonization. This opinion was born in France and Italy when the imperialist politics started and it finished in the second half of the century, after the union of Italy.

The modern intellectual negotiating the generic system : Italo Calvino and the adventure of literary cognition

Bolongaro, Eugenio January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Il veicolo a due ruote nell'immaginario letterario italiano del XX secolo / The Motorcycle in the 20th Century Italian Literature Imagery

STRAZZI, FRANCESCA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Parlare dell'influenza dei mezzi di trasporto moderni, e in particolare della motocicletta, nella letteratura italiana permette di aprire nuove prospettive di studio, perché oggi ci si confronta giornalmente con veicoli potenti e tecnologicamente sempre più avanzati. In ambito culturale gli intellettuali riconoscono al veicolo a due ruote un ruolo importante per descrivere la società. Attraverso la motocicletta l'individuo avverte in sé una nuova forza che lo porta a sperimentare l'ansia d'infinito. Egli si sente un nuovo centauro che ha assunto in sé le medesime caratteristiche di forza e velocità del suo mezzo meccanico. Nei secoli passati il veicolo più usato era il cavallo, nell'era di navi, treni e aerei il mezzo che più gli si avvicina è la moto, non solo per la postura del cavaliere, ma perché essa lascia il pilota a contatto con il paesaggio esterno, con i vari fenomeni atmosferici (pioggia, sole e vento) e con i profumi della natura. Se in passato il moto del cavallo poteva diventare il pretesto per esprimere determinati processi narrativi, nel Novecento tale compito è affidato alla motocicletta che cha finito per condizionare il modo di vivere e di pensare degli uomini del XX secolo. / Speaking about the influence of modern means of transport (in particular about the motorcycle) in literature, fixes a new way of studying culture, because today we have to cope with more and more powerful and technologically advanced vehicles. Intellectuals acknowledge motorcycles an important role to describing society. Thanks to the motorcycle man exploits a new strength that enables him to overcome his limits. He feels a sort of divinity embodying the same peculiarities as his vehicle. In the past the horse was the most widespread means of transport while today, in an age of airplanes, ships and trains, it has been replaced by the motorcycle, both for the rider's posture and for his contact with the environment and its expressions: rain, sun and wind as well as the perfumes of the Earth. Just like the horse's motion was in the past a way to express narrative processes, the motorcycle has inherited this task today, therefore conditioning the contemporary way of living and thinking.

Storia, Fiaba, e un Decennio di Calvino

Carney, William 01 January 2010 (has links)
An exploration of the similarities and differences between two major works of the writer Italo Calvino, this thesis delves into the use of historical background and fable as allegory for 1945-1956 Italy.

Pre-occupied spaces : re-configuring the Italian nation through its migrations /

Fiore, Teresa. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2002. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 240-248).

Cinematic images, literary spaces : the presence of Africa in Italian cinema and Italophone literature /

Di Carmine, Roberta, January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2004. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 226-232). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

The literary and artistic manifestations of Neoplatonism in the Italian Renaissance

Robb, Nesca Adeline January 1932 (has links)
No description available.

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