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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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En captivité. Politiques humaines et vies animales dans les jardins zoologiques du XIXe siècle à nos jours : ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, zoos de Londres et Anvers / In captivity. Human policies and animal lives in zoological gardens from the nineteenth century to the present time : Jardin des Plantes Menagerie, London Zoo, Antwerp Zoo

Pouillard, Violette 03 March 2015 (has links)
Suivant les récents développements historiographiques dans le champ de l’histoire des animaux, cette thèse aborde l’histoire des jardins zoologiques du côté des bêtes elles-mêmes. Elle examine donc non seulement les politiques humaines de gestion des animaux de zoo, mais aussi leurs influences sur les corps et les comportements des animaux, et leurs évolutions mutuelles. L’examen débute à la fondation du jardin zoologique, c’est-à-dire au moment de la création de la ménagerie parisienne du Jardin des Plantes en 1793, et se centre, outre sur cette institution originelle, sur le jardin zoologique de Londres, créé en 1828, et celui d’Anvers, fondé en 1843. Pour écrire l’histoire des animaux de zoo, la thèse mobilise une méthodologie qui mêle des indicateurs descriptifs – témoignages sur les corps et comportements animaux, sur les infrastructures de captivité, sur les soins et l’alimentation dont bénéficient les bêtes, .... – et quantitatifs – étude sérielle sur la longue durée des entrées et sorties d’animaux ainsi que des longévités des primates et des grands félins. L’évolution de ces différents indices est examinée au sein d’un cadre chronologique régi par les politiques des gestionnaires de zoos. Ainsi, après une première partie débutant à la fondation des institutions étudiées, une seconde s’ouvre au début du XXe siècle, alors que le marchand allemand Carl Hagenbeck ouvre en 1907 un zoo privé à Stellingen, près de Hambourg, qui popularise un nouveau type de présentation des bêtes, par lequel celles-ci sont exposées durant la journée en plein air et séparées du public par des fossés. Enfin, une troisième partie s’amorce à partir des années 1950, lorsque les zoos s’attellent à la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle fonction, celle de protection des espèces ex situ, s’ajoutant aux trois autres traditionnellement endossées (récréative, éducative, scientifique).L’examen des vies des bêtes sous l’influence des politiques humaines aboutit à élaborer une nouvelle chronologie des zoos, qui distingue un long XIXe siècle, dévoreur de vies animales ; une seconde phase, hygiéniste, à partir de l’entre-deux-guerres, caractérisée par les volontés des gestionnaires de rationaliser les conditions de captivité, mais dont les incidences sur les vies animales sont toutefois réduites ; enfin une troisième, attentive aux animaux, du milieu des années 1970 à nos jours, qui permet la naissance d’une nouvelle économie animale des zoos, qui voit l’atténuation des ponctions en milieu naturel pour la plupart des taxons (spécifiquement les mammifères et les oiseaux).Ce faisant, l’étude met aussi en évidence, à rebours des discours finalistes de l’historiographie officielle, des permanences, immanentes à la captivité des animaux dans le contexte des zoos. Il s’agit d’une part de l’expression par les bêtes de comportements anormaux dans des proportions qui dépassent le niveau anecdotique ; il s’agit d’autre part de l’approvisionnement en milieu naturel, qui, bien qu’en déclin dans le contexte du bouleversement de l’économie animale, persiste jusqu’à nos jours en nombre important pour les taxons moins considérés, soit les poissons et les invertébrés, et se réincarne en de nouveaux avatars pour les autres (ponctions dans le cadre des programmes de protection, captures scientifiques, ...). / Following in the footsteps of recent developments in the French historiography, this dissertation aims at balancing the attention given to humans and animals. The research therefore focuses on human policies concerning the management of animals kept in zoological gardens, as well as on their consequences on the bodies and behaviors of animals, and on mutual influences between humans and animals.The study begins with the birth of the zoological garden, i.e. the creation of the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie in 1793, and focuses on this institution as well as on the London Zoo, created in 1828, and the Antwerp Zoo (1843). In order to write the history of zoo animals, the method uses both descriptive indicators – testimonies on animals bodies and behaviors, on captive environments, on animal cares, handling and food, ... – and quantitative indicators – long-term study of the arrivals and departures, births and deaths of animals and of the longevity of Primates and Pantherinae in captivity. The evolution of these indicators takes place in a chronological framework based on the policies designed to manage zoo animals. The first part begins with the foundation of the zoological gardens. The second one starts at the beginning of the 20th century, when German dealer Carl Hagenbeck opened a zoo in Stellingen, near Hamburg (1907) which popularized a new way to display the animals, in open-air enclosures separated from the public by ditches. The third part starts in the 1950’s, when zoos implemented a new function, one of ex situ conservation, in addition to their other traditional recreative, educative and scientific missions.This study of animal lives under human influence results in a new chronology of zoological gardens, discerning a long 19th century, that consumed animal lives, a second phase, hygienist, from the interwar period, marked by the managers’ willingness to rationalize the conditions of captivity, without much influence on animals lives and longevity, and a third one, from the mid-1970’s to the present time, characterized by increased attention to zoo animals and their well-being, allowing the birth of a new animal economy of zoological gardens, by which in situ captures decline for most taxa (specifically mammals and birds).The dissertation also shows, in opposition with the finalist discourses of the official historiography, somes continuities, immanent to animal captivity in the context of zoological gardens. Abnormal behaviors in animals especially appear in proportions exceeding the anecdotal level. Another important phenomenon pointing to continuities is the collecting in the wild which, although it declined at the same rhythm that the new animal economy developed, has persisted to this day, profusely for the least considered taxa (fishes and invertebrates), and resurfacing in new iterations for mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians (capture for purposes of conservation, for scientific collecting, ...).

Évaluation de la performance des ouvrages de gestion durable des eaux pluviales de la rue Sainte-Claire à Rivière-du-Loup

Senneville, Rose 13 December 2023 (has links)
Les ouvrages de gestion durable des eaux pluviales (GDEP) situés sur la rue Sainte-Claire à Rivière-du-Loup, au Québec, sont étudiés selon trois volets : l'hydraulique, la qualité de l'eau et le complexe plantes/substrat. Des cellules de biorétention, du pavé perméable et des chambres souterraines de rétention constituent les ouvrages étudiés qui gèrent les eaux pluviales de la rue Sainte-Claire et de trois rues perpendiculaires. Des équipements ont été installés entre juin 2020 et octobre 2021 poursuivre l'écoulement des eaux à plusieurs endroits du site. Le pavé perméable et le bassin de rétention, en série permettent de retarder de cinq minutes à plus d'une heure le débit de pointe et de le réduire jusqu'à 90 % pour les événements enregistrés, dont la récurrence est inférieure ou égale à deux ans. Le taux d'infiltration des interstices du pavé perméable est très élevé, même en hiver, lorsqu'un entretien est réalisé, mais chute drastiquement sinon : il varie entre 29,6 et 0,3 x 10³ mm/h. Les matières en suspension (MES) subissent un enlèvement médian de 78 %, allant jusqu'à 98 %, entre le ruissellement et la sortie du bassin. Le pavé perméable seul permet un enlèvement moyen de 68 % des MES. La conductivité électrique des eaux à la sortie du bassin après la période hivernale est très élevée, jusqu'à 741 μS/cm. Les ouvrages de GDEP n'influencent pas significativement les teneurs en azote et en phosphore totaux. Les végétaux des biorétentions présentent un taux de survie de près de 100 % et une résistance à la sécheresse, le tout sans entretien sauf pour la coupe automnale des graminées. Des taux de croissance moyens de 50 à 150 %/mois, selon l'espèce, ont été mesurés entre juin et juillet 2021. / Hydraulic, water quality, plant growth and substrate performance were studied for stormwater best management practices (BMP) installed in Rivière-du-Loup, Québec. They consist of bioretention cells, permeable pavement and underground basin which collect runoff water form Sainte-Claire Street as well as three other perpendicular streets. Water dynamic was monitored from June 2020 to October2021. Combined action of the permeable pavement and the retention basin reduced peak flow up to 90 % and delayed it from five minutes to more than an hour, for two years and less return period rainfalls. Surface infiltration rate of permeable pavement varies from 29.6 x 10³ (very high) to 0.3 x 10³ mm/h, depending on maintenance operations. Total suspended solids (TSS) were removed up to 98 % from runoff to the outfall, with a median value of 78 %. Average TSS removal for permeable pavement alone was 68 %. Electrical conductivity was very high in early spring, up to 741 μS/cm. BMP had no clear effect on total nitrogen and phosphorus content. Plant survival and drought resistance was high for plants located in retention cells, with minimal maintenance requirements.

Motivations individuelles dans la pratique de l'agriculture urbaine dans les quartiers défavorisés : trois cas de villes de différents contextes socioéconomiques

Audate, Pierre Paul 27 January 2024 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel de crise sanitaire et de changements climatiques, le rôle de l'agriculture urbaine apparaît de plus en plus essentiel dans le renforcement des systèmes alimentaires urbains. Sa diversité de formes et de fonctions suscite l'intérêt d'un ensemble hétérogène d'acteurs (citoyens, autorités municipales, professionnels de santé, aménagistes) dans les villes des pays du Nord, tout comme dans celles des pays du Sud, lesquelles évoluent dans des contextes socioéconomiques différents. Un grand nombre d'études a déjà exploré ses multiples bénéfices, actuels et potentiels, pour différents groupes d'acteurs urbains, incluant les pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine, les urbanistes, les professionnels de santé et les autorités municipales. Néanmoins, la prise en compte de l'agriculture urbaine dans les politiques publiques et l'aménagement des villes reste très limitée. Les caractéristiques et les impacts des initiatives et programmes d'agriculture urbaine(avec ou sans appui des autorités municipales), en constante augmentation dans nos villes depuis la dernière décennie, sont peu connus. Plusieurs acteurs évoluant dans des contextes socioéconomiques différents, dont les pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine, jugent que la dimension alimentaire ne jouit pas de mesures politiques suffisantes dans la planification urbaine. Certaines études soulignent également les contraintes associées à l'agriculture urbaine et invitent à tenter de mieux comprendre ses caractéristiques. Ces travaux mettent en évidence le peu de connaissances existantes sur les caractéristiques, les motivations des pratiquants, et sur les impacts des initiatives sur le cadre de vie urbain, sur le foncier, ou sur l'organisation locale. De plus, la recherche scientifique dans ce domaine fait parfois l'objet de critiques en raison de sa façon d'aborder les questions d'agriculture urbaine avec une approche productiviste ou de consommation développée dans les pays du Sud, et une approche post-productiviste ou multidimensionnelle privilégiée dans les pays du Nord. Partant de ces constats, cette thèse en aménagement du territoire et développement régional porte sur les motivations individuelles dans la pratique de l'agriculture urbaine dans les quartiers défavorisés de trois villes évoluant dans des contextes socioéconomiques contrastés. Dans un premier temps, elle cherche à comprendre les impacts de l'agriculture urbaine sur la santé et ses déterminants. Dans un deuxième temps, elle questionne les caractéristiques et motivations des pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine dans les milieux étudiés. Notre étude de cas multiples est de nature exploratoire et mobilise une approche qualitative combinant des données secondaires, tirées d'une revue systématique de littérature de type scoping review, et des données primaires collectées à travers un questionnaire et des entretiens semi-directifs dans les quartiers de Villeray et Parc-Extension à Montréal (Canada), Quitumbe et Turubamba à Quito (Équateur), et Martissant et Cité Soleil à Port-Au-Prince (Haïti). Au total 63 entretiens ont été réalisés soit, 52 auprès de pratiquants d'agriculture urbaine et 11 auprès de promoteurs d'agriculture urbaine. Suivant l'introduction organisée en deux parties pour exposer les éléments de mise en contexte et éclaircir les concepts mobilisés, les résultats sont présentés dans le document sous forme d'articles scientifiques, correspondant à quatre chapitres indépendants mais complémentaires. Dans le premier chapitre, nous décrivons le protocole ayant guidé à la revue de littérature pour recenser les études portant sur les impacts de l'agriculture urbaine sur la santé et ses déterminants. Le deuxième chapitre présente les résultats de la revue systématique et identifie des lacunes dans la littérature traitant les impacts de l'agriculture urbaine. Parmi celles-ci, nous soulignons un manque d'analyse comparative et l'existence de limites dans la portée géographique de la recherche en agriculture urbaine. Dans le troisième chapitre, et en réponse aux lacunes précédemment mises en évidence, nous réalisons une analyse comparative des caractéristiques et motivations des pratiquants de l'agriculture urbaine à Montréal (Canada) et à Quito (Équateur). Les résultats de cette étude révèlent des similitudes et contrastes dans les motivations des pratiquants de ces deux contextes. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier chapitre approfondit le sujet en explorant le rôle de l'agriculture urbaine et les motivations des pratiquants dans la transformation de deux quartiers défavorisés de Port-Au-Prince (Haïti). La thèse fait plusieurs apports théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques sur la question de l'agriculture urbaine telle qu'abordée par l'aménagement du territoire. Elle contribue notamment aux discussions soulignant la nécessité de dépasser l'approche dichotomique Nord/Sud dans la recherche scientifique en agriculture urbaine. Par exemple, d'un côté la revue systématique met en évidence les dimensions alimentaires et non alimentaires de l'agriculture urbaine indépendamment du contexte socioéconomique (Chapitre 1). D'un autre côté, elle souligne le fait que les études en agriculture urbaine des pays du Sud particulièrement celles de la région d'Afrique Sub-saharienne tendent à explorer largement les questions de sécurité alimentaire en guise d'une approche holistique comme il en question dans les pays du Nord (Chapitre 2). Plus loin, on démontre qu'il soit à Montréal (Canada) ou à Quito (Équateur), la fonction nourricière des jardins peut avoir une grande importance aux yeux des pratiquants. De plus, au-delà de la fonction strictement nourricière, la qualité des aliments, leur signification pour celui qui les a plantés, leur rôle dans la construction de liens sociaux, sont complémentaires aux autres fonctions des jardins, indépendamment du contexte socioéconomique (Chapitre 3). Enfin, nous observons que les dimensions non alimentaires de l'agriculture urbaine (transformation des espaces détériorés, renforcement des relations sociales), déjà admises dans les pays du Nord, peuvent être tout aussi pertinentes que la dimension strictement nourricière pour les pratiquants haïtiens (chapitre 4). Globalement, les résultats de la thèse suggèrent que l'agriculture urbaine est une composante indissociable de tout projet d'aménagement du territoire, et soulignent la nécessité de poursuivre la recherche sur les motivations individuelles en fonction du contexte socioéconomique. / In the current context of health crisis and climate change, the role of urban agriculture appears increasingly essential in strengthening urban food systems. Its diversity of forms and functions arouses the interest of a heterogeneous group of actors (citizens, municipal authorities, health professionals, urban planners), in cities of both the Global North and the Global South with different socioeconomic contexts. Many studies have already explored its multiple current and potential benefits for different groups of urban actors which include urban agriculture practitioners, urban planners, municipal authorities, and health professionals. However, the inclusion of urban agriculture in public policies and city planning is still limited. Little is known about the characteristics and impacts of urban agriculture initiatives and programs (with or without the support of municipal authorities), which have been constantly increasing in our cities over the past decade. Several actors from different socioeconomic contexts, including practitioners of urban agriculture, consider that the food dimension does not have enough political support in the urban planning. Some studies also draw attention to the constraints associated with urban agriculture and suggest to better understand its characteristics. These studies highlight the little knowledge that exists on the characteristics and the motivations of practitioners and the impacts of such initiatives on the urban lifestyle, on land ownership, or on local organization. In addition, scientific research in this field is sometimes criticized because of addressing urban agriculture questions with a productivist or consumption approach developed in the Global South, and a post-productivist or multidimensional approach favored in the countries of the Global North. Based on these observations, this PhD dissertation in urban planning and regional development focuses on individual motivations for urban agriculture practice in deprived neighborhoods of three cities evolving in contrasting socioeconomic contexts. First, we try to understand the impacts of urban agriculture on the health and its determinants. Second, we explore the characteristics and motivations of urban agriculture practitioners in the studied areas. Our multiple cases study is exploratory with a qualitative approach combining both secondary data from a scoping review and primary data collected through a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews in the neighborhoods of Villeray and Parc-Extension in Montreal (Canada), Quitumbe and Turubambain Quito (Ecuador), and Martissant and Cité Soleil in Port-Au-Prince (Haiti). In total 63 interviews, of which 52 urban agriculture practitioners and 11 urban agriculture promoters, were conducted. Following the introduction organized in two parts to expose the study context and to clarify the main concepts, the results are presented as four independent, but complementary chapters framed as scientific articles. The first chapter presents a scoping review protocol that guided the literature review to identify studies on the impacts of urban agriculture on health and its determinants. The second chapter presents the results of the scoping review and identifies gaps in the literature on the impacts of urban agriculture. These gaps include a lack of comparative analysis and limitations on geographical scope regarding urban agriculture research. The third chapter attempts to fill these gaps by presenting a comparative analysis of the characteristics and motivations of the urban agriculture practitioners in Montreal (Canada) and Quito (Ecuador). The results of this study highlight similarities and contrasts in the motivations of urban agriculture practitioners in these two different contexts. Finally, the fourth chapter goes further to explore the role of urban agriculture and the motivations of practitioners in the space- to- place transformation of two deprived neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Our research makes several theoretical, methodological, and practical contributions on urban agriculture and urban planning. It contributes to the discussions on the need to go beyond the North / South dichotomy regarding urban agriculture scientific research. For example, on the one hand, the systematic review highlights the food and non-food dimensions of urban agriculture independent of the socioeconomic context (Chapter 1). On the other hand, it underlines the fact that studies on urban agriculture of the Global South, particularly those of Sub-Saharan Africa tend to largely explore the food security questions instead of a holistic approach as it is the casein the Global North (Chapter 2). Furthermore, we show that in Montreal (Canada) or in Quito (Ecuador), the food function of the gardens, is a very important motivation for the urban agriculture practitioners. Moreover, beyond the food function, the quality of the foods, their significance to the one who planted them and their role in the construction of social connections, are complementary to the other functions of the gardens independently of the socioeconomic context (Chapter 3). Finally, we observe that the non-food dimensions of urban agriculture (transformation of deteriorated spaces, strengthening of social relations) as already accepted in the Global North, can also be relevant to the Haitian practitioners, to a level similar to that of food dimension (Chapter 4). Overall, the thesis findings suggest that urban agriculture is an important component for land use and urban planning projects and underline the need to continue research on individual motivations based on the socioeconomic contexts.

Zoneamento nos Jardins: estudo dos processos de formação das políticas de controle do uso do solo

Vieira, Ana Maria Cavalcanti January 1981 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiana Ramos Barboza Cuencas (cristiana.cuencas@fgv.br) on 2014-04-07T16:25:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1198202034.pdf: 36217417 bytes, checksum: 1d7a4d38c9dcbbafa18a454f62d52fb2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br) on 2014-04-07T16:28:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 1198202034.pdf: 36217417 bytes, checksum: 1d7a4d38c9dcbbafa18a454f62d52fb2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-07T16:45:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1198202034.pdf: 36217417 bytes, checksum: 1d7a4d38c9dcbbafa18a454f62d52fb2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1981 / Trata da política do uso do solo, nos bairros Jardins, em São Paulo. Estuda os processos de sua formação, mostrando que as políticas do Estado surgem no bojo das contradições do desenvolvimento urbano capitalista e se desenvolvem no sentido de amainar os conflitos que daí decorrem entre frações do capital. Em contexto histórico analisa os processos de mudança nas políticas do uso do Solo (Zoneamento) na sua relação com a dinâmica que se estabelece a nível da sociedade civil e do Estado

Expansive architectural strategies in the mass society and their influence on the architectural projects

Kefalogiannis, Nektarios 02 February 2016 (has links)
The present thesis couldn't have been unaffected by the recent economic crisis. Even before this crisis, it was well-known that architecture was languishing in its traditional boundaries. In the countries that didn't suffer this crisis, architecture didn't enjoy a smooth development as well. Either the crisis and/or the "pressure" from other professions gave the impression of an introverted, weak, defensive and contracting architectural community. In that environment, the objective of this thesis was to define which actions the architectural profession could employ in order to shape a coherent budle of extroverted strategies. With the aim to specify those strategies, the thesis moved from the specific towards the general. lt gathered various "stories", mainly outside the architectural field, which explain a personal or a collective attempt of self-overcoming. Those stories, as they grew in number,started to move around a focal point which progressively revealed a name: "Brands". lt didn't take long to understand that the main enemy of the thesis was the strength and the diversity of the concept: "brand". In order to overcome this obstacle, the thesis decides to introduce an antithesis (a dipole). The introduced dipole was: services vs. brands. The services compete with each other in a merely quantificational manner. The service companies are better if they can be "more ... than" its competitors. lt is easy to compare because the comparison can be measured. The brands, by nature, can't be compared in a quantitative level. The customers acquire a brand product because they want to acquire the brand's values. The customers acquire the brand's imaginary, the story which lies behind it. Having specified the content and the function of those strategies, the next step is to see how they can work in the field of architecture. An assisting method that was used was to proceed with a categorization of architecture: formalist, conceptual, sensational etc architecture. In ali those different categories , the distinct form of implementation and the varied content of those strategies have been analyzed. This analysis included the content of the architectural imaginary and the architectural design methods which have been used in order to architecturally express those imaginaries. Above ali, it is important the thesis not to remain at the superficiality that the brands' tacticisms create. The architectural production and the creation of the architectural form are at the core of the architectural activity; so for that reason, the thesis tried to explain how the brands' strategies had determined the specific creation ofthe architectural forms. With the aim to bring together and interrelate the architectural brand strategies and the creation of the form; the thesis felt the necessity to focus on specific case-studies. lt has chosen OMA/Rem Koolhaas and Enric Miralles, together with the MVRDV and Herzog & de Meuron office. We have focused more at the two first. We have (tried to) demonstrate that Rem Koolhaas' office (representative of conceptual architecture) had created a strong architectural brand with critical and intellectual characteristics, giving emphasis to the public and the role of the urban and the metropolitan. He has a strategic vision and an iconic disposition. The famous "programming" and his tendency to find opportunities to research whatever laid within his professional grasp. On the other hand, Enric Miralles is a prominent figure of the formalist architecture. The hyperdefined geometry of his form, the persistency in the variation as a method and the symbolic role of the elements' repetition are the main factors for understanding his architecture and his brand's content. The calculated spontaneity of his forms and its complexity, as well as the density of spatial events, define the essence of his architecture. / La presente tesis no podía no haber sido afectada por la reciente crisis económica. Incluso antes de esta crisis, era bien sabido que la arquitectura languidecía en sus límites tradicionales e incluso en los países que no sufrieron esta crisis, la arquitectura tampoco disfrutó de un suave desarrollo. Se dio la impresión que la comunidad de arquitectura era introvertida, débil, defensiva y en contracción. El objetivo de la tesis era definir qué acciones la profesión de arquitecto podría emplear, con el fin de dar forma a un conjunto coherente de extrovertidas estrategias. Con el objetivo de especificar estas estrategias, la tesis se desarrolla de lo específico a lo general. Se han recogido varias "historias", sobre todo fuera del campo de la arquitectura, que explican un intento personal o colectivo de auto-superación. Esas historias, a medida que crecían en número, comenzaron a moverse alrededor a un punto central que reveló progresivamente un nombre: "Marcas". No pasó mucho tiempo para comprender que el principal enemigo de la tesis era la fuerza y la diversidad del concepto: "marca". Con el fin de superar este obstáculo, la tesis decide introducir una antítesis (un dipolo). El dipolo introducido fue: servicios vs. marcas. Los servicios compiten entre sí de una manera meramente cuantitativa. Las empresas de servicios son mejores si pueden ser "más ... que" sus competidores. Es fácil de compararlas porque la comparación se puede medir. Las marcas, por naturaleza, no se pueden comparar en un nivel cuantitativo. Los clientes adquieren un producto de la marca porque quieren adquirir los valores de la marca. Los clientes adquieren el imaginario de la marca. Después de haber concretado el contenido y la función de estas estrategias, el siguiente paso fue investigar cómo ellas pueden ser implementadas en el campo de la arquitectura. Un método que se ha aplicado fue la categorización de la arquitectura: en arquitectura conceptual, formalista, sensacional etc. Han sido analizados las diversas formas de implementación y el contenido variable de estas estrategias. Este análisis incluyó el contenido del imaginario arquitectónico y los métodos del diseño arqu itectónico que se han utilizado para expresar arquitectónicamente esos imaginarios. Por encima de todo, era importante que la tesis no se quedara en la superficialidad que los tacticismos de las marcas crean. La producción arquitectónica y la creación de la forma arquitectónica están en el núcleo de la actividad de los arquitectos; por eso, la tesis trató de explicar cómo las estrategias de las marcas habían determinado la creación de las formas arquitectónicas. Con el objetivo de juntar e interrelacionar las estrategias arquitectónicas de marca y la creación de la forma; la tes is tenia la necesidad de centrarse en casos concretos de estudios. Se ha optado por OMA-Rem Koolhaas y Enric Miralles, junto con los despachos de MVRDV y Herzog & de Meuron. Hemos enfocado mas a los primeros dos despachos. Hemos intentado demostrar que el despacho de Rem Koolhaas había creado una fuerte marca arquitectónica con carácter crítico e intelectual, dando énfasis al espacio público y al papel de lo urbano y lo metropolitano. Él tiene una visión estratégica y una disposición para una arquitectura icónica. Es conocido por su famosa "programación" y su tendencia en encontrar oportunidades para investigar lo que esté en su alcance profesional. Enric Miralles es una figura prominente de la arquitectura formalista. La geometría hiper-definida de su forma, la persistencia en la variación como método y el papel simbólico que tiene la repetición de los elementos que uti liza, son los principales factores para la comprensión de su arquitectura yel contenido de su marca. La espontaneidad calculada de sus formas y su complejidad, así como la densidad de "eventos espaciales", definen la esencia de su arquitectura.

Maspalomas : una mirada a las políticas de actuación turística en destinos costeros maduros

Pérez Sosa, Isacó 05 February 2016 (has links)
The tourism sector has been central to development of the Spanish coastal economies. However, due to the negative impact that this activity has had on coastal ecosystems, aging infrastructure, and overexploitation of natural resources, coastal tourist destination mature (OTCM) have a growing loss of competitiveness. Thus, it is now essential to develop new and innovative methods of analysis and management, in addition to providing a conceptual development can be concretized in technical and operational tools. These tools should be part of urban renewal plans, and must be able to respond to the requirements for the development and management of tourism in the territory, offering new ways of working relationships between tourism, land and environment (KO, 2003). An analysis of some of the processes documented in the Mediterranean coast, it follows that the success of the process of rejuvenation in the destinations usually responds to existence, as an instrument of fundament al political intervention of a shared vision for the destination, which is translated into a specific model of territorial action. That is, the existence of a specific, functional and operative deficit urban model. In response to this finding, the instruments of territorial policy and urban management are key to the rejuvenation of the destination (Trinitat & Clave, 2014). The differential nature of the tourist development is to be incorporated into the instruments of territorial policy and urban management, to address the particular problems of these urban-tourism systems. These tools are essential to reformulate the destination, while not only urbanized space but capable of urban nature (Trinitat & Clave, 2014). The urban nature of the destinations is included conceptually within the postmodern discourse because spaces are eminently consumer and not linked to large production, trade or governmental administration (Mullins, 1991). Therefore, tourism developments have yet to find their own tools s lope urban policy. The analysis of the historical trajectory of target-Costa Canaria Maspalomas has been useful to understand the situation of success, consolidation and decline in the present moment, and has been a key factor in understanding the complexity of the phenomenon and provides guidelines for projection, both at present and in the future, strategies for action and transformation of its tourism model. These phases or periods distinguish a first initial moment, linked to tourism exclusively, which is replaced by the so-called modern era of tourism, which is when the holiday model of sun and beach stands as the paradigm that gives greater identity the destination. Overcoming, in a third time, this time involves the emergence of a new dynamic which, while definitely consolidate the model involving obsolescence and search for new alternatives, both territorial regeneration and positive impact on the sector economic tourism. Tourism policies implemented collide with highly regulated planning system, which implies the following result: reduced restricting creativity and entrepreneurship. This hinders the proper coordination of supply and demand in tourist areas, leading to freeze them and prevented its regeneration and adaptation to new needs, causing a major distortion between supply and demand. For these reasons, a simpler system more flexible urban planning and procedural, with fewer loads, and execution of the same volunteer is needed / El sector turístico ha sido capital para el desarrollo de las economías litorales españolas. Sin embargo, debido al impacto negativo que el desarrollo de esta actividad ha tenido en los ecosistemas litorales, al envejecimiento de las infraestructuras, y a la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales, los destinos turísticos costeros maduros (DTCM) presentan una pérdida de competitividad creciente. Es así, que se hace ahora esencial desarrollar nuevas e innovadoras metodologías de análisis y gestión, que además de aportar un desarrollo conceptual puedan ser concretadas en técnicas y herramientas operativas. Estas herramientas deben formar parte de los planes de reforma urbana, y han de ser capaces de dar respuesta a los requerimientos para el desarrollo y la gestión del turismo en el territorio, ofreciendo nuevas vías de trabajo en las relaciones entre turismo, territorio y medio ambiente (KO, 2003). Del análisis de algunos de los procesos documentados en el litoral Mediterráneo, se deduce que, el éxito de los procesos de rejuvenecimiento en los destinos suele responder a la existencia, como instrumento de intervención política fundamental, de una visión compartida para el destino, que se traduzca en un modelo de acción territorial específico. Es decir, a la existencia de un modelo urbano específico, funcional y resolutivo de déficit. Atendiendo a esta constatación, los instrumentos de política territorial y de gestión urbana son claves para el rejuvenecimiento del destino (Trinitat & Clavé, 20 14). El carácter diferencial de la urbanización turística ha de ser incorporado a los instrumentos de política territorial y de gestión urbana, para dar respuesta a las problemáticas particulares de estos sistemas urbanos-turísticos. Estos instrumentos son fundamentales para la reformulación del destino, en tanto que espacio no solamente urbanizado sino capaces de naturaleza urbana (Trinitat & Clavé, 2014). La naturaleza urbana de los destinos se engloba conceptualmente dentro del discurso postmodernista, ya que son espacios eminentemente de consumo y no vinculados a grandes centros de producción, comercio o administración gubernamental (Mullins, 199 1). Por tal motivo, las urbanizaciones turísticas aún tienen pendiente encontrar sus propias herramientas de política urbana. El análisis de la trayectoria histórica del destino Maspalomas-Costa Canaria ha sido útil para entender su situación de éxito, consolidación y declive en el momento presente, y ha sido un factor clave para entender la complejidad del fenómeno, y dar pautas para la proyección, tanto en el presente como en el futuro, de estrategias de actuación y de transformación de su modelo turístico. Estas fases o épocas permiten distinguir un primer momento inicial, ligado a un turismo de carácter exclusivo, que es reemplazado por la denominada época moderna del turismo, que es cuando el modelo vacacional de sol y playa se erige como el paradigma que otorga una mayor identidad al destino. La superación, en un tercer momento, de esta época conlleva el surgimiento de unas nuevas dinámicas las cuales, a la vez que consolidan definitivamente el modelo entrañan su obsolescencia y la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas, tanto de regeneración territorial como de repercusión positiva en el sector económico del turismo.

Evaluación de las externalidades del comercio informal sobre los valores inmobiliarios : el caso de la Ladera Oeste, La Paz, Bolivia

Maidana Zeballos, Jessica 22 January 2016 (has links)
In principle we can say that this thesis defines the informal trade as all commercial activity and/or service activities which settle in the streets (pavement and sidewalks) by will and arbitrary way they appropriate a space that was initially public. Today this informal trade has settled and consolidated in many areas of the west side of the La Paz city where the city hall has registered more than 8,500 merchants in 7 km2 approximately. In this context, the spirit that motivates this study is to explain the forces exerted for the informal trade through the occupation of public spaces, externalities, on the structure of property values. The hypothesis is based on the said above, as an empirical reading that believes the lnformal Trade exerts positive externalities for activities in commercial shops and negative externalities to the contiguous residential activities. The basis of theoretical and empirical analysis was carried out through environmental economics due to it has the flexibility of including the environmental as an object of study, concentrating its analysis on the abundance or peculiarity of a property. The properties and the commerce acquire an status as an economic property, but the second one characterized as informal settlement in the public space (in front of properties), produces what the economy termed as externality. Thus, have opted for the application of the Contingent Valuation Method (VC), method which is based on the application of a survey that measures the propensity of individuals to pay (OAP) or be compensated (OAC) depending on welfare that property generate. For the methodology application the survey has been written in two versions,named models, directed to two groups of population: residents and formal merchants (denominative that has been granted in the investigation to those economic activities that they find to the interior of a shop) tnat they rent or antichresis the space. The main results has showed that informal trade is detrimental to residents since,as a first option,are willing to pay 2.93 bolivianos (0.38 euros) as average per month for decreasing the amount of informal merchants that nowadays they settle on their street As a second option, in those streets where there are few informal merchants, they are willing to increase the rent house in 86.69 bolivianos (11.51 euros ) as average. Meantime the informal trade is beneficial for owners of commercial activities and offices since they are willing to pay a monthly rate of 1.85 bolivianos (0 .24 euros) by increasing the amount of informal merchants on their street. Furthermore they are willing to pay 0.39 bolivianos (0.05 euros) more expensive the shop rent as long as the shop is located on a street with more informal merchants. Another important finding for emphasize were the OAP wilh negalive values, i.e. 9% of residents and 26.7% of formal merchants, have stated that would pay less than they currently pay for the shop rent in a street with less and more informal merchants respectively, these are the outcomes of the second experiment, thus it is given a negative sign to the OAP and which is more important for methodological purposes has become a Willingness to be Compensated OAC. Finally we say that the hypotheses raised for this research have been affirmed since the informal commerce, with all its nuances, it is negatively valued by residential activities and positively valued by the economic activities of commerce and offices . / En principio diremos que esta tesis define como comercio informal a toda aquella actividad comercial y/o de servicios que se asienta en las calles (calzada y aceras) por voluntad y de manera arbitraria apropiándose de un espacio que inicialmente fue público. Hoy en día este comercio informal se ha instalado y consolidado en muchos barrios de la Ladera Oeste de la ciudad de La Paz, donde el Gobierno Municipal tiene registrados más de 8.500 comerciantes, en una superficie aproximada de 7 km2. En este contexto el espíritu que impulsa el presente estudio se encuentra en explicar las fuerzas que ejerce el comercio inlormal a través de la ocupación del espacio público externalidades, sobre la estructura de formación de los valores inmobiliarios. La hipótesis se genera en función de lo dicho anteriormente, como una lectura empírica que cree que el Comercio Informal ejerce externalidades positivas para las actividades desarrolladas en locales comerciales y externalidades negativas para las actividades residenciales contiguas. La base del análisis teórico y empírico se ha realizado a través de la economía ambiental por la flexibilidad que tiene de incorporar al medio ambiente como Objeto de estudio,concentrando su análisis en la abundancia o rareza de un bien. Los inmuebles adquieren un estatus de bien económico así como el comercio, pero éste último al establecerse con carácter de informalidad en el espacio público (frente a los inmuebles), produce lo que la economía denomina como extemalidad. Es así que se ha optado por la aplicación del método de Valoración Contingente (VC),método está basado en la aplicación de una encuesta que mide la propensión de los individuos a pagar (DAP) o a ser compensados (DAC) dependiendo del bienestar que le produzca dicho bien. Para la aplicación de la metodología se ha redactado la encuesta en dos versiones, denominadas modelos, dirigidas a dos grupos de población: residentes y comerciantes formales (denominativo que se ha otorgado en esta investigación a aquellas actividades económicas que se encuentran al interior de un local) que alquilen o anticreten su espacio. Los principales resultados mostraron que el comercio informal resulta un perjuicio para los residentes puesto que,como primera opción,están dispuestos a pagar una media de 2.93 bolivianos (0,38 euros) mensuales por disminuir la cantidad de comerciantes informales que en la actualidad se asientan en su calle. Y como segunda opción están dispuestos a incrementar el alquiler de su vivienda en una media de 86,69 bolivianos (11,51 euros) en una calle con menos comerciantes informales. Por su parte el comercio informal resulta beneficioso para los propietarios de actividades comerciales y de oficina ya que están dispuestos a pagar una tasa mensual de 1,85 bolivianos (0,24 euros) por incrementar la cantidad de comerciantes informales en su calle. O en su caso están dispuestos a pagar más por el alquiler de su local en 0.39 bolivianos (0,05 euros) si su actividad estuviera ubicada en una calle con más comerciantes informales. Otro hallazgo importante de destacar respecto a los resultados obtenidos del segundo experimento han sido las DAP con valores negativos, es decir que el 9% de los residentes y el 26,7% de los comerciantes formales, han manifestado que pagarían menos de lo que actualmente paga por su alquiler en una calle con menos y más,respectivamente, comercio informal, por lo que se le otorga un signo negativo a la DAP y lo que es más importante que a efectos metodológicos se ha convertido en una Disposición a ser Compensado DAC. Finalmente diremos que las hipótesis planteadas para este trabajo de investigación han sido afirmadas puesto que el comercio informal, con todos sus matices, es negativamente valorado por las actividades de residencia y positivamente valorado por las actividades económicas de comercio y oficinas.

Valoración de los atributos y las preferencias paisajísticas en la gestión turística de las áreas naturales protegidas: el caso de Chihuahua, México

Suárez Chaparro, Rosa 17 February 2016 (has links)
El paisaje se ha considerado un elemento fundamental en la preferencia para visitar espacios naturales, con alto valor ecológico y paisajístico, con el propósito de realizar actividades turísticas y recreativas. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo valorar los atributos estéticos del paisaje e identificar las preferencias paisajísticas de los visitantes, para incorporar el valor del paisaje como recurso en la gestión del turismo. La metodología se basó en modelos de preferencia pública: el Método Directo de Subjetividad representativa (MDS) y el Q Method (QM). En los dos métodos se utilizaron cuestionarios acompañados con fotografías de paisajes distintivos de cuatro áreas naturales de Chihuahua, México. El 30% de los paisajes distintivos de la zona de estudio recibieron el atributo de “espectacular”. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis factorial se identificaron 5 factores o perfiles de preferencia, a los cuales se los denominó: conservacionista, recreativo, diversificado, natural-antrópico y cultural. Una información valiosa para formular y sustentar recomendaciones a considerar en las decisiones futuras de la gestión del turismo en áreas naturales protegidas de Chihuahua (México). / El paisatge s'ha considerat un element fonamental en la preferència per visitar espais naturals, amb alt valor ecològic i paisatgístic, amb el propòsit de realitzar activitats turístiques i recreatives. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu valorar els atributs estètics del paisatge i identificar les preferències paisatgístiques dels visitants, per incorporar el valor del paisatge com a recurs en la gestió del turisme. La metodologia es va basar en models de preferència pública: el Mètode Directe de Subjectivitat representativa (MDS) i el Q Method (QM). En tots dos mètodes es van utilitzar qüestionaris acompanyats amb fotografies de paisatges distintius de quatre àrees naturals de Chihuahua, Mèxic. El 30% dels paisatges distintius de la zona d'estudi van rebre l'atribut d’“espectacular”. A partir dels resultats obtinguts en l'anàlisi factorial es van identificar 5 factors o perfils de preferència, als quals se'ls va denominar: conservacionista, recreatiu, diversificat, natural-antròpic i cultural. Una informació valuosa per formular i sustentar recomanacions a considerar en les decisions futures de la gestió del turisme en àrees naturals protegides de Chihuahua (Mèxic). / The landscape has been considered a fundamental element in preference to visit natural areas with high ecological value, with the proposal to do tourism and recreational activities. This thesis aims to value the aesthetic attributes of the scenic landscape and identify visitor preferences, to incorporate the value of the landscape as a resource in tourism management. The methodology was based on models of public preference: Direct Method Representative Subjectivity and Q Method. In both methods were used questionnaires accompanied by photographs of distinctive landscapes from four natural areas of Chihuahua, Mexico. It was observed that 30% of the distinctive landscape of the study area received the attribute "spectacular." Regarding the QM, it was possible to identify, from the results of the factor analysis, five factors and preference profiles: conservation, recreative, diversified, natural-anthropic and cultural. Specific information was given to formulate recommendations for consideration and support future decisions of the management of tourism in protected natural areas in Chihuahua.

Identificação, seleção e caracterização de espécies vegetais destinadas à instalação de jardins sensoriais táteis para deficientes visuais, em Piracicaba (SP), Brasil / Identification, selection and characterization of plant species designed to establish tactile sensory gardens for the vision impaired, in Piracicaba (SP), Brazil

Leão, José Flávio Machado César 05 September 2007 (has links)
O trabalho avaliou a percepção tátil de espécies vegetais por uma parcela da população de deficientes visuais em diferentes graus de intensidade, de ambos os sexos e com idades variando entre treze e setenta e sete anos, residentes em Piracicaba (SP), classificando-as de acordo com a maior ou a menor preferência, por meio de análises sensoriais afetivas. As plantas foram escolhidas entre aquelas utilizadas na composição de parques e jardins, instalados nas condições ambientais da região de Piracicaba (SP). No processo de seleção das plantas, considerou-se, também, a escolha daquelas que possibilitassem maior segurança física e psicológica aos deficientes visuais, além da sua disponibilidade no mercado. Foram selecionados, para os testes, indivíduos vegetais adultos, organizados em grupos distintos, de acordo com seu porte, sua estrutura e suas funções específicas na composição paisagística: treze espécies arbóreas; cinco palmeiras; dois tipos de bambus; dezenove arbustos, 34 espécies herbáceas e quatro tipos de gramas, totalizando 77 diferentes plantas. As espécies arbóreas foram avaliadas pelas características do tronco: a circunferência à altura do peito (CAP) e a textura da casca; as arbustivas, segundo o porte da planta, o tipo, a textura e o tamanho das folhas; as herbáceas e as gramíneas, segundo o tipo, a textura e o tamanho das folhas. A partir dos testes realizados, concluiu-se que com relação aos provadores, não houve diferença significativa entre os fatores sexo, idade, grau e tempo da deficiência, no que se refere às preferências sobre as espécies vegetais, dentro de cada categoria. Em relação às espécies arbóreas, constatou-se que, aos menores valores de CAP e à textura mais fina da casca, foram associados os maiores escores médios, refletindo a preferência dos provadores por indivíduos com menores diâmetros e por espécies com texturas macias, lisas e muito lisas. Os resultados sugeriram que a característica textura da casca foi mais importante, do ponto de vista afetivo, que a circunferência do caule à altura do peito. No que se refere aos arbustos testados, verificou-se que o porte foi pouco importante e que a textura e o tamanho das folhas foram os fatores preponderantes na discriminação das espécies, com ampla vantagem para as texturas macias. Os testes com as herbáceas e as gramíneas para relvados também evidenciaram que as características mais importantes, do ponto de vista afetivo, foram a textura e o tamanho das folhas. As herbáceas contempladas com flores ou inflorescências receberam escores médios maiores, exceção feita ao antúrio e à estrelícia, provavelmente, por apresentarem folhas médias e grandes, respectivamente, ou pelas características específicas de suas flores. / The tactile perception of plant species by part of the visual impaired population at different intensity degrees of both genders, and ages ranging 13 to 77 years, residents of Piracicaba (SP) were evaluated, assorted according to higher or lower preference through affective sensorial analysis. The plants were collected from parks and gardens set up under the environmental conditions of the region of Piracicaba (SP). While selecting the plants, the choice of those plants likely to provide more physical and psychological safety to the visual impaired and market availability was also taken into account. Adult individuals were selected for the tests, organized into distinct groups according to size, structure and specific function in the landscape composition: thirteen arboreal species; five palm trees; two types of bamboo; nineteen shrubs; thirty four herbaceous species and four types of grass, in a total of seventy seven different plants. The arboreal species were evaluated according to the trunk characteristics: circumference at breast height (CBH) and bark texture; shrubby plants according to plant size, type, texture and leaf size; herbaceous plants and grasses according to type, texture and leaf size. Regarding the testers, the results showed that no significant difference occurred among gender, age, deficiency degree and time as to the preference for plant species within each category. As to the arboreal species, one verified that lower CBH values and thinner bark texture were associated to the mean scores, thus reflecting the preference of testers for lesser diameters and soft, smooth and very smooth texture species. The results suggested that the bark texture feature was more important, from the affective viewpoint, than the stem circumference at breast height. Regarding the tested shrubs, one verified that the size was not significant and that both leaf texture and size were preponderant in discriminating the species, with soft textures being much more preferred. Tests with herbaceous plants and grasses for grassland also pointed that the more important characteristics, from the affective viewpoint, were leaf texture and size. Blooming herbaceous plants were given higher mean scores, except for the Anthurium and Strelitzia, probably because of their medium and large size leaves, respectively, or due to specific flower features.

Os grandes espaços do lazer urbano, arquitetura dos parques públicos : morfologia, tipologia e potencialidades

Mohr, Udo Silvio January 2003 (has links)
Le travail discute le sujet du parc public urbain en essayant de comprendre l'importance de ce type architectural pour la ville. L'étude se veut une contribution à la discussion du rôle du parc public dans la vie urbaine, laquelle se réfugie, de plus en plus, dans des espaces fermés. D'abord nous faisons une analyse des jardins dans le monde occidental, du rôle des espaces naturels dans la ville et de l'évolution des concepts de parc et de parc urbain. Le travail focalise l'étude de trois parcs considérés ici comme emblématiques: le Central Park en New York, EUA, le premier des parcs publics construit exprès pour ce but, le Parque do Flamengo à Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, le représentant le plus important de ce type dans l'architecture moderniste brésilienne et le Parc de La Villette à Paris, France, lequel concrétise des concepts révolutionnaires sur la fonction et sur la morphologie du type parc urbain. À partir de l'analyse comparative de ces trois espaces et de l'étude de cette typologie, le travail conclut que le parc urbain est une conséquence des transformations qui ont eu lieu à partir de la révolution industrielle et qu'il est un équipement fondamental de la ville moderne. Le parc urbain ne peut pas être considéré comme un refuge pour que les gens s’écartent de la ville, mais un lieu qui la compose. Il est, de plus en plus, un élément composant indispensable à la ville elle-même. Le parc public est un des plus importants espaces ouverts et sa présence est absolument nécessaire pour permettre un caractère démocratique à la vie urbaine. Les villes se transforment à une vitesse croissante. La morphologie du parc doit donc rendre possible son propre renouvellement et aussi son adéquation aux nouvelles fonctions. / O trabalho discute a temática do parque público urbano, procurando compreender a importância deste tipo arquitetônico para a cidade. Pretende-se contribuir para a discussão do papel do parque público na vida urbana, que se refugia, cada vez com mais intensidade, nos espaços confinados. Parte-se de uma análise sobre os jardins no ocidente, o papel dos espaços naturais na cidade e a evolução dos conceitos de parque e de parque urbano. O trabalho centra-se no estudo de três parques, aqui considerados como emblemáticos: Central Park em Nova York, EUA, o primeiro parque público construído especificamente para este finalidade, Parque do Flamengo no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, o mais importante representante deste tipo na arquitetura modernista brasileira e Parc de La Villette, em Paris, França, que concretiza conceitos revolucionários quanto à função e à morfologia do tipo parque urbano. A partir da análise comparativa dos três espaços e do estudo desta tipologia, conclui-se que o parque urbano é uma conseqüência das transformações ocorridas no processo da revolução industrial e que se constitui em um equipamento integrante da cidade moderna. O parque não é um espaço destinado à fuga da cidade, mas um lugar que dela passou a fazer parte, sendo, cada vez mais, um de seus componentes indispensáveis. Ele é um dos mais importantes espaços abertos e sua presença torna-se imprescindível por possibilitar um caráter democrático à vida da cidade. As transformações das cidades tornam-se cada vez mais rápidas. A morfologia do parque deve, pois, permitir sua renovação e sua adequação a novas funções. / In this dissertation we discuss the role of the urban park in order to ascertain its importance as an architectural type of the city. In this way, we endeavor to contribute to the discussion of the role of public parks in urban life, as an alternative to the current trend towards closed spaces. We depart from an analysis of western gardens, the role of natural areas in the city and the evolution of the concepts of park, and urban park. Three parks, here considered as emblematic, were selected: Central Park, New York, United States, the first public park ever to be primarily established with this aim; Parque do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the most representative of its type in modernistic Brazilian architecture; and Parc de La Villette, Paris, France, materializing revolutionary concepts in morphology and function. Based on a comparative analysis of these three parks and on the evaluation of their typology we may recognize the urban park as a consequence of transformations that took place during the industrial revolution, and a characteristic equipment of the modern city. Parks are not to be considered refuges, isolated from urban life, but as essential equipments of the city. They constitute one of the most important features of a city, and their presence became invaluable to add a democratic dimension to urban life. Cities change rapidly and the park morphology must change accordingly to permit its renovation and adaptation to new functions.

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