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Utilização de biossólido no crescimento inicial de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L) cultivado em solo com diferentes texturasSantos, Jean Nonato Ribeiro dos 30 September 2014 (has links)
The application of biosolids in agricultural soils promotes the recycling of nutrients, improvement in the soil physical, chemical and biological properties through the addition of carbon rich material, thereby improving the environment for plant growth. Furthermore, it is a wise strategy for the waste disposal. However, its use should be handled with caution and taking into consideration mainly soil texture, to avoid problems of contamination of surface and groundwater. The aim of the study was: i) to evaluate the initial growth of Jatropha curcas L in soils with different textures and with different doses of biosolids, ii) to evaluate the absorption of some plant macro and micronutrients; iii) to evaluate the effect of biosolids on soil chemical properties. The study was conducted in a greenhouse using a completely randomized design in a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with three types of soil textural class (Sand, represented by a Spodosol; Sandy loam, represented by an Ultisol (0-20 cm layer); and Sandy clay loam, represented by an Ultisol (20-40 cm layer) and 4 doses of biosolids (0, 16, 80 and 160 t ha-1), with 3 replications. Plants were grown for 60 days in plastic pots containing 4 kg of soil. Soil moisture was kept at 70% of field capacity. The chlorophyll content and leaf area were measured at harvest. After harvest, shoot and root biomass, and concentrations of P, K, Zn and Cu in plant tissues were determined. Soil samples were collected from each pot after harvest and analyzed for pH, organic matter content, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity and concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Zn and Cu . Plant growth was higher in soil with biosolids than in the control soil, regardless of soil texture differences. However, doses over 80 T ha-1 did not cause the plant to growth at the same rate in the soils A and FA, but were more effective in the soil FAA. Biosolids caused increases in soil pH, organic matter, CEC and concentrations of P, Ca, K, Na, Cu e Zn, even though results varied with soil texture and doses of biosolids. The results confirm the advantages of using biosolids, however, they also show the importance of biosolids management in different soils. / A aplicação de biossólido em solos agrícolas se destaca pela viabilização da reciclagem de nutrientes, promoção de melhorias físicas, químicas e biológicas do solo por meio da adição de material rico em carbono, o que proporciona melhor ambiente para o crescimento de plantas e aumento na produtividade agrícola. Além disso, essa prática ainda contribui para a destinação mais racional do biossólido. Porém, seu uso deve ser manejado com cautela e levando-se em consideração principalmente a textura do solo, para evitar problemas de contaminação das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Os objetivos do estudo foram: i) Avaliar o crescimento inicial de plantas de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L) cultivadas em solos com diferentes texturas e tratados com diferentes doses de biossólidos; ii) Avaliar a absorção de alguns macro e micronutrientes pelas plantas; iii) Avaliar o efeito do biossólido nas propriedades químicas do solo. O estudo foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, usando o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 4, sendo 3 tipos de classe textural de solo (Areia, representada pelo Neossolo, (solo A); Franco Arenosa, representada pela camada de 0-20 cm do Argissolo (solo FA); Franco Argilo Arenosa, representada pela camada de 20-40 cm do Argissolo (solo FAA) e 4 doses de biossólido (0, 16, 80 e 160 toneladas por hectare), totalizando 12 tratamentos, com 3 repetições. As plantas foram cultivadas por 60 dias em vasos plásticos contendo 4 kg de solo, com umidade mantida a 70 % da capacidade de campo. A clorofila e a área foliar foram medidas no dia da colheita. Após a colheita, foram determinadas a biomassa seca da parte aérea e da raiz, e as concentrações de P, K, Zn e Cu nas plantas. Nas amostras de solo coletadas em cada vaso, após a colheita, foram determinados o pH, teor de matéria orgânica, condutividade elétrica, capacidade de troca de cátions e as concentrações de P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Zn e Cu. O crescimento das plantas foi melhor na presença de biossólido, independente da textura do solo, porém doses acima de 80 T ha-1 não promoveram grandes incrementos na massa seca da parte aérea das plantas nos solos A e FA, mas tiveram efeito mais acentuado no solo FAA. A adição de biossólido resultou em aumentos no pH, na matéria orgânica, na CTC e nas concentrações de P, Ca, K, Na, Cu e Zn no solo, mas esses resultados variaram muito com a textura do solo e a com a dose de biossólido aplicada. Esses resultados confirmam os benefícios do biossólido, mas reafirmam a necessidade de cuidados quanto à sua aplicação nos diferentes tipos de solo.
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The africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) for pollination and seed oil production in Jatropha curcas (L.) / A abelha melÃfera africanizada (Apis mellifera L.) na polinizaÃÃo e produÃÃo de Ãleo das sementes do pinhÃo manso (Jatropha curcas L.)RÃmulo Augusto Guedes Rizzardo 27 February 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility of using the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) for pollination and yield increment in Jatropha curcas L. crops. Therefore, the floral biology and pollination process of J. curcas were studied as well as the foraging behavior and pollination efficiency of A. mellifera in this crop by the introduction of four colonies in a hectare. The work was carried out in a five years-old commercial plantation comprising 10ha, in the state of PiauÃ, (08Â32â19,0âS and 43Â56â19,7âW, 220 meters above sea level), Brazil, from March to July, 2009. Flowers were presented in protogynous inflorescences and the anthesis and most of pollen presentation took place mainly in the morning shift. Inflorescences last, in average, 20 days, with female flowers concentrating in the first third of the period and male flowers predominating in the second third, in a relation of 18.1:1 male/ female flower. Although this may favor xenogamy, the stigma receptivity lasts for, at least, five days ensuring the flower to reach the period of most pollen release in its own inflorescence, facilitating the occurrence of geitonogamy. Flowers pollinated up to four days after anthesis did not differ (p>0.05) in fruit setting to those pollinated in the first, second or third day after anthesis. Foraging by A. mellifera occurs throughout the day and peaks between 13h00min and 15h00min and is characteristic of nectar harvesting both in male and female flowers. Only one visit by A. mellifera to J. curcas flowers set 100% producing results similar (p>0,05) to those from manual xenogamy (96%), manual geitonogamy (94%) and open pollination (93%). However, only one visit by a bee was not enough to maximize the oil content per seed (213mg) in comparison to the open pollination and geitonogamy treatments (both 250mg). Besides that, it was possible to observe that geitonogamy led to greater oil production than xenogamy (237mg). It is concluded that A. mellifera is an efficient pollinator of this crop. The introduction of four honey bee colonies per hectare maximize oil production and produce the best results for all parameters studied. Furthermore, only one visit by the honey bee to J. curcas flowers was enough to prevent pollination deficit in this crop. / O objetivo desta tese foi investigar a possibilidade da utilizaÃÃo de Apis mellifera L. na polinizaÃÃo e incremento de produtividade da cultura do pinhÃo manso (Jatropha curcas L.). Para tanto, foi estudado a biologia floral e a polinizaÃÃo do pinhÃo manso bem como o comportamento forrageiro e a eficiÃncia polinizadora de Apis mellifera. O trabalho foi realizado em 10ha de plantio comercial jà estabelecido, com cinco anos de idade, no estado do PiauÃ, (08Â32â19,0âS e 43Â56â19,7âW e 220 metros de altitude), entre os meses de marÃo e julho de 2009. A antese das flores do pinhÃo manso, distribuÃdas em cimos com carÃter protogÃnico, ocorre basicamente no perÃodo matinal, bem como a maior oferta de pÃlen. As inflorescÃncias duram, em mÃdia, 20 dias, com maior concentraÃÃo de flores femininas no terÃo inicial e de masculinas, no terÃo mÃdio, com relaÃÃo de 18,1 flores masculinas para cada feminina. Embora esse fato favoreÃa a xenogamia, a receptividade do estigma por, pelo menos, cinco dias, garante a flor alcanÃar o perÃodo de maior oferta de pÃlen no prÃprio cimo, oportunizando a geitonogamia. As flores polinizadas atà o quarto dia frutificam da mesma forma que aquelas polinizadas no primeiro, segundo e terceiro dias apÃs antese, nÃo havendo diferenÃas significativas. O forrageamento por A. mellifera ocorre durante todo o dia, com maior pico entre 13h00m e 15h00m e à tÃpico de coleta de nÃctar, tanto nas flores masculinas quanto nas femininas. Apenas uma visita da abelha Ãs flores acarreta em 100% de vingamento, mostrando resultado semelhante, (p>0,05), aos tratamentos de xenogamia manual (96%), geitonogamia manual (94%), e polinizaÃÃo aberta (93%). PorÃm, uma visita apenas, nÃo à suficiente para produzir maior quantidade de Ãleo por semente (213mg), em comparaÃÃo com o tratamento de polinizaÃÃo aberta, e por geitonogamia (250mg). AlÃm disto, foi possÃvel constatar que hà maior produÃÃo de Ãleo por geitonogamia e nÃo por xenogamia (237mg). Conclui-se que a Apis mellifera à um polinizador eficiente da cultura. Sua introduÃÃo, com quatro colÃnias por hectare, maximiza a produÃÃo de Ãleo e produz os melhores resultados para todos os parÃmetros avaliados. AlÃm disso, apenas uma visita da abelha melÃfera Ãs flores do pinhÃo manso à suficiente para prevenir dÃficit de polinizaÃÃo.
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Desenvolvimento de mudas de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) em tubetes e submetidas a diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico. / Development of seedlings of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) in plastic tubes and submitted to different levels of water deficitCícero Renê Almeida Barboza Júnior 31 January 2012 (has links)
Com a crescente procura por alternativas para suprir energeticamente o mundo, cada vez mais, fontes mais limpas e renováveis estão sendo utilizadas. No Brasil, a produção de óleos vegetais visando a geração de energia (biodiesel) ainda é incipiente. Dentre as diferentes espécies de oleaginosas, o pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) vem se destacando como uma ótima alternativa no fornecimento de matéria prima para a produção de biodiesel. Informações sobre essa cultura ainda são escassas, principalmente no Brasil, onde há pouco tempo foram iniciadas as pesquisas. A necessidade de informações locais também ressalta a importância da pesquisa com o Pinhão Manso. Com base nessas necessidades, o objetivo desse experimento foi analisar a viabilidade técnica da produção de mudas irrigadas de pinhão manso por sistema de subirrigação e desenvolver um sistema automatizado de manejo. O controle da irrigação foi realizado a partir da variação de peso dos tubetes com as mudas, devido a perda de água por evapotranspiração. No processo de controle dos pesos foram utilizadas células de carga, que monitoraram a variação de peso de um conjunto de tubetes denominado conjunto controle. O delineamento experimental foi em delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram quatro níveis de depleção da máxima capacidade de retenção de água (MCRA) apresentada pelo substrato (T1=20%, T2=40%, T3=60% e T4=80% da MCRA). Para se quantificar os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliadas semanalmente as seguintes características das mudas: altura e diâmetro do caule, número de folhas e área foliar, bem como a produção de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular. Os resultados mostram que o tratamento 2 foi o que se destacou dentre os demais, produzindo mudas de melhor qualidade, com maior acúmulo de matéria seca e maior consumo hídrico. / With the growing demand for alternative energy to meet the world, increasingly more clean and renewable sources are being used. In Brazil, the production of vegetable oils aimed at producing energy (biodiesel) is still incipient. Among the different species of oleaginous plants, jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) has emerged as a great alternative in providing raw material for biodiesel production. Information on this crop are still scarce, especially in Brazil where they recently started research. The need for local information also emphasizes the importance of research with Jatropha. Based on these needs, the aim of this experiment was to analyze the technical viability production of jatropha seedlings irrigated by subirrigation system and develop an automated system management. The irrigation control was carried out from the weight variation of the vials with the seedlings because of water loss through evapotranspiration. In the process of weight control were used load cells, which monitored the weight variation of a set of vials called the control group. The experimental design was the completely randomized with four replications. The treatments were four levels of depletion of the maximum water holding capacity (MCRA) presented by the substrate (T1=20%, T2=40%, T3=60% e T4=80% da MCRA). To quantify the effects of the treatments were evaluated weekly the following characteristics of seedlings: height and diameter of the stem, leaf number and leaf area, and the production of fresh and dry shoot and root. The results show that treatment 2 was what stood out among the others, producing higher quality seedlings with greater dry matter accumulation and increased water consumption.
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Process integration, economic and environmental analysis tools for biorefinery designMartinez Hernandez, Elias January 2013 (has links)
Renewability and the carbonaceous basis of biomass provide potential for both energy and chemical production in biorefineries in a fashion similar to crude oil refineries. Biorefineries are envisaged as having a key role in the transition to a more sustainable industry, especially as a means to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A biorefinery is a concept for the flexible, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable conversion of biomass through a combination of process technologies into multiple products. This implies that biorefineries must be integrated through designs that exploit the interactions between material and energy streams. The wide range of possibilities for biomass feedstock, processes and products poses a challenge to biorefinery design. Integrating biorefineries within evolving economic and environmental policy contexts requires careful analysis of the configurations to be deployed from early in the design stage. This research therefore focuses on the application and development of methodologies for biorefinery design encompassing process integration tools, economic and environmental sustainability analyses together. The research is presented in the form of papers published or submitted to relevant peer-reviewed journals, with a preamble for each paper and a final synthesis of the work as a whole. In a first stage, mass pinch analysis was adapted into a method for integration ofbiorefineries producing bioethanol as a final product and also utilising bioethanol asa working fluid within the biorefinery. The tool allows targeting minimum bioethanol utilisation and assessing network modifications to diminish revenue losses. This new application could stimulate the emergence of similar approaches for the design of integrated biorefineries. The thesis then moves to combine feedstock production models, process simulations in Aspen Plus® and process integration with LCA, to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions of biorefineries. This work, presented via two publications covering wheat to bioethanol and Jatropha to biodiesel or green diesel, provided evidence of the benefits of biorefinery integrationfor energy saving and climate change adaptation. The multilevel modelling approach is then further integrated into a methodologydeveloped for the combined evaluation of the economic potential and GHG emissions saving of a biorefinery from the marginal performances of biorefineryproducts. The tool allows assessing process integration pathways and targeting forpolicy compliance. The tool is presented via two further publications, the first drawing analogies between value analysis and environmental impact analysis inorder to create the combined Economic Value and Environmental Impact (EVEI)analysis methodology, the second extending this to demonstrate how the tool canguide judicious movement of environmental burdens to meet policy targets. The research embodied in this thesis forms a systematic basis for the analysis andgeneration of biorefinery process designs for enhanced sustainability. The toolspresented will facilitate both the implementation of integrated biorefinery designsand the cultivation of a community of biorefinery engineers for whom suchintegrated thinking is their distinctive and defining attribute.
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Análise fitoquímica e ensaios biológicos de plantas da caatinga utilizadas pelos índios Pankararé da estação ecológica Raso da Catarina, município de Glória-BA, Brasil / Phytochemical analysis and biological assays of the caatinga plants used by the Pankararé Indians of the Raso da Catarina ecological station, in the city of Glória-BA, BrazilSantos, Edilson Alves dos 07 November 2011 (has links)
This study aimed at registering through ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological studies, the use of medicinal plants utilized by Indians of the Pankarare tribe, set in the Ecological Reserve of Raso da Catarina, in the city of Glória - BA northeast of Brazil. 35 people were interviewed in the community between men and women. From the Species,15 specimens of plants cited, distributed in 11 families were made (EB) crude extracts of the stem, stem bark, leaf and root from which biological tests were
conducted for the larvicidal activity (larvae of the fourth instar of Aedes aegypti) molluscicidal (against the snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Scoparia dulcis and Helicteris velutina species were the ones that showed the best larvicidal activity, the species being Poincianella pyramidalis, Chenopodium ambrosoides, with Mimosa tenuiflora, had the best molluscicidal activity. About the species Mimosa tenuiflora (Jurema black) ethnobotanical informations were obtained about its use in sacred and cultural
rituals of the Pankarare. Only the crude extract (284 g, 20.57%) of the stem of Jatropha mollissima (white pine) was used for the phytochemical study for being the most mentioned species by the Pankarare to be indicated in folk medicine for the treatment of some infections, with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, purgative and healing activity. The extract and the fractions derived from the partitions, were submitted to tests for the evaluation of the molluscicidal activity (Biomphalaria glabrata), larvicide (larvae fourth instar Aedes aegypti), anti-Leishmania and anti Trypanosoma cruzi where it was possible to isolate and identify substances JM1 and JM2 identified through the techniques of IR and 1H NMR and 13C one and two dimensional. In this sense, the plants of the region have proved to be a rich source of substances with larvicidal, trypanocidal and Molluscicide activity. This study proves,
then, the relationship between the ethnobotany indication with the pharmacological testadase activities which makes evident the need for an interdisciplinary program of research in the semi-arid, especially in the Indian village Pankarare, aiming at a sustainable use of natural resources and promoting community development. / Este trabalho objetivou registrar através de estudos etnobotânicos e etnofarmacológicos o uso de plantas medicinais utilizadas por índios da tribo Pankarare, fixados na Reserva Ecológica do Raso da Catarina, no município de Glória - BA nordeste do Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 35 pessoas da comunidade entre homes e mulheres. Das espécies 15 espécies de plantas citadas, distribuídas
em 11 familias foram feitos (EB) extratos brutos do caule, casca do caule, folha e raiz dos quais foram realizados testes biológicos, para as atividades Larvicida (larvas do 4º instar do Aedes aegypti), Moluscicida (frente ao caramujo Biomphalaria glabrata. As espécies Scoparia dulcis e Helicteris velutina foram as que apresentaram melhor atividade larvicida,, sendo as espécies Poincianella
pyramidalis, Chenopodium ambrosoides, Mimosa tenuiflora com melhor atividade moluscicida. Sobre a espécie Mimosa tenuiflora (Jurema preta) foram obtidas informações etnobotânicas a respeito do seu uso nos rituais sagrado e culturais dos Pankarare. Apenas o extrato bruto (284 g; 20,57%) do caule da Jatropha mollissima (pinhão branco) foi utilizado para o estudo fitoquímico por ser a espécie mais citadas entre os Pankarare e indicada na medicina popular para o tratamento de algumas infecções, com atividade analgésica, anti-infamatória, hemostáticas, purgativas e cicatrizantes. O extrato, bem como as respectivas frações oriundas das partições, foram submetidos a ensaios para avaliação das atividades moluscicida (Biomphalaria glabrata), larvicida (larvas do 4º instar do Aedes aegypti), anti-
Leishmania e anti-Trypanossoma cruzi onde foi possível isolar e identificar as substâncias JM1 e JM2 identificadas através das técnicas de Infravermelho e RMN de 1H e 13C uni e bidimensional. Nesse sentido, as plantas da região tem se mostrado uma rica fonte de substâncias com atividades Larvicida, Moluscicida e tripanocida. O presente estudo comprova então, a relação entre a indicação etnobotânica com as atividades farmacológicas testadase que torna-se evidente a necessidade de um programa interdisciplinar de pesquisa no semi-árido nordestino, em especial na aldeia indígena Pankarare, visando à utilização sustentável de recursos naturais e promovendo o desenvolvimento da comunidade.
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Desenvolvimento de mudas de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) em tubetes e submetidas a diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico. / Development of seedlings of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) in plastic tubes and submitted to different levels of water deficitBarboza Júnior, Cícero Renê Almeida 31 January 2012 (has links)
Com a crescente procura por alternativas para suprir energeticamente o mundo, cada vez mais, fontes mais limpas e renováveis estão sendo utilizadas. No Brasil, a produção de óleos vegetais visando a geração de energia (biodiesel) ainda é incipiente. Dentre as diferentes espécies de oleaginosas, o pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) vem se destacando como uma ótima alternativa no fornecimento de matéria prima para a produção de biodiesel. Informações sobre essa cultura ainda são escassas, principalmente no Brasil, onde há pouco tempo foram iniciadas as pesquisas. A necessidade de informações locais também ressalta a importância da pesquisa com o Pinhão Manso. Com base nessas necessidades, o objetivo desse experimento foi analisar a viabilidade técnica da produção de mudas irrigadas de pinhão manso por sistema de subirrigação e desenvolver um sistema automatizado de manejo. O controle da irrigação foi realizado a partir da variação de peso dos tubetes com as mudas, devido a perda de água por evapotranspiração. No processo de controle dos pesos foram utilizadas células de carga, que monitoraram a variação de peso de um conjunto de tubetes denominado conjunto controle. O delineamento experimental foi em delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram quatro níveis de depleção da máxima capacidade de retenção de água (MCRA) apresentada pelo substrato (T1=20%, T2=40%, T3=60% e T4=80% da MCRA). Para se quantificar os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliadas semanalmente as seguintes características das mudas: altura e diâmetro do caule, número de folhas e área foliar, bem como a produção de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular. Os resultados mostram que o tratamento 2 foi o que se destacou dentre os demais, produzindo mudas de melhor qualidade, com maior acúmulo de matéria seca e maior consumo hídrico. / With the growing demand for alternative energy to meet the world, increasingly more clean and renewable sources are being used. In Brazil, the production of vegetable oils aimed at producing energy (biodiesel) is still incipient. Among the different species of oleaginous plants, jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) has emerged as a great alternative in providing raw material for biodiesel production. Information on this crop are still scarce, especially in Brazil where they recently started research. The need for local information also emphasizes the importance of research with Jatropha. Based on these needs, the aim of this experiment was to analyze the technical viability production of jatropha seedlings irrigated by subirrigation system and develop an automated system management. The irrigation control was carried out from the weight variation of the vials with the seedlings because of water loss through evapotranspiration. In the process of weight control were used load cells, which monitored the weight variation of a set of vials called the control group. The experimental design was the completely randomized with four replications. The treatments were four levels of depletion of the maximum water holding capacity (MCRA) presented by the substrate (T1=20%, T2=40%, T3=60% e T4=80% da MCRA). To quantify the effects of the treatments were evaluated weekly the following characteristics of seedlings: height and diameter of the stem, leaf number and leaf area, and the production of fresh and dry shoot and root. The results show that treatment 2 was what stood out among the others, producing higher quality seedlings with greater dry matter accumulation and increased water consumption.
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Jatropha – Zambia’s first Bio-diesel FeedstockMundike, Jhonnah January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to highlight and bring out the main environmental,economic and social impacts of the fast developing Jatropha industry in Zambia. Thestudy addressed key issues related with the Jatropha cultivation, processing and use of bio-diesel and its by-products. Each of the stages of Jatropha cultivation, conversiontechnology and the ultimate use of bio-diesel, glycerine and seedcake were related to the environmental, economic and social impacts. Jatropha based bio-diesel production in Zambia has potential to stimulate ruraldevelopment, promote agriculture and also helps to diversify Zambia’s economy. The Jatropha industry has potential to create more jobs than the fossil fuel sector. Locally produced bio-diesel would reduce reliance on imported fossil oil, which is more susceptible to external interruptions, ultimately improving on security of supply.Glycerine and the seedcake have both commercial and economic value within oroutside the country. The environmental impacts among others include reduced end-ofpipeemissions, soil conservation benefits and ability to minimize desertification. Key social impacts resulting from the Jatropha industry cannot be traced easily asactual experiences are yet to be seen and assessed. The issues of threat to foodsecurity and poverty reduction among the poor rural farmers require more time and amulti-disciplinary approach. The actual positive or negative impacts are projectionsthat depend on a variety of parameters and factors that may not follow a linear scale.The use of fertilizer may disadvantage rural farmers, while use of irrigation wouldequally impact negatively on them. Intercropping is beneficial to small scale farmers in the initial years, but may not be feasible later on. Pro-poor policies and promoting a reliable Jatropha feedstock are some of the waysthat will ensure a vibrant and competitive Jatropha industry in Zambia. Research anddevelopment should be promoted, well co-ordinated and encouraged so that up to date information is made available for informed decisions as the industry expands. / <p>www.ima.kth.se</p>
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Respostas de lâminas de irrigação e tipos de adubação no crescimento e produção do Pinhão-manso em condições de campo. / Growth and production of the Jatropha Curcas fertilized and irrigated with saline water under field conditionsNÓBREGA, Jerônimo Andrade da. 30 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-30T20:26:53Z
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JERÔNIMO ANDRADE DA NÓBREGA 1.PDF: 26585385 bytes, checksum: 048ff214808b8d928b95ac6d27b1ca5f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08 / O pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) é uma planta produtora de óleo atualmente considerada como alternativa para a produção de biodiesel. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de diferentes níveis de reposição da evapotranspiração, através da irrigação com água salina, e efeitos da adubação orgânica e mineral no cultivo do pinhão-manso em condições de campo. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Barra, no município de Santa Luzia, no semiarido paraibano. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Foram estudados cinco níveis
de reposição de água (25; 50; 75; 100 e 125% da evapotranspiração de referência) e três tipos de adubação (orgânica, mineral e fertilidade natural do solo, isto é, sem aplicação de adubo). As variáveis avaliadas foram: altura das plantas; diâmetro do caule; número de folhas; peso das sementes, dos frutos e da casca, e no fim do experimento, foi realizada uma análise foliar objetivando-se observar o acúmulo de nutrientes nas folhas. As lâminas de irrigação e o tipo de adubação exerceram, em determinado período de avaliação ou em todos eles, efeitos significativos nos parâmetros de crescimento e no número de folhas. As lâminas de irrigação não afetaram o peso das sementes, dos frutos nem da casca, enquanto a adubação causou efeito altamente significativo. As lâminas de irrigação promoveram efeito significativo no teor de nutrientes das folhas no final do experimento, apenas nos elementos sódio e nitrogénio, enquanto o efeito das adubações não foi significativo em nenhum dos elementos. As diferenças no teor de nutrientes das folhas entre as lâminas de 25% e 75% da ETo foram significativas apenas para os elementos N e Na; já nas médias dos tratamentos das adubações orgânica e mineral e sem adubação, não ocorreram diferenças estatísticas. / The Jatropha curcas is a oil producer plant now considered as an alternative for biodiesel
production. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of different leveis of replacement of the evapotranspiration, through the irrigation with saline water, and effects of the organic and chemical manuring in the cultivation of the Jatropha curcas under field conditions. The experiment was developed in the Farm Barra, in the municipal district of Santa Luzia, in the Paraíba semi-arid. The used statistical design was in randomized blocks, in an scheme of subdivided plots, with four replications. Five leveis of replacement of water (25; 50; 75; 100 and 125% of the reference evapotranspiration) and three manuring types (organic, mineral and natural fertility of the soil, that is, without fertilizer application) were studied. The appraised variables were: plants height; stem diameter, number of leaves, the seeds, fruits and peei weight, and at the end of the experiment a leave analysis was accomplished, aiming to observe the accumulation of nutrients in the leaves. The irrigation water depths and the manuring type exercised, in a certain evaluation period or in ali of them, significant effects on the growth parameters and on the number of leaves. The irrigation water depths didn't affect the weight of the seeds, of the fruits and of the peei, while the manuring caused effect highly
significant. The irrigation water depths promoted significant effect on the content of nutrients of the leaves by the end of the experiment, just in the elements sodium and nitrogen, while the effect of the manurings was not significant in none of the elements. The differences in the content of nutrients of the leaves among the water depths of 25% and 75% of ETo were significant just for the elements N and Na; already in the mean of the treatments of the organic and chemical manurings and without manuring, didn't happen statistical differences.
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A life cycle assessment on liquid biofuel use in the transport sector of EthiopiaDereje Kebede Abebe 02 October 2013 (has links)
Seed-oil based biodiesel production particularly biodiesel production from the nonedible
oil seed bearing plant - Jatropha curcas L. - is a key strategic direction outlined
in the biofuels strategy of the Government of Ethiopia. The main objective
underlying the strategy include substitution of imported diesel oil used in the road
transport sector while at the same time contributing to the local and global greenhouse
gasses (GHG) reduction efforts. In this study the environmental benefits and costs of
production and use of Jatropha biodiesel in the road transport sector of Ethiopia is
assessed using a life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology. The analysis focused on
determining the potential environmental impacts and net non-renewable energy
saving potential of biodiesel from Jatropha oil-seeds using the following metrics: (i)
Net Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction, and (ii) Net Energy Balance (NEB) relative to
diesel oil. The study shows that the net GHG emissions reduction potential of
Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME) is highly influenced by the magnitude of initial carbon
loss occurring in the process of conversion of different land uses to Jatropha
plantation, and less so on other unit processes of JME production system analysed.
The NEB of JME relative to use of diesel oil per functional unit of one GJ is less
sensitive to impacts of land use change and is generally positive. Where no land use
change impacts is considered, or where Jatropha is grown on lands with low carbon
stock such as grasslands, substitution of diesel oil with JME in Ethiopia can provide
GHG emission reduction of about 43%, and for each MJ of JME produced the nonrenewable
energy requirement will be 0,38 MJ. Production of JME by converting
lands with high above ground, below ground and/or soil carbon stocks such as shrub
lands or well stocked forest lands will result in net loss of carbon and require
ecological carbon payback time of 50 to hundreds of years. The impact of introducing and use of JME-diesel oil blends by Anbassa City Bus
Services Enterprise (ACBSE) bus fleets shows that, displacement of diesel oil with
JME that have positive GHG reduction potential, will also contribute to the reduction
of air pollutants and improvement of ambient air quality in Addis Ababa. Two key
recommendations of this research work are that to ensure environmental
sustainability of biodiesel production from Jatropha seeds (i) land availability and
land suitability assessment for estimating the potential available land for Jatropha
(and other oil-seed bearing plants) shall be conducted, and (ii) minimum
requirements on GHG reduction and NEB requirements on biodiesel shall be
established. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Developing and testing plant health management options against the maize cob borer Mussidia nigrivenella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in West Africa / Developing and testing plant health management options against the maize cob borer Mussidia nigrivenella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in West AfricaAgboka, Komi 11 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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