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Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in OntarioRies, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.
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Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in OntarioRies, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.
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La tesi si propone di rintracciare all’interno dell’ordinamento italiano una regola giuridica, quanto più generale possibile, suscettibile di applicazione al maggior numero di ipotesi in cui un atto giuridico determina l’alterazione di un ordine dato di priorità applicabile a pretese di azionisti e creditori di una società di capitali. Si rileva, infatti, che il diritto vivente delle garanzie reali possa spesso trovarsi in contrasto con un fondamentale principio di diritto dei contratti: quello di relatività dei loro effetti. Vengono, quindi, isolate, due classi di garanzie reali che, al contrario, risultano essere compatibili con il principio richiamato. Una più ampia regola viene, di seguito, proposta, basata sulla stessa logica che fonda l’istituto dei vantaggi compensativi, funzionale a regolare i fenomeni di alterazione di un ordine di priorità, a prescindere dalla natura della pretesa coinvolta. Essenzialmente, quest’ultima regola costituisce la trasposizione nel linguaggio e nel sistema giuridico del criterio di efficienza di Kaldor-Hicks. Dal lato dei diritti patrimoniali e nel prisma dei problemi “ordinali”, vengono individuate decisive somiglianze tra le pretese a titolo di debito e quelle a titolo di capitale di rischio, cosicché viene proposta l’applicazione di istituti classici del diritto azionario (ad es., il diritto di recesso) alla materia dei rapporti di credito. Definito l’ambito di applicazione dei diritti reali di garanzia e riconosciuta la maggior efficienza di strutture del passivo costruite prevalentemente sullo schema della subordinazione invece che su quello della preferenza, si propone di attuare un netto passaggio di sistema dal secondo schema al primo. Lo studio si conclude misurando i risultati ottenuti sugli analoghi fenomeni che si verificano nell’ambito della disciplina del sistema finanziario. / This thesis aims at finding in the Italian legal system a general rule able to provide a guidance for the modification of the order of priority of claims against limited liability corporations. It is argued that the applicable legal approach to security interests could often be in contrast with a basic principle of contract law: relativity. Therefore, firstly, two classes of security interests that proved to be coherent with the aforementioned principle are described. Secondly, a wider rule based on a logic of compensation is put forward and tested on some particular cases. Basically, this rule is a transposition into legal terms of the well-known Kaldor-Hicks criterion. On the economic rights side, similarities are founded between credit claims and equity claims about order issues, so that the compensation rule is thought as applicable, almost equivalently, to both types of claims. Application to a certain class of creditors of “organizational rules” (for example, right of withdrawal) typically provided by law for shareholders is also suggested. Defined the scope of application of security interests and considered the efficiency gains that are achievable by subordination structures instead of priority ones, it is proposed to pursue the same goal of modifying a given order of priority, through subordination agreements. Finally, these results are discussed taking into account some financial law topics.
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Economic and Social Networks: Impacts on Regional Economic Outcomes and ConcentrationsPark, Gil-Hwan January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Αριθμητική μελέτη της δυναμικής συμπεριφοράς μοντέλων Kaldor της μακροοικονομίαςΜάρκελλος, Παναγιώτης Ιωάννης 22 November 2011 (has links)
Τα πρωτότυπα αποτελέσματα της διατριβής περιέχονται στα κεφ. 2, 3 και 4. Στο κεφ. 2 μελετούμε με αριθμητικές μεθόδους ένα 3-διάστατο διακριτό μοντέλο μακροοικονομίας με σταθερές ισοτιμίες. Χρησιμοποιώντας μια μέθοδο πλέγματος, βρίσκουμε την περιοχή ευστάθειας στον παραμετρικό χώρο, προσδιορίζουμε την καμπύλη διακλαδώσεων Hopf-Neimark και θεωρούμε σύντομα την εμφάνιση “γλωσσών” Arnold. Υπολογίζονται διαγράμματα διακλαδώσεων και εκθέτη Lyapunov που δίνουν πληροφορίες για τους επιχειρηματικούς κύκλους και την πολύπλοκη δυναμική του μοντέλου και. παρουσιάζουμε παραδείγματα κυκλικών και χαοτικών ελκυστών. Στο κεφ. 3 μελετούμε με τις ίδιες μεθόδους ένα διακριτό μοντέλο αλληλεπίδρασης περιοχών με σταθερές ισοτιμίες, επέκταση του προηγούμενου μοντέλου σε 5 διαστάσεις. Στόχος ήταν να δείξουμε πόσο εφικτή και αποτελεσματική είναι μία αριθμητική μελέτη για ηπίως πολυδιάστατα διακριτά δυναμικά συστήματα με πολλές παραμέτρους. Βρήκαμε ότι η κίνηση κεφαλαίων δεν αρκεί για τη δημιουργία κύκλων όταν είναι χαμηλή η εμπορική αλληλεπίδραση. Το κατώφλι εμπορίου προβλέπεται περίπου στο 15% των εμπορικών συναλλαγών. Αντίθετα, το μοντέλο δεν προβλέπει αναγκαίο ελάχιστο επίπεδο κίνησης κεφαλαίων για την εμφάνιση των κύκλων. Δίνουμε παραδείγματα διαγραμμάτων διακλάδωσης και εκθέτη Lyapunov που δείχνουν την εμφάνιση κύκλων ή ακολουθίας διπλασιασμού περιόδου, και παραδείγματα της ανάπτυξής τους. Το κεφ. 4 περιέχει σύντομη περιγραφή συμπληρωματικών αποτελεσμάτων στα παραπάνω μοντέλα, και στα αντίστοιχα μοντέλα μεταβλητής ισοτιμίας συναλλάγματος, καθώς και κατευθύνσεις μελλοντικής έρευνας. Στο κεφ. 5 περιγράφονται σύντομα οι υπολογιστικές τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιήσαμε. Η διατριβή δείχνει την αποτελεσματικότητα της αριθμητικής προσέγγισης για πολυδιάστατα διακριτά μοντέλα. / The original results of the dissertation are contained in ch. 2, 3 and 4, and concern mainly the problem of business cycles. In ch. 2 we explore numerically a 3D discrete Kaldorian macrodynamic model of open economy with fixed exchange rates. Using a grid search method we determine the stability region in parameter space, and the Hopf-Neimark bifurcation curve, and discuss briefly the occurrence of Arnold tongues. Bifurcation and Lyapunov exponent diagrams are computed providing information on the business cycles and illustrating the complex dynamics involved. Examples of cycles and chaotic attractors are presented. In ch. 3 we explore a 5D extension of the previous model using the same methods. The aim was to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the numerical approach for discrete dynamical systems of moderately high dimensionality and several parameters. We found that capital movement is not sufficient to generate interregional business cycles when trade interaction is low. The trade threshold is predicted at about 15% of trade transactions. By contrast, no minimum level of capital mobility exists as a requirement for the emergence of business cycles. Examples of bifurcation and Lyapunov exponent diagrams illustrating the occurrence of cycles or period doubling, and examples of their development, are given. Ch. 4 contains a short description of complementary results on the above models, and on two other models which extend the previous models to the case of flexible exchange rates, as well as some lines of future research. In ch. 5, the computational techniques employed in the present study are briefly described. The dissertation indicates the effectiveness of the numerical approach for high dimensional discrete models.
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