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Socialt kapital inom folkhälsoarbete : en fallstudie med utgångspunkt i centrala policydokumentZijp, Michael January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Intellektuellt kapital : en studie i FöreningssparbankenHultman, Martin, Knutsson, Jimmy, Lindberg, Christel January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Socialt kapital inom folkhälsoarbete : en fallstudie med utgångspunkt i centrala policydokumentZijp, Michael January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : kommunikation och trivsel i industriella arbetslagGustafsson, Maria, Nilsson, Ann-Louise, Eliasson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
Relationships and trust between humans create the psychosocial working environment. This is a basic human activity and is communicated in a continually ongoing process. Conciseness about the value of trust and social capital motivates the need for work, with threats to communication, being conflicts and noise. This can create greater trust in the workplace as a whole, as well in the working team. Scientists are increasingly interested in these social relations in the working environment; there are profits, both for production and in terms of individuals\2019 well being, in shifting the focus away from a purely production-oriented, economic perspective. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between experiences of communication and job satisfaction in the working team as perceived by the individual worker. The results show that there is a strong significant correlation between communication and job satisfaction in the working team. The method used in this study is quantitative with a questionnaire given to 139 industrial workers who work in shifts.
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Möjligheternas land : En undersökning om vad som motiverar studenter från icke-akademiska förhållanden att själva söka utbildning på högre nivå / The Land of Opportunities : A survey of what motivates students from non-academic relations to apply for higher education.Hadzija, Palmina January 2010 (has links)
Women all over the world have been victims for oppression during a long period of time. One main thing they were excluded from was the possibility to educate themselves. Fortunately, the situation is different today and studies shows that there are more women applying for higher-education than men, at least in Sweden. What motivates them is unknown, but according to the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, it is always something in one’s social environment. The aim of this thesis was to examine how five female students have been motivated to apply for university and college educations, despite the fact that they are from non-academic families. Which factors such as family, friends or institutions have been most significant in their choice of education? Through interviews with five female students I was able to get an insight of their thoughts about education and why they think it is important. Also, I was able to find out what their main motivation came from. I based my research on Bourdieu’s central concepts and analyzed my results on them. The reason that I only examined female students' education choices, was because Bourdieu’s surveys most often focused on male students. I concluded that my five female students were motivated by their families. Despite the non-academic background, they managed to increase their different capital forms to succeed with the higher education. The main reason for applying for university and college educations was the hope of a better future with a well-paid job.
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Platsutveckling genom kultur på landsbygden : En fallstudie av verksamheten Gula Huset i Uddebo / Site developement by means of culture in rural areas : A case study on the activities of Gula Huset in Uddebo.Petersson, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Urbanization and the flight of the creative class drains the countryside when it comes to creativity and talent. Especially the young leave sleepy societies. Richard Florida claims that the city attracts the creative class and enables for economic growth to flourish. Robert Putnam adds to the picture by saying social capital might be equally effective as nourishment for growth. In Uddebo, a rural village in the south of Sweden one combines the two creating a vivid society where creativity flies high and ideas fertilize each other’s. Whilst saving an old house from decaying the enthusiastic economic association called Gula Huset combines arts, culture, work, games and society in a creative project denying all standards. By working in a way that has similarities to cultural planning they make the most of their village. As the demographics change to the better more and more functions are built into the society.
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En narrativ analys av Greenpeace och VärldsnaturfondenStrömberg, Krister January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att studera de narrativ som Greenpeace och Världsnaturfonden använder för att värva medlemmar och få gehör från allmänheten. Organisationerna tillhör den grupp som kallas för NGO vilket betyder non-govermental organization. Det är ett samlingsbegrepp för organisationer som inte är bundna till någon stat eller skapad av någon stat. Genom att använda en narrativ metod analyseras återkommande mönster som organisationerna använder för att nå sina mål. De här mönstren analyseras med Bourdieus kapitalteori för att visa vilka effekter narrativen har för organisationerna. Resultaten av analysen genererade tre narrativ för respektive organisation. Greenpeace narrativ fokuserade på storlek och struktur, framställa sig i en roll av att vara oskyldig och att framstå som sympatiska. Världsnaturfondens narrativ har fokus på social rättvisa och deltagande, användande av bilder för att skapa sympati och presentera positiva och negativa exempel. Med de här narrativen påverkar de allmänheten och beslutsfattare utan att behöva stå till svars för någon annan än sina medlemmar.
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Sozialkapital, Kultur und ihr Einfluss auf die wirtschaftliche EntwicklungOelgart, Niels January 2004 (has links)
Zugl.: Münster (Westfalen), Univ., Diss., 2004
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Sozialkapital und seine handlungstheoretischen Grundlagen eine wissenschaftstheoretische UntersuchungMarx, Johannes January 2001 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Univ., Magisterarbeit, 2001
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Sozialkapital und Wertorientierungen in Europa Grundlagen und AnalysenKindermann, Melanie January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Magisterarbeit, 2005
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