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Posthuman Maturation in Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff's <em>Illuminae</em>: Re-Conceptualizing the Human for Adolescence and Artificial IntelligenceWilliams, Gregory Alaric 01 June 2017 (has links)
In order to empower adolescents, this thesis examines how the adult conception of the human in humanism disempowers adolescents. This thesis examines this process in Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff's Illuminae, a work of young adult science fiction with non-traditional text structures. In consequence of their disempowerment, the adolescent Kady and artificially intelligent AIDAN impersonate human authorities in order to gain control over their lives. When these attempts fail, Kady and AIDAN transition from a humanist conception of the human, as an isolated self that balances rationality and emotionality, to a posthuman conception of the human, a distributed self that accepts the hybridization of adolescent and machine. The development of a posthuman self enables adolescents and AI control over their own lives, an alternative form of maturation that suggests a means for empowering adolescents through the use of technology. This alternative maturation counters traditional maturation in young adult science fiction and anti-technology trends in young adult science fiction.
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Bittersweet Attachments: Reimagining Desire in Queer Biographical LiteratureHannan, Theodora 18 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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’Do we need the kids here?’ : Maktrelationer mellan ungdomar och vuxna i Amie Kaufman och Jay Kristoffs Illuminae files-trilogi (2015–2018) / ’Do we need the kids here?’ : Power Relationships Between Young Adults and Adults in Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff’s Illuminae files-trilogy (2015–2018).Olsson, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur åldersbaserad makt skildras i Amie Kaufman och Jay Kristoffs Illuminae files-trilogi (2015–2018). Genom att studera protagonisterna Kady och Hanna söker uppsatsen svar på vad som händer när unga får makt och hur vuxna reagerar på detta. Tidigare forskning fokuserar främst på hur vuxna förtrycker barn (aetonormativitet) eller hur barn kan få makt (the mighty child). Malin Alkestrands alternativa analyseringssätt the controlled adolescent-motif och the mighty adolescent-motif kombinerar de två tidigare begreppen för att tydligare urskilja hur makten är flytande och skiftar mellan barn och vuxna. Jag har använt Alkestrands termer för att studera hur makten förflyttar sig mellan de unga och de vuxna i trilogin. Undersökningen visar att Kady och Hanna har kompetens inom teknik, militär strategi och kampsport vilket möjliggör för dem att ta makt. I situationer när the mighty adolescent-motif framträder kämpar de vuxna emot och nervärderar ofta ungdomarna verbalt i ett försök att visa auktoritet och ta tillbaka makten. När the controlled adolescent-motif framträder trycks de unga ofta till sidan men kan få makt genom en vänlig vuxen som står upp för dem. Noterbart är att Kadys pappa använder sin makt för att ge de unga makt och framstår genom det som god. I slutet återställer han dock makthierarkin mellan sig och ungdomarna, vilket varken Kady eller Hanna säger emot. Detta visar på att ungdomarna tillåts ha makt i situationer där deras kompetens kan användas för de vuxnas bästa, men att vuxna alltid kommer återta makten i slutet.
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Periodic Ising CorrelationsHystad, Grethe January 2009 (has links)
We consider the finite two-dimensional Ising model on a lattice with periodic boundaryconditions. Kaufman determined the spectrum of the transfer matrix on the finite,periodic lattice, and her derivation was a simplification of Onsager's famous result onsolving the two-dimensional Ising model. We derive and rework Kaufman's resultsby applying representation theory, which give us a more direct approach to computethe spectrum of the transfer matrix. We determine formulas for the spin correlationfunction that depend on the matrix elements of the induced rotation associated withthe spin operator. The representation of the spin matrix elements is obtained byconsidering the spin operator as an intertwining map. We wrap the lattice aroundthe cylinder taking the semi-infinite volume limit. We control the scaling limit of themulti-spin Ising correlations on the cylinder as the temperature approaches the criticaltemperature from below in terms of a Bugrij-Lisovyy conjecture for the spin matrixelements on the finite, periodic lattice. Finally, we compute the matrix representationof the spin operator for temperatures below the critical temperature in the infinite-volume limit in the pure state defined by plus boundary conditions.
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The History and Development of the Alvin SchoolBoshart, Jarushia Valentine 08 1900 (has links)
"The purpose of this study is not only to satisfy a personal interest, but also to preserve in an interesting narrative form the facts connected with the history and development of the Alvin, Texas, School. The data concerning this subject have been taken from Brazoria County newspapers, The Alvin Sun newspaper files, Alvin School Board Minutes, Alvin School annuals, city records of Alvin and personal interviews. These data have been carefully selected and taken from reliable sources."
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Influência dos pré-tratamentos de bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ e nitretação iônica no desgaste de revestimento de TiN / The influence of pre-treatment of the bombardment with Xe+ ions and ion nitriding in the wear of TiN coatingsVales, Sandra dos Santos 29 March 2016 (has links)
A tendência mundial de se buscar a sustentabilidade econômica tem causado uma crescente demanda por novas técnicas e novos materiais que gerem: aumento da produtividade, maior velocidade de operação, aumento da vida útil de ferramentas e matrizes, e que reduzam o custo ambiental atual. Nesta busca a modificação de superfícies metálicas é um campo promissor e o bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ tem sido utilizada para texturizar a superfície do substrato, seja para o aumento da aderência de revestimentos com grande dureza ou para melhorar a difusão de N. Neste estudo são relatados os resultados obtidos de ensaios de dureza, desgaste, DRX (fases e tensão residual) e microscopias MEV, AFM e MET, efetuadas em amostras de aço 100Cr6 (globulizada) modificadas superficialmente por meio de bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ e revestimento duplex. Para esse fim, foram preparadas amostras combinando: bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ com energia de 400 e 1000 eV; implantação de N por feixe de íons e plasma pulsado; e deposição do revestimento de TiN por sputtering com diferentes temperaturas em um sistema reativo com N2-IBSD. Uma análise desses resultados permitiu constatar que o bombardeamento de íons de Xe+ gera refinamento de grãos, texturização, e aumenta a densidade de defeitos na estrutura cristalina na superfície tratada em função da energia utilizada. O bombardeamento de Xe+ com energia de 1000 eV melhorou o aprisionamento de nitrogênio e a difusão a 380°C (via feixe de íons) o que levou a formação dos nitretos γ\'-Fe4N e ε-Fe2-3N. Enquanto que com energia de 400 eV levou a formação apenas do nitreto γ\'-Fe4N. As propriedades adquiridas na combinação dos pré-tratamentos de bombardeamento de Xe+ com energia de 400 eV, nitretação a plasma pulsado (520°C) e a deposição do filme de TiN (500°C/240 min) levaram ao melhor desempenho no ensaio de desgaste. / The global trend of seeking economic sustainability has caused a growing demand for new materials that generate: increased productivity, higher operating speed, increased service life of tools and dies, and to reduce the current environmental cost. In this search, the modification of metallic surfaces is a promising field and bombardment Xe+ ions has been used to texture the surface of the substrate, is to increase the tack coatings with high hardness or to improve the N diffusion. In this study are reported the results obtained from testing the hardness, wear, XRD (phase and residual stress) and microscopy SEM, AFM and TEM, made in 100Cr6 steel samples (globulized) surface modified by bombardment with Xe+ and duplex coating. To this end, samples were prepared by combining: bombardment Xe+ ions with energy of 400 and 1000 eV; N implantation by ion beam and pulsed plasma; and deposition of the TiN coating by sputtering at different temperatures in a N2 reaction system-IBSD. An analysis of these results helped to confirm that the bombardment of Xe+ ions produces grain refinement, texturing, and increases the defect density in the crystalline structure of the surface treated according to the energy used. Bombardment of Xe+ ions with energy 1000 eV improved nitrogen trapping and diffusion to 380°C (via ion beam) which led to the formation of γ\'-Fe4N and ε-Fe2-3N nitrides. Whereas with energy 400 eV led to the formation of only γ\'-nitride Fe4N. The properties acquired in the combination of the pre-treatments of Xe+ ions bombardment at 400 eV, pulsed plasma nitriding (520°C) and the deposition of TiN coating (500°C/240 min) leads to a superior performance in wear test.
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Comparing Two Individually Administered Reading Assessments for Predicting Outcomes on SAGE ReadingStevens, Meighan Noelle 01 March 2017 (has links)
Accountability for student learning outcomes is of importance to parents and school and district administrators, especially since the passage of The No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. The requirement for high-stakes testing to measure progress has fostered interest in ways to monitor student preparedness during the school year. This study used 2014 and 2015 test data from of 154 students from one elementary school to measure the correlation between individually administered Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Brief Reading and DIBELS Next reading assessments and outcomes on the high-stakes Utah SAGE test. This correlational study used Pearson correlation coefficients to determine redundancy across the tests, and used multiple regression to assess how well scores on the KTEA and DIBELS Next tests predict students' subsequent scores on the SAGE test. Results indicate that DIBELS Next was a strong predictor of SAGE outcomes while KTEA Brief results were moderate predictors.
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Ethnic passing across the Jewish literary diasporaKatsnelson, Anna 25 January 2012 (has links)
In my dissertation, I examine the works of six writers (George S. Kaufman, Moss Hart, Clarice and Elisa Lispector, Evgenia Ginzburg and Vasilii Aksyonov) who did not explore their Jewish identity in their texts and were subsequently left out of the canons of Jewish literature in their respective countries. My goal is to recalibrate the concept of the Jewish canon from the charged notion of identity to a theory of shared thematic material in which the works of hyphenated Jewish writers will be considered under the category of ‘Jewish American, Brazilian, or Russian’ if they share definite attributes. This was a transnational study showing that similar forces were at work not only in one country, but across continents, affecting the sensibilities of Jewish writers in remarkably similar ways. On a larger scale their de-thematized narratives share thematic tropes and belong to a ‘minor, liminal, marginal narrative,’ a narrative which attempted to work within the scope of the master narratives produced by the hegemonic culture. I have claimed that even though these six writers did not thematize identity in their texts, because of the negative political and social situation for the Jew in the first half of the twentieth century in western civilization, this situation and the writers’ own alterity produced similar and overlapping narratives. / text
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Profile analysis of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, second edition with African American and Caucasian preschool children.Dale, Brittany A. January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine if African American and Caucasian preschool children displayed similar patterns of performance among the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) factors measured by the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II). Specifically, a profile analysis was conducted to determine if African Americans and Caucasians displayed the same patterns of highs and low and scored at the same level on the KABC-II composites and subtests. Forty-nine African American (mean age = 59.14 months) and 49 Caucasian (mean age = 59.39) preschool children from a Midwestern City were included in the study and were matched on age, sex, and level of parental education. Results of a profile analysis found African American and Caucasian preschool children had a similar pattern of highs and lows and performed at the same level on the CHC broad abilities as measured by the KABC-II. Comparison of the overall mean IQ indicated no significant differences between the two groups. The overall mean difference between groups was 1.47 points, the smallest gap seen in the literature. This finding was inconsistent with previous research indicating a one standard deviation difference in IQ between African Americans and Caucasians. A profile analysis of the KABC-II subtests found the African American and Caucasian groups performed at an overall similar level, but did not show the same pattern of highs and lows. Specifically, Caucasians scored significantly higher than African Americans on the Expressive Vocabulary subtest which measures the CHC narrow ability of Lexical Knowledge.
Results of this study supported the KABC-II’s authors’ recommendation to make interpretations at the composite level. When developing hypotheses of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in narrow abilities, clinicians should be cautious when interpreting the Expressive Vocabulary subtest with African Americans. Overall, results of this study supported the use of the KABC-II with African American preschool children. When making assessment decisions, clinicians can be more confident in an unbiased assessment with the KABC-II.
Future research could further explore the CHC narrow abilities in ethnically diverse populations. Additionally, more research should be conducted with other measures of cognitive ability designed to adhere to the CHC theory, and the appropriateness of those tests with an African American population. Furthermore, future research with the KABC-II could determine if the results of the present study were replicated in other age groups. / Department of Educational Psychology
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Influência dos pré-tratamentos de bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ e nitretação iônica no desgaste de revestimento de TiN / The influence of pre-treatment of the bombardment with Xe+ ions and ion nitriding in the wear of TiN coatingsSandra dos Santos Vales 29 March 2016 (has links)
A tendência mundial de se buscar a sustentabilidade econômica tem causado uma crescente demanda por novas técnicas e novos materiais que gerem: aumento da produtividade, maior velocidade de operação, aumento da vida útil de ferramentas e matrizes, e que reduzam o custo ambiental atual. Nesta busca a modificação de superfícies metálicas é um campo promissor e o bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ tem sido utilizada para texturizar a superfície do substrato, seja para o aumento da aderência de revestimentos com grande dureza ou para melhorar a difusão de N. Neste estudo são relatados os resultados obtidos de ensaios de dureza, desgaste, DRX (fases e tensão residual) e microscopias MEV, AFM e MET, efetuadas em amostras de aço 100Cr6 (globulizada) modificadas superficialmente por meio de bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ e revestimento duplex. Para esse fim, foram preparadas amostras combinando: bombardeamento com íons de Xe+ com energia de 400 e 1000 eV; implantação de N por feixe de íons e plasma pulsado; e deposição do revestimento de TiN por sputtering com diferentes temperaturas em um sistema reativo com N2-IBSD. Uma análise desses resultados permitiu constatar que o bombardeamento de íons de Xe+ gera refinamento de grãos, texturização, e aumenta a densidade de defeitos na estrutura cristalina na superfície tratada em função da energia utilizada. O bombardeamento de Xe+ com energia de 1000 eV melhorou o aprisionamento de nitrogênio e a difusão a 380°C (via feixe de íons) o que levou a formação dos nitretos γ\'-Fe4N e ε-Fe2-3N. Enquanto que com energia de 400 eV levou a formação apenas do nitreto γ\'-Fe4N. As propriedades adquiridas na combinação dos pré-tratamentos de bombardeamento de Xe+ com energia de 400 eV, nitretação a plasma pulsado (520°C) e a deposição do filme de TiN (500°C/240 min) levaram ao melhor desempenho no ensaio de desgaste. / The global trend of seeking economic sustainability has caused a growing demand for new materials that generate: increased productivity, higher operating speed, increased service life of tools and dies, and to reduce the current environmental cost. In this search, the modification of metallic surfaces is a promising field and bombardment Xe+ ions has been used to texture the surface of the substrate, is to increase the tack coatings with high hardness or to improve the N diffusion. In this study are reported the results obtained from testing the hardness, wear, XRD (phase and residual stress) and microscopy SEM, AFM and TEM, made in 100Cr6 steel samples (globulized) surface modified by bombardment with Xe+ and duplex coating. To this end, samples were prepared by combining: bombardment Xe+ ions with energy of 400 and 1000 eV; N implantation by ion beam and pulsed plasma; and deposition of the TiN coating by sputtering at different temperatures in a N2 reaction system-IBSD. An analysis of these results helped to confirm that the bombardment of Xe+ ions produces grain refinement, texturing, and increases the defect density in the crystalline structure of the surface treated according to the energy used. Bombardment of Xe+ ions with energy 1000 eV improved nitrogen trapping and diffusion to 380°C (via ion beam) which led to the formation of γ\'-Fe4N and ε-Fe2-3N nitrides. Whereas with energy 400 eV led to the formation of only γ\'-nitride Fe4N. The properties acquired in the combination of the pre-treatments of Xe+ ions bombardment at 400 eV, pulsed plasma nitriding (520°C) and the deposition of TiN coating (500°C/240 min) leads to a superior performance in wear test.
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