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[pt] A centralidade do querigma na Exortação Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium, do Papa Francisco, é o tema desta dissertação. Busca-se apresentar, através da referida Exortação Apostólica, o querigma como uma dimensão inerente à ação evangelizadora, ressaltando a primazia do anúncio de Jesus Cristo e suas implicações no âmbito eclesiológico e pastoral. Para tanto, fez-se necessário explicitar o significado da evangelização querigmática na missão da Igreja, desde o Concílio Vaticano II até o pontificado atual. O tema do querigma, como o anúncio de amor salvador de Deus revelado em Jesus Cristo, perpassa toda a Evangelii Gaudium e tem seus desdobramentos em toda ação pastoral, tanto na liturgia e na catequese quanto também no serviço da caridade e na espiritualidade. Desta análise, espera-se a proposição de uma teologia do querigma que explicite a visão de Cristo e da Igreja subjacente ao anúncio. Destaca-se o perfil do Papa Francisco, sua afinidade com as perspectivas do Concílio, bem como as interpelações deste tempo e os desafios da evangelização. Buscou-se adotar a metodologia do documento em análise, agregando à pesquisa a contribuição de teólogos que ajudam a Igreja a discernir sobre o modo mais adequado de realizar o anúncio da fé em meio à mudança de época. / [en] The centrality of the kerygma in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, by Pope Francis, is the subject of this dissertation. Through the referred Apostolic Exhortation, the aim is to presente the kerygma as an inherent dimension of the evangelizing action, emphasizing the primacy of the proclamation of Jesus Christ and its implications in the ecclesiological and pastoral scope. Therefore, it was necessary to make explicit the meaning of kerygmatic evangelization in the mission of the Church, from the Second Vatican Council to the current pontificate. The theme of the kerygma, as the announcement of God s saving love revealed in Jesus Christ, permeats the entire Evangelii Gaudium and has its consequences in all pastoral action, both in the liturgy and is catechesis as well as in the service of charity and spirituality. From this analysis, it is expected to propose a kerygma theology that explains the vision of Christ and the Church underlyng the proclamation. It highlights the profile of Pope Francis, his Affinity with the perspectives of the Council, as well as the interpellationsof this time and the challenges of evangelization. We sought to adopt the methodology of the document under analysis, adding to the research the contribution of theologians who help the Church to discern the most aprropriate way to carry out the proclamation of the faith in the midst of changing times.
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A conclusão da obra lucana: um estudo exegético-teológico de At 28,16-28 / The closing of the Lukan work: an exegetical-theological study of Acts 28:16-28Anselmo Júnior, Guilherme Pereira 18 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-18 / The whole set of the texts in the book of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke (Luke) and the book of Acts of the Apostles (Acts) creates the Lukan work. Its primary recipients, in the second half of the first century AD, are Hellenistic Gentiles who joined the announcement that the hope of ancient Israel takes place in the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, the Christian kerygma. This religious expression (the Early Christianity) is inserted into an existing tradition, Judaism. Such expression needs to be continued, to provide a self-comprehension and to be based on the roots of that tradition. Otherwise, it would face the risk of provoking a definitive break that would imply a spare expression and without support for both Jews and Gentiles who chose Christianity. This research aims to present the final text of Lukan work, the pericope of Acts 28:16-28, as a summary, climax and paradigm of the confirmation of continuity and completeness of Israel's hopes in the Christian kerygma. Paul, the character, a Hellenistic Jew, apostle of the Gentiles, becomes the protagonist of this process. Therefore, the book of the Acts of the Apostles not only proposes his innocence from the charges, made by the Jewish leaders, as well as it presents him as an imitator of his master, Jesus, and model for other Christians, especially concerning to the reasons given in the Jewish tradition, to the freedom as for the practice on Mosaic usages and laws and to the vocational openness for the announcement to all nations. Thus, this research accesses the Greek text, analyzes it in several instances, translates it into Portuguese and presents an exegetical-theological study of the pericope / O conjunto dos textos do livro do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Lucas (Lc) e do livro dos Atos dos Apóstolos (At) forma a obra lucana. Seus destinatários primeiros, da segunda metade do século I AD, são gentios helenistas que aderiram ao anúncio de que a esperança do antigo Israel se realiza no Messias Jesus de Nazaré, o querigma cristão. Essa expressão religiosa (o cristianismo primitivo) está inserida numa tradição já existente, o judaísmo. Ela precisa ser continuidade, autocompreender-se e fundamentar-se nas raízes dessa tradição, sob o risco de provocar uma ruptura definitiva que implicaria numa expressão avulsa e sem sustentação tanto para os judeus quanto para os gentios que optassem pelo cristianismo. Esta pesquisa busca apresentar o texto final da obra lucana, a perícope de At 28,16-28, como sumário, clímax e paradigma da confirmação dessa continuidade e completude das esperanças de Israel no querigma cristão. O personagem Paulo, judeu helenista, apóstolo dos gentios, passa a ser o protagonista desse processo e, por isso, o livro dos Atos dos Apóstolos não só propõe sua inocência quanto às acusações dos líderes judaicos, como também o apresenta como imitador de seu mestre, Jesus, e modelo para os demais cristãos, especialmente quanto à sua fundamentação na tradição judaica, quanto à liberdade na prática dos costumes e leis mosaicas e quanto à abertura vocacional ao anúncio a todas as nações. Para tanto, a pesquisa acessa o texto grego, analisa-o em várias instâncias, além de traduzi-lo para o português, e apresentar um estudo exegético-teológico da perícope
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Bem-aventuranças: Didaqué Querigma e ensino transformadorInês Pozzagnolo Leite 21 December 2012 (has links)
O ensino transformador de Jesus evidenciado nas bem-aventuranças é ancorado em sua ética que é ancorada em seu amor. A presente pesquisa divide-se em três capítulos respectivamente: O evangelho de Mateus e seu contexto, Bem-aventuranças e Palavração. O primeiro capítulo trata do evangelho de Mateus na tentativa de detectar, autoria, fontes, lugar, data e também a questão social na prática de Jesus. O segundo estuda as bem-aventuranças em Mateus, suas semelhanças e diferenças com Lucas e ainda, contrapõe o ensino com base no ser com a lógica capitalista do ter. O terceiro trabalha a relação existente entre a palavra e a ação na atividade pública de Jesus e tenta fazer ponte com a prática docente atual. Sob o título Bem-Aventuranças: Didaqué Querigma e Ensino Transformador, o diálogo foca no ensino a serviço do reino de Deus, em qualquer espaço ou ambiente onde quer que ele aconteça. A partir das bem-aventuranças, que visam aproximar Deus e as pessoas e concretizar a fé, fica claro o posicionamento de Jesus, é ao lado do pobre, do simples, do injustiçado, em suas muitas faces. Jesus dá ênfase ao que é fundamental, o ser humano. Portanto, a pesquisa se preocupa em trazer a dimensão prática e atual do ensino das bem-aventuranças que desejam mostrar que o reino de Deus é possível em Jesus. Ele dá novo sentido para a vida humana, apontando para o alvo onde Deus quer que cheguemos como cristãos. Muito diferente de se limitar a transferir conhecimento, Jesus mostra que a justiça e a solidariedade estão por excelência acima da lei. E que servir não se caracteriza como lei, mas como impulso a partir da graça. Nesta perspectiva, o ensino transformador terá olhos para aqueles que estão desfavorecidos e encoraja a agir contrário às estruturas injustas existentes. Move a dirigir-se a eles como a amigos, assim como Deus escolhe ser nosso amigo e quando alguém o questiona responde simplesmente EU SOU O QUE SOU. Ensinar numa perspectiva transformadora só é possível se quem ensina tiver sido transformado. Ser transformado pela Palavra de Deus é ser fiel a Jesus e ao seu ensino que convida a converter primeiro os de cima, os líderes, que precisam perceber as pessoas e ajudar. Este é o verdadeiro ensino e culto. O que fundamenta as bem-aventuranças é a ética do ser. Valores como justiça e solidariedade nascem do cristianismo, por isso o ensino numa perspectiva transformadora requer urgência em agir para mudar, melhorar situações indignas. A saber, ensinar conforme o exemplo deixado por Jesus vai além de comunicar ou transferir, implica em se importar, se preocupar com outro, com o próximo. Pois, evidentemente quanto mais próximos estivermos dos ensinos de Jesus mais humanos nos tornaremos. / The transforming teaching of Jesus demonstrated in the beatitudes is anchored in his ethics that are grounded in his love. This research is divided into three chapters: The Gospel of Matthew and its context, the Beatitudes and Jesus' attitude in harmony with his preaching. The first chapter deals with the Gospel of Matthew and seeks to detect: authorship, sources, location, date, and also the social practice of Jesus. The second studies the Beatitudes in Matthew, their similarities and differences with Luke and also confronts teaching based on being with the capitalist logic of possessing. The third chapter deals with the relationship between words and action in the public activity of Jesus and tries to relate this to the current teaching practices. Under the title, "The kerygma in transformative teaching: "ethics-teaching" of the Beatitudes, the dialogue focuses on education in the service of God's kingdom in any space or environment wherever it happens. From the Beatitudes, which aim to bring God and people closer and make faith concrete, it is clear that the position of Jesus is with the poor, the simple, the downtrodden, in their many faces: children, women, poor, sick and others. Jesus emphasizes what is essential: the human being. Therefore, this research concerned itself with bringing the practical and present dimension of the teaching of the Beatitudes that wishes to show that the kingdom of God is possible in Jesus. He gives new meaning to human life, pointing to the place where God wants Christians to come. Very different from a simple transference of knowledge, Jesus shows that justice and solidarity are completely above the law. And that service is not characterized as law but as impelled by grace. In this perspective, transformative teaching has eyes for those who are disadvantaged and encourages them to act contrary to the existing unfair structures. It moves to view them as friends just as God chooses to be our friend and when someone questions him, he answer just: "I AM THAT I AM." Teaching in a transformative perspective is only possible if the one who teaches has been transformed. Being transformed by God's Word is to be faithful to Jesus and his teaching that invites first the top leaders to be converted, those who need to understand and help people. This is true teaching and worship. What underlies the beatitudes is the ethics of being. Values such as justice and solidarity are born from Christianity, by which the transformative teaching perspective requires urgency to act for change, to improve undignified situations. Namely, teaching as the example set by Jesus goes beyond communicating or transferring, it implies caring, being concerned about others, about our neighbor. This, because obviously the closer we are to the teachings of Jesus the more human we become.
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Kerygma and the Liturgy: Encountering the Risen Christ in Dom Odo Casel's Mystery TheologyRosselli, Anthony 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Mit dem Hörer ins Gespräch kommen : Situationsbezug der Predigt in der Epoche Johann Michael Sailers im Vergleich zur Gegenwart / Establishing a dialogue with the audience : the situational reference of the sermon in the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer in comparison to the presentRichter, Klaus Max Erich 01 1900 (has links)
Die kirchliche Verkündigung steht heute vor mannigfachen Herausforderungen. Das dynamische Beziehungsgeflecht von Prediger und Hörer, Text und Situation lässt sich nur schwer im Gleichgewicht halten. Prüft man die homiletischen Publikationen der Gegenwart und der jüngeren Vergangenheit, so wird deutlich, dass die Predigt sehr gründlich im Kontext der Hörersituation reflektiert wird. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auf einen möglichen Konflikt aufmerksam zu machen: die auf die Hörersituation bedachte Predigt kann versucht sein, den Anspruch des biblischen Textes zu vernachlässigen.
Meine Dissertation will zur Frage der Hörerorientierung der Predigt einen klärenden Beitrag leisten, und zwar mithilfe eines homiletischen Vergleichs, der Epoche Johann Michaels Sailers mit der Gegenwart und jüngeren Vergangenheit. Bei aller kritischen Distanz zur geistesgeschichtlichen Bewegung der Aufklärung dürfen wir nicht übersehen, dass fruchtbare Impulse von ihr ausgegangen sind und zum Beispiel viele Anliegen der „katholischen Aufklärung“ im Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1962-1965) wieder aufgegriffen wurden. Die weithin von anthropologischen Interessen geleiteten homiletischen Bemühungen während der Aufklärungsphase im 18. Jahrhundert stehen in einer erkennbaren Analogie zur gegenwärtigen Situation. In besonderer Weise wird die homiletische Konzeption des Pastoraltheologen und späteren Bischofs von Regensburg Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832) dargestellt. Sein Entwurf einer christlichen Lebenslehre auf biblischem Fundament ist von bleibender Aktualität.
Zum Vergleich, insbesondere im Blick auf die Hörererwartungen Situationsklärung, Solidarität und Zukunft, werden exemplarisch die homiletischen Entwürfe von Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann und Rolf Zerfaß herangezogen. / Preaching in the church today faces manifold challenges. The dynamic web of relationships between preacher and audience, text and situation is difficult to keep in balance. When analysing the homiletic publications of the present and recent past, it becomes apparent that the sermon is very thoroughly reflected with the context of the situation of the audience.
In this connection, one has to draw attention to a possible conflict: a sermon designed with regard to the situation of the audience may be tempted to neglect the biblical text and its demands.
Therefore, this thesis aims to make a clarifying contribution to the question of the audience orientation of sermons, namely by means of a homiletic comparison of the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer with the present and recent past.
In spite of all critical distance to the history of thought of the Enlightenment Movement, we should not overlook the fact that fruitful impulses emanated from this time, and that, for example, many concerns of the “Catholic Enlightenment” were addressed again at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).
The homiletic efforts of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century, which were widely led by anthropological interests, can be recognized as analogous to the current situation.
The homiletic conception of the pastoral theologian and later Bishop of Regensburg, Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832), will be described in particular.
His conception of Christian ethical teaching on a biblical foundation is of timeless relevance.
As comparison, the homiletic drafts of Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann and Rolf Zerfaß will be exemplarily analysed, particularly with regard to the expectation of the audience. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Pneumatologie und Spiritualität in der kerygmatischen Seelsorge von Eduard Thurneysen : eine Untersuchung anhand ausgewählter Werke als Beitrag für eine biblisch orientierte Seelsorge / Pneumatology and spirituality in the kerygmatic pastoral approach of Eduard Thurneysen : a study of selected works as a contribution to a biblically oriented pastoral careScheffler, Klaus 07 1900 (has links)
German text / This dissertation is a selective literary investigation (25 items) by a qualitative social research.
It aims on the pastoral training and pastoral care of the Swiss theologian Eduard
Thurneysen (1888-1974). His conception of pastoral care was directive within the 20th
century in the German speaking Protestant church.
In front of this background the pneumatological and spiritual elements are investigated
that shape the pastoral approach of Thurneysen, both in theory and in practice. The research
design for doing this is an adapted document analysis. For data collection, processing
and analysis four different protocols are developed and for each item collected (attachement).
In pneumatological and spiritual regard the main results are that Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt shaped and influenced Thurneysen fundamentally. He has been his lifelong
example. Thurneysens pastoral approach is analogically characterized by continous prayer
and longing for Holy Spirit.
In the conclusions of the research results there are fourteen reflections on e. g.
sustainability, finality or the ongoing discussion with the social sciences concerning a
biblically oriented pastoral care. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Mit dem Hörer ins Gespräch kommen : Situationsbezug der Predigt in der Epoche Johann Michael Sailers im Vergleich zur Gegenwart / Establishing a dialogue with the audience : the situational reference of the sermon in the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer in comparison to the presentRichter, Klaus Max Erich 01 1900 (has links)
Die kirchliche Verkündigung steht heute vor mannigfachen Herausforderungen. Das dynamische Beziehungsgeflecht von Prediger und Hörer, Text und Situation lässt sich nur schwer im Gleichgewicht halten. Prüft man die homiletischen Publikationen der Gegenwart und der jüngeren Vergangenheit, so wird deutlich, dass die Predigt sehr gründlich im Kontext der Hörersituation reflektiert wird. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auf einen möglichen Konflikt aufmerksam zu machen: die auf die Hörersituation bedachte Predigt kann versucht sein, den Anspruch des biblischen Textes zu vernachlässigen.
Meine Dissertation will zur Frage der Hörerorientierung der Predigt einen klärenden Beitrag leisten, und zwar mithilfe eines homiletischen Vergleichs, der Epoche Johann Michaels Sailers mit der Gegenwart und jüngeren Vergangenheit. Bei aller kritischen Distanz zur geistesgeschichtlichen Bewegung der Aufklärung dürfen wir nicht übersehen, dass fruchtbare Impulse von ihr ausgegangen sind und zum Beispiel viele Anliegen der „katholischen Aufklärung“ im Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1962-1965) wieder aufgegriffen wurden. Die weithin von anthropologischen Interessen geleiteten homiletischen Bemühungen während der Aufklärungsphase im 18. Jahrhundert stehen in einer erkennbaren Analogie zur gegenwärtigen Situation. In besonderer Weise wird die homiletische Konzeption des Pastoraltheologen und späteren Bischofs von Regensburg Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832) dargestellt. Sein Entwurf einer christlichen Lebenslehre auf biblischem Fundament ist von bleibender Aktualität.
Zum Vergleich, insbesondere im Blick auf die Hörererwartungen Situationsklärung, Solidarität und Zukunft, werden exemplarisch die homiletischen Entwürfe von Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann und Rolf Zerfaß herangezogen. / Preaching in the church today faces manifold challenges. The dynamic web of relationships between preacher and audience, text and situation is difficult to keep in balance. When analysing the homiletic publications of the present and recent past, it becomes apparent that the sermon is very thoroughly reflected with the context of the situation of the audience.
In this connection, one has to draw attention to a possible conflict: a sermon designed with regard to the situation of the audience may be tempted to neglect the biblical text and its demands.
Therefore, this thesis aims to make a clarifying contribution to the question of the audience orientation of sermons, namely by means of a homiletic comparison of the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer with the present and recent past.
In spite of all critical distance to the history of thought of the Enlightenment Movement, we should not overlook the fact that fruitful impulses emanated from this time, and that, for example, many concerns of the “Catholic Enlightenment” were addressed again at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).
The homiletic efforts of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century, which were widely led by anthropological interests, can be recognized as analogous to the current situation.
The homiletic conception of the pastoral theologian and later Bishop of Regensburg, Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832), will be described in particular.
His conception of Christian ethical teaching on a biblical foundation is of timeless relevance.
As comparison, the homiletic drafts of Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann and Rolf Zerfaß will be exemplarily analysed, particularly with regard to the expectation of the audience. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Pneumatologie und Spiritualität in der kerygmatischen Seelsorge von Eduard Thurneysen : eine Untersuchung anhand ausgewählter Werke als Beitrag für eine biblisch orientierte Seelsorge / Pneumatology and spirituality in the kerygmatic pastoral approach of Eduard Thurneysen : a study of selected works as a contribution to a biblically oriented pastoral careScheffler, Klaus 07 1900 (has links)
German text / This dissertation is a selective literary investigation (25 items) by a qualitative social research.
It aims on the pastoral training and pastoral care of the Swiss theologian Eduard
Thurneysen (1888-1974). His conception of pastoral care was directive within the 20th
century in the German speaking Protestant church.
In front of this background the pneumatological and spiritual elements are investigated
that shape the pastoral approach of Thurneysen, both in theory and in practice. The research
design for doing this is an adapted document analysis. For data collection, processing
and analysis four different protocols are developed and for each item collected (attachement).
In pneumatological and spiritual regard the main results are that Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt shaped and influenced Thurneysen fundamentally. He has been his lifelong
example. Thurneysens pastoral approach is analogically characterized by continous prayer
and longing for Holy Spirit.
In the conclusions of the research results there are fourteen reflections on e. g.
sustainability, finality or the ongoing discussion with the social sciences concerning a
biblically oriented pastoral care. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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