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The Shoreline of Lake Huron, From Grand Bend to Port Franks, And The Problems At the Mouth of The Ausable River / The Lake Huron Shoreline, Grand Bend to Port FranksGregor, Dennis 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Ontario shoreline of Lake Huron is one of the most populated areas, with reference to recreational purposes, in Ontario. However, with the rising water levels of the Great Lakes during 1972 and again in 1973, serious problems of beach erosion have resulted, particularly in the area of Grand Bend and Port Franks. This loss of sand has threatened cottages built on the dunes in addition to destroying breakwalls, steps, and boat launching ramps along the beach. It was with the idea of learning more about the beach, and possibly suggesting some methods of beach protection, that the research for this thesis was initiated. During the course of study, the author also became interested in the Ausable River and the associated flooding and erosion problems, with reference to past, present, and future attempts to solve or at least alleviate these difficulties. Thus, one section of the thesis is concerned with the Ausable River alone. </p> <p> The beach studied is actually the culmination of a series of raised beaches, formed during higher post-glacial lake stages. These raised beaches formed a bar separating the now non-existent Ausable Bay from Lake Huron, forming a lagoon eastward of the beach. This bar extends from Grand Bend, in a southwest direction, and culminates at Kettle Point. However, for the purposes of this thesis, that section between Grand Bend and Port Franks received the greatest amount of concentrated study. Over the years, the lagoon, formed by the growth of the bar has silted up, and is now drained for agricultural purposes. </p> <p> The modern beach was observed during the summer of 1972. This involved, profiling of a portion of the shore and offshore topography, procuring beach samples for later analysis, the use of sequential air photographs for observing changes over time, and the analysis of wind and wave data, along with many conversations with local residents and personal observations. </p> <p> The subsequent study of the above factors revealed several major conclusions regarding the beach. First, that it has good natural protection against erosion due to the abundance of sand s tored by the dunes. Second, the beach appears to be in an equilibrium state, however as lake levels fluctuate, so must the beach level, thus destroying the equilibrium for a period of time. With the lowering of the water level, the beach will become wider, exposing sand to the onshore winds, which will in turn rebuild the dunes with the blowing sand. Finally, because of the prximity of man-made structures to the beach, on the unstable dunes, some method of stabilizing the beach is necessary. That suggested is a groin system, designed and constructed by the local authorities. This would help prevent erosion and would eliminate the often vain and possibly dangerous, (to the natural environment), attempts by individuals to halt erosion. </p> <p> This is by no means a complete study of the area and its problems. Further consideration should be given to proposals which have been presented to the local conservation authority, and which were designed to alleviate some of these problems, particularly at Port Franks. The suggestions made here should also be given further thought. In addition to these practical problems, the actual growth of the original bar would provide an interesting subject for study. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)
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Origins of Basal Sediment within Kettle Lakes in Southern Michigan and Northern IndianaDziekan, Mitchell Ryan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Late Holocene Environmental Variability as Recorded in the Sediment of a Northeastern Ohio Kettle LakeGrochocki, Julian Lucian 27 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Sediment Dispersal Processes and Anthropogenic Impacts at Rex Lake, Summit County, OhioMitchell, Stephanie Bianca 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Applying isotope geochemistry to identify mechanisms regulating the aquatic-terrestrial carbon and nitrogen dynamics across scales in a moraine landscapeNitzsche, Kai 24 May 2017 (has links)
In dieser Studie wurden stabile Isotopenverhältnisse genutzt um die Mechanismen der aquatisch-terrestrischen C – und N-Dynamiken über verschiedene Skalenebenen hinweg in der Moränenlandschaft von Nordostdeutschland zu identifizieren; einer Landschaft, die stark landwirtschaftlich genutzt wird und in der es eine Vielzahl von kleinen Wasserkörpern (Sölle) gibt. Auf der regionalen Landschaftsskala spiegeln d13C-Isotopenkarten des org. Materials in Oberböden und von Pflanzenblättern eines 38.2 km2 großen Gebietes den Eintrag von org. Material von C3-Pflanzen, deren Wassernutzungseffizienz im org. Material des Bodens eingeprägt wurde, sowie den Eintrag von Mais (C4-Pflanze), wider. Die d15N-Isotopenkarte des org. Materials in Böden weist verschiedene Düngepraktiken hin. Auf der regionalen Sollskala deuten die d13C- und d15N-Isotopenwerte von Oberflächensedimenten von 51 Söllen auf kürzliche Einträge des org. Materials und Bewirtschaftungseffekte im Einzugsgebiet hin. Tiefere Sedimente sind durch die Ablagerung org. Materials von terrestrischen Pflanzen sowie dessen Umsetzungsgrad geprägt in Abhängigkeit von der Wasserführung. Auf der Transekt-Skala, d.h. entlang von Transekten von Erosions- zu Depositionsgebieten im Einzugsgebiet eines Solls, beeinflussen Erosion, Pflanzenproduktion, mikrobielle Umsetzung und Gülledüngung verschiedene Fraktionen des org. Materials. Auf der Aggregat-Skalenebene sind die Art und der Anteil spezifischer organo-mineral Assoziationen entlang des Transekts variabel. Bodenpartikel vom Feld und hereinwachsende Makrophyten sind die Quellen des org. Materials in Sedimenten. Diese Studie hat erfolgreich stabile Isotopenverhältnisse zur Identifikation von Mechanismen der C- und N-Dynamik auf individuellen Skalenebenen angewendet. Kleine Inlandwasserkörper sind Schlüsselelemente für die C- und N-Dynamik in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Moränenlandschaften. / In moraine landscapes, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics can vary greatly across landscape structures and soil types especially when small water bodies are interspersed in the landscape. This study used stable isotope ratios to identify the mechanisms regulating the aquatic-terrestrial C and N dynamics across different scales in the young moraine landscape of NE Germany – a landscape intensively used for agriculture and interspersed with countless of small water bodies, the so-called kettle holes. At the regional landscape scale, d13C isoscapes of topsoil bulk soil organic matter (SOM) and plant leaves collected from a 38.2 km2 area revealed long-term inputs OM from C3 crops, which imprinted their water use efficiency status onto the soil, as well as short-term inputs from corn. The d15N SOM isoscape identified fertilization-induced impacts on the N dynamics of agricultural fields and grasslands. At the regional kettle hole scale, d13C and d15N of surface sediments of 51 kettle holes reflected recent OM inputs and management practices in the catchment. Deeper sediments recorded the degree to which the OM has been processed within the kettle hole depending on the water-logging period. At the transect scale, erosion, plant productivity, microbial decomposition and slurry fertilization affected OM fractions in topsoil along transects spanning erosional to depositional areas in the catchment of one arable kettle hole. At the aggregate scale, the pathway and magnitude of OM-mineral associations changed along the transect. OM in sediments was derived from clay- and silt-sized particles from the field, together with emergent macrophyte contributions. By means of stable isotopes techniques, different mechanisms were identified at the individual scales. Consideration of the spatial heterogeneity of all scales is essential to understand landscape C and N dynamics. Small inland water bodies are key constituents of C and N dynamics in moraine agricultural landscapes.
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A Laminated Carbonate Record of Late Holocene Precipitation from Martin Lake, LaGrange County, IndianaStamps, Lucas G. 01 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Precipitation trends and their driving mechanisms are examined over a variety of spatial and temporal scales using a multi-proxy, decadally-resolved sediment record from Martin Lake that spans the last 2300 years. This unique archive from a northern Indiana kettle lake documents significant climate variability during the last 2 millennia and shows that the Midwest has experienced a wide range of precipitation regimes in the late Holocene. Three independent proxies (i.e., oxygen and carbon isotopes of authigenic carbonate and %lithics) record variations in synoptic, in-lake and watershed processes related to hydroclimate forcing, respectively. Together, these proxies reveal enhanced summer conditions, with a long period of water column stratification and enhanced summer rainfall from 450 to 1200 CE, a period of time that includes the so-called Medieval Climate Anomaly (950-1300 CE). During the Little Ice Age, from 1260 to 1800 CE, the three proxy records all indicate drought, with decreased summer rainfall and storm events along with decreased lake stratification. The Martin Lake multi-proxy record tracks other Midwest climate records that record water table levels and is out-of-phase with hydroclimate records of warm season precipitation from the High Plains and western United States. This reveals a potential warm season precipitation dipole between the Midwest and western United States that accounts for the spatial pattern of late Holocene drought variability (i.e., when the Midwest is dry, the High Plains and the western United States are wet, and vice versa). The spatiotemporal patterns of late Holocene North American droughts are consistent with hydroclimate anomalies associated with mean state changes in the Pacific North American teleconnection (PNA). Close associations between late Holocene North American hydroclimate and records of Northern Hemisphere temperatures and the Pacific Ocean-atmosphere system suggests a mechanistic linkage between these components of the global climate system that is in line with observational data and climate models. Based on our results, predominantly –PNA conditions and enhanced Midwestern summer precipitation events are likely to result from continued warming of the climate system. In the western United States, current drought conditions could represent the new mean hydroclimate state.
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To Be Free: The Life and Times of Nate Luck - A NovelMullins, Lloyd 06 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Plant and soil microbial responses to drought stress in different ecosystems: the importance of maintaining the continuumvon Rein, Isabell 31 July 2017 (has links)
Der Klimawandel bedroht Ökosysteme auf der ganzen Welt. Besonders der Anstieg in Länge, Intensität und Häufigkeit von Dürren kann bedeutenden Einfluss auf den globalen Kohlenstoffkreislauf haben. Die Frage, ob Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen anfällig gegenüber ökologischem Stress wie Dürren sind, wurde bereits in vielen Studien für verschiedene Ökosysteme und mit verschiedenen Ansätzen untersucht, aber Analysen von Dürreauswirkungen, die ober- und unterirdische Interaktionen von Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen mit einbeziehen, sind eher selten. Deshalb wird in der vorliegenden Studie die Frage erörtert, wie Trockenheit und/oder Hitze die Interaktionen von Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen in Bezug auf ihre Kohlenstoff-Verbindung beeinflussen. Dies dient zur Bestimmung der Stärke der Pflanze-Mikroorganismen-Kohlenstoff-Verbindung, wenn das Ökosystem an seine Grenzen gebracht wird.
Der Fokus liegt deshalb auf durch Trockenstress und Hitze hervorgerufenen Veränderungen in der ober-unterirdischen Kohlenstoff-Dynamik in zwei vom Klimawandel bedrohten Ökosystemen. Es wurde untersucht, wie extreme Klimaereignisse, deren Häufigkeit in Zukunft weiter ansteigen soll, die Kohlenstoff-Verbindung zwischen Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen beeinflusst und wie mikrobielle Gemeinschaften unter diesen Umständen reagieren, um die Resistenz und Reaktionsmechanismen von Ökosystemen im zukünftigen Klimawandel besser vorhersagen zu können.
In Kapitel 4 wurde ein Buchenwaldunterholz-Ökosystem untersucht. Buchenwaldmonolithen wurden einem extremen Klimaereignis (Trockenheit und/oder Hitze) ausgesetzt. Die Stärke der Pflanze-Mikroorganismen-Kohlenstoff-Verbindung und Veränderungen in der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur und -aktivität wurden mithilfe von stabilen 13C Isotopenmethoden und Ansätzen auf molekularer Basis, wie 16S rRNA- und Phospholipid-Analysen, bestimmt. In Kapitel 5 wurde ein kleines aquatisches Ökosystems untersucht. Zwei emerse aquatische Makrophyten, Phragmites australis und Typha latifolia, wurden in einem Mesokosmos-Experiment mit Sediment aus einem Soll einer einmonatigen Dürre ausgesetzt. Mithilfe einer 13CO2 Pulsmarkierung, sowie PLFA- und nicht-strukturbildenden Kohlenhydrat-Analysen wurde Kohlenstoff von den Blättern in die Wurzeln bis ins Sediment verfolgt, wo er teilweise in mikrobielle Phospholipide eingebaut wird.
Diese Studie hat gezeigt, dass die zwei untersuchten Ökosysteme Trockenstress und Hitze relativ gut widerstehen können, zumindest kurzfristig, und dass das Kohlenstoff-Kontinuum, beziehungsweise die Verbindung zwischen ober- und unterirdischen Gemeinschaften, auch unter starkem Stress intakt bleibt. Zusammenfassend scheint es, dass Ökosysteme stark von einem funktionierenden Pflanze-Boden/Sediment-Mikroorganismen Kohlenstoff-Kontinuum abhängen und versuchen, es auch unter starkem Stress zu erhalten, was möglicherweise dazu beiträgt, dem Anstieg von extremen Dürreperioden aufgrund des Klimawandels besser zu widerstehen. / Climate change is threatening ecosystems around the world. Especially the increase in duration, intensity, and frequency of droughts can have a considerable impact on the global carbon cycle. The question whether plants and microbes are susceptible to environmental stress like drought has been assessed in many studies for different ecosystem types and by using numerous approaches, but research on drought effects that includes above- and belowground interactions is rather scarce. Therefore, the present study assesses the question of how drought and/or heat influence the interactions of plants and microbes, especially the carbon coupling, in order to determine the strength of plant-microbe carbon linkages when an ecosystem is pushed to its limits.
The focus of this study thus lies on changes in aboveground-belowground carbon dynamics and the subsequent effects on the soil microbial community under drought and/or heat stress in two climate-threatened ecosystems. It was evaluated how extreme climate events, that are predicted to be more frequent in the near future, affect the carbon coupling between plants and microorganisms and how microbial communities respond under these circumstances, in order to be able to better predict ecosystem resistance and response mechanisms under future climate change.
In chapter 4 a beech forest understory ecosystem was investigated. An extreme climate event (drought and/or heat) was imposed on beech forest monoliths and the strength of the plant-microbe carbon linkages and changes in the microbial community structure and activity were determined by using stable 13C isotope techniques and molecular-based approaches like 16S rRNA and microbial phospholipid-derived fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. In chapter 5 a small aquatic ecosystems was investigated. Two emergent aquatic macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia, were grown on kettle hole sediment and then exposed to a month-long summer drought in a mesocosm experiment. By conducting a 13CO2 pulse labeling as well as PLFA and non-structural carbohydrate analyses, the fate of carbon was traced from the plant leaves to the roots and into the sediment, where some of the recently assimilated carbon is incorporated into microbial PLFAs.
Overall, this study showed that the two investigated ecosystems can endure environmental stress like heat and drought relatively well, at least in the short-term, and that the carbon continuum, or the linkage between above- and belowground communities, remained intact even under severe stress. In conclusion, it seems that ecosystems strongly depend on and try to maintain a functional plant-soil/sediment microorganism carbon continuum under drought, which might help to withstand the increase in extreme drought events under future climate change.
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