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Rozvíjení klíčových kompetencí ve výuce přírodopisu na prvním stupni waldorfské školy / Development of Key Competencies in Teaching of Natural Science in the Primary School Stage in the Waldorf School SystemTejkalová, Vítězslava January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of key competencies in teaching of Natural Science in the primary school stage in the system of Waldorf School. The theoretical part of the thesis expounds on the issues of the transformation of education as well as the characteristics of teaching in the system of Waldorf School. Some terms, such as - key competencies, the transformation of education, alternative trends in education, Waldorf pedagogy and its role in transforming education - are explained there. The research part of the thesis presents an action research, which is focused on the development of the key competencies in the epoch of Natural Science in the third grade of Waldorf School. One of the epochs was described by observation. The results of observations were compared by means of additional questionnaires, which were filled out by teachers. The development of the key competencies in the given epoch was described by the analysis of research. The results of the research confirmed that the educational strategy for the development of the key competencies in Waldorf School was at a very good level. The analysis of the research could be used as a source of information for the development of key competencies in other epochs of Natural Science in the third grade in primary schools. Details of the...
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Interakční styl učitele v souvislosti s jeho prací s klíčovou kompetencí k učení / Teacher Interaction Style in Connection with His Work with the Key Competence for LearningVach, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to discover correlation trends between teacher interaction style and his extent of providing opportunities for teaching how to learn. According to the results the aim is to create a prototype of the teacher interaction style, who has got the best dispositions to provide opportunities for teaching how to learn. The first and the second chapter deal with theoretical basis. Key competences, especially key competence for learning are depicted in the first chapter. The second chapter focuses on a topic of pedagogical communication and interaction and it is concluded with a discussion of the interaction style of the teacher. All the details on this research are described in the third chapter. The methodology is topped with the results, discussions and the overall finish. At the end of the work the bibliographic references, attachments, lists of figures and tables are revealed.
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Výuka místního regionu na 2. stupni ZŠ na příkladu Prachaticka / Teaching the Local Region the Second Grade of Primary School in Prachaticka.HRUŠKOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2012 (has links)
Submitted thesis titled "Teaching of the Local Region at the Second Grade of Elementary School on the Example of Prachaticko Region" deals with the issue of teaching local region at the second grade of elementary school. It is divided into two parts ? theoretical and didactical. The theoretical part deals with the characteristic of the local region and its position in educational areas with the emphasis on fulfilling key competences. The didactical part summarizes the findings which are based on a questionnaire survey made at the elementary schools and at the grammar schools. The practical part also includes my own conception of teaching(methods of teaching, the excursion, workbooks and didactical games) that is based on the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education.
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Corporate leadership development programs towards sustainabilityRosengren, Anna, Maher Elsayed, Mohamed, Eklund, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
With the increasing level of complexity that leaders face today, represented in the accelerating pace of technology advancement and globalization, along with the climate change indicators reaching unprecedented levels, the need for good leadership quality has become more crucial than ever. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development provides a systems perspective, a principle-based definition and a way to strategically move towards sustainability, however still there is a need to specify what is required for leaders to lead organizations through this process. The aim of the thesis is to explore how corporate leadership development companies can develop the essential leadership competencies to address the sustainability challenge. The study used the Key Competences in Sustainability Framework as a base to interview six leadership development companies from different areas in the world. The findings revealed that there is an essential need for self-development for leaders to handle complexity, as well as the need from leaders to create the proper conditions for their organizations to utilize the competences from the KCSF. Furthermore the results also showcased the need for standard common definition regarding sustainability.
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LIVSLÅNGT LÄRANDE I SLÖJD : EU:s åtta nyckelkompetenser i svensk, finländsk och åländsk slöjdundervisningHäggblom, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrunden till denna studie var att EU:s rekommendation om åtta nyckelkompetenser för livslångtlärande är något som medlems länderna förhåller sig till vid utformning av utbildning. Syftet med undersökningen var att belysa hur nyckelkompetenserna kommer till uttryck i svensk, finländsk och åländsk slöjdundervisning. Empirin bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer och läroplanstexter som genom hermeneutiskt arbetssätt lästs och analyserats. Undersökningen gav svar på två frågeställningar: Vilka likheter och skillnader finns i framskrivningen av EU:s nyckelkompetenser i de tre kursplanerna ochderas betygskriterier? Hur tar sig nyckelkompetenserna uttryck i slöjdlärarnas utformning avundervisningen? Resultatet visade att nyckelkompetenserna ingår i slöjdundervisningen men att de inte är tydligt uttalade. I den finländska och åländska kursplanen i slöjd är kompetenserna i något omformulerad form sammankopplade med undervisningsmål och ämnesinnehåll. I den svenskakursplanen nämns inte kompetenserna, men innebörden av dem finns inkluderad i läroplanens allmänna del.
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Kooperativní učení / Cooperative learningMačugová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Anotation The main topic of my graduation theses is cooperative learning. Understanding of cooperative learning's system and art of its application in practice is the main intention of my work. The graduation theses incudes two parts - theoretic part and practical part. The theoretic part deals with theory of cooperative learning and its use in the Bohemian schools. The practical part checks theoretic opinions and it focuses on research domain "The influence of cooperation on teaching's processes and results of learning." by means of the research methods of questioning, observation methods and experimenting.
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Telčsko - místní region ve výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ / Telč region - Local region in teaching at the Second Grade of Primary SchoolPROKOPOVÁ, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Prokopová, M. (2013): Telč region - Local region in teaching at the Second Grade of Primary School. Thesis, University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Geography, 85 pages. The thesis focuses on teaching about Telč region theme in basic schools. The thesis is composed from theoretical and practical parts. The purpose of the theoretical part of this work is to characterize Telč region and define its place in educational curriculum with emphasis on the key competences. The practical part based on empirical research summarizes findings of students´ knowledge about the region. The questionnaire examines different types of educational ways of teachers. According to this research I suggest my own conception (teaching methods, excursions, projects and workbooks) proceeding from The Czech Educational Curriculum for basic schools.
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Dopady kurikulární reformy na oblast výchovy ve volném čase / The impact of curriculum reform in the area of leisureČERMÁK, Jaromír January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with curricular reform and its relation to leisure education. Trying to locate the targets of education for the society model curriculum. When finding the key competencies understood as primarily a means of fulfilling the objectives of reform attempts to map these competences, in the practical part analyze the documents containing leisure facilities targets and looking how their goals coincide with the goals of the curriculum reform, and whether the objectives of the planned use of key competencies.
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Kompetence jako jeden z faktorů formování lidského chování manažerů / Competence as a Factor Shaping Human Behavior ManagersStuchelová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
My dissertation is focused on description of characteristics which are connected with competences. The main aim of my work has been to set up the manager competences. After the analysis among the students of Faculty of Management we found which competences were obtained during our studies and which ones we had already had when we came to faculty. In my theoretical part I described the manager as a personality including all his competences, their development and the methods of developing. Practical part deals with analysis among the students of Faculty of Management, evaluation and presentation of the results in the form of the charts and graphs.
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Vom Seminar ins Museum. Seminargestützte Konzeption studentischer Projekte in Kooperation mit dem Dresdner Kraszewski-MuseumMetan, Saskia 19 February 2019 (has links)
In geisteswissenschaftlichen Studiengängen bieten Projektseminare besonderen Spielraum für die Integration praxisorientierter Inhalte und Qualifikationsziele. Werden sie mit einem hochschulexternen
Kooperationspartner durchgeführt, lassen sich zudem berufsrelevante Vernetzungseffekte erwarten. So war das hier vorgestellte Projektseminar darauf ausgerichtet, Studierende der Slavistik zur Zusammenarbeit mit einem lokalen Kulturbetrieb zu aktivieren und auf diese Weise in den Tätigkeitsbereich der Kulturvermittlung einzuführen. Der Beitrag erläutert im Weiteren, welche zentralen didaktischen Herausforderungen mit dem Format verbunden waren, wie sie gelöst und welche Ergebnisse erzielt wurden.
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