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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Staff experiences on engagement and retention in Polokwane's telecommunication company : a phenomenological study

Kekana, Glenrose Mokgaetji 05 1900 (has links)
It is evident from the 2015 national employee strike at organisation A that something should be done immediately to regain stakeholders’ (employees, suppliers and customers) trust. Despite good initiatives to engage and retain talent, some employees are still resigning. The study aimed to understand staff experiences on engagement and retention in a Polokwane based telecommunications organisation. A qualitative research approach and an interpretative phenomenological analysis design were used to explore and interpret the lived experiences. In-depth interviews using open-ended questions were employed to collect data from participants, who were purposefully selected. The researcher interviewed seven employees. The main themes helped to summarise the individuals' responses. The following main themes emerged from the proposed employee engagement (EE) model: (i) communication, (ii) motivation, (iii) relationship, (iv) interest, (v) health and welfare, (vi) development and (vii) monetary value. / Megwanto ya boipelaetšo go bašomi ka kakaretšo ye e bilego gona ka 2015 go khampani ya A e bontšhitše gore go pepeneneng gore se sengwe se swanetše se dirwe go tliša tshepho go batšeakarolo (bašomi, batšweletši le badiriši). Le ge go na le maitapišo a poledišano le go se lobe talente, bašomi ba bangwe ba sa tšwelapele go tlogela mošomo. Lebaka legolo la go dira nyakišišo ke go le leka go kwešiša maitemogelo a bašomi mabapi le tshwaragano le go lota khamphani ya tša megala Polokwane. Mokgwa wa dinyakišišo tše di tseneletšego le go hlathollwa ka mokgwa wa ponagalo le popego o somišitšwe go leka le go hlatholla maitemogelo a bona. Dipoledišano tše di tseneletšego go šomišwa dipotšišo tša go nyaka mmono wa bašomi di dirišitšwe go kgoboketša dipalopalo go tšwa go batšeakarolo bao ba kgethilwego ka nepo. Monyakišiši o boledišane le bašomi ba šupa. Kgwekgwe tša taba di thušitše go akaretša diphetolo go tšwa go batšeakarolo ba go fapafapana. Mohlala wo o šišintšwego wa go kgokogana le bašomi o tšweleditše kgwekgwe tše dilatelago: poledišano, tlhohleletšo, kamano, kgahlego, katlego ya tša maphelo, kgatelopelo le boleng bja matlotlo. / Nadat maatskappy A se werknemers in 2015 landswyd gestaak het, moes ingegryp word om die vertroue van belanghebbendes (werknemers, verskaffers en kliënte) in die maatskappy te herstel. Ondanks daadwerklike pogings om bevoegde werknemers aan te stel en te behou, bedank werknemers steeds. Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na werknemers se siening van die aanstelling en behoud van personeel in die telekommunikasiemaatskappy waarvan die hoofkantoor in Polokwane is. Oop vrae is in-diepteonderhoude aan opsetlik gekose deelnemers gestel om die data in te win. Die navorser het met sewe werknemers onderhoude gevoer. Hulle antwoorde is volgens temas opgesom. Die volgende temas blyk uit die voorgestelde werknemeraanstelling- of WA-model: (i) kommunikasie, (ii) motivering, (iii) verhoudings, (iv) belang, (v) gesondheid en welstand, (vi) ontwikkeling en (vii) monetêre waarde. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

A framework for the integration of online learning in distance education / Tlhako ya kopantsho ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go boithutikgole / Uhlaka lokudidiyelwa kokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga

Gani, Faiza 11 1900 (has links)
Online learning through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) features in institutions of higher education globally. If integrated successfully online learning holds many benefits. Research however has highlighted that the focus of online learning is often on the technology, while pedagogical considerations are neglected. As such online learning has not yielded significant changes from a pedagogical perspective. The impetus of this study was driven by the need to find approaches of integrating pedagogically sound online learning in distance education (DE). The study employed a case study research design, and was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires, interviews and documents informed the case study. The findings of the study reveal that online learning should be purposefully planned. In light of the findings, the study presents a framework for the integration of online learning in DE. The framework is built on the concept of awareness and argues that online learning should depart from three types of awareness, i.e. lecturer, student and institutional. The framework is entrenched in theory from both DE and online learning and offers direction for stakeholders at various levels of DE higher education institutions in terms of integrating online learning. / Boithuti ka inthanete ka tšhomišo ya theknolotši ya tshedimošo le kgokagano (ICT) bo hlaga ka go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana lefaseng ka bophara. Ge e le gore di kopantšwe ka katlego, boithuti ka inthanete bo na le mehola ye mentši. Le ge go le bjalo, dinyakišišo, di bontšhitše gore nepišo ya boithuti ka inthanete gantši e ka go theknolotši, mola ditlhoko tša mokgwathuto di hlokomologilwe. Ka fao, boithuti ka inthanete ga se bo tšweletše diphetogo tša go bonagala go tšwa go kgopolo ya mokgwathuto. Tlhohleletšo ya dinyakišišo tše e laolwa ke nyakego ya go hwetša mekgwa ye e kopantšwego ye e kwagalago ya thuto ya boithuti ka inthanete le boithutikgole (DE). Dinyakišišo di šomišitše tlhamo ya dinyakišišo ya tshekatsheko ya maemo, gomme ka tlhago e be e le tša boleng. Mananeopotšišo, dipoledišano le dingwalwa di tsebagaditše tshekatsheko ya maemo . Diphihlelelo tša dinyakišišo di utolla gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go beakanywa ka maikemišetšo. Go ya ka diphihlelelo, tlhako e hlagišwa ke kopanyo ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go DE. Tlhako ye e theilwe godimo ga kgopolo ya temošo le go hlagiša gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go tšwa go mehuta ye meraro ya temošo, k.g.r. mofahloši, baithuti le dihlongwa. Tlhako ye e hlalošwa ka botlalo ka go teori go tšwa go DE le boithuti ka bobedi ka inthanete gomme e fa taetšo go baamegi maemong a go fapafapana a dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana ya kgole go ya ka boithuti ka inthanete. / Ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bolwazi nokuxhumana (i-ICT) kuyinto ekhona ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme emhlabeni wonke. Uma kudidiyelwe ngempumelelo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kunemihlomulo eminingi. Kodwa-ke, ucwaningo luqhakambise ukuthi ukugxila ekufundeni ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kuvame ukuba mayelana nobuchwepheshe, bese kuthi okuphathelene nezindlela zokufundisa kunganakwa. Kanjalo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha akuzanga noshintsho oluningi maqondana nezindlela zokufundisa. Isisusa salolu cwaningo kwaba ngukukhuthazwa yisidingo sokuthola izindlela zokudidiyela izindlela zokufundisa ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ezisebenzayo kwezemfundo yamabanga (i-DE). Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise uhlobo lokucwaninga olubheka izindawo ezithile okugxilwa kuzo kanti luwuhlobo olubheka imininingwane yezinto ezikhona ezingamaqiniso. Amaphephamibuzo, izingxoxiswano kanye nemiqulu yikona okwaholela ocwaningweni olugxila ezindaweni ezithile. Okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo kwaveza ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kumele kuhlelwe ngendlela. Ngenxa yokutholakele, uhlaka luhlinzekelwa ukuba kudidiyelwe ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga. Uhlaka lwakhiwe ngomqondo wokuqwashisa futhi lubeka phambili ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana kwekhompuyutha kufanele kusukele ezinhlobeni ezintathu zokuqwashisa, kuthisha wasenyuvesi, kumfundi nakwisikhungo. Uhlaka lugxile emqondweni wezinzululwazi wakona kokubili imfundo yamabanga nokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha futhi luhlinzeka umhlahlandlela kwabathintekayo emazingeni ahlukahlukene ezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme yamabanga maqondana nokudidiyela ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Education)

Site-specificity in The educators new clothes by Mark Rautenbach / Mošomo ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego ka go bkogabo bjo bo bitšwago The educators new clothes ka Mark Rautenbach / Plekspesifisiteit in The educator's new clothes deur Mark Rautenbach

Cloete, Zelda 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with summaries and keywords in English, Sesotho and Afrikaans / This study is an enquiry into how The educator’s new clothes by Mark Rautenbach is an example of site-specific art. The aim is to demonstrate how boundaries in TENC become blurred between site-specific performance, other art forms, and every-day activities. The key concepts explored are: Rautenbach’s approach to the concept of site, the connections that develop between his performance and each site that he travels to; his use of the art gallery and viewer participation. Through literature study relevant theory is explored, and several arguments are applied in a selective manner to my analysis of TENC. Various International and South African site-specific artworks are discussed as an indication of how site-specificity can be applied in alternative ways. In October 2017 I installed GREENER?, a site-specific exhibition in the UNISA Art gallery. The works on the show underline the theoretical findings and highlight the flexible application of theory relating to site-specificity. / Dinyakišišo tše ke phatišišo mabapi le seo se dirago bokgabo bja The educator’s new clothes (TENC) ka Mark Rautenbach go ba mohlala wa bokgabo bja lefelong le itšego. Maikemišetšo ke go laetša ka fao ka go TENC mellwane magareng ga mošomo wa ka lefelong le mehuta ye mengwe ya bokgabo le mediro ya ka mehla di thomago go se sa bonagala gabotse. Mareo ao a šomišwago ke: mokgwa wa Rautenbach go kgopolo ya lefelo, dikgokagano tše di hlamegago magareng ga phethagatšo ya ya gagwe ya mošomo le lefelo le lengwe le le lengwe leo a yago go lona, tšhomišo ya gagwe ya kalari ya tša bokgabo le go kgatha tema ga babogedi. Ka go diriša dingwalwa teori ya maleba e a utollwa, gomme dintlha tše mmalwa di a dirišwa ka mokgwa wa go kgetha go tshekatsheko ya ka ya TENC. Mešomo ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego ya mehutahuta e a ahlaahlwa bjalo ka kutollo ya ka fao bokgabo bja ka mafelong bo ka dirišwago ka ditsela tše dingwe. Ka Oktoboro 2017 ke hlomile GREENER?, e lego pontšho ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego, ka Kalaring ya Bokgabo ya ka Unisa. Mešomo ye e bontšhitšwego e laeditše dikutollo tša teori le go laetša tirišo ye e fetogago ya teori mabapi le mešomo ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego. / Hierdie studie behels ʼn ondersoek na wat van The educator’s new clothes (TENC) deur Mark Rautenbach plekspesifieke kuns maak. Die oogmerk is om aan te toon hoe die grense tussen plekspesifieke uitvoering, ander kunsvorme en daaglikse bedrywighede vervaag. Die kernkonsepte wat verken word, is Rautenbach se beskouing van die konsep van plek, die verband tussen sy uitvoering en elke plek waarheen hy reis, sy aanwending van ʼn kunsgalery, en kykerdeelname. Die tersaaklike teorie word aan die hand van ʼn literatuurstudie verken, en ʼn aantal argumente word op selektiewe wyse op my ontleding van TENC toegepas. Verskeie internasionale en Suid-Afrikaanse plekspesifieke kunswerke word bespreek as ʼn verkenning van hoe plekspesifisiteit op ander maniere toegepas word. Ek het in Oktober 2017 ʼn plekspesifieke uitstalling met die titel GREENER? in die Unisa Kunsgalery gehou. Die werke wat uitgestal is, onderstreep die teoretiese bevindings en vestig die aandag op die buigsame toepassing van die teorie in verband met plekspesifisiteit. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.V.A.

Teachers' understanding and use of digital play for language acquisition in Grade R

Van der Westhuizen, Leonie Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
Teachers tend to use traditional teaching methods, even though young learners are more digitally oriented. The purpose of this study was to analyse teachers' understanding and practices in grade R classes to clarify their use of digital play for language acquisition. The participants consisted of eight grade R teachers at one selected primary school in an urban area that had access to digital technology. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory as a theoretical framework informed this study. This qualitative single case study generated data from teacher participants and their interaction with the learners. The data generation included semi-structured individual interviews, focus group interviews, and non-participant observations. Analyses to answer the research questions were conducted by means of thematic analysis. The main finding was that grade R teachers have some knowledge and understanding of digital play and they are willing to try new games, but they feel they need to know more about digital technology and the use of digital games for language acquisition. Recommendations include the need for the development of more digital games relevant to language acquisition and for teachers to adopt relevant pedagogies to benefit from available digital games. A similar study in a rural area and a comparison between this study and such a study will then be useful in determining teachers' understanding and use of digital play for language acquisition. / Onderwysers is geneig om tradisionele onderrigmetodes te gebruik, selfs al is jong leerders meer digitaal georiënteerd. Die doel van hierdie studie was om onderwysers se begrip en praktyke in graad R-klasse te ontleed, om hul gebruik van digitale spel vir taalverwerwing duidelik te maak. Die deelnemers het bestaan uit agt graad R-onderwysers by een uitgesoekte laerskool in ʼn stedelike gebied, met toegang tot digitale tegnologie. Hierdie studie is geïnspireer deur Bronfenbrenner se ekologiese stelselteorie as ʼn teoretiese raamwerk. Hierdie kwalitatiewe enkelgevallestudie het data van onderwyser-deelnemers en hul interaksie met die leerders gegenereer. Die datagenerering het halfgestruktureerde individuele onderhoude, fokusgroeponderhoude en niedeelnemer-waarnemings ingesluit. Die vernaamste gevolgtrekking was dat graad R-onderwysers oor ʼn mate van kennis en begrip van digitale spel beskik en dat hulle bereid is om nuwe speletjies te probeer, maar hulle voel hulle behoort meer te weet van digitale tegnologie en die gebruik van digitale speletjies vir taalverwerwing. Aanbevelings sluit in: die behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van meer digitale speletjies wat op taalverwerwing betrekking het; en dat onderwysers tersaaklike pedagogieë moet inspan om uit die beskikbare digitale speletjies voordeel te trek. ʼn Soortgelyke studie in ʼn landelike gebied en ʼn vergelyking tussen hierdie studie en so ʼn studie sal dan nuttig wees om onderwysers se begrip en gebruik van digitale spel vir taalverwerwing te bepaal. / Barutiši ba na le go šomiša mekgwa ya sekgale ya go ruta, le ge e le gore baithuti ba baswa ba na le tsebo ya theknolotši. Morero wa nyakišišo ye e be e le go sekaseka mašomelo le kwešišo ya barutiši ka diphapošing tša kreiti R go hlalosa tšhomišo ya bona ya papadi ya ditšitale ya go ithuta polelo. Bakgathatema ba bopilwe ke barutiši ba seswai ba kreiti R sekolong se se kgethilwego sa poraemari ka nagasetoropong seo se nago le theknolotši ya ditšitale. Teori ya mekgwa ya ekolotši ya Bronfenbrenner bjalo ka foreimiweke ya teori e thekgile nyakišišo ye. Kheisesetati ye e tee ya khwalithethifi e tšweleditše datha go tšwa go bakgathatema ba e lego barutiši le kopano ya bona le baithuti. Tšweletšo ya datha e akareditše dipoledišano tša motho o tee ka o tee tša go beakanywa seripa, dipoledišano tša go nepiša sehlopha, le ditlhokomelo tša ba go se kgathe tema. Ditshekatsheko go araba dipotšišo tša dinyakišišo di dirilwe ka go šomiša tshekatsheko ya thematiki. Kutullo ye kgolo e bile gore barutiši ba kreiti R ba na le tsebo le kwešišo ye nyane ya papadi ya ditšitale le gore ba rata go leka dipapadi tše diswa, eupša ba kwa ba nyaka go tseba tše ntši ka ga theknolotši ya ditšitale le tšhomišo ya dipapadi tša ditšitale tša go ithuta polelo. Ditšhišinyo di akaretša nyakego ya tlhabollo ya dipapadi tša ditšitale tše ntši tša maleba go ithuteng polelo le gore baithuti ba amogela serutiši sa maleba gore ba holege dipapading tša ditšitale. Nyakišišo ye bjalo nagamagaeng le papišo gare ga nyakišišo ye le nyakišišo ye bjalo gona e tla ba le mohola taetšong ya kwešišo ya barutiši le tšhomišo ya papadi ya ditšitale ya go ithuta polelo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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