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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the hydrogen electrode reactions on Ni electrocatalysts in alkaline medium / Étude des réactions d’électrodes de l'hydrogène sur des électrocatalyseurs de Ni en milieu alcalin

Oshchepkov, Alexandr 22 November 2017 (has links)
La thèse présentée traite principalement de l'influence de la composition et de l’état de surface d’électrodes à base de Ni sur la cinétique et le mécanisme des réactions d'oxydation/dégagement de l'hydrogène (HOR/HER) en milieu alcalin. En combinant les résultats de mesures électrochimiques avec une modélisation microcinétique, il a pu être montré que l'activité spécifique du Ni pour l’HOR/HER augmente jusqu'à 10 fois en présence à la fois d’oxydes de Ni et de Ni métallique à la surface de l'électrode. En outre, l'influence de l'addition d’un second métal aux électrocatalyseurs à base Ni sur leurs activités pour l’HOR/HER a été étudiée dans le cas des systèmes NiMo/C et NiCu/C. Dans les deux cas, une augmentation de l'activité spécifique a été observée par rapport à l'échantillon Ni/C de référence et a été attribuée à une diminution de l'énergie d'adsorption de l'hydrogène adsorbé sur Ni, espèce intermédiaire de l’HOR/HER. / The present thesis is mainly focused on the influence of the surface state of Ni electrodes on the kinetics and the mechanism of the hydrogen oxidation/evolution reactions (HOR/HER) in alkaline medium. By combining the results of electrochemical measurements with microkinetic modeling, it was shown that specific activity of Ni in the HOR/HER increases up to 10 times if along with metallic Ni, Ni oxide species are present on the electrode surface. In addition, the effect of the addition of a second metal to Ni electrocatalysts on their activity in the HOR/HER was investigated for NiMo/C and NiCu/C systems. In both cases an enhancement of specific activity was observed in comparison with the reference Ni/C sample, which was assigned to a decrease of the adsorption energy of the hydrogen intermediate on Ni participating in the HOR/HER.

Dobijanje i karakterizacija suspenzija nanočestica i njihovih kompozita / Preparation and properties of nanoparticles suspensions and their composites

Bera Oskar 18 June 2012 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu pripremljeni su različiti polimerni i keramički nanostrukturni materijali, u cilju ispitivanja uticaja vrste i udela nanopunila (čađ, fuleren, silicijum(IV)oksid, aluminijum(III)oksid i titanijum(IV)oksid) na strukturu, reolo&scaron;ko i toplotno pona&scaron;anje kompozita, dobijenih na osnovu stirena, metilmetakrilata i akrilamida, primenom različitih metoda sinteze. Ispitivan je uticaj prisustva različitog udela nanočestica (1, 3 i 5 %<em> m/m</em>) na kinetiku polimerizacije stirena, i na oblast prelaska u staklasto stanje polistirenskih hibridnih materijala. Sintetisana je i serija nanokompozita polimerizacijom metilmetakrilata u prisustvu čestica (silicijum(IV)oksid, aluminijum (III)oksid i titanijum(IV)oksid) različitih dimenzija i hidrofilnosti, ali istog zapreminskog udela (1 %<em> v/v</em>). Na osnovu primene izotermne diferencijalno skanirajude metode (DSC), razvijen je kinetički model za opisivanje dve razičite reakcije tokom polimerizacije vinilnih monomera (reakciju prvog reda i samoubrzanje), i izračunata je debljina međufaznog sloja polimera na čestici u cilju određivanja njegovog uticaja na temperaturu prelaska u staklasto stanje hibridnih materijala. Za ispitivanje strukture i morfologije polistiren/silicijum(IV)oksid nanokompozita dobijenih metodom isparavanja rastvarača, kori&scaron;dene su infracrvena spektroskopija sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FT-IR) i skanirajuda elektronska mikroskopija (SEM). Radi utvrđivanja uticaja udela hidrofobnog silicijum(IV)oksida (2, 5, 10, 15 i 30 %<em> m/m</em>) na toplotnu postojanost polistirenskih materijala, primenjene su istovremena termogravimetrijska i diferencijalno skanirajuda analiza (TG-DSC). Takođe, određen je uticaj veličine čestice fulerena C60 i submikronske čestice čađi na reolo&scaron;ka svojstva polistirenskih kompozita sintetisanih taloženjem polimera iz rastvora. Ispitivanjem reolo&scaron;kog pona&scaron;anja hibridnih materijala, proučavan je uticaj veličine čestica, molekulske mase polimera i indeksa polidisperznosti na viskoznost polistirenskih kompozita. Na osnovu<em> in-situ</em> reolo&scaron;kih analiza polimerizacije u toku želiranja suspenzije nanočestica aluminijum(III)oksida u vodenom rastvoru monomera metakrilamida i N,N&rsquo;-metilenbisakrilamida, utvrđena je jaka katalitička aktivnost povr&scaron;ine aluminijum(III)oksida na nastajanje slobodnih radikala. Radi nalaženja veze između željenih svojstava keramičkih proizvoda i načina njihovog dobijanja, proučavan je uticaj uslova vođenja polimerizacije na slaganje čestica u dobijenom odlivku i na gustinu krajnjeg sinterovanog proizvoda.</p> / <p>In this work, polymeric and ceramic nanostructured materials were prepared using different methods, in order to investigate the influence of nanofiller content and its type (carbon black, fullerene, silica, alumina and titania) on the structure, rheological and thermal behavior of composites, based on styrene, methylmethacrylate and acrylamide. The effect of particles content (1, 3 and 5 wt. %) on the kinetics of styrene radical polymerization and on the glass transition temperature of polystyrene/silica composites was investigated. A series of polymethylmethacrylate nanocomposites containing 1 vol. % of silica, alumina or titania particles (differing in dimensions and surface properties) was obtained. On the basis of isothermal differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the kinetic model for describing two reactions during vinyl monomer polymerization (first order and autoacceleration) was developed, and the thickness of interfacial layer formed on nanoparticle surface was determined, in order to investigate its influence on the glass transition temperature of polymethylmethacrylate hybrid materials. The structure and the morphology of polystyrene/silica nanocomposites prepared by solvent evaporation were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of&nbsp; hydrophobic silica content (2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 wt. %) on polystyrene thermal stability was studied by simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC). The effect of fullerene C60 and submicron carbon black particle size on rheological properties of polystyrene composites prepared by the rapid coprecipitation was determined. Following the rheology of hybrid melts, the influence of filler size, molecular weight and polydispersity of polymer matrix on the viscosity of polystyrene composites was studied. On the basis of in-situ rheology analysis of polymerization process during the gelation of alumina nanoparticles suspension in aqueous solution of methacrylamide and N,N&rsquo;- methylene bisacrylamide monomers, the strong catalytic activity of alumina surface on the free radicals formation was determined. In order to find the correlation between desired properties of ceramic products and their preparation procedure route, the influence of polymerization conditions on the green body structure and sintered body density was studied in details.</p>

Photochimie moléculaire des processus de photopolymérisation : de l'étude mécanistique à la modélisation cinétique / Molecular photochemistry of photopolymerization processes : from mechanistic study to kinetic modeling

Christmann, Julien 07 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse aborde l’étude mécanistique de systèmes photoamorceurs complexes et la modélisation cinétique du processus de photopolymérisation. Dans un premier temps, le mécanisme photochimique d’un système combinant le [Ru(bpy)3]2+ et des agents RAFT pour l’amorçage et le contrôle d’un processus radicalaire a été étudié. Un transfert d’énergie a été clairement démontré, contredisant le mécanisme de transfert d’électron généralement proposé. Un système photoamorceur à 3 composants bicyclique dual ITX/IOD+/RSH a ensuite été considéré pour la synthèse de matériaux hybrides organiques-inorganiques. Sous excitation lumineuse, ce système produit simultanément des radicaux et des protons, permettant d’amorcer, respectivement, des processus de polymérisation radicalaire et sol-gel. Dans un second temps, l’interdépendance entre les cinétiques de photopolymérisation et l’évolution des propriétés du milieu réactionnel a été étudiée par le biais du développement d’un modèle cinétique permettant la simulation de l’intégralité du processus de photopolymérisation. Des systèmes photoamorceurs de complexité croissante ont été inclus afin d’étudier les spécificités de leurs cinétiques. Un système de type I a permis de mettre en évidence les modes de terminaison majoritaires et leur évolution au cours de la synthèse des polymères, tandis que le rôle non négligeable du transfert d’électron inverse a été mis en exergue pour des systèmes photoamorceurs de type II. La fonction d’agent de terminaison d’un photoproduit issu d’un colorant cationique, ainsi que certaines spécificités des systèmes photocycliques à 3 composants, ont été finalement étudiés grâce à la modélisation. / This thesis deals with the mechanistic study of complex photoinitiating systems and the kinetic modeling of the photopolymerization process. In a first time, the photochemical mechanism of a system combining [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and RAFT agents for the initiation and control of a radical process has been studied. An energy transfer has been clearly demonstrated, contradicting the electron transfer mechanism generally proposed. A dual bicyclic three-component photoinitiating system ITX/IOD+/RSH has been considered for the synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid materials. Under light exposure, this system produces simultaneously radicals and protons, enabling the initiation of a radical polymerization and a sol-gel process, respectively. In a second time, interdependence between photopolymerization kinetics and evolution of the medium’s properties has been studied, through developing a kinetic model for the simulation of the whole photopolymerization process. Photoinitiating systems of growing complexity have been included in order to study specificities of their kinetics. A type-I system has shown major termination modes and their evolution during the polymer synthesis, while the non-negligible role of back electron transfer has been highlighted for type-II photoinitiating systems. Role of terminating agent of a photoproduct based on a cationic dye, as well as some specificities of photocyclic three-component systems, have been finally studied with the model.


Vladlen Alexandrovich Podolsky (7478276) 17 October 2019 (has links)
<p> In the past two decades, great interest in weakly ionized plasmas sustained by high voltage nanosecond pulsed plasmas at high repetition rates has emerged. For such plasmas, the electron number density does not significantly decay between pulses, unlike the electron temperature. Such conditions are favorable to reconfigurable plasma antennas where the low electron temperature may enable the reduction of the Johnson–Nyquist thermal noise if an antenna is operated in the plasma afterglow. Moreover, it may be possible to sustain such conditions with RF pulses. Doing so could enable a plasma antenna that transmits the driving frequency when the pulse is applied and receives other frequencies with low thermal noise between pulses.</p> <p>To study nanosecond pulsed plasmas, experiments were performed in a parallel-plate electrode configuration in argon and nitrogen gas at a pressure of several Torr and repetition frequencies of 30-75 kHz. To measure the time-resolved electron number density in the afterglow of each pulse, a custom 58.1 GHz homodyne microwave interferometer was constructed. The voltage and current measurements were made using a back current shunt (BCS). Initial analysis of the measured electron density in both plasmas indicated that the electron thermalization was much faster than the electron decay. In the nitrogen plasma, dissociative recombination with cluster ions was the dominant electron loss mechanism. However, the dissociative recombination rates of the electrons in the argon plasma suggested the presence of molecular impurities, such as water vapor. Therefore, to better understand the recombination mechanisms in argon plasma with trace amounts (0.1% or less by volume) of water vapor under the experimental conditions, a 0-D kinetic model was developed and fit to the experimental data. The influence of trace amounts of water on the electron temperature and density decay was studied by solving electron energy and continuity equations. It was found that in pure argon, Ar<sup>+</sup> ions dominate while the electrons are very slow to thermalize and recombine. Including trace amounts of water impurities drastically reduces the time for electrons to thermalize and increases their rate of recombination. </p> <p>In addition to large quasi-steady electron number densities and low electron temperature in the plasma afterglow, plasmas sustained by nanosecond pulses use a lower power budget than those sustained by RF or DC supplies. The efficiency of the power budget can be characterized by measuring the ionization cost per electron, defined as the ratio of the energy deposited in a pulse to the total number of electrons created. This was experimentally determined in air and argon plasmas at 2-10 Torr sustained by 1-7 kV nanosecond pulses at repetition frequencies of 0.1-30 kHz. The number of electrons were determined from the measured electron density through microwave interferometry and assuming a plasma volume equivalent to the volume between electrodes. The energy deposited was calculated from voltage and current measurements using both a BCS as well as high frequency resistive voltage divider and fast current transformer (FCT). It was found that the ionization cost in all conditions was within a factor of three of Stoletov’s point (the theoretical minimum ionization cost) and two orders of magnitude less than RF plasma.</p><p> </p><p>Having shown that it is possible to generate high electron density, low electron temperature plasmas with nanosecond pulses, it was necessary to now create a plasma antenna prototype. Initially, commercial fluorescent light bulbs were used and ignited using surface wave excitation at various RF frequencies and powers. The S<sub>11</sub> of the antenna response was measured by a VNA through a novel coupling circuit, while the deposited power was measured using a bi-directional coupler. Next, a custom plasma antenna was created in which the pressure and gas composition could be varied. In addition to the S<sub>11</sub> and deposited power, the antenna gain, and the electron number density were also measured for a pure argon plasma antenna at pressures of 0.3-1 Torr. Varying the applied power shifts the antenna resonance frequency while increasing the excitation frequency caused an increase in measured electron density for the same deposited power. Initial tests using direct electrode excitation of a twin-tube integrated compact fluorescent light bulb with nanosecond pulses have successfully been achieved. Future efforts include designing the proper circuitry to time-gate out the large pulse voltage to facilitate safe antenna measurements in the plasma afterglow.<br></p>

Kinetic modeling of the polypropylene photothermal oxidation

Francois heude, Alexandre 19 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Developing numerical tools for polymer lifetime prediction constitutes a promising opportunity for shortening the duration of material certification procedures in the automotive industry without decreasing their reliability. This PhD thesis aims at modeling the photothermal oxidation of isotactic polypropylene (iPP), which is responsible for the alteration of both its mechanical and aspect properties. The adopted approach consists in coupling the kinetics of photo- and thermo-oxidation reactions with physical phenomena, such as oxygen transport and UV-light attenuation in the material thickness, in order to describe all the physico-chemical changes. Upper-scale properties, from which will be defined the end-of-life criteria, will be calculated afterwards by applying the suitable structure-property relationships. The main challenge was to extend the pre-existing kinetic model of thermal ageing to photothermal ageing by taking into account initiation reactions of photolysis. Heavy campaigns of ageing and characterization tests made on a reference iPP, as well as an exhaustive capitalization of literature data of other iPPs, have allowed elaborating a kinetic model of photothermal oxidation and to generalize it to the whole iPP family in large domains of oxygen partial pressure (from 0.2 to 50 bars), temperature (from 40 to 230°C) and UV-light exposure (variable intensities and light sources) describing both natural and accelerated ageing conditions. The experimental validation of the model has allowed substantiating the kinetic approach and showing its limitations, as well as highlighting some numerical issues. The model has been designed in order to be an upgradable numerical tool which will allow, at term, optimizing the representativeness of the ageing testing devices and the performance of commercial iPP formulations. All these theoretical and numerical developments are prone to be applied to the photothermal degradation of other types of polymer substrates, but also in other application fields of the macromolecular photochemistry such as UV-photopolymerization.Keywords: Polypropylene, photothermal oxidation, oxygen diffusion control, screen effect, kinetic modeling, lifetime prediction.

Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Dissoziationen von Tetrafluorethen, Hexafluorpropen und Hexafluorcyclopropan / Experimental and theoretical analysis of the dissociation of tetrafluoroethene, hexafluoropropene and hexafluorocyclopropane

Sölter, Lars 27 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Thermodynamique de nouvelles solutions d'aciers de 3ème génération à structure duplex / Thermodynamics of new solutions of steels of 3rd generation to duplex structure

Mestrallet, Aurore 31 October 2017 (has links)
Le développement d’une troisième génération d’aciers Fe-Mn-Al-C à structure duplex, pour des teneurs en Mn et Al inférieures à 8 %mass, pourrait être une réponse prometteuse aux objectifs d’allègement de 20% des véhicules automobiles, tout en garantissant des propriétés de haute résistance mécanique et haute formabilité.Le choix des nuances et l’optimisation des conditions d’élaboration nécessitent de prévoir en particulier les compositions et proportions des phases existantes en fonction de la route métallurgique. Une base de données thermodynamiques fiable et précise est donc requise. Cependant les données de la littérature sur le système quaternaire Fe-Mn-Al-C, dans les domaines de composition envisagés, sont limitées.Ce mémoire est consacré à l’établissement des équilibres de phases ferrite-α, austénite-γ et carbure-κ (Fe,Mn)3AlC entre 700 et 1000°C par une approche couplée d’expériences ciblées et de modélisation thermodynamique. Pour appuyer l’évolution expérimentale des fractions de phases et des compositions, une modélisation cinétique (DICTRA) est proposée. La cinétique de formation de l’austénite en fonction de la composition de l’alliage et de la température de maintien dans le domaine intercritique a été caractérisée. Les phases en équilibre, caractérisées par DRX, MEB, microsonde, sont représentées sous forme de conodes α/γ, γ/κ, α/γ/κ, ce qui permet de définir les domaines de stabilité de l’austénite et du carbure κ. Ces données expérimentales sont utilisées pour affiner la description thermodynamique du système quaternaire mais il est nécessaire de réviser la modélisation du carbure κ. / A third generation of Fe-Mn-Al-C steels with a duplex structure, for Mn and Al contents less than 8%mass, could be a promising response to the 20% weight lightening of automotive vehicles, by keeping a high strength and a high formability.The knowledge of the corresponding quaternary phase diagram serves as a roadmap for the choice of compositions and the optimization of elaboration conditions. A reliable and precise thermodynamic database is therefore required. However, the literature data on the Fe-Mn-Al-C quaternary system in the targeted domains are limited.This study is devoted to the establishment of phase equilibria involving ferrite-α, austenite-γ and carbide-κ (Fe,Mn)3AlC between 700 and 1000°C by a coupled approach of experiments and thermodynamic modeling. A kinetic model (DICTRA) is proposed to support the experimental evolution of phase fraction and composition. The kinetics of austenite formation as a function of the alloy composition and of the maintaining temperature in the intercritical domain have been calculated. The phases in equilibrium, characterized by XRD, SEM, EPMA, are represented as α/γ, γ/κ, α/γ/κ tie-lines in order to specify the stability fields of γ and κ. These data are used to refine the thermodynamic description of the quaternary system but it is necessary to revise the modeling of κ carbide.

Desenvolvimento de uma unidade laboratorial para quantifica??o de BTX como poluentes atmosf?ricos, usando microextra??o em fase s?lida

Queiroz, Bruna Cibelle de 19 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna_CQ_DISSERT.pdf: 1009487 bytes, checksum: af0c16848a5883b1c5e6bb465ced353e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This dissertation aims the development of an experimental device to determine quantitatively the content of benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX) in the atmosphere. BTX are extremely volatile solvents, and therefore play an important role in atmospheric chemistry, being precursors in the tropospheric ozone formation. In this work a BTX new standard gas was produced in nitrogen for stagnant systems. The aim of this dissertation is to develop a new method, simple and cheaper, to quantify and monitor BTX in air using solid phase microextraction/ gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPME/CG/MS). The features of the calibration method proposed are presented in this dissertation. SPME sampling was carried out under non-equilibrium conditions using a Carboxen/PDMS fiber exposed for 10 min standard gas mixtures. It is observed that the main parameters that affect the extraction process are sampling time and concentration. The results of the BTX multicomponent system studied have shown a linear and a nonlinear range. In the non-linear range, it is remarkable the effect of competition by selective adsorption with the following affinity order p-xylene > toluene > benzene. This behavior represents a limitation of the method, however being in accordance with the literature. Furthermore, this behavior does not prevent the application of the technique out of the non-linear region to quantify the BTX contents in the atmosphere. / Esta disserta??o de mestrado trata da montagem e da valida??o de um dispositivo experimental para determinar quantitativamente os teores de benzeno, tolueno e xilenos (BTX) na atmosfera. BTX s?o solventes extremamente vol?teis e, portanto, desempenha um papel importante na qu?mica atmosf?rica, sendo precursores na forma??o de oz?nio troposf?rico. Nesta disserta??o um novo padr?o gasoso de BTX foi produzido em nitrog?nio para sistemas estagnados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um novo m?todo, simples e barato, para quantificar e monitorar BTX no ar utilizando microextra??o em fase s?lida, cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massa (SPME/CG/MS). As caracter?sticas do m?todo de calibra??o proposto s?o apresentadas nesta disserta??o. Amostragem SPME foi realizada sob condi??es de n?o-equil?brio usando uma fibra Carboxen / PDMS exposta por 10 minutos na mistura de gases padr?o BTX-N2. Observam que os principais par?metros que afetam o processo de extra??o s?o tempo de amostragem, concentra??o e temperatura. Os resultados do sistema multicomponente BTX-N2 estudado mostraram um comportamento linear e n?o-linear em termos de concentra??o de BTX. Na faixa n?o-linear, ? not?vel o efeito da concorr?ncia por adsor??o seletiva com a seguinte ordem de afinidade: p-xileno> tolueno> benzeno. Este comportamento representa uma limita??o do m?todo, no entanto, est? de acordo com a literatura e n?o impede a aplica??o da t?cnica fora da regi?o n?o linear para quantificar os teores de BTX na atmosfera.

Modelagem cinética da esterificação de sec-butanol com ácido acético e estudo de monitoramento em linha da reação com espectroscopia de infravermelho. / Kinetic modeling of esterification of sec-butanol with acetic acid and study of reaction on-line monitoring using near infrared spectroscopy.

Marcio Andrade Dias 26 March 2012 (has links)
A esterificação do sec-butanol com ácido acético, submetida à catálise homogênea, apresenta poucos resultados experimentais de cinética reacional e equilíbrio químico disponíveis na literatura. A presente dissertação visa determinar os parâmetros cinéticos e de equilíbrio químico desta reação de esterificação, empregando modelo cinético de 2ª ordem baseado em atividades. Os experimentos cinéticos foram realizados em reator batelada com auxílio da metodologia Karl Fischer para análise do teor de água e determinação do perfil de frações molares ao longo da reação. A principal dificuldade na modelagem desta esterificação consistiu em representar satisfatoriamente as não-idealidades da mistura em fase líquida, em espacial nas reações cuja fração molar inicial de ácido acético foi superior a 50%. Netas condições admitiu-se a ocorrência de dissociação do ácido acético levando ao surgimento de interações iônicas. O modelo empregado para obtenção das atividades, com base em frações molares, foi o NRTL. Este modelo representou bem as interações moleculares em condição de baixa acidez, mas apresentou desvios em condições de acidez e teores de água mais elevados. O estudo também visou o desenvolvimento de modelos de calibração para um método analítico on-line visando determinar o perfil de frações molares ao longo da reação. O método empregado foi a espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo (NIR), em vista à capacidade deste método analítico em determinar quantitativamente frações molares de água, além dos demais compostos envolvidos. Outro fator determinante ao emprego do NIR é a seu crescente uso no meio industrial, e o presente trabalho visou também contribuir para o uso futuro desta técnica de monitoramento no processo industrial. Modelos de calibração multivariável com conjuntos de calibração interna por validação cruzada se mostraram adequados ao sistema estudado. Calibrações externas resultaram em modelos imprecisos, não sendo possível determinar claramente os fatores responsáveis pela imprecisão. / There is a lack of literature data on the reaction kinetics and equilibrium of the homogeneously catalyzed esterification of sec-butanol with acetic acid. This work aims at obtaining the kinetic parameters and chemical equilibrium parameters of this esterification reaction by using a second order kinetic model based on activities. The kinetic experiments were performed in a batch reactor and the Karl Fischer analytical method was used to determine the molar fraction of water along the reaction progress. The main challenge of modeling this reaction was to represent the highly non-ideal mixture in liquid phase, specially for reactions runs starting with acetic acid mole fraction higher than 50%. In these conditions, it was assumed the occurrence of acetic acid dissociation that leads to ionic interactions. The thermodynamic model used to calculate the activities was the NRTL. This model predicted well the molecular interactions on low acidity conditions but presented deviations when molar fractions of acid and water were higher. The present study also aims to develop calibration models for analytical on-line method to obtain molar fraction profiles along the reaction. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) was used due to the possibility of quantitatively analyze water mole fraction, besides the mole fractions of the other components. Another important reason to choose NIR was its crescent use in industry, and the present work intended to contribute towards the future use of this on line monitoring technique in industrial applications. Multivariate calibration models using internal set of calibration and cross-validation seems to be suitable for this system. External set of calibration leads to less accurate models, and the causes of this lack of accuracy were not clearly identified.

Durabilidade de pastas de cimento contendo a rede polimérica Epoxy-Etilenodiamina : avaliações em ambientes aquosos quimicamente agressivos / Durability of cement slurries containing epoxyethylenediamine polymeric network : evaluations in aggressive chemically aqueous environments

Santos, Danilo Oliveira 17 October 2017 (has links)
Cement slurries are used in oil wells to isolate the production area from the rock formation. An important property of these materials is their durability. Due to the interactions of the cement slurries with aggressive media in the oil wells, the durability can be threatened or lost. Cement slurries modified with polymers are promising materials candidates for cementing oil wells. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate new materials in hostile environments. In this work, new cement slurries were prepared with the Epoxy resin and the ethylenediamine hardener in two different media: distilled water and sea water. The new slurries were tested for their mechanical properties and characterized before and after interaction with the following media: production water, hydrochloric acid solution and mud acid solution. After 365 days of contact with the production water, the modified slurries showed greater chemical and mechanical resistance compared to the slurries without the polymer network (Standard slurries). Moreover, for the modified slurries after contact with the production water, a decrease of 9% in the compressive strength occurred, whereas for the slurries without the polymer network, the reduction reached 40%. Kinetic studies, chemical and thermodynamic equilibrium were carried out in the investigation of the interaction of the cement slurries with the solutions of HCl and mud acid. The results have suggested that the interactions between the modified slurries and the acid media are due to surface reactions with preservation of the hydrated compounds of the cement, causing a mass loss around 25%. For the standard slurries, the mechanism is predominantly diffusion, with structural deterioration of these slurries and mass loss of approximately 46%. Thus, the modified slurries with the polymer network Epoxy-EDA presented good characteristics to be used in the oil well procedures. / Pastas de cimento são utilizadas em poços de petróleo para isolar a zona de produção da formação rochosa. Uma propriedade importante desses materiais é sua durabilidade. Devido suas interações com meios agressivos, essa propriedade pode ser ameaçada ou perdida. Pastas de cimento modificadas com polímeros são materiais promissores candidatos à cimentação de poços de petróleo. Assim, é necessário avaliar novos materiais em meios hostis. Neste trabalho, novas pastas de cimento foram preparadas com a resina Epoxy e o endurecedor Etilenodiamina em dois meios distintos: água destilada e água do mar. As novas pastas foram testadas em relação às suas propriedades mecânicas e caracterizadas antes e após a interação com os seguintes meios: água de produção, solução de ácido clorídrico e solução de mud acid. Após 365 dias de contato com a água de produção, as pastas modificadas apresentaram maior resistência química em comparação com as pastas sem a rede polimérica (pastas padrão). Além disso, para as pastas modificadas após o contato com a água de produção, ocorreu uma diminuição de 9% na resistência à compressão, já para as pastas sem a rede polimérica, a redução atingiu 40%. Estudos cinéticos, equilíbrio químico e termodinâmico foram realizados na investigação da interação das pastas de cimento com as soluções de HCl e mud acid. Os resultaram sugerem que as interações entre as pastas modificadas e os meios ácidos são devido a reações superficiais com preservação dos compostos hidratados do cimento, ocasionando uma perda de massa em torno de 25%. Para as pastas padrão, o mecanismo é predominantemente por difusão, com deterioração estrutural dessas pastas e perda de massa de aproximadamente de 46%. Desta forma, as pastas modificadas com a rede polimérica Epoxy-EDA apresentaram boas características para serem utilizadas em ambientes subterrâneos dos poços de petróleo. / São Cristóvão, SE

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