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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pacientų nuomonė apie šeimos klinikos veiklą / Patients’ attitude towards practice of family clinic

Šileikienė, Asta 05 January 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Išaiškinti pacientų nuomonę apie šeimos klinikos veiklą. Darbo uždaviniai: išaiškinti pacientų nuomonę apie šeimos klinikos medicinos personalo kompetenciją ir bendravimą su pacientais; ištirti pacientų nuomonę apie darbo organizavimą ir šeimos klinikos aplinką; įvertinti veiksnius, lemiančius įstaigos pasirinkimą pagal pacientų socialines demografines charakteristikas, savo sveikatos vertinimą ir pasitenkinimą sveikatos priežiūros paslaugomis. Tyrimo metodika. Anoniminė anketinė šeimos klinikos pacientų apklausa atlikta 2010 m. Išdalintos 369 anketos, iš kurių grįžo 267 (atsako dažnis 72,4 proc.). Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 15,0 for Windows. Hipotezės tikrintos naudojant Chi-kvadrato (χ2) kriterijų, porinių dažnių lygybei tikrinti taikytas z kriterijus. Skirtumai tarp požymių laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p<0,05. Hipotezė apie dviejų nepriklausomų imčių vidurkių lygybę tikrinta naudojant Mann-Whitney kriterijų, o daugiau nei dviem nepriklausomoms imtims taikytas Kruskal-Wallis kriterijus ir vidutiniai rangai. Rezultatai. Šeimos klinikos gydytojų kompetenciją pacientai vertina 4,73 balais, bendruomenės slaugytojų – 4,63, o registratorių – 4,65 balais iš 5. Tyrimo dalyvių nuomone, šeimos klinikos gydytojai yra pakankamai dėmesingi pacientams, išklauso pacientų nuomonę ir skiriant gydymą individualiai atsižvelgia į kiekvieną pacientą. Du trečdaliai pacientų pažymi, kad su jų sveikatos priežiūra susijusius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: To appraise the patients’ attitude towards the practice of the family clinic. Objectives of the study: To clarify patients’ opinion about the competence and communication of medical staff; to examine patients’ views on work organization and environment; to assess factors influencing choice of clinic according to socio-demographical characteristics of the patients; self-assessment of health and satisfaction with services. Material and methods. A survey of patients using an anonymous questionnaire was conducted in 2010. 369 questionnaires were distributed and 267 returned (response rate 72.4%). Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 for Windows statistical software. Associations were tested using chi-square and z-test. Statistical significance level was set at p<0.05. Non-parametric tests of Mann-Whitney for two independent samples and Kruskal-Wallis tests for more than two independent samples were applied. Results. Patients evaluated the work of the family clinic physicians with 4.73 points, the work of community nurses was evaluated with 4.63 points and the work of receptionists 4.65 points out of 5 total points. According to the participants in the survey, the physicians of the family clinic are attentive to their patients; they listen to patients and treat every patient individually while prescribing treatment. Two thirds of patients note that the physician makes decisions regarding their healthcare after discussing it with the... [to full text]

Odontologijos klinikos "X" klientų lojalumo vertinimas / Customer loyalty measurement of dental clinic "X"

Laimutytė, Dovilė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti odontologijos klinikos „X“ klientų lojalumą ir pateikti pasiūlymus pacientų lojalumo didinimui. Uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti vartotojų lojalumo teorinę analizę. 2. Atlikti odontologijos klinikos „X“ veiklos situacijos analizę. 3. Ištirti odontologijos klinikos „X“ pacientų lojalumą. 4. Identifikuoti klinikos problemines sritis, kurias patobulinus įmonė pasiektų didesnį vartotojų pasitenkinimą ir lojalumą. Tyrimo metodika. Anketinės apklausos. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti klinikos pacientai ir personalas. Išvados: Nustatyta, kad įmonės pacientai yra patenkinti klinikos teikiamomis paslaugomis ir dažniausiai apie šią kliniką sužinojo iš kitų asmenų rekomendacijų. Tačiau nors ir klientai yra patenkinti įmonėje vyrauja didelė pacientų kaita. Lojalūs klientai nesudaro daugumos klinikos pacientų, tačiau tie, kurie jau yra lojalūs rodo stiprų lojalumą ir yra pastovūs įmonės klientai. Odontologijos klinikos „X“ silpniausios sritys lojalių vartotojų formavime yra: klinikos darbo laikas, didelės susidariusios eilės, ilgalaikiai santykiai ir aukšti įkainiai. / Aim of the study: to evaluate the loyalty of the dental clinic “X“ clients’ and to provide recommendations for patients’ loyalty growth. Objectives: 1. To make a theoretical analysis of the customers’ loyalty. 2. To make an analysis of the dental clinic “X” current bussiness situation. 3. To explore the loyalty of patients’ of the dental clinic “X”. 4. To indentify the problematic areas of clinics’ business, which, if improved, would help to increase the loyalty and satisfaction of the clinic’s customers. Research methods. The questionnaire surveys. During the reasearch, the clinics’ patients and personnel were questioned. Conclusions. It was identified that patients are satisfied with the services provided by the clinic. Most of the patients learned about the clinic from other peoples‘ recommendations. Although clients are contented the high turnover of the customers existence. Loyal customers are not a big part of all clinic patients, but those who are already loyal are showing strong loyalty. Dental Clinic "X" the weakest areas of the formation of loyal customers is: clinic time, long queues and high rates.

Skausmo klinikų paslaugų prieinamumo įvertinimas pacientų požiūriu / Pain Clinic‘s service evaluation in terms of accessibility in patients‘ opinion

Budrikienė, Milda 11 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti skausmo klinikų teikiamų paslaugų prieinamumą ir pasitenkinimą pacientų požiūriu. Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas buvo atliktas Vilniaus, Kauno, Šiaulių ir Alytaus skausmo klinikose. Tyrimas vyko 2013 gegužės – 2013 gruodžio mėnesiais. Tyrimo metu atlikta anoniminė anketinė pacientų apklausa. Statistinei analizei tinkamos grįžo 363 anketos. Atsako dažnis 95,5 proc. Statistinė tyrimo duomenų analizė atlikta SPSS 17.0 programa ir Excel 2007 programa. Rezultatai: Didžioji dalis pacientų (73,3 proc.), norėdami pasiekti artimiausią skausmo kliniką užtrunka mažiau, nei vieną valandą. Vizito pas skausmo klinikų specialistus 44,6 proc. respondentų laukė 2-4 savaites, tačiau 15,4 proc. pacientų turėjo laukti ilgiau kaip mėnesį. Atvykus konsultuotis, beveik ketvirtadaliui (23,7 proc.) konsultacija vėlavo iki 30 minučių, o 7,7 proc. už durų laukė ilgiau nei pusvalandį. Pati dažniausia problema respondentams norint pasiekti skausmo klinikas buvo sveikatos būklė. Beveik pusė tyrimo dalyvių (48,8 proc.) liko labai patenkinti, o daugiau kaip trečdalis (39,1 proc.) – patenkinti skausmo klinikų paslaugomis. Nepatenkintų skausmo klinikų paslaugomis nebuvo. Visi tyrimo dalyviai teigiamai įvertino skausmo klinikų specialistų kompetenciją ir gydymo kokybę. Labiausiai patenkinti buvo gydytojo onkologo siųsti pacientai. Kuo trumpesnis laikas nuo registracijos iki vizito pas gydytoją, ar pas gydytoją patenkama paskirtu laiku, bei trumpiau laukiama eilėje prie kabineto, tuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim: To evaluate the pain clinics‘ provided services in terms of the accessibility and satisfaction in patients‘ opinion. Methods: The study was carried out in Vilnius, Kaunas, Siauliai and Alytus pain clinics. The study took place in May 2013 - December 2013. The study carried out an anonymous questionnaire survey of patients. For statistical analysis returned 363 suitable questionnaires. The response rate was 95.5 percent. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2007 programs. Results: To reach the nearest pain clinic for the majority of patients (73.3 percent) takes less than one hour. For a visit to the pain clinic 44.6 percent of respondents waited for 2-4 weeks, but 15.4 percent of patients had to wait longer than a month. Upon arrival to consult, for almost a quarter (23.7 percent) of patients consultation was delayed for up to 30 minutes, and 7.7 percent of patients waited outside the door for more than half an hour. The most common problem for respondents to arrive to pain clinics was the state of health. Almost half of the survey participants (48.8 percent) were very pleased , and more than one-third (39.1 percent) were pleased with pain clinics‘ services. There was no discontentment with the services of pain clinics. All study participants positively evaluated the pain clinics‘ specialists‘ competence and quality of care. Most satisfied were patients sent by an oncologist. The shorter the time from registration to the doctor‘s visit, or... [to full text]

Design medicínského magnetického lůžka / Design of magnetic Therapy Table

Tkáč, Andrej January 2018 (has links)
Topic of this thesis is design of medical bed for magnetic therapy for one person with two tube aplicators. The goal is create magnetic therapy device for magnetic therapy and create new cocnept of megnetic therapy devices which approximate by their quality to currently used high standard medical appliances.

Klinikinis teisės mokymo metodas / Clinical legal education method

Petkevičiūtė, Gintarė 24 November 2010 (has links)
Klinikinis teisės mokymo metodas – tai mokymo ir mokymosi būdas, kai studentas gavęs teorinių žinių, prižiūrimas specialistų, pagal nustatytas sistemas mokosi jas taikyti praktikoje tam, kad galėtų toliau savarankiškai atlikti profesinį darbą bei sudarytų sąlygas teikti pro bono paslaugas, ugdyti svarbiausias teisininko savybes. Klinikinis teisės mokymo metodas – vienas iš pagrindinių teisės mokymo būdų Jungtinėse valstijose. Jis atsirado XX a. pradžioje kaip atsvara Langdelio ir Sokrato metodams. Pirmuosius penkiasdešimt metų klinikinis teisės mokymas sunkiai konkuravo su jau minėtais teisės mokymo būdais dėl to, kad neturėjo vienodos struktūros, sistemos. Šis metodas vystėsi viena nuo kitos nepriklausomose teisės mokyklose ir įgavo daug formų bei įvairios patirties. Šiuo metu klinikinis mokymo metodas išplito ir į kitas šalis. Remiantis Jungtinėse valstijose veikiančiais modeliais, buvo bandoma sukurti teisės mokymo programas. Tačiau kai kur šis eksperimentas nepavyko. Visų pirma, klinikinio teisės mokymo ekspertai buvo per daug nelankstūs, bandydami modifikuoti teisines sistemas. Antra, nebuvo atsižvelgiama į kultūrinius, socialinius, politinius, etinius veiksnius. Klinikinis metodas Lietuvoje taikomas nuo 1998 metų. Perėmus amerikietišką modelį, jis buvo tik nežymiai modifikuotas. Tačiau reikalinga nuolatinė klinikinio mokymo programos analizė ir tobulinimas, siekiant sukurti plačiau taikyti klinikinį mokymo metodą. / Clinical legal education originated in United States of America as a balance for Langdell and Socratic methods. Though first steps were taken in the begging of the 20th century, it took nearly 50 years to gain its recognition. The main reason was the uncertain content of this education method. However, emerging in various parts of USA in different ways, it has reached a quality in content and in outcome. Clinical legal education consists of number of factors, therefore it is essential to modify clinics taking in account all of them. The factors include: the content of education, the structure of clinic, the personnel, the financial aid and attitude in society (both law school and outside), traditions and others. It should be stated that actualization of these factors is a guarantee to qualified integration of clinical legal education to legal studies programs. During the Third wave of clinical education, the method spread to the other countries and created a worldwide family of legal clinics. Regrettably, not every country managed to adopt clinical education to their legal education systems. Firstly, because educators were inflexible with the systems, they tried to implement their way of education. Secondly, number of circumstances: political, cultural, social, ethnical – were too influential to confront. Though in Lithuania clinical legal education method was adopted only in 1998, it was successfully integrated with support from Open Society Institute and clinicians from the... [to full text]

Marketing soukromé kliniky Santé / Marketing of the private clinic Santé

Herlesová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on marketing of Santé, the private clinic. The first part is theoretical and has two main chapters. Marketing in the field of health care is the first chapter, including the differences between health care marketing and marketing in other fields and other characteristics of the medical system. Next a product is defined, in health care it is the provided service. Marketing mix is described not as 4P but as 4C. Then there is the practical point of view on the health care system. Very important is the patients' satisfaction, which is measured by many different surveys, such as the best hospital, or quality perceived by the patients. The other chapter discusses used methods, defines marketing research and the S-T-P strategy. The practical part of thesis introduces the company Santé followed by the description of their clientele, which is differentiated as individual and companies' clientele. Marketing mix of the company consists of the 4 components already mentioned higher. Next is the SWOT analysis. Analysis of the competition focused on the main competitors of Santé. Very significant moment is the research project created to suit the needs of this thesis only. A complex questionnaire researching the privet clinic market as a whole was prepared. Analysis of the data was complex as well. Open questions were analyzed separately, closed questions were processed with the help of SPPS computer program. By the end of the thesis there are some recommendations for the company that originate in the research project and also from the confrontation of the theory and practice. Last is the conclusion, bibliography and the annex, where you can find already mentioned questionnaire.

Veterinární klinika / Animal clinic

Venhoda, Lubomír January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis Veterinary Clinic is compiled in the form of project documentation. The building is situated in the township Vladislav. The building will be made from POROTHERM blocks with ventilated facade with the mineral heat insulation. The ceilings will be made from POROTHERM and SPIROLL.The building has flat roof. The project emphasizes disposition, static, fire safety, acoustic, energy savings and user safety solutions. The building has two floors, second one is receding. On the first floor there are two consulting rooms with shared waiting room, x-ray, laboratory, two operating rooms, post-op care and technical background. On the second floor there is a room for doctors, room for nurses, living room, kitchen and dressing room. The thesis includes specializations – Building services - ventilation and sanitary.

Odontologinės pagalbos vaikams organizavimas Kauno mieste / Organization of odontological help for children in Kaunas city

Matulaitienė, Živilė Kristina 16 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Aim of the study. To analyze how odontological help is provided to children in Kaunas City. Objectives. 1. To describe the volume, legal basis of odontological assistance for children. 2. To compare odontological assistance rendered to children in private and primary health care centres. 3. To forecast the opportunities of odontological assistance organization in the future. Methods. The investigated persons consist of Kaunas C. children of 1 – 18, children parents and heads of odontological institutions. A child is considered to be a statistic observance unit. The employed epidemiological investigation method is written interrogation: 200 questionnaires for children parents (168 questionnaires were returned) and 30 questionnaires for the heads of odontological institutions (7 questionnaires were replied by public, 23 – private teeth treatment institutions heads). The data of the questionnaire have been statistically evaluated by using SPSS 12 statistical program package. Results. More than half (51 percent) of parents take their children to private teeth treatment institutions. 30 per cent of children are treated in Public Institution Odontological Departments. In the school rooms 2 per cent of children are treated. The parent choice to take children to private odontological clinic has been determined by service quality (58.8 percent), doctor competence (49.4 percent) and variety of services (21.2 percent). The public teeth treatment institutions are chosen because... [to full text]

Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvų poreikiai / Needs of parents of hospitalised newborns in the neonatal clinic

Gaupšienė, Alma 18 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Išanalizuoti Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvų poreikius. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvų svarbiausius poreikius. 2. Išanalizuoti Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvų poreikių tenkinimą. 3. Nustatyti personalo vaidmenį tenkinant Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvų poreikius. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2010 balandžio – liepos mėnesiais LSMUL Kauno klinikų Neonatologijos klinikoje. Tyrime dalyvavo 455 respondentai (iš jų 365 NLS ir 90 NITS). Tyrimo metu informacijai rinkti buvo naudojamas Gudrun Kristijandottir „Tėvų poreikių vaikų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje“ vertinimo įrankis. Statistinei duomenų analizei naudota SPSS 17.0 kompiuterinė programa. Atlikta aprašomoji statistika, vertinta požymių priklausomybė, lyginti neparametrinių kintamųjų vidurkiai bei proporcijų lygybė, ryšio stiprumas. Skirtumai laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais, kai reikšmingumo lygmuo p≤0,05. Išvados. 1. Analizuojant Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvų pasitikėjimo, užtikrintumo, informacinių, skatinimo, tėvų fizinių poreikių, mokymo, tėvų visų poreikių, paramos, kuri užtikrintų tėvų gerovę, paramos, susijusios su kitais šeimos nariais, finansinės konsultacijos poreikių svarbos vertinimus statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų tarp poreikių poskalių vertinimų nustatyta nebuvo, todėl iškelta hipotezė, kad Neonatologijos klinikoje gydomų naujagimių tėvams svarbiausi yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study. To analyze the needs of parents of hospitalized newborns in the Neonatal Clinic. Objectives: 1. To establish the most important needs of parents of hospitalized newborns in the Neonatal Clinic. 2. To analyze the meeting of needs of parents of hospitalized newborns in the Neonatal Clinic. 3. To identify the role of personnel in meeting the needs of parents of hospitalized newborns in the Neonatal Clinic. Methodology. The study was conducted in April – July of 2010 at the Neonatal Clinic of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital (LSMUL). This study included 455 parents (365 at Newborns Care Unit (NCU) and 90 at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)). Data was collected using „NPQ – Needs of Parents Questionnaire“ developed by Gudrun Kristijandottir. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 software program. Performed descriptive statistics, evaluated the signs of addiction, compared means nonparametric variables’ and equality of proportions, the connection strength. The differences were statistically significant at the significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Conclusions. 1. Analyzing importance of parental needs in Neonatal Clinic: trust, assurance, information, encouragement, guidance, support ensuring welfare of parents, support related to other family members, financial consultation, physical and other parental needs statistically significant differences were not found. Therefore, hypothesis, that informational needs are the most... [to full text]

Dějiny dermatovenerologie na pražských lékařských fakultách v letech 1790-1945 / History of Dermatovenereology at Prague Medica l Faculties 1790 - 1945

Kružicová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
History of Dermatovenereology at Prague Medical Faculties in years 1790-1945. MUDr. Zuzana Kružicová Summary: The history of dermatovenerology at the Prague medical faculties has so far evaded the attention of medical historians. This work therefore fills the gap - albeit partially - by presenting a development of the discipline at the Charles University including its roots in Vienna. To achieve the goal I have first started with the figure of F. Hebra, the founder of modern systematics of skin diseases, and I have also attempted to outline the position of the Vienna dermatovenerology within the European context. The second part of my thesis describes the development of Prague dermatovenerology, which was reconstructed on base of study of archival as well as printed sources spanning the period between 1840s and 1945. The research strives to capture life and medical works of the leading figures in our dermatovenerology - A. Kraus, J. Čejka, J. Waller, V. Petters, V. Janovský, F. Šamberger, K. Gawalowski, P. J. Pick, K. Kreibich and J. Bezecny (Greipl). Apart from the biographical information I also focuse on the gradual development of dermatovenerology as a medical field, while highlighting its diagnostic and therapeutic options. My goal was to develop a comprehensive overview of the scientific publications,...

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