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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma prática colaborativa na construção do portifólio educacional / A collaborative practice in the construction of educational portfolio

Santos, Edno Mariano dos 06 July 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Unidade didática: elementos de astronomia e energia / Este trabalho investigou indícios de aprendizagem por meio de uma metodologia de ensino fundamentada na aprendizagem colaborativa. Para viabilizar a investigação, foi desenvolvida uma unidade didática, composta por duas sequências didáticas, que propõem o uso do portfólio educacional, versão manual. A unidade foi aplicada no Colégio Estadual Professora Adélia Dionísia Barbosa – Ensino Fundamental e Médio, localizado na cidade de Londrina, região norte do estado do Paraná, com 29 alunos do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental da disciplina de Ciências, do turno matutino, no período de fevereiro a abril de 2014. Os conteúdos abordados, de acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares do Estado do Paraná (2008), foram: Leis de Kepler e o Movimento dos Planetas e Energia. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada teve abordagem qualitativa, combinada à técnica da observação e da exploração, para evidenciar as facilidades e as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos. Observou-se que a aprendizagem, por meio do relatório escrito no portfólio, apresentou-se como viável, prazerosa e promissora, indicando aspectos relevantes na construção dos conceitos. Verificou-se que os momentos de atividade em grupo e de discussão possibilitaram a cada aluno: desenvolvimento da criatividade, quando associados às atividades de produção por autoria; desenvolvimento da capacidade argumentativa; melhoria do vocabulário; aumento da autoestima, por conseguir expressar sua opinião/ideia e tê-la aceita pelos demais membros do grupo; atuação ativa dentro do processo de aprendizagem e maior interação com o professor. / This study investigated learning evidences through a teaching methodology based on collaborative learning. To make it possible, a didactic unit consisting of two teaching sequences proposing the use of the educational portfolio, manual version, was developed. The teaching unit have been applied at the School Professora Adélia Dionisia Barbosa - Elementary and High School, located in Londrina, Northern of Paraná, to 29 students in the 9th grade of elementary school in Sciences subject, at the morning period, ranging from February to April 2014. The covered content, according to the Curriculum Guidelines of the State of Paraná (2008) were: Kepler's Laws and the Planetary Motion and Energy. The methodology took a qualitative approach combined with the observation and exploration technique to search for evidences of the strengths and difficulties on learning process of students. By means of the reports written in the portfolio was observed that the learning process, have been feasible, pleasant and promising, indicating relevant aspects in the construction of concepts. It was found that in the group activities and discussions, each student: have developed their argumentative ability and creativity associated with the activities aimed at production by authorship; the improvement of vocabulary; increase of self-esteem and skills to being able to express their opinions / ideas which have been accepted by other members of the group; active participation in the learning process and greater interaction with the teacher.

Projeto e implementação de sistema de capacitação em gestão hospitalar: o caso FAE Centro Universitário e Hospital IPO

Kaniak, Vivien Mariane Massaneiro 30 October 2014 (has links)
A busca premente nas empresas contemporâneas pela geração do conhecimento como fator de diferenciação cria a necessidade cada vez maior de mecanismos eficazes de cooperação com as instituições de ensino. Essas em seu papel de geradoras de conhecimento também se beneficiam da interação com as empresas, já que a proximidade com a realidade de mercado estimula o desenvolvimento do corpo docente e discente e promove tanto a inovação quanto a visibilidade da academia na comunidade. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo visou projetar e implantar um sistema de capacitação executiva em gestão hospitalar para o Hospital Paranaense de Otorrinolaringologia (IPO) em parceria com a FAE Centro Universitário. Além disso foram analisados os processos atuais de Gestão de Parcerias da Universidade que teve seus procedimentos comparados com as premissas do framework para transferência de tecnologia na interação Universidade-Empresa, ferramenta que mostrou-se útil principalmente para apontar melhorias no processo. No que se refere ao produto final da cooperação, foi projetado e implementado o curso de MBA em Gestão Hospitalar e Sistemas de Saúde, de caráter lato sensu, o que veio ao encontro da demanda por capacitação provinda do Hospital e que se apresenta como uma solução de ensino-aprendizagem que se tornou viável a partir da cooperação, troca de conhecimentos e alinhamento de interesses entre os parceiros. O modelo descrito neste estudo pode servir de referência a parcerias futuras da universidade com outras empresas. / The urgent search in contemporary companies for the generation of knowledge as a factor of differentiation creates a growing need for effective mechanisms of cooperation with educational institutions. These institutions, in their role as generators of knowledge also benefit from the interaction with the companies, since their proximity to the reality of the market stimulates the development of both the teaching staff and the students, and promotes innovation as much as visibility of the academy in the community. Within this context, this study aimed to design and implement a training system in hospital management for the Hospital of Otolaryngology of Parana (IPO) in partnership with FAE University Center. Therefore, the present partnership management process of the university were analyzed and compared with the principles of the framework for technology transfer and Company University interaction, the tool proved to be useful mainly to point improvements to the process. Regarding the final product of the cooperation, the MBA in Health Management course, latu sensu, was designed and implemented. This came to meet the demand for training from the hospital. It was also a teaching-learning process solution that became feasible through the cooperation, knowledge exchange, and alignment of interests between partners. We believe that the model described in this study may serve as reference for future partnerships between the university and other companies. / 5000

Novas tecnologias e educação : preparando a escola para a chegada da TV Digital Interativa

Souza, Karla Isabel de 12 December 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Ferreira do Amaral / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T07:40:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza_KarlaIsabelde_M.pdf: 2710618 bytes, checksum: 1c48f39a1f3a3ff3f4c17600ff7d7210 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa discutiu questões relacionadas às novas tecnologias da comunicação na educação, tendo como amostra uma comunidade escolar que se propõe a construir uma nova pedagogia.É um estudo de caso que se inicia com a ambientação de Recursos Tecnológicos pelas educadoras, a princípio fora da sala de aula, que, aos poucos vão sendo introduzidos no ambiente escolar. As ações que se sucedem no decorrer deste trabalho ocorrem no espaço escolar e são de cunho prático, pois damos suporte às necessidades principalmente das educadoras, e também a toda a comunidade escolar envolvida.Como conclusão apresentamos uma escola que está em processo de inclusão de recursos tecnológicos de comunicação no seu cotidiano. É um processo lento, pois a comunidade busca uma posição político-pedagógica própria, construindo, assim, uma nova pedagogia, a pedagogia da comunicação / Abstract: This research discussed issues about new technologies in communication and education, considering a school community that proposes a new pedagogy.This is a case study that begins with technology resources awareness by teachers, first, out of classroom spaces and then introduced to school environment. The actions that will be described took place at the school environment and have a practical approach, because we give support for teacher's necessities principally, as well as ali school community. A conclusion will be presented as a school that's improving the usage of communication technology resources in its every day life. This is a slow process because the community looks for its own politician-pedagogical approach, developing a new pedagogy, the communication pedagogy / Mestrado / Mestre em Educação

Estrutura organizacional e gestão do conhecimento / Organizacional Design and Knowledge Management

Edoardo Perrotti 30 June 2004 (has links)
Determinar quais os efeitos dos subsistemas componentes da estrutura organizacional na geração e disseminação do conhecimento é o objetivo principal proposto nesta pesquisa. Para isto há necessidade de entender como o conhecimento e as informações circulam dentro das organizações, quais tipos de conhecimento são estes, quais processos são utilizados para disseminação dos novos conhecimentos adquiridos, como são gerados os conhecimentos nas organizações, como a empresa está estruturada, dentre outros temas relevantes para o estudo. Com os dados gerais obtidos através da aplicação das entrevistas, foi elaborada uma análise qualitativa para detecção de correlação efetiva entre questões e variáveis. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que a Estrutura Organizacional pode ter efeito substancialmente positivo sobre a Gestão do Conhecimento, principalmente quando adotadas as práticas de trabalho com equipes multidisciplinares para resolução de problemas ou projetos de melhoria e quando coexistirem sistemas de comunicação e ambiente propícios para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de aprendizagem e compartilhamento do conhecimento através do contato pessoal, com adequado suporte de tecnologia. / The main goal of this research is to determinate how the Organizational Design Systems can impact the generation and dissemination of knowledge. It is necessary to understand how the information and knowledge flow within the organizations, which types of knowledge are that, which processes are used to disseminate the new generated knowledge, how the knowledge is generated within the organizations and how the organization is designed, among other relevant matters. The raw data obtained through interviews were analyzed in order to detect an effective correlation between questions and variables. The current study allows the conclusion that the Organizational Design have positive effect on Knowledge Management, mainly when practices of working with multidisciplinary teams are adopted to solve problems or to develop innovation projects and when suitable communication systems and environment for the development of a learning and knowledge sharing culture through face to face contacts – supported by appropriated technology – coexist.

Language and content in language arts and math : a case study

Evans, Peter D. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative case study of a mathematics unit and a literature unit taught concurrently to a class of grades five and six students, the majority of who were English as a Second Language (ESL) students. The units were collaboratively planned with an ESL Resource Teacher. The study aims to illuminate the processes and products of student engagement with the two units. At the same time, it documents the teacher/ researcher's process of reflection. The study makes reference to the teacher/researcher's growing understanding of the role that prior knowledge plays in the classroom. For the teacher/ researcher, this study acted as a "voyage of discovery" as he made observations regarding the student's experiences and the role of prior knowledge. Students experienced considerable success with the literature unit, but had persistent difficulties with the mathematics unit. To investigate the reasons for this difference, concerning this difference in success, the researcher explored two matters of prior knowledge: prior classroom experience and the link between everyday language and technical language in student discourse. With respect to prior classroom experience, the students reported little prior teaching of relevant mathematical material whereas the literature material had regularly been taught. With respect to the link between everyday and technical language, the findings suggested that the students were able to draw on everyday language for describing persons in the literature unit, but were not able to draw on everyday language for describing patterns in the mathematics unit. More broadly, this suggests that students were able to draw on familiar social practices for describing persons but not for describing mathematical patterns. Implications are drawn for further research and for educational practice. / Education, Faculty of / Language and Literacy Education (LLED), Department of / Graduate

Modeling Knowledge and Functional Intent for Context-Aware Pragmatic Analysis

Vedula, Nikhita January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays in Business Cycles

Karimzada, Muhebullah January 2023 (has links)
In chapter one of the thesis, we incorporate shocks to the efficiency with which firms learn from production activity and accumulate knowledge into an otherwise standard real DSGE model with imperfect competition. Using real aggregate data and Bayesian inference techniques, we find that learning efficiency shocks are an important source of observed variation in the growth rate of aggregate output, investment, consumption and especially hours worked in post-war US data. The estimated shock processes suggest much less exogenous variation in preferences and total factor productivity are needed by our model to account for the joint dynamics of consumption and hours. This occurs because learning efficiency shocks induce shifts in labour demand uncorrelated with current TFP, a role usually played by preference shocks which shift labour supply. At the same time, knowledge capital acts like an endogenous source of productivity variation in the model. Measures of model fit prefer the specification with learning efficiency shocks. The results are robust to the addition of many observables and shocks. In chapter 2, I estimate a "Learning-by-doing'' model with "Learning efficiency shocks'' using Bayesian estimation techniques and real aggregate data from Euro Area. I find that learning efficiency shocks explain a large fraction of the fluctuations in the growth rate of real aggregate variables such as consumption, output, investment and employment. This paper is the first to estimate a learning-by-doing model with learning efficiency shocks for the Euro Area and analyses its business cycles. In chapter 3, We study the impact of COVID 19 pandemic on the Canadian housing market. The Canadian economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic like almost every other country in the World. The residential real estate market that makes a significant contribution to the Canadian economy however behaved far differently in the wake of the COVID-19 downturn. Unlike previous recessions, housing market recovered much faster and house prices steadily increased from 2020:QII. Since the pandemic has started, working from home (WFH) has become more prevalent. How important is WFH in producing large swings in house prices as observed in the data? To address this question, we estimate an augmented New Keynesian model with collateralized household debt and remote working condition. We argue that remote working condition improves the performance of the model, particularly explaining the house price dynamics in the last two years. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The dynamics of learning partnerships : case studies from Queensland

Peirce, Heather Jean January 2006 (has links)
This study examines the emerging notion of learning partnerships. As the study of such partnerships is a nascent research field, no single definition has yet emerged in the literature. However, within an uncertain and rapidly changing global context, two strategic initiatives have been identified which will support individuals, communities and organisations in their transition to a knowledge-based economy whilst building capacity for change and renewal. These two strategies are fostering learning communities/regions/towns and developing learning partnerships between multiple stakeholders. The term "learning partnership" has appeared in a wide variety of literatures including those of adult learning, management, social science and education. Working papers and emerging case reports identify a diversity of applications and a range of operational models or configurations that link multiple stakeholders. Learning partnerships have been associated with vocational education and training, innovation and research, lifelong learning, organisational learning and knowledge cultivation. These literatures reveal a paucity of Australian research to explain how multiple stakeholders form and develop these configurations, particularly in the Queensland context. The purpose of this study is to build deeper understanding of the meaning of a learning partnership in the Australian and (more precisely) the Queensland context. A working definition of a learning partnership, adopted as the basis for the research, indicates a strategy designed to foster continuous learning, collaboration, innovation and renewal in response to the demands of the knowledge-based economy and knowledge and learning societies. The research focuses on organisational arrangements in order for the researcher to gain deeper understanding from the key stakeholders in their work environments. Three diverse situations were selected for detailed exploration of their issues, relationships, activities, processes and working knowledge. With a view to contributing to emerging theory, an organisational case study methodology was adopted to identify and explore the nature of the relationships and issues confronting the key stakeholders in three Queensland-based learning partnerships. An interpretive theoretical framework draws on the social theory of symbolic interactionism and the "systems thinking" of General Systems Theory. An interpretivist perspective influenced the case study research strategy and guided data collection, analysis and reporting. Within the case studies, data collection methods included observations, informal meetings, synergetic focus groups, semi-structured interviews, diary notes, researcher memos and documents. From these multiple data sources, the researcher was able to assemble three case files. The inductive process for within-case analysis for the case reports, and later, cross-case analysis, integrated as a form of constant comparison technique, was used as a basis for presenting findings. These findings are reported as three separate "in progress" models to address three interrelated research questions. The case reports explain complex and interconnected organisational arrangements - evolving, adapting and responding to internal and external tensions. While there is considerable activity which could be regarded as representing learning partnerships, there is no cohesive policy framework to support such partnerships, and much ambiguity, "muddy" definitions and unclear terminology. It appears that a "new breed" of knowledge-worker is emerging - linking, networking, interacting, exchanging - to work across organisational intersections. The study shows that like "herding cats", co-ordinating and managing the inter relationships at the organisational intersection take time, resources, vision, processes for interaction, individual willingness and "in-kind" support. Whilst there is opportunity for linking disparate groups to cross-fertilise ideas, working knowledge, and information, and there is the potential to cultivate a knowledge and learning ecosystem (a fertile compost heap for knowledge generation and an innovative learning system) - "intellectual horsepower" - such configurations may also derail, realign or stagnate. It is individual stakeholders who form the relationships, interact, share ideas, and build networks, and it is the individual who maintains the relationships, engages in the process and learns from the experience. Therein lies a paradox between the strength of diversity of the collective (synergies) and their weakness as the relationships may be compromised by a single individual who withdraws or transfers. Drawing on a computing analogy, this could be akin to "corruption" in a system which may not be sufficiently robust to tolerate ambiguity, or a system that is too inflexible to survive threats while maintaining the momentum to adapt and renew. On the basis of this research it would appear that a more robust or resilient paradigm is emerging with interconnected, blurred boundaries and much "talking and thinking" about more sustainable futures. The study identifies these as indicative of wider social and economic changes. The thesis proposes three conceptual models as particularly useful in interpreting these "shifting systems and shifting paradigms": the concentric, the centripetal, and the plutonic.

Redes de cooperação: o caso da rede imobiliárias de Santa Maria

Höher, Ricardo 15 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:57:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 15 / Nenhuma / A presente dissertação apresenta estudo sobre as redes de empresas, constituída por Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs), em que se buscou demonstrar como são formadas as redes, seu funcionamento, as diversas configurações apresentadas por este tipo de organização, os ganhos que as PMEs podem obter quando atuam de maneira conjunta e os ambientes de interação dentro das redes, bem como compreender as relações de troca de informações e experiências (conhecimento e aprendizagem) entre os agentes. Para melhor destacar as evidências teóricas sobre os temas abordados, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica, a partir do estudo do caso na Rede Imobiliárias de Santa Maria. Destaca-se que a pesquisa foi realizada através de entrevistas com os dirigentes das empresas participantes da Rede e com seu Presidente e, também, através de conversas objetivas com Prof. Wanderlei José Ghilardi, professor da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) e consultor treinado pela Secretaria do Desenvolvimento e dos Assuntos Internacionais ( / This dissertation presents a study on enterprise networks, composed of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), aiming to demonstrate how the networks are formed, their operation, the different configurations presented by this type of organization, the gains that SME may achieve when working together and the environment of interaction in the networks. Besides, the study aimed to show the understanding of the exchange of information and experience (knowledge and learning) among the participant enterprises. To better highlight the theoretical evidence on the subject studied, an empirical research based on a case study at Rede de Imobiliárias (Real State Network) of Santa Maria. The study was carried out through interviews with the directors of the companies involved with the Rede de Imobiliárias and with its president. Focused conversations with Prof. Wanderlei Jose Ghilardi, professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and consultant trained by Secretaria de Desenvolvimento e dos Assuntos Internacionai

An Evaluation of”Middle Ages Dead or Live?”The first interactive exhibition at the National Museum of History

Engdahl, Lottie January 2005 (has links)
This is a study conducted at, and for, the National Museum of History in Stockholm. The aim of the study was to confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis that visitors in a traditional museum environment might not take part in interactivity in an interactive exhibition. And if they do the visitors might skip the texts and objects on display. To answer this and other questions a multiple method was used. Both non participant observations and exit interviews were conducted. After a description of the interactive exhibits, theory of knowledge and learning is presented before the gathered data is presented. All together 443 visitors were observed. In the observations the visitors were timed on how much time they spent in the room, the time spent on the interactivity, texts and objects. In the 40 interviews information about visitors’ participation in the interactivity was gathered. What interactivity the visitor found easiest, hardest, funniest and most boring.The result did not confirm the hypothesis. All kinds of visitors, children and adults, participated in the interactivities. The visitors took part in the texts and objects and the interactive exhibits.

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