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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pratiques médiationnelles à l'oeuvre dans un dispositif de "e-learning" en Information-Documentation / Mediation practices at work in an e-learning environment in Information-Documentation

Vaisman, Coleta 13 December 2012 (has links)
Les Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication ayant nouvellement investi les services en ligne et en particulier le domaine du e learning- largement occupé par les sciences de l’éducation, les sciences cognitives, la psychosociologie ou encore l’informatique- notre objectif est d’aborder cette question selon trois figures de pensée rencontrées dans la recherche en enseignement à distance : la substance, la relation et le mouvement. Après avoir envisagé les médiations à partir de la fonction de la substance qui s’intéresse aux caractéristiques des acteurs/actants par rapport au dispositif ou à la nature de celui-ci, on a porté notre attention sur la relation, car c’est depuis ce « entre » que chaque sujet en lui-même va se construire. Il en va ainsi du modèle de communication, lui-même intermédiaire, un « entre ». Dans cette perspective, la communication médiatisée procède d’abord de la qualité de la relation, des situations comme celles qui se nouent entre les registres, comme la dimension technique et les composantes médiationnelles du e-learning. Enfin, avec la figure du mouvement, on s’est affranchi de la figure de la substance et de la relation en les dépassant, pour penser en termes de dynamique et de processus, soit dans notre cas aux modalités de l’agencement homme-machine ou homme-homme. Le modèle qui en résulte semble ne reposer qu’en partie sur la proposition technologique, voire pédagogique, mais sur des formes persistantes de médiation agissant dans le dispositif. La spatialisation des compétences à distance ramène le curseur autour d’un axe médiationnel dans un domaine que l’on pourrait désormais appeler apprentissage intégré («integrated learning ») et qui renvoie à l’intégration de toutes les dimensions d’un objet de connaissance. / The Communication and Information sciences have lately invested on-line services and in particular the field of the e-learning, largely occupied by the sciences of education, cognitive sciences, social psychology or data processing. Our objective is to tackle this question according to the three figures of thought in research in elearning: the substance, the relation and the movement. After having considered the mediations starting from the function of the substance which is interested in the characteristics of the actors/agents compared to the process or nature of this one, we have focused our attention on the relation, because it is from this “between” that each subject in itself will be built. It goes from there thus from the model of communication, in itself intermediary. In this point of view, the mediatized communication proceeds first of all from the quality of the relation, of the situations as those which are tied between the registers, such as technical dimension and the mediational components of the e-learning. Finally, with the figure of movement, we freed ourselves from the figure of substance and relation by exceeding them, by thinking in terms of dynamics and of process. Thus in our case thinking according to the process man-machine or man-man, which calls for an “engineering”. The model which is implied seems to rest only partly on the technological, even pedagogical proposal, but also on persistent forms of mediation acting as a process. The spatialization of e-learning skills brings back the cursor around a mediational axis in a field which we could from now on call “integrated learning” and which sends back to the integration of all dimensions of an object of knowledge.

”Jag förutsätter att personalen jobbar utefter sin bästa förmåga” : En metodkombinationsstudie om hur omsorgspersonal och enhetschefer resonerar kring komplexa omsorgssituationer där vanvård och försummelse förekommer inom ordinärt boende / “I assume that the staff work to the best of their ability” : A mixed-method study on how care staff and managers reason about complex care situations where neglect occurs within home care services

Grännö Lundmark, Johanna, Robertsdotter, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning utförd inom särskilda boenden har visat att det är ett förekommande problem att äldre utsätts för vanvård och försummelse utförd av personal. Forskning om vanvård och försummelse inom ordinärt boende i svensk kontext är bristfällig. Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka och förstå hur omsorgspersonal och enhetschefer inom ordinärt boende resonerar kring vanvård och försummelse i komplexa omsorgssituationer av äldre personer. Metod: Undersökningen är en metodkombination med tvärsnittsdesign som genom en vinjettbaserad enkät avsåg utforska respondenternas resonemang kring komplexa omsorgssituationer. Resultat: Respondenternas resonemang visar på en tendens av bristande kunskap kring våld i form av vanvård och försummelse. Det kunde även urskiljas en ambivalens mellan att se risker och kritisera ageranden samtidigt som man rättfärdigade handlingarna. Respondenternas resonemang visade på svårigheter kring att identifiera våldshandlingar och benämna dem i termer av våld. / Background: Previous research carried out in nursing homes has shown that it is a common problem that the elderly people are exposed to neglect carried out by staff. Research on neglect within home care services in the Swedish context is lacking. Purpose: The purpose of the survey was to investigate and understand how staff and managers within home care survices reason about neglect in complex care situations of elderly people. Method: The survey is a mixed methods with a cross-sectional design that trough a vignette-based survey aimed to explore the respondents' reasoning regarding complex care situations. Results: The respondents' reasoning shows a tendency of a lack of knowledge about violence in the form of neglect. One could also discern an ambivalence between seeing risks and criticizing actions while justifying this acts. The respondents' reasoning showed difficulties in identifying acts of violence and naming them in terms of violence.

Revisão de crenças em lógicas de descrição e em outras lógicas não clássicas / Belief revision in description logics and other non-classical logics

Ribeiro, Marcio Moretto 20 September 2010 (has links)
A area de revisão de crenças estuda como agentes racionais mudam suas crencas ao receberem novas informações. O marco da area de revisão de crenças foi a publicacão do trabalho de Alchourron, Gardenfors e Makinson. Nesse trabalho conhecido como paradigma AGM foram denidos criterios de racionalidade para tipos de mudanca de crencas. Desde então, a área de revisão de crenças foi influenciada por diversas disciplinas como filosoa, computacão e direito. Paralelamente ao desenvolvimento da area de revisão de crenças, os últimos 20 anos foram marcados por um grande avanço no estudo das logicas de descrição. Tal avanço, impulsionado pelo desenvolvimento da web-semântica, levou a adoção de linguagens inspiradas em logicas de descrição (OWL) como padrão para se representar ontologias na web. Nessa tese tratamos do problema de aplicar a teoria da revisão de crenças a lógicas não clássicas e especialmente a logicas de descric~ao. Trabalhos recentes mostraram que o paradigma AGM e incompatvel com diversas logicas de descricão. Estendemos esses resultados mostrando outras lógicas que não são compatíveis com o paradigma AGM. Propomos formas de aplicar a teoria de revisão tanto em bases quanto em conjuntos de crencas a essas logicas. Alem disso, usamos algoritmos conhecidos da área de depuração de ontologias para implementar operações em bases de crenças. / Belief revision theory studies how rational agents change their beliefs after receiving new information. The most in uential work in this area is the paper of Alchourron, Gardenfors and Makinson. In this work, known as AGM paradigm rationality criteria for belief change were dened. Since then, the eld has been in uenced by many areas like philosophy, computer science and law. Parallel to the development of belief revision eld, in the past 20 years there was a huge grow in the study of description logics. The climax of this development was the adoption of OWL (a language based on description logics) as the standard language to represent ontologies on the web. In this work we deal with the problem of applying belief revision in to non-classical logics, specially description logics. Recent works showed that the AGM paradigm is not compliant with several description logics. We have extended this work by showing that other logics are not compliant with AGM paradigm. Furthermore, we propose alternative ways to apply belief revision techniques to these logics. Finally, we show that well known algorithms from the area of ontology debugging eld can be used to implement the proposed constructions.

Revisão de crenças em lógicas de descrição e em outras lógicas não clássicas / Belief revision in description logics and other non-classical logics

Marcio Moretto Ribeiro 20 September 2010 (has links)
A area de revisão de crenças estuda como agentes racionais mudam suas crencas ao receberem novas informações. O marco da area de revisão de crenças foi a publicacão do trabalho de Alchourron, Gardenfors e Makinson. Nesse trabalho conhecido como paradigma AGM foram denidos criterios de racionalidade para tipos de mudanca de crencas. Desde então, a área de revisão de crenças foi influenciada por diversas disciplinas como filosoa, computacão e direito. Paralelamente ao desenvolvimento da area de revisão de crenças, os últimos 20 anos foram marcados por um grande avanço no estudo das logicas de descrição. Tal avanço, impulsionado pelo desenvolvimento da web-semântica, levou a adoção de linguagens inspiradas em logicas de descrição (OWL) como padrão para se representar ontologias na web. Nessa tese tratamos do problema de aplicar a teoria da revisão de crenças a lógicas não clássicas e especialmente a logicas de descric~ao. Trabalhos recentes mostraram que o paradigma AGM e incompatvel com diversas logicas de descricão. Estendemos esses resultados mostrando outras lógicas que não são compatíveis com o paradigma AGM. Propomos formas de aplicar a teoria de revisão tanto em bases quanto em conjuntos de crencas a essas logicas. Alem disso, usamos algoritmos conhecidos da área de depuração de ontologias para implementar operações em bases de crenças. / Belief revision theory studies how rational agents change their beliefs after receiving new information. The most in uential work in this area is the paper of Alchourron, Gardenfors and Makinson. In this work, known as AGM paradigm rationality criteria for belief change were dened. Since then, the eld has been in uenced by many areas like philosophy, computer science and law. Parallel to the development of belief revision eld, in the past 20 years there was a huge grow in the study of description logics. The climax of this development was the adoption of OWL (a language based on description logics) as the standard language to represent ontologies on the web. In this work we deal with the problem of applying belief revision in to non-classical logics, specially description logics. Recent works showed that the AGM paradigm is not compliant with several description logics. We have extended this work by showing that other logics are not compliant with AGM paradigm. Furthermore, we propose alternative ways to apply belief revision techniques to these logics. Finally, we show that well known algorithms from the area of ontology debugging eld can be used to implement the proposed constructions.

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