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Three essays on high-school educational outcomes in Colombia /Guzman, Juan Carlos. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
NJ, Univ., Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internat. Affairs, Diss.--Princeton, 2005. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.
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Linking indigenous territorial autonomy and environmental sustainability: a case study of the resguardo El Duya in ColombiaJiménez-Montoya, Diana Alejandra 03 June 2021 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to understand the contributions of indigenous autonomous institutions to environmental sustainability in indigenous territories in Colombia. Past research has neglected to account for the role of indigenous territorial autonomy in spatial environmental planning and the overall goal of environmental sustainability. This gap is approached through the institutional design principles theory, informed by indigenous planning literature and the social-ecological systems framework. This research uses a case study, the resguardo El Duya, and a qualitative approach, where data collection was made through interviews, observation and document analysis. The results for this resguardo are presented in the context of Orinoquia region, which is analysed using the concept of frontier. This research asks about the way in which indigenous institutions mediate the relation of humans and the territory, finding that they have been going through a process of institutional change with several milestones characterised by external disturbances produced by non-indigenous actors. Currently, two institutional arrangements coexist in El Duya, customary and novel institutions, for which the analysis shows that the majority of design principles are present and some of them exhibit implementation problems. Thus, indigenous institutions have kept the integrity of ecosystems; despite changes in the social-ecological system and environmental impacts caused by oil extraction-related activities. This research further asks about spatial environmental planning, finding that it has been implemented by indigenous and non-indigenous actors, where the latter includes external governmental authorities and oil companies. This has resulted in an asymmetrical planning setting, in which the Salia people are deprived from significant planning powers in their territory. Furthermore, non-indigenous environmental authorities have contributed poorly in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystems of El Duya, under a frame in which the notion of environmental sustainability is not used by the people of this resguardo and is understood variably by governmental actors. Finally, this research asks about territorial autonomy concerning nature, which has been found to be partially exercised, since authority, decision-making and their enforcement are hindered by the intervention of environmental authorities. This corresponds to a jurisdictional encroachment over indigenous authorities, enabled by the Colombian State arrangement. Consequently, indigenous institutions do contribute to environmental sustainability in El Duya; however, this should be understood in terms of novel aspects enabled by the distinctiveness of Salia institutions and current territorial autonomy limitations.:Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the research
1.2 Outline of the dissertation
2 Indigenous territories: essentials for their study
2.1 The colonial inheritance
2.1.1 The early years and the disruption of territoriality
2.1.2 Republics and the enthronement of private property
2.2 Current state of indigenous territories in Colombia
2.2.1 Indigenous territorial rights in Colombia
2.2.2 The spatial relevance of indigenous territories
3 Literature review
3.1 Indigenous territories
3.1.1 The rights approach
3.1.2 Boundary-making and indigenous territories
3.2 Environmental sustainability and indigenous territorial autonomy
3.2.1 Subnational arrangements, self-government and autonomy
3.2.2 Indigenous territorial autonomy
3.2.3 The concept of environmental sustainability
3.2.4 Types of sustainability
3.2.5 Indigenous management of natural resources
3.2.6 Environmental planning in indigenous territories
3.3 Research questions
4 Theoretical framework
4.1 Institutional design principles
4.2 The social-ecological systems framework
4.3 Indigenous planning principles
4.4 Dissertation’s approach
5 Methodology
5.1 Research design
5.1.1 Case study research
5.1.2 Unit of analysis and type of case study
5.1.3 Research design limitations
5.2 Methods
5.2.1 Document analysis
5.2.2 Interviews
5.2.3 Qualitative observations
6 Study area: variables in the social-ecological system framework
6.1 Social, economic and political settings; related ecosystems
6.1.1 Economic development; demographic trends; political stability; climate patterns; pollution patterns; flows into and out of focal SES
6.1.2 External governance systems
6.2 Resource systems
6.2.1 Sector; clarity of systems’ boundaries; size of resource system; location.
6.2.2 Human constructed facilities
6.2.3 Equilibrium properties (stable state).
6.2.4 Predictability of system dynamics
6.3 Actors
6.3.1 History or past experiences
6.3.2 Number of relevant actors; socioeconomic attributes; social capital
6.3.3 Location; knowledge of SES (mental models)
6.3.4 Technologies available
6.4 Governance systems
6.4.1 Indigenous organisation; network structure
6.4.2 Property rights systems
6.5 Action situations
6.5.1 Harvesting; importance of resource
6.5.2 Information sharing
6.5.3 Conflicts
6.5.4 Investment activities
6.5.5 Lobbying activities
6.5.6 Networking activities
7 The relation between humans and territory
7.1 The period before the titling of the resguardo
7.1.1 Salia customary rules
7.1.2 Design principles in the customary arrangement
7.2 The period after the titling of the resguardo
7.2.1 Organisational structures
7.2.2 Authorities in El Duya
7.2.3 Rules for natural resources appropriation
7.3 Drivers of institutional transformation
7.3.1 Design principles in El Duya
7.3.2 Robustness of the SES
8 Environmental planning in indigenous territories
8.1 Spatial environmental planning in Colombia
8.2 Planning in El Duya
8.3 Oil exploration and extraction concerning El Duya
8.3.1 Projects of interest for El Duya
8.3.2 Authority over activities related to hydrocarbons
8.4 Environmental sustainability: multiple understandings
8.4.1 State view: a blurry concept
8.4.2 Indicators for environmental sustainability
8.4.3 The ecological function of property
8.4.4 Indigenous view: ‘pervivencia’
9 Autonomy over ecosystems in El Duya
9.1 Distribution of powers with regard to ecosystems in El Duya
9.2 Authority exercise over ecosystems in El Duya
9.3 Decision-making and agency over ecosystems in El Duya
9.4 Indigenous territorial autonomy in El Duya
10 Discussion of results
10.1 Human-nature relations in El Duya and institutional change
10.1.1 Law of origin, Mother Earth and indigenous ontologies
10.1.2 Salia institutions and change
10.1.3 Interpreting institutional design principles
10.2 Environmental planning: a question of institutional jurisdiction
10.2.1 Indigenous planning, order and territory
10.2.2 Salia way of planning
10.2.3 Looking after the territory
10.2.4 Indigenous jurisdiction and extractive industries
10.2.5 The concept of environmental sustainability in indigenous territories
10.3 Territorial autonomy: the need for further conceptualisation
10.3.1 Authority and decision-making as a component of autonomy
10.3.2 Indigenous territorial autonomy in Colombia
10.3.3 Planning and autonomy
11 Conclusions
11.1 Human relationship with the territory
11.2 Indigenous environmental planning
11.3 Indigenous territorial autonomy and nature
11.4 Contributions to environmental sustainability
11.5 Further research
12 References
13 Appendices
13.1 Appendix A
13.2 Appendix B
13.3 Appendix C
13.4 Appendix D
13.5 Appendix E
13.6 Appendix F
13.7 Appendix G
13.8 Appendix H
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Essays on international economics, monetary rules and multiple equilibria /Zanna Rodriguez, Luis-Felipe. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Pa., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Diss.--Philadelphia, 2003. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.
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Social dilemmas : the role of incentives, norms and institutions /Ibáñez Díaz, Marcela. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Göteborg, 2007. / Enth. 3 Beitr.
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Standardization of the Colombian version of the PHQ-4 in the general populationKocalevent, Rüya-Daniela, Finck, Carolyn, Jimenez-Leal, William, Sautier, Leon, Hinz, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
Background: The PHQ-4 is a widely used open access screening instrument for depression and anxiety in different health care and community settings; however, empirical evidence of its psychometric quality in Colombia is lacking. The objectives of the current study were to generate normative data and to further investigate the construct validity and factorial structure of the PHQ-4 in the general population.
Methods: A nationally representative face-to-face household survey was conducted in Colombia in 2012 (n = 1,500). The item characteristics of the PHQ-4 items, including the inter-item correlations and inter-subscale correlations, were investigated. To measure the scale’s reliability, the internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) was assessed. For factorial validity, the factor structure of the PHQ-4 was examined with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the PHQ-4 was 0.84. The confirmatory factor analysis supported a two-factor model, which was structurally invariant between different age and gender groups. Normative data for the
PHQ-4 were generated for both genders and different age levels. Women had significantly higher mean scores compared with men [1.4 (SD: 2.1) vs. 1.1 (SD: 1.9), respectively]. The results supported the discriminant validity of the PHQ-4. Conclusions: The normative data provide a framework for the interpretation and comparisons of the PHQ-4 with other populations in Colombia. The evidence supports the reliability and validity of the two-factor PHQ-4 as a measure of anxiety and depression in the general Colombian population.
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Landscape to regional scale patterns and drivers of forest insect disturbances / a remote sensing based study of western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis in British Columbia, CanadaSenf, Cornelius 14 October 2016 (has links)
Insekten spielen eine bedeutende Rolle im Erhalt von Waldökosystemen, haben aber auch eine nicht zu vernachlässigende ökonomische Bedeutung. Obwohl die ökologische sowie ökonomische Bedeutung von Insekten bekannt ist, gibt es bisher wenig Forschung zu den Dynamiken von herbivoren Insekten in der westamerikanischen Nadelholzzone, insbesondere durch die Art Choristoneura occidentalis. Der Mangel an Studien kann durch ein Fehlen von geeigneten Methoden zur Quantifizierung von Insektenausbrüchen auf der Landschafts- und Regionalskala erklärt werden. Die Nutzung von Fernerkundung vermag diese Wissenslücke zu schließen. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Dissertation ist daher, anhand von Fernerkundung ein besseres Verständnis der raumzeitlichen Muster von Insektenausbrüchen in der nord-west amerikanischen Nadelholzzone zu erlangen. Die spezifischen Forschungsfragen der Dissertation sind: (1) Inwieweit kann Fernerkundung die Kartierung und Quantifizierung von Insektenausbrüchen, insbesondere durch Herbivoren, unterstützen? (2) Was sind die raumzeitlichen Muster und Prozesse von Ausbrüchen des Choristoneura occidentalis in der west-nord-amerikanischen Nadelholzzone? Anhand des rezenten Ausbruches in Britisch Kolumbien, Kanada, wurde gezeigt, dass Fernerkundung ein geeigneter Weg ist um die raumzeitlichen Muster von Choristoneura occidentalis zu rekonstruieren. Mit dieser Erkenntnis konnten die hauptsächlichen Triebkräfte hinter diesen raumzeitlichen Mustern erklärt werden. So zeigte sich, dass sich die Dynamiken durch Ausbreitung adulter Motten, eine hohe Abundanz von Wirtsbäumen, Wetter, sowie deren Interaktion erklärt werden konnte. Aus den Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass Ausbrüche herbivorer Insekten in der westamerikanischen Nadelholzzone durch Prozesse welche über ein Management auf Standesebene hinausgehen bestimmt werden. Ein nachhaltiges Waldmanagement sollte daher neben Standfaktoren auch Faktoren auf Landschafts- und Regionalebene berücksichtigen. / Insect disturbances play a key role for maintaining healthy forest ecosystems, though they are also important for the timber industry, reducing yields and wood quality during major outbreaks. Despite the ecological and economic importance of insect disturbances, the outbreak dynamics of defoliating insects of the coniferous forests of western North America -- in particular the western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis - are yet poorly understood. This is partly caused by a lack of suitable methods for quantifying landscape to regional scale outbreak patterns. Remote sensing time series analysis can help overcoming this challenge. Consequently, the overall goal of this dissertation was to increase the understanding of landscape to regional scale patterns and processes of insect defoliator disturbances in the coniferous forests of western North America with the help of Landsat remote sensing. Precisely, the research questions of the dissertation were: (1) How can Landsat remote sensing be used to map and quantify insect defoliator outbreaks? (2) What are the spatiotemporal patterns and processes of outbreaks of western spruce budworm in the coniferous forests of western North America? Using the current outbreak in British Columbia as example, it could be demonstrated that Landsat time series can be used to map and quantify the spatial and temporal dynamics of budworm outbreaks at the landscape and regional scale. The outbreak dynamics were mainly driven by direct effects and interactions of moth dispersal, host abundance, and weather patterns. Concluding from my results, it is suggested that outbreaks of forest defoliators in the coniferous forests of western North America are governed by factors that go beyond stand level management. Forest management thus should consider those factors in their operational planning, as well as in their models of future forest change.
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Neoliberal Insecurity: Distancing Inside the Fighter ClassArdila Suarez, Francisco Javier 30 November 2023 (has links)
Während mit quantitativen Methoden zwar einsichtsreicher Forschungsarbeiten zur Ungleichheit durchgeführt werden, vermitteln diese Ansätze ein unvollständiges Bild der zunehmenden sozioökonomische Trennung innerhalb der Gesellschaften im globalen Norden sowie auch im globalen Süden. Diese Dissertation untersucht, welchen Beitrag die Theorie der sozialen Reproduktion zum Verständnis der gesellschaftlichen Spaltung im Zusammenhand mit wirtschaftlicher Veränderung leisten kann. Ausgehend von den theoretischen und experimentellen Arbeiten von Jodhka, Souza und Rehbein geht diese Arbeit der Hypothese einer zunehmenden Trennung zwischen den aufstrebenden und den defensiven Untergruppen der Kämpferklasse als Folge der neoliberalen Reformen des späten XX Jahrhunderts nach. Deutschland und Kolumbien dienen dabei als Studienfälle. Diese Dissertation präsentiert die Gemeinsamkeiten der Folgen entsprechender Reformen in beiden Ländern wie auch ihre Verbindung mit der weltweiten Verbreitung des Neoliberalismus auf. Diese Recherche zeigt, dass die Reformen in den Gesellschaften beider Länder zu Veränderungen geführt haben und dass sie für jede Untergruppe der Kämpferklasse eine entgegengesetzte Wirkung hatten. Sie förderten die Eigenschaften und Kapitalien, die eher mit den Mitgliedern der aufstrebenden Kämpfer in Verbindung gebracht werden, während sie sich gleichzeitig negativ auf die Eigenschaften und Kapitalien auswirkten, die mit den defensiven Kämpfern in Verbindung gebracht werden. Diese Recherche zeigt auch den Zusammenhang zwischen der Internationalisierung der Produktionskette, der Prekarisierung der Arbeit, der zunehmenden Kommodifizierung des sozialen Lebens und der wachsenden Spaltung der Gesellschaften. Letztlich beweist die Dissertation, dass die Theorie der sozialen Reproduktion ein gültiges Instrument ist, um die Auswirkungen von Wirtschaftsreformen zu verstehen und die beobachtete zunehmende Ungleichheit und Segregation innerhalb der Gesellschaften zu erklären. / Although very valuable research on inequality is done with quantitative methods, these approaches provide an incomplete picture of the growing socioeconomic separation inside societies in the global north as well as in the global south. This dissertation evaluates the contributions that the theory of social reproduction can give to understanding of the divide inside societies in relationship with economic transformations. Departing from the theoretical and experimental work of Jodhka, Souza and Rehbein, this research tests the hypothesis of a growing separation between the subgroups of the fighter class, aspiring and defensive, as a result of the neoliberal reforms of the late XX Century. Germany and Colombia being used as cases of study. This dissertation presents the similarities between the impact of reforms in both countries and their relation to the spread of neoliberalism across the globe. This research shows that there have been transformations as a result of the reforms inside each society and that they had an opposite effect for each subgroup of the fighter class. On one side favoring the traits and capitals that more closely associate with the members of the aspiring fighters while simultaneously negatively affecting the traits and capitals that are associated with the defensive fighters. This research also shows the interconnection of the internationalization of the production chain, precarization of work, the rising commodification of social life and the growing divide inside societies. Ultimately, the dissertation proves that social reproduction theory is a valid tool for understanding the impact of economic reforms and explaining the observed increasing inequality and segregation inside societies.
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Microeconomic effects of exchange rate fluctuations /Fuentes, Miguel Andrés. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Calif., Univ., Diss.--Berkeley, 2004. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.
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A Framework for Community-based Governance in Grasslands and Savannahs of South AmericaEufemia, Luca 26 October 2020 (has links)
Die folgenden Arbeiten folgen einem vergleichenden Ansatz zweier ausgewählter Gebiete Südamerikas, um die Komplexität der Governance-Prozesse zu strukturieren. Sie konzentriert sich auf das kolumbianische Llanos- und das paraguayische Pantanal-Gebiet und korreliert die räumliche Beziehung der von natürlichen Ressourcen abhängigen Gemeinden mit sozioökonomischen und ökologischen Veränderungen, Macht und hierarchischer Struktur auf allen Ebenen, politischer Dynamik und Programmen zur Einbindung von Stakeholdern. Die Hypothese hinter dieser Arbeit ist, dass die Verwendung einer geklärten, nicht-normativen Governance-Perspektive in der sozio-ökonomischen und politischen Forschung zu einem besseren Verständnis sozio-ökonomischer und politischer Prozesse beitragen kann, einschließlich formaler und informeller Prozesse, die in größere und kleinere soziale Systeme eingebettet sind, sowie sowohl vertikale als auch horizontale sozio-ökonomische und politische Arrangements. Über die Entwicklung eines spezifischen Rahmens für die CBG hinaus werden zwei praktische und methodische Instrumente generiert. Das Community-Based Governance Manual (CBGM), einschließlich einer Fallstudie über das kolumbianische Llanos, und die Guidelines to Strengthen CBGG in the Paraguayan Pantanal (CBGG) versuchen, die politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Analyse von Gemeindeakteuren sowie Szenarien zur Bewältigung der sie betreffenden sozio-ökologischen und sozio-ökonomischen Probleme zu fördern. Der CBGM und der CBGG können als konkrete und greifbare Auswirkungen auf Feldebene sowie als gültige Prognosen für die erwartete zukünftige Entwicklung von lokalen und ökologischen Governance-Modellen angesehen werden. / The following work develops the Community-Based Governance (CBG), a bottom-up organizational model, ought to increase the participation of local groups in the planning, research, development, management, and formulation of policies and strategies for the wider community. It follows a comparative approach of two selected areas of South America in order to structure the complexity of governance processes: the Colombian Llanos and the Paraguayan Pantanal, correlating the spatial relation of natural resource-dependent communities with socio-economic and environmental changes, along with power and hierarchical structure at all scales, political dynamics, and stakeholder engagement schemes. The hypothesis behind this work is that using a clarified, non-normative governance perspective in socio-economic and policy research can contribute to an improved understanding of socio-economic and political processes, including formal and informal ones, those embedded in larger and smaller social systems, as well as both vertical and horizontal socio-economic and political arrangements. Beyond the development of a specific framework for CBG, two practical and methodological tools are generated. The Community-Based Governance Manual (CBGM), including a case study of the Colombian Llanos, and the Guidelines to Strengthen CBG in the Paraguayan Pantanal (CBGG) seek to promote the political, economic, and social analysis of community actors as well as scenarios addressing the socio-environmental and socio-economic problems that affect them. CBGM and CBGG may be regarded as concrete and tangible impacts on the field, as well as valid outlooks on expected future development of local and environmental governance models.
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Effectiveness and Uncertainties of Payments for Watershed ServicesSantos de Lima, Letícia 30 January 2018 (has links)
This work was funded by the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development –CNPq, Science Without Borders Program, Brazil [grant number 202203/2014-0], and the THESys Graduate Program, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. IRI THESys is funded by the German Excellence Initiative. / Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen (Payments for EcosystemServices, PES) sind in den letzten Jahren zum Aushängeschild von Umweltorganisation geworden. Der Gedanke, die Bereitstellung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen durch PES abzusichern, ist in praktischen Diskursen von Vermittlern zu finden, die an potentiell Zahlende gerichtet sind. Praktikern ist bisher jedoch schwer gefallen, zu zeigen, dass PES tatsächlich zu den vorgesehenen Zielen führen können. Forscher haben darauf hingewiesen, dass zahlreiche PES-Schemata, insbesondere diejenigen mit Bezug auf Wasser, auf unsicheren Annahmen beruhen und außerdem gewichtige Kausalzusammenhänge zwischen Eingriffen in die Landnutzung und Ökosystemdienstleistungen vermissen lassen. Diese Unsicherheit in PES-Schemata geht nicht nur aus praktischen Schwierigkeiten hervor, sondern aus der Komplexität von Mensch-Umwelt-Systemen (human-environment systems) und aus der Begrenztheit des Wissens über diese Systeme. Forscher sind zwar in derLage, diese wesentlichen Herausforderungen zu beschreiben und zu diskutieren. In der Fachliteratur mangelt es jedoch an empirischen Studien,die die zusätzliche Wirksamkeitvon PES-Schemata untersuchen, d.h. ob diese Schemata zusätzliche Wirkungen zeigen, die anderen Faktoren nicht zurechenbar sind, bzw. Studien, die die Bedeutung von Nachweisen für ihre Wirksamkeit für die Interessengruppen (stakeholders) untersuchen. Die Dissertation trägt dazu bei, diese empirische Lücke zu schließen: Dazu untersucht sie vier wasserbezogene Zahlungsschemata, hier auch Zahlungen für Wassereinzugsgebietsleistungen genannt, in Kolumbien. Sie vergleicht die vier Fälle hinsichtlich der Bestrebungen, durch Beobachtung (monitoring) und Evaluation Nachweise für die Wirksamkeit zu erbringen, sowie hinsichtlich der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen. Eines der Kapitel enthält auch drei Fallstudien aus Brasilien, die als Vergleich zu den Fällen aus Kolumbien und der Darstellung von Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten dienen. / Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) have become the flagship of conservation organizations in recent years. The idea of securing ecosystem service (ES) provision through PES has been present in practical discourses of intermediaries directed at potential payers. However, demonstrating that PES can actually achieve the intended goals has been difficult for practitioners. Researchers have pointed out that many PES schemes, particularly water-related ones, are based on unreliable assumptions and lack strong causal links between land use interventions and ecosystem services. This uncertainty in PES schemes arises not only from practical difficulties, but from the complexity of human-environment systems (HES), and the limits of knowledge about them. Researchers have been able to describe and discuss these major challenges. However, the literature is still poor on empirical studies exploring the additionality of PES schemes, that is, if those schemes produce additional effects not attributable to other factors, as well as studies exploring the importance of impact evidence for stakeholders involved. This dissertation contributes to filling this empirical gap by exploring four water-related payments schemes (here also called payments for watershed services, PWS) in Colombia, comparing the cases in terms of their efforts to produce impact evidence through monitoring and evaluation, and their associated challenges. Three cases from Brazil are also included in one of the chapters and compared with the Colombian cases by illustrating differences and similarities.
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