Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pozicija""
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XX a.pabaigoje -XXI a. pradžioje Lietuvos sakralinių pastatų architektūrinių ir konstrukcinių sprendinių analizė / Analysis of architectural and structural solutions in sacral buildings of Lithuanian at the end of the 20th - 21th centuryStasiūnaitė, Neringa 30 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe nagirnėjami XX a. pabaigos – XXI a. pradžios Lietuvoje pastatytų sakralinių pastatų - katalikų bažnyčių architektūriniai ir konstrukciniai sprendiniai. Aptariama bažnyčių erdvinės - tūrinės kompozicijos, planinės struktūros, urbanistinis kontekstas ir konstrukcinės sistemos. / In thesis of the master analyzing of architectural and structural solutions in sacral buildings of Lithuanian at the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21th century. The church's are important in architectural and cultural history, they are important of the nation culturally. Sacral buildings represented material and mental valuables of their century, so they are interesting subject of architecture.
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Trijų mėnesių mišriųjų pratybų poveikis pagyvenusių moterų kūno kompozicijos rodikliams / The impact of three month lasting program of varying exercises on elderly women body composition parametersEndziulytė, Greta 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: trijų mėnesių mišriųjų fizinių pratybų poveikis pagyvenusų moterų riebalinei kūno masei ir kai kuriems kūno kompozicijos rodikliams.
Temos aktualumas: spartūs socialiniai ir ekonominiai procesai turi didelės įtakos žmogaus savijautai ir sveikatos būklei, kuri PSO duomenimis, iki 50-70 procentų priklauso nuo gyvenimo būdo (World Health Organisation, 1998). Vienas iš daugelio sveikatos gerinimo strategijos krypčių, reikšmingai veikiančių žmogaus sveikatą, yra fizinis aktyvumas. Kai kurios gyventojų grupės yra ypač mažai fiziškai aktyvios – tai moterys, senyvo amžiaus, neįgalūs, vieniši, nutukę, žemesnio išsilavinimo arba mažesnes pajamas turintys žmonės (Kalvėnas, Simanavičiūtė, 2010). Asmenys, kurie reguliariai mankštinasi, jaučiasi daug geriau ir yra daug energingesni (Paffenbarger, 1994).
Tyrimo problema: Viena iš pagrindinių problemų yra fizinio pasyvumo didėjimas senėjant, dėl ko susiduriama su širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis bei mirtimi. Moksliniais tyrimais įrodyta, kad fizinis pasyvumas yra viena iš trijų pagrindinių mirtingumo priežasčių pasaulyje (Kalvėnas, Simanavičiūtė, 2010). Šiuo magistriniu darbu buvo stengiamasi išanalizuoti pagyvenusių asmenų mitybos ypatumus, tai pat nustatyti procentinio riebalų kiekio ir kūno masės indekso kitimą dėl 12 savaičių trukusių mišriųjų fizinių pratybų.
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti trijų mėnesių mišriųjų pratybų poveikį pagyvenusių moterų kūno kompozicijos rodikliams.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Įvertinti trijų mėnesių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective: To dermine the impact of tree month lasting program of varying exercise towards body composition parameters.
The relevance of the study: The rapid social and economic processes have significant impact on human well being and health status from the WHO, up to 50 – 70 percent of the way of life (Word Health Organisation, 1998). One of the many health promation strategies significantly affect human health is physical activity. Some population gruops are particularly low physical active – female, elderly, disabled, lonely, obese, lower education or lower in come people (Kalvėnas, Simavičiūtė, 2010). Indviduals who exercise regulualy fell much better and much more energetic (Poffenbarger, 1994).
Problem of the study: One of the main problems is the lock of physical exercise increase with aging, resulting in faces of cardiovascular disease and death. Scientific studies hove shown that phycical inactivity is one of the three mojor causes of mortality of the word (Kalvėnas, Simavičiūtė, 2010).
The aim: To determine the three month exercise effects on elderly women body composition parameters.
Tasks: 1. To determine the impact of three month program of varying exercise towords muscle fat and some body composition parameters.
2. To determine the nutrition womem of the subjects.
Hipothesis: Three month exercises impact towords musle fat and body composition parameters.
1. First after a three month combined exercise program for women of... [to full text]
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Efekti primene molekularnog vodonika i fizičkog vežbanja na telesnu kompoziciju, metabolički profil i kvalitet života žena trećeg doba / Co-administration of molecular hydrogen and exercise on body composition, metabolic profiles and health-related quality of life in aged womenKorovljev Darinka 04 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Istraživanja o primeni molekularnog vodonika prilično su nova, međutim dosadašnja naučna otkrića smatraju molekularni vodonik za važan agens u biomedicini, a sa saznanjem o njegovoj biološkoj raspoloživosti i terapeutskom potencijalu u poslednjih deset godina, primetan je porast upotrebe vodonika u preventivne i terapijske svrhe. Proces starenja često prate metabolički poremećaji, gojaznost, opadanje kvaliteta života i kognitivne funkcije. Molekularni vodonik (H2) efikasno rešava poremećaje povezane s metaboličkim poremećajima i kognitivnim funkcionisanjem na primerima dosadašnjih istraživanja. U cilju procene efekata primene molekularnog vodonika na telesnu kompoziciju, metabolički profil i kvalitet života kod odraslih starijih žena, sprovedena su dva eksperimenta. U prvom eksperimentalnom postupku ispitivani su efekti primene putem oralnog unošenja rastvora vode obogaćene molekularnim vodonikom (HRW) u trajanju od 28 dana. Prvo eksperimentalno istraživanje sprovedeno je na uzorku ispitanica ženskog pola srednjeg starosnog doba i prekomerne telesne težine (n = 10), koje su nasumice uzimale vodu obogaćenu molekularnim vodonikom i placebo. Analizirani su efekti primene HRW na indikatore telesne kompozicije, hormonalnog statusa, mitohondrijalne funkcije, kvalitet života, navike u ishrani, nivou fizičke aktivnosti, te kardiorespiratornim sposobnostima. Nakon primenjenog tretmana HRW došlo je do statistički značajnih promena između posmatranih grupa ispitanica i smanjenja procenta telesnih masti i indeksa masti nadlaktice u korist grupe koja je uzimala H2 (P < 0,05). Nakon primenjenog tretmana HRW došlo je do statistički značajnog smanjenja u vrednostima triglicerida u serumu kod ispitanica H2 grupe u poređenju s placebo grupom (21,3% vs. 6,5%; P = 0,04), dok su ostali lipidi krvi ostali stabilni tokom ove studije (P > 0,05). Nivoi serumskog insulina smanjeni su za 5,4%, dok je placebo intervencija uvećala odgovor insulina za 29,3% (P = 0,01). Došlo je do statistički značajnih efekata kod H2 grupe u odnosu na placebo grupu u vrednostima maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika VO2 max (P ≤ 0,03), ukupnog izvršenog rada prilikom testiranja (P = 0,01), te ukupnog vremena trajanja testa opterećenja (P ≤ 0,02). Na osnovu ovog istraživanja može se pretpostaviti da H2 može pozitivno uticati na telesnu strukturu i insulinsku rezistenciju i unapređenje kardiorespiratornih sposobnosti kod žena srednje starosne dobi, prekomerne telesne težine. Drugi eksperimentalni postupak odnosio se na primenu molekularnog vodonika H2 putem inhalacije svaki dan, po 15 minuta u trajanju od 28 dana. Analizirani su efekti primene H2 na telesnu kompoziciju, kognitivne performanse i kvalitet života povezan sa zdravljem žena (n = 13) starijeg starosnog doba. Inhalacija je sprovedena upotrebom inhalatora koji generiše 4% H2. Kognitivna funkcija učesnica ocenjena je pomoću kognitivne skale MMSE i skale za procenu Alchajmerove bolesti (ADAS-Cog). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata nakon intervencije H2 došlo je do statistički značajnog povećanja ukupnih rezultata u vrednostima upitnika MMSE (za 13,7%; P < 0,01). Osim toga, primetno je statistički značajno poboljšanje vrednosti ADAS-Cog nakon inhalacije H2, s boljim performansama na testu za prisećanje reči (P < 0,01) i poboljšanju u testu prepoznavanja reči (P = 0,01). Dobijeni rezultati oba eksperimenta pokazuju da bi H2 mogao biti efikasan biomedicinski agens za upravljanje složenim stanjima nastalih starenjem, usled metaboličkih i kognitivnih poremaćaja, a u cilju unapređenja kvaliteta života.</p> / <p>Research conducted on molecular hydrogen application are rather new, however the latest scientific discoveries consider molecular hydrogen as a significant agent in biomedicine. Owing to the knowledge on its biological availability and terapeutic potential acquired during the last ten years, an increase in the application of molecular hydrogen (H2) for preventive and terapeutic reasons has been noticed. Aging process is most often accompanied by metabolic disorders, obesity, decline in the quality of life and cognitive functions. Molecular hydrogen (H2) is an efficient means for treating disorders related to metabolic disorders and cognitive functioning in compliance with research conducted so far. In order to assess the effects of molecular hydrogen application on body composition, metabolic profile and quality of life in adult elder women, two experiments were carried out. Within the first procedure, the effects of its application via oral consumption of hydrogen-rich water solution (HRW) were tested during 28 days. The first experimental research was conducted on the sample of middle-aged overweighted women (n = 10), who randomly consumed hydrogen-rich water and placebo. The effects of HRW application at indicators of body composition, hormonal status, mitochondrial functions, quality of life, eating habits, level of physical activity and cardiorespiratory capacities were analized. The treatment with HRW brought about statistically significant changes in female subjects as well as body fat percentage and upper-arm fat index reduction in women consuming H2 (P < 0.05). The treatment with HRW also resulted in statistically significant reduction of triglyceride values in serum of women consuming H2 in comparison to the placebo group (21.3% vs. 6,5%; P = 0.04), while other blood lipids remained stable during this study (P > 0.05). Levels of serum insulin were decreased to 5.4%, while placebo intervention increased the insulin level up to 29.3% (P = 0.01). This also resulted in statistically significant effects in H2 group in comparison to the placebo group when values of maximal oxygen consumption VO2 max (P ≤ 0.03), total performance during testing (P = 0.01), and total duration of physical endurance test (P ≤ 0.02) are concerned. On the grounds of this research, it might be assumed that H2 can have a positive impact on body structure and insulin resistance, as well as improvement of cardiorespiratory capacities in middle-aged overweighted women. The second experimental procedure referred to the application of molecular hydrogen H2 via inhalation on daily basis, 15 minutes per day over 28 days. The effects of molecular hydrogen application on body composition, cognitive performance and quality of life connected with health of elder women (n = 13) were analized. Inhalation was performed by using inhalator generating 4% of H2. The cognitive function of participants was graded by applying the cognitive MMSE scale, as well as the scale for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-Cog). On the basis of results obtained upon H2 intervention, a statistically significant increase in total results referring to the values of MMSE test (up to 13.7%; P < 0.01) was recorded. Apart from this, a significant improvement of ADAS-Cog values after H2 inhalation was observed, having better performances when testing word recall (P < 0.01) and word recognition (P = 0.01). The findings of both experiments indicate that H2 might be an efficient biomedical agent for managing complex states caused by aging due to metabolic and cognitive disorders, when aiming at improving quality of life.</p>
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Jaunųjų krepšininkų greitumo jėgos savybės kitimas fizinių krūvių ir atsigavimo po jų metu / The changes in acceleration of the strength and physical charges and becoming well again of the young basketball playersMomkauskas, Saulius 15 May 2006 (has links)
It was investigatet the indexes of physical charges and their changes among the basketball players of 15–16 years old. The survey was done in January and February, 2006 and there were 15 young basketballers. The aim of the survey was the changes of the young players in the acceleration of the physical strength and becoming well again. According to the pecularities of the phases of the young players and the importance of the physical strength there was an actual research in this problem, that is, to ascertain the changes of the indexesof the accelaration of the strength pointing at various physical charges and becoming well afterwards. The aims were to ascertain the hight of the players jump (hp90, Dj90 and Dj135), as well as their changes before the charge and after it, and becoming well afterwards, then to ascertain the tiredness of the muscles, the composition of the skeleton, the changes of the height of the jumps at the maximal intensivity, and to ascertain the pain of the muscles. During the warming – up the players did three experimental jumps in these ways: hp90, Dj90, Dj135. Later, the young basketball players had to do three control jumps. Then, there was a 1 minute charge test in maximum power series of the jumps. After that, they did three control jumps in all the described ways. Then, the young players had a rest for one hour. After that they had a warming – up and then three control jumps. A contact platform was used to ascertain the height of the jump with the... [to full text]
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Sumažinto kaloringumo dietos poveikis kai kuriems kūno kompozicijos rodikliams ir kraujo lipidų koncentracijai / The effect of calorie restricted diet on some indexes of body composition and blood lipoprotein concentrationTamašauskaitė, Ugnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti sumažinto kaloringumo dietos poveikį kai kuriems kūno kompozicijos rodikliams ir lipidų koncentracijai. Tyrime siekta įvertinti kai kuriuos kūno kompozicijos rodiklius (riebalines raukšles, procentinį riebalų kiekį, kūno masės indeksą(KMI)), nustatyti liemens ir klubų apimčių santykį ir įvertinti kraujo lipidų koncentraciją prieš ir po sumažinto kaloringumo dietos.
Tyrime dalyvavo aštuonios sveikos moterys nuo 28 iki 46 metų. Prieš tyrimą visos tiriamosios pildė anketą apie gyvenimo būdą, žalingus įpročius, fizinį aktyvumą. Visos tiriamos moterys buvo sveikos, nerūkančios, nesportuojan��ios bei nevartojusios alkoholio tyrimo metu. Tyrimo metu, pusantro mėnesio tris kartus per savaitę, jos laikėsi sumažinto kaloringumo dietos, kitomis savaitės dienomis maitinosi įprastai. Tyrimo metu moterys registravo savo įprastą mitybos racioną. Kūno kompozicijos rodikliai (KMI, riebalinės raukšlės, liemens, klubų apimtis), bendrojo cholesterolio (Bch), didelio tankio lipoproteinų cholesterolio (DTL-ch) ir triacilglicerolių (TAG) koncentracijos kraujyje buvo išmatuoti prieš tyrimą ir po pusantro mėnesio trukusios sumažinto kaloringumo dietos. Po eksperimento nustatyta, kad dėl sumažinto kaloringumo dietos patikimai sumažėjo moterų KMI, procentinis riebalų kiekis ir riebalinės raukšlės. Taikant sumažinto kaloringumo dietą, per pusantro mėnesio kraujo lipidų (DTL-ch; Bch; TAG) koncentracija nepakito. Liemens ir klubų apimties santykio pokyčiai po sumažinto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research was to measure the effect of calorie restricted diet on some indexes of body composition and lipoprotein concentration. This research was carried out to estimate indexes of body composition (skinfold thickness, the percentage of body fat, body mass index), waist-to-hip ratio, and the concentration of blood lipoproteins before and after calorie restricted diet.
Eight healthy women aged from 28 to 46 participated in the research. All participants filled in the questionnaire about their life style, harmful habits and physical activity. Participating women were healthy, non-smoking, sedentary and sober during the research. They were on calorie restricted diet for one and a half months, three times a week, the other days they took an usual nourishment. During the research, women registered their usual nutrition ration. The indexes of body composition (body mass index, skinfold thickness, waist-to-hip ratio), serum total cholesterol (Tchol), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), triglyceride (TG) concentration was estimated before the research and after one and a half months lasting calorie restricted diet. It was found that because of calorie restricted diet women‘s body mass index, percentage body fat, and skinfold thickness decreased (p < 0,05). After practising calorie restricted diet for one and a half months, blood lipoprotein (HDL, Tchol, TG) concentration did not change (p > 0,05). Waist-to-hip ratio change after calorie restricted diet was... [to full text]
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Odnos inflamatornih biomarkera endotelne disfunkcije i ateroskleroze kod hiperalimentacione gojaznosti / Association between inflammatory biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in obesityIlinčić Branislava 24 November 2015 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Gojaznost je hronično, multifaktorijalno i kompleksno oboljenje povezano sa povećanim rizikom od aterosklerotskih kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB). Disfunkcija vaskularnog endotela predstavlja rani događaj u patofiziološkom kontinuumu aterosklerotskog procesa, a produženo izlaganje vaskularnog endotela faktorima rizika za aterosklerozu udruženim sa gojaznosti (insulinska rezistencija, dislipidemija, proinflamatorno/protrombozno stanje), može doprineti procesima aktivacije/disfunkcije endotela i progresiji ateroskleroze u supkliničku, odnosno kliničku formu bolesti. CILJ: Uporediti koncentracije solubilne forme adhezionih molekula – intracelularnog adhezivnog molekula –1 (sICAM–1) i E selektina (sE–selektin), između ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti i normalno uhranjenih zdravih ispitanika, kao i utvrditi eventualno postojanje razlika u koncentraciji sICAM–1 i sE–selektina između ispitanika kod kojih je merenjem debljine kompleksa intima medija karotidne arterije (IMK) uočen supklinički stadijum ateroskleroze i ispitanika koji imaju normalnu debljinu IMK. Ispitati povezanost parametara telesne kompozicije (ukupne masne mase tela i masne mase abdominalnih depoa), cirkulišućih koncentracija biomarkera disfunkcije vaskularnog endotela (sICAM–1 i sE–selektina) i IMK kod ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti bez pridruženih komorbiditeta i 30 zdravih normalno uhranjenih učesnika usklađenih sa ispitanicima po godinama života i polu koji su činili kontrolnu grupu. Svim ispitanicima su urađena antropometrijska merenja, analiza komponenata telesne kompozicije (bioelektrična impedansna analiza, Tanita Body Composition Analyzer BC – 418 MA III), laboratorijska analiza uzoraka krvi na automatizovanim analizatorskim sistemima sa određivanjem parametara metabolizma glukoze (bazalno i 2 h u toku oralnog glukoza tolerans testa), lipida i lipoproteina, inflamacije i homocisteina. Određivanje serumske koncentracije sICAM–1 i sE–selektina je vršeno ELISA tehnikom (R&D Systems, Inc. Minneapolis, USA). Vrednosti IMK–a su određivane pomoću karotidnog dupleks ultrazvuka (Aloka SSD–650 US system, Tokyo), a na osnovu izmerenih (IMK) i normalno očekivanih vrednosti IMK za svakog ispitanika je izračunavan IMK Z–skor. Supklinički stadijum ateroskleroze je definisan kao vrednost IMK Z–skora veća od 1 (što odgovara vrednosti IMK većoj od 95 percentila normalno očekivane vrednosti u odnosu na pol i godine života ispitanika). REZULTATI: Ispitanici sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti su imali statistički značajno više vrednosti medijane serumske koncentracije sE–selektina u poređenju sa medijanom serumske koncetracije sE–selektina učesnika u kontrolnoj grupi (36,2 (33,21–43.7) vs. 25,14 (23,1–29,48) ng/mL, P=0,00). Gojazni ispitanici III stepena gojaznosti su imali statistički značajno višu medijanu serumske koncenracije sE–selektina u odnosu na medijanu sE–selektina u ispitanika I stepena gojaznosti (41,5 (36,58–49,48) vs. 34,34 (22,49–36,62) ng/mL, P=0,00), odnosno medijanu sE–selektina u ispitanika II stepena gojaznosti (41,5 (36,58–49,48) vs. 32,1 (26,1–43,64) ng/mL, P=0,00). Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u medijani serumske koncentracije sE–selektina između ispitanika I i II stepena gojaznosti (34,34 (22,49–36,62) vs. 32,1 (26,1–43,64) ng/mL, P=0,12). Gojazni ispitanici su imali statistički značajno više vrednosti medijane serumske koncentracije sICAM–1 u poređenju sa medijanom serumske koncetracije sICAM–1 učesnika u kontrolnoj grupi (266,8 (245,8–326,73) vs.183,32 (167,9–208,57), P=0,00). U ispitivanoj grupi gojaznih uočena je statistički značajna razlika u medijani koncentracije sICAM–1 između ispitanika u I, II i III stepena gojaznosti (200,6 (190,26 - 264,4) vs. 278,5 (219,54 - 343,24) vs. 329,6 (259,2 - 350,34) ng/mL, P=0,00). Učestalost IMK Z–skor > 1 je bila statistički značajno eća u gojaznih ispitanika u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (36/60 vs. 7/30, P=0,00). Ispitanici sa IMK Z–skor > 1 su imali statistički značajno višu medijanu koncentracije sICAM–1 u odnosu na ispitanike kod kojih je IMK Z–skor ≤ 1 (295,4 (238,46–340,38) vs. 244,2 (227,35–260,38), P=0.00). Regresionom analizom (R2=0,71, korigovani R2=0,59) je utvrđeno da su parametri hsCRP (β=0,45, P=0,00), HOMA–IR (β=0,44, P=0,035) i ISI (β=–0,36, P=0,028) nezavisno i statistički značajno povezani sa serumskom koncentracijom sE–selektina. Regresionom analizom (R2=0,65, korigovani R2=0,56) je utvrđeno da parametri ITM (β=0,55, P=0,00), trigliceridi (β=0,30, P=0,00), HDL holesterol (β=–0,31, P=0,00), odnos TG/HDL–holesterol (β=0,33, P=0,01), hsCRP (β=0,31, P=0,00) i fibrinogen (β=0,34, P=0,00) su nezavisno i statistički značajno povezani sa serumskom koncentracijom sICAM–1. U faktorskoj analizi je izdvojeno pet faktora “gojaznost”, “insulinska rezistencija”, “aterogeni faktor”, “endotelna disfunkcija i vaskularna inflamacija” i “metabolički faktor” koji objašnjavaju 69.72% ukupne varijanse ispitivanog uzorka. U multivarijabilnom modelu sa svim faktorima zajedno kojim je objašnjeno ukupno 75% varijanse, jedino je faktor gojaznost imao statički značajan i nezavistan uticaj na vrednost IMK Z–skor > 1 (OR=2,74 (CI 1,18–6,33), P=0,019). U faktoru gojaznost su se izdvojili parametri: FAT trunk (%), FAT (%), OS (cm), ITM (kg/m2), LDL – holesterol (mmol/L), SP (mmHg), HOMA1–%B, fibrinogen (g/L), ApoB/apoA-I i hsCRP (mg/L). Univarijantom logističkom regresijom je uočeno da porast u koncentraciji LDL–H (OR=5,33 (CI 1,9–14,2), P=0,02) i koncentraciji hsCRP–a (OR=2,53 (CI 1,3–3,98),P=0,017) povećava rizik za postojanje vrednosti IMK Z–skor > 1. ZAKLJUČAK: Cirkulišuće serumske koncentracije biomarkera disfunkcije vaskularnog endotela, sE–selektina i sICAM–1, su značajno više kod ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti u odnosu na njihove koncentracije u normalno uhranjenih ispitanika. U gojaznih ispitanika, koncentracija sE–selektina je povezana sa vrednostima indeksa insulinske rezistencije i biomarkera inflamacije, dok je koncentracija sICAM–1 značajno povezana sa udelom masne mase u ukupnoj telesnoj masi, vrednostima biomarkera inflamacije i proaterogenih lipidskih parametara. Ispitanici kod kojih postoji uvećanje abdominalnih masnih depoa i ukupnog udela masnog tkiva u telesnoj masi, vrednosti SKP, koncentracije LDL – holesterola, vrednosti lipoproteinskog indeksa ApoAI/apoB, bazalne insulinemije i biomarkera inflamacije, imaju trostruko povećan rizik od supkliničkog stadijuma ateroskleroze. U gojaznih osoba prilikom procene rizika od aterosklerotskih KVB, potrebno je utvrditi fenotipske osobine vaskularnog endotela i eventualno postojanje supkliničkog stadijuma ateroskleroze, da bi se definisale adekvatne preventivne mere i sagledale potencijalne terapijske mogućnosti.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial and complex disease associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Vascular endothelial dysfunction is an early event in the pathophysiological continuum of atherosclerotic process. The prolonged exposure of vascular endothelium to classical and obesity associated risk factors (insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, proinflammatory state) could further promote deterioration of endothelial function and progression of atherosclerosis to subclinical or clinical form of disease. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to compare the concentration of soluble forms of adhesion molecules, intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and E-selectin (sE-selectin), between obese subjects and normal weight healthy subjects, as well as to determine the possible existence of differences in concentration of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin among subjects with subclinical stage of atherosclerosis (assessed by measuring the thickness of the intima media complex of the carotid artery (IMT)), and subjects who have a normal value of IMT. Also, the aim was to determine the association between the parameters of body composition (total body fat mass and fat mass intra-abdominal depots), circulating concentrations of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin, and value of IMT in obese subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 60 obese nondiabetic subjects, without preexisting CVD and other associated comorbidity, and 30 healthy normal weight age and sex matched participants. All subjects underwent anthropometric measurements, analysis of the components of body composition (bioelectrical impedance analysis, Tanita Body Composition Analyzer BC - 418 MA III), laboratory analysis of blood samples (automated analyzer systems) with determining the parameters of glucose metabolism (basal and 2 h during the oral glucose tolerance test), lipids and lipoproteins, inflammation and homocysteine. Serum concentrations of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin were determined by ELISA (R & D Systems, Inc., Minneapolis, USA). The values of IMK were determined by carotid duplex ultrasound (Aloka – ProSound ALPHA 10). IMK Z-score was calculated using the measured and the normal expected values of IMT for each patient. Subclinical stage of atherosclerosis was defined as the value of IMT Z-score greater than 1 (corresponding to the 95th sex-age-specific percentile of IMT measurements). RESULTS: Obese subjects had significantly higher median sE-selectin serum concentrations compared to median serum concentrations of sE-selectin in the normal weight subjects (36.2 (33.21-43.7) vs 25.14 (23.1-29.48) ng/mL, P=0.00). Morbid obesity subjects had significantly higher sE-selectin median serum concentration compared to the median sE-selectin concentration in moderate obese subjects (41.5 (36.58-49.48) vs 34.34 (22.49-36.62) ng/mL, P=0.00), and compared to the median sE-selectin concentration in severely obese subjects (41.5 (36.58-49.48) vs. 32.1 (26.1-4364) ng / mL, P=0.00). Obese subjects had significantly higher median sICAM-1 serum concentration compared to median sICAM-1 serum concentration in the control group (266.8 (245.8-326.73) vs. 183.32 (167.9-208.57), P=0.00). In the obese group, we observed a statistically significant difference in median sICAM-1 serum concentrations between moderate, severely and morbid obese subjects (200.6 (190.26-264.4) vs. 278.5 (219.54-343.24) vs. 329.6 (259.2-350.34) ng/mL, P=0.00). The frequency of IMT Z-score> 1 was significantly higher in the obese group compared to control group (36/60 vs. 7/30, P=0.00). Subjects with IMT Z-score> 1 had significantly higher median concentrations of sICAM-1 compared to those in which the IMK Z-score ≤ 1 (295.4 (238.46-340.38) vs. 244.2 ( 227.35-260.38), P=0.00). In regression analysis (R2=0.71, adjusted R2=0.59), hsCRP (β=0.45, P=0.00), HOMA-IR (β=0.44, P=0.035) and ISI (β=-0.36, P=0.028) were independently and significantly associated with serum sE-selectin concentration. In regression analysis (R2=0.65, adjusted R2=0.56), BMI (β=0.55, P=0.00), triglycerides (β=0.30, P=0.00), HDL cholesterol (β=-0.31, P=0.00), the ratio of TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio (β=0.33, P=0.01), hsCRP (β=0.31, P=0.00 ) and fibrinogen (β=0.34, P=0.00) were independently and significantly associated with serum sICAM-1 concentration. In the Factor analysis, five factors "obesity", "insulin resistance", "atherogenic factor," "endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation" and "metabolic factor" explained 69.72% of the total variance of the test sample. In a multivariate model with all the factors together (75% of the total variance), "obesity" factor was significantly and independently associated with IMT Z-score> 1 (OR=2.74 (CI 1.18-6.33), P=0.019). The "obesity" factor consisted of parameters: trunk fat (%), fat (%), waist (cm), BMI (kg/m2), LDL – cholesterol (mmol/L), systolic blood presure (mmHg), HOMA1-% B, fibrinogen (g/L), Apo B/apoA-I and hsCRP (mg/L). Logistic regression analysis showed that independent predictors of IMT Z-score> 1 were LDL-cholesterol (OR=5.33(CI 1.9-14.2), P=0.02) and hsCRP (OR=2.53 (CI 1.3-3.98), P=0.017). CONCLUSION: Circulating serum concentrations of endothelial dysfunction biomarkers, sE-selectin and sICAM-1, were significantly higher in obese subjects compared to concentration in the normal weight subjects. In obese subjects, the concentration of sE-selectin was associated with insulin resistance and biomarkers of inflammation, whereas sICAM-1 concentration was associated with fat mass, inflammation biomarkers and the proatherogenic lipid parametars. In individuals with increased abdominal fat depots and total proportion of fat mass in the body weight, values of SBP, LDL-C, ApoB/apoA-I, basal insulin levels and biomarkers of inflammation, there is threefold increased risk of subclinical stages of atherosclerosis. In order to define an adequate preventive measures and possible therapeutic options for atherosclerotic CVD in obese subjects, it is necessary to assess the phenotypic characteristics of vascular endothelium and possible presence of subclinical stage of atherosclerosis.</p>
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<p>Основни проблем истраживања је утврђивање ефикасности проприоцептивног тренинга у развоју антрополошких показатеља фудбалера и ученика средњих школа. Поставља се питање да ли ће вежбање применом експерименталног модела тренинга допринети да се ниво морфолошких карактеристика, телесне композиције, базичних и специфичних моторичких способности подигне на виши ниво.<br />Циљеви истраживања су: да се утврди иницијално стање антрополошких показатеља фудбалера и ученика неспортиста; да се утврде разлике антрополошких показатеља фудбалера и ученика неспортиста на иницијалном стадијуму; да се утврде трансформације антрополошких показатеља експерименталне и контролне групе фудбалера и ученика неспортиста од иницијалног до финалног стадијума; да се утврде разлике у нивоу антрополошких показатеља експерименталне и контролне групе фудбалера и ученика неспортиста на финалном стадијуму.<br />Истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 250 испитаника дефинисаном као популација фудбалера и ученика средње Пољопривредне школе из Бачке Тополе, мушког пола, узраста 15 и 16 година (1997. и 1998. годиште). Експерименталне групе чине 125 испитаника: Е1 - 62 млада фудбалера; Е2 - 63 ученика који се не баве активно спортом. Контролне групе чине 125 испитаника: К1 - 66 младих фудбалера; К2 - 59 ученика који се не баве активно спортом. Узорак варијабли чине: морфолошке карактеристике, телесна композиција, базичне и специфичне моторичке способности.<br />Применом унивариатне и мултивариатне анализе варијансе, као и коваријансе, установљено је да је проприоцептивни тренинг у трајању од десет недеља изазвао појаву значајне промене базичних и специфичних моторичких способности. Статистички значајне разлике антрополошких показатеља фудбалера и ученика неспортиста постојале су пре примене проприоцептивног тренинга. Услед примене проприоцептивног тренинга дошло је до појаве статистички значајне разлике базичних (.000) и специфичних моторичких способности (.023) код експерименталне групе фудбалера, као и базичних (.000) и специфичних (.004) моторичких способности код експерименталне групе ученика неспортиста. Код контролне групе ученика неспортиста дошло је до појаве значајне разлике само код специфичних моторичких способности (.022). Постоји статистички значајна разлика антрополошких показатеља експерименталних и контролних група фудбалера и ученика неспортиста на финалном стадијуму. Иако су и контролне групе постигле одређени напредак (претпоставља се услед раста и развоја организма у том периоду живота, као и утицаја неких других фактора који нису обухваћени овим радом) закључак овог истраживања је да проприоцептивни тренинг пружа значајно већи напредак од уобичајеног плана и програма рада на часовима физичког вежбања и да доприноси значајном напредку код испитаника који се налазе у тренежном процесу.</p> / <p>Osnovni problem istraživanja je utvrđivanje efikasnosti proprioceptivnog treninga u razvoju antropoloških pokazatelja fudbalera i učenika srednjih škola. Postavlja se pitanje da li će vežbanje primenom eksperimentalnog modela treninga doprineti da se nivo morfoloških karakteristika, telesne kompozicije, bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti podigne na viši nivo.<br />Ciljevi istraživanja su: da se utvrdi inicijalno stanje antropoloških pokazatelja fudbalera i učenika nesportista; da se utvrde razlike antropoloških pokazatelja fudbalera i učenika nesportista na inicijalnom stadijumu; da se utvrde transformacije antropoloških pokazatelja eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe fudbalera i učenika nesportista od inicijalnog do finalnog stadijuma; da se utvrde razlike u nivou antropoloških pokazatelja eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe fudbalera i učenika nesportista na finalnom stadijumu.<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 250 ispitanika definisanom kao populacija fudbalera i učenika srednje Poljoprivredne škole iz Bačke Topole, muškog pola, uzrasta 15 i 16 godina (1997. i 1998. godište). Eksperimentalne grupe čine 125 ispitanika: E1 - 62 mlada fudbalera; E2 - 63 učenika koji se ne bave aktivno sportom. Kontrolne grupe čine 125 ispitanika: K1 - 66 mladih fudbalera; K2 - 59 učenika koji se ne bave aktivno sportom. Uzorak varijabli čine: morfološke karakteristike, telesna kompozicija, bazične i specifične motoričke sposobnosti.<br />Primenom univariatne i multivariatne analize varijanse, kao i kovarijanse, ustanovljeno je da je proprioceptivni trening u trajanju od deset nedelja izazvao pojavu značajne promene bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti. Statistički značajne razlike antropoloških pokazatelja fudbalera i učenika nesportista postojale su pre primene proprioceptivnog treninga. Usled primene proprioceptivnog treninga došlo je do pojave statistički značajne razlike bazičnih (.000) i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti (.023) kod eksperimentalne grupe fudbalera, kao i bazičnih (.000) i specifičnih (.004) motoričkih sposobnosti kod eksperimentalne grupe učenika nesportista. Kod kontrolne grupe učenika nesportista došlo je do pojave značajne razlike samo kod specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti (.022). Postoji statistički značajna razlika antropoloških pokazatelja eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih grupa fudbalera i učenika nesportista na finalnom stadijumu. Iako su i kontrolne grupe postigle određeni napredak (pretpostavlja se usled rasta i razvoja organizma u tom periodu života, kao i uticaja nekih drugih faktora koji nisu obuhvaćeni ovim radom) zaključak ovog istraživanja je da proprioceptivni trening pruža značajno veći napredak od uobičajenog plana i programa rada na časovima fizičkog vežbanja i da doprinosi značajnom napredku kod ispitanika koji se nalaze u trenežnom procesu.</p> / <p>The basic problem of the research is establishing the efficiensy of the proprioceptive training in the development of anthropological indicators of football players and secondary school pupiles. The question is whether exercises with the application of an experimental training model will contribute that the existing level of the morphological characteristics, body composition, basic and specific motor abilities is raised to a higher level.<br />The research goals are: to establish the initial state of anthropological indicators of the football players and students nonathletes; to establish the differences of the anthropological indicators football players and students nonathletes on the initial stadium, to establish the transformation of the anthropological indicators of the experimental and the control group of the football players and students nonathletes from the initial to the final stadium; to establish the differences on the level of the anthropological indicators of the experimental and the control group of football players and students nonathletes in the final stadium.<br />The research has been carried out on the sample of 250 male exeminees defined as a population of football players and students of the secondary Agricultural school from Bačka Topola, at the age of 15 and 16 years (age groups 1997 and 1998). The Experimental groups consists of 125 exeminees: E1 - 62 young football players , E2 - 63 students who do not go in for sport actively. The Control groups consist of 125 examinees: C1 - 66 young football players, C2 - 59 students who do not go in for sports actively. The variable sample consists of: morphological characteristics, body composition, basic and specific motor abilities.<br />With the application univariant and multivariant analysis of variance, as well as covariance, it has been established that the proprioceptive training lasting ten weeks has caused significant changes of basic and specific motor abilities. Statistically significant differences of the anthropological indicators of football players and students non - athletes existed prior to the application of the proprioceptive training. The application of the proprioceptive training resulted statistically significant difference of the basic (.000) and the specific motor abilities (.023) with the experimental group of young football players, as well as the basic (.000) and specific (.004) motor abilities with the experimental group of the students nonathletes. With the control group of students nonathletes a significant difference oecured only with specific motor abilities (.022). There is a statistically significant difference of the anthropological indicators of the experimental and control group of football players and the students nonathletes in the final stadium. Although the control group has achieved certain progress, due to, the growth and the development of the organism in that life period. Proprioceptive training offers significantly greater progress than the customary plan and programme of the physical exercise classes and that it contributes to the significant progress with the examinees who are in the training process.</p>
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Algebarske strukture oslabljenih mreža i primene / Algebraic structures of weakened lattices and applicationsLazarević Vera 13 July 2001 (has links)
<p>Ako je Lalgebarska mreža i a kodistributivan elemenat u L, onda sve klase kongruencije (pa indukovane homomorfizmom ma : xi— > a A x imaju najveće elemente. Najveći elemenat klase kojoj x E Lpripada je označen sa x.Ako je *a binarna op­eracija definisana sa x *ay = (x A y) V (x A y),onda je istraživana struktura (L, *a), i odgovarajući poset ( L, <»). Kao primer takve strukture posmatrana je algebra slabih kongruencija (CwA, *a), gde je *a specijalna grafička kompozicija. Dobijeni rezultati daju prirodne posledice u strukturi slabih kongruencija. Data je primena ovih rezultata u univerzalnoj algebri. Njihovom primenom karakterizuje se CEP i Hamiltonovo svojstvo. Dat je potreban i dovoljan uslov da poset (L, < -) bude mreža i ovi rezultati su primenjeni na mrežu slabih kongruencija.</p> / <p>If Lis an algebraic lattice and a codistributive element in L,then all the classes of the congruences 4>a determined by the homomorphism ma : x \— > a Ax have top elements. The top element of the class which to belongs an x € Lis denoted by x. If *a is a binary operation defined by x *ay= (xA y) V (xA y),then we investigate the<br />structure (L,*a), and the corresponding poset (L, < t ). Asan example of such a structure we observe an algebra of weak congruences ( C w A , * a),where *a is a special graphical composition. We obtain natural conse­ quences of the mentioned results to the structure weak congruences. An application in universal algebra is presented, for example, we characterized CEP and Hamiltonian property. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a poset (L,<*) to be a lattice are given, and the results are applied in the case of weak congruence lattices.</p>
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