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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykoterapeutstudenter beskriver psykoterapeutisk ram : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys / Psychotherapist students describes Psychotherapeutic Frame : A qualitative content analysis

Friberg Andersson, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Psykoterapeutisk ram är ett fenomen som är grundläggande att upprätta under terapeututbildning. Vad psykoterapeutstudenter faktiskt uppfattar och kan beskriva utgör en kvalitetssäkring av vad studenter uppfattar behövs i form av ram i förhållande till patienter men också i förhållande till utbildningssituationen. Att jämföra med rådande teori och empiri. Syftet med studien var att låta psykoterapeutstudenter beskriva sin uppfattning om vad som konstituerar fenomenet ram i psykodynamisk terapi. Frågeställningar: Vad uppfattar och beskriver psykoterapeutstudenter som psykodynamisk terapeutisk ram? Metod: Föreliggande studie har en hermeneutisk ansats och bearbetningsmetod är kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Datainsamlingsmetod är intervjuer. Resultat: Resultatet av frågeställningen visar sig som tre kategorier med underkategorier. Kategori ett är kär-lek, med underkategorier som ansvar och mellanmänsklighet. Kategori två är medvetenhet, med underkategorier som fysiska budskap, kontinuitet och omdöme. Kategori tre är potential, med underkategorier som symbolisera och integrera. Diskussion: Vad psykoterapeutstudenter beskriver som konstanter i psykodynamisk terapeutisk ram harmonierar framförallt med det som i litteratur och forskning beskrivs som inre- och yttre -ram. Resultatet har få konstanter i form av meta ram vilket kan förstås som att det finns en omedvetenhet i att upprätta meta ram. I förlängningen begränsar denna omedvetenhet studenters påverkan på utbildning och profession. / Introduction: Psychotherapeutic frame is a phenomenon which is fundamental to establish during therapist education. What psychotherapists students actually understand and can describe constitute a quality assurance of what students perceive is needed in form of frame, in relation to the patients but also in relation to the educational situation. To be compared with the prevailing theory and empiricism. The aim of the study was to let psychotherapist students describe their idea of what constitutes the phenomenon frame of psychodynamic therapy. Issues: What perceive and describe psychotherapist students as psychodynamic therapeutic frame? Method: This study has a hermeneutical approach and processing method is qualitative content analysis. The data collection method is interviews. Results: The result of the issue manifests as three categories with subcategories. Category one is love-play, with subcategories as responsibility and interpersonal. Category two is awareness, with subcategories as physical messages, continuity and opinion. Category three is potential, with subcategories as symbolize and integrate. Discussion: What psychotherapist students describe as constants in psychodynamic therapeutic frame, harmony above all with what the literature and research describes as inner and outer frame. The result has few constants in the form of meta- framework, which may be understood as that there is a lack of awareness in establishing meta- frame. In the extension this unawareness limits students influence on education and profession.

Discrete Geometry in Normed Spaces

Spirova, Margarita 09 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This work refers to ball-intersections bodies as well as covering, packing, and kissing problems related to balls and spheres in normed spaces. A quick introduction to these topics and an overview of our results is given in Section 1.1 of Chapter 1. The needed background knowledge is collected in Section 1.2, also in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 we define ball-intersection bodies and investigate special classes of them: ball-hulls, ball-intersections, equilateral ball-polyhedra, complete bodies and bodies of constant width. Thus, relations between the ball-hull and the ball-intersection of a set are given. We extend a minimal property of a special class of equilateral ball-polyhedra, known as Theorem of Chakerian, to all normed planes. In order to investigate bodies of constant width, we develop a concept of affine orthogonality, which is new even for the Euclidean subcase. In Chapter 2 we solve kissing, covering, and packing problems. For a given family of circles and lines we find at least one, but for some families even all circles kissing all the members of this family. For that reason we prove that a strictly convex, smooth normed plane is a topological Möbius plane. We give an exact geometric description of the maximal radius of all homothets of the unit disc that can be covered by 3 or 4 translates of it. Also we investigate configurations related to such coverings, namely a regular 4-covering and a Miquelian configuration of circles. We find the concealment number for a packing of translates of the unit ball.

Discrete Geometry in Normed Spaces

Spirova, Margarita 02 December 2010 (has links)
This work refers to ball-intersections bodies as well as covering, packing, and kissing problems related to balls and spheres in normed spaces. A quick introduction to these topics and an overview of our results is given in Section 1.1 of Chapter 1. The needed background knowledge is collected in Section 1.2, also in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 we define ball-intersection bodies and investigate special classes of them: ball-hulls, ball-intersections, equilateral ball-polyhedra, complete bodies and bodies of constant width. Thus, relations between the ball-hull and the ball-intersection of a set are given. We extend a minimal property of a special class of equilateral ball-polyhedra, known as Theorem of Chakerian, to all normed planes. In order to investigate bodies of constant width, we develop a concept of affine orthogonality, which is new even for the Euclidean subcase. In Chapter 2 we solve kissing, covering, and packing problems. For a given family of circles and lines we find at least one, but for some families even all circles kissing all the members of this family. For that reason we prove that a strictly convex, smooth normed plane is a topological Möbius plane. We give an exact geometric description of the maximal radius of all homothets of the unit disc that can be covered by 3 or 4 translates of it. Also we investigate configurations related to such coverings, namely a regular 4-covering and a Miquelian configuration of circles. We find the concealment number for a packing of translates of the unit ball.

The Static Potential in the SU(2) Higgs Model

Knechtli, Francesco 25 October 1999 (has links)
In meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich das Potential zwischen zwei statischen Quarks in der Confinement ``Phase'' des SU(2) Higgs Modells untersucht. Statische Quarks sind externe Quellen in der fundamentalen Darstellung der Eichgruppe. In reinen nicht-Abelschen Eichtheorien w\"achst das Potential zwischen einem statischen Quark und einem statischen Anti-quark (statisches Potential genannt) linear mit dem Abstand zwischen den Quarks. Dieses Verhalten des Potentials wird lineares Confinement genannt und wurde mit Gittersimula tionen bis zu grossen Abst\"anden und nahe am Kontinuumslim es beobachtet. Wenn dynamische Materiefelder vorhanden sind, wird erwartet, dass das statische Potential bei grossen Abst\"anden abflacht: Der Grund ist die Abschirmung der statischen Quarks durch Paarerzeugung von leichten Quark Anti-quark Paaren. Die Abflachung des statischen Potentials nennt man String Breaking. Der Stand der Dinge am Anfang meiner Doktorarbeit war, dass String Breaking in nicht-Abelschen Eichtheorien mit Materiefeldern noch nicht beobachtet wurde. Im Gegenteil, die Gittersimulationen von QCD mit dynamischen Fermionen zeigten (und zeigen noch) einen linearen Zuwachs des Potentials bei Abst\"anden, wo das String Breaking eigentlich erwartet wird (aus einer Sch\"atzung in der quenched Approximation der QCD). Die Confinement ``Phase'' im SU(2) Higgs Modell hat Eigenschaften, die der QCD \"ahnlich sind, insbesondere wird das String Breaking erwartet. Deswegen ist die Bestimmung des statischen Potentials im SU(2) Higgs Modell eine wichtige Untersuchung der relevanten Eigenschaften des String Breaking Ph\"anomens. Ich habe das SU(2) Higgs Modell in der Confinement ``Phase'' auf dem Gitter simuliert: Die Resultate zeigen deutlich das String Breaking. Desweiteren kann auch das erste angeregte statische Potential bestimmt werden. Der entscheidende Punkt sind die Korrelationen, die man benutzt, um das statische Potential zu bestimmen. In der reinen Eichtheorie wird das statische Potential aus den Wilson Loops bestimmt, die den ``String Zustand'' des Eichfeldes gut beschreiben. String steht hier f\"ur die Eichfeldkonfiguration, die das lineare Confinement der Quarks verursacht. In Anwesenheit von Materiefeldern erwartet man, dass bei grossen Abst\"anden das statische Pot ential durch das Potential zwischen zwei statisch- leichten Mesonen (Bindungszust\"anden eines statischen Quarks mit dem dynamischen leichten Quarkfeld) beschrieben wird. Die Methode, die ich verwendet habe, um das statische Potential zu bestimmen, basiert auf eine Mischung von ``String-'' und ``Zwei-Meson Zust\"anden''. Mit einem Variationsprinzip wird die beste lineare Kombination solcher ``Zust\"anden'' bestimmt, welche die Eigenzust\"ande des Hamiltonoperators approximiert. Dank der Bestimmung des ersten angeregten Potentials, konnte auch die Interpretation des String Breakings als Level Crossing Ph\"anomen zwischen ``String'' und ``Meson Zust\"anden'' best\"atigt werden. In dem zweiten Teil meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich die Frage des ``Kontinuumlimes'' untersucht. Das String Breaking wurde f\"ur einen speziellen Satz von Parametern beobachtet: die Frage war, wie stark diese Resultate vom gew\"ahlten Gitterabstand abh\"angig sind (Cutoff-Effekte). Diese Frage f\"uhrt unmittelbar zur Untersuchung von Linien konstanter Physik im Parameterraum des SU(2) Higgs Modells. Obwohl in m einer Arbeit noch keine definitive Methode gefunden worden ist, um diese Linien zu konstruieren, konnte ich das Skalierungsverhalten der statischen Potentiale bei Variation des Gitterabstandes um einen Faktor zwei untersuchen. Die Resultate zeigen \"uberraschend kleine Cutoff-Effekte! Die M ethode, welche ich in meiner Arbeit verwendet habe, ist auch in der QCD zu verwenden, um das String Breaking zu beobachten. / The static potential in the confinement ``phase'' of the SU(2) Higgs model is studied. In particular, the observation of the screening (called {\em string breaking}) of the static quarks by the dynamical light quarks leading to the formation of two static-light mesons was not observed before my work in non-Abelian gauge theories. The tool that I employ is lattice gauge simulation. The observable from whic h the spectrum of the Hamiltonian in presence of two static quarks can be extracted, is a matrix correlation whose elements are constructed not only from string-type states represented by Wilson loops (like in pure gauge theories). Additional matrix elements representing transitions from string-type to meson-type states and the propagation of meson-type states are taken into account. From this basis of states it is possible to extract the ground state and first excited state static potentials employing a variational method. The crossing of these two energy levels in the string breaking region is clearly visible and the inadequacy of the Wilson loops alone can be demonstrated. I also address the question of the lattice artifacts. For this purpose lines of constant physics in the confinement ``phase'' of the model have to be constructed. This problem has only partially been solved. Nevertheless it is possible to show that the static potentials have remarkable scaling properties under a variation of the lattice spacing by a factor two and are almost independent of the quartic Higgs coupling.

Perceptually meaningful time and frequency resolution in applying dialogue enhancement in noisy environments : Dialogue Enhancement research

PATIL, SUSHANTH January 2023 (has links)
Dialogue Enhancement (DE) is a process used in audio delivery systems to improve the clarity, intelligibility, and overall quality of the spoken dialogue in audio content. It is primarily used when dialogue is masked by music, surrounding noise, or other audio sources. This thesis project involves experiments to find the optimal time and frequency resolution needed for a DE system. The time resolution focuses on experimenting with various attack/release times for a DE system. The frequency domain analysis investigates whether people prefer a noise spectrum-dependent gain over a conventional full-band gain. The research methodology comprises three main parts. The first part focuses on system setup and choosing content/vectors to be used for the experiments. Next, the experiments are designed for time and frequency resolution. An exponential smoothing model is used to amplify/attenuate the dialogue stream at various times of attack/release. For the frequency counterpart, a banded gain model is designed which uses banded noise levels as input. Subsequently, a modified subjective listening test is designed to evaluate the experiments designed. The responses recorded for various types of content-noise combinations from the listeners are recorded and analyzed. Finally, the main outcome of this research emphasizes the advantages of a DE system. Further, it paves the way for further exploration of DE models and rigorous testing schemes with expert listeners. / Dialogue Enhancement (DE) är en process som används i ljudleveranssystem för att förbättra tydligheten, förståeligheten och den övergripande kvaliteten på den talade dialogen i ljudinnehåll. Det används främst när dialog maskeras av musik, omgivande brus eller andra ljudkällor. Detta examensarbete omfattar experiment för att hitta den optimala tids- och frekvensupplösningen för ett DEsystem. Tidsupplösningsexperimenten fokuserar på olika attack- och releasetider för ett DE-system. Frekvensdomänanalysen undersöker om människor föredrar en brusspektrumberoende förstärkning framför en konventionell fullbandsförstärkning. Forskningsmetodiken består av tre huvuddelar. Den första delen fokuserar på systeminställning och val av innehåll/vektorer som ska användas för experimenten. Därefter designas tids- och frekvensupplösningsexperimenten. En exponentiell tidsenvelopp används för att förstärka/dämpa dialogen vid olika tider för attack/release. För frekvensdomänexperimenten används en bandad förstärkningsmodell som använder bandade brusnivåer som insignal. I den tredje delen utformas ett subjektivt lyssningstest för att utvärdera experimenten. Lyssnarnas svar för olika typer av innehåll-bruskombinationer registreras och analyseras. Det huvudsakliga resultatet av denna forskning betonar fördelarna med ett DEsystem. Vidare banar det väg för utforskning av fler DE-modeller och rigorösa testscheman med expertlyssnare.

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