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Bezpilotní války: Jak liberální demokracie legitimizuje útoky a zabíjení pomocí dronů v zahraničí / Unmanned Warfare: How Liberal Democracy Legitimizes Drone Attacks and Killings AbroadKocourek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis " and Killings Abroad" is dedicated to depiction of employment of armed unmanned aerial administration's officials. The thesis is based on constructivist conception of world affairs isn't employed in order to describe objective realit Obama administration's of "us" and "them", that has proved to be very flexible in this study, underpins legitimization of
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Multikulturní vzdělávání: Konstrukce identity v českém vzdělávacím systému / Multicultural Education: Construction of Identity in Czech Educational SystemČeská, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis is concerned with the understanding of identity in the multicultural education in the Czech educational system - more precisely by the construction of identity. Multicultural education is the main educational stream, when it comes to the education against racism, xenophobia, intolerance or discrimination. In the Czech Republic, the multicultural education is one of the cross-subjects defined in the Educational Framework Programs. Lately, there have been many criticisms and concerns regarding multicultural education's tools including the identity politics due to its inability of reaching the proclaimed goals and objectives. Sometimes, it does quite the opposite - it reproduces dangerous stereotypes in the society and perpetuates discrimination. Identity is the key element in the multicultural education. How we perceive ourselves and others, influences many spheres of our lives. Whether the groups are constructed positively or negatively influences for example the allocation of benefits. Within this regard, through the discursive analysis, the construction of identity in the multicultural education is examined. It has been proven that the multicultural education tends to either construct the identity on the basis of external characteristics, which are visible on the first sight (skin...
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Analýza vztahů mezi Táiwanem a Čínskou lidovou republikou od druhé poloviny 80. let 20. století do současnosti / Analysis of the relationship between Taiwan and the Chinese People's Republic from the mid-1980s to the presentRaida, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explain the dynamic of Taiwanese foreign policy in relation to the Peoples Republic of China since the late 1980s to the present by using three theoretical traditions of international relations. To that end, several hypotheses will be formulated after analysing these traditions (realist, liberal and constructivist) and then applied on the subject of this research. The dependent variable was identified as the conflictive attitude of Taiwanese foreign policy in a given time period. In terms of methodology this is a case study. This research is divided into four chapters the first of which analyses the above mentioned theoretical traditional. The second part briefly describes the historical context necessary to understand the problematic nature of Taiwanese national identity. The third chapter analyses Taiwanese foreign policy in relation to China during time periods representing the terms of office of three democratic presidents of Taiwan. The last fourth chapter is to the analysis of independent variables and the evaluation of hypotheses. This research showed that of the tested theories neither one is able to explain the development of Taiwanese foreign policy in the examined period. The analysis however suggested that there might be a correlation between the ideology...
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Islámský terorismus v americkém filmu: jak si konstruujeme své vlastní nepřátele / Islamic terrorism in US film: how we construct our own enemiesKotvalová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Islamic terrorism in US film: how we construct our own enemies Master's thesis Author: Bc. Anna Kotvalová Study programme: International Relations Supervisor: Mgr. Jakub Záhora, Ph.D. Year of the defense: 2019 ABSTRACT The presented diploma thesis is concerned with the discourse and narratives of the phenomenon of terrorism in the American cinema, produced after 9/11 and its reflection on the events within the War on Terror. This thesis rests on two major theoretical realms, Critical terrorism studies and the interconnection between popular culture and the world of politics. This thesis addresses three American mainstream films produced after 9/11, Zero Dark Thirty, Lone Survivor and American Sniper in order to analyse the discourse and narratives which refer to the antagonists in these movies (more specifically, the discourse and narratives which portrays justification for the American behaviour within the War on Terror) and to address the political consequences of this kind of discourse. This thesis defines four major repetitive patterns in the discourse: humanization of the "American side", dehumanization of the antagonists, depiction of torture and violence and lack of context and concludes...
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Nepřátelé, soupeři nebo přátelé - čínská ekonomická diplomacie vůči zemím Visegrádu po roce 2012 / Enemies, Rivals or Friends - Chinese Economic Diplomacy in Visegrád countries since 2012Zhao, Di January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation aims to interpret Chinese economic diplomacy in Visegrád countries since 2012. An accurate cognition of China's political-economic stance towards Visegrád countries is vital for bilateral relations. Since 2012, China has promoted a series of economic policies, namely 16+1 and OBOR, to build a closer relationship with Visegrád countries. However, the Visegrád countries are not equivalent to China in the world economy. By combining Constructivist analysis, this article will explain China's motivation, and Visegrád countries' significance. Then, by examining data, this article attempts to demonstrate bilateral outcomes in politics, economics, and cultures. Two major research methods refer to (1) qualitative analysis of data and (2) theoretical approach. Data have been collected from books, journals, credible internet sources and authoritative media. Theory refers to Alexander Wendt's Constructivism. Through these analyses, a comprehensive examination of the causes behind Chinese economic diplomacy in Visegrád countries is achieved. Outcomes of cooperation are both positive and negative. The future relations between China and Visegrád countries depend on mutual interactions. Keywords China, Economic Diplomacy, Visegrád countries, Constructivism, International Relations Range of...
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Zahraniční politika Ruska v Sýrii: geopolitické zájmy nebo obrana velmocenské identity? / Russia's Syria policy: geopolitical interests or defense of great power identity?Hirling, Marcel January 2020 (has links)
of Master thesis Russia's Syria policy: geopolitical interests or defense of great power identity? Marcel Hirling Abstract: Russia has been the dominating actor in Syria since the outbreak of the civil war in 2011. Researchers disagree what Russia motivates to block UN resolutions, support Assad, and intervene militarily in 2015. Academics have mainly focused on neorealist explanations. Constructivist arguments have been shortcoming so far as they miss a detailed theoretical justification and empirical evidence. This thesis aims to fill this gap by arguing that the objective utility of Syria is marginal. Instead, Syria provided Russia the opportunity to present itself as a global power, able to shape world affairs on eye level with the US. Therefore, this paper conducts a congruence analysis, which evaluates each theory's explanatory power. The analytical section is split into three parts. The first shows that events before Syria did not make a Russian intervention in Syria necessary, but that recognition of Russia's global power identity has been denied. That Russia's actions in Syria are not entirely congruent with neorealist expectations is shown by the second part. Finally, by conducting a content-analysis, several Russian narratives are evaluated that support the argument that Russia seeks...
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Konstruktivismus a realita mezi Foersterem, Maturanou a Kuhnem / Constructivism and Reality between Foerster, Maturana and KuhnDuda, Marek January 2020 (has links)
This work deals with the introduction of the constructivist school of thought and its comparison with the theory of scientific revolutions and the concept of the paradigm of Thomas Kuhn. In this work, constructivism is represented by radical interpretations of Foerster, Maturana and Varela. These are then confronted with Kuhn's interpretation of scientific revolutions. At the end of the thesis I argue that Kuhn's concept of the paradigm can be interpreted as typically constructivist. In the context of the main line of interpretation of this work, I also critically evaluate motives such as reality, the possibility of true knowledge and related ethical consequences. Key words: constructivism, knowledge, truth, philosophy of science, paradigm
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Ideologiekritik und Kontingenz(erfahrung) am Beispiel Fake News: Der Beitrag des Radikalen Konstruktivismus: Der Beitrag des Radikalen KonstruktivismusScholl, Armin 19 November 2019 (has links)
Der (radikale) Konstruktivismus scheint auf den ersten Blick kein Kandidat
für ideologiekritische Forschung. Wenn man sich jedoch nicht vorschnell
von der Kritik am Konstruktivismus beeindrucken lässt, kann dessen
erkenntniskritisches Potenzial herausgearbeitet werden. Am Beispiel
von Fake News wird deutlich, dass deren Kritik nicht epistemologisch
naiv von der Dichotomie Richtigkeit vs. Falschheit von Informationen
und Tatsachenbehauptungen ausgehen kann, sondern eine differenziertere
Argumentation erfordert. Diese Forderung wird konstruktivistisch
eingelöst und abschließend kritisch geprüft.
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Mehr als nur ein Mittler! Überlegungen zur Rolle des Musikers aus konstruktivistischer PerspektiveLouven, Christoph 19 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Politika EU vůči Ukrajině, ovlivňující faktory / EU's Policy on Ukraine, Influencing FactorsChmelařová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD INSTITUT POLITOLOGICKÝCH STUDIÍ OBOR MEZINÁRODNÍ VZTAHY EU's Policy on Ukraine, Influencing Factors Alžběta Chmelařová MAGISTERSKÁ DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE PRAHA 2011 ČESTNÉ PROHLÁŠENÍ Prohlašuji, že jsem práci zpracovala samostatně, uvedla v ní všechny zdroje, s nimiž jsem pracovala a v textu jsem řádně vyznačila jejich použití. Prohlašuji, že text práce nebyl využit pro získání jiného akademického titulu a souhlasím se zveřejněním práce pro studijní a výzkumné účely. Dne 8.5.2011 podpis …………………………… Bc.Alžběta Chmelařová Abstract This thesis discussed factors that influence the process of integration into the European Union and sought to answer a question which of the two most frequently used meta-theories dealing with European integration, rationalism or social constructivism, can better capture the dynamics of EU-Ukrainian relations. According to rationalists (liberal intergovernmentalists), interest in Ukraine is based on pure cost/benefit calculation and on the level of economic interdependence. According to constructivists, the main incentive for deeper integration is the level of democracy in the country, the extend of Europeaness of Ukraine.Without doubt, the process is a cocktail of norms and economic interests but what factors, material or normative, play main role...
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