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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lisabonská smlouva a ústavní pořádek České republiky / The Treaty of Lisbon and Constitutional order of Czech republic

Holubovská, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the Treaty of Lisbon. Within the theoretical part, the Treaty of Lisbon is presented together with the circumstances of the admission. It also analyzes its application to the current migration crisis and on the basis of which recommends an ex-post recovery.

Uprchlická krize 2015 a politika České republiky / The 2015 Refugee crisis and politics of the Czech Republic

Woloszczuková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The theses deals with the most current problem of refugees stemming from the Syrian crisis, and the consequences the migration crisis can have for stability and the overall political situation in the chosen region. Due to the fact that the Syrian crisis is felt not only in the region, the aim of this thesis is to look at the impact of subsequent migrant crisis on the EU with focus on the Czech Republic. Despite various attempts by the international community, including the EU and the Czech Republic itself, to stabilise the situation the migration crisis is not, within a short and midterm time frame, closing to an end, and it is necessary to focus on possible negative consequences it may bring. The aim of this thesis is to uncover possible political repercussions. Even though, the Czech Republic is in reality afflicted by the migration wave on a minimal scale, the main hypothesis of this thesis is that the current migration wave has an influence on its political scene. The thesis is focusing especially on extremism in the Czech public and consequently in the political scene.

Assessment of the effects of sanctions on trade between the EU and Russia / Analýza dopadu sankcí na obchod mezi Evropskou unií a Ruskem

Kolářová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is trying to assess the effects of sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014 by the European Union and other countries, with respect to the changes in the trade flows among the two participants (EU and Russia). Firstly, the theoretical background for sanctions is provided, explaining their meaning and instruments which they use. Secondly, the overview of the Ukrainian conflict is conducted together with a brief review of the economic restrictions which were implemented, as well as the Russian counter-sanctions. The empirical part is firstly explaining the effects of the restrictions on the both economies and then introducing the state of the bilateral trade flows between the EU and Russia before the imposition of the sanctions. The most important part of the thesis is the gravity model conducted in the third chapter, which is trying to estimate the effects of the sanctions on the EU-Russian trade flows using two approaches. One of them is conducted with the help of regression analysis and a dummy variable which controls for the sanctions effect. The other one is predicting the values of exports without the disturbance of the sanctions and then comparing the results with the real values of the export for the years examined. The results of these analyses have proven the expectations about the negative impact of the sanctions on the trade flows between the EU and Russia.

The efficiency of monetary policy during the zero lower bound period / Efektivnost monetární politiky při nulových sazbách

Mandok, Denis January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores efficiency of monetary policy under zero lower bound condition. At first, is defined a role of monetary policy and criteria to judge the effectiveness of monetary policy are introduced. Then reactions of central banks of USA, Japan and Euro zone are explored. Thesis found out that monetary policy can be effective under a condition of zero lower bound. As last is introduced idea how to improve current monetary regime.

Vývoj trhu práce v období let 2005-2015 / Labour market developments in the period 2005-2015

Stejskalová, Natálie January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the issue of the analysis of labor market developments in the period 2005-2015, especially the development of indicators of employment and unemployment. In the first, theoretical part, is the method used literature review, in this part of the basic concepts and theoretical background on the labor market as employment, unemployment, economic activity, economic crisis. Attention is also paid to indicators which are used in the practical part. The second part is practical, includes data analysis and indicators of employment and unemployment on the labor market in the Czech Republic, for which purposes the analysis of selected data from the Labour Force Survey. The third and final part of the thesis is focused on a comprehensive analysis period 2005-2015. In the final analysis it shows that despite the fact that the Czech labor market observed in the negative sense of economic crisis, its impact had long-term consequences, but resulted in the period of 2009-2011, and in subsequent years has been some labor market indicators show positive values again.

Migrační krize 2016 - Analýza současných a budoucích dopadů na ekonomiku ČR / Migration crisis 2016 - Analysis of the current and future impact on the economy of the Czech Republic

Strýček, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Thesis focuses on quantitative and qualitative analysis of incoming migrants and their human capital. Through this analysis and economic calculations, final fiscal deficit is revealed. Research is conducted by analyzing publicly available statistical data and submitting surveys to ministries and nonprofit organizations. On these data, model is bulit involving broad scope of variables for accurate quantification of any implications of the migration crisis. Main contribution of this thesis is building a model with unique basis of data providing domestic fiscal implications of a European migration crisis.

What is the rationale behind immigration policies? Do developed countries really want to restrict immigration? / Jaké je zdůvodnění restriktivní migrační politiky? Chtějí rozvinuté země omezovat migraci?

Tsybyktarov, Aldar January 2016 (has links)
What is the rationale behind immigration policies? Do developed countries really want to restrict immigration?

Analýza Velké hospodářské krize v Československu

Kučková, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá Velkou hospodářskou krizí, která proběhla v letech 1929 až 1933/4. Světově proslulá deprese se projevila již v roce 1929 a prohlubovala se až do roku 1933, ve kterém dosáhla nejnižšího bodu v hospodářském cyklu. Jejími charakteristickými rysy byla deflační tendence, nezaměstnanost, snižování reálného produktu. Velká část československého obyvatelstva trpěla vysokou nezaměstnaností, ti šťastnější polozaměstnaností a nemožností si najít práci novou, zejména zemědělskému dělnictvu se snižovaly reálné mzdy a navíc zemědělské výrobky prodávali za stále se snižující ceny, v důsledku čehož žili na pokraji chudoby. Nepříznivá situace byla i v oblasti podnikání, zvyšovala se úroková míra a v průmyslovém odvětví docházelo zejména ke snižování množství vyrobené produkce. Krize zasáhla rovněž komerční banky a nepříznivý vývoj zaznamenávaly nejrůznější makroekonomické ukazatele. Práce obsahuje tři kapitoly, první kapitola popisuje průběh krize v Československu ve sféře zemědělské, průmyslové, situaci komerčních bank a monetární politiku, krizovou situaci v zaměstnanosti a průběh deprese v národním hospodářství jako celku. Druhá kapitola popisuje a analyzuje způsoby léčby krize a jejich důsledky. Tato kapitola obsahuje některé navrhované neuskutečněné způsoby léčby deprese a obsahuje jejich porovnání. Třetí kapitola je věnována pohledům a teoriím ekonomů.

Posouzení vlivu vnitřních a vnějších faktorů na neúspěch firmy PB Pristo s.r.o.

Pouchová, Aneta January 2008 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na popis vnitřních a vnějších faktorů na neúspěch konkrétního malého podniku, působícího v oboru stavebnictví. Jednotlivé faktory nasvědčují tomu, že se firma dostala do tzv. strukturální krize, která bývá hrozbou pro všechny malé střední podnikatele. Práce se v aplikační části zaměřuje na konkrétní projevy krize a to v jednotlivých činnostech firmy. Teoretická část je věnována zmapování trhu stavebnictví v době působnosti popisovaného podniku. Právě celková situace na trhu stavebnictví v severních Čechách byla jedna z příčin vzniklých problémů ve firmě. Součástí diplomové práce je dále popis obecných charakteristik malých a středních podniků.

Krizový management / Crisis Management

Benešová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with definitions of the crisis management (in the general level with the application into a practice - business branch), further problems of correction and solution of the crisis in the organisation. In the hard-headed part there the student suggests the optimal soltution of the crisis in the specific company.

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