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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu matkalla yhteiseen tyttöyteen : Tyttöys Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja Rubensin veljekset -lastenkirjassa

Janke, Kirsti January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the girl in literature in the children´s book Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja Rubensin veljekset. The data of this study consist of the illustrations and the text of the picture book. By using new feminist conceptions that were framed through a Nordic girl research collaboration, the description of the girl is examined in the girl book Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja Rubensin veljekset (Heinähattu, Vilttitossu and the Ruben brothers) written by Tiina and Sinikka Nopola. The study shows that both the traditional good girl Heinähattu and  the badly behaving Vilttitossu are included, but also an interesting description of how both girls brake the stereotypical rules of gender.

Piirrän pihalle puun. Ei ole olemassa kotia ilman puuta. : Lasten toimijuus ympäristöaiheisessa lastenkirjallisuudessa / I draw a tree in the yard. There is no home without a tree. : Children's agency in environmental children's literature.

Lueb, Sanna January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur barns agens framställs i barnböcker som behandlar miljö- och klimatfrågor. Materialet i studien består av fyra finska bilderböcker för barn som behandlar teman kring miljömedvetenhet och klimatförändring. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka former av agens som kan observeras i de analyserade verken och hur de gestaltas genom text och bild. Jag analyserar relationen mellan barnet och naturen som de fyra bilderböckerna förmedlar och undersöker om barnet i dem ses som en aktiv miljöaktör som har en skyldighet att agera för att bekämpa klimatförändringarna. Jag diskuterar även maktrelationerna mellan barn och vuxna och hur miljöansvaret är fördelat mellan dem. Som det teoretiska ramverket använder jag ett ekokritiskt perspektiv och tar stöd i teorier om barnlitteratur och bilderboksforskning. Jag knyter även an till forskning som diskuterar barnlitteraturens fostrande funktion och maktförhållanden samt till begreppen ekologisk läskunnighet och agens. Som analysmetod tillämpas närläsning. Utifrån analysen kan olika former av agens identifieras i de analyserade verken, varav en agens som betonar individuella val framstår som den mest centrala. I böckerna betonas individens ansvar för att lösa miljöproblemen, även om kollektiv agens och upplevelser av gemenskap skulle kunna bidra till att minska klimatångest och ansvarsbörda och ge en bredare bild av miljöarbetet. När det individuella ansvaret blir centralt, betonas också det lokala sammanhanget, vilket gör att de globala effekterna av klimatförändringen ignoreras. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how children's agency is portrayed in children's books dealing with the environment and climate change. The study material consists of four Finnish picture books for children that deal with the themes of environmental awareness and climate change. This study does not aim to define all forms of environmental agency but to investigate which forms of agency can be found in the analyzed works and how they are portrayed in text and image. I examine the relationship between the child and nature that the picture books convey and analyze whether the child is seen as an active environmental actor who has an obligation to act to fight the climate change or not. I also discuss the power relations between children and adults and how environmental responsibility is divided between them.  As the theoretical framework, I use an ecocritical perspective and lean on theories of children's literature and picture book studies. I also address research that discusses the educational function and power relations found in children's literature, as well as the concepts of ecological literacy and agency. As the analysis method I use close reading. Based on the analysis, different forms of agency can be identified in the analyzed works, of which an agency that emphasizes individual choices appears to be the most central. The books emphasize the individual's responsibility for solving environmental problems, even though collective agency and community experiences could contribute to reducing climate anxiety and the burden of responsibility and give a broader picture of environmental work. When individual responsibility becomes central, the local context is emphasized, the wider, global effects of climate change are ignored.

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