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Alternative Strategies for Engine Control / Alternativa reglerstrategier för motor-regleringKahriman, Edin, Jovanovic, Srdjan January 2015 (has links)
The existing powertrain control system in Volvo CE's vehicles consists of various types of physical quantities that are controlled. One of them is the engine speed. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether there are other control strategies suitable for engine speed control, than the existing one. Currently, the existing control system requires re-calibration of the control parameters if hardware in the vehicle is replaced. The current controller is a gain-scheduled PID controller with control parameters that varies over the operating range. The aim has been to develop several different adaptive control strategies. Adaptive control methods are expected to adapt to the changes of the system that a replacement of hardware can bring. The performance and robustness of the developed controllers have been compared with the existing controller. The approach has been to implement the control strategies in Matlab/Simulink and simulate the process with existing engine software provided by Volvo CE. The next step was to test and verify the controllers in a real machine. The focus in this thesis work has been on the adaptive control strategies MRAC (Model-Reference Adaptive Control) and L1 Adaptive Control. In the MRAC structure the desired performance is specified in terms of a reference model that the real system is supposed to follow. Each time an error is generated, by comparing actual and desired output, a suitable algorithm is used in order to obtain the control signal that can minimize the error. In addition, modeling errors and disturbances are estimated so that the controller can compensate for these. L1 Adaptive Control is an extension of the MRAC structure. The difference is that before the control signal is fed to the real system, it is low-pass filtered. This is done in order to prevent feeding high frequencies into the system. The results show that adaptive control has potential to be used in engine speed control. Reference following and disturbance rejection is well handled and simulations have furthermore shown that the developed controllers can deal with changes in the hardware. One of the developed L1-controllers was implemented in a real machine with promising results. / Det existerande styrsystemet i Volvo CE:s maskiner har till uppgift att styra och reglera flera olika fysikaliska storheter. En av dessa storheter är motorvarvtalet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka alternativa reglerstrategier som kan användas för att styra motorvarvtalet. Problemet idag är att det nuvarande styrsystemet kräver omkalibrering av regulatorparametrar när befintlig hårdvara i maskinen behöver ersättas på grund av föråldring eller slitage. Den nuvarande regulatorn är en parameterstyrd PID-regulator där regulatorparametrarna beror av aktuell arbetspunkt. Målet har varit att utveckla och prova flera olika adaptiva reglerstrategier. Dessa metoder förväntas kunna hantera förändringar och adaptera sig mot nya förhållanden och omständigheter som en hårdvaruförändring kan medföra. Prestanda och robusthet som de utvecklade regulatorerna erhåller har jämförts mot den existerande regulatorstrukturen. Tillvägagångssättet har varit att implementera reglerstrategierna i Matlab/Simulink samt simulera med tillhörande motormjukvara som Volvo CE tillhandahållit. I nästa fas skulle regulatorerna testas och verifieras i en riktig maskin. Fokuset har under detta examensarbete riktats mot de två adaptiva reglerstrategierna Model-Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) och L1 Adaptive Control. MRAC-strukturen bygger på att specificera prestandan genom en referens-modell som det riktiga systemet skall följa. Varje gång en avvikelse uppstår så beräknas en lämplig styrsignal genom att beakta och försöka minimera skillnaden mellan det riktiga systemet och den önskade referens-modellen. Till detta modelleras och skattas störningar som regulatorn skall kompensera för. Tekniken inom L1 Adaptive Control är en utvidgning av MRAC. Önskat beteende specificeras även för denna regulatorstruktur men största skillnaden är att innan styrsignalen matas in till systemet så lågpassfiltreras den. Detta görs i förebyggande syfte för att inte släppa in onödigt höga frekvenser in i systemet. Resultaten visar att adaptiv reglering av motorvarvtalet har potential. Referensföljning och undertryckning av störningar hanteras väl och simuleringar har dessutom visat att de utvecklade regulatorerna kan hantera hårdvaruändringar. En av de utvecklade L1-regulatorerna implementerades i en riktig maskin och resultaten såg lovande ut.
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Constructions in child second language acquisition: exploring the role of first language and usageZdorenko, Tatiana Unknown Date
No description available.
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The Role of Swedish in Forming Social Relations Beneficial to Learning Outcomes in the English ClassroomJuhlin, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The Swedish National Curriculum for Upper Secondary School states that English should be taught essentially in English. The aim of this study was to discuss the use of Swedish in the upper secondary English classroom with regard to building teacher-student relations and learning outcomes. A hypothesis was articulated, claiming that judicious use of Swedish in the English classroom would help establish teacher-student relations, which would benefit learning outcomes. The study focused on students’ attitudes on the use of Swedish in the English classroom, on the importance of student-teacher relations with regard to learning outcomes, and on the effect English has on building relations and learning outcomes. The material for the study was obtained from a student questionnaire with mixed multiple choice and essay questions. Results showed that most students preferred the inclusion of Swedish in English education and considered it beneficial to their learning. Despite students’ opinion, the national curriculum’s guidelines, and the line of current modern language research, a rather large part of students’ teaching appeared to be conducted in English only. Results furthermore showed that students considered the relation to their teacher more important for their learning outcomes than the language used by the teacher in class. An English-only requirement was experienced as inhibiting by a small majority of students with regard to building relations. It was concluded that Swedish could be seen as an useful instrument when forming teacher-student relations in the English classroom, which raised the thought that the national curriculum should, instead of restricting the amount of Swedish, stress when and how the use of Swedish is fruitful. This study is important as it shows how Swedish could be a useful tool in the specific environment of the English classroom, which calls for a different approach to English language learning than is supported in the national curriculum. Key words: English, L1/L2, learning outcomes, relational pedagogy, socialization, student, teacher
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Étude des rôles du récepteur de type 2 de l'angiotensine II lors de l'adipogenèse des cellules 3T3-L1Larrivée-Vanier, Stéphanie January 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs problèmes de santé peuvent être associés à un déséquilibre de l'homéostasie énergétique tels l'obésité, le diabète, les cancers et les maladies cardiovasculaires. Il est bien établi que l'angiotensine II (Ang II) joue un rôle dans le développement de ces pathologies. La plupart des effets néfastes de l'Ang II sont attribués au récepteur de type I (R-AT1) alors que l'activation du récepteur de type 2 (R-AT2) génère des effets qui s'opposent souvent à ceux du R-AT1. Des travaux suggèrent un rôle de l'Ang II dans la physiologie de l'adipocyte. Afin d'étudier l'implication du R-AT2 lors de l'adipogenèse dans des conditions normales et de perturbations de l'homéostasie, les cellules 3T3-L1 ont été choisies. Elles sont un modèle de différenciation adipocytaire utilisé depuis longtemps puisqu'elles possèdent les mêmes caractéristiques principales que les adipocytes et plusieurs résultats obtenus avec ce modèle ont été validés dans des modèles in vivo. Nos expériences de RT-PCR et d'études de liaison hormone-récepteur montrent que le R-AT2 n'est pas présent dans les préadipocytes, mais que son expression augmente au cours de la différenciation des cellules 3T3-L1. Nous avons utilisé un nouvel agoniste non-peptidique sélectif du R-AT2, le M24, afin d'éclaircir les rôles de ce récepteur lors de l'adipogenèse. L'activation du R-AT2 par le M24, en condition normale de différenciation, ne modifie pas l'expression des R-AT1 et R-AT2 ainsi que celle des marqueurs de la différenciation fonctionnelle tels aP2 et PPAR?. De plus, l'activation du R-AT2 n'affecte pas l'accumulation lipidique. Nous avons utilisé des traitements avec les acides gras, oléate et palmitate, afin de perturber l'homéostasie des cellules. Ces traitements n'ont pas modifié de manière significative les différents paramètres étudiés. Par conséquent, les effets bénéfiques potentiels de l'activation du R-AT2 par le M24, notamment sur la différenciation adipocytaire, n'ont pu être observés. D'autres études seront donc nécessaires afin d'éclaircir l'implication du R-AT2 lors de la différenciation adipocytaire des cellules 3T3-L1 et son effet bénéfique potentiel en condition de désordres métaboliques. Les causes possibles de cette absence d'effet sont discutées.
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Compressed Sensing for 3D Laser Radar / Compressed Sensing för 3D LaserradarFall, Erik January 2014 (has links)
High resolution 3D images are of high interest in military operations, where data can be used to classify and identify targets. The Swedish defence research agency (FOI) is interested in the latest research and technologies in this area. A draw- back with normal 3D-laser systems are the lack of high resolution for long range measurements. One technique for high long range resolution laser radar is based on time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC). By repetitively sending out short laser pulses and measure the time of flight (TOF) of single reflected pho- tons, extremely accurate range measurements can be done. A drawback with this method is that it is hard to create single photon detectors with many pixels and high temporal resolution, hence a single detector is used. Scanning an entire scene with one detector is very time consuming and instead, as this thesis is all about, the entire scene can be measured with less measurements than the number of pixels. To do this a technique called compressed sensing (CS) is introduced. CS utilizes that signals normally are compressible and can be represented sparse in some basis representation. CS sets other requirements on the sampling compared to the normal Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem. With a digital micromirror device (DMD) linear combinations of the scene can be reflected onto the single photon detector, creating scalar intensity values as measurements. This means that fewer DMD-patterns than the number of pixels can reconstruct the entire 3D-scene. In this thesis a computer model of the laser system helps to evaluate different CS reconstruction methods with different scenarios of the laser system and the scene. The results show how many measurements that are required to reconstruct scenes properly and how the DMD-patterns effect the results. CS proves to enable a great reduction, 85 − 95 %, of the required measurements com- pared to pixel-by-pixel scanning system. Total variation minimization proves to be the best choice of reconstruction method. / Högupplösta 3D-bilder är väldigt intressanta i militära operationer där data kan utnyttjas för klassificering och identifiering av mål. Det är av stort intresse hos Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) att undersöka de senaste teknikerna in- om detta område. Ett stort problem med vanliga 3D-lasersystem är att de saknar hög upplösning för långa mätavstånd. En teknik som har hög avståndsupplös- ning är tidskorrelerande enfotonräknare, som kan räkna enstaka fotoner med extremt bra noggrannhet. Ett sådant system belyser en scen med laserljus och mäter sedan reflektionstiden för enstaka fotoner och kan på så sätt mäta avstånd. Problemet med denna metod är att göra detektion av många pixlar när man bara kan använda en detektor. Att skanna en hel scen med en detektor tar väldigt lång tid och istället handlar det här exjobbet om att göra färre mätningar än antalet pixlar, men ändå återskapa hela 3D-scenen. För att åstadkomma detta används en ny teknik kallad Compressed Sensing (CS). CS utnyttjar att mätdata normalt är komprimerbar och skiljer sig från det traditionella Shannon-Nyquists krav på sampling. Med hjälp av ett Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) kan linjärkombi- nationer av scenen speglas ner på enfotondetektorn och med färre DMD-mönster än antalet pixlar kan hela 3D-scenen återskapas. Med hjälp av en egenutvecklad lasermodell evalueras olika CS rekonstruktionsmetoder och olika scenarier av la- sersystemet. Arbetet visar att basrepresentationen avgör hur många mätningar som behövs och hur olika uppbyggnader av DMD-mönstren påverkar resultatet. CS visar sig möjliggöra att 85 − 95 % färre mätningar än antalet pixlar behövs för att avbilda hela 3D-scener. Total variation minimization visar sig var det bästa valet av rekonstruktionsmetod.
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This thesis is based upon a longitudinal study of L1 attrition in two bilingual teenage siblings, J and her older brother S, with Korean as their L1 and English as their L2. The two teenagers' initial exposure to English occurred at the age of 9. When the two siblings began to have sustained exposure to and immersion in an English L2 environment, they were at the postpubertal age. They had been attending high school in a Mid-Western city in the U.S for about two years when the study was conducted. The longitudinal study addressed three main questions. The first question concerned the siblings' language (L1 and L2) development, language dominance and cross-lingusitic influence from a bidrectional perspective. The second question examined the evidence for L1 attrition in relation to lexis, morphology and syntax, and their relative levels of vulnerability. The third question examined the role of extra-linguistic factors in the process of L1 attrition. In order to address the above questions, the two siblings were observed in their home over a period of 8 months. The data for the longitudinal study included the siblings' (i) spontaneous speech interactions in the home (ii) oral narratives in the L1 and L2 and (iii) their responses to a language background questionnaire. The results showed that the two siblings' English L2 developed and improved over time, but that they continued to maintain their L1 (Korean) as their dominant language. The evidence from both siblings' L1 and L2 use supported bidirectional cross-linguistic influence (i.e. from the L1 onto the L2 and from the L2 onto the L1). L1 attrition occurred only minimally in relation to morphology (e.g. honorification, case particles, classifiers, and plural marking) and lexical choice, while the siblings' L1 syntax remained relatively stable over time. Overall, the siblings were largely successful in maintaining their L1. In part, this was because their L1 was already firmly established or entrenched, as their immersion in an L2 environment occurred only when they were older (around puberty). Furthermore, their frequent use of their L1 for social networking, along with their positive attitudes toward their heritage language, also played a crucial role in maintaining and stabilizing their L1. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings of the present study, as well as recommendations for the future research are discussed.
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Throughout the history of language teaching and its pedagogy, many researchers have turned a blind eye to the pedagogical role of the first language (L1) in the second language (L2) classroom. However, the pendulum has recently swung the other way to indicate possible and effective integration of the (L1) in (L2) classrooms. This study sets out to explore the effect of the L1 and L2 on the recall of ESL vocabulary among low-advanced Saudi learners of English in the U.S. For the purpose of the study, 30 Saudi ESL students were recruited and divided into two groups (L1 translation group and L2 definition group). The L1 translation group received a list of English words translated into Arabic whereas the L2 definition group were given the same list of English words but with English definitions. Participants in both groups were asked to study and memorize the target words along with the meaning of each word. Afterwards, an immediate fill-in-the-blank post-test was given to examine whether L1 translation helps participants recall the given L2 vocabulary. Prior to the post-test, participants were given a questionnaire to indicate the most frequently used strategy when learning L2 vocabulary. After the data were analyzed quantitatively employing an independent t-test, the resultant findings showed that L1 translation indeed promotes the immediate recall of L2 vocabulary among Saudi ESL learners. The data elicited from the questionnaire also provided enough evidence that Saudi ESL learners frequently use Arabic more than other strategies to access and understand English. This study showed that L1 translation has a great positive effect on the learning of L2 vocabulary among low-advanced Saudi ESL learners.
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Recupera??o de sinais esparsos. Investiga??o num?rica sobre a quantidade de medidas necess?rias para recuperar um sinal esparsoSilva, Catia Regina dos Santos 27 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T15:28:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Um dos temas mais populares no tratamento de dados nos ?ltimos dez anos
gira em torno da descoberta que a recupera??o de sinais esparsos em sistemas lineares,
pode ser feita com um n?mero de equa??es bem menor que o n?mero de vari?veis. Em
linhas gerais, se A = AmN, queremos resolver Ax = b e procuramos solu??es esparsas,
ou seja, com apenas s << N entradas n~ao-nulas em algum sistema de coordenadas,
isto pode ser feito com um n?mero de equa??es m << N, minimizando a norma l1
de x, sujeito ? restri??o Ax = b + r, sob determinadas condi??es (8). Vale dizer,
com muito menos equa??es que incognitas. D? o nome de Magica l1" para esta
possibilidade de recuperar um sinal esparso, resolvendo um problema de otimiza??o
convexa com relativamente poucas restri??es. Para algumas poucas matrizes A, de
grande import?ncia em aplica??es, ha teorias razoavelmente estabelecidas indicando
esta possibilidade, para muitas n?o.
O objetivo desta disserta??o e situar e discutir casos nos quais a Magica l1" funciona,
com foco nas rela??es entre a esparsidade s, o n?mero de linhas m e o n?mero
de vari?veis N, para algumas matrizes importantes e associadas ? codifica??o de imagens
2D. Em particular, realizamos testes num?ricos com tr?s matrizes A, visando
encontrar empiricamente rela??es entre s, m e N para as quais a Magica l1 e bem
sucedida. Em duas delas, ha teorias matematicas, ainda em constru??o, indicando
condic~oes de sucesso, grosso modo, na forma de m=s C log(N=s), sempre com alguma
probabilidade de insucesso associada. Listamos inicialmente A = G, formada
por entradas aleatorias com distribui??o gaussiana i.i.d., de media zero e colunas aproximadamente
unitarias. A segunda e a transformada de Fourier, que usaremos numa
vers~ao de transformada de cossenos 2D. A denotamos por A = DCT. Para probabilidades
esmagadoras" de sucesso na recupera??o de sinais esparsos com G, usando
a Magica l1", os resultados te?ricos estabelecem regi?es menores, vale dizer, valores
mais elevados para a constante C. Se relaxamos um pouco esta exig?ncia de sucesso,
obtemos regi?es mais amplas, conforme teremos oportunidade de discutir na disserta
??o. m=s C log(N=s) ainda e uma conjectura no caso de Fourier, se queremos
probabilidades esmagadoras" de sucesso na recupera??o de sinais esparsos pela via
da otimiza??o convexa acima prescrita. Os resultados emp?ricos por nos obtidos para
estas duas matrizes ainda s~ao muito preliminares, mas se ajustam bem , via quadrados
m??nimos, a m=s C log(s=N), com C em 1:6 e em 1, correspondendo aos resultados
mais otimistas encontrados na literatura para G e DCT, nos quais a eficacia da
Magica l1" e assumida num sentido mais fraco, no sentido de permitir alguma taxa de
insucesso n~ao totalmente desprez??vel, porem de forma probabilisticamente controlada.
No caso da matriz da transformada de Radon, n?o ha previs~ao teorica consolidada para
o funcionamento daMagica l1" e sequer encontramos conjecturas sobre o que se pode
esperar. Em nossos testes com matrizes de Radon, encontramos uma regi~ao para a
validade da Magica l1", cujo ajuste de quadrados m??nimos a m=s C log(s=N) se
deu com 2; 5 e C 0; 29
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A realização oral das vogais nasais/nasalizadas do português brasileiro por estrangeiros falantes do inglêsTeixeira, Marília Gomes 31 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Chaylane Marques (chaylane.marques@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-06T18:14:03Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO MARÍLIA G TEIXEIRA VERSÃO DEFINITIVA.pdf: 1436886 bytes, checksum: 9fe9423d2994d4677bee7b4110b4e803 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2013 / CNPQ / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar a realização oral de segmentos vocálicos nasais/nasalizados do português brasileiro por falantes de língua inglesa. Como aporte teórico e metodológico, respaldamos-nos no modelo sociolinguístico, mais especificamente, na Teoria Variacionista de W. Labov (Labov, 2008). Para tanto, selecionamos para uma entrevista oito indivíduos cuja língua materna é o inglês e que vivem na cidade de Recife, PE. Após a coleta e transcrição dos dados, procedemos à análise, tomando por base fatores linguísticos (acento, vogal precedente, consoante seguinte, ditongo, classe de palavra e posição da sílaba na palavra) e extralinguísticos ou sociais (sexo, faixa etária, escolaridade e tempo de permanência no país). Estes dados foram então submetidos a um programa de análise estatística, o GoldVarb. Os resultados apontam que os fatores linguísticos vogal, ditongo e acentuação tônica são os que apresentam maior relevância para a realização oral dos segmentos nasais do português. Os aspectos extralinguísticos, de acordo com o programa, não exerceram grande influência para a ocorrência do fenômeno em questão.
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Expressão do gene L1 de HPV-16 em Pichia pastoris empregando promotor induzível Paox1 e promotor constitutivo Ppgk1 visando desenvolvimento de um sistema para produção vacinalMariz, Filipe Colaço 29 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Luiz Felipe Barbosa (luiz.fbabreu2@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-13T15:15:04Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / CAPES / A infecção persistente por tipos oncogênicos de Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é necessária
para o desenvolvimento do câncer cervical e para uma grande porcentagem de outros tumores
anogenitais e orofaríngeos. Desde que essas doenças têm como agente etiológico um vírus, a
vacinação profilática representa uma intervenção barata, efetiva e logisticamente simples. A
proteína L1 do capsídeo viral é capaz de arranjar-se em partículas morfologicamente e
antigenicamente semelhantes ao vírus denominadas Virus-like particles (VLPs), abordagem
esta utilizada pelas vacinas anti-HPV atualmente licenciadas. Apesar da eficácia comprovada,
a implementação dessas vacinas é um desafio devido à desconhecida duração da proteção por
elas conferida, o elevado custo atrelado e a possibilidade de outros tipos virais carcinogênicos
emergirem. O sistema de expressão baseado em Pichia pastoris tem sido explorado para
produção de VLPs de HPV, mas os níveis de expressão relatados têm sucesso variado e todos
os trabalhos empregam vetores comerciais baseados no promotor induzível do gene AOX1
(PAOX1). No presente trabalho, avaliamos a produção extracelular da proteína L1 de HPV-16
em P. pastoris, mediante utilização dos sistemas baseados no promotor PAOX1 e no promotor
constitutivo do gene PGK1 (PPGK1). Linhagens de P. pastoris recombinantes foram geradas
mediante eletroporação com os cassetes de expressão pPICZAα-L1H16 e pPGK 3-L1H16.
Clones contendo múltiplas cópias de cada cassete foram selecionados por ensaios de
resistência à ZeocinaTM e triados quantos aos níveis de expressão mediante Colony blotting e
Dot blotting, utilizando anticorpo anti-L1 (CamVir®). Embora tenha se observado aparente
degradação e glicosilação da proteína L1, os resultados obtidos por Western blotting a partir
das induções em frasco revelaram que o sistema baseado no promotor PPGK1 apresentou
maiores níveis de expressão do que àquele baseado no promotor PAOX1. A tentativa de
purificação da proteína L1 com resina de afinidade se mostrou insatisfatória, possivelmente
devido à problemas conformacionais na cauda de poli-histidina. Esses resultados representam
análises preliminares passíveis de otimização. Os eventos de glicosilação precisam ser
confirmados por análises mais detalhadas. Metodologias alternativas para purificação das
VLPs estão sendo avaliadas, bem como estratégias de cultivo para minimizar a proteólise de
L1. O presente trabalho demonstra que o sistema não comercial baseado no promotor
constitutivo do gene PGK1 de P. pastoris representa uma atrativa plataforma para produção
de VLPs de HPV com fins vacinais.
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