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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El uso de los sustantivos abstractos/concretos y de los verbos de movimiento en hablantes no nativos de español muy avanzado / The use of abstract/concrete nouns and of movement verbs in the speech of high proficient users of L2 Spanish.

Meza, Rodrigo January 2010 (has links)
La presente investigación estudia el uso de los sustantivos abstractos/concretos y de los verbos de movimiento en hablantes no nativos de español muy avanzado. En este estudio, nosotros creemos que el input comprensible, la interacción y la frecuencia con que se utiliza la lengua meta son factores importantísimos para poder adquirir, desarrollar y afianzar el uso de las categorías que nos interesa estudiar. A partir de estas premisas, es posible pensar que un hablante no nativo (HNN) muy avanzado de una L2 debería tener un nivel idiomático muy parecido al de un hablante nativo (HN) dentro de los campos donde se da la interacción, pero ¿Qué sucede cuando un HNN es sometido a pruebas que disminuyen el efecto de estos factores? ¿Deberían, entonces, existir diferencias significativas en los recursos léxicos utilizados por ambos grupos (HNNs en relación a HNs)? Así, y a grandes rasgos, el objetivo principal de nuestra investigación es poder determinar cuándo los HNNs no alcanzan el nivel de ocurrencias presentado por los HNs.

L2 Academic Writing Anxiety and Self-Efficacy: A Mixed Methods Study of Korean EFL College Students

Yoon, Hye Joon 18 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesizing at the Graduate Student Level: Case Studies of Composing the Doctoral Candidacy Examination Essay

Akinkugbe, Morayo Omosalewa January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Taiwanese first year university EFL learners' metacognitive awareness and use of reading strategies in learning to read : proficiency levels and text types

Liu, Ping-yu January 2013 (has links)
Although studies on L2 learning strategies are a major strand of second language research, recent research has shifted its focus onto language learners’ metacognitive awareness and use of strategies. Previous studies shed important light on the amelioration in L2 educational practices, but research on learners’ metacognition in the reading process in EFL contexts remains insufficient, especially at the university level in terms of the emic view of the participants studied in Taiwan. Based on an interpretive stance, this exploratory case study aimed at probing 12 Taiwanese first year university EFL learners’ metacognitive awareness and use of reading strategies during their strategic reading process, and the relationship with proficiency levels and texts of both the narrative and the expository type. This study relies on the think aloud and immediately retrospective protocols of 6 high proficient and 6 low proficient readers as the principal sources of data. The think aloud protocols and the immediately retrospective interviews were transcribed and subjected to content analysis by means of coding them. Taiwanese first year university EFL readers’ metacognitive awareness and use of reading strategies were then analysed and interpreted from a broad metacognitive perspective within the information processing model in terms of strategy application for reading comprehension problem-solving. The findings revealed that the participants demonstrated an awareness and control of their cognitive activities while reading. The strategies they employed were grouped into the categories of supporting reading strategies (SRSs), cognitive reading strategies (CRSs), and metacognitive reading strategies (MRSs). The study found that these learners’ metacognitive awareness and use of reading strategies in learning to read were closely related to L2 proficiency. The low proficient readers’ unfamiliarity with L2 is a hindrance to their reading comprehension which, in turn, disabled them from using the strategies appropriately and effectively. Furthermore, the high proficient readers outperformed their low proficient counterparts in terms of both the quality and quantity of strategies used. Both groups did not use the same strategy types. The findings also revealed that certain types of reading strategy were used differently due to the texts of the narrative and the expository type across the different ability levels. The existing literature on metacognitive awareness and use of reading strategies in learning to read is discussed and pedagogical implications for teachers of L2 reading are offered. These implications include suggestions made for providing learners with explicit reading and strategy instruction and texts with different structure in relation to strategy use. Finally, the limitations of the current research study and recommendations for further research were stated.

Alterner les codes en contexte didactique algérien : aide ou écueil pour l’appropriation de la langue de l’autre ? Analyse d’échanges alternés entre enseignant de FLE et sujet / Code-switching in Algerian didactic context : a help or a barrier to the appropriation of a foreign language ? The analysis of switched exchanges between “FLE” (french foreign language) learner and subject

Mati, Naima 07 March 2013 (has links)
La présente investigation consiste à réinterroger le phénomène de contact des langues dans une perspective d’appropriation de la L2 en contexte didactique algérien. À travers la mise en place de pratiques langagières et interactives d’enseignants de français alternant L2 et L1, cette recherche se veut d’examiner les ressources linguistiques mobilisées et leurs portées sur la communication et la dynamique des pratiques langagières, de cadres d’analyses de situations d’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE. Inscrite au croisement des sciences du langage, de la didactique du FLE, du plurilinguisme et de la linguistique de l’acquisition, notre réflexion vise également à identifier les possibilités de recours à la L1 ainsi que les obstacles empêchant l’apprentissage de la L2. Enfin, il sera question de voir dans quelle mesure et de quelle façon l’arabe (dialectal et/ou classique) et le français interviennent dans les interactions en situation didactique. Par ailleurs, nous faisions l’hypothèse que les enseignants de FLE ignorent tout des théories sous-tendant l’usage de l’alternance codique proprement dit. De plus, les modèles de formation actuels ne permettent pas de réfléchir sur sa propre activité d’enseignement particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit de l’acquisition par le recours à une autre langue pour l’appropriation d’une langue étrangère. Un intérêt particulier est, cependant, accordé au choix dédié à la langue arabe (classique et/ou dialectale) en classe de français, principe mettant en valeur l’aspect linguistique dans la construction de la compétence plurilingue. Ainsi, notre démarche globale présente le contact des langues comme un fait facilitant l’appropriation de savoirs en L2. Méthodologiquement, canalisant notre réflexion sur cette question et afin de vérifier empiriquement nos hypothèses de recherche, nous avons entrepris une étude qui a rendu possible le recueil de données à partir de questionnaires, d’entretiens exploratoires et d’observations de classes. Les besoins interrogés s’articulent autour des représentations sur les langues en présence en Algérie, des pratiques de celles-ci et de l’alternance codique en classe de L2. Et comme il nous semble difficile de penser le sujet indépendamment de sa langue maternelle, nous avons pu relever qu’en dépit de certaines résistances des enseignants, la langue arabe dialectale s’invite de facto en classe de français. L’apprentissage de la L2 s’avère davantage facilité lorsque le contexte d’enseignement est favorable à l’alternance des codes L1/L2 / This investigation is to re-examine the phenomenon of languages contact in an L2 appropriation perspective in the Algerian context. Through the implementation of linguistic and interactive practices of teachers of French alternating L2 and L1, this research aims to examine the linguistic resources mobilized and their impact on communication and the dynamics of language practices, frameworks for analysis situations of teaching/learning of French as a foreign language (FLE). Joined at the intersection of linguistics, didactics of French as a foreign language, multilingualism and language acquisition, our reflection also aims to identify opportunities for the use of L1 as well as barriers to learning L2. Finally, it will issue to what extent and how Arabic (dialectal and/or classical) and French are involved in interactions in teaching situation. Furthermore, we made the assumption that teachers of French as a foreign language are unaware of theories underlying the use of code-switching itself. Likewise, the current training models do not allow us to reflect on our own teaching activity especially when it comes to the acquisition by the use of another language for the learning or even the appropriation of a foreign language. Particular interest is, however, given to the choice dedicated to Arabic (classical and /or dialectal) in French class, a principal highlighting the linguistic aspect in the construction of multilingual competence. Thus, our global approach presents the language contact as a fact facilitating the appropriation of knowledge in L2. Methodologically, channelling our thinking on this issue and to test empirically our research assumptions, we undertook a study which made possible the collection of data from questionnaires, exploratory interviews and observations of classroom. The needs dealt with centre around representations of the languages ​​involved in Algeria, their practices and code-switching in L2 classroom. And as it seems difficult to think about this subject regardless of our mother tongue, we have noted that, despite some resistance from teachers, dialectal Arabic is de facto present in French class. The L2 learning is further facilitated when the context of teaching is favourable to alternating L1/L2 codes

L'expression de la référence à l'espace en italien et en français L2. : une étude comparative / The expression of reference to space in Italian and French L2 : a comparative study

Anastasio, Simona 10 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le courant des études portant sur la relation langage-cognition enL2. L’objectif principal est d’analyser la conceptualisation spatiale dans une tâchenarrative orale (Frog story) chez plusieurs groupes d’apprenants qui se distinguent a) pourleur L1 (anglais, français, italien), b) pour leur L2 (italien, français) et c) pour leur niveaude compétence en L2 (intermédiaire vs. avancé). Pour ce faire, nous adoptons uneméthodologie impliquant des comparaisons successives entre les récits de groupes natifs etnon natifs ayant accompli la même tâche, afin de comprendre de quelle manière lesapprenants se rapprochent de la LC et s’ils sont influencés par leur L1 lors du discoursspatial en L2.L’analyse des récits natifs confirme les différences intertypologiques entre les languesverb-framed, français et italien, et satellite-framed, l’anglais (Talmy 1985). Néanmoins,une variation intra-typologique entre l’italien et le français est attestée: seul l’italienexploite des constructions satellitaires.Quant aux productions en L2, les apprenants, surtout les intermédiaires, traitent la tâche defaçon minimale (traitement prototypique, Watorek 1996) en exprimant essentiellement latrajectoire, qui représente la composante de base dans la tâche demandée. Au niveauintermédiaire, il n’y a pas de traces d’influence de la L1 sur la conceptualisation spatiale enL2, qui est, en revanche, attestée chez les apprenants anglophones avancés de l’italien L2 àtravers l’emploi de constructions satellitaires. L’existence de structures similaires dans laLS et la LC et l’évidence positive dans l’input semblent favoriser le transfert conceptuel enL2. / This thesis intervenes in the line of studies about the relation between language andcognition in L2. The main objective is to analyze spatial conceptualization in an oralnarrative task (Frog story) by several groups of learners who differ for a) their L1 (English,French, Italian), b) their L2 (Italian, French) and c) their L2 proficiency level (intermediatevs. advanced). In order to do this, we adopt a methodology that implies successivecomparisons between the productions performed by different native and non-native groupsaccomplishing the same task. The aim is to distinguish to what extent learners get closer tothe TL and if they are influenced by their L1 during the spatial production in L2.The L1 results confirm the intertypological differences between verb-framed, Italian andFrench, and satellite-framed languages, English (Talmy 1985, 2000). Nevertheless, anintratypological variation between Italian and French is attested: only Italian makes use ofsatellite constructions.As for L2 productions, learners, especially the intermediate ones, provide a minimalresponse to the task (traitement prototypique, Watorek 1996) by encoding mainly Path, thebasic component of the task. At the intermediate level, there are no traces of the influenceof the L1 on spatial conceptualization in L2, instead attested by advanced English learnersof Italian L2 through the use of satellite constructions. The existence of similar structure inthe SL and TL and the positive evidence in the input seem to favour conceptual transfertfrom L1 to L2.

O processo de aquisição/aprendizagem do passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal / The acquisition/learning process of passato prossimo e imperfetto for Brazilian learners in the context of formal education

Nardeli, Ingrid Campos 18 April 2012 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XX, iniciaram-se os estudos sistemáticos sobre a aquisição/aprendizagem de segundas línguas assim como a observação e elaboração de métodos mais eficazes no ensino da L2. Este trabalho teve sua origem no interesse pela investigação da aquisição/aprendizagem dos verbos ditos do passado da língua italiana, passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal. Através da realização de uma pesquisa longitudinal, os alunos dos níveis II, III, IV e V dos cursos de Italiano no Campus, oferecidos pelo departamento de Letras Modernas da Universidade de São Paulo, foram submetidos a testes de dois tipos: produção de texto e de cloze. Os testes foram realizados em vários momentos do processo de aquisição da L2, tanto antes da aprendizagem explícita quanto depois. O primeiro objetivo era descobrir quais os efeitos das instruções explícitas e implícitas no aprendizado desses dois tempos verbais a curto e a longo prazo. O segundo objetivo consistia em investigar se no processo de aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 os aprendizes associavam os predicados télicos às marcas perfectivas e os predicados atélicos às marcas imperfectivas. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos sobre aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 e ainda da análise do material didático utilizado pelos aprendizes, foram elaboradas hipóteses que pudessem explicar os resultados alcançados na pesquisa. Os verbos télicos foram associados primeiro à marca perfectiva, conforme algumas teorias já haviam pressuposto. Entretanto, através dos dados obtidos não foi possível verificar se, de fato, os verbos atélicos são associados diretamente à marca imperfectiva nos primeiros estágios da aquisição. Os dados fornecidos pela produção de 6 texto indicaram que os alunos não utilizam o passato prossimo em seguida à instrução formal, visto que as produções consistiram, principalmente, na utilização do tempo presente. Houve ocorrências consideráveis de verbos no presente nos níveis II e IV, o que não aconteceu no nível III, em que os alunos utilizaram mais o passato prossimo. Pode-se observar uma oscilação de uso da marca perfectiva dependendo do nível que os alunos cursavam, fato que pode ser explicado pelas atividades presentes/ausentes no livro didático. Em relação ao teste de cloze, verificou-se que os alunos em seguida ao aprendizado explícito do passato prossimo, nível II, já o utilizaram no exercício. Esse fato pode, talvez, ser associado ao tipo de atividade proposta no material didático em havia muitas atividades de cloze e transformação de frases, mas poucos que se relacionavam à produção de texto livre. / From the second half of the twentieth century, systematic studies on the acquisition / learning of second languages began, as well as the observation and development of more effective methods in teaching L2. This work had its origin in research interest in acquisition / learning of verbs in past tense of the Italian language, passato prossimo e imperfetto, by Brazilian learners in the context of formal education. By carrying out a longitudinal study offered by the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of São Paulo, the students in levels II, III, IV and V of the Italian courses in the Campus performed two types of tests: production of text and Cloze. The tests were conducted at various times of the L2 acquisition process, both before and after explicit learning. The first goal was to find out the effects of explicit and implicit instructions in the learning of these two tenses, in short and long term. The second goal was to investigate whether, in the process of acquisition / learning of L2, the learners associate telic predicates to perfective marks and atelic predicates to imperfective marks. Based on theoretical assumptions about acquisition / learning of L2 and also on analysis of teaching material used by the learners, hypotheses that could explain the results achieved in the research were developed. Telic verbs were first associated to the perfective mark, as some theories had assumed. However, it could not be verified by the data obtained if, indeed, the atelic verbs are directly associated with the imperfective mark in the early stages of acquisition. Data provided by the production of text indicated that students do not use passato prossimo after the formal education, since the productions consisted mainly in using the present tense. There was considerable 8 occurrences of present tense verbs in levels II and IV, but not for level III, in which students used more often the passato prossimo. One can observe an oscillation of use of the perfective mark depending on the level that students were attending, which may be explained by the activities present / absent in the textbook. Regarding the Cloze test, it was found that students, after the explicit learning of the passato prossimo, in level II, already used passato prossimo in the exercise. This fact may perhaps be associated with the type of activity proposed in the teaching materials, containing many Cloze and sentence transformation activities, but few activities related to the production of free text.

Implicações culturais e didáticas do inglês como língua internacional: o livro didático / Cultural and didactic implications of the teaching of English as an international language: the textbook.

Silva, Joyce Moraes da 21 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos culturais, bem como seu tratamento didático, em uma coleção de livros didáticos de inglês desenvolvidos para atender os critérios do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático, o qual passou a incluir livros de língua estrangeira para o Ensino Fundamental em 2010. Esta análise insere-se em um contexto em que a língua inglesa alcança um número cada vez maior de pessoas em diversas partes do mundo, especialmente entre os que a usam como língua internacional, o que nos impõe a necessidade de repensar a abordagem cultural adotada em seu ensino. Trabalhos em áreas como a linguística aplicada, a educação e as ciências sociais nos mostram que a língua, enquanto processo social e dialogicamente construído, nunca pode ser considerada separada da cultura e esta, ainda que concebida de diversas formas ao longo da história, sempre fez parte do ensino de línguas. Na tradição de ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira, o ensino de aspectos culturais frequemente serviu para que os alunos se adequassem à cultura estrangeira, evitando problemas. A partir de uma perspectiva que entende o inglês como língua internacional localmente apropriada, o foco deixa de recair sobre os países tradicionalmente associados ao idioma, EUA e Inglaterra, para pensarmos em uma competência intercultural mais abrangente, a fim de preparar os alunos para possíveis encontros interculturais. Para desenvolver essa competência, faz-se necessário que os alunos tenham contato com elementos de diferentes culturas e os ponham em relação com a sua própria cultura. Ao analisarmos a coleção didática, nosso objetivo era não somente identificar a abordagem cultural adotada, mas verificar se essas questões que vêm sendo discutidas há algumas décadas influenciam, de alguma forma, a produção de livros didáticos. Para isso, identificamos a existência de referências culturais específicas e os países aos quais se associavam, observamos os tópicos propostos e, ao analisar uma seção especialmente dedicada a temas socioculturais, examinamos se estes buscavam desenvolver os saberes necessários para a construção da competência intercultural (BYRAM, 1997). Após a análise, constatamos que o livro didático analisado apresentou um baixo número de referências culturais, mesmo que estas estivessem associadas a diferentes países, incluindo o Brasil, e que a abordagem cultural mostrou-se ainda incipiente, principalmente no tocante ao enfoque intercultural. / This work aims at analyzing the cultural aspects, as well as their didactic treatment, in an English textbook series developed to meet the criteria of the Brazilian Textbook National Program (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático), which has started to include foreign language textbooks for students from the 6th to the 9th grade in Fundamental Education (in the Brazilian educational system) in 2010. This analysis is inserted in a context in which English reaches an increasing number of people around the world, especially among those who use it as an international language, which imposes the need to rethink the cultural approach adopted in its teaching. Works in areas such as applied linguistics, education, social sciences show us that language, thought as a dialogically constituted social process, can never be considered separated from culture and this one, even though conceived in different ways throughout history, has always been part of language teaching. In the TEFL tradition, the teaching of cultural aspects has frequently served to make students conform to the foreign culture, thus avoiding problems. From a perspective that understands English as an international language locally appropriated, the focus ceases from falling on countries which have traditionally been associated with the language, the USA and England, so that we can think of a broader intercultural competence to prepare students for possible intercultural encounters. In order to develop such competence, it is necessary that the students have some contact with elements from different cultures and put them in relation with their own culture. By analyzing a textbook series, our aim was not only to identify the cultural approach adopted but also to check if the questions that have been discussed over the past decades influence in any way the production of textbooks. For that purpose, we identified the existence of culturespecific references and the countries they were related to, observed the proposed topics and, when analyzing a section especially dedicated to socio-cultural themes, we examined whether those aimed at developing the savoirs required to the building of the intercultural competence (BYRAM, 1997). After the analysis, we noticed that the textbook series under analysis presented a low number of cultural references, even though they were associated to different countries, including Brazil, and that the cultural approach has proved inchoate, mainly when it comes to an intercultural focus.

Análise de unidades de ensino de inglês como L2 com ênfase nos aspectos orais

Andrade, Eloiza Ceresso de 30 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eloiza Ceresso de Andrade.pdf: 2652218 bytes, checksum: 293504ea7946c7cb73ff0be0631fa9f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-30 / This study, developed under a qualitative approach, is grounded in theoretical aspects of the teaching/learning of English as L2. It aims at investigating the implementation of a teaching proposal which uses the four abilities (reading, writing, speaking and listening) integratively. In order to meet this goal, students needs analysis concerning the use of English in the social context was conducted , followed by the identification of the mechanisms used during the application of the units which proved to foster the development of L2 teaching and learning. The research was done in a state school, and the subjects were middle-school 6-graders in the twelve to thirteen age bracket. The data under analysis originated from 10 sessions as far as the theoretical background is concerned, needs analysis, reflection on action, the variables introduced by Krashen (1985) and the research on the teaching of speech production and perception in L2 were taken into account. The interviews in the community, the needs analysis questionnaire and the teaching units were important tools used in data collection. The teaching units were divided into 3 stages: 1) reading comprehension and vocabulary; 2) recognition; 3) listening comprehension and oral production. In the first stage, it was analyzed the ability of the student to interpret the text, considering his/her knowledge of the world and the mother tongue. In the second stage, recognition/perception, qualitative listening was developed, in order for the students to perceive the phonetically relevant detail in the acquisition of segmental distinctions in English. In the third stage, comprehension and oral production, oral comprehension was dealt so as to promote students involvement in social interaction. Krashen s Theory of Second Language Acquisition was also very important in data analysis once, while discussing the acquisition-learning process in L2, this author emphasizes the importance of affective variables in this process. Research results demonstrated that this study helped to promote a reflection about the learning and teaching of oral skills in English in an L2 context. It also raised awareness to the fact that the use of students needs analysis, coupled with reflexive practice on the part of both student and teacher, can provide valuable input, as they facilitate the learning process in English / Esta dissertação de mestrado, inserida em uma abordagem qualitativa, fundamenta-se em aspectos teóricos sobre ensino/ aprendizagem de inglês como L2, tem como objetivo investigar a implementação de uma proposta de ensino que embora trabalhe todas as habilidades (ler, escrever, falar e ouvir) integradamente, confere ênfase às habilidades orais. Para atender a esse objetivo, iniciou-se com a investigação das necessidades dos alunos acerca do uso da língua inglesa no contexto social, e prosseguiu-se com a identificação dos mecanismos que beneficiassem o desenvolvimento do ensino/aprendizagem de L2. O cenário da pesquisa foi uma Escola Estadual. Os sujeitos de pesquisa eram alunos entre doze e treze anos que cursavam a 6ª série do Ensino Fundamental II. Os dados foram analisados a partir de registros de 10 sessões. Como subsídio teórico recorreu-se à análise das necessidades, à reflexão na ação, às variáveis introduzidas por Krashen (1985) e à pesquisa sobre o ensino da produção e percepção de fala em L2. Foram importantes instrumentos de coletas de dados as entrevistas à comunidade escolar e a aplicação de questionários para o levantamento das necessidades dos alunos. A análise foi efetuada em três etapas: 1) compreensão leitora e vocabulário; 2) percepção e 3) compreensão e produção oral. Na primeira etapa, compreensão leitora e vocabulário, analisou-se a habilidade do aluno para a compreensão geral do texto, levando em consideração seu conhecimento de mundo e da língua materna. Na segunda etapa, percepção, desenvolveu-se a escuta qualificada, para que os alunos percebessem os detalhes fonéticos relevantes para a aquisição das distinções da língua inglesa. Na terceira etapa, compreensão e produção oral, foram trabalhadas a compreensão oral para tornar possível o envolvimento dos alunos no contexto de interação social. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que este estudo serviu para desencadear uma reflexão acerca do ensino/aprendizagem da habilidade oral em inglês como L2, e para perceber que o recurso à análise de necessidades dos alunos e a prática reflexiva das ações foram insumos importantes, pois facilitaram o processo de aprendizagem de língua inglesa

O processo de aquisição/aprendizagem do passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal / The acquisition/learning process of passato prossimo e imperfetto for Brazilian learners in the context of formal education

Ingrid Campos Nardeli 18 April 2012 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XX, iniciaram-se os estudos sistemáticos sobre a aquisição/aprendizagem de segundas línguas assim como a observação e elaboração de métodos mais eficazes no ensino da L2. Este trabalho teve sua origem no interesse pela investigação da aquisição/aprendizagem dos verbos ditos do passado da língua italiana, passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal. Através da realização de uma pesquisa longitudinal, os alunos dos níveis II, III, IV e V dos cursos de Italiano no Campus, oferecidos pelo departamento de Letras Modernas da Universidade de São Paulo, foram submetidos a testes de dois tipos: produção de texto e de cloze. Os testes foram realizados em vários momentos do processo de aquisição da L2, tanto antes da aprendizagem explícita quanto depois. O primeiro objetivo era descobrir quais os efeitos das instruções explícitas e implícitas no aprendizado desses dois tempos verbais a curto e a longo prazo. O segundo objetivo consistia em investigar se no processo de aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 os aprendizes associavam os predicados télicos às marcas perfectivas e os predicados atélicos às marcas imperfectivas. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos sobre aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 e ainda da análise do material didático utilizado pelos aprendizes, foram elaboradas hipóteses que pudessem explicar os resultados alcançados na pesquisa. Os verbos télicos foram associados primeiro à marca perfectiva, conforme algumas teorias já haviam pressuposto. Entretanto, através dos dados obtidos não foi possível verificar se, de fato, os verbos atélicos são associados diretamente à marca imperfectiva nos primeiros estágios da aquisição. Os dados fornecidos pela produção de 6 texto indicaram que os alunos não utilizam o passato prossimo em seguida à instrução formal, visto que as produções consistiram, principalmente, na utilização do tempo presente. Houve ocorrências consideráveis de verbos no presente nos níveis II e IV, o que não aconteceu no nível III, em que os alunos utilizaram mais o passato prossimo. Pode-se observar uma oscilação de uso da marca perfectiva dependendo do nível que os alunos cursavam, fato que pode ser explicado pelas atividades presentes/ausentes no livro didático. Em relação ao teste de cloze, verificou-se que os alunos em seguida ao aprendizado explícito do passato prossimo, nível II, já o utilizaram no exercício. Esse fato pode, talvez, ser associado ao tipo de atividade proposta no material didático em havia muitas atividades de cloze e transformação de frases, mas poucos que se relacionavam à produção de texto livre. / From the second half of the twentieth century, systematic studies on the acquisition / learning of second languages began, as well as the observation and development of more effective methods in teaching L2. This work had its origin in research interest in acquisition / learning of verbs in past tense of the Italian language, passato prossimo e imperfetto, by Brazilian learners in the context of formal education. By carrying out a longitudinal study offered by the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of São Paulo, the students in levels II, III, IV and V of the Italian courses in the Campus performed two types of tests: production of text and Cloze. The tests were conducted at various times of the L2 acquisition process, both before and after explicit learning. The first goal was to find out the effects of explicit and implicit instructions in the learning of these two tenses, in short and long term. The second goal was to investigate whether, in the process of acquisition / learning of L2, the learners associate telic predicates to perfective marks and atelic predicates to imperfective marks. Based on theoretical assumptions about acquisition / learning of L2 and also on analysis of teaching material used by the learners, hypotheses that could explain the results achieved in the research were developed. Telic verbs were first associated to the perfective mark, as some theories had assumed. However, it could not be verified by the data obtained if, indeed, the atelic verbs are directly associated with the imperfective mark in the early stages of acquisition. Data provided by the production of text indicated that students do not use passato prossimo after the formal education, since the productions consisted mainly in using the present tense. There was considerable 8 occurrences of present tense verbs in levels II and IV, but not for level III, in which students used more often the passato prossimo. One can observe an oscillation of use of the perfective mark depending on the level that students were attending, which may be explained by the activities present / absent in the textbook. Regarding the Cloze test, it was found that students, after the explicit learning of the passato prossimo, in level II, already used passato prossimo in the exercise. This fact may perhaps be associated with the type of activity proposed in the teaching materials, containing many Cloze and sentence transformation activities, but few activities related to the production of free text.

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