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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da fixação biológica do nitrogênio em leguminosas (família Fabaceae) arbóreas tropicais através do enriquecimento isotópico do 15N / Estimates of biological nitrogen fixation by tropical legume trees (Fabaceae) using 15N labeled fertilizer

Coletta, Luciana Della 14 October 2010 (has links)
A família Fabaceae abundante nos trópicos, desperta grande interesse para o uso em recuperação de áreas degradas, já que em sua maioria, são lenhosas e perenes, se adaptam aos mais diversos ecossistemas brasileiros e são capazes de fazer associações simbiônticas com bactérias pertencentes ao gênero Rhizobium, que fixam nitrogênio atmosférico fornecendo-o para a planta em uma forma reativa. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo avaliou em um experimento em casa de vegetação como a fixação biológica de nitrogênio em três espécies pertencentes a família Fabaceae variou em função da adição de nitrogênio mineral em diferentes doses e através de tratamentos incluindo-se a inoculação com bactérias do gênero Rhizobium e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs). Os resultados obtidos através da atividade da redução de acetileno indicaram que os nódulos se encontravam ativos no último mês de experimento nas três espécies fixadoras de N2. Houve uma grande variação na porcentagem de N na planta proveniente da fixação (NPPfix). Quando as plantas cresceram em meio onde a disponibilidade de N era baixa, sem a aplicação deste nutriente no solo, a FBN foi favorecida, variando de 34 a 84%. Pelo contrário, foi possível observar que a fixação foi inibida em vasos onde a adição de nitrogênio foi elevada. Devido ao uso do solo não esterilizado, os inoculantes aplicados (bactérias e fungos) parecem ter competido com a microbiota nativa do solo, assim sendo, diferenças entre os tratamentos inoculados e o controle (sem inoculação) não foram encontradas neste estudo / Legumes (Fabaceae) are abundant in the tropics and considered as of great interest as restorer of degraded areas, since most of them are woody and perennials, adapted to several Brazilian ecosystems and able to make associations with bacteria belonging to Rhizobium genus, which fix atmospheric nitrogen, and giving it to the plants in a reactive form. In this context, this study evaluated in a greenhouse experiment how nitrogen biological fixation (FBN) varied in three species of Fabaceae family according to the N-mineral addition in different doses and according to treatments including inoculation with bacteria of Rhizobium genus and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The results obtained from the acetylene reduction activity indicate that the nodules were active in the last month of experiment in the three N2-fixing species. There was a wide variation in the plant N percentage derived from fixation (NPPfix). When plants grew in a soil where N availability was low, without application of this nutrient in the soil, the BNF was favored, ranging the NPPfix from 34 to 84%. On the contrary, it was possible to observe that FBN was inhibited in the pots where N additions were higher. Due to the use of unsterilized soil, the applied inoculants (bacteria and fungi) appear to have competed with the native soil microbiota, thus differences between inoculated and control (without inoculation) could not be established in this study

Nutrição e ecologia nutricional de cervídeos brasileiros em cativeiro e no Parque Nacional das Emas - Goiás / Nutrition and nutritional ecology of brazilian cervids in captivity and in the Emas National Park - Goias

Berndt, Alexandre 26 September 2005 (has links)
Existem poucas informações sobre exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, dificultando o sucesso de manejo e reprodução em cativeiro. O conhecimento das exigências de energia também é importante para determinar os recursos necessários para sua conservação em parques e reservas. O primeiro objetivo deste experimento foi estudar as exigências nutricionais do veado catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) em cativeiro. O segundo objetivo foi observar o comportamento alimentar do veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) no Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE), descrevendo qualitativamente e quantitativamente as principais espécies vegetais utilizadas para o aporte de nutrientes. A determinação das exigências de energia para mantença utilizou 8 veados-catingueiro de ambos os sexos em cativeiro e foi desenvolvida através de dois métodos: a)equilíbrio de peso e b)água duplamente marcada (2H2 18º). Os animais foram dosados com água duplamente marcada (111,8 mg/kgPV para 2H2O e 163,1 mg/kgPV para H2 18O) e amostras de sangue foram coletadas em intervalos de 3 dias, até que 3 ou 4 meias– vidas dos isótopos tenham decorrido (atingindo o limite de detecção em aproximadamente 30 dias após a dosificação). As curvas de desaparecimento dos isótopos em função do tempo foram utilizadas para calcular o “turnover" de CO2 e H2O. Os resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos foram semelhantes (111,4 e 112,0 kcal/kg.75.d) comprovando que a técnica da água duplamente marcada pode ser utilizada em estudos nutricionais de cervídeos. Informações de doses (mg/kgPV) e intervalo máximo entre aplicação e coleta de sangue (30 dias), permitem o uso desta metodologia em estudos futuros em vida livre. No PNE, veados-campeiro já monitorados com radio colares, permitiram a observação de seu comportamento alimentar. O experimento foi realizado em duas épocas distintas (inverno e verão). As espécies foram analisadas quanto à composição nutricional, para estimar valores energéticos assim como consumo de minerais e proteína. As contribuições das diferentes espécies que compõem a dieta dos cervídeos foram estimadas para duas populações em vida livre, uma com acesso apenas a espécies nativas (área central do parque) e outra com acesso às espécies cultivadas na periferia do PNE. Os sinais isotópicos do carbono 13 e os perfis de n-alcanos foram utilizados para quantificar a contribuição das diferentes espécies ingeridas. Os resultados indicaram que os veados-campeiro utilizam uma ampla gama de partes e espécies vegetais. Sua dieta é composta por aproximadamente 78 ítens, divididos em brotos (38,5%), folhas (15,4%), flores (17,9%), botões florais (12,8%), frutos e sementes (15,4%); de 55 diferentes espécies nativas e 7 culturas agrícolas. Há grande diferença no padrão de consumo entre as populações no interior do parque e aquelas que tem possibilidade de selecionar plantas cultivadas pelo homem. As espécies agrícolas podem contribuir com até 46,9% da dieta dos cervídeos da periferia do parque. Este trabalho determinou as exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, validou o uso de uma técnica indireta para futuros estudos em vida livre e descreveu as espécies e partes utilizadas como aporte de nutrientes por cervídeos em vida livre. / There are limited data on energy requirements of brazilian cervids. Thus, it is difficult to succeed in their management and reproduction in captivity. Knowing the energy requirements is also important to determine the necessary nutritional resources for their conservation in parks and reserves. The first objective was to study the nutritional requirements of the grey-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) in captivity. The second objective was to observe the feeding behavior of the pampas-deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Emas National Park (ENP), describing qualitatively and quantitatively the main vegetal species used to supply these animals with nutrients. The determination of energy requirements for maintenance used 8 gray-brocket deer of both sexes in captivity and was carried through two methods: a)weight equilibrium and b)double-labeled water (2H2 18O). The animals were dosed with double-labeled water (111.8 mg/kgBW for 2H2O and 163.1 mg/kgBW for H2 18O) and blood samples were collected with 3 days interval, until 3 or 4 half lives of isotopes had occurred (reached limit of detection at approximately 30 days after the dosage). The curves of isotopes disappearance as a function of time were used to calculate the turnover of CO2 and H2O. The results obtained from the two methods were similar (111.4 and 112.0 kcal/kg.75.d) proving the double-labeled water technique may be used in nutritional studies of cervids. Information on doses (mg/kgBW) and maximum interval between injection and blood collection (30days), allow the use of this methodology in future studies with free ranging deer. In the national park, pampas-deer already monitored with radio colars, facilitated the observation of their feeding behavior. The experiment was conducted at two distinct seasons (winter and summer). The species were analyzed for the nutritional composition, to estimate energy values as well as mineral and protein consumption. The contributions of the different species to the diet of the cervids were estimated for two free ranging populations of the national park, one with access only to native species (central area of the park) and another with access to the crop species cultivated in the periphery of the park. The isotopic signals of carbon 13 and profiles of n-alkanes were used to quantify the contribution of different species to supply the energy demands. The results indicated that pampas-deer feeds on a broad spectrum parts and vegetal species. Its diet was composed of approximately 78 different parts, divided in sprouts (38.5%), leaves (15.4%), flowers (17.9%), floral buttons (12.8%), fruits and seeds (15.4%); from 55 different native species and 7 agricultural cultures. There is a great difference in the intake selection patterns between populations in the interior of the park and those that have access to cropland and the opportunity to choose feeding on native or cultivated plants. The agricultural species can contribute with up to 46.9% of deer diet of the park periphery. This work determined the requirements of energy of Brazilian cervids, validated the use of one indirect technique for use in free ranging animals and described the species and parts used to supply nutrients to cervids in the wild.

Validade das estimativas de ingestão energética de três métodos de avaliação do consumo alimentar, em relação à água duplamente marcada / Validity of the energy intake estimates obtained by three dietary assessment methods, in relation to doubly labeled water

Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza 22 November 2007 (has links)
O gasto energético total (GET) pode ser usado como medida da ingestão energética (IE). Existe um constante sub-relato da IE obtida por métodos de avaliação do consumo alimentar, mas poucos estudos o investigaram em nações em desenvolvimento. Objetivos: a) comparar a validade das estimativas de IE de um questionário de freqüência alimentar, três recordatórios alimentares e um diário alimentar de três dias, segundo a água duplamente marcada; b) determinar a influência da prática de atividade física, do índice de massa corporal e de fatores psicossociais no sub-relato e; c) comparar as taxas de sub-relato entre agrupamentos de padrões alimentares. Métodos: Sessenta e cinco mulheres responderam aos métodos de inquérito supracitados, a partir dos quais foi estimada a IE. O GET foi medido pela água duplamente marcada. A prática de atividade física, índice de massa corporal, escolaridade, renda, idade, conhecimento nutricional, insatisfação corporal, restrição dietética, compulsão alimentar e o desejo de aceitação social foram correlacionados ao sub-relato. Os padrões alimentares foram obtidos pela análise de cluster. Resultados: O GET foi de 2.622 ± 490 kcal, enquanto que a IE, mensurada respectivamente pelo recordatório, diário e questionário, foi de 2.078 ± 430 kcal; 2.044 ± 479 kcal e 1.984 ± 832 kcal. A proporção de sub-relatores foi de 24,6% para o recordatório, 29,2% para o diário e 53,8% para o questionário (p < 0,005). Os sub-relatores apresentaram menores médias de renda e escolaridade e maiores valores de idade, insatisfação corporal e desejo de aceitação social. O sub-relato foi mais comum no padrão alimentar mais frugal. Conclusão: Os três métodos de avaliação do consumo alimentar apresentaram erros sistemáticos, embora o questionário de freqüência alimentar tenha tido o pior desempenho. O sub-relato foi influenciado por diversos fatores psicossociais e variou conforme o padrão alimentar relatado, o que pode comprometer a avaliação do consumo / Total energy expenditure (TEE) may be used as a measure of energy intake (EI). There is a constant underreporting of EI obtained by dietary assessment methods, but few studies have investigated it in developing nations. Objectives: a) to compare the validity of EI estimates obtained by a food-frequency questionnaire, three diet recalls and a three-day food record; b) to determine the influence of physical activity, body mass index and psychosocial factors on underreporting and; c) to compare underreporting rates between dietary pattern\'s clusters. Methods: Sixty-five women completed the dietary assessment methods, which were used to estimate EI. TEE was measured by doubly labeled water. Physical activity practice, body mass index, education, income, age, nutritional knowledge, body dissatisfaction, dietary restraint, binge eating and social desirability were correlated to underreporting. Dietary patterns were obtained by cluster analysis. Results: TEE was 2,622 ± 490 kcal, while EI, measured respectively by the diet recall, food record and food-frequency questionnaire, was 2,078 ± 430 kcal; 2,044 ± 479 kcal and 1,984 ± 832 kcal. Proportion of underreporters was 24.6% (recall), 29.2% (record) and 53.8% (questionnaire) (p < 0.005). Underreporters had smaller income and education and greater age, body dissatisfaction and social desirability. Underreporting was more common in the \'frugal foods\' pattern. Conclusions: The three dietary assessment methods presented systematic errors, although the foodfrequency questionnaire had the worst performance. Underreporting was influenced by psychosocial factors and varied according the reported dietary pattern, which may compromise dietary assessment

利用標籤社會網絡之影響力最大化達到目標式廣告行銷 / Influence maximization in labeled social network for target advertising

李法賢 Unknown Date (has links)
病毒式行銷(viral marketing)透過人際之間的互動,藉由消費者對消費者的推薦,達到廣告效益。而廣告商要如何進行病毒式行銷?廣告商必須在有限資源下從人群中找出具有影響力的人,將產品或是概念推薦給更多的消費者,以說服消費者會採納他們的意見。 利用社會網絡(Social network),我們可以簡單地將消費者之間的關係用節點跟邊呈現,而Influence Maximization就是在社會網絡上選擇最具有影響力的k個消費者,而這k個消費者能影響最多的消費者。 然而,廣告相當重視目標消費群,廣告目的就是希望能夠影響目標消費群,使目標消費群購買產品。因此,我們針對標籤社會網絡(Labeled social network)提出Labeled influence maximization的問題,不同過往的研究,我們加入了標籤的條件,希望在標籤社會網絡中影響到最多符合標籤條件的節點。 針對標籤社會網絡,我們除了修改四個解決Influence maximization problem的方法,Greedy、NewGreedy、CELFGreedy和DegreeDiscount,以找出影響最多符合類別條件的節點的趨近解。我們也提出了兩個新的方法ProximityDiscount和MaximumCoverage來解決Labeled influence maximization problem。我們在Offline時,先計算節點與節點之間的Proximity,當行銷人員Online擬定行效策略時,系統利用Proximity,Onlin找出趨近解。 實驗所採用的資料是Internet Movie Database的社會網絡。根據實驗結果顯示,在兼顧效率與效果的情況下,適合用ProximityDiscount來解決Labeled influence maximization problem。 / Influence maximization problem is to find a small subset of nodes (seed nodes) in a social network that could maximize the spread of influence. But when marketers advertise for some products, they have a set of target audience. However, influence maximization doesn’t take target audience into account. This thesis addresses a new problem called labeled influence maximization problem, which is to find a subset of nodes in a labeled social network that could influence target audience and maximizes the profit of influence. In labeled social network, every node has a label, and every label has profit which can be set by marketers. We propose six algorithms to solve labeled influence maximization problem. To accommodate the objective of labeled influence maximization, four algorithms, called LabeledGreedy, LabeledNewGreedy, LabeledCELFGreedy, and LabeledDegreeDiscount, are modified from previous studies on original influence maximization. Moreover, we propose two new algorithms, called ProximityDiscount and MaximumCoverage, which offline compute the proximities of any two nodes in the labeled social network. When marketers make strategies online, the system will return the approximate solution by using proximities. Experiments were performed on the labeled social network constructed from Internet Movie Database, the result shows that ProximityDiscount may provide good efficiency and effectiveness.

Synthesis of New lonic Functional Polymers by Free Radical Polymerization via the RAFT Process

Baussard, Jean-François 26 January 2004 (has links)
Within the emerging methods of controlled free radical polymerization, the Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) process has been recently established as a powerful technique to synthesize standard polymers with controlled characteristics (narrow polydispersity and predictable molar masses). This method is now employed to synthesize well-defined, reactive precursor polymers that are subsequently converted into speciality polymers such as fluorescent-labeled polycations. Those are suitable for Electrostatic Self-Assembly (ESA). The observation of the Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) in such films is established, contributing to the understanding of the self-organization during thin film growth. The RAFT process using Benzyl Dithiobenzoate (BDTB) is shown to enable the control of the free radical polymerization of vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC). The high tolerance of the method to functional groups allows the preparation of such reactive polymers with narrow polydispersities and predictable molar masses. The well-defined precursors are easily converted, for instance, to polycations. Also they are easily functionalized by fluorophores, here derived from coumarin and perylene. The fluorophores, as pendent side chains, served as label to investigate the alternating deposition process, while the influence of molecular variations on the self-assembly can be systematized. Furthermore, when using complementary fluorophores, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) studies in organized media become possible. The alternating deposition cycles are followed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and X-Ray reflectivity. Regular growth is observed for three complementarily labeled polycations. Noteworthy, fluorescence and UV-Vis studies reveal the formation of large fluorescent dye aggregates for one coumarin and for the perylene derivative in the ESA multilayers. When these polycations are used in mixed thin films, Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between fluorophores is observed. The non-radiative nature of the different energy transfer was confirmed by fluorescence decay time measurements/ Parmi les récentes méthodes pour contrôler la polymérisation radicalaire, le procédé RAFT (Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer) a été récemment établi et s'impose comme une méthode performante pour la synthèse de polymères standards possédant des caractéristiques contrôlées (faibles polydispersités et masses molaires prédictibles). Cette méthode est désormais utilisée pour la synthèse de précurseurs réactifs bien définis qui sont par la suite convertis en polymères spécialisés, par exemple en polycations marqués a l'aide de sondes fluorescentes. Ces polycations peuvent être ensuite auto-assemblés électrostatiquement afin d'élaborer des films minces. Le phénomène de transfert de fluorescence (Förster Resonance Energy Transfer –FRET-) dans de tels films a été établi, contribuant par là-même à une meilleure compréhension du phénomène d'auto-organisation durant la croissance des films. Le procédé RAFT, utilisant le dithiobenzoate de benzyle (BDTB), a démontré sa capacité à contrôler la polymérisation radicalaire du chlorométhlstyrène (VBC). La tolérance de cette méthode vis à vis des groupes fonctionnels permet la synthèse de polymères réactifs possédant de faibles polydispersités et des masses molaires prédictibles. Les précurseurs ainsi définis sont facilement convertis, en polycations par exemple. Ils sont tout aussi facilement fonctionnalisés par des fluorophores dérivés de la coumarine ou du pérylène. Les fluorophores en tant que chaînes pendantes servent de marqueurs pour étudier le processus de dépôts alternés, alors que l'influence des variations au niveau moléculaire peut être systématisée. De plus, en utilisant des fluorophores complémentaires, il devient possible de mener des études sur le transfert de fluorescence (FRET) au sein de milieux organisés. Les cycles de dépôts alternés ont été suivis par spectroscopie UV-Vis, éllipsométrie et reflexion des rayons X. Une croissance régulière est observée dans le cas des trois polycations marqués. Il convient de noter que les études UV-Vis et de fluorescence révèlent la formation de larges aggrégats de fluorophores au sein des multicouches, dans le cas d'une coumarine et du dérivé de pérylène. Lorsque les polycations complémentaires sont utilisés dans des films minces mixtes, le FRET est observé. La nature radiative ou non-radiative du processus de transfert d'énergie a été confirmée par des mesures de déclin de fluorescence.

Investigación in vivo de la transferencia placentaria de ácidos grasos marcados con carbono 13 en humanos

Gil Sánchez, Alfonso 30 June 2011 (has links)
A supply of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is essential for fetal development. Objective: We assessed placental transfer of 13C-labelled fatty acids (FA) 12 hours after oral application. Design: 11 pregnant women received 12h before elective caesarean section 0.5mg/kg 13C-palmitic acid (PA, 16:0), 13C-oleic acid (OA, 18:1n-9), 13C-linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) and 0.1mg/kg 13C-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) orally. Maternal blood samples, venous cord blood and placental tissue were collected and FA concentrations and their tracer content determined. Results: Most 13C-PA and 13C-OA in maternal plasma were in triglycerides (TG), while 13C-LA and 13C-DHA were mainly found in both plasma phospholipids and TG. Placenta/maternal plasma ratios and fetal/maternal plasma ratios for 13C-DHA were higher than for any other FA. Conclusions: We found a significantly higher ratio of 13C-DHA concentrations between cord to maternal plasma than for the other FA, in agreement with preferential transfer of DHA across the placenta.

Triterpene Carboxylic Acids as Cortisol Lowering Agents and Synthesis of Hexadeuterated Beta-Ionone

Mogg, Trevor 13 September 2012 (has links)
In part one, betulinic acid (1) was isolated from the American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) in 1.6% yield, while ursolic acid (3) was isolated from Fuji and McIntosh apple peels in 1.0% and 0.8% crude yields, respectively. Oleanolic (4) and dehydrocanophyllic (6) acids were previously available, along with several analogs. Additional analogs of 1, 3 and 4 were prepared, including 9 new compounds, for a total of 51 compounds. Compounds were initially screened for cortisol lowering properties in vitro using a fish head kidney cell assay. Platanic acid (43) was selected for in vivo study in rats, along with 1 and a blend of Platanus occidentalis and Souroubea sympetela. No significant cortisol lowering was observed in vivo. In part two, β-ionone-d6 (75) was synthesized in 6.5% yield from ethyl 2-oxo-cyclohexane carboxylate (77). Total deuterium incorporation was 99.85%, with 0.03% d0 analog. 75 was converted to retinoic acid-d6 (93) in 2.2% yield.

Enhanced classification approach with semi-supervised learning for reliability-based system design

Patel, Jiten 02 July 2012 (has links)
Traditionally design engineers have used the Factor of Safety method for ensuring that designs do not fail in the field. Access to advanced computational tools and resources have made this process obsolete and new methods to introduce higher levels of reliability in an engineering systems are currently being investigated. However, even though high computational resources are available the computational resources required by reliability analysis procedures leave much to be desired. Furthermore, the regression based surrogate modeling techniques fail when there is discontinuity in the design space, caused by failure mechanisms, when the design is required to perform under severe externalities. Hence, in this research we propose efficient Semi-Supervised Learning based surrogate modeling techniques that will enable accurate estimation of a system's response, even under discontinuity. These methods combine the available set of labeled dataset and unlabeled dataset and provide better models than using labeled data alone. Labeled data is expensive to obtain since the responses have to be evaluated whereas unlabeled data is available in plenty, during reliability estimation, since the PDF information of uncertain variables is assumed to be known. This superior performance is gained by combining the efficiency of Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) for classification and Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for treating the unlabeled data as labeled data with hidden labels.

Nutrição e ecologia nutricional de cervídeos brasileiros em cativeiro e no Parque Nacional das Emas - Goiás / Nutrition and nutritional ecology of brazilian cervids in captivity and in the Emas National Park - Goias

Alexandre Berndt 26 September 2005 (has links)
Existem poucas informações sobre exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, dificultando o sucesso de manejo e reprodução em cativeiro. O conhecimento das exigências de energia também é importante para determinar os recursos necessários para sua conservação em parques e reservas. O primeiro objetivo deste experimento foi estudar as exigências nutricionais do veado catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) em cativeiro. O segundo objetivo foi observar o comportamento alimentar do veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) no Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE), descrevendo qualitativamente e quantitativamente as principais espécies vegetais utilizadas para o aporte de nutrientes. A determinação das exigências de energia para mantença utilizou 8 veados-catingueiro de ambos os sexos em cativeiro e foi desenvolvida através de dois métodos: a)equilíbrio de peso e b)água duplamente marcada (2H2 18º). Os animais foram dosados com água duplamente marcada (111,8 mg/kgPV para 2H2O e 163,1 mg/kgPV para H2 18O) e amostras de sangue foram coletadas em intervalos de 3 dias, até que 3 ou 4 meias– vidas dos isótopos tenham decorrido (atingindo o limite de detecção em aproximadamente 30 dias após a dosificação). As curvas de desaparecimento dos isótopos em função do tempo foram utilizadas para calcular o “turnover” de CO2 e H2O. Os resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos foram semelhantes (111,4 e 112,0 kcal/kg.75.d) comprovando que a técnica da água duplamente marcada pode ser utilizada em estudos nutricionais de cervídeos. Informações de doses (mg/kgPV) e intervalo máximo entre aplicação e coleta de sangue (30 dias), permitem o uso desta metodologia em estudos futuros em vida livre. No PNE, veados-campeiro já monitorados com radio colares, permitiram a observação de seu comportamento alimentar. O experimento foi realizado em duas épocas distintas (inverno e verão). As espécies foram analisadas quanto à composição nutricional, para estimar valores energéticos assim como consumo de minerais e proteína. As contribuições das diferentes espécies que compõem a dieta dos cervídeos foram estimadas para duas populações em vida livre, uma com acesso apenas a espécies nativas (área central do parque) e outra com acesso às espécies cultivadas na periferia do PNE. Os sinais isotópicos do carbono 13 e os perfis de n-alcanos foram utilizados para quantificar a contribuição das diferentes espécies ingeridas. Os resultados indicaram que os veados-campeiro utilizam uma ampla gama de partes e espécies vegetais. Sua dieta é composta por aproximadamente 78 ítens, divididos em brotos (38,5%), folhas (15,4%), flores (17,9%), botões florais (12,8%), frutos e sementes (15,4%); de 55 diferentes espécies nativas e 7 culturas agrícolas. Há grande diferença no padrão de consumo entre as populações no interior do parque e aquelas que tem possibilidade de selecionar plantas cultivadas pelo homem. As espécies agrícolas podem contribuir com até 46,9% da dieta dos cervídeos da periferia do parque. Este trabalho determinou as exigências de energia de cervídeos brasileiros, validou o uso de uma técnica indireta para futuros estudos em vida livre e descreveu as espécies e partes utilizadas como aporte de nutrientes por cervídeos em vida livre. / There are limited data on energy requirements of brazilian cervids. Thus, it is difficult to succeed in their management and reproduction in captivity. Knowing the energy requirements is also important to determine the necessary nutritional resources for their conservation in parks and reserves. The first objective was to study the nutritional requirements of the grey-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) in captivity. The second objective was to observe the feeding behavior of the pampas-deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Emas National Park (ENP), describing qualitatively and quantitatively the main vegetal species used to supply these animals with nutrients. The determination of energy requirements for maintenance used 8 gray-brocket deer of both sexes in captivity and was carried through two methods: a)weight equilibrium and b)double-labeled water (2H2 18O). The animals were dosed with double-labeled water (111.8 mg/kgBW for 2H2O and 163.1 mg/kgBW for H2 18O) and blood samples were collected with 3 days interval, until 3 or 4 half lives of isotopes had occurred (reached limit of detection at approximately 30 days after the dosage). The curves of isotopes disappearance as a function of time were used to calculate the turnover of CO2 and H2O. The results obtained from the two methods were similar (111.4 and 112.0 kcal/kg.75.d) proving the double-labeled water technique may be used in nutritional studies of cervids. Information on doses (mg/kgBW) and maximum interval between injection and blood collection (30days), allow the use of this methodology in future studies with free ranging deer. In the national park, pampas-deer already monitored with radio colars, facilitated the observation of their feeding behavior. The experiment was conducted at two distinct seasons (winter and summer). The species were analyzed for the nutritional composition, to estimate energy values as well as mineral and protein consumption. The contributions of the different species to the diet of the cervids were estimated for two free ranging populations of the national park, one with access only to native species (central area of the park) and another with access to the crop species cultivated in the periphery of the park. The isotopic signals of carbon 13 and profiles of n-alkanes were used to quantify the contribution of different species to supply the energy demands. The results indicated that pampas-deer feeds on a broad spectrum parts and vegetal species. Its diet was composed of approximately 78 different parts, divided in sprouts (38.5%), leaves (15.4%), flowers (17.9%), floral buttons (12.8%), fruits and seeds (15.4%); from 55 different native species and 7 agricultural cultures. There is a great difference in the intake selection patterns between populations in the interior of the park and those that have access to cropland and the opportunity to choose feeding on native or cultivated plants. The agricultural species can contribute with up to 46.9% of deer diet of the park periphery. This work determined the requirements of energy of Brazilian cervids, validated the use of one indirect technique for use in free ranging animals and described the species and parts used to supply nutrients to cervids in the wild.

Estudo da fixação biológica do nitrogênio em leguminosas (família Fabaceae) arbóreas tropicais através do enriquecimento isotópico do 15N / Estimates of biological nitrogen fixation by tropical legume trees (Fabaceae) using 15N labeled fertilizer

Luciana Della Coletta 14 October 2010 (has links)
A família Fabaceae abundante nos trópicos, desperta grande interesse para o uso em recuperação de áreas degradas, já que em sua maioria, são lenhosas e perenes, se adaptam aos mais diversos ecossistemas brasileiros e são capazes de fazer associações simbiônticas com bactérias pertencentes ao gênero Rhizobium, que fixam nitrogênio atmosférico fornecendo-o para a planta em uma forma reativa. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo avaliou em um experimento em casa de vegetação como a fixação biológica de nitrogênio em três espécies pertencentes a família Fabaceae variou em função da adição de nitrogênio mineral em diferentes doses e através de tratamentos incluindo-se a inoculação com bactérias do gênero Rhizobium e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs). Os resultados obtidos através da atividade da redução de acetileno indicaram que os nódulos se encontravam ativos no último mês de experimento nas três espécies fixadoras de N2. Houve uma grande variação na porcentagem de N na planta proveniente da fixação (NPPfix). Quando as plantas cresceram em meio onde a disponibilidade de N era baixa, sem a aplicação deste nutriente no solo, a FBN foi favorecida, variando de 34 a 84%. Pelo contrário, foi possível observar que a fixação foi inibida em vasos onde a adição de nitrogênio foi elevada. Devido ao uso do solo não esterilizado, os inoculantes aplicados (bactérias e fungos) parecem ter competido com a microbiota nativa do solo, assim sendo, diferenças entre os tratamentos inoculados e o controle (sem inoculação) não foram encontradas neste estudo / Legumes (Fabaceae) are abundant in the tropics and considered as of great interest as restorer of degraded areas, since most of them are woody and perennials, adapted to several Brazilian ecosystems and able to make associations with bacteria belonging to Rhizobium genus, which fix atmospheric nitrogen, and giving it to the plants in a reactive form. In this context, this study evaluated in a greenhouse experiment how nitrogen biological fixation (FBN) varied in three species of Fabaceae family according to the N-mineral addition in different doses and according to treatments including inoculation with bacteria of Rhizobium genus and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The results obtained from the acetylene reduction activity indicate that the nodules were active in the last month of experiment in the three N2-fixing species. There was a wide variation in the plant N percentage derived from fixation (NPPfix). When plants grew in a soil where N availability was low, without application of this nutrient in the soil, the BNF was favored, ranging the NPPfix from 34 to 84%. On the contrary, it was possible to observe that FBN was inhibited in the pots where N additions were higher. Due to the use of unsterilized soil, the applied inoculants (bacteria and fungi) appear to have competed with the native soil microbiota, thus differences between inoculated and control (without inoculation) could not be established in this study

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