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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodverifiering av reagens med förhöjt tröskelvärde för biotininterferens för biomarkörerna NT-proBNP, prokalcitonin och prostataspecifikt antigen på Roche Cobas® e801.

Hoberg, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
Biotin är ett vitamin som finns naturligt i livsmedel och det dagliga intaget nås via födan. Höga doser biotintillskott samt höga doser biotin i läkemedel, kan leda till biotininterferens i kliniska immunokemiska analyser. Roche Diagnostics® vill införa nya reagens med högre tröskel för biotininterferens för att minska risken för biotininterferens vid analys av patientplasma. Därför var syftet med studien att metodverifiera fyra nya reagens från Roche Diagnostics® som används vid diagnostisering och behandling av hjärtsvikt, sepsis, och prostatacancer. De fyra reagensen, Elecsys® proBNP II, Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT, Elecsys® total PSA samt Elecsys® free PSA metodverifierades för att användas på Cobas® e801. Studiematerialet bestod av 20 patientprover av litiumheparinplasma per reagens (totalt 80 patientprover). Resultatet av verifieringen av Elecsys® proBNP II visade en korrelation till det befintliga reagenset på r = 0,9998 och Bland-Altman analys visade en spridning av resultaten på < 10 %; inomserieprecisionsstudien gav CV 1,56 %. Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT hade en korrelation på r = 0,9997 och Bland-Altman analysen visade en spridning på > 10 %; inomserieprecisionsstudien gav CV 1,70 %. För Elecsys® total PSA och free PSA fanns korrelationen till det befintliga reagenset på r = 1 respektive 0,9997 och Bland- Altman analysen visade en spridning på < 10 % hos båda reagensen. Inomserieprecisionsstudien gav CV 0,44 % respektive CV 2,67 %. Resultaten för samtliga reagens uppvisar god korrelation till det befintliga reagenset och en hög mätnoggrannhet vilket talar för att de fyra nya reagensen kan tas i bruk. / Biotin is naturally found in foods, and we obtain this vitamin through our daily diet. Biotin supplements as well as high doses of biotin in drugs can lead to biotin interference in clinical immunochemical analyzes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to methodically verify four new reagents from Roche Diagnostics® with a higher threshold for biotin interference, used in the diagnosis and treatment of heart faliure, sepsis and prostate cancer. The four reagents, Elecsys® proBNP II, Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT, Elecsys® total PSA and Elecsys® free PSA were method-verified for use on Cobas® e801. The study material consisted of 20 patient samples of lithium heparin plasma per reagent. In total 80 samples were analyzed.The result of the verification of Elecsys® proBNP II showed a correlation to the existing reagent of r = 0.9998 and Bland-Altman analysis showed a distribution of the results of <10 %. The withinseries precision study yielded CV 1.56 %. Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT had a correlation of r = 0.9997 and the Bland-Altman analysis showed a distribution of > 10 %. The withinseries precision study gave CV 1.70 %. For Elecsys® total PSA and free PSA, the correlation to the existing reagent was r = 1 and 0.9997, respectively, and the Bland-Altman analysis showed a distribution of <10 % in both reagents. The withinseries precision study yielded CV 0.44 % and CV 2.67 % respectively.The results for all reagents show a good correlation to the existing reagent and a high accuracy of measurement, which indicates that the four new reagents can be used.

Verifiering av metod för analys av etylenglykol i plasma på Roche Cobas® c502

Lindgren, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Etylenglykol (etan-1,2-diol) är en dihydroxyalkohol som är en komponent i kylarvätska och andra frost- och kylskyddsmedel. Förtäring av etylenglykol leder till allvarliga skador och i värsta fall död utan behandling. I Sverige år 2020 fanns det endast ett tiotal laboratorier som erbjöd analys av etylenglykol dygnet runt. Detta leder till att prover ofta behöver skickas till större laboratorier med taxi vilket i sin tur leder till en försenad diagnosticering av patienten. Syftet med examensarbetet var att verifiera en enzymatisk kolorimetrisk metod för analys av etylenglykol i plasma på instrumentet Roche Cobas® 8000 modul c502. Reagenset som verifierades var DiscretPak™ Ethylene Glycol Reagents från företaget Catachem. Verifieringen gjordes med avseende på total precision (repeterbarhet), inomserieprecision och linjäritet. Resultaten jämfördes med analys på gaskromatograf. Provmaterialet bestod av patientprover av litiumheparinplasma,  patientprover av serum och kontrollprover från Equalis. Resultatet som erhölls vid verifieringen visade på linjär korrelation mellan den enzymatiska metoden och GC-analys. En negativ bias observerades dock i jämförelse med analys på gaskromatograf. Utvärdering av repeterbarhet gav CV 4,6% vid 9,0 mmol/L och 3,66% vid 40,0 mmol/L. Inomserieprecisionstudie gav CV 14,7% vid 1 mmol/L, 5,2% vid 4 mmol/L och 1,4% vid 17 mmol/L. Precisionen är viktigast vid de lägre koncentrationerna. Insättning av behandling med antidot är aktuellt vid 4 mmol/L. Utvärdering av linjäritet visade på ett starkt linjärt samband hos analysen vid koncentrationer <50 mmol/L. Vid koncentrationer >50 mmol/L fanns ett linjärt samband men en minskad överensstämmelse mellan den beräknade och den uppmätta koncentrationen observerades. Metodverifieringen ansågs vara godkänd för kliniskt bruk och analysen kommer att införas i analyssortimentet hos Klinisk Kemi i Växjö. / Ethylene glycol is an alcohol that is a common component in antifreeze. Ingestion of ethylene glycol will, without treatment, lead to severe organ damage and in worst-case death. In 2020 there was only a few laboratories in Sweden that offered analysis of ethylene glycol all hours of the day and week. This means that samples often need to be transported to laboratories at larger hospitals which leads delayed diagnosis of the patient. The purpose of this study was to verify an enzymatic method for analysis of ethylene glycol in plasma on the instrument Roche Cobas® 8000 module c502. The reagent that was used was DiscretPak™ Ethylene Glycol Reagents from Catachem. The study included evaluation of total precision, within-run precision, linearity, and a comparison with analysis with gas chromatography (GC). The sample material consisted of patient samples of plasma, patient samples of serum and quality controls from Equalis. The result of the study showed linear correlation between the enzymatic method and analysis with GC. A negative bias was observed in comparison to analysis with GC. The coefficient of variation (CV) for total precision was 4,7% at 9,0 mmol/L and 3,7% at 40,0 mmol/L. The CV for within-run was 14,7% at 1 mmol/L, 5,2% at 4 mmol/L and 1,4% at 17 mmol/L. The precision of the method is most important at lower concentrations. The evaluation of linearity showed linear correlation at concentrations <50 mmol/L with. A linear correlation was observed at concentrations >50 mmol/L, although the agreement with the calculated concentrations decreased. The method verification was successful as the results were deemed acceptable for clinical use.

Utveckling av metoder för att analysera ”C5 Nephritic Factors” (C5NeF) / Development of methods for analysis of ”C5 Nephritic Factors” (C5NeF)

Bäckström, Filippa January 2021 (has links)
Normalt sett skyddar komplementsystemet kroppen mot infektioner och patogener. Vid vissa typer av njursjukdomar, framför allt vid C3-glomerulopati, förekommer autoantikroppar som kallas ”nephritic factors” (NeF). Sådana antikroppar stabiliserar enzymkomplex (konvertas) i komplementsystemet, vilket leder till destruktiv komplementaktivering via den alternativa vägen. Syftet med studien var att utveckla minst en metod för att analysera C5NeF på kliniska prover.  C5NeF In-House ELISA analyserade bindning av C5NeF till C5-konvertas. Analys av C5-klyvning i löslig fas kvantifierade mängden C5a som bildats vid stabilisering av C5-konvertas. Cut-off för analyserna bestämdes genom analys av prover från 20 friska blodgivare. Tolv patientprover med möjlig förekomst av C5NeF analyserades. För att utesluta falskt positiv reaktion i C5NeF in-house ELISA analyserades även förekomst av antikroppar mot specifika enskilda komplementproteiner. Åtta patientprover var positiva i C5NeF In-House ELISA, fem patientprover uppvisade positivt resultat för C3NeF, vilket inte var oväntat utifrån tidigare publikationer som visat att det är vanligt att patienter med C5NeF också ofta är positiva för C3NeF. Tre patientprover erhöll positivt resultat i endast C5NeF In-House ELISA och två av dessa var positiva i analys av C5-klyvning i löslig fas. Studien resulterade i etablering av en metod för analys av C5NeF. / Normally the complement system protects the body from infections and pathogens. In certain types of kidney diseases, mainly C3-glomerulopathy, autoantibodies called ”Nephritic Factors” (NeF) are found. NeFs stabilize enzyme complexes (convertases) in the complement system, an event which leads to destructive complement activation via the alternative pathway. The purpose of this study was to develop at least one method to analyse C5NeF on clinical samples.  C5NeF In-House ELISA analysed binding of C5NeF to C5 convertases. Analysis of C5-cleavage in the soluble phase measured the amount of C5a formed when C5-convertase was stabilized. Cut-off for the analyses was determined through analysis of 20 blood donor samples from healthy individuals. Twelve patient samples with possible C5NeF were analysed. To exclude false positive results in C5NeF In-House ELISA analysis of antibodies against specific single complement factors was performed.  Eight patient samples were positive in C5NeF In-House ELISA, five patient samples showed positive result for C3NeF, a finding which was not unexpected as previous publications have shown that concomitant presence of C3NeF and C5NeF is common in C3-glomerulopathy. Where most patients are positive for both C3NeF and C5NeF. Three patient samples received positive result in only C5NeF In-House ELISA and two of these samples were positive in the analysis of C5-cleavage in soluble phase. In conclusion, in this study a method to examine C5NeF was developed.

Utvärdering av analys av pankreas-specifikt lipas hos hund och katt med Vcheck V200 : en prospektiv komparativ studie / Evaluation of analysis of pancreas-specific Lipase in dogs and cats with Vcheck V200 : a prospective comparative study

Carlsson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Pankreatit anses vara en vanligt förekommande sjukdom hos hundar och katter och kan diagnostiseras genom mätningar av koncentrationen Canine Pancreas-specific Lipase (cPL) respektive Feline Pancreas-specific Lipase (fPL) i serum. Utifrån dessa koncentrationer graderas patienten enligt normalvärde, gråzon eller indikation på pankreatit. Golden standardmetoden för att analysera cPL/fPL är Spec cPL respektive Spec fPL. Nya metoder har utvecklats för kvantitativ mätning av pankreas-specifik lipas såsom Vcheck V200, ett instrument, som analyserar cPL/fPL med en fluorescerande immunoassay. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera analys av cPL/fPL på Vcheck V200 samt jämföra resultatet från detta instrument med värdena från ett referenslaboratorium i Tyskland för att se om det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan metoderna. Koncentrationen cPL i hundserum (n=37) och koncentrationen fPL i kattserum (n=29) analyserades på Vcheck V200. Dessa prover skickades även till referenslaboratoriet där analysen Spec cPL respektive Spec fPL utfördes. Spridningen var stor kring bias i Bland-Altman diagram för både cPL och fPL och jämförelsen mellan metoderna för de specifika koncentrationerna av cPL/fPL bedömdes vara statistiskt signifikant (p<0,05). 27% av hundproverna graderas olika enligt de båda metoderna och skillnaden var signifikant (p<0,05). 24% av kattproverna graderades olika men skillnaden var inte signifikant (p=0,257). Studien tyder på att jämförelsen mellan de båda metoderna var signifikant förutom vid graderingen av kattproverna. Beaktande detta och det faktum att kvalitetssäkringen brister vid analys av fPL på grund av avsaknad av kontroller kan i dagsläget inte cPL/fPL på Vcheck V200 ersätta den nuvarande golden standardmetoden, trots att ingen signifikant skillnad sågs vid gradering av kattprover. / Pancreatitis is a common disease in canine and felines and can be diagnosed by measuring the concentration of Canine Pancreas-specific Lipase (cPL) or Feline Pancreas-specific Lipase (fPL) in serum. Based on the concentration of cPL/fPL, the patient is then classified in different diagnostic categories (normal value, gray zone or indication of pancreatitis). Spec cPL and Spec fPL is currently the golden standard method for analysis of cPL and fPL. New methods have been developed for the quantitative measurement of pancreatic lipases. Vcheck V200, being one example, utilizing a fluorescent immunoassay for quantification of the lipase. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cPL and fPL analysis on the Vcheck V200 and to examine if there was a significant difference (p≤0,05) when comparing the result from Vcheck V200 with the results from a reference laboratory. The concentration of cPL (n=37) and fPL (n=29) in serum from canine or felines were analyzed using Vcheck V200. The samples were also sent to the reference laboratory where Spec cPL and Spec cPL were performed. A Bland-Altman plot comparison between the two methods showed a large spread for both analysis of cPL and fPL. Comparison of the specific values for analysis of cPL and fPL between the two methods revealed a significant difference (p<0,05). 27% of the dog samples were categorized differently according to the two methods and this difference was significant (p<0,05). 24% of the cat samples were categorized differently and no significant difference were observed (p=0,257). This study indicates that the difference between the two methods was significant, besides the classification of cat samples. Considering this and the lack of quality assurance regarding analysis of fPL due to lack of controls, the cPL/fPL analysis on Vcheck V200 cannot replace the Spec cPL or Spec fPL at present.

Influence of Nrf2 Activators and Keap1 Inhibitors on Antioxidative Phenotypes of THP-1-Derived M1 and M2 macrophages: Therapeutic Potential for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Svahn, Leo January 2023 (has links)
POPULAR SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is not your average disorder. It behaves like a mischievous troublemaker, wreaking havoc throughout the body, causing inflammation that affects multiple organs. SLE presents a puzzle that keeps health care professionals worldwide intrigued, searching for answers amidst its complex of immunologic manifestations and clinical symptoms. While we’ve made progress in understanding SLE, its specific cause remains a mystery. What we do know is that SLE triggers a fascinating interplay between genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors in susceptible individuals. Macrophages, specialized white blood cells, can be likened to moody actors on a stage wearing different masks and wielding functional props. Among them are M1 macrophages, fiery troublemakers who provoke pro-inflammatory responses, and M2 macrophages, peacemakers striving for balance by generating anti-inflammatory responses. Then there is NRF2, the vigilante, normally held by its captor, KEAP1. However, when cells stress NRF2 manages to break free from KEAP1 and spring into action, embarking on a crucial journey into the cell nucleus where DNA is stored. Once inside, NRF2 binds specific regions of the DNA, promoting genes associated with protective activities, including antioxidative responses and detoxification processes, thereby shielding cells from further harm. Now, let us envision a therapeutic strategy that utilizes this; if we can deliberately unleashNRF2 on command, triggering a powerful cascade of antioxidative responses throughout the body,such a treatment would offer tremendous promise and serve as a paradigm for patients sufferingfrom chronic inflammation. But the question remains: Is it possible? In this study, we investigated the effects of certain chemicals on macrophages in a controlledlab environment. Our goal was to explore their potential for therapeutic purposes. Excitingly, wediscovered that these chemicals can indeed influence macrophages to produce a stronger antiinflammatory and antioxidant response. These findings could be promising for developing futuretreatments, especially in patients diagnosed with conditions such as SLE. / ABSTRACT Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifaceted, chronic autoimmune disorder that leads to inflammation and affects various organs. A wide range of immunologic manifestations and clinical symptoms characterizes SLE. While the specific cause remains unknown, it is thought to result from a combination of genetic susceptibility and the intricate interplay between environmental and hormonal factors. A significant subset of SLE patients also experience renal manifestation, lupus nephritis (LN), characterized by distinct inflammatory responses in which macrophages play a role. Macrophages exhibit different functional characteristics depending on their environment, and generally display two contrasting phenotypes; M1, which elicits proinflammatory responses, and M2, which generates anti-inflammatory responses Homeostasis is vital, yet environmental stress is inevitable. NRF2, a transcription factor known for its involvement in oxidative stress response, plays a pivotal role. Under basal conditions, NRF2 resides in the cytoplasm and is targeted for degradation by the protein KEAP1. However, during cellular stress, the NRF2-KEAP1 complex dissociates, allowing NRF2 to translocate into the nucleus where it binds specific regulatory regions of genes that promote cytoprotective activities. The NRF2 pathway has gained attention as a potential target for therapeutic strategies in inflammatory conditions, including SLE. This study aimed to assess the effects of certain chemical NRF2 activators and a KEAP1 inhibitor on an in vitro model of M1 and M2 macrophage polarization. The objective was to investigate whether these compounds could enhance antioxidative response. To evaluate this, key genes and proteins involved in antioxidative pathways were analyzed. Gene expression was assessed using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), and protein presence was determined through immunohistochemistry (IHC) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The findings of this study indicate that stimulation of macrophage subgroups with the selected compounds promotes a shift towards anti-inflammatory and antioxidative response. / <p>Rektor tilldelade Leo Svahn stipendie Österby för <em>välartade obemedlade studier</em>.</p>

Biomarkers for Better Understanding of the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Chronic Pain : Investigations of Human Biofluids

Lind, Anne-Li January 2017 (has links)
Chronic pain affects 20 % of the global population, causes suffering, is difficult to treat, and constitutes a large economic burden for society. So far, the characterization of molecular mechanisms of chronic pain-like behaviors in animal models has not translated into effective treatments. In this thesis, consisting of five studies, pain patient biofluids were analyzed with modern proteomic methods to identify biomarker candidates that can be used to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology chronic pain and lead to more effective treatments. Paper I is a proof of concept study, where a multiplex solid phase-proximity ligation assay (SP-PLA) was applied to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the first time. CSF reference protein levels and four biomarker candidates for ALS were presented. The investigated proteins were not altered by spinal cord stimulation (SCS) treatment for neuropathic pain. In Paper II, patient CSF was explored by dimethyl and label-free mass spectrometric (MS) proteomic methods. Twelve proteins, known for their roles in neuroprotection, nociceptive signaling, immune regulation, and synaptic plasticity, were identified to be associated with SCS treatment of neuropathic pain. In Paper III, proximity extension assay (PEA) was used to analyze levels of 92 proteins in serum from patients one year after painful disc herniation. Patients with residual pain had significantly higher serum levels of 41 inflammatory proteins. In Paper IV, levels of 55 proteins were analyzed by a 100-plex antibody suspension bead array (ASBA) in CSF samples from two neuropathic pain patient cohorts, one cohort of fibromyalgia patients and two control cohorts. CSF protein profiles consisting of levels of apolipoprotein C1, ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 2, angiotensinogen, prostaglandin-H2 D-isomerase, neurexin-1, superoxide dismutases 1 and 3 were found to be associated with neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia. In Paper V, higher CSF levels of five chemokines and LAPTGF-beta-1were detected in two patient cohorts with neuropathic pain compared with healthy controls. In conclusion, we demonstrate that combining MS proteomic and multiplex antibody-based methods for analysis of patient biofluid samples is a viable approach for discovery of biomarker candidates for the pathophysiology and treatment of chronic pain. Several biomarker candidates possibly reflecting systemic inflammation, lipid metabolism, and neuroinflammation in different pain conditions were identified for further investigation. / Uppsala Berzelii Technology Centre for Neurodiagnostics

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