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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En jämförelse mellan mättekniker för högerkammarbedömning vid ekokardiografi : Överensstämmelse mellan s´ och TAPSE / A comparison of measure techniques for right ventricular function assessment in echocardiography : Correlation between s´ and TAPSE

Göransson, Lizette, Fredlund, Filippa January 2017 (has links)
Bedömningen av höger kammares systoliska funktion kan med fördel göras med ekokardiografi, bl.a. med tekniker som tvådimensionell ekokardiografi, motion-mode (M-mode) och Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI). Mätvärden som kan fås ut av dessa tekniker är Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion (TAPSE) och s`. TAPSE beskriver annulus tricuspidalis longitudinella rörlighet. s´ beskriver den maximala systoliska hastigheten i annulus tricuspidalis. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka sambandet mellan TAPSE och s´ vid högerkammarfunktionsbestämning. Studien är en retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie och består av 99 deltagare i åldrarna 18–90 år. Både friska och hjärt-och kärlsjuka deltagare inkluderades, men inte patienter med förmaksflimmer eller individer som var yngre än 18 år. Deltagarna undersöktes med transthorakal ekokardiografi (TTE) vid Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping, vid undersökningen mättes TAPSE och s´. Det var samma biomedicinska analytiker (BMA) som utförde undersökningarna. McNemars test utfördes och ett Kappa-värde räknades ut. Resultatet visade signifikant skillnad och Kappa-värdet var lågt vilket talar för dåligt samband mellan de båda variablerna. Utfallet i studien visar att fler deltagare klassas med normal högerkammarfunktion mätt med TAPSE, medan samma individer klassas med högerkammardysfunktion mätt med s´. Orsaken till det dåliga sambandet mellan parametrarna är okänt och bör studeras vidare i kommande studier. / The assessment of right ventricular systolic function is done by echocardiography, with techniques as twodimensional echocardiography, motion-mode (M-mode) and Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI). Measurements ​​obtained from these techniques are Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion (TAPSE) and s`. TAPSE describes the longitudinal movement of annulus tricuspidalis. s´ describes annulus tricuspidalis maximal systolic velocity. The purpose of this essay was to explore the relationship between TAPSE and s´. The study consists of 99 participants between the ages of 18 and 90. The population was consisted of individuals with or without cardiovascular disease, but not individuals with atrial fibrillation. Participants were investigated with transthorakal echocardiography (TTE) at Länssjukhuset Ryhov in Jönköping. At the examination both TAPSE and s´ was measured. McNemar's test was performed and a Kappa value was calculated. The result showed a significant difference and the Kappa value was low which indicates a low relationship between the variables. The outcome of the study shows that several participants are classified with normal right ventricular function measured with TAPSE, but the same individuals are classified with right ventricular dysfunction measured by s'. The reason for the poor relationship between the parameters is unknown and should be studied further in future studies.

Estudo do sistema de planejamento e controle de materiais no Laboratório de Hematologia do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto / Study of materials planning and control system on the Haematology Laboratory of the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirão Preto

Duarte, Nathalia Campos Moura 20 October 2015 (has links)
Diante do atual contexto econômico enfrentado pelas organizações, ações que visam a redução de custos e desperdícios são cada vez mais evidentes. No setor de saúde, em especial no ramo da medicina diagnóstica, a pressão financeira exercida tanto no âmbito público como privado, o aumento da demanda por exames, o avanço da tecnologia, e consequentemente, o aumento do investimento associado ao seu uso fizeram com que os custos aumentassem de forma crescente. Dessa forma, um dos maiores custos dos laboratórios se refere a materiais (insumos), inclusive equipamentos, sendo assim, os estoques representam importante quesito a ser administrado uma vez que a gestão de materiais tem o objetivo de conciliar os interesses entre as necessidades de suprimentos e a otimização dos recursos financeiros e operacionais das empresas. Nesse sentido o presente estudo objetivou o estudo e análise do sistema de planejamento e controle de materiais (mais especificamente os reagentes utilizados na realização dos e hemogramas e contagem de reticulócitos) do Laboratório de Hematologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. A pesquisa caracterizou-se por ser uma pesquisa aplicada, qualitativa e quantitativa, bem como exploratória. Para tanto foram utilizadas como técnicas de coleta de dados observação in locco, entrevistas e análise documental de dados secundários. Os dados coletados foram relacionados ao processo de realização dos exames e da gestão e controle dos reagentes, além da gestão do contrato. Para realização das análises quantitativas foram levantadas informações sobre a quantidade de reagentes adquiridos bem como demanda de exames realizados ao longo dos anos de 2013 e 2014, período das análises compreendido durante o estudo. Os resultados analisados permitiram concluir que a forma de estruturação do contrato com fornecedor dificulta a gestão eficiente dos recursos. / According to the actual economic context faced by organizations, pressures for cost and waste reduction are increasingly evident. In the healthcare sector, especially in diagnostic medicine, the financial pressure, the increased demand for test, the advance of technology and the high investment associated to it use induced to an incrementally increase of the costs. Thus, one of the biggest costs of laboratories refers to materials (inputs), including equipment. Therefore, stocks represent an important issue to consider, once materials management aims to reconcile the interests of the supply needs and the optimization of financial and operational resources of the companies. In this sense, the present research aimed the study and analysis the materials and control system (specifically the reagents used in clinical blood count tests and reticulocyte count) on the Hematology Laboratory of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine Clinical Hospital. The study was considered an applied, exploratory, qualitative and quantitative research. It was used as data collection techniques in loco observation, interviews and document analysis of secondary data. The collected data were related to the process of the examinations and the management and control of reagents, as well as contract management. To perform the quantitative analyzes information about the amount of reagents purchased and demand for tests performed over the years 2013 and 2014 have been raised. Therefore, it was concluded that the form of contract suppliers structuring does not allow an efficient management of resources.

Lipemi-interferens vid mätning av Hb på Sysmex XN-10 och HemoCue Hb 201+ / Lipemic interferens on the measurement of Hb on Sysmex XN-10 and HemoCue Hb 201+

Andersson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Anemi kan uppstå till följd av förlust av erytrocyter eller försämrad produktion av nya erytrocyter. För att upptäcka och följa upp patienter med anemi är det viktigt att korrekt kunna mäta hemoglobinkoncentrationen (Hb) i blodet. En vanlig metod för att mäta Hb-koncentration är fotometri i kombination med en kemisk omvandling. Liksom alla mätningar med ljus är dessa känsliga för turbiditet i provet. Lipemi är en vanlig källa till turbiditet som kan uppstå till exempel som följd av en fettrik måltid, diabetes mellitus, lever- eller njursjukdomar, alkoholism och vissa läkemedel. Olika instrumenttillverkare har olika metoder för att motverka interferensen av lipemi. Sysmex hematologi-instrument XN-10 använder en fettlösande bärarvätska i sin fotometriska kanal (HGB) och HemoCue mäter vid en andra våglängd som ska kompensera för turbiditet. Sysmex XN-10 har också en optisk kanal (HGB-O) som är till för att räkna retikulocyter genom att mäta deras nukleinsyra- samt Hb-innehåll men ger då också ett beräknat värde på Hb-koncentrationen i hela provet. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra HGB och den HGB-O för bestämning av Hb-koncentrationen i helblod. Båda kanalerna jämfördes även med HemoCue Hb 201+ vid bestämning av Hbkoncentrationen i svårt lipemiska prover. Hb-mätning på plasma från motsvarande prover utfördes också för att undersöka om värdet motsvarade Hb-höjningen i de lipemiska proverna. Prover analyserade med både HGB och HGB-O på Sysmex XN-10 på klinisk kemi vid Skånes universitetssjukhus i Lund under november månad 2018 (n = 392) jämfördes med hjälp av Spearmans rangkorrelationskoefficient. Lipemi simulerades med fettemulsionen Intralipid i totalt 32 prover. Färdiganalyserade patientprover från föregående dag delades i ett lipemiskt prov med Intralipidtillsats och ett nollprov med tillsats av NaCl-lösning i en motsvarande volym. Differenserna mellan de lipemiska- och nollprovernas Hb-värden testades för signifikans med icke-parametrisk Wilcoxons teckenrangtest. Kruskal-Wallis samt Dunns's tester användes för att visa på signifikanta skillnader mellan de tre metoderna. Signifikansnivån sattes vid p < 0,05. Resultaten visade god korrelation mellan HGB - och HGB-O Hb-värden med ett Spearman korrelationsvärde på 0,982.  Jämförelsen av metoderna vid lipemi visade signifikant skillnad mellan nollprov och lipemiskt prov för HGB- (p < 0,001) men inte HGB-O (p = 0,11) på XN-10. HemoCue Hb 201+ visade också signifikant skillnad (p < 0,001) vid lipemi men med lägre median-värde än HGB och mindre spridning än HGB-O. HGB-O:s median-värde tydde på minst lipemipåverkan men spridningen av differenserna var stor. Spridningen av HGB-O resultaten kan bero på hemolys då endast intracellulärt Hb mäts i denna kanal. Resultaten i denna studie tyder på att HemoCue-metoden är den mest pålitliga vid Hb-mätning av lipemiska prover och därmed det lämpligaste komplementet till HGBmetoden / Anemia can arise from either loss of erythrocytes or impaired production of new erythrocytes. In order to discover and evaluate the treatment of anemic patients, correct Hb measurements are important. A common method to measure Hb concentration is photometry in combination with chemical conversion of the Hb. Like all light-dependent methods this suffers from a vulnerability to turbidity that scatters light. Lipemia is a common cause of turbidity caused by e.g. recent intake of high fat foods, diabetes mellitus, liver or kidney disease, alcoholism and some drugs. Manufacturers of Hb analyzers use different methods to counter the influence of interference from lipemia on measurements. Sysmex XN-10 analyzers use a fat dissolving sheath fluid in its photometric channel (HGB) and HemoCue measures absorbance at a second wavelength to compensate for turbidity. Sysmex XN-10 also has an optic channel (HGB-O) for counting reticulocytes by measuring their nucleic acid and Hb content. At the same time this channel measures Hb equivalents of erythrocytes and gives a calculated value of Hb content in the entire sample. The aim of this study was to compare the photometric and the optical channels for measuring Hb concentration in whole blood. Both the Sysmex XN-10 channels were compared with HemoCue Hb 201+ when measuring Hb concentrations in lipemic samples. Plasma Hb concentration was determined for the corresponding samples in order to investigate correlation between elevation in Hb concentration with and without simulated lipemia and in the plasma after centrifugation. Samples analyzed at Skånes University Hospital in Lund during the month of November 2018 (n = 392) using both HGB and HGB-O on XN-10 were compared using Spearman's signed correlations coefficient. Lipemia was simulated by using the fat emulsion Intralipid in a total of 32 samples. Samples collected and analyzed on the previous day was used for the study. Each sample was split into one part with added Intralipid to form a lipemic sample and one part with NaCl-solution of the same volume as Intralipid in the lipemic sample. The differences between lipemic and non lipemic samples was tested for significance by the non-parametric Wilcoxons signed ranks test for each of the methods. Significance between the three methods was tested by using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests. Level of significance was set to p < 0.05. The results showed good correlation between earlier test run on both HGB and HGB-O with a Spearman correlation score of 0,982.  A significant difference was found between lipemic and non lipemic samples with the photometric method (p < 0,001) but not the optical method (p = 0,11) on XN10. HemoCue Hb 201+ also showed a significant difference (p < 0,001) between lipemic and non lipemic samples but a lower median than HGB and less deviation than HGB-O. The median of HGB-O indicated that it was influenced the least by lipemia of the three methods but had the greatest deviation of the differences. The greater deviation of HGB-O values may have been caused by hemolysis since the method measures intra cellular Hb. HemoCue shows according to this study the slightest deviation of the three methods and a less heightened median value compared to HGB which confirms the methods suitability as complement to HGB when dealing with lipemic samples.

Estudo do sistema de planejamento e controle de materiais no Laboratório de Hematologia do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto / Study of materials planning and control system on the Haematology Laboratory of the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirão Preto

Nathalia Campos Moura Duarte 20 October 2015 (has links)
Diante do atual contexto econômico enfrentado pelas organizações, ações que visam a redução de custos e desperdícios são cada vez mais evidentes. No setor de saúde, em especial no ramo da medicina diagnóstica, a pressão financeira exercida tanto no âmbito público como privado, o aumento da demanda por exames, o avanço da tecnologia, e consequentemente, o aumento do investimento associado ao seu uso fizeram com que os custos aumentassem de forma crescente. Dessa forma, um dos maiores custos dos laboratórios se refere a materiais (insumos), inclusive equipamentos, sendo assim, os estoques representam importante quesito a ser administrado uma vez que a gestão de materiais tem o objetivo de conciliar os interesses entre as necessidades de suprimentos e a otimização dos recursos financeiros e operacionais das empresas. Nesse sentido o presente estudo objetivou o estudo e análise do sistema de planejamento e controle de materiais (mais especificamente os reagentes utilizados na realização dos e hemogramas e contagem de reticulócitos) do Laboratório de Hematologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. A pesquisa caracterizou-se por ser uma pesquisa aplicada, qualitativa e quantitativa, bem como exploratória. Para tanto foram utilizadas como técnicas de coleta de dados observação in locco, entrevistas e análise documental de dados secundários. Os dados coletados foram relacionados ao processo de realização dos exames e da gestão e controle dos reagentes, além da gestão do contrato. Para realização das análises quantitativas foram levantadas informações sobre a quantidade de reagentes adquiridos bem como demanda de exames realizados ao longo dos anos de 2013 e 2014, período das análises compreendido durante o estudo. Os resultados analisados permitiram concluir que a forma de estruturação do contrato com fornecedor dificulta a gestão eficiente dos recursos. / According to the actual economic context faced by organizations, pressures for cost and waste reduction are increasingly evident. In the healthcare sector, especially in diagnostic medicine, the financial pressure, the increased demand for test, the advance of technology and the high investment associated to it use induced to an incrementally increase of the costs. Thus, one of the biggest costs of laboratories refers to materials (inputs), including equipment. Therefore, stocks represent an important issue to consider, once materials management aims to reconcile the interests of the supply needs and the optimization of financial and operational resources of the companies. In this sense, the present research aimed the study and analysis the materials and control system (specifically the reagents used in clinical blood count tests and reticulocyte count) on the Hematology Laboratory of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine Clinical Hospital. The study was considered an applied, exploratory, qualitative and quantitative research. It was used as data collection techniques in loco observation, interviews and document analysis of secondary data. The collected data were related to the process of the examinations and the management and control of reagents, as well as contract management. To perform the quantitative analyzes information about the amount of reagents purchased and demand for tests performed over the years 2013 and 2014 have been raised. Therefore, it was concluded that the form of contract suppliers structuring does not allow an efficient management of resources.

Jämförelse av kemiinstrument och validering av referensintervall hos hund och katt / Comparison of chemical instruments and validation of reference intervals in dogs and cats

Borg, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Klinisk kemiska analyser har hög klinisk relevans. I serum/plasma kan olika parametrar kvantifieras. Dessa parametrar kan vara proteiner, enzymer, joner, metaller, lipider och kolhydrater. Med hjälp av referensintervall kan veterinärer ställa diagnos, följa behandling och sjukdomsförlopp. Parametrar detekteras med olika analysprinciper/metoder; kolorimetri, immunturbidimetri, enzymatisk metod och potentiometri. Djursjukhuset, AniCura, i Hässleholm mottagas både hundar och katter. Cirka 120 kemianalyser analyseras varje dag. AniCura har köpt in ett nytt våtkemiiinstrument, Indiko Plus, som ska ersätta Cobas C111. Med Indiko Plus tillkommer fler provpositioner, 8 nya analyser, ökad kapaciteten och underlättad användning.  Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra instrumenten och ta fram eget referensintervall som jämfördes med referensintervall framtaget av Thermo Fisher. Verifiering av det nya instrumentet genomfördes med precisionsstudie och linjäritetsstudie. Provtagning på hundar och katter utfördes av personal på AniCura. Jämförelsen gjordes med patientprover och referensintervall togs fram med hjälp av prover från friska hundar och katter. Jämförelsen visade att 9 av 13 analyser hade statistisk signifikant skillnad. Orsaken till det beror troligen på skillnaden av reagens, instrumentens ålder och tid mellan mätningar. Ett nytt referensintervall utarbetades och skiljde sig inte mycket från Thermo Fishers intervall. Vidare validering på grund av liten population rekommenderades. Precisionen för Indiko Plus blev godkänd. Linjäriteten blev icke linjär och berodde troligen på en dålig pipett och bör göras om. / Clinical chemical analyzes has high clinical relevance. In serum/plasma, different parameters can be quantified. Parameters can be proteins, enzymes, ions, metals, lipids, and carbohydrates. With reference intervals, veterinarians can set diagnosis, follow treatment and development of the disease. Parameters are detected with different analysis principles/methods; colorimetry, immunoturbidimetry, enzymatic method and potentiometry. The animal hospital, AniCura, in Hässleholm accept dogs and cats. About 120 chemical analyzes are analyzed every day. AniCura purchased a new instrument, Indiko Plus, which will replace Cobas C111. Indiko Plus provide, more sample positions, 8 new analyzes, increased capacity, and facilitated use. The purpose of this study was to compare the instruments and produce a new reference interval which was compared to the reference interval provided by Thermo Fisher. To verify Indiko Plus, a precision and linearity study were conducted. Blood sampling of dogs and cats was performed by staff at AniCura. The comparison was made with patient samples and the reference intervals were obtained using samples from healthy animals. The comparison showed 9 of 13 analyzes had a statistically significant difference. The reason for this is probably due to the difference in reagents, the age of the instruments and the time between measurements. A new reference interval was developed and did not differ much from the Thermo Fisher interval. Further validation due to low population was recommended. The precision for Indiko Plus was approved. The linearity study shows not linear trend but was likely due to a bad pipette and should be redone.

Optimering samt implementering av Harts automatiserade färgningsmetod : Ersättning av Verhoeffs manuella elastinfärgning / Optimisation and implementation of Harts automated staining method

Lundström, Jonathan, Skagersten, Joel January 2021 (has links)
Elastinfibrer ger blodkärl och andra vävnader deras flexibilitet. Elastinfärgning är relevant när man misstänker melanom, temporalis artrit, venös invasion och efter blodkärlsoperationer. Syftet var att med hjälp av olika vävnadstyper optimera och implementera den automatiserad elastinfärgningen enligt Hart, för att ersätta den nuvarande manuella elastinfärgning enligt Verhoeff vid patologilaboratoriet på länssjukhuset Ryhov, Jönköping. Colon, njure, hud samt navelsträng färgades med den automatiska metoden enligt Hart för att hitta optimala inställningar. Vävnader från samma områden färgades med den manuella metoden enligt Verhoeff samt den automatiska metoden enligt Hart för att jämföra dem. Snitten bedömdes av en läkare så allt färgades som det skulle. Optimeringen av Harts metod resulterade i en inkubationstid på tolv minuter samt en optimal färgningsbehandling utan xylen. Resultaten av jämförelsen mellan den automatiska metoden enligt Hart och den manuella metoden enligt Verhoeff visar att den automatiska metoden enligt Hart ger bättre kontrast samt bakgrundsinfärgning. Slutsatsen blev att den automatiska metoden enligt Harts var bättre än den manuella metoden enligt Verhoeff, att i framtida studier studera möjligheten att byta ut läskningen mot till exempel ytterligare ett etanoldop samt att byta ut snitten av navelsträngen mot snitt av lever. / Elastic fibres ensure blood vessels and other tissues flexibility. Elastic staining of tissue is relevant when there is suspicion of melanoma, temporalis arteritis, venous invasion and after operations on blood vessels. The aim of the study was with the help of different tissue samples optimize and implement Hart´s elastic staining method as a substitute for Verhoeff’s at pathology lab at county hospital Ryhov, Jönköping. Colon, kidney, skin, and umbilical cord cross section got stained with Hart´s automated elastic staining method to evaluate the optimal staining procedure. Same region of the tissues was stained with Verhoeff´s manual elastic staining method and Hart´s method. All cross section were assessed and compared with the help of a pathologist doctor. Optimization of Hart´s method resulted in an incubation period of twelve minutes and optimal staining procedure without xylene. Result of comparison between Hart´s staining method and Verhoeff´s staining method showed that Hart´s staining method had a better contrast and background. Conclusions of the study was that Hart´s staining method was better than Verhoeff´s staining method, further studies could include research about a substitution of the blotting step with an extra ethanol bath as an example and liver tissue instead of the umbilical cord.

Fixering av blåssköljvätska för urincytologi : En jämförelse av ThinPrep® CytoLyt solution med fixeringslösning innehållande ättiksyra / Fixation of bladder washings for urine cytology : A comparison of ThinPrep® CytoLyt solution with fixative containing acetic acid

Lindgren, Pernilla, Söderblom, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Urinblåsecancer är den sjunde vanligaste cancerformen i Sverige där blåssköljvätska utgör det huvudsakliga provmaterialet vid utredning. ThinPrep® är en vanligt förkommande metod som används inom vätskebaserad cytologi vid analys av blåssköljvätska. Fixering av provmaterialet kan försvåra diagnostiken på grund av förändrad morfologi samt artefakter.  Studiens syfte var att jämföra erhållet preparatinnehåll från blåssköljvätskor som fixerats med fixeringslösning innehållande ättiksyra med CytoLyt® solution. Studien ämnade även jämföra ThinPrep® filtren ”Non-GYN” och ”UroCyte”.  Studien inkluderade 90 patientprover av blåssköljvätska som fixerades med tillsats av ättiksyra samt CytoLyt®, varvid filtren ”Non-GYN” samt ”UroCyte” användes. Preparaten bedömdes av cytodiagnostiker samt cytopatolog utifrån kriterierna: bakgrundsmaterial, cellmängd samt färgbarhet. Resultatet visade att CytoLyt® i kombination med filtret ”Non-GYN” gav ett mer representativt preparat samt lämnade en god bakgrundsbild. Användandet av CytoLyt® resulterade i fler diagnostiska fördelar jämfört med fixering av ättiksyra, vilket även gynnar patienter. / Bladder cancer is the seventh most common form of cancer in Sweden where the main source of material for investigation are bladder washings. A common method within liquid-based cytology for analysis of bladder washings is ThinPrep®. Altered morphology as well as artifacts due to fixation can complicate funkar “the diagnostics of the sample. The aim of this study was to compare the slide content obtained from bladder washings fixed with fixative containing acetic acid with CytoLyt® solution. The study also intended to compare the ThinPrep® filters "Non-GYN" and "UroCyte". A total of 90 samples of bladder washings from patients where included. The samples where fixed with the addition of acetic acid and CytoLyt®, using the "Non-GYN" and "UroCyte" filters. A cytotechnologist and a cytopathologist assessed the preparations based on the criteria background material, cell quantity and the amount of colour change. The results showed that CytoLyt® in combination with the filter "Non-GYN" gave a more representative preparation and provided a good background image. The use of CytoLyt® resulted in more diagnostic benefits compared to fixation with acetic acid, which also benefits patients.

The Clinical Decision Support System AMPEL for Laboratory Diagnostics: Implementation and Technical Evaluation

Walter Costa, Maria Beatriz, Wernsdorfer, Mark, Kehrer, Alexander, Voigt, Markus, Cundius, Carina, Federbusch, Martin, Eckelt, Felix, Remmler, Johannes, Schmidt, Maria, Pehnke, Sarah, Gärtner, Christiane, Wehner, Markus, Isermann, Berend, Richter, Heike, Telle, Jörg, Kaiser, Thorsten 18 February 2022 (has links)
Background: Laboratory results are of central importance for clinical decision making. The time span between availability and review of results by clinicians is crucial to patient care. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are computational tools that can identify critical values automatically and help decrease treatment delay. Objective: With this work, we aimed to implement and evaluate a CDSS that supports health care professionals and improves patient safety. In addition to our experiences, we also describe its main components in a general manner to make it applicable to a wide range of medical institutions and to empower colleagues to implement a similar system in their facilities. Methods: Technical requirements must be taken into account before implementing a CDSS that performs laboratory diagnostics (labCDSS). These can be planned within the functional components of a reactive software agent, a computational framework for such a CDSS. Results: We present AMPEL (Analysis and Reporting System for the Improvement of Patient Safety through Real-Time Integration of Laboratory Findings), a labCDSS that notifies health care professionals if a life-threatening medical condition is detected. We developed and implemented AMPEL at a university hospital and regional hospitals in Germany (University of Leipzig Medical Center and the Muldental Clinics in Grimma and Wurzen). It currently runs 5 different algorithms in parallel: hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hyperlactatemia, and acute kidney injury. Conclusions: AMPEL enables continuous surveillance of patients. The system is constantly being evaluated and extended and has the capacity for many more algorithms. We hope to encourage colleagues from other institutions to design and implement similar CDSS using the theory, specifications, and experiences described in this work.

Hållbarhet på kapillära blodprover för analys av hemoglobin, leukocyter och trombocyter / Shelf life for analysis of haemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets in capillary blood samples

Johansson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Inom klinisk verksamhet är det av stor betydelse att känna till hållbarheten på olika analyter för att säkerställa att analysen inte genomförs på för gamla prover. Vid litteratursökning framgick att bland de publicerade studier som undersökt hållbarheten på blodprover har de flesta undersökt hållbarheten på venösa men inte kapillära blodprover. En vanligt förekommande analys med både venösa och kapillära prover är blodstatus, som inkluderar bland annat bestämning av hemoglobinkoncentrationen (Hb-), leukocyt- samt trombocytpartikelkoncentrationen (LPK och TPK). Analys av blodets celler kan ge allmän information om hälsotillståndet hos patienter och är därav viktiga och vanligt förekommande analyser. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hållbarheten för analyserna Hb, LPK och TPK på kapillära blodprover efter fyra och sex timmars förvaring i rumstemperatur. Provmaterialet utgjordes av 100 kapillära prover som analyserades på hematologiinstrumentet Sysmex XN-10. Analysmetoden för Hb var fotometri med natriumlaurylsulfat- (SLS-) metoden. LPK bestämdes med flödescytometri medan TPK bestämdes med impedansmetoden alternativt flödescytometri. Resultatet visade att det för Hb inte förekom någon signifikant statistisk skillnad mellan den initiala analysen och efter fyra respektive sex timmar. Analysresultatet för Hb var därmed stabilt under förhållandena i denna studie. För LPK och TPK förekom statistiskt signifikanta skillnader mellan resultatet vid den initiala analysen jämfört med efter fyra respektive sex timmar. Analysresultaten för LPK och TPK var därmed inte lika stabila som Hb är under förhållandena i studien. Den statistiska skillnaden bedömdes däremot inte ha någon klinisk betydelse, vilket ledde till slutsatsen är att kapillära prover för analys av Hb, LPK och TPK är hållbara i sex timmar vid förvaring i rumstemperatur. / One important factor in clinical practice is understanding the stability of analytes and for how long blood samples can be stored before analysis. Most published studies are based on venous blood samples rather than capillary. The knowledge about storage time for cells in capillary blood is therefore limited. Plenty of information can be obtained by analysing the blood cells and its components, including haemoglobin, white blood cells and platelets. These analyses are therefore some of the most common in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the analysis result for haemoglobin, white blood cells and platelets in capillary blood samples after storage at room temperature for four and six hours, respectively. In the study, 100 capillary samples from anonymous patients were analysed with the haematology analyser Sysmex XN-10. The method for analysing haemoglobin was the sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) detection method with spectrophotometry. White blood cells were analysed with fluorescens flow cytometry. Platelets were analysed with either impedance or fluorescens flow cytometry. The result of the study showed no statistically significant difference between the initial analysis results in haemoglobin and at four and six hours, concluding that within the conditions of this study, the analysis result for haemoglobin was stable. Significant statical differences were identified for both white blood cells and platelet analysis results at four and six hours. However, the identified statistical significance was not esteemed to have any clinical relevance. In conclusion haemoglobin, white blood cells and platelets in capillary blood can be stored for at least six hours at room temperature.

Fatores responsáveis pela mudança no desempenho da indústria das análises clínicas no Brasil

Pereira, Flavia Malta Fernandes 13 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by FLAVIA MALTA FERNANDES PEREIRA (flavia.malta@uol.com.br) on 2012-04-09T20:29:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2012-04-10T11:58:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-04-10T14:33:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-04-10T14:33:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) Dissertacao-v13-apresentada_e_corrigida.pdf: 3582169 bytes, checksum: 0e07a0c09a2ac13e7907df57f566d298 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-13 / The clinical laboratories are constantly exposed to changes that may be caused by several factors, whether economic or not. Today clinical laboratories face several challenges, such as the pressure to reducing costs and improving service quality while facing the need of attaining ever higher levels of automation and technical quality. Being aware of such challenges and reacting to them in sufficient timing so as to assure their business survival is the main challenge of laboratories' managers, who are better prepared technically than managerially. The urgent need for a new strategy in this aerea is a reality This study aims to survey the factors that were responsible for the change in performance in Brazilian laboratories. We raised three important factors defined by type of portfolio, automation with LIS system and outsourcing, which were presented by 15 non-financial indicators. We developed a structural equation model with which we assessed the significance and magnitude of each of these factors on laboratory performance. We found that only one of such factors showed significance, which was the automation with LIS system. Thus, our research shows that this factor is the main agent of change in performance in clinical laboratories in Brazil. / Os laboratórios de análises clínicas estão constantemente expostos a mudanças que podem ser causadas por vários fatores, sejam eles econômicos ou não. Hoje os laboratórios clínicos enfrentam diversos desafios, tais como a pressão para reduzir custos e melhorar a qualidade do serviço, enquanto enfrenta a necessidade de alcançar níveis cada vez maior de automação e qualidade técnica. Estar ciente de tais desafios e reagindo a eles em tempo suficiente, de modo a garantir a sua sobrevivência do negócio é o principal desafio dos gestores de laboratórios, que estão melhor preparados tecnicamente do que gerencialmente. A necessidade urgente de uma nova estratégia nesta áerea é uma realidade. Este estudo visou o levantamento dos fatores que foram responsáveis pela mudança no desempenho em laboratórios brasileiros. Levantamos três fatores importantes definidos por tipo de carteira, automação com sistema LIS e terceirização, que foram apresentados por 15 indicadores não-financeiros. Descobrimos que apenas um dos fatores mostrou significância, que foi a automação com sistema LIS. Assim, nossa pesquisa mostra que este fator é o principal agente de mudança do desempenho em laboratórios de análises clínicas no Brasil.

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