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Analýza trhu práce v Itálii / Analysis of the Italian Labour MarketKadlecová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis consists of two main parts: descriptive and analytical. The descriptive part focuses on providing the readers with information about the main characteristics of the Italian labour market. It provides not only statistical data about the labour market but also describes the key instruments and provisions of the Italian social and labour policy. In the analytical part, conclusions from the descriptive part are drawn, several critical issues are pointed out and proposals for improvement are presented. Due to the complexity of the topic, the thesis concentrates on depicting an overall image of the current situation at the Italian labour market. However, it does not aspire to provide details on all range of questions related to it. As a logical consequence of the fact that hardly any information in the Czech language on the topic stays at disposal, the thesis is based on the information and data presented mostly in Italian, possibly in English language, by Italian and international (non-)governmental organisations.
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Functionality and comparative advantages among the provinces of South Africa: A location quotient analysis of employment distribution.John, Moyin January 2019 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / The purpose of the study is to examine the functions of provinces in South Africa and their respective comparative advantages from 2013 to 2017, in terms of employment absorption. It is predicted or assumed that there are considerable spatial disparities in the functions and comparative advantage profiles among provinces, some of them performing highly sophisticated functions and being comparatively better in terms of labour market outcomes than others. It is also assumed that this comes as a result of spatial preferences in location of firms.
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Female Participation in the Work Force and Family Size Hamilton: A Case StudyBago , Dragana January 1988 (has links)
No Abstract provided / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)
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Youth wage subsidy as a possible solution to youth unemployment in South AfricaKasongo, Atoko Haydee AH January 2013 (has links)
South Africa is characterised by its high and persistent level of unemployment, in particular
among the youth. The high youth unemployment is attributed to various reasons, ranging
from their lack of work experience, skills mismatch to employment and wage rigidities. The
South African government proposed the youth wage subsidy to be implemented in 2011, with
the primary aim of solving the youth unemployment problem. This study starts by providing a
literature review on the youth labour market trends since the transition; it emerged that there
is a lack of studies focusing exclusively on how youths fare in the labour market. Next, the
demographic and educational attainment characteristics of the youth narrow labour force,
employed and narrow unemployed are analysed under the narrow or strict definition, using
the 1995-1999 October Household Surveys (OHSs), the 2000-2007 Labour Force Surveys
(LFSs) and the 2008-2011 Quarterly Labour Force Surveys (QLFSs). With regard to
unemployed youths, it is found that they are more likely to be blacks, without Matric and have
never worked before. The main causes of youth unemployment are then discussed in detail,
before the thesis moves on to examine the various active and passive labour market policies
that could help to address the youth unemployment problem. The possible pros and cons of
the youth wage subsidy, one of the active policies and the focus of this study, are discussed in
greater detail. In particular, the claim by institutions such as COSATU that the introduction of
the subsidy would lead to elderly workers (who are not subsidised) being replaced by the
youth workers (who are subsidised) is not entirely correct, as these two groups of workers
could be complementary instead of substitutes, and the introduction of the subsidy
programme could result in an increase of demand for both elderly and youth workers. It is
concluded that, although the youth wage subsidy could be one of the feasible solutions to
stimulate demand for youth labour, it is not sufficient to address youth unemployment. It
needs to be complemented by the other policies, such as a job search subsidy (targeting
discouraged work seekers) and public employment programmes (e.g. Expanded Public Works
Programme); but it is most important to note that these policies could only be fully effective if
the root causes of youth unemployment are addressed by the government. / Magister Economicae - MEcon
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Darbo jėgos migracijos poveikis ekonomikai / The labour force mobility influence to economicsBužinskaitė, Ramunė 21 August 2008 (has links)
Šiandieninė migracija yra didžiausias visų laikų žmonių judėjimas. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais šis reiškinys apima apie 200 milijonų žmonių. Tai tampa vis sudėtingesne problema socialiniu, kultūriniu, politiniu, religiniu ir ekonominiu požiūriu. Siekiamas tyrimo tikslas yra įvertinti kiek tiksliai migracijos pokyčiai veikia demografinius bei ekonominius pokyčius. Teorinėje problemos analizėje aiškinamasi kokias darbo jėgos formas, migracijos teorijas, darbo jėgos mobilumą apsprendžiančius veiksnius išskiria Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių autoriai, kaip jie vertina darbo jėgos migracijos poveikį ekonomikai ir politikai; Situacijos analizėje vertinama kaip darbo jėgos migracija veikia šalių ekonomikas analizuojant 3 ES valstybes: Airiją, Lenkiją bei Lietuvą, vertinami bei lyginami įvairių rodiklių procentiniai pokyčiai nuo bazinių metų per 10 metų laikotarpį. Projektiniuose sprendimuose matematiškai įvertinama demografinių bei ekonominių rodiklių pokyčių priklausomybė nuo migracijos pokyčių ir atlikus migracijos mastų prognozę, aptariama galima migracijos procesų raida Lietuvoje, kuriami 3 migracijos proces�� scenarijai: optimistinis, pesimistinis ir realistinis. / Today’s migration is the biggest people movement in all-time. In late decades this phenomenon takes about two hundred million. It becomes more complicated economic, social, cultural, political and religious problem. Work mobility influences demographic and economic situation. In this work this influence will be estimated by using regression method. In the first part of this work the theoretical discourses of migration are analysed, in the second – the demographic and economic situations, influenced by labour force mobility between three countries (Ireland, Poland, Lithuania) are compared and in the third part – the correlations between migration and demographic and economic rates are found and the three scenarios (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic) are designed.
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Effective training for job creation in the South African education system / Johannes Cornelius ErasmusErasmus, Johannes Cornelius January 2002 (has links)
It is generally accepted that the quality of a country's labour force is a crucial factor in successful competition in the global economy. South Africa's richness in human resources unfortunately does not in itself make us a winning nation. Because of the low educational attainment of our labour force, we have to compete in the global economy at a disadvantage.
The global labour market is characterised by constant change (benefiting skilled workers) and the progressive destruction of jobs (affecting in particular semiskilled and unskilled workers).
The purpose of the study is to investigate the structural changes taking place in the workplace,
the effects thereof on the demand for human resources, and how education and training in
South Africa can respond to these changes to the benefit of individuals, organisations and the
country as a whole.
An intensive literature survey cast light on the development of economies, how such
development influences the demand for worker skills and how different nations have attempted
to meet the requirements of their productive systems through appropriate education and
training. South Africa's economy, labour problems and strategies to enhance human capital
and create jobs were also examined. Consistent with trends observed in the advanced
economies of the world, the pattern of activity in the South African economy has shifted from
the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary and service sectors, shedding jobs requiring
lower levels of skills and creating jobs for highly qualified workers.
A historical overview of the provision of education and training in South Africa highlights how
apartheid policies contributed to vast disparities in the skills levels of the different population
groups in South Africa. Many innovative measures to enhance skills levels and job creation
have been introduced since 1994 by the democratically elected government. These measures
were evidently informed by the experience of other countries. The formidable task of
implementing these measures or strategies successfully is exacerbated by the fact that the
different provinces in South Africa are in different stages of economic development and have
different educational outputs, leading to differences in the skills levels of their respective labour
Research on how unemployed people participate in the labour market served as the basis for
the empirical input to the study. The data collected in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape were
interpreted to ascertain how such people interact with the labour market in these provinces.
The survey results revealed that the effects of low educational levels, people's interaction with
the labour market, their job interest and the way job creation strategies are implemented may
influence the efficacy of strategies to enhance people's skill levels and to create jobs.
Factors influencing the demand for labour and factors that may impact on the success of
education and training interventions were considered in the construction of a model to prioritise
skills formation strategies. The model should be a versatile planning tool for identifying target
groups, and for prioritising and implementing skills development strategies in the context of
local socio-economic structures, as well as in the context of the national socio-economic
structure and the global economy.
As proposals for job creation by experts throughout the world have not been able to arrest
increasing unemployment rates, it would be presumptuous to claim that this study provides a
solution to the problem. Nevertheless, ways need to be found to optimise the impact of skills
formation and job creation efforts. The following recommendations are made on the basis of
the findings of the present study: • The structural and attitudinal changes taking place in the workplace should be investigated and workplace demands should be matched with the skills needed by workers. • Efficient, modern systems of administration staffed by technically competent officials should be established to manage the implementation of skills formation and job creation strategies. • A close relationship should be established between government, business and labour. • All persons over the age of 15 years who enter the labour market (and those who are already in the labour market) without the prospect of becoming employed should be registered as job seekers. • All young people should have a minimum of 12 years general education and enhanced forms of technical education. • Educational and training institutions should disabuse learners of the idea that they have to be dependent on someone else to give them a job. • The general and further education and training system should provide learners with the basic skills in mathematics, language, science and technology required by industry. • Qualified mathematics and science teachers should receive recognition through higher salaries. • Appropriate assistance should be provided to education leavers and to the unemployed. • The basic skills of those already in jobs should be improved. • Employers should be assisted on how to organise and implement workplace training. • Organisations should double their investment in training to at least 2% of their payrolls. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2002
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Poor health and early exit from labour force: an analysis using data from Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe / Poor health and early exit from labour force: an analysis using data from Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in EuropeHausenblas, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Poor health and early exit from labour force: an analysis using data from Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Václav Hausenblas May 12, 2011 Abstract Health is considered to be one the main determinants of retirement decision. A majority of empirical studies implements health using self- perceived health status measures. According to the justification hypoth- esis such a method may introduce a bias into estimation, and moreover, this bias may vary from country to country. The aim of this thesis is to make use of a dataset rich in objective measures of health from the second wave of Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe and to put side by side the estimates based on subjective measures as well as IV estimates using more objective variables and thereby to assess the mag- nitude of possible endogeneity and measurement error. It applies these identification methods on the model of early exit from labour force and discusses gender differences and specifics of given EU countries. 1
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La formation de la main d’oeuvre rurale excédentaire en Chine : enjeux et perspectives / The training of surplus rural labour in China : challenges and opportunitiesHan, Huai-Yuan 03 December 2011 (has links)
La théorie de la croissance endogène souligne l’importance de la formation pour exploiter le capital humain. Cela constitue un élément fondamental pour notre analyse sur la formation du transfert de la main d œuvre rural excédentaire en Chine.La formation de la main d œuvre rurale en Chine se divise en formation de la technologie agricole et formation du transfert, dont la première est destinée à la main d’œuvre rurale travaillant dans le secteur agricole et la deuxième est pour les ouvriers ruraux. Pour la formation du transfert, la formation à grande échelle a débuté en 2003 par « Le projet national deformation des ouvriers-paysans : 2003-2010 ». Ensuite, le gouvernement central a lancé « Le projet national « soleil » de transfert de la main d’oeuvre rurale » et « Le projet du renforcement de la formation et de l’emploi ». La formation de la main d’œuvre rural en Chine s’est caractérisée par l’orientation gouvernementale et les organismes professionnels de formation et les entreprises qui ne sont pas assez actives. Ces dernières années, bien que la formation de la main d’œuvre rurale en Chine ait connu une certaine réussite, il reste encore beaucoup de choses à résumer et à améliorer.Cette thèse s’est concentrée principalement sur l’analyse de la formation de la main d’œuvre rurale excédentaire en Chine.L’analyse est fondée sur des bases de statistiques. / The theory of endogenous growth underlines the importance of training for the utilization of human capital. This is a fundamental element of our analysis of the training of surplus rural labour in China. The training of the rural labour force in China is divided into training in agricultural technology and retraining for industry. The first type targets rural workers in the agricultural sector and the second is for rural workers in industry. Large-scale industrial retraining commenced in 2003 with the “National Training Project for Peasant Workers: 2003-2010”. Then central government launched the “National ‘Sun’ Project for the transfer of the Rural Labour Force” and the “Project for the Reinforcement of Training and Employment”.The training of the rural labour force in China has been characterised by governmental strategic orientation, and a lack of commitment on behalf of professional training organisations and companies. In recent years, despite some success in training the Chinese rural labour force, there are still many solutions to be found or improved. The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the training of the surplus rural labour force in China. Statistical databases are used for the analysis.
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On the limits of labour mobility within the EU / On the limits of labour mobility within the EUJelínek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with labour mobility and aims to uncover the main drivers influencing the flows of workers within the European Union (EU). It first provides an extensive overview of labour market, labour mobility and legal framework in the EU. Then it discusses several theories and models dealing with labour mobility. The main part of this thesis consists in empirical analysis of labour flows within EU-25 countries. This analysis is meant to provide statistical evidence of relevant mobility drivers. Contrarily to similar works, this thesis takes into account not only economic and financial factors, but also social, psychological, linguistic and other non-tangible factors that might play important role in determining the labour flows within the EU. The thesis further focuses on specific mobility incentives of the Old and the New Member States. Based on results of the empirical model and the regression analysis, the thesis concludes by discussing the limits of labour mobility and suggesting a remedy aimed at enhancing it.
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Essays on immigrant self-employment and labour supplyAndersson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
This licentiate’s thesis consists of two essays on immigrant self-employment and labour supply. The first essay (co-author Mats Hammarstedt), Intergenerational transmissions in immigrant self-employment: Evidence from three generations, reviews intergenerational transmissions in immigrant self-employment over three generations. More precisely, we study whether self-employment is transferred both from grandfather to grandson and from father to son, as well as if there are any differences between immigrant groups and differences between immigrants and natives. In addition, we investigate the importance of the intergenerational transfer of general and specific human capital for choice of business line. The results show that having a self-employed father and self-employed grandfather have a strong positive effect on self-employment propensities for male third-generation immigrants. On the other hand, natives were found to transfer self-employment from father to son, but not from grandfather to grandson. The results also indicate that immigrants inherit self-employment abilities from their self-employed fathers increasing the self-employment propensity, but not necessarily in the same business line. In contrast, native self-employed fathers transfer human capital to their sons making them more prone to become self-employed in the same business line as the father is in. The second essay, Female immigrant labour supply: The effect of an in-work benefit, focuses on immigrant labour supply, and evaluates the effect of a recently introduced in-work benefit, the so called job deduction, on the labour supply of single immigrant women. In this study, we address the following questions: What is the effect of the in-work benefit on the labour supply of single immigrant women? Does the effect of the in-work benefit on working hours differ between immigrant groups? The results show that, on average, there is no major effect of the in-work benefit on the labour supply of single immigrant women. However, households with the lowest incomes increase their working hours quite strongly. Furthermore, on average, there appears to be no difference in the effect of the in-work benefit between immigrant groups. In the low-income households, though, immigrants from non-European countries and from Southern and Eastern European countries, increase their labour supply relatively more than immigrants from Nordic countries and Western Europe. Finally, the relatively large increase in working hours for single immigrant women with the lowest incomes appears, above all, to be a result of increased participation in the labour market. However, part of the effect is related to an increase in the number of working hours of already employed women.
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