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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toward a Network Based 3D Printing Service

Ndikuriyo, Laurier, Abdulla, Mohammad January 2013 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis has given us an opportunity to gain insight into how to create a service from scratch and to develop it into a fully functional service. The 3D printer service starts when a customer uploads a file containing the 3D design that they want to have made via a website. The file is stored and the printing request is placed into a queue. After that the client simply waits until the object is printed, with all of the various steps being handled automatically. The uploaded file containing the 3D design is automatically converted into Gcode by using the software Skeinforge. Gocde is the language that the printer interprets. The printer itself is controlled by the ReplicatorG program. The ReplicatorG program transfers the Gcode commands to the printer to print the desired object. This Gcode includes commands to warm up the automated build platform where the object will be created and to warm up the extruder head – through which plastic will be extruded to create the 3D object. If the customer wants to see the object while it is being printed – we have made this possible via a network attached camera. This camera is placed next to the printer. Once the object has been printed the automated build platform is allowed to cool and a motor driven belt advances to eject the object from the platform. In an ideal system the object would be put directly into a bag or other package – with a pre-printed label, thus it would be ready for shipping to the customer. This portion of the system has not yet been realized and is left as future work. / Detta kandidatexamensarbete har gett oss en möjlighet att få en inblick i hur det är att skapa en tjänst från grund och sedan bygga på den tills en fullt fungerande tjänst var skapad. 3D printertjänsten drar igång då en kund laddar upp den önskade filen via hemsidan, som sedan lagras och läggs i en eventuell kö. Från detta behöver inte kunden eller någon annan göra något mer utan allt sköts automatiskt. En konvertering av kundens STL fil till språket Gcode som skrivaren kan tolka sker med hjälp av programmet Skeinforge. Själva skrivaren styrs av programmet ReplicatorG där allt bestäms och slutligen ger order till skrivaren att börja skriva ut det som önskas. Om kunden vill så finns en möjlighet att med hjälp av en IP kamera även se sina produkter live då de tillverkas. Idén om att obtjekt direkt ska landa i en förpackning som är redo att skickas till kunden lämnas för framtida arbeten.

Location based sports/fitness app : Android app for smartphones

Quaresmini, Jimmy January 2015 (has links)
The City of Stockholm’s budget for sports is 1.6% of the total city budget in 2014. About 60,000, licensed (age 15 and up, about 50%) and younger actively played soccer in Stockholm in 2005. That is roughly 24% of the total number of participants in sports activities in Stockholm’s district. There is a need for a location-based application (commonly abbreviated "app") to help people spontaneously meet for different sports activities. The app developed and analyzed in this thesis will address this need and assist potential participants in organizing sports activities, deciding to participate in these activities, make friends, etc. Not only large team sports will be considered, but sports done in pairs such as tennis and other sports as well that you do with others. Consider a person who has moved to a new city and wants to play football (soccer), but does not know people in this city. This app can help this person find others who would like to play in a quick and easy way by looking at a map and seeing where others would like to participate in this sport, for example at a particular soccer field, using location information concerning the potential participants and this specific field. Apps that use location information have become very common with the widespread use of smartphones. Such an app provides a location-based service. This thesis describes the design and implementation of an Android app with a location-based service and how to set up this app, what technology is needed to get the needed location information, and the programming language used. In addition, the thesis considers users’ needs and how the app caters to those needs. An analysis will be done of how well this app communicates with a database server as the number of users increases, scales. Performance and load on both the server and app will be considered. The performance will be analyzed to see how well it matches the users’ expectations. The app developed in this thesis will be for the Android platform and Apple's iOS (but the focus in the thesis is on the Android-version). This app will communicate with a database server running a Linux OS, an Apache HTTP server, a MySQL database, and using a PHP programming web infrastructure (such a setup of services is commonly called by the acronym LAMP). The app will connect to Facebook and Twitter to exchange information (however, that is outside the scope of this thesis). / Stockholms stads budget för sport är 1,6% av den totala budgeten 2014. Ungefär 60 000 licensierade (15 år och uppåt, 50 %) och yngre aktiva fotbollsspelare fanns i Stockholm år 2005. Det motsvarar ungefär 24 % av dem som utövade sport det året i Stockholms distrikt. Det finns ett behov av en platsbaserad applikation (vanligen förkortat ”app”) som hjälper människor att spontant träffas för att utöva olika sporter man utför tillsammans. Appen som utvecklas och analyseras i detta examensarbete försöker tillgodose detta behov och hjälper potentiella deltagare att organisera sportaktiviteter, besluta att delta i dessa aktiviteter, skaffa nya vänner m.m. Inte bara stora lagsporter, men också sporter man utför i par som tennis och andra sporter man utför tillsammans med andra kommer beaktas. Betänk en person som nyss har flyttat till en ny stad och vill spela fotboll, men inte känner några i denna stad. Denna app kan hjälpa den här personen hitta andra som vill sporta på ett enkelt och snabbt sätt genom att titta på en karta och se var andra vill utöva denna sport, t.ex. på en viss fotbollsplan, med användning av platsinformation om potentiella deltagare och denna specifika plan. Appar som använder platsinformation har blivit väldigt vanliga med det utbredda användandet av smarta mobiltelefoner. En sådan här app erbjuder en platsbaserad tjänst. Denna rapport beskriver designen och implementationen av en Android app med en platsbaserad tjänst och hur man sätter upp en sådan här app, vilka teknologier som behövs för att få den platsinformation som behövs och det programmeringsspråk som används. Därutöver kommer rapporten överväga användares behov och hur appen tillgodoser dessa behov. En analys kommer genomföras av hur denna app kommunicerar med en databas server när antalet användare ökar, när den skalar. Prestanda och belastning av både appen och servern kommer tas med i beräkningen. Prestandan kommer analyseras för att se hur väl det motsvarar användares förväntningar. Appen som utvecklas i detta examensarbete kommer vara för Android och Apples iOS (men fokuset i detta examensarbete kommer vara på Android versionen). Denna app kommer kommunicera med en databas server som kör ett Linux OS, har en Apache http (webb) server, en MySQL databas och som använder en PHP programmerings-infrastrutur (en sådan uppsättning tjänster kallas vanligen LAMP, en akronym). Appen kommer ansluta till Facebook och Twitter för att utbyta information (men det ligger dock utanför ramen för detta examensarbete).

Light It Up - Designproces af en spisebordslampe

Stigborg, Christina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies how to design a light to a target group based on different theories and methods. The aim has been to investigate what factors are needed to design a good lamp based on theories developed by Poul Henningsen. The problem definition for this study is as follows: How can you use the ACD methods and design process to design a dining table lamp based on Poul Henningsen's theories about light?In order to answer the problem definition, a choice was made to work with the theoretical field of User Centered Design. The study is based on empirical evidence of light and methods that will investigate and analyze the specific needs of a target group in regard to a dining table lamp. Using a design process consisting of idea generation, conceptualizing and prototyping, a lamp that meets both the needs of the target group and the requirements of Poul Henningsen has been designed. The result of this was the development of a dining table lamp that has several different adjustment options physically and technically and casts theoretically correct shadows.This study shows how little empiric evidence that currently exist about light and its use. Therefore, there is ample opportunity to do more research on this topic. Additionally, this task opens up the possibility of designing new lamps based on clarified guidelines.

Jämförelse och utvärdering av FastQ B*27 direct och LAMP Human HLA-B27 direct detection KIT för HLA-B27 allel detektion : Två kit utvärderas mot nuvarande metod på Länssjukhuset Ryhov för utbyte av rutindiagnostik / Comparison and evaluation of FastQ B*27 direct and LAMP Human HLA-B27 direct detection KIT for HLA-B27 allele detection

Sollerbrant, Hanna, Suleiman, Joude January 2024 (has links)
Autoimmunitet är ett tillstånd där kroppens immunsystem felaktigt attackerar och skadar sina egna vävnader och celler. HLA-B27 är en genvariation som kan kopplas till autoimmun sjukdom som ankyloserande spondylit med en prevalens på 2-4% i världens befolkning. Denna studie syftade till att utvärdera och jämföra två kit för HLA-B27 alleler mot den nuvarande metoden på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Region Jönköpings län. De metodprinciper som användes var realtids-PCR samt LAMP.  Totalt analyserades 37 avidentifierade blodprover med vardera av kiten samt med nuvarande metod. Resultatet visade en överensstämmelse med avseende på förväntade positiva och negativa resultat för HLA-B27 för de två kiten jämfört med nuvarande metoden. De tre metoderna/kiten detekterar de vanligaste HLA-B27 allelerna. Utifrån studiens resultat visade sig båda kiten vara effektiva, lättanvända samt ha stabila reagenser. Dessutom uppnådde båda kiten de IVD-krav som ställs inom EU. / Autoimmunity is a condition where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks and damages its own tissues and cells. HLA-B27 is a genetic variation that can be linked to autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, with a prevalence of 2-4% in the world’s population. This study aimed to evaluate and compare two kits for HLA-B27 alleles against the current method at Ryhov County Hospital in Region Jönköping County. The methodological principles used were real-time PCR and LAMP. A total of 37 anonymized blood samples were analyzed using each of the kits and the routine method. The results showed concordance with the expected positive and negative results for HLA-B27 between the two kits compared to the current method. The three methods/kits detect the most common HLA-B27 alleles.  Based on the study’s results, both kits proved to be effective, user friendly, and have stable reagents. Additionally, both kits met the IVD requirements set within the EU.

Loop mediated isothermal amplification to detect respiratory syncytial virus in respiratory specimens

Hart, Dirk 12 February 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the leading cause of severe lower respiratory tract infection in infants and children worldwide. Early diagnosis of RSV infection is associated with shorter periods of hospitalisation and decreased mortality. Current point of care (PoC) tests for RSV is less sensitive than molecular methods. Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP), is a novel method of nucleic acid detection which allows for rapid, robust amplification, and visual detection of infectious agents. Aim: The objective of this study was to develop a novel, rapid, and sensitive multiplex RSV RT-LAMP assay for PoC diagnosis of RSV A and B. Methods: Preparation of a quantitative RSV standard for assay optimisation was done using a rapid hypotonic burst recovery method of infective virus during sub-passaging, and a shell vial fluorescent focus assay for titration of culture-derived viral stock. We designed a single set of eight primers targeting the large polymerase gene of both RSV A and B, and developed a novel single-step multiplex RSV RT-LAMP assay, using an in-house reaction mix and the Rotor-Gene Q real-time thermocycler (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The metal ion indicator hydroxy naphtol blue (HNB) was added to the multiplex RSV RT-LAMP assay for visual detection of RSV. Results: The final optimised multiplex RSV RT-LAMP assay had an analytical detection sensitivity of <10 focus forming units (FFU) per reaction for both RSV A and B, with a mean time to positivity of 21.85 minutes (95% CI 19.2-24.5 minutes), compared to 90-120 minutes for conventional PCR. Evaluated against the Seeplex RV15 multiplex PCR (Seegene, Seoul, Korea) by testing 44 (22 RSV A/22 RSV B) nasopharyngeal specimens, the multiplex RSV RT-LAMP assay had a sensitivity of 100%, and a specificity of 100% when screened against nine common respiratory viruses. Visual detection of RSV using HNB as colorimetric reagent was equivalent to the analytical sensitivity (10 FFU/reaction) and specificity (100%) of the multiplex RSV RT-LAMP assay. Conclusion: Compared with conventional PCR, our novel single-step multiplex RSV RTLAMP assay had excellent sensitivity, specificity, and when combined with HNB dye could provide accurate visual diagnosis within 1 hour. We envisage that this multiplex RSV RTLAMP assay will be used for rapid and sensitive RSV detection at the PoC. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Respiratoriese Syncytial Virus (RSV) is die hoof oorsaak van erge laer lugweginfeksie in babas en kinders wêreldwyd. Vroeë diagnose van RSV infeksie word geassosieer met korter periodes van hospitalisasie en verlaagde mortaliteit. Huidige punt van sorg (PoC) toetse vir RSV is minder sensitief as molekulêre metodes. Omgekeerde transkripsie lus-gemedieerde isotermiese amplifisering (RT-LAMP), is 'n nuwe metode van nukleïensuur opsporing wat voorsiening maak vir vinnige, doeltreffende amplifisering, en visuele bevestiging van aansteeklike agente. Doel: Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n nuwe, vinnige en sensitiewe multipleks RSV RTLAMP toets te ontwikkel wat PoC diagnose van RSV A en B in staat stel. Metodes: Voorbereiding van 'n kwantitatiewe RSV standaard vir toets optimisering is gedoen met behulp van 'n hipotoniese sel-lise metode van infektiewe virus tydens sub-kultuur, en 'n “shell-vial” kultuur en fluorosensie fokus toets vir titrasie van kultuur-geproduseerde virus voorraad. Ons het 'n enkele stel van agt inleiers ontwerp wat gebaseer is op die groot polimerase geen van beide RSV A en B, en 'n nuwe enkel-stap multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets ontwikkel, met gebruik van 'n in-huis reaksie mengsel en die Rotor-Gene Q “real-time” thermocycler (Qiagen, Hilden, Duitsland). Die metaalioon aanwyser hidroksi naphtol blou (HNB) is bygevoeg in die multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets vir visuele bevestiging van RSV. Resultate: Die finale geoptimiseerde multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets het 'n analitiese sensitiwiteit van <10 fokus vormende eenhede (FFU) per reaksie vir beide RSV A en B gehad, met 'n gemiddelde tyd tot positiwiteit van 21.85 minute (95% CI 19.2-24.5 minute) , in vergelyking met 90-120 minute vir konvensionele PCR. Geëvalueer teen die Seeplex RV15 multipleks PCR (Seegene, Seoul, Korea) deur 44 (22 RSV A/22 RSV B) nasofaringeale monsters te toets, het die multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets 'n sensitiwiteit van 100% getoon, en 'n spesifisiteit van 100% wanneer getoets teen nege algemene respiratoriese virusse. Visuele bevestiging van RSV met gebruik van HNB as kolorimetriese reagens was gelykstaande aan die analitiese sensitiwiteit (10 FFU/reaksie) en spesifisiteit (100%) van die multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets. Gevolgtrekking: In vergelyking met konvensionele PCR, het ons nuwe enkel-stap multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets uitstekende sensitiwiteit, spesifisiteit, en wanneer dit gekombineer word met HNB kleurstof kon dit akkurate visuele diagnose voorsien binne 1 uur. Ons verwag dat hierdie multipleks RSV RT-LAMP toets gebruik sal word vir vinnige en sensitiewe RSV bevestiging by die PoC.


Andrade, Thales Passos de January 2009 (has links)
Infectious myonecrosis, caused by infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), is an important disease of shrimp that has adversely affected the production of cultured Litopenaeus vannamei. The studies reported here were centered on development and/or validation of alternative diagnostic methods for detection of IMNV. Hence, two manuscripts were published in the Journal of Aquaculture and one manuscript was published in the Journal of Fish Diseases. Chapter 2 describes the development of a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) method using TaqMan probe. The results showed that this real-time RT-PCR assay can detect as little as 10 IMNV copies/μl RNA, while the nested RT-PCR can detect 1000 copies/μl RNA. These findings suggest that the TaqMan real-time RT-PCR is “the gold standard” for screening shrimp to protect aquaculture production systems from losses caused by IMNV, because it provides quantification, higher sensitivity and specificity, and because it is less time consuming and less prone to contamination compared to conventional gel-based RT-PCR. In Chapter 3 I evaluated if prolonged storage of infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) infected shrimp in Davidson’s AFA fixative can degrade its double-stranded RNA genome resulting in false negative ISH reactions. Shrimp were collected at Day 12 post-injection and fixed in Davidson’s AFA for five different preservation times (1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 days). Hence, in the present report it was found that the length of time (up to 10 days) in Davidson’s AFA did not have a deleterious effect on the ISH reaction for IMNV. The Chapter 4 describes the development of a reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification and nucleic acid lateral flow (RT-LAMP-NALF) for detection of IMNV. The RT-LAMP-NALF method combines simplified nucleic acid extraction, a reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification platform, and one-step visual colorimetric confirmation of the IMNV amplified sequences using a generic NALF qualitative detection test strip. The RT-LAMP-NALF was found to be 100 and 10 times more sensitive than one-step RT-PCR and RT-LAMP (two primer pairs), respectively. These results clearly demonstrate that the RT-LAMP-NALF method is specific, sensitive, can shorten the time for analysis, and has potential application for IMNV diagnosis in resource-poor diagnostic settings.

Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning (LAMP): Impact on Language & Communication Development for Students with Complex Disabilities

Mason, Patricia Helen January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Susan Bruce / Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is central to the lives of many individuals who are not able to effectively use spoken language. AAC systems are an essential component of a student’s ability to access his/her world, including daily communication and school content. The provision of such systems is a high priority in the field and supports the emancipation of those with limited voice, power, and independence that must function within a social structure that has been designed for the more typically abled. The study employed a single-case multiple staggered baseline design with randomized intervention implementation and intervention schedule using the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) standards from 2010. Five students with complex disabilities using advanced speech generating devices with the LAMP method, Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning, (Halloran & Halloran, 2006), of picture symbol organization participated in the study. The LAMP method was examined, and the potential impact on language and communication it may have. Specifically, the ability to use print versus picture symbols for communication and literacy was investigated within the context of a highly structured 1:1 literacy lesson facilitated by interventionists. Results indicated that all students made varying degrees of gains in the use of print words. These gains were sustained in the generalization phase. Operational skills were impacted demonstrated by increased skill development in navigation of the speech generating device and the type of vocabulary selected. In addition, communication functions were expanded, and in some cases, there was a significant increase in the complexity of word usage across people and settings. Discussions on interventionists perceptions are presented and integrated within individual student results providing context and direction on training needs. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.

Genix: desenvolvimento de uma nova pipeline automatizada para anotação de genomas microbianos / Genix: development of a new automated pipeline for microbial genome annotation

Kremer, Frederico Schmitt 17 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-10-18T12:09:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_frederico_schmitt_kremer.pdf: 1606431 bytes, checksum: 192db9fb559b24dfd0b3038659fdd5b7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-10-23T11:10:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_frederico_schmitt_kremer.pdf: 1606431 bytes, checksum: 192db9fb559b24dfd0b3038659fdd5b7 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-10-23T11:11:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_frederico_schmitt_kremer.pdf: 1606431 bytes, checksum: 192db9fb559b24dfd0b3038659fdd5b7 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-23T11:11:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_frederico_schmitt_kremer.pdf: 1606431 bytes, checksum: 192db9fb559b24dfd0b3038659fdd5b7 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / O advento do sequenciamento de DNA de nova geração (NGS) reduziu significativamente o custo dos projetos de sequenciamento de genomas. Quanto mais fácil é de obter novos dados genômicos, mais acuradas deve ser a etapa de anotação, de forma a se reduzir a perda de informações relevantes e efetuar o acúmulo de erros que possam afetar a acurácia das análises posteriores. No caso dos genomas bacterianos, um grande número de programas para anotação já foi desenvolvido, entretanto, muitos destes softwares não incorporaram etapas para otimizar os seus resultados, como filtragem de proteínas falso-positivas/spurious e a anotação mais completa de RNA não-codificantes. O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento do Genix, uma nova pipeline automatizada que combina a funcionalidade de diferentes softwares, incluindo Prodigal, tRNAscan-SE, RNAmmer, Aragorn, INFERNAL, NCBI-BLAST+, CD-HIT, Rfam e Uniprot, com a intenção de aumentar a afetividade dos resultados de anotação. Para avaliar a acurácia da presente ferramenta, foram usados como modelo de estudo os genomas de referência de Escherichia coli K-12, Leptospira interrogans cepa Fiocruz L1-130, Listeria monocytogenese EGD-e e Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Os resultados obtidos pelo Genix foram comparados às anotações originais e as obtidas pelas ferramentas de anotação RAST e BASys, considerando genes novos, faltantes e exclusivos, informações de anotação funcional e predições de ORFs spurious. De forma a se quantificar o grau de acurácia, uma nova métrica, denominada discrepância de anotação foi também proposta. Na análise comparativa o Genix apresentou para todos os genomas o menor valor de discrepância, variando entre 0,96 e 5,71%, sendo o maior valor observado no genoma de L. interrogans, para o qual RAST e BASys apresentaram valores superiores a 14,0%. Além disso, foram identificadas proteínas spurious nas anotações geradas pelos demais programas, e, em menor número, nas anotações de referência, indicando que a utilização do Antifam permite um melhor controle do número de genes falso positivos. A partir dos testes realizados, foi possível demonstrar que o Genix é capaz de gerar anotação com boa acurácia (baixo discrepância), menor perda de genes relevantes (funcionais) e menor número de genes falso positivos. / The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) significantly reduced the cost of genome sequencing projects. The easier it is to generate genomic data, the more accurate the annotation steps must to be to avoid both the loss of information and the accumulation of erroneous features that may affect the accuracy of further analysis. In the case of bacteria genomes, a range of web annotation software has been developed; however, many applications have not incorporated the steps required to improve the output (eg: false-positive/spurious ORF filtering and a more complete non-coding RNA annotation). The present work describes the implementation of Genix, a new bacteria genome annotation pipeline that combines the functionality of the programs Prodigal, tRNAscan-SE, RNAmmer, Aragorn, INFERNAL, NCBI-BLAST+, CD-HIT, Rfam and UniProt, with the intention of increasing the effectiveness of the annotation results. To evaluate the accuracy of Genix, we used as models of study the reference genomes of Escherichia coli K-12, Leptospira interrogans strain Fiocruz L1-130, Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. the results obtained by Genix were compared to the original annotation and to those from the annotation pipelines RAST and BASys considering new, missing and exclusive genes, functional annotation information and the prediction of spurious ORFs. To quantify the annotation accuracy, a new metric, called “annotation discrepancy” was developed. In a comparative analysis, Genix showed the smallest discrepancy for the four genomes, ranging for 0.96 to 5.71%, the highest discrepancy was bserved in the L. interrogans genome, for which RAST and BASys resulted in discrepancies greater than 14.0%. Additionally, several spurious proteins were identified in the annotations generated by RAST and BASys, and, in smaller number, in the reference annotations, indicating that the use of the Antifam database allows a better control of the number of false-positive genes. Based on the evaluations, it was possible to show that Genix is able to generate annotations with good accuracy (low discrepancy), low omission of relevant (functional) genes and a small number of false-positive genes.

Gerenciamento de resíduos classe i (ácido fluorídrico e lâmpada de mecúrio) em uma empresa do ramo de eletroeletrônica no Pólo Industrial de Manaus.

Roberto Júnior, Luiz Maurício 16 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:11:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Mauricio.pdf: 943420 bytes, checksum: bf7b1d2bc9d3e0f5a4ea9f808246dcad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-16 / The company has as product main tubes of images (kinescope) used in the production of televisions and monitors for computer in several sizes. For the production of that product it is necessary in your manufacture to use several types of chemical solutions in several stages of the production process for the conclude of the piece. For to produce such component the company it generates a significant amount of chemical residues, among them they are the residue of fluoridric acid and mercury lamp, and those two products were just chosen to improve your administration through a more effective administration. The complexity in relation to the environment as well as to the human beings the factors that took management those residues with a differentiated direction were, although this company treats and administer all yours the produced residues in a responsible way. The program was elaborated in two stages so that it can be applied in a continuous way. The first treats of the theoretical training and second is related with implantation of the improvements, as: collects, storage, conditioning, internal and external transport, final destination and generation of the residues in the production line / A empresa estudada tem como produto principal tubos de imagem (cinescópios) utilizados na fabricação de televisores e monitores para computador em diversos tamanhos. Para a produção desse produto é necessário em sua manufatura utilizar vários tipos de soluções químicas em diversas etapas do processo de fabricação para a finalização da peça. Para produzir tal componente, a empresa gera quantidade significativa de resíduos químicos, dentre eles encontram-se o resíduo de ácido fluorídrico e lâmpada de mercúrio, sendo que apenas esses dois produtos foram escolhidos para melhorar sua administração por intermédio de um gerenciamento mais eficaz. A complexidade em relação ao meio ambiente como, também, aos seres humano, foram os fatores que levaram a gerenciar esses resíduos com um direcionamento diferenciado, embora esta companhia trate e administre todos os seus resíduos produzidos de maneira responsável. O programa foi elaborado em duas etapas, para que possa ser aplicado de forma contínua. A primeira trata do treinamento teórico e a segunda está relacionada com a implantação das melhorias, tais como: coleta, armazenamento, condicionamento, transporte interno e externo, destinação final e geração dos resíduos na linha de produção

Gender policy implementation - basic ideas and effects. : A study of Sida's gender policy and its relation to gender equality in Babati District, Tanzania

Börjesson, Christine January 2005 (has links)
<p>This study have two purposes, one is to examine the ideological consistency between Sida’s gender policy and the gender policy of an implemented project, and the other purpose consists of an attempt to identify a relation between the implementation of Sida’s/LAMP’s policies and actual changes on gender equality in the partnering country. Three research questions were formulated around the topics of women’s situation in Tanzania; the ideological origin of Sida’s gender policy and the reflection of these in the LAMP policy; and the consequences of an implementation in terms of equality between men and women in Babati District, Tanzania. The analysis is carried out with the help of different theoretical perspectives on women and gender in development, perspectives that have been selected on the basis that they have been influential and dominating in the contemporary planning and policy making of development agencies. The method used was a functional idea analysis and a field study where semi-structured interviews were conducted. The conclusion regarding the ideological consistency is that a comparison between the policies of Sida and LAMP shows patterns of great ideological resemblance, and that both have a somewhat stronger connection to the GAD approach. The conclusion regarding actual changes on gender equality reveals that an integration of gender aspects into the LAMP programme has had several consequences for women. The programme has helped to reduce women’s work load, increased their chances of income, and promoted women’s participation in decision-making on different levels. These are all aspects that may challenge the traditional order of women’s relationship to men and the subordination of women.</p>

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