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Atributos individuais, formas de manejo e contexto ambiental: quais fatores determinam a chance de cachorros visitarem remanescentes florestais? / Individual traits, management and environmental context: which factors determine the chance of dogs visiting forest remnants?Biffi, Vinícius Leonardo 17 August 2017 (has links)
Invasões biológicas representam hoje a segunda maior ameaça à biodiversidade, e o homem desempenha papel fundamental na introdução de espécies exóticas potencialmente invasoras. O cachorro (Canis lupus familiaris) é uma dessas espécies. Presente em todos os continentes, é o carnívoro mais abundante do mundo, e pode causar impactos à fauna nativa através de efeitos letais e não letais da predação, competição, hibridização e transmissão de doenças, além de ser potencialmente importante na epidemiologia de zoonoses. Em áreas rurais, que concentram grande parte dos remanescentes de vegetação nativa no mundo, os cachorros são frequentemente criados soltos e circulam livremente, intensificando a chance de contato com a fauna nativa. Nesse trabalho, avaliamos a importância relativa de fatores associados a atributos individuais (sexo, idade, condição de saúde, comportamento exploratório, tamanho e raça), formas de manejo (incentivo do dono à movimentação, motivo para a criação, confinamento e frequência de alimentação) e contexto ambiental (proximidade à mata nativa) para determinar a chance de cachorros visitarem remanescentes florestais em paisagens fragmentadas de Mata Atlântica. Selecionamos oito paisagens de 2830 ha cada, nas quais visitamos todas as construções em áreas rurais a fim de entrevistar, através da aplicação de questionário, os responsáveis pela criação de cachorros e fotografar os cachorros. Utilizamos a imputação múltipla para estimar os dados faltantes (comuns em dados obtidos via questionários), gerando 10 conjuntos de dados imputados que foram analisados separadamente. Por meio de seleções de modelos através do Critério de Informação de Akaike, comparamos modelos candidatos com até cinco variáveis independentes para determinar a chance de cachorros visitarem remanescentes florestais. Nossos resultados nos permitem afirmar que quatro fatores - dois associados a atributos individuais e dois associados a formas de manejo - atuam em conjunto para determinar a chance de cachorros visitarem remanescentes florestais em paisagens rurais da Mata Atlântica. Cachorros maiores, mais exploradores, que recebem mais incentivo a se movimentar e que passam menos tempo confinados têm maior chance de visitar remanescentes florestais. A maior importância de atributos individuais e da forma de manejo está de acordo com a grande variação fenotípica existente entre cachorros e a variedade de modos como são manejados. Entre os atributos individuais, tanto características físicas como comportamentais são importantes, enquanto os aspectos chave da forma de manejo são aqueles mais diretamente relacionados à movimentação dos cachorros. Independentemente do tempo de confinamento, o incentivo do dono à movimentação do cachorro, em particular o estímulo para que o cachorro o acompanhe em visitas a remanescentes florestais, é fundamental. O contexto ambiental, em especial a proximidade do domicílio a áreas de mata nativa, por sua vez, é irrelevante dada a alta mobilidade dos cachorros. Nossos dados sugerem que a densidade de cachorros em paisagens rurais de Mata Atlântica é uma ordem de magnitude mais alta do que a de carnívoros de médio porte silvestres relativamente comuns, que muitos cachorros já tiveram contato direto com espécies silvestres, e que a vacinação e outras medidas profiláticas são relativamente incomuns. Todos esses dados indicam o potencial de efeitos negativos, tanto para a fauna silvestre como para o homem. Programas de redução destes impactos devem incluir tanto aspectos veterinários, como a expansão de campanhas públicas de profilaxia para além da vacinação antirrábica, quanto aspectos sociais, como a divulgação e conscientização dos potenciais problemas ocasionados pela entrada de cachorros em áreas de vegetação nativa, visando mudanças nas crenças, atitudes e comportamento da população humana / Biological invasions are today the second greatest threat to biodiversity, and humans play a significant role in the introduction of potentially invasive exotic species. The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is one of such species. Distributed across all continents, the dog is the most abundant carnivore in the planet, and can impact wildlife through lethal and non-lethal effects of predation, competition, hybridization and disease transmission, besides being potentially important in the epidemiology of zoonoses. In rural areas where most remnants of native vegetation around the world are concentrated, most dogs are free-ranging, enhancing the chance of interactions with wildlife. Here, we evaluated the relative importance of factors associated with individual traits (sex, age, health condition, exploratory behaviour, size and breed), management (owner\'s incentive to movement, motive for raising, confinement and feeding frequency), and environmental context (proximity to native forest) to determine the chance of dogs visiting forest remnants in Atlantic Forest fragmented landscapes. We selected eight landscapes of 2830 ha each, where we visited all constructions in rural areas in order to interview dog owners by applying a questionnaire and to photograph dogs. We used multiple imputation to estimate missing data (common in data obtained through questionnaires), obtaining 10 imputed datasets that were analyzed separately. We compared candidate models with up to five independent variables to determine the chance of dogs visiting forest remnants through the Akaike Information Criterion. Our results indicate that four factors - two associated with individual traits and two associated with management - work together to determine the chance of dogs visiting forest remnants in Atlantic Forest rural landscapes. Larger dogs, and those that exhibit exploratory behaviour, are more stimulated to move or confined for shorter periods have greater chance of visiting forest remnants. The greater importance of factors associated with individual traits and management is in accordance with the ample phenotypic variation among dogs and the variety of ways they can be managed. Among individual traits, both morphological and behaviour characteristics are important, whereas the key aspects of management are those directly related to dog movement. Irrespective of the time confined, the owner\'s incentive to movement, in particular taking the dog to the forest, is a crucial aspect. In contrast, the environmental context, especially the proximity of the household to native forest, is irrelevant given the vagility of dogs. Our results suggest that the density of dogs across rural landscapes in the Atlantic forest is at least one order of magnitude higher than the density of relatively common medium-sized native carnivores, that several dogs have already had direct contact with wild species, and that vaccination and other prophylactic measures are relatively uncommon. All of these highlight the potential for negative effects on both wildlife and human population. Plans to reduce these effects should include not only veterinarian aspects, such as the expansion of public prophylactic campaigns beyond rabies vaccination, but also social aspects, such as the dissemination of information on the problems caused by dogs visiting native vegetation, aiming at changing people\'s beliefs, attitudes and behaviour
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Múltiplas ameaças e um mosaico de manchas de habitat de diferentes qualidades: a persistência de mamíferos de maior porte em uma região de pós-fronteira na Amazônia / Multiple threats and a mosaic of habitat patches of varying quality: the persistence of large mammals across a post-frontier Amazonian regionMoraes, Paula Elias 21 September 2016 (has links)
A expansão das atividades humanas está associada a várias ameaças antrópicas que afetam a biodiversidade tropical, especialmente a perda e fragmentação de habitat, o continuado crescimento populacional humano e a expansão de infraestrutura, como estradas e rodovias. Embora seja esperado que as ameaças antrópicas interajam e criem mosaicos de manchas de habitat de diferentes qualidades, há ainda poucos estudos sobre os efeitos aditivos e interativos de diferentes ameaças sobre a biodiversidade ou sobre a capacidade de espécies nativas de usar remanescentes de diferentes qualidades. De fato, a maioria dos estudos focaram em apenas uma ou poucas ameaças isoladas, na escala do fragmento em vez da escala da paisagem e não consideraram as variações na qualidade dos remanescentes. Mamíferos de maior porte são um bom modelo de estudo porque possuem um conjunto de características que os tornam particularmente vulneráveis a várias ameaças antrópicas. Dada a dificuldade de obter dados sobre estas espécies elusivas em escalas espaciais adequadas, entrevistas com moradores locais vêm sendo cada vez mais usadas para acessar a distribuição de mamíferos de maior porte, e podem fornecer informações confiáveis. Através da estimativa da ocorrência de 15 espécies de mamíferos de maior porte por meio de entrevistas com o chefe de 12 unidades domésticas em cada uma de 20 paisagens em uma região de pós-fronteira de 1 milhão ha na Amazônia, investigamos: (i) que tipo de habitat e em qual escala espacial está associado com a ocorrência das espécies, e (ii) os efeitos, a importância relativa e as interações de quatro ameaças antrópicas - cobertura de habitat, fragmentação de habitat, densidade populacional humana e densidade de estrada - sobre a persistência das espécies. Dados de presença/ausência nos arredores de 227 unidades domésticas foram analisados usando modelos lineares generalizados mistos e seleção de modelos baseada no Critério de Informação de Akaike em duas etapas. A persistência das espécies maiores e ameaçadas não foi necessariamente afetada pela qualidade do habitat, mas elas responderam majoritariamente a cobertura de habitat em escalas maiores. A chance de persistência de todas as espécies - mesmo das duas menores, que não responderam à perda de habitat isoladamente - foi afetada por alguma combinação das quatro ameaças antrópicas. Efeitos aditivos entre as ameaças antrópicas foram mais importantes do que as interações entre elas na determinação da ocorrência de mamíferos de maior porte. Enquanto os efeitos da perda de habitat foram mais fortes do que os efeitos da fragmentação de habitat per se, a densidade de estradas foi tão importante quanto à perda de habitat para a ocorrência das espécies. Por último, não houve um padrão claro em termos do grau de ameaça e do tamanho corpóreo por trás da reposta dos mamíferos de maior porte a ameaças antrópicas combinadas. Nosso estudo sugere que áreas protegidas em terras públicas ou privadas na Amazônia devem ser grandes para assegurar a persistência de mamíferos de maior porte, mas podem incluir mosaicos de florestas primárias e secundárias. Os resultados também ressaltam a necessidade de considerar os impactos acumulados de múltiplas ameaças simultaneamente - em especial, as consequências da expansão da malha viária - em planejamentos e manejos, de maneira a evitar subestimar a chance de extinções. Evitar que paisagens na Amazônia se tornem muito desmatadas e alteradas é fundamental, dado que a persistência até mesmo das espécies mais comuns pode ser prejudicada, afetando um dos serviços ecossistêmicos mais importantes para moradores locais - a carne de caça - e potencialmente erodindo o valor que estes atribuem às florestas / The expansion of human activities is associated to a myriad of anthropogenic threats that affect tropical biodiversity, especially habitat loss and fragmentation, the continued human population growth and the expansion of infrastructure, as roads and highways. Although anthropogenic threats are expected to interact and to create mosaics of patches of varying quality, their additive and interaction effects on biodiversity, as well as the extent native species are able to use remnants of distinct quality, have yet been poorly studied. Indeed most studies focused on only one or few threats in isolation, on the patch rather than the landscape scale and did not considered the varying quality of remnants. Large mammals are a good study model as they have a set of traits that make them particularly vulnerable to several anthropogenic threats. Due to the difficulties in gathering data on these elusive species at adequate spatial scales, interviews with local residents have increasingly being used to access their distribution and can provide reliable information. By estimating the occurrence of 15 large mammal species through interviews with the head of 12 households within each of 20 landscapes across a 1-million ha post-frontier region in Amazonia, we investigated: (i) which habitat type at which spatial scale is associated with species occurrence, and (ii) the effects, relative importance and interactions of four anthropogenic threats - habitat cover, habitat fragmentation, human population density and road density - on species persistence. Presence/absence data across the surroundings of 227 households was analyzed using generalized linear mixed-effects models, and a two-step model selection based on Akaike’s Information Criteria. The persistence of larger and endangered species was not necessarily affected by habitat quality, but they responded to habitat cover mostly at larger spatial scales. The chance of persistence of all species - even the two smallest that were not affected by habitat loss alone - was disrupted by some combination of the four anthropogenic threats. Additive effects between anthropogenic threats were more important than their interaction in determining the occurrence of large mammals. While the effects of habitat loss were stronger than the effects of habitat fragmentation per se, road density was as important as habitat loss to species occurrence. Finally, there was no clear pattern in threat status or body size underlying the response of large mammals to combined anthropogenic threats. Our study suggest that protected areas in public or private lands in Amazonia should be large to secure the persistence of large mammals, but may include mosaics of primary and secondary forest. The findings also highlight the need to take into account the accumulated impacts of multiple threats simultaneously - particularly, the consequences of the expansion of the road network - in planning and management, as a way to avoid underestimating the chance of extinctions. Preventing Amazonian landscapes to become heavily deforested and altered is critical, as the persistence of even common species can be impaired, affecting one of the most important ecosystem services provided to local residents - bushmeat - and potentially eroding the value people attribute to forests
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Prototypage de mosaïques de systèmes de culture répondant à des enjeux de développement durable des territoires : application à la Guadeloupe / Prototyping culture systems mosaics that meet sustainable regional development issues : application to GuadeloupeChopin, Pierre 23 January 2015 (has links)
L'agriculture actuelle est impliquée dans de multiples problématiques environnementales, sociales et économiques, aux échelles locales et globales. En agronomie, de nombreux travaux à l'échelle du champ et de l'exploitation visent aujourd'hui à concevoir des systèmes de culture et des systèmes de production en lien avec ces problématiques. En revanche, peu de travaux portent sur la conception et l'évaluation de systèmes agricoles à l'échelle du territoire, alors que cette échelle apparaît pourtant incontournable pour faire face à des enjeux de développement durable. Pour combler ce manque, nous proposons un ensemble méthodologique permettant i) de simuler les conséquences de scénarios de politiques agricoles sur les choix d'assolement des agriculteurs, décrits individuellement, en modélisant l'évolution de leurs système de production et ii) d'évaluer l'impact de ces changements d'assolements à l'échelle du territoire, à l'aide d'indicateurs qui apportent de l'information spatiale sur la contribution de l'agriculture au développement durable. L'ensemble méthodologique proposé débute par la construction d'une typologie des exploitations agricoles du territoire sur la base de la similarité de leur assolement. Parallèlement, l'adaptation d'indicateurs à l'échelle du territoire permet d'évaluer les impacts des externalités des systèmes de culture en mobilisant des procédures de changements d'échelles. Un modèle bioéconomique générique, multi-échelle, spatialement explicite, appelé MOSAICA, qui utilise la typologie et les indicateurs d'impact de l'agriculture à l'échelle régionale, est créé pour produire des mosaïques de systèmes de culture et évalue leur contribution au développement durable du territoire. Ce modèle, couplé à un itinéraire de définition de scénarios exploratoires et normatifs permet de tester l'impact de différents types de leviers agronomiques, socio-économiques, environnementaux, organisationnels et techniques sur les choix des exploitants et in fine sur la contribution de la mosaïque de systèmes de culture au développement durable du territoire. Nous avons appliqué cet ensemble méthodologique à la conception de scénarios de développement agricoles durables en Guadeloupe. Nous avons dans un premier temps développé une typologie des systèmes de production comprenant huit types distincts et relevant de processus décisionnel différents. Puis nous avons adapté à l'échelle du territoire 19 indicateurs pour l'évaluation des mosaïques de systèmes de culture. L’évaluation de la mosaïque actuelle nous a permis de repérer de faibles niveaux de contribution aux enjeux d’autonomie alimentaire et énergétique. Différents scénarios normatifs et exploratoires intégrant des leviers de changement de la mosaïque ont été testés avec MOSAICA. Les évaluations réalisées nous ont permis d'identifier que des leviers agronomiques comme le développement du maraîchage sans intrants chimiques et des leviers sociaux comme la formation de main-d'oeuvre supplémentaire permettraient d'améliorer la contribution de l’agriculture au développement durable du territoire Guadeloupéen. La modélisation mécaniste de l’évolution du territoire agricole permet d'intégrer des connaissances sur la localisation, les performances, les impacts des systèmes de culture et sur les processus décisionnels des exploitants régissant l’orientation productive et le fonctionnement des exploitations. Cette démarche permet de visualiser les changements de système de culture et leurs impacts de manière spatialement explicite, ce qui permet de générer des connaissances sur les leviers susceptibles de faire évoluer positivement l'agriculture du territoire. La démarche et les outils mis en oeuvre sont donc particulièrement utiles pour l'aide à la décision publique pour améliorer la durabilité de l'agriculture dans son ensemble. / Current agricultural systems are responsible for many different environmental, social and economic issues at both local and global scales. Agricultural sciences have contributed to the design of several methods at the farm and field scale in order to prototype cropping systems and farming systems to address these issues. However, few methods have been designed at the regional scale, while this scale seems to be essential in order to address these issues. In order to fill this gap, we here propose a new methodological framework for i) simulating the consequences of policy changes on farmer's cropping plan, described individually, by modeling the evolution of farming systems and to ii) assess the impacts of cropping system changes at the regional scale, with a set of indicators that generate spatially explicit information on the contribution of agriculture to sustainable development. The methodological framework starts with the design of a farm typology over the territory based on the similarity of farmer's crop acreages. In parallel, a set of indicators is adapted to the landscape scale in order to assess the impacts of cropping system externalities by integrating a set of scale change procedures. A generic, multi-scale, spatially explicit bioeconomic model called MOSAICA, which uses the farm typology and the indicators, is created for generating cropping system mosaics and assessing their contribution to sustainable development. This model coupled to a scenario approach composed of exploratory and normative scenarios can simulate the impact of several types of agronomic, socio-economic, environmental, organizational and technical levers of change on the farmer's choices in terms of cropping systems and in fine the impacts of new cropping system mosaics on the contribution to sustainable development of territories. We applied this methodological framework for building scenarios of sustainable agricultural development in Guadeloupe. We first developed a typology of farming systems encompassing eight types of farming systems that revealed several different farmer's decision processes. Then, we developed 19 indicators to assess cropping system mosaics. The assessment of the current cropping system mosaic showed low levels of response of the current mosaic to economic and social issues especially the food and energy self-sufficiency. Different normative and exploratory scenarios integrating levers of change have been simulated with MOSAICA. The assessment of cropping system mosaics from these scenarios highlighted the positive effect of agronomic levers of change such as organic crop-gardening and social levers such as the vocational training of supplementary workforce for improving the contribution of agriculture to sustainable development of the guadeloupean territory. The mechanistic modeling of the agricultural territory allows us to integrate a wide range of knowledge on the location of cropping systems, their levels of performance , their impacts and the decision process of farmer's that drive the farming system characteristics and the farm functioning. This methodological framework helps visualize the cropping system changes at the regional scale and their associated impacts at the landscape scale which is helpful in order to produce knowledge on the levers of change that can improve the response of local agriculture to local and global issues. The framework and tools designed are particularly useful for decision-aid on the future levels of contribution of agriculture to sustainable development.
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Invasão por cães domésticos (Canis lupus familiaris) na Mata Atlântica: efeitos da perda de habitat e da intensificação agrícola / Invasion by domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in the Atlantic Forest: effects of habitat loss and agriculture intensificationFrigeri, Enrico 15 August 2013 (has links)
Invasões biológicas são consideradas uma das maiores ameaças atuais à biodiversidade global. O cão doméstico é hoje o carnívoro mais abundante no mundo, e tem invadido áreas de vegetação nativa, podendo causar impactos negativos à fauna silvestre através da predação, competição e transmissão de doenças. A partir de dois extensos bancos de dados obtidos através de armadilhas fotográficas, esta dissertação pretende contribuir com o entendimento das causas e consequências da invasão por cães domésticos de remanescentes florestais e agroflorestas na Mata Atlântica. A dissertação está organizada em dois capítulos. No primeiro, usamos dados obtidos em duas paisagens rurais do Planalto Atlântico de São Paulo com diferentes proporções de florestas remanescentes, e (1) descrevemos o tipo de manejo e as características dos cães que visitam fragmentos florestais, (2) comparamos, entre estas paisagens, a frequência e horário de visitas e o tamanho de grupos de cães invasores assim como os fatores determinantes da intensidade de invasão, e (3) investigamos o impacto da intensidade de invasão sobre a distribuição de mamíferos silvestres de maior porte. No segundo capítulo, usamos dados obtidos em um mosaico agroflorestal do Sul da Bahia, e (4) verificamos se a conversão de florestas nativas em agroflorestas e a intensificação das agroflorestas favorecem a invasão por cães domésticos, e (5) se a invasão por estes animais está mais associada à presença humana nas agroflorestas do que nas florestas. Em conjunto, os resultados dessa dissertação sugerem que: (1) a intensidade da invasão por cães em paisagens antropizadas de Mata Atlântica é altíssima, tanto em termos do número de indivíduos e de visitas como em termos do número de sítios ocupados; (2) a invasão é favorecida pelo tipo de manejo dos animais, que são em grande parte criados soltos, e parece estar fortemente associada à presença do homem; (3) a intensidade de invasão afeta negativamente a distribuição de um maior número de espécies de mamíferos de maior porte do que a perda de 40% de floresta na paisagem; (4) características dos remanescentes florestais associadas à perda de habitat (quantidade e qualidade dos remanescentes) são mais importantes que a pressão de propágulo para determinar a intensidade da invasão; (5) a intensificação do manejo de agroflorestas acentua a invasão. Visto que a intensificação de agroflorestas e de outros sistemas agrícolas vem se acentuando globalmente e que, apesar da diminuição das taxas de desmatamento das florestas tropicais nos últimos anos, a maior parte das áreas remanescentes é constituída de vegetação degradada ou secundária, a quantidade de áreas susceptíveis à invasão e os danos causados por cães domésticos devem aumentar no futuro. / Biological invasions are considered one of the most important threats to global biodiversity. Domestic dogs, the most abundant carnivore in the world, are known to invade areas of native vegetation and impact wildlife through competition, predation and disease transmission. Drawing on two extensive dataset obtained through camera-trapping, this dissertation intends to contribute to the understanding of the causes and consequences of the invasion by domestic dogs of forests fragments and agroforests in the Atlantic Forest. The dissertation is organized into two chapters. In the first chapter, we use data from two rural landscapes of São Paulo Atlantic Plateau with different proportions of remaining forests, and (1) describe the management and the characteristics of dogs that visit forest fragments, (2) compare, between these landscapes, the frequency and time of visits, the size of groups of invading dogs, and the drivers of invasion intensity, and (3) investigate the impacts of invasion intensity on the distribution of native large mammals. In the second chapter, using data from an agroforestry mosaic in southern Bahia, we investigate (4) if the conversion of native forests into agroforests and agroforestry intensification favor the invasion by dogs, and (5) if invasion by these animals is more associated with human presence in agroforests than in forests. Our findings highlight that: (1) the intensity of the invasion by dogs in human-modified landscapes in the Atlantic Forest is extremely high, both in terms of the number of individuals and of visits and in terms of the number of occupied sites; (2) invasion is favored by the type of management, with dogs kept free, and seems to be strongly associated with the presence of humans; (3) invasion intensity negatively affects the distribution of a larger number of large mammals than the loss of 40% of forest in the landscape; (4) characteristics of forest fragments associated with habitat loss (quantity and quality of remnants) are more important than propagule pressure to determine the intensity of invasion; (5) management intensification in agroforests intensifies invasion. As intensification of agroforestry and other agricultural systems has increased globally and, despite the decrease in the rates of deforestation in recent years, most tropical forest remnants consist of degraded or secondary vegetation, the amount of areas susceptible to invasion and the damages caused by domestic dogs should increase in the future.
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Cavernas como paisagens racionais e simbólicas: imaginário coletivo, narrativas visuais e representações da paisagem e das práticas espeleológicas / Caves as a rational and symbolic landscapes: social imaginary, visual narratives and representations of the landscape and speleological practicesFigueiredo, Luiz Afonso Vaz de 29 November 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar os processos que levaram à invenção das práticas espeleológicas e do fenômeno espeleoturístico, sua produção social internacional e inserção no contexto brasileiro. Considera-se que o desenvolvimento da espeleologia como atividade de múltiplo sentido, técnico, esportivo, científico, lazer e contato com a natureza foi determinante para a geração do deslocamento e fluxos de pessoas para regiões onde existam sítios espeleológicos. Considera-se, como ponto de partida, que essa é a base apropriada pelo mercado, visando à implantação do turismo em cavernas. A abordagem teórico-metodológica multirreferencial parte dos conceitos da fenomenologia da imaginação de Bachelard e dos aportes da geopoética e da geografia humanístico-cultural, com contribuições também da percepção ambiental e da topofilia (Tuan). Pretendeu-se estudar o imaginário coletivo e os aspectos simbólicos da relação das sociedades humanas com as cavernas. Procurou-se, ainda, verificar as dinâmicas e fatores determinantes do processo espeleoturístico. Os procedimentos metodológicos enfatizaram uma análise das narrativas visuais e da produção de sentidos a partir das práticas discursivas de percepção da paisagem relativas às cavernas brasileiras, sua visitação turística e a proteção ambiental, destacando um estudo de caso no Vale do Ribeira (SP). Foi realizada uma ampla análise documental, utilizando materiais diversificados (textos filosóficos, religiosos e literários) coletados em bibliotecas, livrarias e alguns casos também em meio eletrônico. As imagens foram recolhidas em websites ligados ao tema caverna ou áreas afins, seja de entidades oficiais ou blogs e fotologs pessoais. Realizou-se também uma análise fílmica de 42 produções cinematográficas. O levantamento fotogeográfico e sociocultural das práticas espeleológicas e espeleoturísticas foi produzido durante as viagens de campo, realizadas entre 2000- 2010 em vários pontos do Brasil, com ênfase para o Alto Ribeira, e também em outros países (Portugal, Cuba), gerando um corpus com milhares de fotografias, acrescidas de outras disponibilizadas por colaboradores. Utilizou-se, ainda, métodos diversificados de entrevista, tais como gravações de depoimentos orais e entrevistas eletrônicas, por meio de questionário próprio, com 21 espeleólogos, sendo que 18 deles propiciaram dados sobre a representação do ser espeleólogo. Questionários sobre as representações sociais de cavernas foram incorporados ao estudo, aproveitando material que vimos produzindo no âmbito da Seção de História da Espeleologia da Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia (SBE), desde 1998, envolvendo 461 indivíduos. Os sujeitos principais são estudantes da educação básica ou do ensino superior, contrapondo moradores de áreas urbanas paulistas ou das proximidades das áreas de sítios espeleológicos, como no caso de Iporanga (SP). Os resultados demonstraram as influências do imaginário poético e do conteúdo simbólico das cavernas no desenvolvimento da atividade espeleológica e espeleoturística. As representações da paisagem cárstica e das práticas espeleológicas apareceram com extrema riqueza, tanto nos depoimentos, quanto nos documentos relacionados com temas filosóficos, religiosos, literários ou cinematográficos. É de fundamental importância ampliação dos processos educativos na formação do espeleólogo e dos cavernistas, a difusão das práticas espeleológicas e disseminação da espeleologia, aproximando racionalidades e subjetividades. Isso nos permite repensar sobre nossa relação histórica com o mundo subterrâneo, as interações da espeleologia e do turismo ao longo da trajetória da sociedade contemporânea. / The aim of this study was to analyze the processes that led to the invention of speleological practices and speleotourist phenomenon, and its international social production and its insertion in the Brazilian context. It is considered that the development of speleology as an activity of multiple meaning, technical, sporting, scientific, entertainment and contact with nature was crucial to the generation of movement and flows of people to areas where there are speleological sites. It is, as a starting point, that is the appropriate basis for the market, to the deployment of tourism in caves. The theoretical and methodological approach multi-referential starts of the concepts of the phenomenology of the imagination of Bachelard and the contributions of geopoetic and of the humanistic and cultural geography, with contributions also from the environmental perception and topophilia (Tuan). It was intended to study the collective imaginary and the symbolic aspects of the relationship of human societies with the caves. It is also to verify the dynamics and determinants of the speleotourist process. The methodological procedures emphasized an analysis of visual narratives and the production of senses from the discursive practices of landscape perception relating to Brazilian caves, tourist visitation and environmental protection, highlighting a case study in the Ribeira Valley (SP). It was performed an extensive documentary analysis, using varied materials collected in libraries, bookstores and in some cases also in electronic media. The images were collected from websites on speleology or related areas, or in websites of authorities or personal blogs and fotologs. There was also a film analysis of 42 film productions. The photogeographical and sociocultural survey of the speleological practices and cavingtourism was produced during the field trips, conducted between 2000-2010 in several places in Brazil, with emphasis on the Upper Ribeira Valley, and also in other countries (Portugal, Cuba), generating a corpus with thousands of photos, plus others photos provided by collaborators. It was used, yet, varied methods of interview, such as recordings of oral and electronic interviews, through the questionnaire, with 21 cavers or speleologists, of which 18 propitiated data about representations of to be a speleologist. The questionnaires on the social representations of the cave were incorporated into the study, using material that was produced under the History of Speleology Section of the Brazilian Speleological Society (SBE), since 1998, involving 461 people. The participants involved are students of basic education or university level, contrasting with urban dwellers of São Paulo or nearby places of speleological sites, such as Iporanga (SP). The outcomes they demonstrated the influences of the imaginary poetic and of the symbolic content from the caves into the development from speleological activity and speleotourist. The karst landscape representations and speleological practices appeared with extreme wealth, both in the testimonials and documents of philosophical, religious, literary and film themes. It is essential to increase the educational processes for the formation of cavers and speleologists, the spread of the speleological practices and the dissemination of caving, approaching rationalities and subjectivities. This allows us to rethink our historical relationship with the underworld, the interactions of caving and tourism along de trajectory of contemporary society.
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Healing by a national nature in 'disorganized' MongoliaTurk, Elizabeth Hunter January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation explores entanglements of body, national identity and nature in contemporary Mongolia. The project is situated within the rising popularity of natural remedies and alternative medicine during a time described as disorganized (zambaraagui) and disorderly. Data was collected from 33 months of fieldwork in Ulaanbaatar and elsewhere, focused on non-biomedical practices and therapeutic landscapes, especially medicinal springs (arshaan) and their sanatoria. This work contributes to studies of post-socialist Mongolia in a few ways. The methodological decision to engage in interview and participant observation of fortunetellers (üzmerch), practitioners of Buddhist and traditional medicine (otoch, ardiin emch), astrologists (zurhaich), energy healers (bio energich), shamans (böö, zairan, udgan), enlightened lamas (huvilgaan) and massage therapists (bariach) was driven by the fluid approach with which patients approach fulfilling the needs of their health and wellbeing. Such fluidity was also echoed in healing practice; as opposed to bounded by strict conceptual distinctions, healers re-purposed personally and culturally-familiar techniques, ranging from biomedical to those of Buddhist medicine (sowa rigpa) to occult practices. Many of the same techniques were practiced by a range of practitioners. The term orthopraxy, commonality of practice across conceptual difference, is used to address this phenomena. Such pairing together of different kinds of therapies – biomedical or otherwise – calls into question a “traditional” vs. modern or neo-spiritual framework within which such practices are often cast. I employ Robbin’s anthropology of discontinuity (2003), suggesting that Soviet influences represented “hard” cultural forms that provided a partial rupture in cultural knowledge between pre-revolutionary society and 1990. Nature (baigal) and natural surroundings (baigal orchin) were concepts often raised when discussing health and wellbeing. “Spiritual” earth and mountain masters (gazariin/uuliin ezed) of estranged homelands (nutag) that cause illness in families relocated to Ulaanbaatar; the water, flora, and mutton from one’s homeland as especially medicinally-suited to the body; shamans empowered to heal by appropriating into their practices the worship of nationally-significant mountains: territorialized national identity represented a prominent trend in healing practices. The revering of a nation through natural landmarks I call national nature, and suggest it be seen both with respect to romantic and utilitarian conceptions of a therapeutic nature that underpinned Soviet medicine, and Soviet indigenization campaigns and the ethnonationalism that was encouraged to flourish in borderland republics. Affective rooting to natural landmarks to maintain or restore wellbeing was also a way to enact Mongol-ness, rendering healing the body at once a practice of national subject-making.
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Narrative Topography: Fictions of Country, City, and Suburb in the Work of Virginia Woolf, W. G. Sebald, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Ian McEwanMcArthur, Elizabeth Andrews January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes how twentieth- and early twenty-first- century novelists respond to the English landscape through their presentation of narrative and their experiments with novelistic form. Opening with a discussion of the English planning movement, "Narrative Topography" reveals how shifting perceptions of the structure of English space affect the content and form of the contemporary novel. The first chapter investigates literary responses to the English landscape between the World Wars, a period characterized by rapid suburban growth. It reveals how Virginia Woolf, in Mrs. Dalloway and Between the Acts, reconsiders which narrative choices might be appropriate for mobilizing and critiquing arguments about the relationship between city, country, and suburb. The following chapters focus on responses to the English landscape during the present era. The second chapter argues that W. G. Sebald, in The Rings of Saturn, constructs rural Norfolk and Suffolk as containing landscapes of horror--spaces riddled with sinkholes that lead his narrator to think about near and distant acts of violence. As Sebald intimates that this forms a porous "landscape" in its own right, he draws attention to the fallibility of representation and the erosion of cultural memory. The third chapter focuses on Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go, a novel in which a cloned human being uses descriptions of landscape to express and, more often, to suppress the physical and emotional pain associated with her position in society. By emphasizing his narrator's proclivity towards euphemism and pastiche, Ishiguro intimates that, in an era of mechanical and genetic reproduction, reliance on perspectives formed in past and imagined futures can be quite deadly. The fourth chapter analyzes Ian McEwan's post 9/11 novel, Saturday--a reworking of Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. In reading these two novels side-by-side, it reveals how London, its suburbs, and the English countryside might be imagined differently in the contemporary consciousness. Together these chapters investigate why novelistic treatments of the English landscape might interest contemporary readers who live outside England (and/or read these works in translation), especially during an era in which the English landscape has ceased to function as the real or metaphorical center of empire.
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A regeneração natural como indicadora de conservação, de sustentabilidade e como base do manejo adaptativo de fragmentos florestais remanescentes inseridos em diferentes matrizes agrícolas / Natural forest regeneration as an indicator of conservation, sustainability and as the basis of adaptive management of forest remnants embedded in different agricultural matricesMangueira, Julia Raquel de Sá Abilio 19 June 2012 (has links)
O cenário atual do estado de São Paulo reflete o cenário de degradação observado na Floresta Atlântica do país, onde os remanescentes florestais estão muito fragmentados, degradados e imersos em uma paisagem agrícola, dominada predominantemente por matrizes de cana de açúcar e pastagens. Neste contexto, objetivamos investigar se a regeneração natural da borda de fragmentos florestais tem características distintas nessas duas matrizes agrícolas dominantes. Nossa hipótese foi que de a regeneração natural em fragmentos inseridos em matrizes de cana de açúcar e pastagem são distintas, porque essas matrizes definem diferentes trajetórias de degradação sobre a flora de fragmentos naturais. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na bacia do rio Corumbataí, onde indivíduos de espécies arbustivo e arbóreas do estrato regenerante (mínimo de 30cm de altura até 15 cm de perímetro à altura do peito) foram amostrados em 60 transectos de 30x2m (subdivididos em transectos contíguos de 10x2m) sistematicamente distribuídas a partir da borda de 12 fragmentos selecionados na bacia. Primeiramente, foi feita uma caracterização florística geral da regeneração natural das bordas de fragmentos florestais inseridos nas duas matrizes agrícolas. Posteriormente, foram utilizadas as variáveis número de indivíduos.hectare-1 (RN_HA) e número de espécies/m2 (NESP_M2) e diversidade florística (ISHANNON) para analisar as diferenças da estrutura e composição da regeneração natural nas duas matrizes. Essas mesmas variáveis foram utilizadas para analisar estatisticamente o efeito de indicadores de conservação dos fragmentos, como entrada de gado, presença de eucaliptos no dossel e abundância de gramíneas e lianas, sobre a regeneração natural. A similaridade florística entre remanescentes das paisagens foi calculada através do Índice de Similaridade de Jaccard. Em todos os transectos, foram amostrados 5886 regenerantes, divididos em 58 famílias, 220 espécies e 18 morfoespécies. O índice de Jaccard mostrou que houve similaridade florística (45%) entre os regenerantes dos fragmentos da matriz de pastagem e cana de açúcar. Nos fragmentos inseridos na matriz de pastagem, a entrada de gado foi o indicador de conservação de fragmentos que apresentou maior interferência sobre a regeneração natural, diminuindo tanto o número de indivíduos por unidade de área quanto a diversidade florística. Para a paisagem de cana, a fonte de variação que mais interferiu na estrutura da regeneração foi a presença de eucaliptos no dossel, que aumentou o número de indivíduos por unidade de área. A abundância de gramíneas e lianas e a presença de epífitas não apresentaram influência sobre a regeneração quando analisados tipo de matriz ou tamanho do fragmento. Entre os sub-transectos contíguos de 10m, não houve variação na estrutura e composição da regeneração natural, indicando que nesta profundidade de borda a vegetação regenerante é homogênea quanto à florística, diversidade e classificação sucessional. Os resultados indicam que, mesmo inseridos em paisagens agrícolas profundamente antropizadas, os remanescentes florestais ainda detém elevada diversidade florística. A regeneração natural mostrou-se um bom indicador de qualidade atual e futura dos remanescentes florestais, e demonstrou, juntamente com os indicadores de conservação, que os fragmentos são passíveis de manejo, o que poderá potencializar o papel de conservação da biodiversidade exercido pela regeneração natural. / At São Paulo state, Brazil, the scenario of the Atlantic Forest reflects the scenario of degradation of the biome in the country, where forest remnants are embedded in an agricultural landscape, dominated by sugar cane fields and pasture fields. In this context, we aimed to investigate if natural forest regeneration responds differently to each agricultural matrix. Our hypothesis was that forest regeneration composition in remnants surrounded by sugar cane fields is different of forest regeneration composition in remnants surrounded by pasture fields, because these agricultural matrices impact differently forest biota. The present research was developed in Corumbataí river basin, in the countryside of São Paulo state. Shrub and tree individuals, from regeneration layer, were sampled in 60 plots 30x2 meters long (subdivided in plots 10x2 meters long) systematically distributed on the edges of 12 fragments. Firstly, we characterized the natural regeneration of the edges of forest remnants embedded in agricultural landscapes. Then we used the variables number of individuals.ha-1 (RN_HA), number of species/m2 (NESP_M2) and floristic diversity (ISHANNON) to analyze the differences in structure and composition of forest natural regeneration between sugar cane fields and pasture fields. These variables were used to analyze the statistical effects of conservation indicators, such as cattle entrance on forest remnants, abundance of woody-vines and grasses, and presence of eucalyptus trees on forest canopy, on natural regeneration. Floristic similarity between forest remnants was assessed by Jaccard Similarity Index. 5886 saplings were sampled among the 60 plots, divided in 57 families, 214 species and 31 morphospecies. Jaccard index indicated floristic similarity (45%) among the fragments inserted in sugar cane field and pasture field. Among the fragments inserted in pasture field, cattle entrance was the conservation indicator with the strongest interference over natural regeneration, decreasing both the number of plants per area and the floristic diversity. At sugar cane landscape, presence of eucalyptus on forest canopy increased the number of individuals per area. Grass and woody-vines abundance and presence of epiphytes were not significant for any variable, when analyzed with matrix type or fragment size. Among the subplots of 10m long, there was no variation of structure and composition of natural regeneration, what indicates that, in relation to floristic, diversity and sucessional classification, the regenerant vegetation is homogeneous in the first 30 meters of the edge. The results indicate that, even embedded in anthropogenic agricultural landscapes, the remnants studied still retain high floristic diversity. Natural regeneration has shown to be a good indicator of actual and future quality of forest remnants, and, together with conservation indicators, demonstrated that the fragments studied are subject to management actions, which may improve the role of biodiversity conservancy developed by natural regeneration
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Les végétations des côtes Manche-Atlantique françaises : essai de typologie et de cartographie dynamico-caténales / The vegetation of the french Channel-Atlantic coasts : typology and dynamic-catenal mappingDemartini, Charlotte 16 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis 2011, le Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Énergie et de la Mer a lancé un programme national de cartographie des habitats et des végétations (CarHAB), fondé sur l’approche phytosociologique dynamico-caténale. L’objectif de ce programme est de produire d’ici 2025 une carte des végétations naturelles et semi-naturelles de la France métropolitaine, au 1 : 25 000. La phytosociologie dynamico-caténale, dont l’année 1973 marque le point de départ, est apparue comme la méthode la plus adaptée pour répondre aux objectifs fixés. Si l’étude des dynamiques de la végétation utilisant les principes et méthodes de la phytosociologie paysagère fait l’objet de nombreux travaux en Europe, cette science reste peu développée en France. Dans ce contexte, les littoraux Manche-Atlantique figurent parmi les secteurs tests retenus par le programme, en raison des gradients écologiques qui régissent l’organisation spatiale des différents groupements végétaux côtiers d’une part, et de leur grande valeur patrimoniale d’autre part.Cette thèse présente une méthodologie permettant d’identifier, de caractériser les géopermaséries, les minoriséries et les géominoriséries de végétation et d’en cartographier les individus sur les littoraux Manche-Atlantique.Notre étude débute par une synthèse bibliographique décrivant les concepts et l’état des connaissances dans le domaine de la phytosociologie et de la phytosociologie paysagère. Elle apporte des premiers éléments de réponse concernant à la fois les techniques méthodologiques de caractérisation des séries et géoséries et de cartographie de leurs individus, et les champs d’application de la phytosociologie paysagère.L’analyse des traits généraux des littoraux montre les spécificités inhérentes à ces milieux, principalement liées à l’exposition des végétaux aux conditions écologiques contraignantes (vent, salinité, conditions édaphiques...). L’importance de la géologie, de la géomorphologie et du climat dans la différenciation des diverses associations végétales littorales est démontrée.L’identification du rôle des usages dans la structuration et l’évolution des végétations, justifie la nécessité de tenir compte des activités humaines actuelles et passées dans la définition des séries et des géoséries.Les principes méthodologiques généraux de la phytosociologie paysagère sont transposés et adaptés aux littoraux pour caractériser les séries et géoséries de végétation et en cartographier les individus. Les différentes catégories de séries et de géoséries identifiées sont décrites à travers des fiches typologiques (physionomie de l’association caractéristique, géologie, géomorphologie, bioclimat, chorologie, dynamique). La représentation cartographique des individus des différentes catégories de séries est exposée dans un atlas cartographique.À partir de l’étude de la distribution des séries et des géoséries identifiées, 23 unités paysagères sont définies sur les littoraux.Une méthode de bioévaluation est proposée et testée sur un ensemble de sites de vases salées des côtes Manche-Atlantique françaises, dans un objectif conservatoire. Une première évaluation patrimoniale des géopermaséries littorales est proposée, dans une perspective d’élaboration d’une liste rouge des séries et des géoséries. / Since 2011, the French Ministry of Environment, Energy and Sea has launched a national program aimed on habitats and vegetation mapping (CarHAB), based on the dynamic-catenal phytosociological approach. The purpose of this program is to produce a 1: 25 000 scaled map of the natural and semi-natural vegetation of metropolitan France by 2025. The dynamiccatenal phytosociology, which originated in 1973, has emerged as the most appropriate method to fulfill these objectives. Even though the principles and methods of landscape phytosociology to study vegetation dynamics are quite commonly used in Europe, this science remains underdeveloped in France. Within this context, the Channel-Atlantic coasts have been selected as test areas, due to the diversity of ecological gradients governing the spatial organization of different coastal plant communities on the one hand, and to their great heritage value on the other hand.This thesis presents a methodology to identify, characterize and map vegetation geopermaseries, minoriseries and geominoriseries of the Channel-Atlantic coastlines.This study begins by a state of the art presenting the concepts and the state of knowledge in the field of phytosociology and landscape phytosociology. It provides some answers regarding both to methodological techniques for characterization of series and geoseries and mapping of their individuals, and to landscape phytosociology applications.The analysis of the general features of coastlines shows the inherent characteristics of these environments, mainly related to wind and salinity exposure and edaphic conditions. The importance of geology, geomorphology and climate in the differentiation of the various plant coastal associations is demonstrated. The identification of the role of uses in the structure and the evolution of vegetation justifies the need to take current and former human activities into consideration for describing series and geoseries.The general methodological principles of landscape phytosociology are transposed and adapted to the coastal vegetations. The different categories of identified series and geoseries are described through typological sheets (features of the characteristic association, geology, geomorphology, bioclimate, chorology, dynamics). The mapping of individuals of different categories of series is displayed in a cartographic atlas.Twenty-three landscape units have been defined, based on the distribution of the identified series and geoseries.A bioevaluation method is proposed and tested on a set of saltmarshes sites of the Channel- Atlantic French coastline, in a conservation objective. A first assessment of coastal geopermaseries heritage is proposed, in order to elaborate a series and geoseries red list.
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Variabilidade espacial nos estoques de carbono em paisagens fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica / Spatial variability in carbon stocks in the Atlantic Forest fragmented landscapesIsabella Romitelli 04 July 2014 (has links)
O desmatamento e a fragmentação decorrentes da expansão das atividades humanas nas paisagens florestais tropicais promovem mudanças na estrutura da paisagem, em geral com perda de florestas antigas para a agricultura ou pastagem, parcialmente compensada regionalmente com a regeneração das florestas secundárias jovens. Tal processo gera paisagens heterogêneas, com florestas secundárias em diferentes estádios de sucessão e perturbação. O estoque de carbono nestas florestas pode, assim, variar muito e essa variação pode ocorrer em diferentes escalas espaciais. O presente estudo buscou entender como as diferentes condições locais e da paisagem contribuem para o estoque de carbono. O estudo foi realizado em florestas secundárias da Mata Atlântica, no Sistema Cantareira (região sudeste do Brasil). A biomassa acima do solo (BAS) foi estimada a partir de dados de inventário florestal e modelos alométricos de biomassa. A fim de testar como a biomassa de uma floresta tropical varia em paisagens antropizadas, foram construídos modelos lineares generalizados (GLM, distribuição Gaussiana) com quatro grupos de variáveis: idade da floresta; perturbações humanas; topografia (declividade e altitude); e estrutura da paisagem. Foram construídos modelos simples, compostos, com e sem interação, além do modelo nulo. O modelo mais plausível foi selecionado pelo critério de Akaike corrigido para pequenas amostras (AICc). Numa escala mais local, a variação da BAS em função da distância à borda foi analisada. A BAS variou amplamente entre os locais de estudo e isso foi parcialmente explicado pelas variáveis explanatórias, uma vez que todos os modelos e variáveis selecionadas foram melhores do que os modelos nulos. O resultado mais surpreendente foi o baixo estoque geral de carbono nas áreas de estudo (30,91 ± 11,00 Mg.ha-1). Os resultados sugerem que este padrão está principalmente relacionado com efeitos de borda e com a influência de fatores diretamente impulsionados pela ocupação humana (como, por exemplo, florestas mais perturbadas, paisagens com baixa cobertura florestal e ocorrência relativa alta de florestas mais jovens). Os resultados indicam ainda que nesta condição de alta perturbação os fatores abióticos, tais como a localização topográfica, podem ter uma importância menor do que seria de esperar por estudos anteriores. Os baixos estoques de carbono e alta variabilidade espacial observada indicam a necessidade de se incorporar estimativas de carbono em escalas espaciais mais finas em programas de mitigação climática e de manutenção de serviços ecossistêmicos em paisagens fragmentadas / Deforestation and fragmentation resulting from the expansion of human activities in tropical forest landscapes promote changes in landscape structure, usually with loss of mature forests for agriculture or pasture, partially offset regionally with the regeneration of young secondary forests. This process generates heterogeneous landscapes with secondary forests in different stages of succession and disturbance. The stock of carbon in these forests can thus vary greatly and this variation may occur at different spatial scales. This study aimed to understand how the different local and landscape conditions contribute to carbon stock. The study was performed in secondary Atlantic Forest fragments in Cantareira System (southeastern Brazil). The above-ground biomass (AGB) was estimated by forest inventory data and allometric biomass models. In order to test how the biomass of a tropical forest varies in disturbed landscapes, generalized linear models (GLM, Gaussian distribution) were constructed with four groups of variables: forest age; human disturbances; topography (terrain slope and elevation); and landscape structure. We constructed simple and compound, with and without interaction, models beyond to the null model. The most plausible model was selected by Akaike criterion corrected for small samples (AICc). On a more local scale, the variation of AGB according to the distance to the edge was analyzed. AGB varied widely among study sites and this was partly explained by the explanatory variables, since data suited better to all models and selected variables than the null model. The most surprising result was the low overall carbon stock in the study areas (30.91 ± 11.00 Mg.ha-1). The results suggest that this pattern is mainly related to edge effects and the influence of factors directly driven by human occupation (e.g. more disturbed forests, landscapes with low forest cover and high relative occurrence of younger forests). The results also indicate that this condition of high disturbance abiotic factors, such as the topographical location, may have less importance than would be expected from previous studies. Low carbon stocks and high spatial variability indicate the need to incorporate in carbon stock estimates a finer spatial scale for climate mitigation and maintenance of ecosystem services programs in fragmented landscapes
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