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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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O Celpe-Bras como instrumento de política linguística : um mediador entre propósitos e materializações

Dorigon, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa o Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros, Celpe-Bras, como instrumento de política linguística, entendido como uma avaliação orientada para o uso (Shohamy, 2006, 2007; McNamara, 2010, Da Silva, 2011). Através da coleta de materiais documentais e da revisão de literatura, este trabalho busca a) problematizar o uso e a implicação do uso dos termos instrumento de política linguística para tratar de exames de línguas, b) analisar se o Celpe-Bras é um instrumento de política linguística e c) se sim, como é utilizado. Partindo do entendimento de políticas linguísticas como processos complexos sujeitos a interpretações dos agentes que as implementam (Johnson, 2013) e de que as políticas linguísticas expressas em textos e discursos não necessariamente correspondem à política linguística efetiva (Shohamy, 2006), as análises aqui empreendidas verificam quais são os propósitos declarados e os objetivos de política linguística quando da criação do Celpe-Bras – o que aparece nos documentos e discursos – e como esses propósitos e objetivos se materializam, atentando para instâncias de repercussão do Celpe-Bras. As análises também identificam pautas econômicas, sociais, políticas, ideológicas e culturais com as quais o Celpe-Bras se vincula, e explicitam como se dá esse vínculo. O trabalho aponta para o Celpe-Bras como um instrumento de política linguística, utilizado por professores, pesquisadores, profissionais e docentes de universidades ligados à área de PLA para a implementação de políticas linguísticas, cujos efeitos vão além da pauta educacional. Esses agentes não apenas implementam as políticas, como também se apoderam do construto teórico do Celpe-Bras como orientador para planejarem aulas, discutirem conceitos, fornecerem explicações, estruturarem currículos etc. Eles são, portanto, ativos no processo de criação e implementação de políticas linguísticas. O presente estudo visa a contribuir para um melhor entendimento sobre o papel do Celpe-Bras e dos agentes envolvidos na conversão de políticas em materializações, bem como legitimar o exame como avaliação de proficiência do português brasileiro. / The current study analyzes the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners, Celpe-Bras, as an instrument of language policy, understood as a use oriented testing (Shohamy, 2006, 2007; McNamara, 2010, Da Silva, 2011). By means of collecting documentary materials and reviewing the literature, this research seeks to a) problematize the use and the implication of the use of the terms instrument of language policy to deal with language exams, b) analyze if Celpe-Bras is an instrument of language policy and c) if so, how it is utilized. Building on the understanding of language policies as complex processes subject to interpretation of the agents who implement them (Johnson, 2013) and that the language policies expressed in texts and discourses don't necessarily correspond to the real language policy (Shohamy, 2006), the analyzes here undertaken verify what the intentions and objectives when Celpe-Bras was created are – what appears in documents and discourses – and how these intentions and objectives materialize, attempting to instances of repercussion of Celpe-Bras. The analyzes also identify economic, social, political, ideological and cultural agendas with which Celpe-Bras is attached to, and how this connection happens. The study points to Celpe-Bras as an instrument of language policy, utilized by teachers, researchers, professionals and scholars related to the Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) area for the implementation of language policies, whose effects go beyond the educational agenda. These agents not only implement the policies, but also appropriate the theoretical construct of Celpe-Bras as a guiding for planning classes, discussing concepts, delivering explanations, structuring curricula etc. They are, therefore, active in the process of creation and implementation of language policies. The current study aims at contributing for a better understanding of the role of Celpe-Bras and the agents involved in the conversion of policies into materializations, as well as legitimating the exam as proficiency assessment of Brazilian Portuguese.

Consequences of ideology and policy in the English second language classroom: The case of Oshiwambo-speaking students in Namibia

Iipinge, Kristof January 2018 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (Linguistics, Language and Communication) / At independence, Namibia chose English as its official language and therefore its language of learning and teaching (LOLT). This decision has been well supported and therefore there has been an expectation among Namibians that learning English as early as possible is important because it will open many doors to the future (Harris, 2011). However, since the introduction of English as LOLT, government documents and other relevant literature have revealed poor performance of learners and falling standards of teaching (Iipinge, 2013). Despite this revelation, no study has been done in Namibia to investigate the effects of the current Language in Education Policy (LEP) on the teaching and learning of different school subjects. Therefore, this study focuses on critical questions regarding the effects of the current Namibian LEP on the teaching and learning of English Second Language (ESL) in Northern Namibia, with a special focus on one of the most demanding skills in second language learning: essay writing. Besides this, the study looks at the writing problems of learners and the intervention strategies that teachers are using to help learners overcome or reduce writing problems.

A critical evaluation of the development of Rumanyo as a national language in Namibia

Haingura, Paulinus January 2017 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (Linguistics, Language and Communication) / Among others, the current study had been conceived due to the fact that, although Namibia is endowed with multiple languages, their development throughout the long colonial history, had been unequal. That is, some languages received more attention than others and some were hardly developed at all. After independence, Namibians had legitimate expectations that all their (different) languages would be developed equitably throughout all the regions, and among all ethnic groups or speech communities. In the post-apartheid era, however, Namibians have been subjected to a limited and unequal language and literacy development which encouraged me to conduct a research to critically evaluate the development of Rumanyo or lack of thereof. The focus of this study is on understanding the disparities in language and literacy development in Namibia with particular emphasis on ethno-regional disparities and what precipitates these inequalities. The reason for the emphasis on region and ethnicity in researching language and literacy development was due to Namibia's multi-ethnicity and the over-lapping of regions and ethnic groups.

En quête d’une meilleure politique linguistique du chinois : - analyse comparative entre le cas de la Chine et de la France / In search of a better Chinese language policy : - A comparative study between the China's case and the France's case

Ma, Xiaoyan 14 June 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche analyse respectivement les politiques linguistiques de la langue chinoise et française menées sous la République populaire de Chine et la Ve République française. En adoptant une approche comparative, nous essayons de voir si les expériences vécues par la France pourront servir de modèle à la Chine qui, en matière de travaux de l’aménagement linguistique de la langue chinoise, cherche à la moderniser et diffuser à l’ère d’information tant au niveau national qu’à l’échelle internationale. La simplification des caractères chinois, la romanisation de transcription des caractères chinois et la généralisation du putonghua constituent les trois préoccupations majeures des affaires linguistiques de la Chine. À cela s’ajoute que la multiplication des échanges internationaux fait en sorte que la promotion de la langue chinoise sur la scène internationale figure dans l’ordre du jour. D’autant que l’initiative stratégique les nouvelles Routes de soie terrestre et maritime demande davantage la diffusion de la langue chinoise le long de ces régions et une construction du Vivre ensemble des langues dans cette configuration multilingue. En partant du constat que, en France existe une société multilingue riche en culture et que ce pays d’influence internationale, face à la puissance de la langue anglaise, veut renforcer la vitalité et l’influence de la langue française, la présente étude examine les travaux linguistiques menés sous la Ve République française. Que ce soit sur le statut ou le corpus de la langue, nous notons que les mesures d’interventions de la France dont les suivis de contrôles, la démarche coopérative et participative en terminologie et néologie, la promotion de la langue française appuyée sur le réseau francophone seront profitables à la Chine. Mais en Chine, un pays tellement étendu, la mise en place d’une politique linguistique sera plus scrupuleuse en tenant compte de la disparité régionale et la différence entre le corpus des deux langues exige alors un aménagement spécifique. / This study analyses respectively the Chinese and the French language policies adopted by the People’s Republic of China and France. As China intends to modernize and to promote Chinese throughout the country and abroad, we will use the comparative study to figure out if France could serve as an example in terms of language policy and language planning. The simplification of the Chinese characters, the romanization of the transcription of the Chinese characters and the promotion of the putonghua were considered as the major issues of the language affairs. With the opening and reform policy, the Chinese language is influenced by the foreign languages, especially English. Meanwhile, the authority try to promote the Chinese language over the world and reinforce its soft power, especially after the action plan the Belt and the Road Initiative was put forward. The French government does not regulate the choice of language in publications by individuals, but the use of French is required by law in commercial and work place communications. In addition to mandating the use of French in the territory of the Republic, the French government tries to promote French in the European Union and globally through institutions such as la Francophonie. We will adopt the diachronic method to demonstrate how the French government regulates its French language affairs both in language status and language corpus (language itself) and the evolution of the ideology of the language policy makers. By comparing the language affairs of the two countries in language status and corpus, the measures taken by France as the legal mechanism, the cooperation initiatives, the language promotion are of benefit to China, who shall also learn the lessons taken by France. As for the language system, the language policy and planning should take account of the specialty of the language to carry out appropriate measures favoring the use of the Chinese language.

Dynamique linguistique et épilinguistique au sein des lycées de la ville de Béjaia

Bessai, Bachir 04 November 2013 (has links)
Partant du constat que la ville de Béjaia se caractérise par un plurilinguisme kabyle, arabe et français. Il nous semble intéressant de comprendre comment cette coexistence de langues se gère dans ce contexte urbain. En effet, notre étude tente de déterminer les statuts et les fonctions des langues utilisées par les lycéens issus du milieu urbain bougiote. Nous recherchons une explication au fonctionnement des domaines d’emploi des langues en faisant la part des représentations sociolinguistiques. Les objectifs que nous nous fixons dans notre recherche sont donc doubles : au niveau des pratiques, notre recherche tente de dégager les fonctions remplies par chacune des langues en présence, étant donné que notre terrain de recherche se caractérise par une pluralité de langues. En ce qui concerne les représentations, le but est de connaître les représentations des élèves, d’étudier les valeurs et les hiérarchies attribuées aux différentes langues. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi de mener une enquête auprès des lycéens de la ville de Bejaia. Nous avons collecté des données non seulement quantitatives, mais aussi qualitatives, à partir de deux techniques différentes. Dans une première étape, nous nous sommes servi des questionnaires qui nous ont renseigné sur le profil sociolinguistique des élèves, les pratiques et les représentations linguistiques. Pour compléter les questionnaires, nous avons réalisé des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de quelques élèves. Après l’analyse des données, nous avons essayé de faire le bilan de la recherche et présenté les résultats obtenus, ainsi que leur interprétation. / Noting that the city of Bejaia is characterized by multilingualism: Kabyle, Arabic and French, It seems interesting to understand how the coexistence of these languages is managed in the urban context. Indeed, our study attempts to determine the status and functions of the languages used by students from the Bejaia urban area. We are looking for an explanation of the operation areas of language use in Bejaia making allowances sociolinguistic representations. The goals we set for ourselves in our research are twofold: in practice, we try to identify the functions performed by each of the languages, as our field research is a crossroads of different languages. In terms of representation, the goal is to know the representations of students studying the values and hierarchies assigned to different languages. Our research also aims to identify the attitudes of high school students of Bejaia against the Algerian language policy in general, and the use of Arabic as a principal language of instruction at the university. To do this, we chose to conduct a survey of students in the city of Bejaia. We collected data not only quantitative but also qualitative, using two different methods. At first, we used questionnaires that informed us about the sociolinguistic profile of students, practices and linguistic representations. In order to complete the questionnaires, we conducted semi-structured interviews with some students. As the questionnaire was based on maintenance practices and linguistic representations of respondents. After analyzing the data, we tried to take stock of research and presented the results and their interpretation. / انطلاقا من فكرة أن مدينة بجاية تتميز بتعدد لغوي يتمثل في القبائلية و العربية والفرنسية يبدو أنه منالمهم أن نرى كيف يتم التعامل مع هذا التعايش في هذا الوسط الحضاري. في واقع الأمر نحاول فيدراستنا تحديد مكانة و وظيفة اللغات المستخدمة من طرف تلاميذ الثانوية في مدينة بجاية. نحن نبحثعن تفسير كيفية استخدام المجالات الوظيفية للغات في بجاية و ذلك من خلال التمثيل الاجتماعي اللغوي.و بهذا الصدد نلاحظ أن الأهداف المسطرة في عملنا مضاعفة: فعلى المستوى التطبيقي سنحاول تحديدالوظائف المؤداة من قبل كل لغة متحدث بها، بما أن ميدان بحثنا ملتقى للغات المختلفة. انطلاقا من مبدأالتمثيل، نهدف إلى معرفة تمثيلات التلاميذ و دراسة القيمة و السلم المطبق لكل لغة، و في سياق آخرنهدف من بحثنا هذا إلى استنتاج موقف تلاميذ الثانوية في بجاية تجاه السياسة اللغوية المنتهجة فيالجزائر بشكل عام و استخدام اللغة العربية كلغة تدريس في الجامعة بشكل خاص. ولهذا الغرض، قررناالقيام باستبيان لدى تلاميذ الثانوية في مدينة بجاية، لقد قمنا بجمع معطيات كمية من جهة و نوعية من جهةأخرى، وذلك بتطبيق طريقتين مختلفتين. في بادئ الأمر، قمنا باستطلاعات أفادتنا بالملف الشخصي فياللسانيات الاجتماعية للتلميذ و الممارسات و التمثيلات اللغوية الخاصة به. من أجل استكمال الاستبيانات،أجرينا مقابلات شبه منظمة مع بعض التلاميذ. كما استند الاستبيان على الممارسات و التمثيلات اللغويةلأفراد العينة. وبعد تحليل البيانات، حاولنا أن اجراء مراجعة البحث وعرض النتائج وتفسيرها.

A lei de cooficialização das línguas Tukano, Nheengatu e Baniwa em São Gabriel da Cachoeira: questões sobre política linguística em contexto multilíngue.

Silva, Fabiana Sarges da 07 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-06-02T19:20:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Fabiana Sarges da Silva.pdf: 11971601 bytes, checksum: 8cd304e7090398a36c43503667c2be17 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-03T15:37:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Fabiana Sarges da Silva.pdf: 11971601 bytes, checksum: 8cd304e7090398a36c43503667c2be17 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-03T15:42:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Fabiana Sarges da Silva.pdf: 11971601 bytes, checksum: 8cd304e7090398a36c43503667c2be17 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-03T15:42:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Fabiana Sarges da Silva.pdf: 11971601 bytes, checksum: 8cd304e7090398a36c43503667c2be17 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-07 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira located on the Rio Negro in the Northwest Amazon, is home a diverse range of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures, forming a complex sociolinguistic reality. There are five language families in the region that are divided into several ethnic groups. Each language family is concentrated in one of the three main tributary river systems: Uaupés, Içana and Rio Negro/Xié. In this way, one language is predominant for interethnic communication in each of these river systems – Tukano in the Uaupés basin, Nheengatú along the Negro and Xié, and Baniwa along the Içana. After much discussion by the indigenous leaders and some institutions and organizations (IPOL, ISA, UFAM, FOIRN) these three languages were granted official status at the municipal level in the law 145/2002, which, after a few years, was regulated by the law 210/2006. In this thesis, I will analyze what the officialization law and its regulations represent for the social agents who are experiencing the process of its implementation. Throughout the study, I observed how actions are being developed to operationalize the policy cooficializing the Tukano, Nheengatú, and Baniwa languages, as well as the use of these and other indigenous languages in various contexts in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira. This study provides the perspectives of indigenous teachers participating in the PARFOR undergraduate program (a national program providing basic teacher training education), obtained through the use of a questionnaire. In addition, interviews were conducted with FOIRN (the Federation of Indigenous Organizations of the Rio Negro) directors and with former municipal councilors who had been involved in the development of this law. In the results presented here, I analyze the representations, knowledge, beliefs, and attidudes these people have about the coofficialization policy, in addition to characterizing their use of other languages. I will show how these two sources of information – survey responses and interview responses – work in dialogical interaction with one another, and situate both within a broader social context. / Localizado no Noroeste Amazônico, no Alto Rio Negro, o município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira apresenta uma realidade sociolinguística complexa por apresentar uma grande diversidade de etnias, línguas e culturas. São cinco as famílias linguísticas presentes na região que se dividem em vários grupos étnicos. Cada família linguística se concentra em maior número de pessoas em uma das calhas de rio: Uaupés, Içana e Rio Negro e Xié. Dessa maneira, as calhas de rio apresentam uma língua predominante que serve para a comunicação interétnica. Assim, temos o Tukano na bacia do Uaupés, o Nheengatu nos rios Negro e Xié e Baniwa no rio Içana. Após muitas discussões por parte das lideranças indígenas e algumas instituições e organizações (IPOL, ISA, UFAM, FOIRN) oficializou-se essas três línguas indígenas em nível municipal na lei 145/2002 e, após alguns anos, regulamentou-se na lei 210/2006. Neste trabalho tentamos analisar as representações que a lei de cooficialização e sua regulamentação possuem para os agentes sociais que vivenciam o processo de implementação da Lei. Durante o desenvolvimento do estudo verificamos como estão sendo desenvolvidas as ações que operacionalizam a política de cooficialização das línguas Tukano, Nheengatu e Baniwa, bem como o uso dessas e das demais línguas indígenas nos contextos diversos do município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, interior do estado do Amazonas. Partiu-se do ponto de vista dos professores indígenas participantes dos cursos de licenciatura do PARFOR – Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores de Educação Básica – que, através das respostas dadas ao questionário aplicado, aliadas as entrevistas realizadas com ex-vereadores e diretores da FOIRN – Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro, permitiu que fosse analisadas as representações, o conhecimento, opinião e atitudes acerca da política de cooficialização local, além de caracterizar o uso de outras línguas por essas pessoas. As respostas são estabelecidas por meio da interação dialógica que se apresentam em contextos de enunciações contornados pelo social.

Multilingualism : paving the way for mother-tongue education policy in Limpopo Province Schools

Ntsoane, Mogodi January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Language Education)) --University of Limpopo, 2018. / Refer to document

The Politics of Language and the Language of Politics : the Use of German and Kiswahili in German East Africa, 1885-1918 / La politique des langues et la langue du politique : l'usage de l'allemand et du kiswahili dans l'Afrique orientale allemande, 1885 - 1918

Levine, Rachel 07 December 2015 (has links)
En Afrique orientale allemande, le kiswahili servait à la fois de langue d’instruction dans les écoles gérées par le gouvernement, et de langue de travail dans l’administration coloniale. Cette thèse examine diverses sources primaires et secondaires pour déterminer comment cette pratique administrative fut instituée et dans quel contexte. Il s’intéresse également aux enjeux et postures relatifs à son implémentation, de même qu’à ses conséquences à court, moyen et long terme pour la colonie allemande et pour l’identité et la conscience propre de ce peuple colonisé qui subirait la domination britannique avant d’accéder à l’indépendance en tant que Tanganyika, puis Tanzanie. / In German East Africa, Kiswahili was used as the language of instruction in government-run schools and as the language of administration. This article examines various archival, primary, and secondary sources to determine how this administrative practice came to pass; the background against which such a decision was taken or practice was institutionalized; the issues, attitudes, and problems that surrounded that practice; and what consequences it had in the short, medium, and long term for both the German colony and the consciousness and identity of the colonized people who would go on to experience British rule and then independence as the countries of Tanganyika and Tanzania.

Gouverner les langues : l’institutionnalisation et la transformation de la politique d’enseignement des langues étrangères en France, en Allemagne et au Luxembourg / Governing languages : the institutionalization and the transformation of language education policies in France, Germany and Luxembourg

Garcia, Núria 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse l’action publique dans le domaine du gouvernement des langues à travers l’étude de la transformation de la politique d’enseignement des langues étrangères en France, en Allemagne et au Luxembourg. L’analyse vise à expliquer comment des politiques d’enseignement des langues relativement similaires en termes d’objectifs et de moyens mis en œuvre produisent des résultats significativement différents dans deux cas a priori très proches que sont la France et l’Allemagne. Retraçant le processus d’institutionnalisation de ces politiques sur le temps long, la démonstration montre que ces différences ne s’expliquent que partiellement par des dynamiques infra-sectorielles. L’explication des variations d’output et d’outcome de la politique d’enseignement des langues étrangères nécessite de prendre en compte la configuration politique et sociétale dans son ensemble à travers une perspective systémique : le découpage sectoriel ou intersectoriel de l’objectif du multilinguisme et les effets d’interaction entre la politique d’enseignement des langues et d’autres secteurs de politique publique expliquent des variations dans la perception d’utilité des langues par les individus et leur motivation de s’investir dans l’apprentissage de ces dernières, et partant les différences de résultat de cette politique. L’absence de lien direct entre inputs, outputs et outcomes de la politique d’enseignement des langues soulève la question des limites de l’action publique en matière de gouvernement des langues, limites qui sont liées à la réactivité de l’Etat à des préférences contradictoires des citoyens et au lien entre langue et citoyenneté dans les sociétés monolingues. / This thesis analyses public action in the field of the government of languages through the study of the transformation of foreign language education policies in France, Germany and Luxembourg. The analysis aims to show how language education policies that are relatively similar in terms of their goals and their means of implementation produce significantly different results in France and Germany, two cases that appear to very close. Retracing the process of institutionalization of these policies on the long term, our demonstration shows that these differences can only be partially explained by infra-sectorial dynamics. The explanation of the variation in the outputs and outcomes of foreign language education policies requires to take into account the larger political and societal configuration through a systemic perspective: it is the sectorial or intersectorial definition of the objective of multilingualism and the interaction effects between language education policies and other policy sectors that explain the variations in individuals’ perceptions of the utility of language and their motivation to invest in the study of this languages, and consequently the differences in the results of these policies. The absence of a direct link between the inputs, outputs and outcomes of foreign language education policies raises the questions of the limits of public policy in the field of governing languages. These limits are linked to the responsiveness of the state to contradictory citizens’ preferences and to the link that exists between language and citizenship in monolingual societies.

Issues in national language terminology development in Kenya

Onyango, James Ogola 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines issues that emerge in the attempts that have been made to develop the national language terminology in kenya by committees, Kiswahili enthusiasts and Kiswahili scholars. Attention is drawn to the fact that the problematic national language policy that emerges from the national language`s social history is an important backround to the issues that are discussed. The issues emerging in these attempts are examined in the prism of an encompassing terminology development framework that is synthesised from terminology development literature from different areas of the world. This framework views terminology development as a process that entails: formation of a language institute, setting up of goals, the actual engineering of the terms, the mode of dissemination and evaluation. The case of Kenya demonstrates that the attempts have so far consisted of isolated steps of terminology development rather than the whole set of required action.

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