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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

5 tips för att lindra din klimatångest

Eriksson, Agnes January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Physiological constraints and evolutionary trade-offs underlying bacterial aging, caloric restriction and longevity / Contraintes physiologiques et compromis évolutifs sous-jacents au vieillissement bactérien, restriction calorique et longévité

Yang, Yifan 10 July 2015 (has links)
Les théories évolutives du vieillissement et la théorie du «disposable soma» en particulier ont été la base théorique d'une avance récente de recherche sur le vieillissement animal. Pourtant, leur hypothèse centrale sur la physiologie de l'entretien et de la réparation cellulaires n'a pas été testée empiriquement. Dans cette thèse, j'ai analysé la physiologie du vieillissement de Escherichia coli sous restriction de carbone, en tant que système modèle pour valider empiriquement les théories évolutives du vieillissement. Les outils microfluidiques sont utilisés pour isoler de larges populations de cellules isolées de E. coli et pour obtenir une restriction carbonée homogène. Malgré le partage de la même génétique et des conditions environnementales, les cellules individuelles de la population présentent des variations significatives de la durée de vie et de cause de décès. Les distributions de durée de vie présentent des caractéristiques typiques du processus de vieillissement, souvent observées en études démographiques animales et humaines. Le taux de vieillissement peut être modifié par des mutations de la réponse générale au stress. Comme la longévité induite par la restriction calorique, la réponse générale au stress prolonge la durée de vie d'E.coli en atténuant l'effet du vieillissement au détriment des besoins immédiats des cellules. Un modèle quantitatif de ce compromis physiologique est construit et correctement prédit des observations expérimentales. En conclusion, je confirme la théorie du «disposable soma» du vieillissement avec les détails physiologiques du vieillissement de E.coli en famine. / The evolutionary theories of aging and the disposable soma theory in particular, have been the theoretical basis for a recent surge of animal aging research. Yet their central assumption about the physiology of cellular maintenance and repair has not been empirically tested. In this thesis, I analysed the physiology of E.coli aging under carbon starvation, as a model system to empirically validate evolutionary theories of aging. Microfluidic tools are used to isolate large populations of isogenic single E.coli cells, and to achieve homogenous carbon starvation. Despite sharing the same genetical background and environmental conditions, individual cells in the population exhibit significant variations in lifespans and causes of death. Distributions of lifespans exhibit typical features of the aging process, often seen in animal and human demographic studies. The rate of aging can be altered by mutations of the general stress response pathway. Resembling caloric restriction induced longevity, the general stress response pathway extends starvation lifespans of E.coli by attenuating the effect of aging at the expense of immediate needs of the cells. A quantitative model of this physiological trade-off is constructed and correctly predicted experimental observations. As a conclusion, I substantiate the disposable soma theory of aging with the physiological details of E.coli aging in starvation.

Časový snímek z obrazu stacionární kamery / Time Lapse from Stationary Camera Image

Turek, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this master's thesis is the time lapse from stationary camera images. Unwanted phenomena, which arise in time lapse, were analyzed and algorithms to overcome these limitations were designed. The algorithms were implemented and compared using the captured dataset. The resulting application creates time lapse from the video input and allows users to choose the processing technique including the setting of appropriate parameters.

Condition-based monitoring of natural draught wet-cooling tower performance-related parameters

Ehlers, Frederik Coenrad 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The meteorological conditions at Eskom’s Majuba Power Station are measured, evaluated and trended in this dissertation. The results are used to evaluate the current natural draught wet-cooling tower (NDWCT) design- and performance test specifications and to compare these to the original design- and performance test specifications. The evaluation reveals that the design parameters for the NDWCTs at Majuba Power Station, a cooling system that was originally designed optimally, could have been determined differently and arguably more accurately by using the wet-bulb temperature (Tawb) as the main design variable instead of the dry-bulb temperature (Ta). A new technique to determine optimal NDWCT design and performance test conditions is consequently proposed. In order to satisfy the atmospheric conditions required for a successful NDWCT performance test, it is also proposed that the tests be undertaken between 12:00 and 14:00 during Summer. It is found that the NDWCT inlet Tawb, measured at specific heights, does not compare well to the far-field Tawb measured at the same heights when a Tawb accuracy of 0.1 K is required. It is proposed that a more representative far-field Tawb measuring height of 10 m should be used in future NDWCT designs as the NDWCT design temperature reference height. The industry-standard reference height should, however, still be used during temperature profile calculations. A parametric study of the water-steam cycle and wet-cooling system at Majuba indicates that during full load conditions, the generated output (Pst) is primarily dependent on the condenser saturation pressure (pc). The latter is reliant on Tawb, the temperature lapse rate (LRT) that is represented by the temperature profile exponent (bT), the main cooling water flow rate (mcw), atmospheric pressure (pa), and wind speed (VW). Using historical plant data relatively simple methods, enabling the quick and effective determination of these relationships, are proposed. The plant-specific and atmospheric parameters required for these analyses are also tabulated. Two NDWCT effectiveness models, one mathematical (Kröger, 1998) and one statistical artificial neural network (ANN) model are presented and evaluated. ANNs, which are not often used to evaluate NDWCT effectiveness, provide accurate NDWCT temperature approach results within 0.5 K of measured values for varying dependent variables. This motivates that an ANN, if set up and used correctly, can be an effective condition-monitoring tool and can be used to improve the accuracy of more empirical NDWCT performance models. The one-dimensional mathematical effectiveness model provides accurate results under NDWCT design conditions. The dependency of Majuba’s NDWCT to the rain zone mean drop diameter (dd) is evaluated by means of the one-dimensional mathematical model. A reduction in dd from 0.0052 m to 0.0029 m can reduce the NDWCT re-cooled water temperature (Tcwo) so that the rated pc is reduced by 0.15 kPa, which relates to a combined financial saving during peak and off-peak periods of R1.576M in 2013 and R1.851M in 2016. Similar improvements can result in higher savings at other wet-cooled stations in the Eskom fleet due to less optimally-designed wet-cooling systems. The proposed techniques should be considered in future economic evaluations of wet-cooling system improvements at different power stations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meteorologiese toestande by Eskom se Majuba-kragstasie is deur die navorser gemeet en -evalueer. Die resultate word gebruik om die Natuurlike-trek, Nat koeltoring (NTNKT) se ontwerp- en werkverrigting toetsspesifikasies te evalueer en vergelyk met die oorspronklike toetsspesifikasies. Die resultate dui daarop dat die ontwerpsparameters vir die NTNKTs by Majuba-kragstasie, ‘n verkoelings-sisteem wat aanvanklik optimaal ontwerp is, op ‘n ander, selfs meer akkurate manier bepaal kon word deur die natbol-temperatuur (Tawb) te gebruik as die hoof-ontwerpsparameter inplaas van die droëbol temperatuur (Ta).’n Nuwe tegniek wat gebruik kan word om akkurate NTNKT ontwerp- en werkverrigting toetsspesifikasies te bepaal word voorgestel. Die tydperk vir die mees optimale atmosferiese toestande, wanneer NTNKT-toetse uitgevoer moet word, word vasgestel as tussen 12:00 en 14:00 tydens Somermaande. Dit word bewys, vir ’n Tawb akkuraatheid van 0.1 K, dat die NTNKT inlaat-Tawb, gemeet by verskillende hoogtes, nie vergelykbaar is met Tawb wat ver van die NTNKT af op dieselfde hoogtes gemeet word nie. ’n Meer aanvaarbare hoogte van 10 m word voorgestel as die NTNKT ontwerpstemperatuur verwysingshoogte vir toekomstige NTNKT ontwerpe wanneer die Tawb ver van die NTNKT af meet word. Die industrie-standaard temperatuur verwysingshoogte moet wel steeds gebruik word tydens temperatuur-profielberekeninge. ’n Parametriese studie van die turbine se water-stoom siklus en die nat-verkoelingstelsel by Majuba dui daarop dat die generator se uitset (Pst) hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die kondensator se druk (pc) gedurende vol-vrag toestande. Druk (pc) is weer afhanklik van Tawb, die temperatuur vervaltempo (LRT) wat voorgestel word deur die temperatuur profiel eksponent (bT), die verkoelingswater-vloeitempo (mcw), atmosferiese druk (pa) en windspoed (VW). Deur die gebruik van historiese data word redelike eenvoudige metodes voorgestel om dié verhoudings doeltreffend te bepaal. Die atmosferiese- en stasie-spesifieke parameters wat benodig word vir dié ontleding is ook getabuleer. Twee modelle vir NTNKT-effektiweit, ’n wiskundige (gebaseer op Kröger, 1998) en statistiese kunsmatige neurale-netwerk (KNN) model, word aangebied en geëvalueer. KNNe, wat nie gereeld gebruik word om NTNKTe se effektiwiteit te evalueer nie, lewer akkurate NTNKT temperatuur-benadering resultate binne 0.5 K van die gemete resultate vir wisselende afhanklike parameters. Dié resultate motiveer dat ’n KNN wat korrek opgestel is doeltreffend gebruik kan word om die toestand van NTNKTs te bepaal en om die akkuraatheid van ander NTNKT-modelle te verbeter. Die eendimensionele, wiskundige model lewer akkurate resultate onder NTNKT ontwerpspesifikasies. ’n Wiskundige NTNKT-model word gebruik om die afhanklikheid van Majubakragstasie se NTNKTe tot die reënsone druppelgrootte (dd) te bereken. 'n Vermindering in dd van 0,0052 tot 0,0029 m kan die NTNKT se afgekoelde watertemperatuur (Tcwo), van só 'n aard verlaag dat pc verminder met 0,15 kPa. Só kan ’n gesamentlike vol- en gedeeltelike vrag finansiële besparing van R1.576M in 2013 en R1.851M in 2016 behaal word. Soortgelyke verbeterings aan verkoelingstelsels sal lei tot meer en hoër besparings by ander Eskom nat-verkoelde stasies. Dié tegnieke moet in ag geneem word tydens toekomstige ekonomiese evaluasies van verbeterings tot nat-verkoelingstelsels by ander kragstasies.

影響壽險解約行為因素之實證分析 / On the Factors Affecting the Surrenders Behavior of US Life Insurance Contracts

林冠勳, Lin, Kuan Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文要探討的主題為何種總體或個體因素會影響投保人在壽險上的解約行為。由於壽險保單的解約行為會讓保險公司面臨現金流、聲譽、逆選擇等風險,進而影響公司營運。因此探討影響保單解約率之因素,進而準確估計保單的解約率為十分重要的議題。此外,不論投保人主動解約或是被動使保單失效均會對保險公司造成影響,因此本篇論文也將利用不同解約率的計算方式進行實證分析,研究是否不同計算方式的解約率會影響實證結果。本文使用NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners)保險資料庫之年報資料,對2004-2014年間保險公司之經營狀況進行分析,驗證解約率實證中常用的三個假說:市場利率假說、緊急資金假說以及保單替換假說,選用之變數包含失業率、利率、保單替換率、高齡比等變數,並採用固定效果模型作為縱橫資料之迴歸模型,分別對不同計算方式所得之解約率進行迴歸分析,並比較彙整其結果。最後針對結果提出未來研究之建議。 / Insurance companies’ business will be influenced by surrender activities in several aspects, such as cash flow problem and inverse selection problem. Empirical researches show that both macroeconomic variables and microeconomic variables will influence surrender behaviors. Hence, this paper seeks to which kinds of macroeconomic variables will influence surrender activities and investigates whether using different ways to calculate surrender rate will cause different empirical results. All available US insurance company data, ranging from January 2004 to December 2014, are obtained from the annual statement in NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners).We found some evidence supporting Emergency Fund Hypothesis and Interest Rate Hypothesis, but using different ways to calculate surrender rate may cause a little bias in conclusion. However, the relationship between surrender activities and macroeconomic variables supports insurance companies to understand and actively manage lapse/surrender risk.

Imaging the Cell-Basement Membrane Interface during Anchor Cell Invasion in C. elegans

Hagedorn, Elliott Jennings January 2012 (has links)
<p>Basement membrane (BM) is the thin, dense, highly cross-linked form of extracellular matrix that underlies all epithelia and endothelia, as well as surrounds muscle, nerve and fat. These sheet-like networks function as physiological barriers to maintain tissue homeostasis. During normal developmental processes and immune surveillance, cells invade through BM to establish tissues and fight infection. Similarly, metastatic cancer cells are thought to co-opt normal programs for BM transmigration as they spread from primary tumors and colonize distant tissues. The difficulty of visualizing cell-BM interactions during invasion in vivo has left the cellular and molecular mechanisms used to breach BM undefined. Specialized F-actin-rich matrix-degrading membrane protrusions, termed invadosomes, have been described in cultured invasive cell lines for more 30 years. Invadosomes are hypothesized to mediate BM penetration during cancer metastasis. Despite promising advances in intravital imaging technologies, however, invadosomes have yet to be observed in cells transmigrating BM in vivo, leaving their physiological relevance unclear. Anchor cell invasion in C. elegans is a simple in vivo model of cell invasion that allows for combined visual and genetic analysis of BM transmigration. In this dissertation I develop high-resolution time-lapse imaging approaches to understand the dynamic interactions that occur at the AC-BM interface during invasion. Through the course of this work we identify an integrin-based mechanism that polarizes the AC towards the BM. We further discover protrusive F-actin-based invadosome structures that mediate BM breach during anchor cell (AC) invasion. We find that in most cases only one or two invadosomes penetrate the BM and then transform into an invasive protrusion that guides the AC through a single BM gap. Using genetics and quantitative single-cell image analysis we characterize several molecular regulators of invadosome formation in vivo. Our findings establish an essential role for invadosomes during BM transmigration in vivo, and support the idea that these structures are a core, conserved element of a normal invasive cellular strategy activated during cancer metastasis.</p> / Dissertation

Segmentation and tracking of cells and particles in time-lapse microscopy

Magnusson, Klas E. G. January 2016 (has links)
In biology, many different kinds of microscopy are used to study cells. There are many different kinds of transmission microscopy, where light is passed through the cells, that can be used without staining or other treatments that can harm the cells. There is also fluorescence microscopy, where fluorescent proteins or dyes are placed in the cells or in parts of the cells, so that they emit light of a specific wavelength when they are illuminated with light of a different wavelength. Many fluorescence microscopes can take images on many different depths in a sample and thereby build a three-dimensional image of the sample. Fluorescence microscopy can also be used to study particles, for example viruses, inside cells. Modern microscopes often have digital cameras or other equipment to take images or record time-lapse video. When biologists perform experiments on cells, they often record image sequences or sequences of three-dimensional volumes to see how the cells behave when they are subjected to different drugs, culture substrates, or other external factors. Previously, the analysis of recorded data has often been done manually, but that is very time-consuming and the results often become subjective and hard to reproduce. Therefore there is a great need for technology for automated analysis of image sequences with cells and particles inside cells. Such technology is needed especially in biological research and drug development. But the technology could also be used clinically, for example to tailor a cancer treatment to an individual patient by evaluating different treatments on cells from a biopsy. This thesis presents algorithms to find cells and particles in images, and to calculate tracks that show how they have moved during an experiment. We have developed a complete system that can find and track cells in all commonly used imaging modalities. We selected and extended a number of existing segmentation algorithms, and thereby created a complete tool to find cell outlines. To link the segmented objects into tracks, we developed a new track linking algorithm. The algorithm adds tracks one by one using dynamic programming, and has many advantages over prior algorithms. Among other things, it is fast, it calculates tracks which are optimal for the entire image sequence, and it can handle situations where multiple cells have been segmented incorrectly as one object. To make it possible to use information about the velocities of the objects in the linking, we developed a method where the positions of the objects are preprocessed using a filter before the linking is performed. This is important for tracking of some particles inside cells and for tracking of cell nuclei in some embryos.       We have developed an open source software which contains all tools that are necessary to analyze image sequences with cells or particles. It has tools for segmentation and tracking of objects, optimization of settings, manual correction, and analysis of outlines and tracks. We developed the software together with biologists who used it in their research. The software has already been used for data analysis in a number of biology publications. Our system has also achieved outstanding performance in three international objective comparisons of systems for tracking of cells. / Inom biologi används många olika typer av mikroskopi för att studera celler. Det finns många typer av genomlysningsmikroskopi, där ljus passerar genom cellerna, som kan användas utan färgning eller andra åtgärder som riskerar att skada cellerna. Det finns också fluorescensmikroskopi där fluorescerande proteiner eller färger förs in i cellerna eller i delar av cellerna, så att de emitterar ljus av en viss våglängd då de belyses med ljus av en annan våglängd. Många fluorescensmikroskop kan ta bilder på flera olika djup i ett prov och på så sätt bygga upp en tre-dimensionell bild av provet. Fluorescensmikroskopi kan även användas för att studera partiklar, som exempelvis virus, inuti celler. Moderna mikroskop har ofta digitala kameror eller liknande utrustning för att ta bilder och spela in bildsekvenser. När biologer gör experiment på celler spelar de ofta in bildsekvenser eller sekvenser av tre-dimensionella volymer för att se hur cellerna beter sig när de utsätts för olika läkemedel, odlingssubstrat, eller andra yttre faktorer. Tidigare har analysen av inspelad data ofta gjorts manuellt, men detta är mycket tidskrävande och resultaten blir ofta subjektiva och svåra att reproducera. Därför finns det ett stort behov av teknik för automatiserad analys av bildsekvenser med celler och partiklar inuti celler. Sådan teknik behövs framförallt inom biologisk forskning och utveckling av läkemedel. Men tekniken skulle också kunna användas kliniskt, exempelvis för att skräddarsy en cancerbehandling till en enskild patient genom att utvärdera olika behandlingar på celler från en biopsi. I denna avhandling presenteras algoritmer för att hitta celler och partiklar i bilder, och för att beräkna trajektorier som visar hur de har förflyttat sig under ett experiment. Vi har utvecklat ett komplett system som kan hitta och följa celler i alla vanligt förekommande typer av mikroskopi. Vi valde ut och vidareutvecklade ett antal existerande segmenteringsalgoritmer, och skapade på så sätt ett heltäckande verktyg för att hitta cellkonturer. För att länka ihop de segmenterade objekten till trajektorier utvecklade vi en ny länkningsalgoritm. Algoritmen lägger till trajektorier en och en med hjälp av dynamisk programmering, och har många fördelar jämfört med tidigare algoritmer. Bland annat är den snabb, den beräknar trajektorier som är optimala över hela bildsekvensen, och den kan hantera fall då flera celler felaktigt segmenterats som ett objekt. För att kunna använda information om objektens hastighet vid länkningen utvecklade vi en metod där objektens positioner förbehandlas med hjälp av ett filter innan länkningen utförs. Detta är betydelsefullt för följning av vissa partiklar inuti celler och för följning av cellkärnor i vissa embryon. Vi har utvecklat en mjukvara med öppen källkod, som innehåller alla verktyg som krävs för att analysera bildsekvenser med celler eller partiklar. Den har verktyg för segmentering och följning av objekt, optimering av inställningar, manuell korrektion, och analys av konturer och trajektorier. Vi utvecklade mjukvaran i samarbete med biologer som använde den i sin forskning. Mjukvaran har redan använts för dataanalys i ett antal biologiska publikationer. Vårt system har även uppnått enastående resultat i tre internationella objektiva jämförelser av system för följning av celler. / <p>QC 20161125</p>

Improving the efficiency and accuracy of nocturnal bird Surveys through equipment selection and partial automation

Lazarevic, Ljubica January 2010 (has links)
Birds are a key environmental asset and this is recognised through comprehensive legislation and policy ensuring their protection and conservation. Many species are active at night and surveys are required to understand the implications of proposed developments such as towers and reduce possible conflicts with these structures. Night vision devices are commonly used in nocturnal surveys, either to scope an area for bird numbers and activity, or in remotely sensing an area to determine potential risk. This thesis explores some practical and theoretical approaches that can improve the accuracy, confidence and efficiency of nocturnal bird surveillance. As image intensifiers and thermal imagers have operational differences, each device has associated strengths and limitations. Empirical work established that image intensifiers are best used for species identification of birds against the ground or vegetation. Thermal imagers perform best in detection tasks and monitoring bird airspace usage. The typically used approach of viewing bird survey video from remote sensing in its entirety is a slow, inaccurate and inefficient approach. Accuracy can be significantly improved by viewing the survey video at half the playback speed. Motion detection efficiency and accuracy can be greatly improved through the use of adaptive background subtraction and cumulative image differencing. An experienced ornithologist uses bird flight style and wing oscillations to identify bird species. Changes in wing oscillations can be represented in a single inter-frame similarity matrix through area-based differencing. Bird species classification can then be automated using singular value decomposition to reduce the matrices to one-dimensional vectors for training a feed-forward neural network.


ROBERTA DE SOUZA CHUN 26 November 2007 (has links)
[pt] O tema central deste trabalho é apresentar modelos de persistência. As probabilidades de persistência na carteira de um produto de determinada empresa de seguros e previdência serão estudadas de forma agregada, de tal forma que se torna possível a elaboração de outros estudos, como por exemplo, de análise de lucratividade, mesmo com poucos dados, o que inviabiliza a elaboração de tábuas de múltiplos decrementos. Serão avaliadas as possíveis causas de saídas de acordo com as características do plano. O desenvolvimento dos modelos tomam por base dados em forma de triângulo, técnica normalmente utilizada para cálculo de provisões de seguros. / [en] The objective of this work is to present persistency models. The probabilities of remaining in a Insurance and Pension company portfolio will be studied in a aggregate way, in this way it is possible to develop another results such as profitability, even though, there is poor data, what turns impossible to build multiple decrement tables. The possible lapses causes will be evaluated according to the plan. The models development is based on triangular data, this technique is usual on claims reserving.

Décrypter la formation de l'épithélium olfactif : de la diversité cellulaire à la morphogenèse / Deciphering olfactory epithelium development : from cell type diversity to morphogenesis

Aguillon, Raphaël 15 December 2017 (has links)
La formation d'un organe repose sur la coordination spatio-temporelle du positionnement et de la différenciation de progéniteurs. La finalité de ces évènements permet la constitution structurelle de l'organe et la production de la diversité cellulaire nécessaire pour assurer ses fonctions. L'épithélium olfactif de l'embryon de poisson-zèbre est issu de la migration de progéniteurs qui vont générer entre autres les neurones olfactifs. Au cours de ma thèse je me suis intéressé aux bases génétiques et moléculaires de la coordination de la morphogenèse et de la neurogenèse de cet épithélium tout en étudiant l'origine de la diversité des types cellulaires olfactifs. L'imagerie en temps réel m'a permis de caractériser la migration de ces progéniteurs en générant une carte morphométrique de leur déplacement. Mon travail de thèse révèle que le proneural Neurog1 régule directement l'expression de cxcr4b, un récepteur au chimiokine, dans les progéniteurs olfactifs assurant leur positionnement. Ainsi, Neurog1 coordonnerait la position et l'identité des progéniteurs olfactifs via ses cibles transcriptionnelles. Au sein de l'épithélium olfactif dans l'embryon, deux populations cellulaires (neurones à GnRH et neurones à microvillosités) ont été décrites comme provenant des crêtes neurales céphaliques (CNC). J'ai pu montrer que l'expression de marqueurs spécifiques de ces populations n'est pas affectée dans un contexte d'absence de différenciation des CNCs (sox10-/-) suggérant que ces types cellulaires ne dérivent pas de ce territoire. Afin d'identifier leur territoire d'origine, j'ai développé une méthode d'imagerie en temps réel, le backtracking, qui m'a permis de déterminer que la région de la placode olfactive, et non les crêtes neurales, génère ces deux types cellulaires. Ainsi j'ai pu définir la source de ces deux populations neuronales tout en minimisant la contribution des crêtes neurales. En conclusion mes résultats suggèrent que la diversité des neurones olfactifs serait produite localement et ceci conjointement à la morphogenèse de l'épithélium. / The correct development of sensory organs relies on the coordination between changes in progenitor positioning over time and the differentiation/specification of different neural subtypes. The outcome of this coordination is proper organ shape and cell diversity, which are required for functionality. The zebrafish embryonic olfactory epithelium arises from progenitor migration and differentiation. During my PhD, I studied the genetic and molecular basis of morphogenesis in this tissue, and how this is coordinated with neurogenesis, as well as revisiting the origin of olfactory cell type diversity.First, I generated a morphometric map of olfactory progenitors through the characterization of their migration in live embryos. Next, I showed that the proneural transcription factor Neurog1 directly regulates cxcr4b expression, a chemokine receptor that has already been shown to govern olfactory progenitor positioning. Thus, Neurog1 orchestrates olfactory progenitor position and the generation of olfactory neurons via distinct transcriptional targets. Secondly, I addressed the origin of olfactory neuron diversity. Within the embryonic olfactory epithelium, two cell populations (GnRH neurons and microvillous neurons) have been described as cephalic neural crest (CNC) derivatives. I found, however, that the expression of specific markers of both populations is unaffected in a genetic context blocking CNC differentiation. To revisit the lineage assignment of these cell types, I developed a backtracking approach through time-lapse live imaging. I found that both populations are derived from classical olfactory placode progenitor and not the CNC. In conclusion, my results indicate that heterogeneity of olfactory cell-types is locally generated, and concomitant with morphogenesis of the placode.

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