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Processos auto-organizados: efeitos de substâncias químicas que agem no sistema nervoso sobre o desenvolvimento e padrão de dispersão larval pós-alimentar de dípteros (Calliphoridae e Muscidae)Gomes, Guilherme [UNESP] 17 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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gomes_g_me_rcla.pdf: 2270133 bytes, checksum: d4e2f6bb8bc021e8025a823eb3f7a791 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A ordem Diptera desperta grande interesse nos estudos científicos devido à importância agrícola, sanitária, veterinária e forense, dependendo da espécie em estudo. A espécie Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) foi introduzida há cerca de 30 anos no Brasil e é de considerável importância médico-sanitária, além de poder ser utilizada em estudos forenses, na estimativa de intervalo pós-morte (IPM) em humanos. A espécie Musca domestica (Linnaeus) tem distribuição cosmopolita e é bastante comum no ambiente urbano e pode também transportar formas infectantes de muitas doenças. Nessas moscas, após o desenvolvimento dos imaturos em substratos discretos e efêmeros, as larvas abandonam o substrato alimentar em busca de um sítio para pupação, processo chamado de dispersão larval pós-alimentar. No entanto, em ambiente natural, tanto a fonte alimentar como o substrato de pupação podem estar contaminados com substâncias químicas, sendo que algumas destas podem ser de interesse forense ou ser aplicadas no controle de pragas. Assim, o principal objetivo do presente trabalho é procurar dar contribuição a um melhor conhecimento dos efeitos do ansiolítico Diazepam [Diazepam NQ® 10mg] sobre o desenvolvimento larval e comportamento de dispersão larval e do inseticida Fipronil [Regent 800 WG®] sobre a dispersão pós-alimentar das larvas de duas espécies de moscas (C. megacephala e M. domestica). Na análise do desenvolvimento larval, pôde-se observar que a presença de Diazepam no substrato alimentar aumenta o tempo de desenvolvimento larval, retardando o ganho de massa por tempo nas duas espécies estudadas, quando se compara ao grupo controle. Já o comportamento de dispersão larval foi alterado na presença de Fipronil ou de Diazepam, em relação ao controle, sendo que a profundidade de enterramento e a distância das pupas do centro de irradiação... / Some species of Diptera have a great medical and veterinary importance, acting as vectors of many diseases, addiction of having a considerable agricultural, commercial and ecological importance and other ones having forensic importance. Flies utilize discrete and ephemeral breeding sites for larval nutrition. After the exhaustion of food, larvae begin dispersing in search of sites to pupate or to additional food sources, a process referred as post feeding larval dispersal. However, in natural environments these breeding or feeding sites can be contaminated with chemical substances. Some of these substances can be of forensic interest or be applied in pest control. In the present study, the main objective was to investigate the effect of Diazepam® [Diazepam NQ® 10mg] and Fipronil® [Regent 800 WG®] on immature stages of Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). The larvae were reared on artificial diet and rabbit liver on which different dosages of Diazepam were administrated in order to study the effects of this drug on the development and post feeding larval dispersal of the two species. Different dosages of the insecticide Fipronil were disposed in circular arena used as pupation substrate to investigate the effects on post feeding larval dispersal. The results showed that time required for larval development were significantly longer in colonies fed in contact with Diazepam than in the control ones, delaying the increase of mass per unit time in the two studied species. The larval dispersal behavior was modified in the presence of Fipronil and Diazepam, in comparison to arenas without the drugs. It was also observed that the burial depth and distance of the irradiation center were shorter than in the control groups for the two species... (Complete abstract click electronic address below)
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Modélisation de la connectivité larvaire et implications en terme de gestion de l'environnement / No English title availableCrochelet, Estelle 03 April 2015 (has links)
Intégrer les connaissances sur la connectivité écologique dans la gestion des écosystèmes marins est essentiel, surtout dans un contexte d'appauvrissement des ressources marines et de dégradation des habitats côtiers à l'échelle mondiale. Des outils environnementaux, tels que les Aires Marines Protégées ont été mises en œuvre pour protéger la biodiversité, restaurer les écosystèmes endommagés, soutenir les pêcheries et reconstituer les stocks surexploités. Leur efficacité dépend en partie du maintien de la connectivité entre les populations marines, assurée à travers divers processus écologiques dont la dispersion larvaire. Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, un modèle biophysique intégrant des données de courants, issues de mesures d'altimétrie par satellite, a été utilisé pour évaluer la connectivité entre les récifs de l'océan Indien d'une part, et à travers le réseau d'AMP de Méditerranée d'autre part. Différentes méthodes d'analyse ont été utilisées, telles que la théorie des graphes et le clustering. Dans l'océan Indien occidental, l'analyse des connectivités marines montre que le nombre de connexions entre les récifs augmente avec la durée de vie larvaire des poissons. Elle met également en évidence une faible connectivité à l'échelle de la région, mais une forte inter-connectivité au sein de plusieurs sous-régions (Canal du Mozambique, Mascareignes). En Méditerranée, la connectance est globalement faible à l'échelle régionale, bien que plus importante dans le bassin occidental que le bassin oriental. L'analyse des connectivités marines montre également un taux de connectivité élevé à l'échelle d'un même pays. Selon le cas d'étude, une liste de récifs ou de sites prioritaires dans la mise en œuvre des AMP a été proposée. Enfin, les implications de ces résultats en termes de politiques transfrontalières et de coopération régionale sont discutées. / Integrating ecological connectivity into marine ecosystem management and planning is important, especially in a global context of severe fish stocks depletion and growing habitat degradation. Environmental tools such as Marine Protected Areas have been proposed to protect biodiversity, restore damaged ecosystems, sustain fisheries, and rebuild overexploited stocks. The effectiveness of marine protected areas depends in part on the maintenance of connectivity between marine populations, linked by ecological processes such as larval dispersal. In this thesis, we applied a biophysical model driven by ocean currents derived from satellite altimetry to evaluate connectivity between Western Indian Ocean reefs and across the current MPA system in the Mediterranean Sea. We applied different methods of analysis such as graph-theoretic and clustering. In the Western Indian Ocean, marine connectivity analyses show that the number of connections between reefs increases with fish pelagic larval duration. It also highlights a low connectivity across the region and a high interconnectivity within several regions (Mozambique Channel, Mascarene archipelago). In the Mediterranean Sea, connectance is globally low at the regional scale. This connectance is more important in Western than Eastern Mediterranean. Moreover, the marine connectivity analyses revealed high domestic connectivity rates. Depending on the study area, priority reefs or sites for MPA implementation are proposed. Finally, implications for transboundary marine policies and regional cooperation are discussed.
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Biologie de la conservation de la gorgone rouge de Méditerranée, Paramuricea clavata, dans le contexte actuel du changement climatiqueMokhtar-Jamai, Kenza 23 September 2011 (has links)
La gorgone rouge, Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaire, Octocoralliaire), est une espèce sessile, longévive à faible croissance dont les populations présentent une lente dynamique. Cette espèce est caractérisée par une phase larvaire pélagique qui représente l’unique phase de dispersion potentielle au cours du cycle de vie de cette espèce. P. clavata est une espèce clé des assemblages à coralligène de Méditerranée, qui subit les effets combinés des activités de plongée sous-marine et du changement climatique. Dans ce contexte, il était donc fondamental d’approfondir les connaissances sur les traits d’histoire de vie, la biologie et l’écologie de cette espèce. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier, à l’aide d’une approche génétique, les facteurs biologiques et écologiques clés qui devraient être importants pour la réponse de l’espèce aux changements environnementaux. Parmi ces facteurs, la dispersion larvaire joue un rôle fondamental dans la dynamique et la connectivité des populations marines. Dans le contexte actuel des fortes pressions anthropiques, la compréhension des degrés de connectivité entre les populations est primordiale pour évaluer le devenir des populations, face au changement climatique, et pour mettre en place des plans de conservation et des réseaux d’aires marines protégées. / The red gorgonian, Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaria, Octocorallia), is a sessile, long-lived and slow growing species which displays slow population dynamics. This species is characterized by a pelagic larval phase that represents the sole potential phase of dispersal during the life cycle of this species. P. clavata is a key species of coralligenous assemblages of the Mediterranean Sea which undergoes the combined effects of diving activities and climate change. In this context, extending the knowledge about life history traits, biology and ecology of the red gorgonian was of fundamental importance. Using a genetic approach, the goal of this work was to study some key biological and ecological factors which should be important for the response of this species to environmental changes. Among these factors, larval dispersal plays a major role in driving marine population dynamics and connectivity. In the current context of strong anthropic pressures, understanding the level of population connectivity is primordial to evaluate population outcome, facing climate change, and to develop conservation plans as well as to design marine reservenetworks.
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Patterns in the larval vertical distribution of marine benthic invertebrates in a shallow coastal embaymentLloyd, Michelle 20 September 2011 (has links)
Processes during the meroplanktonic phase regulate population dynamics for many marine benthic invertebrates. I examined changes in vertical distribution of different meroplanktonic larvae in a coastal embayment during a stable period, at high temporal frequencies and spatial resolutions. Plankton samples were collected at 6 depths (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 m) using a pump, every 2-h over a 36- and a 25-h period, during a spring and neap tide, respectively, concurrently with measures of temperature, salinity, fluorescence and current velocity. For 10 gastropod taxa, larval vertical distribution was mostly related to the thermal structure of the water column. Each of 7 taxonomic groups was found either exclusively near the surface, associated with the fluorescence maximum, or showed diel changes in distribution. These larvae that occupy different depths in the water column exhibit different dispersal potentials. / Biogeographical data contained in this thesis will be submitted to
the Oceanographic Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) and may be
accessed on-line at http://www.iobis.org
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Invasion dynamics of a non-indigenous bivalve, Nuttallia obscurata, (Reeve 1857), in the Northeast PacificDudas, Sarah 31 December 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes how life history characteristics of the varnish clam (Nuttallia
obscurata), and interactions with the physical environment and other species, have
contributed to its successful invasion in coastal British Columbia. Lab and field
experiments were conducted to investigate varnish clam larval ecology (i.e. larval rearing
experiments), adult population dynamics (i.e. annual population surveys, mark-recapture
and length-frequency analysis, growth modeling) and ecological interactions with native
species (i.e. predator/prey preference feeding trials). Using these results, a matrix
demographic model was developed to determine which life history stage contributes the
most to varnish clam population growth.
Larval rearing experiments indicated that temperature and salinity tolerances of varnish
clam larvae are comparable to native species, however the planktonic phase is slightly
longer (3-8 weeks). Based on local oceanographic circulation, varnish clam larvae have
the potential to disperse throughout their entire geographic range in just one reproductive
season. Varnish clam population surveys revealed spatiotemporal variation in density and
size. No relationships were evident between varnish clam density and the number or
density of co-occurring bivalve species. Length-frequency analysis suggested that
recruitment varies among sites, with high post-settlement mortality coinciding with high
recruitment. The presence of similar recruitment pulses at geographically separate sites
indicates regional scale processes may influence recruitment. Individual growth rates
varied among sites, with higher growth corresponding to lower population densities and
water temperature. Monthly survival rates ranged from 0.81 – 0.99 and were lower for
clams 10-30 mm. Predator/prey preference feeding trials showed that crabs prefer
varnish clams to local species when clam burial depth is limited. Crabs therefore have
the potential to influence varnish clam distributions, particularly on beaches where the
varnish clam is unable to bury deeply. Based on matrix demographic analysis, adult
survival (e.g. clams ≥ 40 mm) is the most crucial factor for varnish clam population
growth, and drives the observed population growth differences between sites. This study
of the varnish clam invasion demonstrates that its success lies in both species (e.g.
lengthy planktonic phase, high survival) and regional (e.g. favourable ocean circulation
patterns for rapid dispersal) characteristics. Measures to reduce introductions should be
targeted in areas where introductions are likely to have the furthest reaching impacts.
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Abundance and Distribution of Early Life Stage Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in Lake PontchartrainLyncker, Lissa 07 August 2008 (has links)
I conducted a 12-month study of near-shore habitats in Lake Pontchartrain to assess spatiotemporal variation in the abundance of early life stage blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Collections were made using a 1 m2 throw trap and data showed that C. sapidus numbers varied over time and among sites. Two recruitment events occurred during the study. During the first recruitment in May-June, C. sapidus entered Lake Pontchartrain via the Inner Harbor Navigational Canal. In September-October, C. sapidus entered the Lake Pontchartrain via the Rigolets and Chef passes. My data suggest that C. sapidus utilize water circulation within the Lake Pontchartrain as a means of transportation throughout the estuary. MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 m data were analyzed to gain a large-scale view of suspended sediments patterns within Lake Pontchartrain and quantify water movement. Field sampling along with remote sensing proved to be beneficial when assessing estuarine-wide C. sapidus post-larval dispersal processes.
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