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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywall

Rosario Mabel, Andía Cabrera 10 December 2018 (has links)
La presente tesis es una “Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywall” desarrollada en una PYME del rubro construcción. La propuesta está basada en herramientas de ingeniería para contrarrestar el problema identificado en la empresa en estudio que es la demora en la entrega de proyectos de construcción. Para ello, en la presente tesis está estructurada en 6 capítulos. En el capítulo 1 se presenta el Marco teórico, en el cual se define el sistema constructivo drywall, metodologías y herramientas de mejora aplicables al proceso de planificación de proyectos de construcción y a la reducción y/o eliminación de demora en la entrega al cliente. En el capítulo 2 se presenta el diagnóstico, en el cual se describe la empresa, las condiciones en las que opera, el problema, los procesos involucrados con el problema, causas raíces, impacto económico y las herramientas aplicables a la reducción y/o eliminación del problema. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla la evaluación de alternativas de solución, en el cual se describe el plan de implementación de las herramientas 5S y Last Planner System. En el capítulo 4 se muestra la validación de la propuesta de mejora compuesta por juicio experto y la validación económica. En el capítulo 5, se muestra el impacto de la mejora en los stakeholders mediante una matriz Leopold. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la presente tesis. / This thesis is a "Proposal for improvement of the project planning process in a construction company with gypsum panel system" developed in an SME of the construction sector. The proposal is based on engineering tools to counteract the problem in the company in the study that is the delay in the delivery of construction projects. For this, in this thesis is structured in 6 chapters. Chapter 1 presents the theoretical framework, which defines the construction system of drywall, methodologies and tools to improve the planning process of construction projects and the reduction and / or elimination of the delay in delivery to the client. In chapter 2 the diagnosis is presented, in which the company is described, the conditions in which it operates, the problem, the processes related to the problem, the root causes, the economic impact and the tools applicable to the reduction and / or the elimination of the problem. Chapter 3 describes the evaluation of solution alternatives, and describes the implementation plan of the 5S and Last Planner System tools. Chapter 4 shows the validation of the improvement proposal composed of expert judgment and economic validation. In Chapter 5, the impact of the improvement on stakeholders is shown through a Leopold matrix. Finally, chapter 6 shows the conclusions and recommendations of this thesis. / Tesis

The Last Rose of Summer: The Discovery of a Lost Work by A.M.R. Barret

Stamer, Steven 29 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A Material Sign of Self: The Book as Metaphor and Representation in Fifteenth-Century Northern European Art

Sandoval, Elizabeth Marie 08 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.


MATHEUS OLIVEIRA MEIRIM 25 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Nos últimos anos o comércio eletrônico tem se difundido na sociedade e a logística de entrega dos produtos é um dos pilares para que este mercado mantenha o nível de serviço alto e continue sendo vantajoso para o consumidor decidir por realizar a compra pela internet. O presente trabalho se destina a estudar sobre o problema de roteamento de veículos de entrega last-mile para e-commerce e aplicar a metaheurística Iterated Local Search (ILS) visando otimizar o roteamento do trecho last-mile de encomendas realizadas em uma empresa de comércio eletrônico brasileira. Com o objetivo de encontrar rotas de menor custo para as entregas a serem realizadas, este trabalho propõe uma extensão para o Vehcile Routing Problem With Occasional Drivers (VRPOD),considerando frota heterogênea e motoristas ocasionais realizando o transporte de mais de uma entrega. Para a aplicação do método foram utilizados dados fornecidos por uma empresa de e-commerce que foram devidamente anonimizados de forma a não ser possível identificar a empresa e nem os clientes, respeitando os princípios éticos. Foram utilizadas 121 instâncias, sendo a menor com um vértice e a maior com 344. Os resultados do modelo proposto são apresentados em dois cenários, primeiramente considerando que o roteamento é realizado sem a utilização de motoristas ocasionais. O segundo cenário considera a disponibilização de motoristas ocasionais para serem utilizados em algumas rotas. Ambos os cenários foram comparados com as rotas geradas pelo roteador existente hoje na companhia e os resultados preliminares indicam que o sem a utilização de motoristas ocasionais o ILS proposto obtém melhores soluções em 53.72 por cento das instâncias e quando os motoristas ocasionais são incorporados a rota ocorre melhoria em 76.03 por cento das instâncias utilizadas. A utilização de motoristas ocasionais também proporciona uma redução de 10.30 por cento no custo médio de roteamento. / [en] In recent years, e-commerce has become widespread in society, and the logistics of product delivery is a crucial pillar for this market to maintain a high level of service and remain advantageous for consumers choosing to make purchases online. The present work aims to study the problem of last-mile vehicle routing for e-commerce deliveries and apply an Iterated Local Search (ILS) metaheuristic to optimize the routing of parcels in a Brazilian e-commerce company. With the objective of finding routes with the lowest cost for the deliveries, this study proposes an extension to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers (VRPOD), considering a heterogeneous fleet and occasional drivers handling multiple deliveries. For the methodology application, data provided by an e-commerce company are used, and they are properly anonymized to prevent the identification of the company and its clients, respecting ethical principles. A total of 121 instances are used, ranging from the smallest with one vertex to the largest with 344. The results of the proposed model are presented in two scenarios: firstly, considering routing without the use of occasional drivers, and secondly, considering the availability of occasional drivers for some routes. Both scenarios are compared with the routes generated by the current router used in the company, and preliminary results indicate that without the use of occasional drivers, the proposed ILS obtains better solutions in 53.72 percent of the instances, and when occasional drivers are incorporated into the route, improvements occur in 76.03 percent of the instances. The utilization of occasional drivers also provides a 10.30 percent reduction in the average routing cost.

Modelling aggregate loads in power systems

Perez Tellez, Adriel January 2017 (has links)
The load response to voltage and frequency changeshas a considerable impact on the behaviour of the powersystem. Thus, the selection of a load model structure andits corresponding parameters is an important task in orderto study and predict the system behaviour. Currently,the Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSO) use theZIP load model, as it provides an easy and flexible way ofrepresenting the load. The main goal of the thesis has beento test two approaches for deriving ZIP model parameters,namely the component-based and measurement-basedapproaches. The former approach uses predefined parametervalues, and information on the loads electricityconsumption, whereas the latter uses measurement dataand curve-fitting techniques. In order to evaluate themethodology, a case study has been performed, wherethe two aggregation approaches were applied on anevaluation point. It was found that the aggregation bymeans of the component-based approach may result in ZIPparameters lacking physical significance. ZIP parameterswithout physical significance pose a challenge for systemplanners, who may have difficulties in accepting thesevalues as they are less intuitive than physically significantones. Furthermore, the results of the measurement-basedapproach indicate that the ZIP model has some limitationwhen it comes to the sudden load changes that it canaccommodate. This has been the case with the measuredreactive power in the case study. Based on the resultsof applying the methodology, it can be concluded thatthe component-based and measurement-based approachesprovide useful information when understanding powersystem loads. / Lastens svar på spänning och frekvensförändringarhar en betydande inverkan på elkraftsystemet. Sålundaär valet av en lastmodell och dess parametrar viktigt föratt kunna studera och förutsäga systemets beteende. Förnärvarande använder de nordiska stamnätsägarna (TSO)ZIP lastmodellen, eftersom det ger ett enkelt och flexibeltsätt att representera lasten. Huvudsyftet med den häravhandlingen har varit att testa två metoder för att ta framZIP modellparametrar, nämligen en komponent-baseradoch en mätnings-baserade metod. Den tidigare metodenanvänder fördefinierade parametervärden, och informationom lasternas elförbrukning, medan den senare användermätdata och kurvanpassningstekniker. För att utvärderametoden har en fallstudie genomförts där de två metodernaapplicerades på en utvärderingspunkt. Det konstateradesatt den komponent-baserade metoden kan resultera i ZIPparametrar som saknar fysisk betydelse. ZIP parametrarutan fysisk betydelse utgör en utmaning för systemplanerare,som kan ha svårt att acceptera dessa värden eftersom deär mindre intuitiva än fysiskt betydande sådana. Dessutomindikeras det, att ZIP modellen har begränsningar när detgäller att representera stora steg i den uppmätta effektenssvar, då den mätnings-baserade metoden används. Dettaär fallet för den reaktiva effekten i fallstudien. Baserat påresultaten av tillämpningen av metoden, kan man dra slutsatsenatt den komponent-baserade och mätnings-baserademetoden ge användbar information när man vill förståkraftsystems laster.

Sustainable automated transportation systems directing towards smart cities : A feasibility study of droid delivery in Stockholm

Movaheddin, Armin January 2021 (has links)
The rapid growth of E-commerce around the world has prompted related stakeholders to place a greater emphasis on automation. Catastrophes like pandemics are boosting the public demand for quick and efficient transportation, among others. Automated vehicle technologies are associated with the last-mile delivery operations that lead to improving sustainability and Smart Cities. In this context, Autonomous Vehicles are being explored as a viable urban logistics solution.This empirical thesis conducts a feasibility study to investigate the feasibility of incorporating an Autonomous Vehicle into E-commerce operations in Stockholm, Sweden. A case study is analyzed by foodora AB, a German company that operates as a distributor of food and goods in the Swedish market. The study provides a framework that depicts the issues faced by Q- commerce, Operational Planning, and Stakeholders, respectively when introducing Autonomous Vehicles. The results of the study’s qualitative and quantitative approach show that Stockholm's infrastructure is in line with the sustainability plans and is considered ready for droid operations. According to the findings, the utilization rate that is defined as the number of orders delivered per hour can be as high as 2.4 resulting in a high degree of customer satisfaction. However, regulations, classifications, weather conditions, and internet connectivity continue to be major challenges. Autonomous Vehicles must be included in legislative consideration as a mode of transportation in the future to facilitate operations and safety measures. / Den snabba tillväxten av e-handel runtom i världen har fått närstående intressenter att lägga större vikt vid automatisering. Katastrofer som pandemier ökar allmänhetens krav på bland annat snabba och effektiva transporter. Autonoma fordon är förknippade med ”last-mile” transporter av gods som leder till förbättrad hållbarhet och smarta städer. I detta sammanhang utforskas autonoma fordon som en livskraftig citylogistik-lösning.Denna empiriska avhandling genomför en genomförbarhetsstudie för att undersöka möjligheten att integrera ett autonomt fordon i e-handelsverksamheten i Stockholm, Sverige. I synnerhet analyseras en fallstudie av foodora AB, ett tyskt företag som är verksamma som distributör av matvaror på den svenska marknaden. Studien ger ett ramverk som visar de frågor som Q-handel, operativ planering respektive intressenter står inför vid ett införande av autonoma fordon. Resultaten av studiens kvalitativa och kvantitativa tillvägagångssätt visar att Stockholms infrastruktur är i linje med hållbarhetsplanerna och till synes redo för droid leveranser. Enligt resultaten kan utnyttjandegraden, definierad som antal utförda orderleveranser inom en timme, vara så hög som 2,4, vilket resulterar i en hög grad av kundtillfredsställelse. Regler, klassificeringar, väderförhållanden och internetanslutning är dock fortfarande stora utmaningar. Autonoma fordon måste tas med i lagstiftningen som ett transportmedel i framtiden för att underlätta drift och säkerhetsåtgärder.

Insights on Creating a Growth Machine Using Attribution Modelling / Insikter kring skapandet av en tillväxtmaskin med attributionsmodellering

Kindbom, Hannes, Reineck, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Given access to detailed tracking data, the problem of attribution modelling has recently gained attention in both academia and the industry. Being able to determine the influence of each marketing channel in driving conversions can help advertisers to allocate their marketing budgets accordingly and ultimately increase their customer base and achieve a higher Return On Investment (ROI). However, Last-Touch Attribution (LTA), the current industry standard to approach the problem, has been criticized for oversimplification.  In this degree project, two data-driven attribution models are therefore compared to the LTA model on real data from an insurance company, with the objective to optimize for customer base growth and ROI. Raw attributions for each channel are obtained after training the models to predict conversion or non-conversion. By using a linear function to obtain a Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) estimate, the attributions are then adjusted to the ROI of each channel and finally validated through an attribution based budget allocation and historical marketing data replay. The experimental results demonstrate that all models reach approximately 82% accuracy on balanced data, just below the calculated theoretical maximum. While current research consistently argues for more complex data-driven Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) models, this project provides a nuance to this field of research in showing that the LTA model may, in fact, be suitable in some cases. A new approach to develop specialized models based on correlations between conversion and contextual variables, then shows that attribution models for mobile users specifically yield higher accuracy. The sum of such unnormalized attributions function as indicators for the conversion strength of contextual variables and can further assist decision making. / Givet tillgång till detaljerad spårningsinformation har attributionsmodellering nyligen fått uppmärksamhet i både akademin och näringslivet. Att kunna förstå påverkan varje marknadsföringskanal har på att driva konverteringar, kan underlätta för annonsörer att fördela marknadsföringsbudgetar och i slutändan öka antalet kunder samt uppnå en högre avkastning på investeringen. Last-Touch-Attribution (LTA), den nuvarande branschstandarden för att angripa problemet, har emellertid kritiserats för att vara överförenklande. I det här examensarbetet jämförs därför två datadrivna attributions-modeller med LTA på verklig data från ett försäkringsbolag med målet att optimera för kundbastillväxt och avkastning. Råa attributioner för varje kanal erhålls efter att modellerna tränats på att prediktera konvertering eller icke-konvertering. Genom att estimera kundens livstidsvärde med en linjär funktion, justeras attributionerna sedan med avkastningen på investering för varje kanal och valideras slutligen genom en attributionsbaserad budgetallokering och uppspelning av historisk marknadsföringsdata. De experimentella resultaten visar att alla modeller når ungefär 82% träffsäkerhet på balanserad data, strax under det beräknade teoretiska maximivärdet. Medan aktuell forskning konsekvent argumenterar för mer komplexa datadrivna multi-touch-modeller, ger det här projektet en nyans till forskningsfältet genom att visa att LTA i vissa fall kan vara lämplig. Ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för att utveckla specialiserade modeller baserade på korrelationer mellan konvertering och kontextuella variabler, visar sedan att attributionsmodeller för enbart mobilanvändare ger högre träffsäkerhet. Summan av sådana onormaliserade attributioner fungerar som indikatorer på konverteringsstyrkan för kontextuella variabler och kan ytterligare underlätta beslutsfattandet.

The critical figure : negativity in selected works by Proust, Joyce and Beckett / William David Watson

Watson, William David January 2000 (has links)
This dissertation represents an interpretation of the different forms of negativity in the modernist work that can be understood in terms of that which is unsaid, unsayable, or any other means of refusing to give an affirmative proposition regarding the world the work describes. It explores this negativity as both a representation of that which cannot be represented, and as an operational negativity, or negation, that takes part in the unmaking of the work's figures. The function of this negativity, as interpreted in Marcel Proust's Remembrance of Things Past (1913-1927), James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) and Krapp's Last Tape (1959) by Samuel Beckett, is to rewrite the representations of the work. Negativity is then also understood as a transformation and conditioning of elements already present in the literary work, that lead to ambivalent and problematic representations in the work. In this sense, negativity can be understood as a form of rewriting of the work's representations. The interpretations of the works of Proust, Joyce and Beckett are guided by this understanding, as given in the introduction, of negativity. In the analysis of Proust's novel, in "The Unmaking of Proust: Negation and Errors in Remembrance of Things Past", this form of negativity is situated in relation to Proust's handling of epistemological questions and mimetic references to reality in his work. The analysis of Joyce's work in "The Wandering of Language in James Joyce's Ulysses" discusses his treatment of language and the origins of language as being characterized by a negation that increases the difficulty of the language, and attempts to negate its origins. Finally, in the analysis of Beckett's "Krapp's Last Tape", in "Beckett, Proust, and the End of Literature", it is shown that negativity conditions both the reception of the influence of Proust by Beckett, and the play's attempt to suggest the end of writing. In conclusion the dissertation returns to the idea of negativity as a form of rewriting, and briefly indicates that the function of negativity in these novels can be understood as a form of invention. / Thesis (M.A.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000.

The critical figure : negativity in selected works by Proust, Joyce and Beckett / William David Watson

Watson, William David January 2000 (has links)
This dissertation represents an interpretation of the different forms of negativity in the modernist work that can be understood in terms of that which is unsaid, unsayable, or any other means of refusing to give an affirmative proposition regarding the world the work describes. It explores this negativity as both a representation of that which cannot be represented, and as an operational negativity, or negation, that takes part in the unmaking of the work's figures. The function of this negativity, as interpreted in Marcel Proust's Remembrance of Things Past (1913-1927), James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) and Krapp's Last Tape (1959) by Samuel Beckett, is to rewrite the representations of the work. Negativity is then also understood as a transformation and conditioning of elements already present in the literary work, that lead to ambivalent and problematic representations in the work. In this sense, negativity can be understood as a form of rewriting of the work's representations. The interpretations of the works of Proust, Joyce and Beckett are guided by this understanding, as given in the introduction, of negativity. In the analysis of Proust's novel, in "The Unmaking of Proust: Negation and Errors in Remembrance of Things Past", this form of negativity is situated in relation to Proust's handling of epistemological questions and mimetic references to reality in his work. The analysis of Joyce's work in "The Wandering of Language in James Joyce's Ulysses" discusses his treatment of language and the origins of language as being characterized by a negation that increases the difficulty of the language, and attempts to negate its origins. Finally, in the analysis of Beckett's "Krapp's Last Tape", in "Beckett, Proust, and the End of Literature", it is shown that negativity conditions both the reception of the influence of Proust by Beckett, and the play's attempt to suggest the end of writing. In conclusion the dissertation returns to the idea of negativity as a form of rewriting, and briefly indicates that the function of negativity in these novels can be understood as a form of invention. / Thesis (M.A.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000.

Death in Anglo-Saxon hagiography : approaches, attitudes, aesthetics

Key, Jennifer Selina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines attitudes and approaches towards death, as well as aesthetic representations of death, in Anglo-Saxon hagiography. The thesis contributes to the discussion of the historical and intellectual contexts of hagiography and considers how saintly death-scenes are represented to form commentaries on exemplary behaviour. A comprehensive survey of death-scenes in Anglo-Saxon hagiography has been undertaken, charting typical and atypical motifs used in literary manifestations of both martyrdom and non-violent death. The clusters of literary motifs found in these texts and what their use suggests about attitudes to exemplary death is analysed in an exploration of whether Anglo-Saxon hagiography presents a consistent aesthetic of death. The thesis also considers how modern scholarly fields such as thanatology can provide fresh discourses on the attitudes to and depictions of ‘good' and ‘bad' deaths. Moreover, the thesis addresses the intersection of the hagiographic inheritance with discernibly Anglo-Saxon attitudes towards death and dying, and investigates whether or not the deaths of native Anglo-Saxon saints are presented differently compared with the deaths of universal saints. The thesis explores continuities and discontinuities in the presentations of physical and spiritual death, and assesses whether or not differences exist in the depiction of death-scenes based on an author's personal agenda, choice of terminology, approaches towards the body–soul dichotomy, or the gender of his or her subject, for example. Furthermore, the thesis investigates how hagiographic representations of death compare with portrayals in other literature of the Anglo-Saxon period, and whether any non-hagiographic paradigms provide alternative exemplars of the ‘good death'. The thesis also assesses gendered portrayals of death, the portrayal of last words in saints' lives, and the various motifs relating to the soul at the moment of death. The thesis contains a Motif Index of saintly death-scenes as Appendix I.

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