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E-handelns påverkan på distributionsföretag : En kvalitativ studie av distributionsföretag i Sverige / The impact of e-business on distribution companiesÖst, Andreas, Johannisson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Fler konsumenter väljer att handla på internet. Vare sig det handlar om bekvämlighet eller priser har denna ökning en påverkan på hur detaljhandel sköts och distribueras. Kundkraven ändras och konsumenten har mer att säga till om. Rapporten syftar till att beskriva hur en ökad e-handel har påverkat och fortsatt kommer att påverka distributionen av detaljhandelsvaror nationellt. Den beskriver även hur ökningen påverkar distributionsföretagen och hur dessa i sin tur valt att agera för att bemöta förändringen som sker på marknaden. Vad som påverkar distributionsbolagen mest kommer också att beröras och rapporten ger en bild av e-handelns påverkan på distributionsföretagen. De slutsatser som kunnat dras av rapporten är att de ökande volymerna av gods från e-handel i dagsläget inte påverkat företagen nämnvärt, men att förändringar förmodligen kommer att behöva ske inom vissa områden i framtiden. Ökningen av e-handelsgods har gett distributionsföretagen en högre volym att hantera. De ökade volymerna för även med sig ytterligare kostnader i den mest kostsamma delen av distributionen, the last mile, genom att det blir fler leveranser till konsumentens hem. På grund av denna ökade kostnad ser distributionsföretagen ett behov av att öka sina vinstmarginaler genom att erbjuda konsumenten olika tilläggstjänster. Ytterligare ser företagen att det har blivit förändringar i de krav konsumenterna ställer. Krav på leveransservice blir allt högre och pressen på distributionsföretagen att ha kvalitet i sin produktion ökar. I dagens läge konstateras att volymerna alltjämt är för låga för att motivera en omfattande affärsutveckling med dyra investeringar för att möta den nivå av ökning som hittills skett. Detta kommer förmodligen vara nödvändigt i framtiden om ökningen fortsätter i samma takt som nu. Att utöka kunskapen och arbeta mer aktivt för att främja leveransservice är därför någonting som i rapporten framkommer som viktigt inför framtidens utmaningar. / More consumers choose to shop online. Whether it is because of convenience or prices this increase has an impact on how retailing is managed and distributed. Customer demands change and the consumer has more power. This report aims to describe how an increase in e-commerce has affected and will continue to influence the distribution of retail goods nationally and how it affects the companies providing transportation of e-commerce goods. The report also discuss how the distribution companies act in response to these changes in the market and which areas that have been affected the most. The conclusions drawn from the report is that the increasing volume of goods from e-commerce have not currently affected the distribution companies significantly, however in the future changes are believed to be necessary in certain areas. The increase of e-commerce goods has contributed to a higher volume of goods for distribution companies to manage. These increased volumes bring additional costs to the most expensive part of the distribution, the last mile, by bringing more deliveries to the consumer’s home. Because of this increase in costs, the distribution companies need to increase their margins by offering consumers additional services. Additionally, the companies see a change in the customer demands. Customer demands on delivery service are increasing and the pressure on the distribution companies to have a high quality in their production increases. Today the volume is still too low to justify a heavy business development with costly investments to counter the increasing volume. These changes will probably be necessary in the future if the increase continues at the same rate. To increase the knowledge and evolve the delivery service is something that this report indicates to be important in the future.
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Der Einsatz von alaska bei der Entwicklung von WindkraftanlagenFreudenberg, Heiko 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Software alaska ist zunächst ein allgemeines Werkzeug zur Modellierung und Simulation der Dynamik mechanischer/mechatronischer Systeme. alaska wird am Institut ür Mechatronik in Chemnitz entwickelt. Mit dem Erweiterungsmodul alaska/Wind erhält alaska Funktionalitäten die erforderlich sind, um das dynamische Verhalten von Windkraftanlagen (WKA) mit dem Ziel zu simulieren, die resultierenden Belastungen zu ermitteln. Bestandteile von alaska/Wind sind u.a. Komponenten zu Beschreibung der aerodynamischen Umgebungsbedingungen und der Berechnung der daraus resultierenden, an der WKA angreifenden Windkräfte sowie ein Basis-WKA-Simulationsmodell. Inhalt des Vortrages ist es zu zeigen, wie dieses Basis-Simulationsmodell vom Anwender, also vom Entwickler/Hersteller von Windkraftanlagen, an seine spezifischen Anforderungen angepasst wird, wie es in seinen Produktentstehungsprozess eingebunden wird und wie mit dem Einsatz der alaska- Komponente alaska/DC (DistributedComputation) weitestgehend automatisch auf der Basis mehrerer Tausend Simulationsrechnungen Design-treibende Belastungen ermittelt werden.
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Quaternary glaciations in the Lago Pueyrredón Valley, ArgentinaHein, Andrew S. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis develops a better knowledge of the extent and timing of glaciations in southern Argentina throughout the Quaternary. It provides a detailed understanding of successive major glacial outlet lobes in the Lago Pueyrredón valley. The glacial and glaciofluvial deposits in the valley, as elsewhere in the region, are extremely well-preserved and reflect punctuated glacial advances between ~ 1.1 Ma and ~ 17 ka. Several intermediate glaciations are undated, constrained by the limited time frame of radiocarbon age dating, the limited potential volcanic sites for K-Ar or 40Ar/39Ar age dating, and erosion and exhumation problems associated with cosmogenic-nuclide surface exposure ages on moraines. This thesis provides a new chronology for the mid-Quaternary glaciations based on methodological advances in cosmogenic-nuclide surface exposure age dating. This is done by deriving ages from glacial outwash terrace sediment and demonstrating their reliability. The work shows that for younger (i.e., last glacial) moraines, well-constrained ages can be derived from the common-practice of dating large boulders on the moraine surface. However, on older moraines, the ages so-derived become considerably scattered. This is interpreted to be caused primarily by boulder exhumation as a consequence of moraine erosion, resulting in shorter residence of some boulders at the surface relative to the moraine formation date. By contrast, glacial outwash surfaces in this area, if carefully chosen, can be shown to have undergone little aggradation or erosion, and thus have had long and consistent surface exposure since formation. Provided these surfaces can be stratigraphically linked with the glacial limits, they can provide good surface exposure ages. This has been convincingly confirmed in one location by a sequence of ages obtained from a 10Be concentration depth-profile which demonstrate the surface stability and lack of inherited nuclides. Using these methods, cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al surface exposure ages indicate successive major advances occurred at ~ 1.2 Ma, ~ 600 ka, ~ 260 ka and ~27 – 17.5 ka. These are correlated with global marine and ice core records.
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The phylogeography and systematics of Cardamine hirsutaCooke, Elizabeth Laura January 2013 (has links)
<b>Cardamine hirsuta</b> L. is an emerging model system in developmental genetics, where natural genetic variation within <b>C. hirsuta</b> provides the means to investigate the genetic basis of morphological traits. This thesis investigates the geographical structure and genealogical history of genetic variation within <b>C. hirsuta</b> and identifies its closest relatives. This will enable the accurate selection of species for comparison with <b>C. hirsuta</b> when making interpretations of evolutionary processes, and provide a better understanding of morphological character evolution in <b>C. hirsuta</b>. The phylogeographic history of <b>C. hirsuta</b> was reconstructed using multiple chloroplast and nuclear markers and widespread accession sampling from across its native range. A distinct group was identified within <b>C. hirsuta</b>, restricted to the high mountains of East Africa. Climate suitability modelling showed that Pleistocene glacial dynamics have had a strong effect on the distribution of genetic variation within <b>C. hirsuta</b>. The phylogeographical data generated here was used to investigate the origin of <b>C. hirsuta</b> in the Azores, an oceanic archipelago. The Azores are dominated by an endemic chloroplast haplotype which is associated with an endemic phenotype. Thus, <b>C. hirsuta</b> appears to have diversified <b>in situ</b> in the Azores. Phylogenetic analyses of Cardamine, restricted to diploid species to remove the confounding effects of polyploids, found that <b>C. hirsuta</b> is most closely related to <b>C. oligosperma</b>, a western North American species. Multiple loci and extensive intraspecific sampling were brought to bear to demonstrate that <b>C. hirsuta</b> and <b>C. oligosperma</b> are reciprocally monophyletic. <b>Cardamine pattersonii</b>, a restricted endemic from north-west Oregon is likely to be an allopolyploid, with <b>C. oligosperma</b> as the maternal parent and possibly <b>C. nuttallii</b> as the paternal parent.
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The main purpose of this research was to evaluate use of Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) as an imputation method when persistent binary outcomes are missing in a Randomized Controlled Trial. A simulation study was performed to see the effect of dropout rate and type of dropout (random or associated with treatment arm) on Type I error and power. Properties of estimated event rates, treatment effect, and bias were also assessed. LOCF was also compared to two versions of complete case analysis - Complete1 (excluding all observations with missing data), and Complete2 (only carrying forward observations if the event is observed to occur). LOCF was not recommended because of the bias. Type I error was increased, and power was decreased. The other two analyses also had poor properties. LOCF analysis was applied to a mammogram dataset, with results similar to the simulation study.
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Reinterpreting Hieronymus Bosch's Table Top of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things through the Seven Day Prayers of the Devotio ModernaHwang, Eunyoung 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines Hieronymus Bosch's Table Top of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things. Instead of using an iconographical analysis, the thesis investigates the relationship between Bosch's art and the Devotio Moderna, which has been speculated by many Bosch scholars. For this reason, a close study was done to examine the Devotio Moderna and its influence on Bosch's painting. Particular interest is paid to the seven day prayers of the Devotio Moderna, the subjects depicted in Bosch's painting, how Bosch's painting blesses its viewer during the time of one's prayer, and how the use of gaze ties all of these ideas together.
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Utilisation du rapport (231Pa/230Th) des sédiments marins pour caractériser les changements de circulation océanique lors des variations climatiques de la dernière période glaciaire / Reconstructing last glacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning rate using marine sediment (231Pa/230Th)Burckel, Pierre 28 November 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je reconstitue la dynamique de la circulation méridienne de retournement de l’Atlantique (AMOC) au cours des changements climatiques rapides de la dernière période glaciaire. Je trouve ainsi que le ralentissement de la cellule supérieure de l’AMOC commence 1420 ± 250 (1σ) années avant le déplacement vers le sud de l’ITCZ associé au « Heinrich Stadial » 2 et 690 ± 180 (1σ) années avant celui associé au « Heinrich Stadial » 4. Mes résultats confirment donc qu’un ralentissement de l’AMOC pourrait être à l’origine des migrations de l’ITCZ associées aux « Heinrich Stadials » et fournissent une première estimation précise du décalage temporel entre ces deux variables climatiques. Sur la base de ces résultats, je propose un mécanisme expliquant les différences entre les « Heinrich Stadials » et les « Dansgaard-Oeschger Stadials ».Je montre que deux cellules de circulation étaient probablement actives dans l’océan Atlantique pendant les périodes chaudes au Groenland (« interstadials ») : une cellule supérieure initiée par l’écoulement au-dessus de 2500 m d’une masse d’eau en provenance du nord et se dirigeant vers le sud, et une cellule inférieure initiée par l’écoulement au-dessous de 4000 m d’une masse d’eau en provenance du sud et se dirigeant vers le nord. Le taux de renouvellement de la masse d’eau profonde de la cellule supérieure était probablement plus faible que celle de la masse d’eau actuellement formée dans les hautes latitudes de l’océan Atlantique Nord. Au début des « Heinrich Stadials », la structure de l’AMOC a significativement changé et des eaux en provenance du sud ont probablement dominé l’océan Atlantique en-dessous de 1300 m de profondeur. / In this thesis, I reconstruct the dynamic of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during fast climate changes of the last glacial period. I find that the AMOC upper circulation cell started to slowdown 1420 ± 250 (1σ) and 690 ± 180 (1σ) years before the southward shifts of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone associated with Heinrich Stadial 2 and Heinrich Stadial 4, respectively. I therefore confirm that an AMOC slowdown could be at the origin of the ITCZ shifts that occured during Heinrich Stadials and provide the first precise estimate of the phasing between these two climate variables. Based on these results I propose a mechanism explaining the difference between Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger stadials.Using modeling results, I show that the Atlantic Ocean circulation during periods of higher Greenland temperatures (interstadials) was markedly different from that of the Holocene. Two overturning cells were likely active in the Atlantic Ocean: an upper overturning circulation cell initiated by northern-sourced deep water flowing southward above ~2500 m depth at the equator, and a lower overturning circulation cell initiated by southern sourced deep water flowing northward below ~4000 m depth at the equator. The overturning rate of the upper overturning cell was likely lower than that of present-day North Atlantic Deep Water. At the onset of Heinrich Stadials, the structure of the AMOC significantly changed, and southern-sourced deep-waters likely dominated the equatorial Atlantic Ocean below 1300 m depth.
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Cargo Cycles in Urban Freight Transport : Obstacles and facilitating factors for utilising cargo cycles in urban freight transport in Stockholm, SwedenLasovský, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Cargo cycles can play a considerable role in mitigating the negative impacts of urban freight transport while still ensure that the material needs of the city are fulfilled. Their small size, lower operating costs, smaller carbon footprint, lack of tailpipe emissions, and manoeuvrability in congested areas are considerable advantages over traditional urban freight vehicles. However, the advantages of cargo cycles are not inherent in every urban environment and under all conditions. This problematics is in general insufficiently researched and more context specific knowledge is needed. Thus, this study investigates the obstacles and facilitating factors for utilising cargo cycles in urban freight transport in Stockholm, Sweden. To investigate these context specifications, case study approach was employed and consisted of qualitative content analysis, semi-structured interviews, and observations. This study argues that in Stockholm, contradictory forces affect the utilisation of cargo cycles in urban freight transport. On one hand, the facilitating factors are mostly associated with measures of sustainable urban freight transport and sustainable development in general: reaction to traffic situation; strategic orientation of the city; public-private partnership; and bicycle infrastructure. On the other hand, path dependence of the city connected to traditional urban freight vehicles (vans) symbolises obstacles: the absence of direct planning for cargo cycles; lack of recognition; and inconsistency of bicycle infrastructure.
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O recurso de agravo nos Tribunais SuperioresFigueredo, Roberto Rosio 04 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-22T12:31:48Z
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Roberto Rosio Figueredo.pdf: 874407 bytes, checksum: 74c72d7897266e683cb9bbe66467c77b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-09-04 / The interlocutory appeal, specifically as an appeal against interlocutory decisions rendered in the Courts, in relation to appeals to the Superior Courts, is a remedy widely used in forensic practice in Brazil, being truly rooted in our legal culture. However, over time, the interlocutory appeal has been subject of several and constant changes, because it is invariably related as one of the obstacles to a speedy judicial provision. Perhaps, therefore, legal practitioners often do not navigate quiet waters in dealing with the interlocutory appeal and its enforceability in court. The present work intends to help, both law practitioners and undergraduate law students, to better understand this recursal modality. In order to do so, care was taken to work on the topic in all its useful angles and questions applicable in our legal system. We have examined, through bibliographical and jurisprudential research, the historical evolution of exceptional resources and interlocutory appeals; the requirements for the admissibility of appeals in general as well as the specific aspects of the Extraordinary and Special appeals were closely monitored; and then went on to analyze each of the modes of interlocutory appeals in the superior courts, their procedures, judgments and effects, always emphasizing the most controversial issues, which are presented in the various interpretations formed in doctrine and jurisprudence, seeking to resolve doubts as to the practical and theoretical aspects of this remedy, specifically with regard to judgments in the Superior Courts. The purpose of this dissertation is to assist lawyers, judges, prosecutors and academics, who deal with legal matters, especially civil procedural law; so that the importance of our study of the constant changes in this area is justified in order to prevent them from becoming obstacles to a speedy judicial procedure. In order to concretize such scope, we opted for bibliographical and jurisprudential research, favoring a systemic approach that merges the historical study with the monographic one. Thus, the ultimate goal to be achieved will be to analyze the legal-procedural applicability of resources / O agravo, especificamente como recurso contra decisões interlocutórias proferidas nos Tribunais, é remédio amplamente utilizado na prática forense no Brasil, contudo, ao longo do tempo, tem sido alvo de diversas e constantes modificações posto que costuma estar relacionado a entraves e à celeridade da prestação jurisdicional e talvez, por isso, os operadores do direito, não se sintam à vontade ao lidarem com o agravo e sua aplicabilidade nos Tribunais. Este trabalho se propõe a auxiliar os operadores e acadêmicos do direito a melhor compreender esta modalidade recursal. Tomou-se o cuidado de trabalhar o tema sob todos os seus ângulos úteis na perspectiva do sistema jurídico-processual pátrio. Examinaram--se a evolução histórica dos recursos excepcionais e dos agravos; verificaram-se detidamente os requisitos de admissibilidade dos recursos em geral, bem como os aspectos específicos dos Recursos Extraordinário e Especial; posteriormente, passou-se à análise das modalidades de agravo nos tribunais superiores, seus procedimentos, julgamentos e efeitos, sempre enfatizando as questões mais controvertidas, procurando dirimir as dúvidas quanto ao tema, especificamente no tocante aos Tribunais Superiores. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação é auxiliar os operadores do direito principalmente do processual; o que justifica pelas constantes alterações nesta seara de modo a evitar que se constituam em entraves a uma prestação jurisdicional célere. No intuito de concretizar tal escopo, optou-se pela pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, privilegiando uma abordagem sistêmica que mescla o estudo histórico com o monográfico
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L'interprétation normative par les juges de la QPC / The normative interpretation by the judges of the QPCHaulbert, Marine 24 November 2018 (has links)
L’instauration de la question prioritaire de constitutionnalité (QPC) conduit à repenser les rapports entre les juridictions suprêmes : Conseil constitutionnel, Cour de cassation et Conseil d’Etat. Elle met aussi en lumière les spécificités de la fonction de juger – et notamment l’exercice, par le juge, de son pouvoir d’interprétation. De fait, en créant un lien direct entre les trois juridictions suprêmes, la QPC brouille les frontières de leurs compétences respectives et les place dans une situation d’interdépendance qui impacte directement l’étendue et l’exercice de leur pouvoir herméneutique. La QPC s’avère donc être le vecteur – c’est-à-dire à la fois le support, et le révélateur – d’une concurrence très vive entre les interprètes. De ce fait, il n’est pas possible de considérer qu’un juge détient le « dernier mot » pour l’attribution d’un sens à la loi ou à la Constitution – ces deux textes étant conjointement et simultanément interprétés par l’ensemble des juges du système. Le contrôle de constitutionnalité a posteriori met ainsi en lumière l’existence d’un processus interprétatif à la fois continu et inachevé. L’étude de ce contentieux permet donc de mieux comprendre le travail herméneutique effectué par le juge – en donnant l’occasion de forger le concept d’interprétation normative. / The introduction of the The Priority Preliminary Ruling on the Issue of Constitutionality (QPC) leads to rethinking the relations between the supreme jurisdictions : Constitutional Council, Court of Cassation and Council of State. It also highlights the specificities of the judging’s function- and in particular the exercise by the judge of his interpretation’s power. In fact, by creating a direct link between the three supreme jurisdictions, the QPC blurs the boundaries of their respective jurisdictions and places them in a situation of interdependence that directly impacts the extent and the exercise of their hermeneutical power. Therefore, the QPC turns out to be the vector - that is to say, both the medium and the developer - of a very lively competition between the performers. Thereby, it is not possible to consider that a judge has the "last word" for the attribution of a meaning to the law or the Constitution - these two texts being jointly and simultaneously interpreted by the whole judges of the system. The QPC thus highlights the existence of an interpretive process that is both ongoing and uncompleted. The study of this litigation so lets understand the hermeneutical work done by the judge - by giving the opportunity to forge the concept of normative interpretation.
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