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Patterns in ontogeny of human trabecular bone from SunWatch Village in the prehistoric Ohio ValleyGosman, James Howard 10 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Pots of Honey and Dead Philosophers: The Ideal of Athens in the Roman EmpireWenzel, Aaron Walter 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Subsistence Strategies at the Zencor Site (33FR8) A Faunal Analysis of a Late Woodland SiteZulandt, Daniel Sebastian 31 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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A Case for CorruptionBarber, Cary Michael 15 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Geophysical Investigation of an Early Late Woodland Community in the Middle Ohio River Valley: The Water Plant SiteRoyce, Karen Louise 28 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Artisanal Perspectives on Valsgärde : A technical analysis of scabbardsGuildford, Robert Sven January 2023 (has links)
The scabbards from the Valsgärde boat-graves are fine works of artisanship, the person who made them put many hours of work into them. It is easy to get lost in typologies and books,but one must not forget that some crafts are still being practiced to this day. Some of this knowledge is not taught in any formal school setting but is still valuable to academics seeking to deeper their understanding of history. That is why it is important to operationalize this practical and traditional knowledge when interpreting archaeological materials. In this thesis I seek to gain further knowledge by consulting an artisan when interpreting two seax scabbards and three sword scabbards from Valsgärde 7 & 8.
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Mödrars upplevelse vid amning av sent prematurt födda barn under barnets första levnadsår : en litteraturöversikt / Mother´s experience of breastfeeding late preterm infants during the infants first year of life : a literature reviewAbera, Queen, Ismail Taleb, Zahra January 2022 (has links)
Globalt födds varje år 15 miljoner barn prematurt före gestationsvecka 37+0.Barn som födds mellan gestationsvecka 34+0 – 36+6 benämns som sent prematurt födda. Sent prematurt födda barn kan bedömas både som låg vårdkrävande och högvårdkrävande. De kan både vårdas på en neonatalavdelning eller på ett barnbördshus. Mödrar är inte alltid förberedda att ta hand om sitt sent prematurt födda barn eftersom det sker ett avbrott i mödrarnas omställningsprocess från graviditet till moderskap. Amningen har många fördelar för de ammande mödrarna och barnen. Amningsprocessen kan skilja sig vid amning av sent prematurt födda barn i jämförelse med fullgångna barn. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att beskriva mödrars upplevelse vid amning av sent prematurt födda barn under barnets första levnadsår. Metoden som tillämpades var en icke systematisk litteraturöversikt. Databassökningen i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl genererade i 14 artiklar som besvarade arbetets syfte. Även en manuell sökning utfördes, vilket genererade i en artikel. Totalt inkluderades 15 vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativt, kvalitativt ansats samt mixed metod. Med hjälp av en kvalitetsbedömningsmall har artiklarnas kvalitet granskats och därefter har en integrerad dataanalys använts för att besvara arbetes syfte. Resultatet presenterar tre huvudkategorier och åtta underkategorier. Resultatet visade att mödrar till sent prematurt födda barn upplevde en önskan och längtan om att få amma sitt barn, de förstod bröstmjölkens betydelse för det prematurt födda barnets utveckling. Amningen upplevdes som en känslomässig period som ingav känsla av glädje, harmoni och avslappning. Men amningen orsakade även känslor av stress, utmattning och ångest främst på grund av utmaningarna som tillkom vid amningen. Fysiska utmaningar både hos barnet och mödrarna var återkommande. Behov av stöd, undervisning och uppmuntran från anhöriga och sjukvårdspersonalen var betydelsefullt för mödrarna och amningsutfallet. Slutsatsen i studien indikerar att mödrar till sent prematurt födda barn upplever amningen som utmanande men betydelsefull. Under amningen upplevs starka känslor. Mödrars anknytning till barnet och barnets bindning till mödrarna stärktes genom amningen. Behov av stöd och undervisning under amningsperioden identifierades som kan underlätta amningsutmaningar och främja fortsatt amning. Arbetet belyser vikten av undervisning och stöd från sjukvårdspersonal, bland annat barnmorskor, som arbetar nära denna patientgrupp. / Globally every year 15 million infants are born prematurely before gestational week 37 + 0. Infants born between gestational week 34 + 0 to 36 + 6 are referred to as late preterm infants. Late preterm infants can be assessed both as low care- requiring or high care-requiring. They may require neonatal care or care in a maternity unit. Mothers are not always prepared to care for their infant due to early interruption in mother´s transition process from pregnancy to motherhood. Breastfeeding has many benefits for both the breastfeeding mother and the infant. The breastfeeding process may differ when breastfeeding late preterm infants compared to full-term infants. This study aims to describe mothers' experience of breastfeeding late preterm infants during the infants first year of live. The method applied was non-systematic literature review was. The databases PubMed and Cinahl generated 14 articles. A manual literature search was conducted, which generated one more article. A total of 15 scientific articles of quantitative, qualitative approach and mixed method were included. Using a quality assessment templet of the articles and an intergrade analysis, the quality and results of the articles have been analyzed. The result presents three main categories and eight subcategories. The results of this study showed that mothers of late preterm infants experienced a desire and longing to breastfeed their infants because the mothers were aware of the importance of breast milk for their late preterm infant for the infants’ development. Breastfeeding was considered as an emotional period which was experienced as joyful, gave harmony and a feeling of relaxation but also feelings of stress, exhaustion and anxiety was experienced mainly due to the challenges that emerged during breastfeeding the late preterm infant. Physical challenges for both the infant and the breastfeeding mother were recurring. The need for support, education and encouragement from relatives and healthcare staff was significant for the mothers and the outcome of breastfeeding. The conclusion of this study showed that mothers of late preterm infants experienced breastfeeding as challenging but significant. Strong emotions were recurring during breastfeeding. Mothers’ attachment to their infants were strengthened through breastfeeding. The need for support and education during the breastfeeding period was identified to facilitate breastfeeding challenges and promote continued breastfeeding. It is essential for healthcare professionals, as midwives, to have an understanding of breastfeeding experience of mother of late preterm in order to offer adequate care and support.
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An administrative impression : A study on late Middle Kingdom administrative seals – from El-Lahun to the Southern Frontier / Ett administrativt avtryck : En studie av administrativa sigill från det sena mellersta riket – från El-Lahun till den södra frontenEl Mogy, Josef January 2022 (has links)
By analyzing the corpus of administrative seals from the late Middle Kingdom, this study attempts to identify what type of administration was in practice. This was achieved mainly through the use of an observational and comparative approach in the analysis of institutional and title-seals from four late Middle Kingdom sites. It has been concluded that royal mortuary complexes and Nubian military installations were administered on both a local and a centralized level. On the one hand, individuals mentioned on title-seals could be linked to various local departments attested on institutional seals. In most cases, they were affiliated to certain areas of activity linked to a specific institution. Additionally, at all sites represented in the study, traces of the central administration remain – evident from the accumulation of title-seals belonging to royal officials and extra-local institutional seals coming from royal donations. While each site displayed a unique institutional structure, parallels could be made between them. Late Middle Kingdom administrative seals point to a societal structure which in some sense was rigid, particularly on a local level. However, local activities appear to have also been overseen and operated by a mobile class of higher officials. / Genom att analysera sena mellersta rikets administrativa sigillkorpus söker denna studie att utröna vilken typ av administration som bedrevs. Detta har genomförts framför allt genom att observationsstudier samt komparativa tillvägagångsätt har tillämpats i analysen av institutionella sigill samt titelsigill från fyra historiska platser daterade till det sena mellersta riket. Studien visar på att både kungliga gravkomplex samt nubiska militära installationer administrerades på en lokal och centraliserad nivå. Å ena sidan har individer som omnämns på titelsigill kunnat länkas samman till olika lokala institutioner som även attesterats på institutionella sigill. I de flesta fall var dessa individer anslutna till arbetsområden tillhörande en viss institution. Vid samtliga platser kvarstår dock spår av en centraladministration –vilket ter sig tydligt i förekommandet av titelsigill tillhörande kungliga ämbetsmän samt icke-lokala institutionella sigill från kungliga donationer. Även fastän varje enskild plats hade en distinkt institutionell uppbyggnad kunde paralleller dras mellan dem. Mellersta rikets administrativa sigill tyder på en samhällsstruktur som på ett antal plan, särskilt på en lokal nivå, var fast. Samtidigt styrdes dessa lokala verksamheter emellertid av en mer rörlig klass av högre tjänstemän.
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<p>Grain structure and secondary phases play a critical role in determining the mechanical properties of industrial alloys. The spatial variation of such phases is very closely correlated to the liquid pooling established during late stage solidification and grain boundary coalescence. Obtaining a theory that correlates the evolution of length scales during grain boundary coalescence is a critical step toward the optimization of commercial alloys. This thesis highlights various phenomena that enter such a theory. They include coarsening and coalescence of dendrites, nucleation mechanisms and changes in composition of inter-dendritic liquid where second phases tend to initially form. Quantitative phase field models of solidification to simulate casting conditions and microstructure evolution are used in combination with characterization techniques to illustrate the connection between number, size, and distribution of liquid pools. Characterization techniques include spectral analysis, and clustering analysis by way of the Hoshen-Kopleman algorithm. By characterizing late-stage liquid pools, this thesis aims to be a first step towards developing a statistical scaling theory of length scale of liquid pooling.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Exploring Technological Style and Use in the Ontario Early Late Woodland: The Van Besien SiteSchumacher, Jennifer S. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores social identity and group membership at the Van Besien site by identifying the social patterning in the production and consumption of ceramics. Since potting is a social event involving transmission of knowledge, production exists within social constraints specific to each potter and influences the technological choices he/she makes. Such technological choices culminate in what is regarded as technological style, created by the repetition of activities or choices that create discernible patterns to allow for identification of styles that demarcate social boundaries.</p> <p>By identifying stylistic traditions of production and use of ceramics at Van Besien, I found evidence for both fluidity and rigidity of social boundaries. There are constant technological choices that traditionally would be viewed as evidence of rigid social membership. In contrast, the presence of variability at the Van Besien site indicates that social groups were not rigid. To identify if social membership was spatially represented, variability was explored throughout the site. I found that there were unexpected social divisions visible spatially in the pottery.</p> <p>The results demonstrate that with new theoretical frameworks, new interpretations regarding village social spheres can be discerned. My thesis represents a successful re-evaluation of an extant collection with missing and deficient documentation. This case study shows that extant collections can be revisited, reevaluated, and shed new light on academic debates in Ontario archaeology.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)
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