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Philoponus on topos / Redefining Place in Late AntiquityPapachristou, Ioannis 06 December 2017 (has links)
Die Dissertation versucht einerseits die Form, die Methode und die Struktur von Philoponos Kommentar zur Physik neu zu interpretieren und andererseits seine Theorie des Ortes (Topos) eingehend zu untersuchen. Das Buch besteht aus fünf Kapiteln und es enthält ein Vorwort, einen Epilog und ein Literaturverzeichnis. Philoponus schlägt eine doppelte Ortsbestimmung vor. Er unterscheidet zwischen dem Ort, der leer ist, der dreidimensionalen Erweiterung, die sich ontologisch von Körpern unterscheidet, und dem Begriff des Ortes, der von Körpern erfüllt wird. Philoponos strebt danach die Beziehung zwischen dem Ort und dem Körper neu zu definieren und unterstreicht den ontologischen Unterschied, den eine körperlose Erweiterung von einer körperlichen Erweiterung haben sollte. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auch auf Philoponos Kritik an der Definition von Ort laut Aristoteles und an der Peripatetischen Tradition (Eudemos, Themistios) bezüglich des Ortes des Himmels. Abschließend kommt das Buch zu dem Schluss, dass Philoponos Strategie sowohl in den Exkursen des Kommentars als auch in gewissen Teilen seiner Exegese in drei Stufen dargestellt werden kann: Er weist erstens die Gültigkeit der Kritik von Aristoteles und Themistios gegen das Konzept der lokalen Erweiterung zurück; zweitens greift er die aristotelische Definition des Ortes an, indem er seine Schwächen und Unstimmigkeiten mit der Natur der Dinge zeigt; und drittens stellt er seine eigene Theorie des Ortes dar. Das Ergebnis ist ein wertvolles Argumentarium über den Ort und ein wichtiger Beitrag für die Physik der Spätantike. / The dissertation attempts to interpret afresh, on the one hand, the form, methodology and structure of Philoponus’ commentary on the Physics and, on the other hand, to study in depth his theory of place (topos). The book extends over five chapters and includes a preface, an epilogue and a bibliography. Philoponus attempts a double determination of place. He distinguishes between the place which is void, three-dimensional extension that is ontological different from bodies, and the concept of place that is filled by bodies. Philoponus wishes to redefine the relationship between place and body and he underlines the ontological difference that a bodiless extension should have from a bodily extension. The thesis also focuses on Philoponus’ critique of Aristotle’s definition of place and the Peripatetic tradition (Eudemus, Themistius) regarding the place of the heavens. The book concludes that, Philoponus’ strategy in the digressions of the commentary, but also in certain parts of his exegeses, can be seen in three stages: first, he repudiates the cogency of Aristotle’s and Themistius’ critique to the concept of local extension; second, he attacks the Aristotelian definition of place by showing its weaknesses and inconsistencies with the nature of things; and third, he establishes his own theory of place. The result is a valuable set of arguments regarding place and a major contribution to the physics of late antiquity.
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Früherkennung der NeugeborenensepsisCao, Isabel 26 March 2024 (has links)
Background: Neonatal sepsis is one of the most important causes for elevated morbidity and mor-tality rates in neonatal intensive care units worldwide. While the clinical manifestations of a neo-natal sepsis tend to be nonspecific, its rapid development and life-threatening potential calls for reliable markers for early detection. Methods: We conducted a retrospective single center study including all neonates suspected of having developed a neonatal sepsis within 2013 - 2016. Perinatal and clinical characteristics, as well as microbiological and laboratory findings were evaluated. Neonatal sepsis was either defined as culture proven sepsis (positive blood culture) or clinical sepsis (at least one symptom and elevated C-reative protein (CRP) concentrations within 72h with nega-tive blood culture). We further differentiated between early-onset (EOS) and late-onset (LOS) sepsis. Results: Microbiological colonisation screening frequently did not detect the organism which sub-sequently caused the sepsis. Depending on the age of the newborn with sepsis (EOS or LOS), as-sociations between different anamnestic and clinical factors (prenatal or postnatal ones) were found. Especially the central-peripheral temperature difference showed a strong association to LOS. Laboratory results useful for the early detection of a neonatal sepsis included interleukin-6 (IL-6) and CRP concentrations. Conclusion: Elevated IL-6 >100 ng/l was a strong marker for neonatal sepsis. When choosing the antibiotics for treatment, data from microbiological colonisation screening should be considered, but not solely relied on. Some indicators for infection depended also on postnatal age.:Einführung 1
Definition 1
Sepsis 1
Pathophysiologie der Sepsis 2
Early-onset Sepsis vs. Late-onset Sepsis 4
Klinik und Diagnostik 6
AWMF-Leitlinie „Bakterielle Infektionen bei Neugeborenen“ 10
Mikrobiologisches Kolonisationsscreening 14
Aufgabenstellung und Zielsetzung 16
Patient:innen und Methoden 18
Datenerhebung 18
Gruppenbildung 20
Statistische Analyse 22
Ergebnisse 23
Early-onset Sepsis mit mikrobiologischem Nachweis 23
Early-onset Sepsis mit nur paraklinischem Nachweis 30
Late-onset Sepsis mit mikrobiologischem Nachweis 36
Late-onset Sepsis mit nur paraklinischem Nachweis 44
Diskussion 50
Art der Erreger in Leipzig 50
Mikrobiologisches Kolonisationsscreening 51
Anamnestische und klinische Risikofaktoren 55
Laborchemische Faktoren 60
Aussagekraft der Blutkultur 69
Grenzen der Studie 71
Weiterer Ausblick 72
Zusammenfassung 75
Literaturverzeichnis 78
Abkürzungsverzeichnis 83
Tabellenverzeichnis 85
Abbildungsverzeichnis 86
Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 88
Curriculum vitae 89
Danksagung 91
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Früherkennung der NeugeborenensepsisCao, Isabel 21 January 2025 (has links)
Die Neugeborenensepsis ist eine häufige und gefürchtete Komplikation im Neugeborenenalter, die einhergeht mit einer hohen Mortalität und schwerwiegenden Folgeerscheinungen für die spätere Entwicklung der Überlebenden. [5, 10, 56, 68, 83, 96] Die Komplexität des Themas zeigt sich nicht nur in der bisher noch unvollständig verstandenen Pathophysiologie, sondern insbesondere in der Erkennung und Differenzierung der Krankheitsentität im klinischen Alltag. Erschwerend für die Erforschung des Themas zeigt sich insbesondere das Fehlen eines sicheren Nachweises der Neugeborenensepsis. Verschiedene Arbeiten zu diesem Thema wenden daher unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen und dementsprechend unterschiedliche Sepsisnachweise an. Zum Vergleich der verschiedenen Herangehensweisen wurden aus diesem Grund in der hier vorliegenden Arbeit zwei unterschiedliche Sepsisnachweise, nämlich im ersten Ansatz ein mikrobiologischer Nachweis und im zweiten Ansatz ein paraklinischer Nachweis, gewählt und miteinander verglichen. Aufgrund von vermutlich unterschiedlichen Ursachen und Verläufen der Neugeborenensepsis abhängig vom Zeitpunkt des Eintretens wurden die Patient:innen außerdem in die Gruppen Early- bzw. Late-onset Sepsis eingeteilt und gegenübergestellt.
Aufgrund des rasant ablaufenden und schwerwiegenden Krankheitsbildes liegt im klinischen Alltag viel an der frühzeitigen Erkennung einer Neugeborenensepsis. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher alle Patient:innen in den Jahren 2013–2016 mit Verdacht auf Neugeborenensepsis retrospektiv untersucht und Faktoren, welche vor oder zum Zeitpunkt des Sepsisverdachts bekannt waren miteinander verglichen. Diese Faktoren umfassten Ergebnisse des mikrobiologischen Kolonisationsscreenings, anamnestische und klinische Faktoren sowie laborchemische Parameter.
Es zeigte sich, dass die im mikrobiologischen Kolonisationsscreening nachgewiesenen Keime (sowohl aus Anal-/Rektal- als auch Rachenabstrich) nur einen eingeschränkten Zusammenhang zu den in den Blutkulturen angezüchteten Erregerkeimen aufwiesen. Vor allem bei Patient:innen mit V.a. EOS jedoch sollte beim tatsächlichen Vorliegen einer auffälligen Keimbesiedlung diese unbedingt bei der Wahl der Antibiotika beachtet werden. Bei Neugeborenen mit V.a. LOS scheinen auffällige Keime im Rachenabstrich einen größeren Zusammenhang zu Sepsiserregern zu zeigen als Keime im Rektalabstrich. Jedoch darf letztlich bei der Wahl der kalkulierten antibiotischen Therapie nicht direkt von Kolonisationskeimen der Patient:innen auf den Erregerkeim der Sepsis geschlossen werden.
Es zeigten vor allem prä- und perinatale Faktoren einen Zusammenhang zur Early-onset Sepsis, während dieselben perinatalen Faktoren bei Verdacht auf eine Late-onset Sepsis eine eher geringere Rolle zu spielen schienen. Dagegen konnten postnatale Faktoren, insbesondere eine zentral-periphere Temperaturdifferenz, häufiger einen Zusammenhang zur LOS aufweisen.
Laborchemisch zeigten vor allem die Il-6- und CRP-Konzentrationen starke Zusammenhänge zur Neugeborenensepsis. Die Cut-off-Werte unterschieden sich dabei jedoch in Abhängigkeit von der Einteilung in EOS und LOS sowie der Einteilung in mikrobiologischen und paraklinischen Sepsisnachweis. Vor allem für die Early-onset Sepsis zeigte sich zudem auch ein Zusammenhang zur Leuko- und Thrombozytopenie.
Anhand der Einteilung der Patient:innen in die Gruppen EOS und LOS konnten unterschiedliche Ergebnisse ermittelt werden. Der Zeitpunkt der Neugeborenensepsis zeigt also einen Unterschied in den mikrobiologischen, klinischen und paraklinischen Faktoren, mit welchen sie zusammenhängt.
Im Vergleich der zwei unterschiedlichen Ansätze des Sepsisnachweises (mikrobiologisch und paraklinisch) fanden sich auch hier Unterschiede, welche der untersuchten Faktoren einen Zusammenhang zur Sepsis aufwiesen. Bei der weiteren Erforschung der Neugeborenensepsis sollte also immer beachtet werden, wie die zugrundeliegende Sepsisdefinition unterschiedliche Ergebnisse hervorbringen werden.
Alle Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit stammen letztlich aus einer monozentrischen retrospektiven Studie. Für weitere Erkenntnisse zur Ermittlung von Faktoren zur frühzeitigen Erkennung einer Neugeborenensepsis sind weitere umfassendere Studien notwendig.
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Electrophysiological Auditory Measures to Identify Potential Cortical Markers of TinnitusCaldwell, Joshua 12 1900 (has links)
Tinnitus, or the perception of sound in the absence of external acoustic stimuli, is a common condition that impacts approximately 10-15% of the United States population, with similar prevalence rates reported in other countries. Current diagnosis of tinnitus relies on case history and audiometric testing, which depend on responses provided by the patient. To date, there is no objective test that can be used for tinnitus diagnosis, despite the high prevalence and significant financial impacts of this condition. Cortical auditory evoked potentials have shown promise in their ability to assess not only the integrity of the auditory system, but also higher level preattentional and cognitive processing. For this study, the pitch-matched tinnitus frequency was used to evoke an auditory late response. Double oddball paradigms with the tinnitus frequency as the deviant stimuli were also used to evoke a mismatch negativity and P300 to determine where along the auditory pathway biomarkers of tinnitus may exist. The results of this study suggest that when the tinnitus frequency is incorporated into paradigms designed to produce cortical auditory evoked potentials, differences exist between participants with tinnitus and matched controls without tinnitus. Individuals with tinnitus exhibit smaller MMN amplitudes and area under the curve and have a more parietal distribution in their P300 responses on topographic maps compared to non-tinnitus participants. Evaluation of relationships between perceived tinnitus severity and electrophysiological measures also revealed that P2 latency was a significant predictor of tinnitus severity, with longer latencies indicating greater severity. Findings of this study have clinical implications for test paradigms that may be used in an objective tinnitus test battery and for measures that can predict tinnitus severity.
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Diego y yo: Frida Kahlo's Final Self-Portrait BustGalindo, Penelope January 2024 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kevin Lotery / Frida Kahlo’s 1949 painting Diego y yo is the Mexican artist’s final self-portrait bust. This thesis argues for the recognition of the self-portrait as definitive to, what I call, Kahlo’s “early-late style” and as one reason for her shift to still-lifes. The context of the painting revolves around Kahlo’s relationship with her husband Diego Rivera. Their mentor-student relationship is an important facet to understanding motifs in the self-portrait and across Kahlo’s oeuvre as a whole. The artist’s self-portrait includes a superimposed, miniature portrait of Rivera with a third eye in Kahlo’s third eye position. The self-portrait is a culmination of iconography that was only seen in separate contexts previously. My thesis applies a psychoanalytic approach to understand Kahlo’s interactions with herself and the “self” of the portrait. As part of Kahlo’s early-late style, Diego y yo represents a change in her artistic style that is of a new energy of technicality and self-analysis. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2024. / Submitted to: Boston College. Morrissey School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Art, Art History, and Film. / Discipline: Departmental Honors.
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Religious reform, transnational poetics, and literary tradition in the work of Thomas HoccleveLangdell, Sebastian James January 2014 (has links)
This study considers Thomas Hoccleve’s role, throughout his works, as a “religious” writer: as an individual who engages seriously with the dynamics of heresy and ecclesiastical reform, who contributes to traditions of vernacular devotional writing, and who raises the question of how Christianity manifests on personal as well as political levels – and in environments that are at once London-based, national, and international. The chapters focus, respectively, on the role of reading and moralization in the Series; the language of “vice and virtue” in the Epistle of Cupid; the moral version of Chaucer introduced in the Regiment of Princes; the construction of the Hoccleve persona in the Regiment; and the representation of the Eucharist throughout Hoccleve’s works. One main focus of the study is Hoccleve’s mediating influence in presenting a moral version of Chaucer in his Regiment. This study argues that Hoccleve’s Chaucer is not a pre-established artifact, but rather a Hocclevian invention, and it indicates the transnational literary, political, and religious contexts that align in Hoccleve’s presentation of his poetic predecessor. Rather than posit the Hoccleve-Chaucer relationship as one of Oedipal anxiety, as other critics have done, this study indicates the way in which Hoccleve’s Chaucer evolves in response to poetic anxiety not towards Chaucer himself, but rather towards an increasingly restrictive intellectual and ecclesiastical climate. This thesis contributes to the recently revitalized critical dialogue surrounding the role and function of fifteenth-century English literature, and the effect on poetry of heresy, the church’s response to heresy, and ecclesiastical reform both in England and in Europe. It also advances critical narratives regarding Hoccleve’s response to contemporary French poetry; the role of confession, sacramental discourse, and devotional images in Hoccleve’s work; and Hoccleve’s impact on literary tradition.
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The Late Bronze Age Sanctuary at Ayios Iakovos: Dhima Revisited / Ett återbesök i den sena bronsålders helgedomen i Ayios Iakovos: DhimaLindqvist, Adam January 2017 (has links)
År 1929 grävde den Svenska Cypernexpeditionen ut en helgedom daterad till den tidiga delen av Sencypriotisk II (1400-1340/1315), namngiven Ayios Iakovos: Dhima. Kring ett terrakotta-kar återfann arkeologerna flera värdefulla och exotiska föremål. Sedan dess har platsen och dess fynd tolkats på många olika sätt, utan någon egentlig klarhet. Genom att göra en systematisk studie över det hittills opublicerade skärvmaterialet har nya slutsatser om platsen kunnat läggas fram. Tidigare tolkningar om ett kronologiskt gap under Sencypriotisk I kan nu ifrågasättas. Det finns belägg för ett kontinuerligt bruk från Mellancypriotisk III fram tills platsen övergavs under Sencypriotisk II. Den stora mängden slutna kärl, förknippade med transport av väldoftande oljor och salvor, vittnar om de aktiviteter som en gång företogs på platsen. Dessutom visar närvaron av typiska rituella dryckeskärl ett av de tidigaste exemplen på utvecklingen av Cypriotisk rituell tradition, nu separerad från de tidigare starka banden till gravriter.
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Writing (hi)story : Gascony in Jean Froissart's chroniquesSouleau, Pauline January 2014 (has links)
Jean Froissart’s Chroniques, composed of four Books, relate the first stages of the Anglo-French conflict later known as the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453). This thesis explores Froissart’s textual journey(s) to Gascon lands (south-west of modern-day France) and history/stories. Relying on Gérard Genette’s and Mikhail Bakhtin’s narrative theories, it uses literary and narratological tools to analyse three passages from Book I and III concerned with Gascony: the Earl of Derby’s Gascon campaigns (Chapter 1); the Black Prince’s Gascon campaigns and the principality of Aquitaine (Chapter 2); Froissart’s personal journey to and stay at the court of Gaston Fébus, count of Foix-Béarn (Chapter 3). One aim of the study is to investigate the representation of the region but it also argues that the Gascon passages have wider implications for the Chroniques, Froissart’s work as a whole, and the writing of history in the fourteenth century. At the turn of the twentieth century, Froissart’s ‘history’ was often disparagingly discussed by scholars due to factual inaccuracy and literary embellishments: such a ‘historical narrative’, it was felt, fell short of history and was nothing more than an entertaining story presenting outdated chivalric ideals. Although this approach has been partly revised, some critics still view the Chroniques’ earlier Books as being a narratively straightforward reflection of such a chivalric ideology, lacking critical hindsight on fourteenth-century events and society, and thus presenting paradoxical and irreconcilable tensions with later Books to the extent that they are occasionally deemed to be an entirely different kind of work than their later counterparts. The narrative thread of Froissart’s Gascon (hi)story explored here allows the revision of such views and shows that Froissart’s narrative is far from narratively and ideologically straightforward. This complexity is present as early as the first versions of the Book I, which should be envisaged in parallel, not in opposition, with the ‘later’ Chroniques. Similarly, the various tensions (e.g. fiction/history; ideal/real) underpinning the whole work, manifested in the portrayal of Gascony/the Gascons, are best approached in terms of co-existence, not antagonism. Such a multi-faceted work (a mirror and/or product of the fourteenth century?), à mi-chemin between history and fiction, between conflicting yet co-existing perspectives, is precisely what makes Froissart’s Chroniques valuable to literary critics, philologists, and historians alike.
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Simulações Numéricas Tri-dimensionais de Ventos Magnetizados de Estrelas de Baixa Massa / Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Magnetized Winds of Low-Mass StarsVidotto, Aline de Almeida 16 November 2009 (has links)
O tópico abordado nesta tese é a perda de massa através de ventos coronais magnetizados em estrelas de baixa massa. Ventos estelares têm sido estudados extensivamente há vários anos, tendo inicialmente como foco o vento solar. Atualmente, sabe-se que o campo magnético é essencial na aceleração e aquecimento dos ventos coronais. Apesar do conhecimento detalhado que temos da estrutura magnética do Sol, pouco se sabe sobre a configuração do campo magnético em outras estrelas. Nesta tese, é investigada a estrutura do campo magnético nas coroas de estrelas do tipo solar na Seqüência Principal e de suas predecessoras na pré Seqüência Principal através de simulações numéricas magneto-hidrodinâmicas tri-dimensionais. Aqui, consideramos de forma auto-consistente a interação entre o vento e o campo magnético e vice-versa. Dessa forma, pela interação entre forças magnéticas e forças do vento, consegue-se determinar a configuração do campo magnético e a estrutura dos ventos coronais. Realizamos um estudo de ventos de estrelas do tipo solar e a dependência dos mesmos com o parâmetro beta do plasma (a razão entre as densidades de energia térmica e magnética). Este é o primeiro estudo a realizar tal análise resolvendo as equações tri-dimensionais da magneto-hidrodinâmica ideal. Em nossas simulações, adotamos um parâmetro de aquecimento descrito por gamma, que é responsável pela aceleração térmica do vento. Então, nós analisamos ventos com intensidades de campo magnético nos pólos no intervalo de B0 = 1 a 20 G e mostramos que a estrutura do vento apresenta características que são similares à do vento coronal do Sol. No estado estacionário, a topologia do campo magnético obtida é similar para todos os casos estudados, apresentando uma configuração do tipo helmet streamer, com zonas de linhas fechadas e abertas de campo magnético co-existindo. Intensidades mais altas de campo levam a ventos mais acelerados e mais quentes. O aumento na intensidade do campo gera também uma zona morta maior no vento, i.e., os loops fechados que previnem que a matéria escape da coroa em latitudes menores que ~45 graus se estendem a maiores distâncias da estrela. Além disso, mostramos também que a força de Lorentz gera naturalmente um vento que é dependente da latitude. Ao aumentar a densidade da coroa mantendo B0 = 20 G, mostramos que o sistema volta a apresentar ventos menos acelerados e mais frios. Para um valor fixo de gamma, mostramos que o parâmetro essencial na determinação do perfil de velocidade do vento é o parâmetro beta calculado na base da coroa. Dessa forma, acredita-se que haja um grupo de ventos magnetizados que apresenta a mesma velocidade terminal independentemente das densidades de energia térmica ou magnética, desde que o parâmetro beta seja o mesmo. No entanto, essa degenerescência pode ser removida ao se comparar outros parâmetros físicos do vento, tal como a taxa de perda de massa. Nós também analisamos a influência do gamma nos nossos resultados e mostramos que ele é importante na determinação da estrutura do vento. Além disso, investigamos ventos magnetizados de estrelas de baixa massa da pré Seqüência Principal. Em particular, analisamos sob quais circunstâncias tais estrelas apresentam estruturas magnéticas alongadas (e.g., helmet streamers, proeminências do tipo slingshot, etc). Focamos especialmente em estrelas do tipo T Tauri fracas, uma vez que o tênue disco de acreção, quando presente ao redor de tais estrelas, não deve causar forte influência na estrutura do vento estelar e nem na do campo magnético coronal. Nós mostramos que o parâmetro beta do plasma é um fator decisivo na configuração do campo magnético do vento estelar. Usando parâmetros iniciais adequados ao que se é observado para tais estrelas, nós mostramos que a configuração do campo magnético pode variar entre uma configuração semelhante à de um dipolo e uma configuração com linhas fortemente colimadas em torno do eixo polar e streamers fechados ao redor do equador (configuração de multi-componentes para o campo magnético). Mostramos que as estruturas alongadas do campo magnético somente estão presentes se o parâmetro beta do plasma na base da coroa é beta0 << 1. Usando nossos modelos magneto-hidrodinâmicos, auto-consistentes, tri-dimensionais, estimamos para ventos de estrelas da pré Seqüência Principal a escala temporal de migração planetária devido a forças de arraste exercidas pelo vento em um planeta tipo hot-Jupiter (i.e., um planeta gigante que orbita muito próximo da estrela). Nosso modelo sugere que os ventos estelares de coroas com multi-componentes de campo magnético não têm influências significativas na migração de hot-Jupiters. / The subject of this thesis is the mass loss of low-mass stars through magnetized coronal winds. Stellar winds have been a topic of extensive research in Astrophysics for a long time, and their first investigations focused on the solar wind. Nowadays, we know that the magnetic field plays a crucial role in the acceleration and heating of coronal winds. Despite of the knowledge of the fine structure of the solar magnetic field, much less information is known regarding the configuration of the magnetic field in other stars. In this thesis, we investigate the structure of the magnetic field in the coronae of solar-like stars and young stars by means of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical numerical simulations. We self-consistently take into consideration the interaction of the outflowing wind with the magnetic field and vice versa. Hence, from the interplay between magnetic forces and wind forces, we are able to determine the configuration of the magnetic field and the structure of the coronal winds. We investigate solar-like stellar winds and their dependence on the plasma-beta parameter (the ratio between thermal and magnetic energy densities). This is the first study to perform such analysis solving the fully ideal three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics equations. We adopt in our simulations a heating parameter described by gamma, which is responsible for the thermal acceleration of the wind. We analyze winds with polar magnetic field intensities ranging from B0 = 1 to 20 G and we show that the wind structure presents characteristics that are similar to the solar coronal wind. The steady-state magnetic field topology for all cases is similar, presenting a configuration of helmet streamer-type, with zones of closed field lines and open field lines coexisting. Higher magnetic field intensities lead to faster and hotter winds. The increase of the field intensity generates a larger ``dead zone\'\' in the wind, i.e., the closed loops that inhibit matter to escape from latitudes lower than 45 degrees extend farther away from the star. The Lorentz force leads naturally to a latitude-dependent wind. We show that by increasing the density and maintaining B0 = 20 G, the system recovers to slower and cooler winds. For a fixed gamma, we show that the key parameter in determining the wind velocity profile is the beta-parameter at the coronal base. Therefore, there is a group of magnetized flows that would present the same terminal velocity despite of its thermal and magnetic energy densities, as long as the plasma-beta parameter is the same. This degeneracy, however, can be removed if we compare other physical parameters of the wind, such as the mass-loss rate. We also analyze the influence of gamma in our results and we show that it is also important in determining the wind structure. We further investigate magnetized stellar winds of low-mass pre-main-sequence stars. In particular we analyze under which circumstances these stars present elongated magnetic features (e.g., helmet streamers, slingshot prominences, etc). We focus on weak-lined T Tauri stars, as the presence of the tenuous accretion disk is not expected to have strong influence on the structure of the stellar wind neither on the coronal magnetic field. We show that the plasma-beta parameter is a decisive factor in defining the magnetic configuration of the stellar wind. Using initial parameters within the observed range for these stars, we show that the coronal magnetic field configuration can vary between a dipole-like configuration and a configuration with strong collimated polar lines and closed streamers at the equator (multicomponent configuration for the magnetic field). We show that elongated magnetic features will only be present if the plasma-beta parameter at the coronal base is beta0 << 1. Using our self-consistent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical model, we estimate for the stellar winds of pre-main-sequence stars the timescale of planet migration due to drag forces exerted by the stellar wind on a hot-Jupiter (i.e., on a giant planet that orbits very close to the star). Our model suggests that the stellar wind of these multicomponent coronae are not expected to have significant influence on the migration of hot-Jupiters.
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Dynasty and collegiality : representations of imperial legitimacy, AD 284-337FitzGerald, Taylor Grace January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates representations of dynastic legitimacy and imperial power in the later Roman Empire (AD 284-337). It explores the continuity and change in expressions of dynastic legitimacy by, for and about the emperors of this period, which were presented in coinage, panegyrics, and other literary and material evidence. I argue that familial relationships were used throughout this period to make legitimation claims or to counter claims made by rivals, rejecting the notion of clear breaks between the third century, the Tetrarchy and the reign of Constantine. The Tetrarchy’s creation of familial links through adoption and marriage led to a web of inter-familial relationships that they and later emperors used in promoting their own claims to imperial legitimacy. At the same time, the presentation of these imperial colleges as harmonious co-rulership relied heavily on the adaptation of pre-existing strategies, which in turn would be adapted by the emperors of the early fourth century. This thesis proceeds roughly chronologically, focusing on the regimes of individual emperors and their collaborators when possible. Chapter 1 examines the creation of the Tetrarchy as an extended ‘family’ and the adaptation of ideologies of third-century co-rulership. Chapter 2 explores the changes in the Second Tetrarchy, with an especial focus on the ‘Iovian’ family of Galerius and Maximinus Daza. Chapter 3 looks at Maxentius’ claims to both ‘retrospective’ and ‘prospective’ dynastic legitimacy. Chapter 4 examines Licinius’ legitimacy both as a co-ruler and brother-in-law of Constantine, and as the beginning of a new ‘Iovian’ dynasty. Chapter 5 delves deeper into the different claims to dynastic legitimacy made by Constantine over the course of his thirty-year reign. Taken together, these chapters offer a new approach by arguing against the dichotomy between ‘dynasty’ and ‘collegiality’ that tends to dominate scholarship of this period. Instead they focus on the similarities and continuities between the representations of imperial families and imperial colleges in order to understand how perceptions of dynastic legitimacy evolved in the third and fourth centuries.
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