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Maskinteknisk studie av hissdörrsproduktion för ökad leveransprecision / Mechanical engineering study of an elevator door production for increased delivery precisionSpjut, Samuel January 2017 (has links)
Denna rapport handlar om ett arbete mot att öka leveransprecisionen av produktionen av hissdörrar på företaget MaxiDoor AB. Företaget har ett mål på en leveransprecision på 98 % som de arbetar mot att uppfylla. Problemet de har är att leveransprecisionen är mycket lägre i nuläget. Detta beror delvis på kommunikationsproblem, informationsproblem samt att verkstaden inte är i ordning och reda. Problemet angreps genom att införa daglig styrning med en styrtavla och dagliga möten. En ändring av layouten på en av arbetsplatserna gjordes även, tillsammans med ommöblering av lagerplatser och tydlig uppmärkning av vad som ska stå var. Dessutom undersöktes hur stora lager som skulle finnas av alla olika detaljer. Utöver detta har företaget fått flera idéer om vad som mer kan göras för att förbättra produktionen ännu mer. Om företaget fortsätter med ett liknande arbete finns stora möjligheter att nå upp till deras mål med leveransprecision. / This report is about an effort to increase the delivery accuracy of an elevator door production at the company MaxiDoor AB. The company has a target of a 98% delivery accuracy that they are working towards fulfilling. The problem they have is that the delivery precision is much lower in the present. This is due in part to communication problems, information problems and the fact that the workshop is not in order. The problem is approached by introducing daily steering with a control board and daily meetings. An alteration of the layout of one of the workplaces was also done, along with the reorganization of storage spaces and clear marking of where things should be placed. In addition, it was investigated how large the inventories should be of all the different details. In addition, the company have received several ideas about what can be done to improve production even further. If the company continues with a similar work, there are great opportunities to reach their goals with delivery precision.
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THE BEST WAY TO WORK : Increasing the efficiency through layout changes and standardizationBackéus, Lina January 2021 (has links)
This is a master thesis done in the program of industrial design engineering at Luleå University ofTechnology, conducted during the spring of 2021. The project is a collaboration with Epiroc RockDrills AB which is a leading global company in the mining industries, and the workshop in which thisthesis is made manufactures and assembles rock drills sold worldwide. The aim of this thesis is toincrease the utilization of three lathes in the workshop that are often left unused when theiroperators have to leave the machines to perform other tasks. This is due to short operation timesthat require the operator to be present.The project follows a cyclic method in order to force the work forward without worrying aboutmissing information. There were three cycles with different aim. In the first cycle, the focus was onplanning the project and mapping the current state. In the second, a requirement specification wasmade and concepts were created. These concepts were further developed in the third cycle. Finally arecommendation was made.The current state was mapped using different methods like interviews and spaghetti diagram. Thesemethods showed that the lathes were unused mainly during setups, and that setups were timeconsuming due to equipment being placed far away from the lathes. The result showed that manyproblems could be related to bad layout design and lack of standardized work. In order to create abetter layout for the operators, a relationship chart was made and several suggestions constructedbased on it. The purpose of the layout changes was to get necessary equipment closer to the lathesin order for the setups to be performed faster. All suggestions were compared to the requirementspecification and only three were further developed during the third cycle.The lean tool SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) was used to create a standard for setups. Thisstandard was further developed into a work instruction to be better visualized for the operators.The final recommendation is to make layout changes according to one of the layouts presented inthis report, and to implement the work instruction. These changes will increase the utilization bypreparing as much as possible before the lathe is tuned off.
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