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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude d'un jet rectangulaire supersonique à nombre de Mach 1.45 vectorisé par actionneur fluidique

Jaunet, Vincent 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La vectorisation de poussée par actionneurs fluidiques permet d'accroître la manoeuvrabilité des appareils tout en minimisant l'impact sur la masse de l'engin. La petite dimension de la section d'éjection d'une tuyère rectangulaire a été modifiée et équipée d'un actionneur pneumatique, dans l'objectif d'étudier la vectorisation en lacet du jet. Les performances en vectorisation du jet sont investiguées par l'intermédiaire de mesures par vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV) ; les résultats d'une modélisation numérique RANS, associés aux visualisations expérimentales, permettent d'établir un scénario des mécanismes responsables de la mise en mouvement de l'écoulement. Une discussion quant aux limitations du dispositif peut alors être apportée. Les résultats d'une campagne de mesure par vélocimétrie laser Doppler dans le sillage de l'actionneur permettent de quantifier l'impact de la vectorisation sur la couche de mélange. Il s'avère de plus, que les modifications apportées à la buse génèrent un réseau de chocs particulier qui, associé à l'acoustique se propageant dans la partie subsonique de l'écoulement, impose au jet un battement transversal bidimensionnel très important. La dynamique de ce battement est étudiée par l'intermédiaire d'une analyse par décomposition orthogonale aux valeurs propres (POD) appliquée à des visualisations strioscopiques. On démontre alors le couplage entre le battement du jet et les ondes acoustiques non linéaires dans la région subsonique. Cette dynamique se révèle très robuste, puisqu'encore présente en régime vectorisé.

Uncertainty analysis of a particle tracking algorithm developed for super-resolution particle image velocimetry

Joseph, Sujith 11 August 2003 (has links)
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a powerful technique to measure the velocity at many points in a flow simultaneously by performing correlation analysis on images of particles being transported by the flow. These images are acquired by illuminating the flow with two light pulses so that each particle appears once on each image. <p> The spatial resolution is an important parameter of this measuring system since it determines its ability to resolve features of interest in the flow. The super-resolution technique maximises the spatial resolution by augmenting the PIV analysis with a second pass that identifies specific particles and measures the distance between them. <p> The accuracy of the procedure depends on both the success with which the proper pairings are identified and the accuracy with which their centre-to-centre distance can be measured. This study presents an analysis of both the systematic uncertainty and random uncertainty associated with this process. The uncertainty is analysed as a function of several key parameters that define the quality of the image. The uncertainty analysis is performed by preparing 4000 member ensembles of simulated images with specific setpoints of each parameter. <p> It is shown that the systematic uncertainty is negligible compared to the random uncertainty for all conditions tested. Also, the image contrast and the selection of a threshold for the particle search are the most critical parameters influencing both success rate and uncertainty. It is also shown that high image intensities still yield accurate results. The search radius used by the super-resolution algorithm is shown to be a critical parameter also. By increasing the search radius, the success rate can be increased although this is accompanied by an increase in random uncertainty.

Uncertainty analysis of a particle tracking algorithm developed for super-resolution particle image velocimetry

Joseph, Sujith 11 August 2003
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a powerful technique to measure the velocity at many points in a flow simultaneously by performing correlation analysis on images of particles being transported by the flow. These images are acquired by illuminating the flow with two light pulses so that each particle appears once on each image. <p> The spatial resolution is an important parameter of this measuring system since it determines its ability to resolve features of interest in the flow. The super-resolution technique maximises the spatial resolution by augmenting the PIV analysis with a second pass that identifies specific particles and measures the distance between them. <p> The accuracy of the procedure depends on both the success with which the proper pairings are identified and the accuracy with which their centre-to-centre distance can be measured. This study presents an analysis of both the systematic uncertainty and random uncertainty associated with this process. The uncertainty is analysed as a function of several key parameters that define the quality of the image. The uncertainty analysis is performed by preparing 4000 member ensembles of simulated images with specific setpoints of each parameter. <p> It is shown that the systematic uncertainty is negligible compared to the random uncertainty for all conditions tested. Also, the image contrast and the selection of a threshold for the particle search are the most critical parameters influencing both success rate and uncertainty. It is also shown that high image intensities still yield accurate results. The search radius used by the super-resolution algorithm is shown to be a critical parameter also. By increasing the search radius, the success rate can be increased although this is accompanied by an increase in random uncertainty.

Etude numérique et expérimentale d'un compresseur aspiré

Godard, Antoine 24 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Afin d'alléger les moteurs d'avions et diminuer la consommation de carburant, les industriels tendent à rendre plus compact le système de compression de leurs moteurs, qui représente environ 40% de la masse totale. Or, à taux de compression global égal, la réduction du nombre d'étages implique une charge aérodynamique plus élevée par étage. Cela augmente d'autant les risques de décollements sur les aubes et la dégradation des performances. L'aspiration de la couche limite sur les aubages s'est révélée très prometteuse pour supprimer ces décollements néfastes et satisfaire aux besoins de charge aérodynamique élevée. Cependant, l'aspiration modifie fortement la distribution de pression statique à la paroi des aubes, rendant les approches de conception traditionnelles inadaptées. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de proposer une nouvelle méthode et de nouveaux critères de conception d'aubages fortement chargés, intégrant l'aspiration de la couche limite. Cette méthode repose sur une stratégie d'aspiration en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps, un contrôle passif, par courbure et diffusion, de la position du point de décollement est effectué dans le but de la rendre insensible aux conditions de fonctionnement. Dans un second temps, un contrôle actif par aspiration vise à placer la fente d'aspiration par rapport au point de décollement de manière à minimiser le taux d'aspiration nécessaire au recollement de la couche limite. Afin de mettre en pratique cette stratégie, une technique de dessin d'aubages par prescription de la distribution de courbure de l'extrados et de la variation de section du canal inter-aubes, est ainsi développée. Associée à un outil de pré-dimensionnement rapide ainsi qu'une évaluation des pertes de pression totale incluant la présence d'aspiration, cette méthode permet ainsi de concevoir une grille de stator aspirée subsonique réalisant une déflexion fluide de 60 degrés, pour un nombre de Mach amont de 0,5, correspondant à un facteur de diffusion de 0,73. Cette performance au point nominal est obtenue avec un coefficient de pertes de pression totale de 2,5%, en aspirant 1,1% du débit entrant dans la grille. Ces valeurs peuvent néanmoins être réduites respectivement à 2,1% et 0,8% par l'emploi d'une fente d'aspiration à bords arrondis. Cette étude numérique bidimensionnelle est effectuée à l'aide du code de calcul elsA de l'ONERA. Afin de valider expérimentalement cette méthode de conception ainsi que les outils numériques associés, une grille d'aubes plane est construite et testée à basse vitesse au laboratoire de Mécanique de Fluides et d'Acoustique de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon. A mi-envergure, les résultats issus de l'expérience et de simulations numériques 3D confirment la pertinence de la stratégie d'aspiration et la démarche de conception adoptée. Cette confrontation met alors en évidence l'impact de la distribution du taux d'aspiration suivant l'envergure sur l'efficacité de l'aspiration. Etant donné l'importance des écoulements tridimensionnels rencontrés, une généralisation en trois dimensions de la stratégie d'aspiration est proposée et est appliquée numériquement sur cette même grille d'aubes. En contrôlant simultanément les couches limites se développant sur l'aube et sur les parois latérales du canal de compression, il est alors possible de supprimer presque totalement les décollements de coins présents dans celui-ci. En contrepartie, le taux d'aspiration voit sa valeur augmenter très fortement, tempérant ce bénéfice. L'épaisseur des couches limites entrantes se révèle alors également être un facteur déterminant pour le succès du contrôle des couches limites par aspiration, dans un cadre tridimensionnel.

Experimental Studies on Extremely Small Scale Vibrations of Micro-Scale Mechanical and Biological Structures

Venkatesh, Kadbur Prabhakar Rao January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Experimental vibration analysis of mechanical structures is a well established field.Plenty of literature exists on macro scale structures in the fields of civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering, but the study of vibrations of micro scale structures such as MEMS, liquid droplets, and biological cells is relatively new. For such structures, the amplitudes of vibration are typically in nanometeror sub-nanometer range and the frequencies are in KHz to MHz range depending upon the dimensions of the structure. In our study, we use a scanningLaser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) to measure the vibrations of micro-scale objects such as MEMS structures, micro droplets and cells. The vibrometercan capture frequency response up to 24 MHz withpicometer displacement resolution. First, we present the study of dynamics of a 2-D micromechanical structure—a MEMSelectrothermal actuator. The structure is realized using SOI MUMPs process from MEMSCAP. The fabricated device is tested for its dynamic performance characteristics using the LDV. In our experiments, we could capture up to 50 out-of-plane modes of vibration—an unprecedented capture—with a single excitation. Subsequent FEM based numerical simulations confirmed that the captured modes were indeed what the experiments indicated, and the measured frequencies werefound to be within 5% of theoretically predicted. Next, we study the dynamics of a 3-D micro droplet and show how the substrate adhesion modulates the natural frequency of the droplet. Adhesion properties of droplets are decided by the degree of wettability that is generally measured by the contact angle between the substrate and the droplet. In this work, we were able to capture 14 modes of vibration of a mercury droplet on different substrates and measure the correspondingfrequencies experimentally. We verify these frequencies with analytical calculations and find that all the measured frequencies are within 6% of theoretically predicted values. We also show that considering any two pairs of natural frequencies, we can calculate the surface tension and the contact angle, thus providing a new method for measuring adhesion of a droplet on an unknown surface. Lastly, we present a study of vibrations of biological cells.Our first study is that of single muscle fibers taken from drosophila.Muscle fibers with different pathological conditions were held in two structural configurations—asa fixed-fixed beam and a cantilever beam—and their vibration signatures analysed.We found that there was significant reduction in natural frequency of diseased fibers. Among the diseased fibers, we could confidently classify the myopathies into nemaline and cardiac types based on the natural frequency of single fibers. We have noticed that the elastic modulus of the muscle which decides the natural frequency is dictated by the myosin expression levels. Our last example isa study of the vibration signatures of cancer cells. Here we measure the natural frequencies of normal and certain cancerous cells, and show that we can distinguish the two based on their natural frequencies. We find that the natural frequency of cancerous cells is approximately half of that of normal cells. Within the cancerous cells, we are able to distinguished epithelial cancer cells and mesenchymal cancer cells based on their natural frequency values. For Epithelial cells,we activate the signaling pathways to induce EMT and notice the reduction in the natural frequency. This mechanical assay based on vibration response corroborates results from the biochemical assays such as Western blots and PCR, thus opening a new technique of mechano-diagnostics.

Comportement transitionnel et stabilisation de flammes-jets non-prémélangés de méthane dans un coflow d’air dilué en CO2 / Transition and stabilization behaviors of non-premixed methane jet flames insaide an air coflow diluted by carbon dioxide

Min, Jiesheng 31 May 2011 (has links)
Ce travail s'intéresse à la compréhension du comportement des flammes non-prémélangées issues d'un jet de méthane assisté par un coflow d'air dilué avec du CO2, ou d'autres gaz chimiquement inertes pour discriminer les différents phénomènes impliqués dans la dilution. Les phénomènes transitionnels, décrochage et extinction, quantifiés par des limites de stabilité, sont analysés à l'aide de grandeurs physiques représentatives. Le domaine de stabilité de flamme est limité par des surfaces 3D dans le domaine physique ( Qdiluant/Qair (taux de dilution), Uair (vitesse d'air), UCH4 (vitesse de méthane)), révélant un effet compétitif entre l'aérodynamique et la dilution. Des cartographies génériques de décrochage et d'extinction communes à tous ces diluants sont proposées. Des grandeurs liées à la stabilisation sont toutes soumises à des lois d'évolution auto-simlilaires. Il en ressort que la vitesse de propagation de flamme est l'élément clé du mécanisme de stabilisation lors de la dilution. / This work focuses on the understanding of the behaviours of non-premixed methane flame inside an air coflow diluted by carbon dyoxide (CO2) or by other chemically inert diluents in order to discriminate different phenomena involved in dilution. Transitional phenomena (liftoff and extinction) quantified trough the stability limits, are analyzed trough representative physical quantities. The flame stability domain is limited by 3D-surfaces (liftoff and extinction) in the physical domain (Qdiluant/Qair (dilution level), Uair (air velocity), UCH4 (methane velocity)) revealing a competitive effect between aerodynamics and dilution. Generic diagrams of flame liftoff and extinction are proposed for all the diluents. Physical quantities related to flame stabilization process are all submitted to, regardless of diluent, self-similar laws. This is explained by flame burning velocity which is considered as the key element in the flame stabilization mechanism with air-side dilution.

Μελέτη ροϊκών φαινομένων για μεγιστοποίηση θερμανταλλαγής σε ολοκληρωμένο ηλιακό σύστημα συλλέκτη-αποθήκης / Flow field study for maximization of heat transfer in Integrated Collector Storage Solar System.

Γκέρτζος, Κωνσταντίνος 31 March 2008 (has links)
Τα ολοκληρωμένα ηλιακά συστήματα συλλέκτη αποθήκης αποτελούνται από μία δεξαμενή αποθήκευσης, της οποίας τμήμα της επιφάνειας της χρησιμοποιείται σαν ηλιακός συλλέκτης. Συνήθως το ρευστό της αποθήκης είναι το νερό χρήσης. Στο υπό εξέταση σύστημα το νερό χρήσης θερμαίνεται έμμεσα, διερχόμενο μέσα από σωληνώσεις εναλλάκτη θερμότητας που τοποθετείται στο εσωτερικό της παραλληλεπίπεδης δεξαμενής. Για την εντατικοποίηση της μετάδοσης θερμότητας προς το νερό χρήσης, δημιουργείται ανάδευση του ρευστού του δοχείου μέσω κυκλοφορητή, ο οποίος τίθεται σε λειτουργία μόνο όταν υπάρχει ζήτηση ζεστού νερού. Προς αποφυγή παραμορφώσεων τοποθετούνται πτερύγια συγκράτησης που ενώνουν τις δύο μεγάλες επιφάνειες της δεξαμενής. Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή διερευνήθηκαν τα ροϊκά φαινόμενα στο εσωτερικό του ICS που έχει περιγραφεί προηγουμένως, με στόχο τη μεγιστοποίηση της θερμανταλλαγής μεταξύ των δύο κυκλωμάτων νερού. Για την παρατήρηση του ροϊκού πεδίου καθώς και την λήψη μετρήσεων ταχυτήτων κατασκευάστηκε πειραματική συσκευή με διαφανή τοιχώματα από Plexiglas. Ελήφθησαν μετρήσεις ταχυτήτων και διακυμάνσεων με χρήση συστήματος Laser Doppler διπλής ακτίνας. Για την οπτικοποίηση του ροϊκού πεδίου τοποθετήθηκαν σωματίδια πολυστερίνης στο εσωτερικό της συσκευής. Ελήφθησαν ψηφιακές φωτογραφίες και βιντεοσκοπήσεις του ροϊκού πεδίου. Για την υπολογιστική προσομοίωση χρησιμοποιήθηκε το εμπορικό λογισμικό FLUENT. Αναπτύχθηκε υπολογιστικό μοντέλο και επιλύθηκε με όλα τα διαθέσιμα μοντέλα τύρβης. Στη συνέχεια πραγματοποιήθηκε σειρά υπολογιστικών προσομοιώσεων, στις οποίες διερευνήθηκε η βέλτιστη θέση και το μέγεθος των στομίων ανακυκλοφορίας, η βέλτιστη διάταξη των πτερυγίων συγκράτησης και η βέλτιστη θέση του εναλλάκτη. Επιπλέον προσδιορίστηκε υπολογιστικά και πειραματικά ο χρόνος αποκατάστασης του ροϊκού πεδίου. Τέλος, τα αποτελέσματα συγκρίθηκαν και με πειραματικά αποτελέσματα άλλων εργασιών. Τα συμπεράσματα που εξάγονται έχουν ως ακολούθως: Το μοντέλο τύρβης standard k-ω δίνει τα πιο αξιόπιστα αποτελέσματα. Το υπολογιστικό μοντέλο θεωρείται πιστοποιημένο μετά από πειραματική επιβεβαίωση ταχυτήτων και θερμοκρασιών. Το στόμιο ανακυκλοφορίας δεν πρέπει να τοποθετείται κάθετα στις μεγάλες επιφάνειες της δεξαμενής, ενώ η διάμετρος του πρέπει να είναι 1/2" ή και μικρότερη. Ο χρόνος αποκατάστασης του ροϊκού πεδίου είναι περίπου 35 s. Τα πτερύγια συγκράτησης πρέπει να ακολουθούν τις ροικές γραμμές. Ως βέλτιστη θέση του εναλλάκτη θεωρείται όταν τοποθετείται σε επαφή με το τοίχωμα. / Integrated Collector Storage (ICS) solar systems use part of the hot water storage as collector, i.e. half of the storage surface is used as absorber. Usually, the storage medium serves also as the energy transfer medium (service hot water). In the examined ICS, the service water is heated indirectly, passing through a serpentine heat exchanger placed inside the tank. The heat transfer from the stored water to the service water is intensified by the agitation of the stored water. A simple solution is the recirculation of the stored water by a small pump, which is functioning whenever a request for hot water exists. Fins in suitable positions, connect the front and back surface of the ICS, to withstand the deformation due to pressures by the tank water. In the present PhD thesis, the flow phenomena inside the ICS previous mentioned, are investigated. The aim is the maximization of the heat transfer between the two water circuits. An experimental device was constructed by transparent Plexiglas, for flow visualization and velocity measurements. A dual beam Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) system was used to measure velocities. Polystyrene particles were added in the comprised water, for the visualization of the path lines. Photographs and video films were also taken. The commercial code FLUENT is used for the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. A CFD model is developed and solutions are obtained using all the available turbulence models. Three main factors that influence the performance are optimized: the position and size of the recirculation ports, the arrangement and size of the interconnecting fins and the heat exchanger placement. The settling time, i.e., the time required for the flow field to be fully developed, is computed both numerically and experimentally. The previous analysis leads to the following conclusions: The standard k–ω model is selected as the most appropriate. The model is validated, with good agreement, against experimental measurements of velocities and temperatures. The placement of the inlet recirculation port perpendicular to the main surfaces of the ICS should be avoided, while its diameter should be 1/2" or less. The settling time is computed about 35s. The interconnecting fins, of the two main ICS surfaces should follow the flow filed path lines. The optimal placement of the tube heat exchanger is in contact with the two major surfaces of the storage tank.

Stability Enhancement in Aeroengine Centrifugal Compressors using Diffuser Recirculation Channels

Mark Yuriy Shapochka (13272837) 22 August 2022 (has links)
<p>The objective of this research was to develop stability enhancing design features for aeroengine centrifugal compressors. The motivation for this research is based on climate change and fuel-efficiency concerns, which call for improvements in achievable pressure ratios and surge margins. Specifically, this research aimed to develop diffuser recirculation channels and provide more insight into their design space. These channels are passive casing treatments in the diffuser and have been successfully demonstrated to improve stage surge margin. Diffuser recirculation channels are secondary flow paths that connect an opening near the diffuser inlet to one further down in the passage. Flow is recirculated by relieving the static pressure differential between the two openings. The basic design concept of these features is to add blockage upstream of the diffuser inlet, reducing the amount of diffusion in the vaneless space. In addition, channel geometries can be optimized to specifically target adverse flow properties, such as high incidence on the diffuser vane leading edge.</p> <p><br></p> <p>This design development was purely computational and served as the first approach to implementation of these features in a future generation of the Centrifugal Stage for Aerodynamic Research (CSTAR) at the Purdue Compressor Research Lab. Design development consisted of a computational design study, which quantified the effects of changing diffuser recirculation channel geometries on stage stability and performance metrics. Moreover, the CFD model for this future configuration of CSTAR was created and served as the baseline comparison for design iterations. The design study was comprised of controlled variation of channel geometry parameters and iterative solving of those cases in unsteady full stage single passage CFD models. Further design optimization studies were completed on specific down-selected recirculation channel geometry configurations. In total, 16 unsteady CFD cases with varied geometry configurations and 43 steady models were solved. Once a final optimized design was confirmed, a pressure characteristic at 100 % corrected design speed was generated. Compared to the baseline speed line, the implementation of diffuser recirculation channels resulted in a more gradual numerical surge and apparent numerical surge margin enhancement. Furthermore, the variation in incidence at the diffuser vane leading edge near the shroud was significantly reduced with diffuser recirculation. For the baseline compressor, incidence grew by about 70 degrees from the design aerodynamic loading to numerical surge at that location. However, flow stabilization due to diffuser 16 recirculation resulted in a change of approximately 2 degrees through that range. In conclusion, a first approach design recommendation for diffuser recirculation channels is CSTAR was generated through computational studies. Using this recommendation, diffusers with this recirculation channel design can be manufactured and tested for experimental concept validation.  </p>

Aerothermal Characterisation of Surface Heat Exchangers for Turbofans

Felgueroso Rodríguez, Andrés 04 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En un presente marcado por la continua lucha contra la contaminación y el cambio climático, la investigación en mejoras tecnológicas que permitan una transición aceptable para la sociedad hacia un futuro más ecológico ocupa un papel fundamental. En concreto, la aviación es un foco constante de innovación, ya que es considerada una función indispensable en una sociedad tan globalizada como la actual, pero con unos niveles de contaminación preocupantes. En este aspecto, el desarrollo de motores con altas eficiencias es un paso clave para la transición medioambiental. Sin embargo, estas alternativas presentan un reto tecnológico en cuanto a su gestión térmica basado, principalmente, en la necesidad de aumentar la refrigeración. En este contexto e impulsada por el proyecto "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" de Clean Sky 2, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio experimental de geometrías de intercambiadores de calor de superficie para la refrigeración del aceite motor mediante el uso del aire del flujo secundario del turbofan. Actualmente, existen una serie de limitaciones en cuanto a las capacidades para llevar a cabo un análisis y diseño detallado de este tipo de intercambiadores de calor debido a la falta de instalaciones que permitan un correcta, completa y robusta caracterización experimental. Las principales fuentes de datos se basan en cálculos numéricos validados a partir de extrapolaciones en condiciones de cuestionable aplicabilidad. A lo largo de la tesis se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras una detallada caracterización de cuatro diferentes geometrías de intercambiadores de calor empleando tanto técnicas intrusivas como ópticas. Se utiliza un banco de flujo capaz de generar una corriente de aire típica alrededor de los intercambiadores, mientras que un sistema de acondicionamiento de aceite controla el punto de operación por el lado caliente. Para recrear de manera más realista las condiciones de funcionamiento, se presenta una metodología para generar de manera automática pantallas de distorsión que pueden reproducir una distribución bidimensional de velocidades objetivo mediante la manufactura aditiva de paneles de porosidad variable. Este modelo, analizado mediante CFD y validado experimentalmente, se utiliza para reproducir el perfil de velocidades típico presente en torno al intercambiador en una circunstancia real de operación. Tras definir métricas relevantes que permitan analizar el comportamiento de las distintas geometrías, se llega a la conclusión de que los problemas aerodinámico y térmico están altamente acoplados en estos dispositivos, demostrando la necesidad de un cuidadoso diseño para mejorar las actuaciones del intercambiador. Los resultados muestran que puede llegar a obtenerse una mejora de más de un 12% en la caída de presión y casi un 20% en el intercambio de calor. Además, se ha confirmado el impacto del uso de la pantalla de distorsión, con variaciones del orden de 10% en ambas variables. Los resultados también muestran que es posible realizar una caracterización preliminar de manera fiable con un modelo impreso en 3D, en cuanto campos de velocidades, pérdidas de presión y frecuencias propias corregidas. Con el análisis llevado a cabo en esta tesis, se puede concluir que es fundamental tener una instalación experimental que reproduzca las condiciones de funcionamiento reales de un motor para realizar estudios relevantes de intercambiadores de calor. Además, es necesario el uso de métricas adecuadas junto con el desarrollo de una metodología exhaustiva, fiable y robusta. Los resultados y metodología presentados en en esta investigación pueden llegar a tener un impacto importante tanto a nivel académico como industrial, ya que abren la puerta a desarrollar sistemas de gestión térmica más eficiente en unas etapas de diseño preliminares que son más asequibles económicamente, consumen menos tiempo y tienen mayor flexibilidad para introducir modificaciones. / [CAT] En un present marcat per la lluita contínua contra la contaminació i el canvi climàtic, la recerca en millores tecnològiques que permetin una transició acceptable per a la societat cap a un futur més ecològic ocupa un paper fonamental. En concret, l'aviació és un focus constant d'innovació, ja que és considerada una funció indispensable en una societat tan globalitzada com l'actual però amb uns nivells de contaminació preocupants. En aquest aspecte, el desenvolupament de motors amb altes eficiències és un pas clau per a la transició mediambiental. Tot i això, aquestes alternatives presenten un repte tecnològic quant a la seva gestió tèrmica basat, principalment, en la necessitat d'augmentar la refrigeració. En aquest context i impulsada pel projecte "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" de Clean Sky 2, aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l'estudi experimental de geometries d'intercanviadors de calor de superfície per a la refrigeració de l'oli motor mitjançant l'ús de l'aire del flux secundari del turbofan. Actualment, hi ha una sèrie de limitacions quant a les capacitats per dur a terme una anàlisi i disseny detallat d'aquest tipus d'intercanviadors de calor a causa de la manca d'instal·lacions que permetin una caracterització experimental correcta, completa i robusta. Les fonts de dades principals es basen en càlculs numèrics validats a partir d'extrapolacions en condicions de qüestionable aplicabilitat. Al llarg de la tesi es presenten els resultats obtinguts després d'una detallada caracterització de quatre geometries diferents d'intercanviadors de calor emprant tant tècniques intrusives com òptiques. Sutilitza un banc de flux capaç de generar un corrent daire típic al voltant dels intercanviadors, mentre que un sistema de condicionament doli controla el punt doperació pel costat calent. Per recrear de manera més realista les condicions de funcionament, es presenta una metodologia per generar de manera automàtica pantalles de distorsió que poden reproduir una distribució bidimensional de velocitats objectiu mitjançant la manufactura additiva de panells de porositat variable. Aquest model, analitzat mitjançant CFD i validat experimentalment, sutilitza per reproduir el perfil de velocitats típic present al voltant de lintercanviador en una circumstància real doperació. Després de definir mètriques rellevants que permetin analitzar el comportament de les diferents geometries, s'arriba a la conclusió que els problemes aerodinàmic i tèrmic estan altament acoblats en aquests dispositius, demostrant la necessitat d'un disseny acurat per millorar les actuacions de l'intercanviador. Els resultats mostren que es pot arribar a obtenir una millora de més d'un 12% a la caiguda de pressió i gairebé un 20% a l'intercanvi de calor. A més, s'ha confirmat l'impacte de l'ús de la pantalla de distorsió, amb variacions de l'ordre del 10% a les dues variables. Els resultats també mostren que és possible fer una caracterització preliminar de manera fiable amb un model imprès en 3D, en tant que camps de velocitats, pèrdues de pressió i freqüències pròpies corregides. Amb l'anàlisi duta a terme en aquesta tesi, es pot concloure que és fonamental tenir una instal·lació experimental que reprodueixi les condicions de funcionament reals d'un motor per fer estudis rellevants d'intercanviadors de calor. A més, cal fer servir mètriques adequades juntament amb el desenvolupament d'una metodologia exhaustiva, fiable i robusta. Els resultats i metodologia presentats en aquesta investigació poden arribar a tenir un impacte important tant a nivell acadèmic com industrial, ja que obren la porta a desenvolupar sistemes de gestió tèrmica més eficient en unes etapes de disseny preliminars que són més assequibles econòmicament, consumeixen menys temps i tenen més flexibilitat per introduir modificacions. / [EN] In a present marked by the continuous fight against pollution and climate change, research into technological improvements that allow an acceptable transition for society towards a greener future occupies a fundamental role. Specifically, aviation is a constant focus of innovation, since it is considered an essential function in a society as globalized as today's, but with worrying levels of pollution. In this regard, the development of motors with high efficiencies is a key step for the environmental transition. However, these alternatives present a technological challenge in terms of their thermal management, based mainly on the need to increase cooling. In this context and promoted by the Clean Sky 2 "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" project, this doctoral thesis focuses on the experimental study of surface heat exchanger geometries for engine oil cooling using the use of secondary flow air from the turbofan. Currently, there are a number of limitations regarding the capacity to carry out a detailed analysis and design of this type of heat exchanger due to the lack of facilities that allow a correct, complete and robust experimental characterization. The main data sources are based on numerical calculations validated from extrapolations under conditions of questionable applicability. The thesis presents results after a detailed characterization of four different geometries of heat exchangers using both intrusive and optical techniques. A flow bench capable of generating a typical air current around the exchangers is used, while an oil conditioning system controls the point of operation on the hot side. To more realistically recreate operating conditions, a methodology is presented to automatically generate distortion screens that can reproduce a two-dimensional distribution of target velocities through additive manufacturing of variable porosity panels. This model, analyzed by means of CFD and validated experimentally, is used to reproduce the typical speed profile present around the exchanger in a real operating circumstance. After defining relevant metrics that allow analyzing the behaviour of the different geometries, it is concluded that aerodynamic and thermal problems are highly coupled in these devices, demonstrating the need for careful design to improve the exchanger's performance. The results show that an improvement of more than 12% in pressure drop and almost 20% in heat exchange can be obtained. In addition, the impact of using the distortion screen has been confirmed, with variations of the order of 10% in both variables. The results also show that it is possible to carry out a preliminary characterization in a reliable way with a 3D printed model, in terms of velocity fields, pressure losses and corrected eigenfrequencies. With the analysis carried out in this thesis, it can be concluded that it is essential to have an experimental installation that reproduces the real operating conditions of an engine to carry out relevant studies of heat exchangers. In addition, the use of appropriate metrics is necessary together with the development of a comprehensive, reliable and robust methodology. The results and methodology presented in this research can have a significant impact both at an academic and industrial level, since they open the door to developing more efficient thermal management systems in preliminary design stages that are more affordable, consume less time and have more flexibility to make changes. / The respondent wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) of Univer- sitat Politècnica de València under grant PAID-01-20 n◦ 21589. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertak- ing under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro- gramme under grant agreement No 831977 Aerodynamic upgrade of Sur- face Air-Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC) / Felgueroso Rodríguez, A. (2023). Aerothermal Characterisation of Surface Heat Exchangers for Turbofans [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195852

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