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[pt] Rótulos e bulas de agrotóxicos e afins são importantes instrumentos de comunicação entre as empresas que colocam esses produtos no mercado, os profissionais de saúde, os agricultores e os consumidores de produtos finais da cadeia agroalimentar. No sentido de minimizar possíveis riscos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente, o emprego desses produtos deve ser realizado de forma adequada e segundo regulamentação em vigor. Com esse propósito, a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) aprovou em meados de 2019 um novo marco regulatório para agrotóxicos, que incluiu a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada - RDC número 296, de 29 de julho de 2019, dispondo sobre as informações toxicológicas para rótulos e bulas de agrotóxicos, afins e preservativos de madeira. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da dissertação é propor um conjunto de indicadores e métricas para monitorar e avaliar a regulamentação sobre rotulagem e bulas de agrotóxicos, afins e preservativos de madeira no Brasil, durante sua implementação. A pesquisa pode ser classificada como aplicada, metodológica e descritiva. Durante a fase aplicada propriamente dita, adotou-se a abordagem metodológica de construção de indicadores propostos pelo Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, com incorporação de métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão, combinados com lógica fuzzy. Destacam-se como resultados: (i) o modelo lógico para proposição de indicadores para o monitoramento e avaliação da implementação da regulamentação em foco; (ii) a ferramenta fuzzy multicritério para seleção e hierarquização dos indicadores inicialmente propostos; e (iii) um conjunto consistente de indicadores hierarquizados por categoria de requisitos legais da RDC número 296/2019, a serem selecionados posteriormente pela Anvisa. / [en] Pesticide labeling and packaging leaflets are essential communication instruments between pesticide companies, health professionals, farmers, and consumers of final products in the agri-food chain. To minimize possible risks to human health and the environment, the use of these products must be carried out appropriately. With this purpose, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) approved in mid-2019 a new regulatory framework for pesticides and wood preservatives, which included the Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 296, of July 29, 2019, concerning toxicological information for labeling and packaging leaflets of these products. In this context, this dissertation aims to propose a set of indicators and respective metrics for monitoring and evaluating (ME) the regulation on pesticide and wood preservative labeling and packaging leaflets in Brazil during its implementation. This research can be classified as applied, methodological and descriptive. During the applied phase, the methodological approach proposed by the Ministry of Planning, Budget, and Management for building indicators was adopted, incorporating multicriteria methods of decision support combined with fuzzy logic. The main results are highlighted as follows: (i) a logic model to frame evaluation questions concerning the focused regulation; (ii) a fuzzy multicriteria tool for the ranking indicators associated with the evaluation questions; and (iii) a set of indicators ranked by category of legal requirements of RDC No. 296/2019 to be subsequently chosen by the Regulatory Agency.
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El Folleto de cursos de idiomas para extranjeros: análisis contrastivo (alemán-español) por tipos de emisor y subtextosFernández Sánchez, Francesc 14 January 2005 (has links)
The translationally relevant aim of this PhD is to account for the genre conventions of the LCLF mainly related to the persuasive and directive functions, by analyzing a bilingual corpus of parallel texts according to the method of contrastive textology. Genre conventions in this case are considered by sender types (public vs. private) and subtexts (text constituents functionally, semantically and formally defined) on the hypothesis that they will vary more depending on the sender type than on the language.The intralinguistic and interlinguistic analysis of the macrostructure and the recurrent textual segments, as well as of the functions (persuasive, referential and directive) characterizing both the LCLF as a persuasive leaflet and its three subtexts does not confirm the hypothesis. It does reflect, however, that the directive and persuasive functions prevail respectively in the public and private sender leaflets, as well as in those belonging to the Spanish and German subcorpora. / Esta tesis se plantea el objetivo traductivamente relevante de dar cuenta de las convenciones del FCIE, vinculadas principalmente a las funciones persuasiva y directiva, analizando un corpus bilingüe de textos paralelos según el método de la textología contrastiva. Dichas convenciones se ven consideradas por tipos de emisor (público y privado) y subtextos (unidades constitutivas del texto funcional, semántica y formalmente definidas) a partir de la hipótesis de que diferirán más dependiendo del tipo de emisor que de la lengua.El análisis intralingüístico e interlingüístico de la macroestructura y los segmentos textuales recurrentes, así como de las funciones (persuasiva, referencial y directiva) que caracterizan tanto el FCIE, en cuanto que folleto persuasivo, como sus tres subtextos no permite confirmar esa hipótesis. No obstante, sí evidencia cómo las funciones directiva y persuasiva priman respectivamente en los ejemplares de emisor público y privado, así como en los de los subcorpus español y alemán.
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Hodnocení efektivity marketingových kampaní / Evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing campaignsHOUŠKOVÁ, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the dissertation called "Evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing cam-paigns" is to describe, analyze, and with usage of Data Envelopment Analyst (DEA) to evaluate certain campaigns. The dissertation describes political election campaigns of certain political party.
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Der „Charakter" des deutschen Feindes / eine Analyse der britischen Propaganda und psychologischen Kriegsführung im Zweiten WeltkriegAmr, Firas 25 July 2016 (has links)
Der Zweite Weltkrieg war von neuer Technik und damit auch von neuen Möglichkeiten in der Propaganda und Psychologischen Kriegsführung geprägt. Speziell in der britisch-deutschen Auseinandersetzung wurden aus den Erfahrungen des Ersten Weltkrieges neue Konzepte entwickelt, mit denen eine Manipulierung feindlicher Soldaten und Zivilisten ermöglicht werden sollte. Die Dissertation setzt sich mit den Mentalitäts- bzw. Charaktereinschätzungen der Deutschen aus Sicht der britischen Akteure auseinander, die für eine effiziente Propaganda und Psychologische Kriegsführung gegen das sogenannte ''Dritte Reich'' sorgen sollten. Die oftmals präzisen Einschätzungen der Propagandisten, teils auch unter Verwendung psychologischer und psychiatrischer Dossiers hatten jedoch nicht immer den gewünschten Effekt. Auch aus diesem Grund wurden neue Strategien im Rahmen der sogenannten ''schwarzen'' Propaganda entwickelt, die den Gegner in den Grundfesten seiner Seele erschüttern sollte (und zu Teilerfolgen führte). Auch wenn die Briten auf beeindruckende Art und Weise die Deutschen hinsichtlich politischer, sozialer, religiöser oder lokaler Zugehörigkeit analysierten und Versuche unternommen wurden, diese Gruppen anhand dieser vermeintlichen Schwächen zu manipulieren, wurde nie das Ziel erreicht, via der Provokation von Differenzen innerhalb der Bevölkerung oder zwischen Bevölkerung und NS-Regime den Krieg zu verkürzen. Dabei ist die britische Effizienz im Einzelnen wiederum schwer messbar, festzustellen ist jedoch eindeutig, dass die britischen Propaganda-Maßnahmen keinen durchschlagenden Erfolg hatten, da die Autorität des NS-Regime zu keinem Zeitpunkt durch Massenaufstände oder Meutereien bzw. Massendesertionen an der Front gefährdet waren. Im Großen und Ganzen war die Entwicklung der mentalitätsorientierten ''geistigen Kriegsführung'' ein beeindruckendes Kapitel der britischen Geschichte, jedoch ohne messbare Auswirkung auf den Kriegsverlauf bzw. seiner Verkürzung. / The beginning of the Second World War imposed a new kind of warfare on the battlefield. The progress of radio and flight techniques permitted measures to manipulate the enemy with a combination of propaganda and psychological warfare. Furthermore, an analysis of his character was needed to spot the weak points in German psychology, to support the enemy population and soldiers in enmity towards their own government and to the war and to induce political uprising, sabotage and desertion. But the economic rebirth of Germany had created a strong connection between the Germans and Hitler, that would not be easy to weaken. British attempts to manipulate the German mind were wholly unsuccessful. Even the best analysis, very often close to the truth, could not jeopardize the efforts of Nazi propaganda, that drummed successfully into the German mind that the intentions of the Allied forces would be to destroy and enslave Germany. Furthermore, efforts to drive a wedge between the Germans and their leaders failed. Even in decline and defeat, the average German remained incapable of drawing his own conclusions and rising up against the Nazis. The history of the British attempts to manipulate the German mind was yet an impressive chapter of the Second World War, even if not entirely successful. The propaganda-organization of those measures and the confirmation of at least some of the estimates proved the efficiency of a well-organized brain-pool. For the totalitarian regime, it was easier in the end to oppress opposition, and for the democratic system too difficult to penetrate the German minds.
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Československá redakce Radio Free Europe: historie a vliv na československé dějiny / The Czechoslovak desk of the Radio Free Europe: Its development and impact on the Czechoslovak historyTomek, Prokop January 2012 (has links)
The disertation is focused on development and importance of the Czechoslovak desk of the Radio Free Europe in period between 1950 and 1994. This broadcasting have gained in time of strong censorship significant and till now unresearched importance. In February 1948 the Communist party took power in the Czechoslovakia. After that Czech and Slovak democratic politicians had left country to the West. They wanted to break the isolation of people living behind the Iron Curtain and promote restoration of democracy in their homeland. In 1949 was in the USA established the National Committee for Free Europe as fomally independent citizens association. As its most known activity had became the Radio Free Europe (RFE). This radio station had became an important tool for political strugle between two blocks in time of the Cold War. The basic qestion is what real position RFE broadcasting have reached in this struggle. The estabilishing of foreign broadcasting to the Czechoslovakia was very difficult task. RFE started its activity as exiles platform for purpose of liberation the Czechoslovakia from rule of the Communistic Party regime. The programming position of the RFE was in reality influented by american politicians and was depending on changing global political conditions as well. The unique position of...
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