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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of photoemission spectroscopy techniques for the determination of the electronic and geometric structure of organic adsorbates / Entwicklung von Photoemissionsmethoden zur Bestimmung der elektronischen und geometrischen Struktur von organischen Adsorbaten

Metzger, Christian Thomas Peter January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The projects presented in this thesis cover the examination of the electronic and structural properties of organic thin films at noble metal-organic interfaces. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is used as the primary investigative tool due to the connection of the emitted photoelectrons to the electronic structure of the sample. The surveyed materials are of relevance for fundamental research and practical applications on their own, but also serve as archetypes for the photoemission techniques presented throughout the four main chapters of this thesis. The techniques are therefore outlined with their adaptation to other systems in mind and a special focus on the proper description of the final state. The most basic description of the final state that is still adequate for the evaluation of photoemission data is a plane wave. Its simplicity enables a relatively intuitive interpretation of photoemission data, since the initial and final state are related to one another by a Fourier transform and a geometric factor in this approximation. Moreover, the initial states of some systems can be reconstructed in three dimensions by combining photoemission measurements at various excitation energies. This reconstruction can even be carried out solely based on experimental data by using suitable iterative algorithms. Since the approximation of the final state in the photoemission process by a plane wave is not valid in all instances, knowledge on the limitations of its applicability is indispensable. This can be gained by a comparison to experimental data as well as calculations with a more detailed description of the photoemission final state. One possible appraoch is based on independently emitting atoms where the coherent superposition of partial, atomic final states produces the total final state. This approach can also be used for more intricate studies on organic thin films. To this end, experimental data can be related to theoretical calculations to gain extensive insights into the structural and electronic properties of molecules in organic thin films. / Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Projekte behandeln die Untersuchung der elektronischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften organischer Dünnschichtfilme an Grenzflächen zwischen Edelmetallen und organischen Materialien. Als maßgebliche Messmethode wird die winkelaufgelöste Photoelektronenspektroskopie aufgrund der Verbindung der emittierten Photoelektronen mit der elektronischen Struktur der untersuchten Probe angewandt. Die verwendeten Materialien sind sowohl in der Grundlagenforschung als auch für praktische Anwendungen relevant, und dienen gleichzeitig auch als Beispiele für die Photoemissionstechniken, die in den vier Hauptkapiteln der Arbeit präsentiert werden. Diese Techniken werden daher auch bezüglich ihrer Ubertragbarkeit auf andere Systeme dargestellt, wobei besonders auf die korrekte Beschreibung des Endzustands in der Photoemission eingegangen wird. Die simpelste Beschreibung des Endzustands, die für die Auswertung von Photoemissionsdaten noch sinnvoll verwendet werden kann, stellt eine ebene Welle dar. Ihre Einfachheit ermöglicht eine relativ intuitive Interpretation von Photoemissionsdaten, da Anfangs- und Endzustand in dieser Näherung lediglich durch eine Fourier-Transformation und einen geometrischen Faktor verknüpft sind. Kombiniert man die Photoemissionsmessungen bei unterschiedlichen Anregungsenergien, lassen sich zusätzlich die Anfangszustände bestimmter Systeme in guter Näherung dreidimensional rekonstruieren. Mit Hilfe geeigneter iterativer Algorithmen ist diese Rekonstruktion darüber hinaus mit ausschließlich experimentellen Daten realisierbar. Da die Näherung des Endzustands mit einer ebenen Welle nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen ausreichend präzise das reale System widerspiegelt, ist die Kenntnis über die Grenzen ihrer Anwendbarkeit von Bedeutung. Dies kann über den Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten sowie Rechnungen mit detailierteren Beschreibungen des Endzustands in der Photoemission geschehen. Ein möglicher Ansatz basiert auf unabhängig voneinander emittierenden Atomen, deren kohärent überlagerte, partielle Endzustände den gesamten Endzustand formen. Dieser Ansatz kann des Weiteren für komplexere Untersuchungen an organischen Dünnschichten verwendet werden. So können über den Vergleich von experimentellen Messung mit theoretischen Rechnungen umfangreiche Einblicke auf die strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften der Moleküle in organischen Dünnschichten gewonnen werden.

Miljöcertifieringar, hur viktiga är dem idag? : En jämförelse av Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM SE och LEED.

Reinklou, Karl January 2022 (has links)
Det blir alltmer populärt med miljöcertifieringar på byggprojekt och det finns idag ett flertal olika system att använda sig av. Tre av de mest populära systemen i Sverige är Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM SE och LEED. Dessa tre miljöcertifieringssystem bedömer projekten på olika sätt, där Miljöbyggnad anses vara det enklaste av dem. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur Miljöbyggnad står sig mot de två andra systemen sett till vilka indikatorer som bedöms, hur viktigt beställare anser att det är med miljöcertifieringar idag samt hur de ställer sig till de olika vägar som finns för att nå en betygsnivå. Detta har jämförts genom en litteraturstudie av dessa tre miljöcertifieringssystems manualer samt intervjuer med personer som jobbar med projekt som arbetar efter miljöcertifieringar. Resultatet av litteraturstudierna och intervjuerna har sedan sammanställts i berättande form samt tabeller. Av resultatet framgår att miljöcertifieringar idag anses som väldigt viktiga för både beställare, entreprenörer och hyresgäster. Vilken certifiering det blir behöver inte vara lika viktig, men kan styras av både ekonomi och internationell status. Då olika projekt har olika förutsättningar bedöms det även som positivt att dessa olika betygsnivåer inom miljöcertifieringssystemen går att uppnå på olika sätt. / It is becoming increasingly popular with environmental certifications on the project and today there are several different systems to use. Three of the most popular systems in Sweden are Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM SE and LEED. These three environmental certification systems assess the projects in different ways, where Miljöbyggnad is considered the simplest of them.  The purpose of this report is to examine how Miljöbyggnad compares with the other two systems in terms of which indicators are assessed, how important the customer considers environmental certifications to be today and how the view the various paths that exist to a grade level.  This has been compared through a literature study of the manuals of these three environmental certification systems as well as interviews with people who work with such. The results of the literature studies and interviews have then been compared in narrative form and tables.  The results show that environmental certifications are today considered to be very important for both customers and contractors. The type of certification does not have to be as important but can be governed by both financial and international status. As different projects have different conditions, it is also considered positive that these different grade levels within the environmental certification systems can be achieved in different ways. / <p>2022-09-22</p>

Skillnader för fastighetsägare och byggnader vid miljöcertifiering av befintliga byggnader och nyproduktion / Differences for property owners and buildings when using environmental certifications on existing buildings and new construction

Jeansson, Theodor, Farzan, Sanjar January 2022 (has links)
The background to this study is rooted in the large impact of the construction process on the climate and the surrounding costs that this entails. Over time, environmental certifications have received increased attention and a recently presented solution is to certify buildings during the usage phase. Existing studies show a positive impact around environmentally certified buildings, but partially limited when it comes to certifying existing buildings due to the lack of possibility of affecting the buildings fundamental construction. With the help of interviews with people in the real estate industry who have experience with both types of certification we learned that the benefits present themselves through the positive impact of the relationship with investors and banks. In the qualitative study, we conclude that there are benefits that extend across certifying existing properties and new production aswell as those that are specific to each. Certification during the usage phase is not valued as much by investors and banks. The impact on the building is significantly greater in the case of new production because fundamental changes can be made that are not otherwise possible, and this reflects outwards. Certification for existing buildings usually has a more management-oriented focus and can be perceived to be at such an early stage that the manuals and the public's perception of certification for existing buildings have not yet become final. / Bakgrunden till denna studie tar rot i byggprocessens stora påverkan på klimatet och kostnaderna runt omkring som detta medför. Med tiden så har miljöcertifieringar fått ökad uppmärksamhet och 2020 presenterades en lösning genom att certifiera redan byggda fastigheter i Sverige genom Miljöbyggnad iDrift. Tidigare studier visar på en positiv påverkan men är delvis limiterat när det kommer till att certifiera befintliga byggnader p.g.a. dess möjlighet att påverka byggnadens fundamentala konstruktion. I denna studie genomförs intervjuer med aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen som har erfarenhet av miljöcertifieringar på befintliga byggnader och vid nyproduktion. Studien kommer bl.a. fram till fördelar som påverkar fastighetsägare i form av positiv påverkan på relationen med investerare och banker. Vid certifiering av befintliga byggnader så är det dock tydligt att det inte uppskattas lika mycket av investerare och banker ännu. Delvis p.g.a. att påverkan på byggnader är betydligt större vid nyproduktion eftersom man kan komma åt fundamentala ändringar som inte annars är möjligt och detta speglar utåt. Certifiering vid befintliga byggnader har oftast en mer förvaltningsorienterad inriktning och kan uppfattas att vara i ett så pass tidigt skede att manualerna och allmänhetens uppfattning av certifiering på befintliga byggnader inte har blivit slutgiltiga ännu.


Morrish, Dennis C. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Study of the early stages of growth and epitaxy of GaN thin films on sapphire

Trifan, Eugen Mihai 12 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Incorporating Green-Building Design Principles into Campus Facilities Planning: Obstacles and Opportunities

Brown, Kyle A. 30 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.

LEEDs påverkan i produktion / The Impact of LEED in Construction

Mesfen, Aman, Davar, Faraz January 2016 (has links)
I Sverige och andra länder i världen är det vanligt att man bygger miljöklassade byggnader. Miljöklassade byggnader har idag stor efterfrågan och det finns olika miljöcertifieringssystem som kan användas vid både nybyggnationer och ROT-arbeten. Effektiviseringar i miljöarbete och energifrågor kring byggen är ämnen som miljöcertifieringarna behandlar, därför är det vanligt att dessa frågor och effektiviseringar i miljöarbete även tillämpas på befintliga byggnader för att nå en miljöklassificering. LEED är ett amerikanskt bedömningssystem som är ett av det mest kända miljöcertifieringssystemet i världen och systemet används även i Sverige. Det sätts press på projekteringsgruppen och personerna inom produktionen vid arbete med LEED. För att allt ska fungera enligt LEEDs krav blir det extra viktigt att alla inom bygget har kunskap om vad som krävs av varje enskild person som är involverad i bygget. Hur ska kunskapen kring arbete med LEED kunna förbättras och produktionen effektiviseras? I examensarbetet föreslås att detta ska ske med hjälp av en mall, kallad "Mallen". Mallen ska finnas till hands för alla inom produktionen som i sin tur ska ge ett resultat där kunskapen inom företaget ökar kring LEED men även effektivisera arbetet i samband med att kunskapen ökar. När både kunskapen och effektiviseringen ökat samt visat goda resultat bör en sänkning av inom kostnaden ske. / In Sweden and other countries in the world, it’s common that you build green certified buildings. There’s a great demand for Green buildings and there are different kinds of green building certification systems that can be used in both new construction and repair jobs. Efficiency and energy issues surrounding the building are topics that green building certifications treat, because it is common that these issues and improvements also is applied to existing buildings in order to reach an green building classification. LEED is an American classification system that is one of the most known systems in the world and it’s also used in Sweden. In order to use LEED while constructing a building it puts a pressure on the planning group and even for the people in construction. To make everything work according to the LEED requirements, it will be extra important that everyone within the building process should have knowledge of what is required from each person involved in the construction. How should the knowledge increase and construction efficiency improve? We propose it can be done by using a template which is also called "Mallen". This will be available for all involved in the production process and will result in an increased knowledge about LEED within the company. By that the efficiency of the work increases. When both knowledge and efficiency have increased and shown good results it should then also reduce the costs.

Comparison of Occupant Behavior in a Traditional, Green Featured, and LEED Certified Building Case

Hill, Adrienne Marie 08 February 2017 (has links)
In developed nations, 20-40% of greenhouse gas emissions and more than one-third of energy consumption are attributable to buildings. Among various available strategies, the building sector has the greatest potential for carbon emission reduction. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) took early action to promote sustainable designs in buildings and has become the most well-known rating system in the field of building sustainability. However, little research has evaluated the effects of LEED on occupant pro-environmental behavior. To examine this, a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) was conducted in a traditional, green featured, and LEED certified building case to compare the similarities and differences in environmental awareness, perceptions, and perceived ease or difficulty of pro-environmental behaviors, as well as to assess the degree to which pro-environmental behaviors were exhibited by occupants. This was used to determine if the aforementioned factors influence occupant behavior in different building cases. Ease or difficulty of pro-environmental behaviors and environmental awareness were found to be significant factors in influencing pro-environmental behavior in the LEED certified and green featured building cases. In addition, being in a LEED building appears to influence occupant pro-environmental behavior in a positive way. Also, there is evidence to suggest that being in a green featured building appears to influence occupants to exhibit pro-environmental behavior as well. These findings are valuable for owners and designers that want occupants in their buildings to exhibit pro-environmental behavior. / Master of Science

A adoção de sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios (LEED e Processo AQUA) no Brasil: motivações, benefícios e dificuldades / The adoption of environmental assessment systems of buildings (LEED e Process AQUA) in Brazil: motivations, benefits e difficulties

Muñoz Barros, Ana Dorys 22 August 2012 (has links)
Os sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios são cada vez mais empregados no mercado de construção, servindo de suporte para a realização de diversos estudos acadêmicos sobre esta matéria. Muitos autores e sites ressaltam os benefícios das certificações LEED e do Processo AQUA, porém poucos discutem quantitativamente os efeitos, dificuldades e motivos de sua adoção, evidenciando, dessa forma, a necessidade e a importância de pesquisas como esta. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral traçar um panorama da certificação ambiental de edifícios no Brasil, através da percepção dos principais intervenientes (stakeholder) no processo. Os objetivos principais deste trabalho consistem na identificação das motivações para a certificação de sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios (LEED e Processo AQUA) e dos benefícios e dificuldades inerentes a sua implementação. Foi possível ainda efetuar várias recomendações destinadas a orientar e facilitar o processo de adoção destes sistemas, que inclui a proposta de ações a serem desenvolvidas pelas empresas, organismos de certificação e autoridades governamentais competentes. O método utilizado foi de pesquisa survey, junto a vários agentes envolvidos no processo de certificação ambiental. Para tal, foram concebidos diferentes questionários destinados a caracterizar a adoção dos sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios que foram encaminhados aos empreendedores e consultores de empreendimentos certificados ou em processo de certificação. Obtiveram-se em total 21 questionários válidos que indicaram que as principais motivações para obter a certificação estão ligadas à melhoria da imagem e do empreendimento e que os principais benefícios estão relacionados com o marketing e a redução dos custos operacionais. Estes resultados também indicaram que existem dificuldades para essa adoção principalmente com a falta de integração no processo de projeto e a falta de fornecedores para materiais e tecnologias sustentáveis. / The building environmental assessment systems over the world are employing increasingly and we can find several studies concerning this subject. Many authors and websites emphasize the benefits of LEED and Process AQUA, but few discuss quantitatively the impacts, difficulties and reasons for its adoption, showing thus the need and importance of research like this. In this context, this paper aims to outline a general overview of the environmental certification of buildings in Brazil, through the key stakeholders perception (stakeholder) of the process. The main targets of this work were to identify the motivations for the environmental assessment systems for buildings and the corresponding benefits and difficulties concerning of implementation. It was also possible to make some recommendations to orientate and support the adoption of environmental assessment systems for buildings. These recomendations include the identification of actions to be implemented by companies, certification bodies and governmental authorities. In order to accomplish the defined targets, it were developed surveys which can lead to characterize the adoption of environmental assessment systems for buildings (LEED and AQUA Process). These survey was sent directly to entrepreneurs and consultants of a sample of brasilian companies with building certified or certification process (LEED and AQUA Process). It was received 21 answers that indicated that the main motivations for certification are linked to improving the image and building and that the main benefits are related to marketing and reducing operating costs. These results also indicated that there are difficulties in adopting this especially with the lack of integration in the design process and the lack of suppliers for materials and sustainable technologies.

Croissance et réactivité du silicène / Growth and reactivity of silicene

Tchalala, Mohamed Rachid 24 October 2014 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est l’étude de la croissance de silicène sur des substrats d’argent,ainsi que l’étude de sa réactivité vis-à-vis de l’oxygène. La croissance a été réalisée sous ultra-vide et contrôlée par spectroscopie d’électrons Auger (AES) et par diffraction d’électrons lents (LEED). Les structures obtenues et leurs réactivités à l’oxygène ont été étudiées par microscopie à champ proche (STM et nc-AFM) et par spectroscopie de photoémission résolue en angle (ARPES). Nous avons étudié la structure interne des nano-rubans de silicène auto-assemblés sur un substrat d’Ag(110). Sur Ag(111) nous obtenons un feuillet de silicène qui présente différentes structures en fonction de la température du substrat. L’étude de la réactivité des rubans et des feuillets a montré que le silicène formé sur substrat d’argent est relativement stable vis-à-vis de l’oxygène ce qui ouvre des perspectives de fonctionnalisation du silicène. La dernière partie de cette thèse concerne la synthèse de feuillets de silicium par voie chimique. Nous avons mis au point une nouvelle méthode prometteuse de synthèse chimique qui nous a permis de synthétiser des feuillets de silicium de structure graphitique. / The objective of this thesis is the study of the growth of silicene on silver substrates as well as its reactivity towards the oxygen. The growth was performed under ultra-high vacuum and controlled by Auger electrons spectroscopy (AES) and low energy electrons diffraction (LEED). The obtained structures and their relativities towards the oxygen were studied by near field microscopy (STM and nc-AFM) and by angle resolved electrons photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). We have studied the internal structure of the selfassembled silicene nanoribbons on Ag(110) substrate. On Ag(111), we have obtained a silicene sheet presenting different structures versus the temperature of the substrate. The reactivity of silicene nanoribbons and sheets grown on silver show that silicene is relatively stable towards the oxygen which opens a new perspectives of functionalization of the silicene. The last part of this thesis concerns the synthesis of silicone sheets by chemical process. We have develpped a new promising process of chemical synthesis which allowed us to synthesize silicon sheets with graphitic structure.

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