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L'apport du droit du travail à la théorie générale de l'acte juridique / The contribution of labour law to the general theorie of legal actBento de Carvalho, Lucas 10 September 2015 (has links)
Par les représentations qu’elle véhicule et les solutions qu’elle encourage, l’édificationd’une théorie générale n’est jamais neutre au plan axiologique. Sa construction repose certes sur laconnaissance du droit positif de lege lata, mais la mise en ordre qui en résulte demeure quant à elleintimement liée aux perceptions et aux convictions de l’interprète. C’est en ce sens que doit êtreabordée la question de l’apport du droit du travail à la théorie générale de l’acte juridique. La présenteétude met en évidence le caractère protéiforme du phénomène envisagé, sans occulter les situations oùla discipline fait davantage figure de contre modèle que de véritable source d’inspiration. Adoptant unpoint de vue prospectif, cette recherche met en évidence les aspects de droit du travail susceptiblesd’encourager la promotion d’une théorie de l’acte juridique marquée par le pluralisme. La matièrecontribue ainsi à souligner la variété des conditions dans lesquelles se forme la volonté de s’engager,tout comme la diversité de ses modes d’expression. Elle témoigne également d’une capacité certaine àtraduire sur le terrain du Droit, afin de mieux les appréhender, l’altérité des rapports de force et lamutabilité des données factuelles qui accompagnent l’exécution des actes juridiques. / By the representations it conveys and the solutions it encourages, the building of ageneral theory is never neutral in an axiological plan. Although its construction is based on knowledgeof Positive Law de lege lata, the resulting order meanwhile remains closely linked to the perceptionsand beliefs of the interpreter. It is in this sense that must be addressed the question of the contributionof labor law to the general theory of the legal act. This study highlights the protean nature of theconsidered phenomenon, without concealing the situations where the discipline resembles more acounter productive model than a true source of inspiration. Adopting a prospective point of view, thisresearch highlights aspects of the labour law likely to encourage the promotion of a theory of the legalact marked by pluralism. The material thus contributes to underline the variety of conditions in whichforms the willingness to engage oneself, just like the diversity of its modes of expression. It alsoshows a certain capacity to translate in the field of law, in order to understand them better, theotherness of the balances of power and the mutability of the factual data accompanying the executionof legal acts.
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Normotvorná pravomoc Evropské komise / The rule-making power of the European CommissionLenfeld, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The rule-making power of the European Commission, dissertation Mgr. Mgr. Jiří Lenfeld, M.A.; supervisor: doc. JUDr. Richard Král, Ph.D., LL.M. Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of European Law Prague, March 2013 The aim of the dissertation is to analyse the role of the European Commission in the legislative process of the European Union with the focus on procedures for adoption of legally binding Union acts. The European Commission is one of the main institutions of the European Union. It represents and upholds the interests of the EU as a whole and manages the day-to-day business of implementing EU policies. However, to limit the role of the European Commission to that of an executive body would be misleading. Its role in the EU institutional system is much broader than that. The European Commission is the most important legislator among the EU institutions and is also empowered with an almost exclusive power to submit drafts of EU legal acts. The rule-making power of the European Commission could be seen from two different points of view. In a narrow sense of the word it could be seen as a power conferred on the European Commission by the Treaties to propose drafts and to adopt EU legal acts implementing legally binding Union acts. However, the exercise of the rule-making power may...
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