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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agricultural trade under the multilateral trade system in sub-Saharan Africa: a South African perspective with lessons from Brazil

Runick, Alah Fru January 2011 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

La privatisation de la sécurité en Afrique : à la recherche d'une règlementation juridique appropriée / The privatization of security in Africa : seeking appropriate legal regulations

Cisse, Babou 12 February 2014 (has links)
Employant des salariés pour exécuter les missions de sécurité et de défense que peuvent leur confier des Etats, des organisations internationales ou des entités non étatiques. Cette forme particulière de production de la sécurité n’est pas entièrement appréhendée par les conventions internationales et les législations internes des Etats. De cela résulte une absence de statut juridique international de ces acteurs qui sont de plus en plus présents dans la gestion des conflits armés et dans les opérations de maintien de l’ordre. Les obligations particulières de leurs clients ne sont pas non plus déterminées. Ce défaut d’encadrement spécifique avéré ne signifie pas qu’il y ait un vide juridique dans ce secteur d’activité. Certaines règles internationales et les droits nationaux peuvent effectivement s’appliquer aux activités des SMSP et aux contractants de ces dernières. Seulement, l’efficacité que devaient avoir de telles normes face à des situations qui n’ont pas été prises en compte lors de leurs adoptions, ne saurait être acquise. D’où un processus de régulation internationale et de règlementation nationale initié depuis quelques années par les Etats mais aussi par les organisations internationales. Les sociétés elles mêmes se sont senties concernées par la production de règles encadrant leurs activités et se sont lancées dans la mise en place de code conduite. L’imperfection guette toutes ces nouvelles règles spécifiques destinées à corriger les lacunes des conventions internationales et des lois internes. Ce qui nécessite la proposition de solutions envisageables dans le but de mieux prendre en compte les intérêts des SMSP et la protection de ceux qui s’exposent aux risques que procurent les prestations privées de sécurité militaire. / Private military and security companies are legal persons of private law with employees to perform security missions and defense that can give them some states, international organizations or non-state entities. This particular form of production safety is not fully understood by international conventions and domestic laws States. Result of this lack of legal status of these international actors is increasingly involved in the management of conflicts and peacekeeping operations order. Specific obligations of their clients are not determined. This lack of specific guidance proved does not mean that there is a legal vacuum in this sector. Certain international standards and national laws may actually apply to the activities of PMSCs and contractors thereof. Only efficiency that would have such standards in situations that have not been taken into account when adopting them cannot be acquired. Hence a process of international regulation and national regulation initiated in recent years by states but also by international organizations. The companies themselves have felt involved in the production of rules governing their activities and have engaged in the implementation of code of conduct. The imperfection watching all these new rules designed to correct specific deficiencies in international conventions and laws. This requires the proposal of possible solutions in order to better take into account the interests of PMSCs and the protection of those who are exposed to risks that provide private benefits of military security.

Politika EU k potírání korupce ve veřejném sektoru členských a kandidátských států: nástroj k omezení korupce, nebo příčina paradoxního efektu členství? / The EU Policy to Fight Public Sector Corruption in the Member and in the Candidate States: an Instrument to Reduce Corruption or a Cause of a Paradoxical Membership Effect?

Svobodová, Dora January 2008 (has links)
The tiploma thesis "The EU policy to fight public sector corruption in the member and in the candidate states: an instrument to reduce corruption or a cause of a paradoxical membership effect?" deals with the conception, the development and the current state of the EU anticorruption policy in the member and in the candidate states. It provides an introduction into the issue of corruption and its control, with a particular emphasis on the corruption in the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The thesis explains the interest of the EU in this phenomenon and provides an overview of the EU instruments to fight corruption in the member and in the candidate states. At the same time, it compares the effectiveness of the two dimensions of the EU anticorruption policy. Exemplified by the case of the post-communist states that entered the EU in 2004, the thesis analyzes whether the EU accession is connected with weakening of obligations that arise from this policy. Due to possible negative consequences of such a paradoxical membership effect, the thesis searches for possibilities how to reduce it and how to prevent it in the future. The thesis also provides for a brief case study on corruption and anticorruption in the Czech Republic from the application for the EU membership until now.

The informal sector and its taxation system in Mozambique

Alfredo, Benjamin 03 1900 (has links)
The genesis of the informal sector in Mozambique is similar to the way it emerged in many other countries in the world, starting mainly with small businesses performed by unemployed people, peasent families, street vendors among others as their self employment. The informal sector offers a striking illustration of the strengths and weakness of enterprises in Mozambique. A simple and transparent legal framework, properly enforced is indispensable for the long term success of the informal sector to turn to formal sector. Taxation is controversary in the informal sector. The existing tax system in Mozambique is distorced and naturally contribute to a host of economic and social problems. The needed for the reform of taxation system has been acknowledged for instance the recent implementation of VAT system in Mozambique still on process of implementation. Taxes generated by the informal sector could contribute to the budget of the State. / Mercantile Law / LL.M.

Environmental law perspectives on the regulation of ecotourism in South Africa's transition to a green economy / Rozanne Elizabeth Lubbe

Lubbe, Rozanne Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
South Africa and the rest of the world currently face an exacerbating threat of environmental degradation, which can be partly ascribed to the fact that some parts of society still place economic growth as a priority over environmental conservation. This study shows that such an approach is only profitable over the short term and actually causes more harm than good. On the other hand, the world is still recovering from the major 2008 global financial crisis. To tip the scale back into balance, it is crucial that economic -, social -, and environmental development be sustainable; from now and into the future. This study recognises that, to achieve sustainable development at all three levels, a transition to a green economy is needed. In essence a green economy requires investment in the environment for the benefit of both society and the economy. This study then goes on to show that ecotourism can be used as a manner to invest in the environment, whilst at the same time uplifting society and improving the economy. Subsequently it is identified as a key driver of a green economy. However, a daunting reality is that ecotourism developments and - activities also threaten the environment. This study therefore argues that ecotourism has to be regulated effectively; otherwise it will not live up to its purpose and may, as a result, curtail South Africa’s efforts of a transition to a green economy, instead of positively contributing to it. This study asks the question: Does South Africa’s environmental legislation provide for the effective regulation of ecotourism? This question is answered by considering whether various relevant pieces of national environmental legislation measure up to certain criteria that is inherent to the effective regulation of ecotourism. Finally this study serves to show that; from an environmental law perspective, and to the extent that this study investigated the ecotourism environment, ecotourism as a phenomenon is regulated effectively in South Africa. However, it appears that there still remains tremendous scope for improvement. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

L'évolution du cadre juridique du déclenchement de l'action publique préventive dans le domaine des risques naturels et technologiques. / The evolution of the legal framework of the decision-making process triggering a preventive public action for natural and technological hazards.

Meerpoël, Matthieu 21 June 2013 (has links)
La gestion préventive des risques naturels et technologiques constitue un enjeu de premier ordre pour les autorités étatiques que ce soit à l’égard des populations, des biens et de l’environnement ou pour le coût que la réalisation de tels risques peut représenter. Aussi, le décideur public, contraint juridiquement de protéger ces enjeux, est dans l’obligation, après avoir évalué et qualifié le risque, de déclencher une action publique préventive. C’est au cours d’un processus décisionnel complexe qu’il devra déterminer le degré de dangerosité du risque et les mesures préventives appropriées et proportionnées. S’effectue alors, pour le décideur public, la recherche du meilleur compromis possible entre les libertés et les objectifs de sécurité dans le cadre d’un difficile bilan coûts/avantages. Le droit tente d’encadrer ce processus décisionnel en laissant une marge d’appréciation importante et nécessaire au décideur public dans la détermination du degré d’acceptabilité du risque. C’est la recherche de ce compromis qui sera étudiée dans le cadre de cette thèse et plus particulièrement la manière dont le droit encadre cette recherche, gère cette question délicate et éventuellement contrôle les décisions entérinées. / Preventive management of natural and technological hazards is a major issue for state authorities, in regards to the people, property and the environment or in regards to the cost represented by the realization of such risks. Therefore, policy makers legally bound to protect these interests are required to initiate a preventive public action after evaluating and qualifying the risks. The level of hazard and the appropriateness and proportionality of preventive measures will be determined within a complex decision-making process. The policymakers then strive to reach the best possible compromise between freedom and security objectives within the framework of a delicate cost/benefit analysis. The law attempts to regulate this decision-making process by leaving a large and necessary margin of discretion to the public policy makers in determining the acceptability of the risk. This thesis will explore the process to reach this compromise, and in particular how the law governs it, manages this delicate issue and potentially controls the endorsed decisions.

Einflussfaktoren auf Wachstum und Morphologie informeller Siedlungen / Factors influencing growth and morphology of informal settlements

Ilberg, Antje 22 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit prüft unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren und deren Auswirkung auf die Merkmale informeller Siedlungen. Hypothese ist, dass die Morphologie und weitere physischen Merkmale informeller Siedlungen trotz der Wirksamkeit lokaler und kulturspezifischer Rahmenbedingungen auf die Wirkung bestimmbarer Einflussfaktoren zurückgeführt werden können, die entsprechend erkennbarer und prognostizierbarer Gesetzmäßigkeiten wirken. Es werden die Gesetzmäßigkeiten geprüft, die mit informeller Stadtbildung in Verbindung stehen und sich in Morphologie und weiteren physischen Merkmalen von informellen Siedlungen äußern. Dabei werden konstante und variable Faktoren unterschieden, die bei der Ausbildung informeller Stadtstrukturen wirken. Die meisten Faktoren stellen sich als variabel heraus. Mit dem Verständnis über deren Bedeutung und Zusammenhänge kann daher die informelle Siedlungsbildung beeinflusst werden und Planungsempfehlungen können für schnell und informell wachsende Städte formuliert werden. Die Morphologie und bautypischen Merkmale informeller Siedlungen sind prognostizierbar und die Folgen bestimmter Entscheidungen einschätzbar. Die Beeinflussung der Einflussfaktoren ist insbesondere auf der Ebene von Politik und Gesetzgebung möglich. Fast alle Handlungs- und Planungsentscheidungen müssen das Bodenrechtssystem und die vorliegenden Verhältnisse des Bodeneigentums beachten. Als Fallstudien dienen fünf Städte in Afrika, die von einer Bandbreite an Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst werden und die aktuell einem besonders rasanten, doch jungen Verstädterungsprozess ausgesetzt sind. In Afrika finden sich unterscheidbare Rechtssysteme, die zum Teil aus der Kolonialgeschichte hervorgehen. Die Wahl der Beispiele wurde während der Bearbeitung und Vertiefung des Themas getroffen. Vor allem fußt die Analyse auf Originalmaterial, das die Autorin durch eigene Aufenthalte zusammengetragen und erhoben hat. Spezielle Planunterlagen, Planungs- und Gesetzesinformationen waren im Allgemeinen nicht anders aufzufinden. Es gibt auch nur wenige vorangegangene, einzelne Analysen informeller Siedlungen aus architektonischer oder planerischer Sicht. Wie keine der wenigen vorhandenen Analysen beansprucht diese Arbeit nun das Erarbeiten der Zusammenhänge von Rahmenbedingungen und Siedlungscharakteristik unter Beleuchtung der Bandbreite informeller Siedlungsformen. Von Bedeutung ist daher die intensive Arbeit mit dem Kartenmaterial auf Siedlungs- und Bebauungsebene, dessen Betrachtung vor dem Hintergrund landesspezifischer Informationen und die Erkenntnisgewinnung aus dem Vergleich der ausgewählten Beispiele stattfinden. / This work examines the factors influencing the characteristics of informal settlements. Hypothetically, the morphology and other physical characteristics of informal settlements can be attributed to the effect determinable factors, which function with predictable regularities, despite a locally and culturally specific framework. Examined are those regularities, which are related to the formation of informal urban growth, and which are expressed in the morphology and further physical characteristics of informal settlements. Constant and variable factors are differentiated when examining their influence on informal urban morphologies. It is discovered that most factors can be influenced on the level of politics and legislation and therefore, the formation and the physical characteristics of informal settlements can be steered. Planning recommendations for fast, informally growing cities can be formulated and the consequences of planning and policy decisions can be predicted equally. Nearly all action and planning decisions must consider the local juridical system and specific conditions of land ownership. The research clearly shows that the physical form of informal urban development, i.e. morphology and townscape, is directly connected to the given land ownership system in a country in general, and to the land rights specifically for settled land. In other words, current as well as former land ownership conditions in a country influence the physical characteristics of the informal settlements. In principle, the land law determines type, extent and functioning of plot allocation and transfer processes; and indirectly, the type and degree of nonconformity to this legal defines the type, extent and functioning of the informal land market. The research is based on case studies in five African cities with varying legal, administrative, historic and cultural frameworks, and which are currently exposed to a rapid process of urbanization, which has started only recently. In Africa, there are distinguishable juridical systems, which partially result from colonial history. Above all, the analysis is based on original material, which was gathered by the author during field research. There are only few analyses of informal settlements, which take an architectural or planning perspective, and those are limited to individual settlements. This work now stresses the interrelation of different aspects in the framework with physical settlement characteristics, while analyzing the respective range of informal settlement forms for each case example.

Environmental law perspectives on the regulation of ecotourism in South Africa's transition to a green economy / Rozanne Elizabeth Lubbe

Lubbe, Rozanne Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
South Africa and the rest of the world currently face an exacerbating threat of environmental degradation, which can be partly ascribed to the fact that some parts of society still place economic growth as a priority over environmental conservation. This study shows that such an approach is only profitable over the short term and actually causes more harm than good. On the other hand, the world is still recovering from the major 2008 global financial crisis. To tip the scale back into balance, it is crucial that economic -, social -, and environmental development be sustainable; from now and into the future. This study recognises that, to achieve sustainable development at all three levels, a transition to a green economy is needed. In essence a green economy requires investment in the environment for the benefit of both society and the economy. This study then goes on to show that ecotourism can be used as a manner to invest in the environment, whilst at the same time uplifting society and improving the economy. Subsequently it is identified as a key driver of a green economy. However, a daunting reality is that ecotourism developments and - activities also threaten the environment. This study therefore argues that ecotourism has to be regulated effectively; otherwise it will not live up to its purpose and may, as a result, curtail South Africa’s efforts of a transition to a green economy, instead of positively contributing to it. This study asks the question: Does South Africa’s environmental legislation provide for the effective regulation of ecotourism? This question is answered by considering whether various relevant pieces of national environmental legislation measure up to certain criteria that is inherent to the effective regulation of ecotourism. Finally this study serves to show that; from an environmental law perspective, and to the extent that this study investigated the ecotourism environment, ecotourism as a phenomenon is regulated effectively in South Africa. However, it appears that there still remains tremendous scope for improvement. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Developing a law and policy framework to regulate cyber bullying in South African schools

Hills, Cathrine Anna 01 1900 (has links)
Cyber bullying is a growing phenomenon in schools all over the world, and it is evident that cyber bullying presents certain unique problems for schools in the regulation thereof. From the number of different definitions of cyber bullying, it is also evident that there is no clear concept of the exact nature of cyber bullying, and how it should be addressed in schools. The existing legal framework in South Africa can be used to address cyber bullying in schools, but there is no legislation or policy that is directly aimed at the regulation of cyber bullying at school level. The purpose of this research is to develop a law and policy framework for the effective regulation of cyber bullying in schools. Firstly, a literature review was conducted to determine the nature of cyber bullying and to examine how cyber bullying in American schools is regulated by law. Secondly, a literature study determined the human rights obligations with regard to protecting learners against cyber bullying, and reviewed how current South African law and policy speaks to addressing cyber bullying in schools. In order to investigate the occurrence of cyber bullying in South African schools practically, a case study was conducted at a South African school. All the resources mentioned above were used to develop an education-specific law and policy framework to address cyber bullying in South African schools effectively. This framework includes a suggested insertion in the South African Schools Act, draft Guidelines for the regulation of cyber bullying in schools, draft provisions for schools’ Codes of conduct for learners and an information brochure on cyber bullying. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. D.

Accaparement des terres en Afrique subsaharienne : une opportunité manquée de développement : la stratégie «gagnant-gagnant» sous le prisme du contrôle étatique

Lallement, Charlotte 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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