Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multionational law""
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La protection du handicap en droit international / Protection of disable in international lawTam, Théodore 06 July 2012 (has links)
En droit international, on a différentes approches du handicap : l’approche médicale qui renvoie à la déficience et à la maladie et l’approche sociale qui renvoie à la personne physique et au citoyen. Tandis que la Convention internationale relative aux droits de la personne handicapée fait de celle-ci un nouveau sujet du droit international, l’OMS, l’UNESCO… quant à elles ont établi des programmes pour encadrer et promouvoir les droits des handicapés. De même, le droit international, en l’occurrence, le droit international des droits l’homme, le droit international humanitaire ont édicté un ensemble des mécanismes, des moyens ou des garanties de protection pour protéger les personnes handicapées. Ainsi, notre première partie a été consacrée à la construction du cadre international de protection du handicap, à savoir l’ensemble des textes, des institutions et des mécanismes de protection universels, régionaux, nationaux ou spécifiques protégeant les personnes handicapées. La deuxième partie analyse l’étendue, la portée ainsi que les différents obstacles de la protection du handicap. Ces obstacles sont d’ordre économique, politique, socioculturel ou juridique. Nous avions terminé notre étude par un aperçu des violations desdits droits, des insuffisances des mécanismes existants et des propositions en vue de l’amélioration de la protection de la personne handicapée. / International protection of disable person is our topic. We have analyzed this topic in two parts.First of all, we have analyzed and presented the international juridical system of protection of the disable persons. In this way, we have study, all the institutions of protection, the laws and, international, regional, national and typical mechanisms of protection provide by human international law and also by humanitarian law. In the second part, we have studied different obstacles with not permit a huge or effective protection of disable and disable person. These obstacles are in different sorts. In this study, we have pick and analyze political, economic, social, cultural, or legal obstacles. In the terms of this study, we give some proposals or solutions in order to ameliorate and improve the protection of these persons.
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Česká republika a Mezinárodní trestní soud / The Czech Republic and the International Criminal CourtOpatová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes the relationship between the Czech Republic and the International Criminal Court. The purpose of my research was to compare the Rome Statute, an international treaty by which the International Criminal Court was established in 1998, with the Czech constitutional and criminal law. The Czech Republic ratified the Rome Statute in 2009. The Czech Republic committed itself by this ratification to provide for international judicial cooperation and legal assistance to the International Criminal Court. It is necessary to realize that a lot of crimes against international criminal law happen in the today's world and many of these crimes are under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. The Czech Republic has to be ready to act, if the need occurs, a so it is necessary to know how the Czech authorities would proceed and if all of the obligations under the Rome Statute are possible to be realized in accordance with the national law. For this reason this thesis attempts to clarify the link between the Rome Statute and the relevant Czech legislation. So I have made a comparison of the Rome Statute and Czech legal system and tried to find answers for the following questions: whether the Rome Statute is in accordance with the constitutional order of the Czech Republic,...
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Europos Sąjungos teisės viršenybės principas valstybių narių nacionalinėje teisėje / European Union law supremacy principle in national law of member statesGudonis, Almantas 24 January 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe atliktas ES teisės viršenybės principo pripažinimo tyrimas ES teisėje ir valstybių narių nacionalinėje teisėje, taip pat Lietuvos Respublikos teisėje. Pirmoje šio darbo dalyje atliktas ES teisės viršenybės principo ES teisėje tyrimas. Atskleista ES teisės viršenybės principo prigimtis ES teisėje, aptarta ETT praktika plėtojant ES teisės viršenybės principo koncepciją ir suformuluota ES teisės viršenybės principo ES teisėje samprata šiandien, parodanti ES teisės viršenybės principo pripažinimo valstybėse narėse maksimalią apimtį. Antroje šio darbo dalyje atliktas ES teisės viršenybės principo pripažinimo valstybių narių nacionalinėje teisėje tyrimas ir nustatytas ES teisės viršenybės principo pripažinimo lygis tiriamosiose valstybėse narėse. / This is research of European Union (EU) law's supremacy principle and fulfilled analysis nature of this principle and development of EU law's supremacy in EU and recognizing it on domestic law systems of member states and in Lithuania’s law system.
EU law's supremacy principal acknowledging process of member states indicates that the constitutional basis of EC law supremacy principle should be on the basis of national constitutional law by the members of the EU, and the main actors who invoke this principle are national courts, especially Constitutional Courts of member states.
The research of this job shows what level of acknowledging process took place in some member states. This level is result of assessment national constitutional provisions and judicial practice. One group of member states have a good constitutional basis and recognizing practice in the national courts i.e. United Kingdom, Sweden and Finland. Another group of member states have sufficient constitutional basis and recognizing practice in the national courts i.e. Austria, Netherlands and Greece and. Next group of member states have satisfactory or insufficient constitutional basis and recognizing practice in the national courts i.e. Belgium and Luxemburg Member countries of the same group like, Slovenia ant Portugal have satisfactory constitutional basis but partly recognizing judicial practice. Lithuania is taking a special place between Luxemburg or Belgium and Czech Republic, because Lithuania has a... [to full text]
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En studie om Barnkonventionen som lag : Idrottsledares uppfattning och förhållningssätt om Barnkonventionen som lagDahlbeck, Ludvig, Nilsson, Måns January 2021 (has links)
Barnkonventionen instiftades som en ny lag i Sverige i januari år 2020. Syftet med denna studie var att studera den nya lagen och dess eventuella påverkan gällande idrottsledares arbets- och förhållningssätt. Studien tar utgångspunkt utifrån teorier inom ledarskapet som används för underlag till analysen och diskussionen. För att besvara arbetets syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med tio ledare från olika föreningar inom både lag- och individuell idrott. Resultatet i studien visar att Barnkonventionen som lag inte förändrat något i ledarnas arbetssätt eller förhållningssätt i någon större grad. En av anledningarna som framgick till detta skulle kunna vara den pågående pandemin som tagit mycket fokus från både ledare och föreningar. En annan anledning som framkom frekvent var att man redan ansåg lagen som självklar i sitt arbetssätt. Det framkom däremot tendenser på att olika arbeten förbund genomför i samband med den nya lagen genererat nytänkande hos vissa ledare / The Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) was established as a new law in Sweden in January 2020. The purpose of this paper was to study the new law and its possible impact on the working methods and the approach of sports leaders. The study is based on theories within leadership that are used as a basis for the analysis and discussion. To answer the paper’s purpose, a qualitative interview study was conducted with ten leaders from different associations in both team and individual sports. The result of the study shows that the CRC as a law has yet had any greater impact on the leaders' working methods or attitudes to any great extent. One of the reasons that emerged for this could be the ongoing pandemic that has taken a lot of focus from both leaders and associations. Another reason that came up frequently was that they already considered the law to be self-evident in their way of working. On the other hand, there were tendencies that the ongoing work from different sportfederations has generated a new approch regarding this issue for some leaders.
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L’européanisation du droit national : le cas des contrats conclus par le consommateur et le travailleur / The Europeanisation of national law : the case of consumer and employment contractsThéocharidi, Eva 03 December 2014 (has links)
Le processus d’européanisation du droit national se réalise à travers les interactions entre le droit européen et les droits nationaux. Il comprend deux volets tout aussi importants : d’une part, les interactions au moment de l’élaboration des normes européennes, dans la mesure où le droit national constitue le point de départ et la source d’inspiration du droit de l’Union. D’autre part, les interactions s’effectuent au moment de l’application du droit européen dans les ordres juridiques nationaux. Les contrats conclus par le consommateur et le travailleur constituent un terrain d’observation pertinent du processus d’européanisation du droit national. Traités par le droit national en tant que parties faibles des contrats imprégnés de finalités différentes, le consommateur et le travailleur sont soumis par le droit européen à des réglementations similaires, en tant qu’acteurs du marché et citoyens de l’Union. Le droit européen cherche alors à renforcer leur confiance dans le fonctionnement du marché. Il s’agit d’une vision axée sur la protection de la personne en tant qu’acteur plutôt que sur la relation contractuelle. Ce modèle du consommateur et du travailleur propre au droit de l’Union exerce ensuite une influence sur le droit national en faisant évoluer, directement ou indirectement, le droit national. Centrée sur le processus décisionnel européen, et basée tant sur une bibliographie abondante en la matière que sur des archives des institutions européennes, cette étude montre la nécessité de repenser tant le droit national que le droit européen. Tiraillé entre une réglementation fragmentaire et des ambitions parfois démesurées, celui-ci est toujours en quête de cohérence. / The Europeanization of national law is realized through the interactions between European law and national legal orders. It consists of two equally important components: on the one hand, interactions during the creation of European standards, as national law is the starting point and inspiration of EU law. On the other hand, interactions take place when EU law is enforced in to national legal systems. Consumer and employment contracts are a relevant field for monitoring the process of the Europeanization of national law. French law is dealing with the consumer and the worker as weak part of two contracts the purposes of which are different. However, European law regulates the consumer and the worker in a similar way, i.e. as internal market players and EU citizens. Therefore, European law seeks to strengthen their confidence in the functioning of the internal market. The focus is on the protection of the individual as an actor rather than the contractual relationship vision. This European concept of the consumer and the worker has an impact on national law by changing it directly or indirectly.Focused on EU decision-making process, and based both on an extensive bibliography and on the EU institutions records, this study shows the need to rethink national and European law. As it is torn between a fragmented regulatory and ambitions sometimes exaggerated, EU law is still in search of consistency.
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Enforcement of international human rights law in domestic courts in Mozambique and GhanaFernandes, Joao Miguel de Brito Pinto January 2005 (has links)
"The domestic courts have not been able to enforce international human rights in Mozambique and there are no institutions to address the concerns of victims of human rights abuses. A limited number of NGO's operating in the field of human rights play a role, which is not significant considering the number. Several factors, for example, the lack of knowledge of international human rights instruments by the people in charge of administration of justice such as judges, prosecutors, or even lawyers and legal assistants, may explain this. The present paper is an attempt to explore why the international human rights norms are not enforced in the Mozambican legal system; this will be done in a comparison with the situation [in] Ghana. ... This paper is structured in five chapters. Chapter one is the introductory chapter, it essentially introduces the topic, discusses the manner in which the research will be caried out, namely the methodological approach used, literature review, objectives of the study and its limitations, [and] last but not least, it outlines the research questions and the hypothesis. Chapter two gives the definitions of the main concepts used in this paper; it goes further in discussing the relationship between national law and international law focusing [on] the theories of monism and dualism. It also analyses the constitutional provisions dealing with international law in the Mozambican and Ghanaian legal order in the light of the monist and dualist theories. Chapter three discusses the sources of international human rights law and their implications [for] the enforcement of internationl human rights law in domestic courts. It goes further by discussing the principles governing domestic applicability of international human rights law and finally discusses the obstacles to the enforcement. Chapter four is the case study of this paper: it analyses how international human rights law is enforced by domestic courts in Mozambique and Ghana and several other aspects around the judiciary and the international human rights law training. Chapter five finally draws conclusions and gives recommendations on what should be done to ensure the enforcement of international human rights law in domestic courts." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2005. / Prepared under the supervision of Professor Kofi Quashigah at the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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José Clemente Pereira e o debate jurídico do Império 1830-1850 / José Clemente Pereira and the empire law debats 1830-1850Macario, Mariana Pedron 05 September 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de alguns temas do debate jurídico da primeira metade do século XIX. Estes temas são analisados a partir da participação do magistrado e político José Clemente Pereira. É o momento do esforço de criação de uma legislação nacional, necessária em decorrência do rompimento dos laços com Portugal. Nascido em Portugal em 1787, formado em Coimbra, Clemente Pereira imigrou para o Brasil em 1815. Rapidamente ascendeu nos negócios e na carreira política, participando das articulações que levaram à independência e se tornando muito influente na capital fluminense em razão de negócios no mercado de gêneros de abastecimento e de sua atuação como advogado dos grandes comerciantes da Corte. Foi juiz de fora, deputado geral, ministro do império, da guerra e da marinha, senador, conselheiro de estado e presidente do primeiro Tribunal do Comércio do Brasil. A partir dessas posições participou e influenciou vários debates sobre temas políticos e jurídicos, entre os quais escolhemos três: a criação da lei de responsabilidade dos ministros de Estado, de 1827; os debates sobre o Código Criminal do Império, criado em 1830, e do Código Comercial, de 1850. Os debates mostram os desafios que estavam colocados para a formação do Estado e da nação brasileiros, num contexto de transformação do direito representado pelo moderno ideário de codificação, e mudanças na política, com a crescente centralização do poder monárquico, mas também com sua limitação a partir do advento do constitucionalismo. / This paper aims at discussing some aspects of the legal debate that took place during the first half of the XIXth Century. Said aspects are assessed from the moment Justice and Politician José Clemente Pereira appears in the public scenario. It is the moment when strengths are gathered to create a national legislation, then mandatory due to the rupture of bonds with Portugal. Born in Portugal in 1787, graduate at the University of Coimbra, Clemente Pereira immigrated to Brazil in 1815. He rapidly gained importance as a businessman and as a politician, taking part in the discussions that lead to the Independence and becoming quite influential in the Court due to his business and his work as an attorney for major traders. He was a judge, congressman, a ministry of the Empire, of War and Navy, a Senator, a State Counselor, and the Chairman of the first Board of Trade of Brazil. After occupying the afore mentioned positions, he acted as an influential player in several debates about legal and political matters, among which we chose three: the creation of the act of liability for ministries of State of 1827; the debates on the Criminal Code of the Empire, created in 1830, and of the Commercial Code of 1850. The debates show the challenges that were set for the establishment of the Brazilian State and Nation, in a context of transformation of the Law represented by the modern set of codification ideas and changes in politics, with the growing centralization of monarchical power, but also with its limitation, starting with the onset of constitutionalism.
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José Clemente Pereira e o debate jurídico do Império 1830-1850 / José Clemente Pereira and the empire law debats 1830-1850Mariana Pedron Macario 05 September 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de alguns temas do debate jurídico da primeira metade do século XIX. Estes temas são analisados a partir da participação do magistrado e político José Clemente Pereira. É o momento do esforço de criação de uma legislação nacional, necessária em decorrência do rompimento dos laços com Portugal. Nascido em Portugal em 1787, formado em Coimbra, Clemente Pereira imigrou para o Brasil em 1815. Rapidamente ascendeu nos negócios e na carreira política, participando das articulações que levaram à independência e se tornando muito influente na capital fluminense em razão de negócios no mercado de gêneros de abastecimento e de sua atuação como advogado dos grandes comerciantes da Corte. Foi juiz de fora, deputado geral, ministro do império, da guerra e da marinha, senador, conselheiro de estado e presidente do primeiro Tribunal do Comércio do Brasil. A partir dessas posições participou e influenciou vários debates sobre temas políticos e jurídicos, entre os quais escolhemos três: a criação da lei de responsabilidade dos ministros de Estado, de 1827; os debates sobre o Código Criminal do Império, criado em 1830, e do Código Comercial, de 1850. Os debates mostram os desafios que estavam colocados para a formação do Estado e da nação brasileiros, num contexto de transformação do direito representado pelo moderno ideário de codificação, e mudanças na política, com a crescente centralização do poder monárquico, mas também com sua limitação a partir do advento do constitucionalismo. / This paper aims at discussing some aspects of the legal debate that took place during the first half of the XIXth Century. Said aspects are assessed from the moment Justice and Politician José Clemente Pereira appears in the public scenario. It is the moment when strengths are gathered to create a national legislation, then mandatory due to the rupture of bonds with Portugal. Born in Portugal in 1787, graduate at the University of Coimbra, Clemente Pereira immigrated to Brazil in 1815. He rapidly gained importance as a businessman and as a politician, taking part in the discussions that lead to the Independence and becoming quite influential in the Court due to his business and his work as an attorney for major traders. He was a judge, congressman, a ministry of the Empire, of War and Navy, a Senator, a State Counselor, and the Chairman of the first Board of Trade of Brazil. After occupying the afore mentioned positions, he acted as an influential player in several debates about legal and political matters, among which we chose three: the creation of the act of liability for ministries of State of 1827; the debates on the Criminal Code of the Empire, created in 1830, and of the Commercial Code of 1850. The debates show the challenges that were set for the establishment of the Brazilian State and Nation, in a context of transformation of the Law represented by the modern set of codification ideas and changes in politics, with the growing centralization of monarchical power, but also with its limitation, starting with the onset of constitutionalism.
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The international human rights law as a source of law in the Burundian judicial systemNdayikengurukiye, Michel January 2005 (has links)
"The enjoyment of all human rights by all persons is the ultimate horizon of democracy. It is generally admitted that democratic societies are less likely to violate human rights. The good human rights records of these societies can be justified, among others, by the promotion of a strong legal culture, which provides procedural avenues for allocating responsibility for human rights violations. Thus, the protection of human rights follows from the functions of law in society, and the nature of human rights claims. At the national level, human rights are protected by both domestic and international mechanisms. Therefore, the human rights claims should be based on violations of either domestic law or relevant provisions of operational international human rights instruments. However, most of the time this is not the case, especially in Africa. Many African states have ratified several international human rights instruments, but the record of the way the latter are applied in their respective judicial systems remains very poor. This study aims to analyse the case of Burundi, one of these state whose judicial system only rarely applies international human rights instruments in spite of the importance devoted to them by the Constitution. It must be understood that international human rights as a source of law will be referred to, in this study, both as a source of rights and as a source of interpretation of domestic human righs instruments such as the Bill of Rights. ... Chapter one will set out the content of the research, identify the problem and outline the methodology. Chapter two will focus on the status of international law in domestic legal systems. It will highlight the theories that have been used to determine the relationship between international and domestic law in general. Chapter three will analyse on basis of some samples of cases how the Burundian courts interpret and apply international human rights instruments. Chapte four discusses the role played by the Burundian lawyers in the enforcement of these instruments. Chapter five will draw [a] conclusion and recommendations." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2005. / Prepared under the supervision of Professor Grace Patrick Tumwine-Mukubwa at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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De svenska samernas möjlighet till självbestämmande : En teoriprövande undersökning av rättsläget i Sverige och Norge utifrån Young och FraserBerglund, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
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