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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The concept of rights

Campbell, K. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Proprietary estoppel and the family home

Welstead, Mary January 1988 (has links)
This dissertation poses the question whether the doctrine of Proprietary estoppel can provide the basis for recognising a range of rights in relation to the family home. This question also necessitates a consideration of the doctrine of constructive trusts and the acquistiton of rights under the Limitation Acts. The dissertation proceeds to consider whether the nature of the relationship between parties to a dispute concerning the family home constitutes a heavily determining factor in the outcome of that dispute. It will emerge that in practice the doctrine of propietory estoppel operates differently in respect of each of three broad categories of licence relationships:- i) <i>Licence granted by resident family member</i>. In this first category both parties are members of the same household who jointly occupy the property as their family home. In this context the term 'family' is used in a very broad sense. It includes not only relationships of blood and afinity but also all those relationships where there is interdependence and a common concern by the participants for each other's welfare. The shared values of the participants in these relationships and the meaning they attach to each other's conduct may well be similar to those shared values and meanings which exist between members of the family in its stricter legal sense. The concept of 'family' is as much a functional notion as a decscriptive term. This broader concept of the family is more akin to the term 'household'. ii) <i>Licence granted by non-resident family member</i> In the second category the licensor and licensee are members of the same family but do not share the same house. iii)<i>Licence granted by a stranger</i> In the third category the licensee and his family have been granted occupation rights by someone who is not a member of their family. Since the decision of the House of Lords in <i>Gissing</i> v <i>Gissing</i> it has generally been accepted that the elements necessary to found an implied trust (whether resulting or constructive) of the family home are limited in scope. The longstanding equitable doctrine of propietory estoppel has therefore been revitalised, in an attempt to fill the gap left by the decision in <i>Gissing</i>. The theory of Proprietary estoppel aims to avert the unconscionable outcome which would otherwise result where one party has been encouraged by the holder of a legal title to alter his position to his detriment in the expectation of some entitlement in the property concerned. This dissertation contains an analysis of the case law of England, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, for the purpose of considering which forms of unconscionable conduct in the familial context are sufficient to give rise to the equity of Proprietary estoppel. These jurisdictions have been selected because in each, Proprietary estoppel has been used as a means of protecting rights in the family home. Each of the selected jurisdictions has recognised the limitations of the doctrine of constructive trusts in achieving that end. Canadian case law is also analysed to illuminate the relationship between the doctrine of Proprietary estoppel and the doctrine of constructive trusts. It is noticeable that the Canadian courts have effectively ceased to use the doctrine of Proprietary estoppel in the family home context, having replaced the doctrine by a creative use of the constructive trust.

Ar Lietuvoje, lyginant su kitomis valstybėmis, galiojantis teisinis reguliavimas užtikrina seksualinių mažumų teises ir laisves? / Does in Lithuania, comparing with other countries, existing law regulation, ensure the rights and freedoms of sexual minorities?

Šilgalytė, Justina 16 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Seksualinės mažumos – asmenų grupė, kurių lytinė orientacija, lytinė tapatybė, ar seksualinės charakteristikos skiriasi nuo daugumos gyventojų. Kadangi šis terminas yra labai platus, magistriniame darbe didžiausias dėmesys bus koncentruotas į LGBT bendruomenės narius. Juos sudaro lesbietės, gėjai, biseksualai ir transeksualai. Dėl visuomenėje susiformavusių stereotipų, šie asmenys dažnai susiduria su teisinės ir socialinės atskirties problema. Todėl seksualinių mažumų teisių ir laisvių užtikrinimas yra viena iš labiausiai diskutuojamų temų Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje. Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – atliekant Lietuvos, Norvegijos, Nyderlandų ir Didžiosios Britanijos Konstitucinių žmogaus teisių ir įstatyminių nuostatų analizę, palyginti Lietuvos ir pasirinktų šalių užtikrinamas seksualinių mažumų teises ir laisves. Atsižvelgiant į atliktą lyginamąją analizę, pateikti išvadas, kurios atkleistų seksualinių mažumų teisių užtikrinimo padėtį Lietuvoje. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai ir išvados. Pirmoji darbo dalis skirta seksualinių mažumų sąvokos ir homoseksualios lytinės orientacijos sampratos atskleidimui, taip pat analizuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijoje įtvirtintos žmogaus teisės ir šalyje galiojantys įstatymai, kurie suteikia seksualinėms mažumoms teisę į apsaugą, lygiateisiškumą, saviraišką ir privatumą, aiškinamasi realus šių teisių įgyvendinimas. Antrame skyriuje analizuojama seksualinių mažumų teisinis reguliavimas Norvegijoje, Nyderlanduose ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY The objective of this Master‘s Thesis is to analyze and compare Lithuania, Norway, Netherlands and The Great Britain Constitutional human rights and legal provisions wich ensure the rights and freedoms of sexual minorities. With regard to the comparative analysis of the present findings, disclosed the sexual minority rights in Lithuania. The Thesis consists of an introduction followed by two chapters and conclusions. The first chapter deals with the conceptions of sexual minorities and homosexual orientation. Also analyzed the Lithuanian Constitutional human rights and legal provisions wich provide the right to protection, equality, freedom of expression and privacy of sexual minorities. The second section consist legal acts analysis wich regulate sexual minorities rights in Norway, Netherlands and Great Britain. Specifying Constitutional rights and statutory provisions which are providing legal rights to protection, equality, freedom of expression and privacy of sexual minorities. Analyze and compare Lithuania, Norway, Netherlands and Great Britain Constitutional human rights and legal provisions wich ensure the rights and freedoms of sexual minorities. Sexual minorities are groups of people whose sexual orientation, gender identity or sexual characteristics are different from the presumed majority of the population, which are male or female heterosexuals. The term referred primarily to lesbians and gays, bisexuals and transgender people. These four categories... [to full text]

Jordbruksarrendatorers investeringar : Hur jordbruksarrendatorer förhåller sig till investeringar på arrenderad mark

Eriksson, Kristina, Ekholm, Moa January 2016 (has links)
Arrende är ett mycket gammalt koncept som funnits i många samhällen världen över och som genom åren har förändrats väldigt mycket. Upplåtelseformen har funnits längre än begreppet arrende som först under 1600-talet blev det vedertagna ordet i Sverige. Idag räknas arrende som en form av nyttjanderätt och regleras av Jordabalken. Det finns fyra olika arrendeformer, den här studien riktar enbart in sig på jordbruksarrende och på jordbruksarrendatorer. De aktuella juridiska reglerna i den här studien är besittningsskyddet, rätten att överta marken, skyldigheten att investera på stället de arrenderar och det skydd arrendatorer har för sina investeringar. En del forskare menar att det finns en koppling mellan markförstöring och utarrenderad mark. Att en bonde brukar marken olika beroende på om han arrenderar marken eller om han är ägare av marken. Detta är ett intressant ämne att forska i eftersom det i många länder är stora andelar mark som utarrenderas. Den här studien lägger fokus på att undersöka hur jordbruksarrendatorer förhåller sig till att investera i det ställe som de arrenderar. Studien undersöker också hur arrendatorernas investeringar påverkas av deras juridiska rättigheter. Underlag till den här studien bygger på enkätsvar och intervjuer från olika jordbruksarrendatorer. De har bidragit med sina egna åsikter och tankar kring investeringar. Inkomna enkätsvar är 21 stycket och det intervjuades 5 stycken. De juridiska rättigheterna som kommer i och med besittningsskyddet påverkar majoriteten av deltagarna att utföra större och långsiktiga investeringar. Förhållningssättet som jordbruksarrendatorerna har skiljer sig från arrendator till arrendator. Förhållningssättet skiljer sig beroende på vad det rör sig om för investering. Investeringens lönsamhet för arrendatorn, kostnad, omfattning samt hur tidskrävande investeringen är, påverkar arrendatorernas förhållningssätt till investeringar på mark de arrenderar. / Leasing land is today in Sweden a right to use land for different kinds of use. In Swedish law there is four different forms of lease, this study deals with lease of land for agriculture and leaseholders of agricultural land. The current legal regulations in this study is the possession protection, the preemption right, the obligation to invest in the real property they lease and the security leaseholders have for their investments. Some scientists think that land degradation is increased when land is leased. The researchers mean that a farmer cultivates the soil different if he is leasing the land than if he is the owner of the land. This problem is interesting to study because in lots of countries the amount of land that is leased is big. This study has a focus on agricultural leaseholders and how they relate to the real property that they lease. It is also studying the leaseholders attitude to their investments in relation to their legal rights. Data for this study is based on questionnaires and interviews of various agricultural leaseholders. It was 21 leaseholders that responded on the questionnaires and five leaseholders were interviewed. The legal rights of the possession of protection affects the majority of the participants to carry out larger and long-term investments. The approach that agricultural leaseholders have about the investments are different from leaseholder to leaseholder. The approach differs depending on what kind of investment it is. Factors such as cost, scale and time-consuming investments is affecting leaseholders approach to investments on the real property they lease.

A Study of Contributing Factors Associated with Postsecondary Readiness among Youth Residing in Georgia's Foster Care Independent Living Programs

Thomas, Kenisha Monique 31 July 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative study was to ascertain the extent to which the level of postsecondary readiness among youth residing in Independent Living Programs is influenced by the level of one or more of the following; graduation preparedness, independent living skills, sustainable independent living skills, and knowledge of their foster care rights. Approximately 15% of the 437,465 youth residing in foster care during FY 2016–2017 reached the age of emancipation. A quantitative research design was used in this descriptive study to examine the relationship between postsecondary readiness among youth residing in Independent Living Programs and their level of (a) graduation preparedness, (b) independent living readiness, (c) sustainable independent living skills, and (d) knowledge of their foster care rights. Participants placed in Georgia Independent Living Programs and preparing to exit the foster care system or emancipated from foster care were selected for this study using the purposive sampling method. Each of the 69 participants completed the Postsecondary and Education Readiness Survey. The instrument was pilot tested with 10 participants and determined to be valid and reliable. The data for the study were analyzed using the following statistical tests: descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, standard deviation, cross tabulation, and Spearman Rho. Participants represented a diverse group, including male, female, between the ages of 16 to 20 years old, black/African American, white, Hispanic/Latino/Spanish, other ethnic background, and between 1 and 18 years in foster care. The following results related to the four research questions/hypotheses: (a) there was a significant (moderately positive) relationship between the postsecondary readiness and graduation preparedness variables; (b) there was a significant (weak positive) relationship between the postsecondary readiness and independent living skills variables; (c) there was a significant (weak positive) relationship between the postsecondary readiness and sustainable independent living skills; and (d) there was a significant (weak positive) relationship between the postsecondary readiness and foster care rights variables. The following recommendations were inspired by the results of this study: increase funding for the Educational Training Voucher (ETV) program, provide additional independent living training for foster care youth and caregivers, and partner with other agencies serving young adults.

Rättssäkerhet inom skatteprocessen

Hellsten, Anna, Henningsson, Helena January 2010 (has links)
<p>In todays society the legal rights of the individual are a highly debated subject. Among other things there have been a debate going on in Dagens industri where the participants have discussed the National Tax Board, courts of law and law and order. The legal rights of the individual have been described as threatened and uncertain due to deficiencies in the tax assessment.</p><p>There are difficulties defining the concept of law and order due to the fact that there is no generally acknowledged explanation. The concept of law and order originates from the citizens ability to predict the consequences of their actions provided that the authorities actions are regulated according to current legislation and will therefore protect the citizens from possible abuse of power that can exist within a state governed by the law.</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to analyse law and order within the tax assessment through a method that experiments with real and imagined situations with the main purpose of interpreting current legislation. The paper collects essential legislation, preparatory work together with established practice and supplements the method with information from articles, dissertations and the National Tax Authority’s documented directions within the tax assessment.</p><p>Through juridical argumentation concerning areas, such as legal rights essential to the citizens and the tax assessment, the paper results in aspects essential to the individual involved in tax dispute. It concerns power division, auditing activities, turnaround time and procedures together with the possibilities to demand compensation and legal aid in ongoing proceedings.</p> / <p>Rättssäkerhet är i dagens samhälle ett hett debatterat ämne. Det har bland annat pågått en debatt i Dagens industri där deltagarna har kommenterat Skatteverket, domstolar och rättssäkerheten. Medborgarens rättssäkerhet har beskrivits som hotad och osäker på grund av brister i processen. Det är svårt att definiera begreppet rättssäkerhet eftersom det inte finns någon given förklaring. Rättssäkerheten utgår från medborgarens förmåga att förutse konsekvenserna av sitt handlande då myndighetens agerande regleras enligt gällande lag och ska skydda medborgaren mot eventuellt maktmissbruk som kan finnas i en rättsstat.</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera och analysera rättssäkerheten inom skatteprocessen genom rättsdogmatisk metod. Metoden ger utrymme att experimentera med verkliga och tänkta situationer och har som huvudsyfte att tyda gällande rätt. Uppsatsen sammanställer väsentlig lagtext, förarbeten samt praxis och kompletterar den rättsdogmatiska metoden med information från artiklar, avhandlingar och Skatteverkets handledningsböcker.</p><p>Genom att behandla områden som rättssäkerheten i en rättsstat, taxeringsförfarandet samt rättssäkerhetsaspekter på taxeringsförfarandet resulterar uppsatsen i en mängd olika rättssäkerhetsaspekter som är väsentliga för en medborgare i en skatteprocess. Dessa gäller bland annat maktfördelningen, revisionsverksamheten, handläggningstiden och förfarandet samt vilken ersättning och rättshjälp som finns att få i en pågående skatteprocess.</p>

Rättssäkerhet inom skatteprocessen

Hellsten, Anna, Henningsson, Helena January 2010 (has links)
In todays society the legal rights of the individual are a highly debated subject. Among other things there have been a debate going on in Dagens industri where the participants have discussed the National Tax Board, courts of law and law and order. The legal rights of the individual have been described as threatened and uncertain due to deficiencies in the tax assessment. There are difficulties defining the concept of law and order due to the fact that there is no generally acknowledged explanation. The concept of law and order originates from the citizens ability to predict the consequences of their actions provided that the authorities actions are regulated according to current legislation and will therefore protect the citizens from possible abuse of power that can exist within a state governed by the law. The purpose of this paper is to analyse law and order within the tax assessment through a method that experiments with real and imagined situations with the main purpose of interpreting current legislation. The paper collects essential legislation, preparatory work together with established practice and supplements the method with information from articles, dissertations and the National Tax Authority’s documented directions within the tax assessment. Through juridical argumentation concerning areas, such as legal rights essential to the citizens and the tax assessment, the paper results in aspects essential to the individual involved in tax dispute. It concerns power division, auditing activities, turnaround time and procedures together with the possibilities to demand compensation and legal aid in ongoing proceedings. / Rättssäkerhet är i dagens samhälle ett hett debatterat ämne. Det har bland annat pågått en debatt i Dagens industri där deltagarna har kommenterat Skatteverket, domstolar och rättssäkerheten. Medborgarens rättssäkerhet har beskrivits som hotad och osäker på grund av brister i processen. Det är svårt att definiera begreppet rättssäkerhet eftersom det inte finns någon given förklaring. Rättssäkerheten utgår från medborgarens förmåga att förutse konsekvenserna av sitt handlande då myndighetens agerande regleras enligt gällande lag och ska skydda medborgaren mot eventuellt maktmissbruk som kan finnas i en rättsstat. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera och analysera rättssäkerheten inom skatteprocessen genom rättsdogmatisk metod. Metoden ger utrymme att experimentera med verkliga och tänkta situationer och har som huvudsyfte att tyda gällande rätt. Uppsatsen sammanställer väsentlig lagtext, förarbeten samt praxis och kompletterar den rättsdogmatiska metoden med information från artiklar, avhandlingar och Skatteverkets handledningsböcker. Genom att behandla områden som rättssäkerheten i en rättsstat, taxeringsförfarandet samt rättssäkerhetsaspekter på taxeringsförfarandet resulterar uppsatsen i en mängd olika rättssäkerhetsaspekter som är väsentliga för en medborgare i en skatteprocess. Dessa gäller bland annat maktfördelningen, revisionsverksamheten, handläggningstiden och förfarandet samt vilken ersättning och rättshjälp som finns att få i en pågående skatteprocess.

I Bräcke men inte i Solna : -En litteraturstudie om kommunala skillnader i tillämpningen av Lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade / In principle but not in reality : - A literature review of the municipal differences in the support to people with disabilities

Örberg, Elin January 2011 (has links)
Den första januari 1994 infördes lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade. Ett av lagens syften var att minska de skillnader som fanns mellan olika kommuners stöd till funktionshindrade. Trots detta syfte finns det fortfarande stora skillnader mellan olika kommuner i det stöd som ges till funktionshindrade. Vissa kommuner ger upp till tio gånger mer stöd än andra kommuner. Uppsatsen baseras på den litteraturstudie som jag har gjort med syftet att undersöka vad som kan påverka att personer med funktionshinder får det stöd som de har rätt till. Fem olika studier som på något sätt tar upp rättssäkerhet i handläggning och beslut för personer med funktionshinder kom att granskas under litteraturstudien. Studiens resultat är att implementeringen av lagen inte har lyckats på grund av vaga och mångtydiga begrepp men även på grund av handläggarnas handlingsfrihet att tolka lagens begrepp som de själva vill. Studien kommer fram till att detta leder till att förutsägbarheten och därav rättssäkerheten inom handläggning och beslut enligt LSS är låg. / On the first of January 1994 a new law was introduced in Sweden, Act on Support and Service for Disabled. The aim of the act was to ensure that people with disabilities got the help and support they need to live a normal life and to be able to live like others. Previous to this act there was great differences in support given to people with disabilities between the municipalities. The act on Support and Service for Disabled was meant to reduce these differences and ensure that people with disabilities got the help and support they needed, independently on where in Sweden they are living. Despite these aims the difference between the municipalities remains. This study examine why these differences still remains and what may affect social workers in their decision-making. It is based on a literature review of five different studies that regard legal rights in administration of this law. The result of the study is that the differences can be traced back to vague definitions in the law and that social workers define the act differently. The result also shows that these subjective assessments lead to low predictability of the decisions under the act on Support and Service for Disabled.

Intellectual Liberty: Intellectual Property

Hugh Breakey Unknown Date (has links)
Natural rights theories have powerful reasons to limit the strength, scope and duration of intellectual property rights. These reasons come in two forms – limitations internal to the basic functioning of natural rights as such and limitations arising from rights-based considerations external to the property right. In terms of internal constraints, all natural rights conform to a variety of conditions delimiting the extent and strength of their application. Such conditions include, inter alia, requirements for consistency, universalisability and non-worsening. Like all rights, natural property rights must fulfil these conditions – but such rights require substantial limitations in order to legitimate their capacity to unilaterally impose new duties on others. Consideration of these conditions is, I argue, not sufficient to rule out natural intellectual property rights – but such conditions decisively limit the extent of those rights. By focusing upon the most general and deep-seated mechanisms of natural rights thought, this argument aims to be applicable to all natural rights theories. I argue natural rights theories have good reasons to accept one, if not both, of two conditions in particular: robust universalisability and self-ownership. As strong intellectual property rights violate both conditions, I conclude such rights cannot be justified by any recognisable natural rights theory. Turning to external considerations, I argue all individuals have a right to intellectual liberty – the right to inform their actions by learning about the world. This is a negative right: it grants freedom from interference in apprehending, investigating and thinking about the world, and in subsequently acting upon what has been learned. I argue this right is grounded in all Enlightenment views of human freedom and flourishing; it is supported by classical liberal State of Nature perspectives, and arises out of respect for human independence, self-governance, self-legislation, self-creation, autonomy and individuality. Acceptance of this right has profound consequences for the strength and scope of intellectual property regimes. I describe the extent we can find this right already operative – albeit in schematic and inchoate form – in contemporary intellectual property law.

Intellectual Liberty: Intellectual Property

Hugh Breakey Unknown Date (has links)
Natural rights theories have powerful reasons to limit the strength, scope and duration of intellectual property rights. These reasons come in two forms – limitations internal to the basic functioning of natural rights as such and limitations arising from rights-based considerations external to the property right. In terms of internal constraints, all natural rights conform to a variety of conditions delimiting the extent and strength of their application. Such conditions include, inter alia, requirements for consistency, universalisability and non-worsening. Like all rights, natural property rights must fulfil these conditions – but such rights require substantial limitations in order to legitimate their capacity to unilaterally impose new duties on others. Consideration of these conditions is, I argue, not sufficient to rule out natural intellectual property rights – but such conditions decisively limit the extent of those rights. By focusing upon the most general and deep-seated mechanisms of natural rights thought, this argument aims to be applicable to all natural rights theories. I argue natural rights theories have good reasons to accept one, if not both, of two conditions in particular: robust universalisability and self-ownership. As strong intellectual property rights violate both conditions, I conclude such rights cannot be justified by any recognisable natural rights theory. Turning to external considerations, I argue all individuals have a right to intellectual liberty – the right to inform their actions by learning about the world. This is a negative right: it grants freedom from interference in apprehending, investigating and thinking about the world, and in subsequently acting upon what has been learned. I argue this right is grounded in all Enlightenment views of human freedom and flourishing; it is supported by classical liberal State of Nature perspectives, and arises out of respect for human independence, self-governance, self-legislation, self-creation, autonomy and individuality. Acceptance of this right has profound consequences for the strength and scope of intellectual property regimes. I describe the extent we can find this right already operative – albeit in schematic and inchoate form – in contemporary intellectual property law.

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